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  • Hello Everyone, I have wordpress site Which is from last 20 days generating links like For Exampleキャラクター図鑑_レアリティ(★★★)_【ID:675】ワッツ・ステップニー htttp:// This is screenshot of webmaster tools can please any expert check & Tell How this Link i am getting, Also What are steps i need take for removing this Errors, As it is harming my sites Flow As well As Rankings. Thanx in Advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | innovativekrishna1

  • I believe that one of my clients has poor copy on their site. Convincing them seems to be impossible, have you any thoughts on how I can turn this around? I've tried writing alternative text, but they believe their text is better.  I'm not claiming to be the best copywriter in the World so maybe my skills fall too short to convince them. I have suggested that they read The Copywriting Sourcebook by Andy Maslen.  They tell me their copy follows this thinking, but I see little evidence of this. I wonder if hiring a third party might be a good move. If so I will only have 1 shot at convincing them, so I need to hire someone who's fantastic. Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | GrouchyKids

  • Hello, I'm curious what the difference is between internal links from the homepage and category pages. Make it sense to give some internal links from category pages (with a high PA) to an another page for a boost in the search results? Or is the link value too low in this case? Thanks in advance,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MarcelMoz

  • Hi there, We have a strange issue at a client website ( Webpage are indexed by Google but images are not, and have never been since the site went live in '12 (We recently started SEO work on this client). Similar sites like are being indexed correctly. We have correct robots and sitemap setup and directions. Fetch as google (Search Console) shows all images displayed correctly (despite scripted mouseover on the page) Client doesn't use CDN Search console shows 2k images indexed (out of 18k+) but a query shows a couple of images from PDF files and some of the thumbnails, but no productimages or category images from homepage. (product page example: We've changed the filenames from non-descriptive names to descriptive names, without any result. Descriptive alt texts were added We're at a loss. Has anyone encountered a similar issue before, and do you have any advice? I'd be happy to provide more information if needed. CBqqw

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Adriaan.Multiply

  • I manage a store selling prescription glasses, many of which are unisex or apply to more than one category. I have already assigned the canonical URL for each category, but my question is, if a product appears in more than one category, do I need to set the canonical URL in each product to reflect the category I want it to index under? Therefore, any additional categories that product appears in simply refers the link value back to the canonical URL. I note that in Yoast, under each product, there's note in the canonical setting to leave it empty to default to permalink, so this has confused me a little. I'm just concerned that by applying a product to multiple categories, it may be causing duplicate content, as I have a lot of duplicate issues which I'll raise in another question. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | SushiUK

  • Hi Our site's front page has almost 900 internal links on it (it's an ecommerce site with about 25,000 products). A lot of these are on a pretty involved dropdown menu, which is on every page. I can't really do anything to get this figure down (its outside my remit), but one thing the developers have done is make all the menu links nofollow on the mobile version of the menu (site is responsive) - otherwise there would be even more links! My question is as to whether doing this for the mobile menu is a good idea, in terms of SEO?

    Technical SEO | | abisti2

  • We hired a new website/marketing company that is a Preferred Google Partner (one of two in Charlotte according to them) and they hosted a presentation by Google at the Google Fiber office in Charlotte yesterday. As expected, there were lots of self-promotion by Google, accompanied with a plethora of data they created to support their PPC Marketing. It was an impressive performance with Molly Dince and Celena Fergusson, presenting Google Marketing Solutions: "Making the Web Work For You" and the keynote speaker Tim Reis, Director of Performance Agencies at Google: speaking on "Mobile Micromoments: Why Your Biggest Opportunities Are In The Smallest Moments" They ended with 15 minutes of Q&A and my question was answered with "I don't know" which I found surprising. So, here it is Thursday morning and I'm asking the same question to my Moz Family for some feedback: "Since the removal of Ads from the right column of a SERP, what percentage of Google traffic comes from Ads vs. the Organics?" I look forward to your comments. TY,

    Algorithm Updates | | KevnJr

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a question about the URL structure on our website ( We now have a main category with "zitzakken" (beanbags). We also have different brands, types and colours. Now we have URL's like this: <a></a> which seems long and not clean. Please don't look at the query at the end, we can't do anything about that in our CMS. In english this would be: How would you optimise this? We do have good rankings (this one ranks #1 for example), but I think our overall structure could be way better. Would love your thoughts about this.

    On-Page Optimization | | TheOnlineWarp

  • HI MOZ! A client has asked us to set up their campaigns to help serve ads at the most relevant times of the day based on analytical data. Is there a tool that shows show queries based on time of day? Thanks!

    Paid Search Marketing | | wearehappymedia

  • Hi Guy's I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong . I recreated my whole new  website , Disavow the links , Created the landscape.pages , Put the fresh content .  Still working on fresh blog. Fetch the fresh index through google webmaster. Working on couple of errors . Created high pr links . Run the Ppc keywords Did strong social media marketing . I notice my DA  and PA got increased , However my spam score is still same . My niche is  There are some website who showed up in top research of google their spam score is 7 . I'm not sure , if the moz database update every month or when we crawl the website . I delete the campaign and re-run it. ZFqO9CZ

    Link Explorer | | ronitoberoi

  • Hi Folks,
    I have a query & looking for some opinions. Our site migrated to https://
    Somewhere along the line between the developer & hosting provided 302 redirect was implemented instead of the recommended 301 (the 301 rule was not being honured in the htaccess file.)
    1 week passed, I noticed some of our key phrases disappear from the serps 😞 When investigated, I noticed this the incorrect redirect was implemented. The correct 301 redirect has now been implemented & functioning correctly. I have created a new https property in webmaster tools, Submitted the sitemap, Provided link in the robots.txt file to the https sitemap Canonical tags set to correct https. My gut feeling is that Google will take some time to realise the problem & take some time to update the search results we lost. Has anyone experienced this before or have any further thoughts on how to rectify asap.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Patrick_556

  • I noticed my domain authority has dropped slightly in the recent update, and it has me re-thinking a strategy for a website I just recently launched. I purchased the domain name about a year ago and have been working on building it for most of that time. Earlier in August, I went ahead and launched it. However, towards the end of the development of the website, I decided to just put it in a subdirectory of my parent company (my photography business) at and redirected the domain to the subdirectory. is my photography business website. The Kansas website has it's own distinct design, but is powered completely by my photography. I created it for a few purposes, including promoting tourism to the state of Kansas and to publish a book on Kansas travel next year, but one of it's main goals is also to help sell my photography prints. I decided to put it in a subdirectory ( as I had hoped it might drive more traffic into buying photo prints if it lived on my main website. However, I've been re-thinking my strategy and have been wondering if I'm competing against myself too much. Many of my photography prints have the name of a location in them and have their own URL per photo (for example: "Flint Hills Spring Sunrise" is at It makes me wonder if the new Kansas travel website page for the Flint Hills ( is competing for that keyword. Would I be better moving to I was worried having so many backlinks back to my photography site would send up red flags with Google as if the website was just a spammy website created to push traffic to when it really has it's own purpose. Any thoughts on whether using the domain name or keeping it at the subdomain level is better? Hopefully that made sense. Thanks, Mickey

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | VSphoto

  • As the title, some competitors I've been watching are using a PBN they (or their agency) have built. I'm looking to get some discussion on how you approach situations like this - do you just report all of the domains to Google and pray they do something? There are 4 sites I'm looking at, all competing in the same niche with very similar websites (different branding and content, but essentially the same pages). I thought all were related, but after Excel-ing all the domains to see which overlap I've found that there's several sets; PBN 1 covers 117 domains that link to competitors A, B & C. Signaling to me that these are owned by the same person. PBN 2 links together B & C with 30 domains, PBN 3 is just C with 40 domains. PBN 4 is just B with 105 domains. PBN 5 is just A with 10 domains. PBN 6 is D by itself with more than 340 domains. Signaling to me that this one probably isn't owned by the same person. It looks like new domains are added to these PBNs every week and this has been going on for quite some time. Now, I'm fully against use of PBNs that don't use authentic websites that provide value, and I can't find any of these sites that aren't just a basic WP template with a single-word text logo followed by spun content. This is a goldmine, because according to Ahrefs these sites are pulling in well over 500,000 monthly visitors between them, and these links make up the majority of each site's link profile. If these networks were to crumble, that would open up a big opportunity for more authentic sites to rank well. How would you recommend to tackle this? Do I find example URLs and write reports for each of the 500+ domains or are there better ways of working through this?

    Link Building | | Leads.Bz

  • Hi there, We run a quotes based site and so have hundreds of thousands of pages. We released a batch of pages (around 2500) and they ranked really well. Encouraged by this we released the remaining ~300,000 pages in just a couple of days. These have been indexed but are not ranking any where. We presume this is because we released too much too quickly. So we want to roll back what we've done and release them in smaller batches. So I wondered if: 1. Can we de-index thousands of pages, and if so what's the best way of doing this? 2. Can we then re-index these pages but over a much greater time period without changing the pages at all - or would we need to change the pages/the URL's etc? thanks! Steve

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveW1987

  • When I do a brand name search for a client, it pulls their G+ info into the right side bar and it adds three images above the G+ info. One is a photo, one is the Streetview, and one is the Google Maps results. On this particular client, the photo being pulled is from Google Images and not from the G+ page. Their G+ page is verified and has 17 photos in it, none of which are this particular photo. Please advise.

    Local Listings | | LocalEnthusiast

  • Hi there, We released around 4000 pieces of new content, which all ranked in the first page and did well. We had a database of ~400,000 pieces and so we released the entire library in a couple of days (all remaining 396,000 pages). The pages have indexed. The pages are not ranking, although the initial batch are still ranking as are a handful (literally a handful) of the new 396,000. When I say not ranking - I mean not ranking anywhere (gone up as far as page 20), yet the initial batch we'd be ranking for competitive terms on page 1. Do Google penalise you for releasing such a volume of content in such a short space of time? If so, should we deindex all that content and re-release in slow batches? And finally, if that is the course of action we should take is there any good articles around deindexing content at scale. Thanks so much for any help you are able to provide. Steve

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveW1987

  • Hello all, I am currently trying to get the company I work for ranking better (surprise, surprise) in the search engines. We operate in the Internet Services sector and I'm having a little trouble with some of the sections on our website.
    I suspect that some of the problem is that certain pages are trying to sell the same product while being optimized for different things. An example of this is our ADSL Broadband - The product itself has a rolling contract (so basically a no contract service) so I have optimized a page for short term / no contract terms. This page is not the 'main' page for the product (more of a gateway page / an attempt to catch people in the SERPs) and as such, one of the main benefits (probably the better of the benefits) of the product has been used for a 'No Contract Broadband' page. This leaves me slightly stuck for optimization for the main page so I suppose the short version of my question is... Should I optimize one main page or split the benefits out into multiple gateway pages - each focusing on a different benefit? Is it wise to dilute content in this way? Does that make sense?

    Keyword Research | | GetDotted

  • Hello Moz Wizards, Could someone help me out with this?  It's not related to my own site's SEO...but maybe you have some perspective on how Etsy and Pinterest do SEO... The issue is this - until recently, I was certain that individual stores/listings in Etsy (maybe Pinterest too) did not show up search results apart from the meta Etsy listing.  Now I'm seeing competitors on Etsy show up as separate search results - not via their own websites, but their actual store or listing within Etsy. How is that done?  I don't ever recall that happening, as I thought Etsy controlled the SEO access to their stores/listings. More importantly, how can I do that? Thanks for any insights you may have. Sharon

    SERP Trends | | Sharon2016

  • I'm aware of the advice to add internal links between pages and so I always add links as and when appropriate. However, my website builder allows me the option to open the link in a new window or in the originator.  I invariably choose the former but don't know if this is best practice. Could anyone advise?

    On-Page Optimization | | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hello Mozers I've been stumped by the changes in the interface with Google My Business.  I used to be able to set up the area for which I wanted a business to cover.  Now I can't find anyway to tell Google. The company I work for is in St Albans and our main workload is London.  It would be helpful if I could actually control what Google Local sees as Local for my company, i.e. to encompass central London which is only 19 miles away. Can someone give me an idiots guide has to how to tell Google the area I'd like our local listing to cover? Thanks

    Local Listings | | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Hi,I understand that rich snippets can't be used to promote adult-related content, however, what does Google specifically class as 'adult content'?We sale sex toys, lingerie and accessories, like lubes etc. I understand that sex toys may not be supported, however, I wouldn't see an issue with adding rich snippets/schema markup to the lingerie side of the site.After doing some research, it seems as if Amazon have rich snippets on adult related content, including cock ring products and lingerie. If we add schema markup - will Google simply not display the snippets, or will they penalise the site?Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | Brett-S

  • Hi On this page we have javascript on the paginated pages to sort the results, the URL displayed and the URL linked to are different. e.g. The paginated pages link to for example: page2 The list is then sorted by javascript. Then the arrows either side of pagination link to e.g. - this is where the rel/prev details are - done for SEO But when clicking on this arrow, the URL loaded is different again - I did not set this up, but I am concerned that the URL never actually loads, but it's linked to Google can crawl it. Is this a problem? I am looking to implement a view all option. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hello Moz Community, I'm currently associated with one of the brands. It's a nutrition and supplement brand that manufacture supplements. Now, they are running an e-commerce website. Problem: It should be product based website, not an e-commerce website  (Like Design, Look and Feel of it.) The problem with SEO: What do you thing like which will work better. 
    1. Doing Perfect On-Page SEO? And building links for queries like: Best whey protein supplement in "Geo." Buy Protein Powder Online Buy Whey Online "Geo." Generic Terms Brand Name URL All the Remaining Keywords and Anchors OR 1. Doing a perfect On-Page SEO? and 
    2. Doing massive outreach like Inviting bloggers for guest post (Natural Anchor) Guest Posts (Natural Anchor) Mentions on social media Content Local Business about reciprocal promotions Email outreach Product Reviews Influencers content Link building as mentioned above Q. Tell me which will work the best?
    Q. What I've to change in the strategy?
    Q. Also tell me how to do a perfect keyword research for product pages? Thank you

    Branding | | Max_

  • Hi Moz folks, We have launched an international site that uses subdirectories for regions and have had trouble getting pages outside of USA and Canada indexed. Google Search Console accounts have finally been verified, so we can submit the correct regional sitemap to the relevant search console account. However, when submitting non-USA and CA sitemap files (e.g. AU, NZ, UK), we are receiving a submission error that states, "Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page," despite them being .xml files, e.g. Queries on this suggest it's a W3 Cache plugin problem, but we aren't using Wordpress; the site is running on Demandware. Can anyone guide us on why Google Search Console is rejecting these sitemap files? Page indexation is a real issue. Many thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | SearchDeploy

  • I am in the process of getting all of my directory listings updated using MOZ local and I am getting some errors that I am unable to change via the Google My Business configuration. When I place the address information into the Google My Business for our business, it is changing it to read differently than what our official mailing address is with the USPS. The official address for our business is 8900 Highway 65 -- but when typed onto GMB it is showing up as 8900 IN-65. Because of this, it is throwing off MOZ and it is not able to find the other profiles or it is saying there are inconsistencies in the listings. Is there any way for Google to change this listing to the correct address to how it should appear? Thank you!

    Local Listings | | cpayne

  • Can anyone suggest best way to find all PPC keywords of a competitor. Any tool recommendation ?

    Paid Search Marketing | | singhmahendra

  • Hey everyone, One of my clients is currently getting an answer box (people also ask) result for a page that is no longer live. They migrated their site approximately 6 months ago, and the old page is for some reason still indexed in the (people also asked) results. Weird thing is that this page leads to a 404 error. Why the heck is Google showing this? Are there separate indexes for "people also asked" results, and regular organic listings? Has anyone ever seen/experienced something like this before? Any insight would is much appreciated

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HSawhney

  • I have a Wordpress website which is just using the Default theme, when I post in the blog, whatever I put in the "Title" field at the top of the editor is automatically is placed within the body of the blog post, like a headline, but it doesn't include any H1 tags that I can see. If I add my own headline within in the blog editor, it still inserts the Title like a headline. I am using the Yoast SEO Plugin and also write the meta title there, should I just leave the Wordpress title field blank so it doesn't insert into the blog post? Or is that inserted Title being recognized as an H1 even though I don't see h1 tags anywhere? Hope this isn't too confusing.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO4leagalPA

  • Hi all, we have a furniture business with two physical stores and one website, which has the ability to sell online but we hardly sell anything but we're just about to start Google PLA on a few products, let's say our website is at: We have and set up with all the store info, a Google Map, contact info, etc. This is linked to from the footer on all pages. Issue 1: I have been told conflicting things about how to best set up our Google My Business page. One person says set the URL for both to our homepage, and the other says point each GMB listing to the store location pages OR we should buy as our URL and point the GMB listing to that. To me, that doesn't make sense as we'd be spreading our domain equity with a new domain, surely? Issue 2: How do I get each GMB location to show up in Maps, etc when people search for 'furniture location' or even 'sofa location' or 'dining table location'? Would I need to optimize the store pages on our site? Issue 3: Years ago we did set up another URL, let's say and on it there are about 500 pages, all with links pointing to our main website. Google Search Console for our main website lists this other website as one of our top linking domains. Does that mean if we remove we'll risk a drop in rankings? Many thanks for your input.

    Local SEO | | Bee159

  • Using a reverse proxy only makes it appear that a subdomain is really a subfolder. However, links in the end remain the same. Does this have any negative (or positive) impact on SEO? Does it make it difficult from the blog's (subdomain's) sitemap or robots.txt file to be properly read by search engines?

    Technical SEO | | rodelmo4

  • Most of our SERPS are ranking, but video is not. We use Youtube for hosting and I am wondering if Google/Youtube somehow block video rich snippets from ranking when hosted through Youtube? Is there a better hosting service or should we host the video ourselves in order to get these videos to show up?  Does

    Technical SEO | | whitetable

  • Hi, Our company is organized into three different segments and our development team recently needed to switch a portion of the business to subdomain because they wanted to move to a different server platform. We are now seeing the impact of moving this segment of the business to a subdomain on the main domain. SEO is hurting and our MOZ score has dropped significantly. One fix they are debating is moving everything back to one domain, but place segments of the business on different page paths and hosting specific paths on different servers. I.e. the main domain could be hosted in one location and then would be hosted on a different server. They are hoping to accomplish this using some sort of proxy/caching redirection solution. The goal of this change would be to recapture our domain strength. Is this something that is a good option or no? If not, what are the challenges and issues you see arising from doing something like that as I don't know of any other site set up like this. Thanks in advance.

    Web Design | | bradgreene

  • Question for the pro's (all comments greatly appreciated) and it's doing my head in atmo. Recently, we received a temporary algorithmic penalty on one of our pages, which was originally ranking 12th, now 50+. We found out an affiliate put a site-wide link to our site, using the affiliate ID blablabla. I have taken a look at the exact link and checked the status codes on it, seems as if the link uses a 302 to our page. However, yes, you can argue that 302's d on't pass link juice, but I do believe that if a 302 remains in place for a while - Google will treat it as a 301. My question is: considering that affiliate links are causing us problems, is it worth disavowing the ENTIRE affiliate network? - we have over 100,00 links coming from them, all of which are targeting different pages and using different affiliate tracking ID's. What do you think - I don't want to disavow the site then realise it was actually some-what helping the site.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Brett-S

  • I'm working with a very popular blog that also is associated with related products we manufacture and sell ourselves. The blog is about 99% blog content and about 1% product content. If suddenly some 99% of a 5,000 page blog is changed to have the blog pages no-indexed, will the linkjuice be now more concentrated on the remaining 1%? Also, be aware that this blog has lots of high quality backlinks from everyday recognizable magazines, newspapers and blogs.   Of course, this is a highly competitive market place so I'm trying to leave no-stone-unturned here in working out the kinks. In the old days, we sort-of-called this "pagerank sculpting" and the idea was to focus the linkjuce on certain pages and defocus it on other pages.  It made sense to block certain pages that were not indexible but Google supposedly dinged that tactic years ago, and today people say this is act also helps as it conserves the crawl budget. Might this make a difference these days?? Keep in mind that the 4,950 remaining pages are still followed, and all backlinks remain in place. Will the site start ranking better for the keywords on the 50 indexed (product) pages?

    Link Building | | seo_plus

  • We have recently developed a site with the structure of Instead of the traditional We want to optimize more on each single article rather than the category its in. However now we get the info from a seo company that this is rather a bad idea and it hurts the SEO performance because google doesnt understand the structure. The archive page of each category is Whats your input on this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Preen

  • OK Moz peeps... Right then, I have just been reading an article over on SEO RoundTable from Barry Schwartz. NEW Local review guidelines for businesses - take a look. It in effect alludes to Google stamping all over review schema and snippets, third party review solutions/providers and really trying to limit how they are used. I have interpreted the new guidelines to say that you can no longer mark up and use external stats on your own site in the form of aggregate ratings from the likes of TrustPilot, Feefo, Revoo (some uk review sites) and more.... These were the two key lines for more Only include reviews that have been directly produced by your site, not reviews from third-party sites or syndicated reviews. Aggregators or content providers must have no commercial agreements paid or otherwise with businesses to provide reviews. What does everyone else think? and how soon before people get penalised (if ever) for marking up external stats to make your own site and services look more favourable... Could definately be a slap in the face for Serp CTR and onpage conversion optimisation. Also how do people expect this to affect PPC review rating going forward. Will Partner sites become a thing of the past? Looking forward to a good discussion here 🙂 PS - I am not staff at Moz just have a t-shirt which is my avatar. I am not sure why below my avatar it suggests I am Staff due to the tag added to it. Is anyone else getting that on their profile too?

    Reviews and Ratings | | TimHolmes

  • Hi guys, hope you had a fantastic bank holiday weekend. Quick question re URL parameters, I understand that links which pass through an affiliate URL parameter aren't taken into consideration when passing link juice through one site to another. However, when a link contains a tracking URL parameter (let's say gclid=), does link juice get passed through? We have a number of external links pointing to our main site, however, they are linking directly to a unique tracking parameter. I'm just curious to know about this. Thanks, Brett

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Brett-S

  • Hi there, I have a site structure flat like this it ranks quite well for its niche The site is branching out into a new but related lines of business is it ok to keep existing site architecture as above while using a silo structure just for the two new different but related business? Thanks for any advice!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | servetea

  • Howdy MOZ community, I hope you are enjoying the last days of summer as much as we are here in Toronto-Canada.I own an Air Duct Cleaning business, I have done the web design as well as SEO, My website is currently ranking for quite a few keywords (some of them on the top of the SERPS) special thanks to MOZ for their awesome tools and blog posts.I am starting a Mobile Car Detailing business, Despite the fact that my Duct Cleaning domain is 5 years old with a DA of 42 and PA of 40 (main page).Would it be better for me to just add pages to my existing website (despite the fact that both businesses are in a cleaning niche) or would it be better for me to start another website from scratch? Would it be a bonus for me in terms of my current DA to add pages to my existing for example: or would I get penalized for it? I thank you all for answering my question. Alex

    Local Website Optimization | | DustChasersToronto

  • I have a client who is wanting to target searches for competitors products. His idea was to purchase domains related to the searches he's targeting (for example, people looking for another company's app) and to build out one page websites addressing the search query and why a customer would choose his app solution over a competitor. I know he'd have to build a handful of links to each site for any chance of success but I wanted to ask the following.. Would doing this be better than just building pages addressing the searches on his main website domain? Is there an SEO risk to doing this? Potential for a penalty? Anything we need to do to structure these in a way that won't violate Google's SEO guidelines? Any other thoughts on pros and cons of each strategy? Thank you! Ricky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RickyShockley

  • I had previous asked this question, where the issue turned out to be that I didn't have all the URLs in Google Search console.  Whoops! So I have added 4 properties that are really all the same property: https:// https://www http:// http://www I have added all of these.  This has raised a few more questions: Can I get Google Search Console to treat these (and even group these together) to show as one property?  Right now they are all listed separately.  I know in Site Settings you can set a Preferred Site.  Even so, they show as separate sites with data separately.  Can I merge these? What about Moz?  Should I do something similar to see traffic for each of these in Moz?  It looks like we are missing a ton of info.  Does Moz get this from GSC automatically? What about sitemaps?  Can I fix this in sitemaps?  Do I need separate sitemaps for each property?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TapGoods

  • Hi there, We are in the process of moving 2 sites with higher page authority to another site we own (that is our company brand), so essentially 3 sites into one. We're at risk of losing a lot of SEO from the original 2 sites that have all the product information. We are doing this since we merged companies a couple years back and need one web precense. Anyhow, the site launch date is in 3 months and the recommendation is to start moving content over prior to that for top pages, which is a big undertaking when we are launching all the pages again with new content, redeisgn and moving sites in 3 months. If it's the right move, we should do it, but I just wanted to get opinions on how others have handled something similiar when moving to a site with lower site authority and trying not to lose rankings.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lauramrobinson32

  • Howdy, fellow mozzers. I got approached by my friend - their website is She is saying that they dropped from google index over night - and, as you can see if you google their name, website url or even site: , most of the pages are not indexed. Home page is nowhere to be found - that's for sure. I know that they were indexed before. Google webmaster tools don't have any manual actions (at least yet). No sudden changes in content or backlink profile. robots.txt has some weird rule - disallow everything for EtaoSpider. I don't know if google would listen to that - robots checker in GWT says it's all good. Any ideas why that happen? Any ideas what I should check? P.S. Just noticed in GWT there was a huge drop in indexed pages within first week of August. Still no idea why though. P.P.S. Just noticed that there is noindex x-robots-tag in headers... Anyone knows where this can be set?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DmitriiK

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