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  • There is nothing quite so alarming as seeing your business suddenly vanish from the Google local packs/local finder. We got first wind of this when Moz community member CalicoKitty2000 posted that their fishing charter business in Florida had abruptly stopped showing after enjoying historical high local rankings for a very long time. Their company is Sea Leveler Sport Fishing Charters. Their organic rankings were still a-okay, and as I was digging around trying to rule out common problems like guideline violations, malware, penalties, I was lucky enough to come across a totally separate discussion of the same startling phenomenon at Linda Buquet's Local Search Forum. To observe this phenomenon for yourself, look up 'fishing charters cape canaveral'. In the local pack, click the 'more places' link to get to the local finder. Observe what is in the local finder view, including the fact that only one business is located at 505 Glen Cheek Dr. Then, zoom in on the map, and you will see CalicoKitty2000's company, Sea Leveler Sport Fishing Charters, magically reappear in the results. You will ALSO notice that something like 8 other businesses, in addition to Sea Leveler, located at 505 Glen Cheek Dr., are also suddenly present in the local finder at that zoomed-in view. What appears to be happening here is that Google has made a change in which they will only show a single business at a given address within the same category. This is a major, major change that poses a very obvious problem for businesses like legal firms and medical practitioners who share the same building and category. Coworking spaces hosting a variety of same-specialty tech startups also come to mind. Joy Hawkins (one of the smartest Local SEOs I know), posits this in addition to the shared building/shared category factors influencing this change: "I believe Google is A/B testing at the moment which explains the crazy fluctuation we're still seeing daily on trackers like Algoroo" Joy says she's planning to write an article about this soon, so be on the lookout for that if this has affected your business. In the meantime, I have two thoughts: This filter is so unfriendly to so many businesses, I would not be surprised to see it go away. However, it never hurts to create buzz/raise awareness. If you've been affected, you might want to post your example in Google's forum with a plea to Google to treat you more fairly. I would argue that it is NOT creating a good user experience for people seeking a doctor, a chiropractor or a fishing charter in a specific neighborhood to be shown only partial, single results. I know I'd rather know that there are 7-8 choices of fishing charters conveniently located in a building on a marina. After all, if one charter is all booked up for the day, I'd like to know that other companies are there to serve me, wouldn't you? I'd say this apparent filter makes results less relevant than more relevant. I find it particularly weird that our example business, Sea Leveler, is being filtered out given how far ahead of most competitors they are in terms of review count. Wouldn't you want to see the most-reviewed business first? Hopefully, this filter is just a test, but for the sake of damage control in the meantime, this might be a good time to invest in some Adwords to replace your missing rankings (hey, Google, I hope this isn't your diabolical idea behind the change, a-hem!). If you've been affected, please, study your SERPs and share with our community any clues you are seeing. We can all help one another survive Google's curve balls better when we share. I would love to hear of anything you are observing about this, and am particularly interested to know if you are seeing a rotation of businesses ranking at different times of day. For example, if Businesses A, B and C are all at 123 Main Street, is only business A ranking all the time at the non-zoomed level, or at some point in a given day, are B or C being given preferential treatment? Please, share your findings!

    Local Listings | | MiriamEllis

  • hello everyone, It seems my website is indexed by google but it si not ranking anywhere, even wehn i google scribidocampus. If i search any of the text on my website in " " no results come up. can someone tell me the reason?

    Technical SEO | | themesh

  • most of them where old URLs pointed from a really old domain, that we have just shutten down. If the pages didn't receive any traffic, should we redirect? If I follow this we shouldn't

    Technical SEO | | pablo_carrara

  • Hello everyone. I was reading this article on, published the last year, and I'd like to know your thoughts about it: Is that really the case? I thought that Google crawls and "follows" nofollowed tagged links even though doesn't pass any PR to the destination link. If instead Google really doesn't crawl internal links tagged as "nofollow", can that really help with crawl budget?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • While browsing through my Moz campaign, I noticed that my site is pulling up unlimited numbers of product pages even though no products appear on them. i.e. I have no ideal how to resolve this issue. I can't possible 301 an unlimited number of pages, and I can see this being a big SEO problem. Any thoughts?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • Hi, for our site, Google stopped showing the rich snippets yesterday. We got the following warning in Webmastertools "Data with spam structures may be removed from the search results" As we have not changed anything for months, I do not know what the reason could be. Here a sample url from our site Does anybody have experience with this and can give me a tip what to change? Thanks in advance. Dieter Lang Here the full message. Google has found some of your pages markup with structures that violate our quality guidelines for structured data. To provide users with high quality search results, we show detailed search results only for content with markup that meet our quality guidelines. This manual action was against imposed. You should correct the markup and make a request for reconsideration. Having noted that the guidelines for the markup on the pages in question are complied with, we will remove this manual action. You can resolve this problem as follows: | 1 | Update your markup so that it no longer violates our guidelines for structured data Correct Incorrect markup or remove the markup that is not the content of your page properly. | See guidelines |
    | 2 | Ask a reconsideration request Once you have corrected your website, you can submit a reconsideration request, so this manual action is canceled. Be specific so that we can understand what changes you have made to your site. | Reconsideration request | Need more help? | • | For more information on manual actions against data with spam structures can be found in our Help Center. |
    | • | Refer to the section Guidelines for structured data about the problem. |
    | • | Ask in our forum questions if you need more help. Make reference to the message type [WNC-632 900]. |

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Storesco

  • I'm looking for feedback on menu structure to be SEO friendly. This is setup with ubmenu. What I am gathering is that because of the amount of items it could cause issues with google because it is exceeding the maximum links per page, currently the come shows 153 links. I'm not sure what to do since people search for all these terms in the menu, but I don't want to be penalized. also saw this so im really confused.

    Web Design | | familychristiandoors

  • Hi, I'm looking for an example/use case of someone whose site has been linked to from another using a Bitly, or other generic URL shortener link. I'm specifically interested in proving/disproving the value of the backlink in terms of boost in SEO rankings. Ideally you somehow got a juicy backlink from a reputable site, but they accidentally linked to you using a Bitly or something, yet you saw a noticeable increase in your pages search rankings, thus proving the value of a Bitly link still passing all SEO value. Or alternatively, you got that juicy backlink and noticed nothing at all, or not much, and are frustrated that they used a BItly. I'm launching a study on this soon to identify the possible value behind short links as backlinks. Yes, I know that Matt Cutts says all short links are 301 redirects which passes something like 99.9% of link juice. I'd just like to see some use cases on this. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rebrandly

  • Hey all, I have GTM set up on a site and I am trying to enable the Ecommerce tracking functionality. My problem is this, I have access to the basket variables all they way through the checkout funnel to the payment page, but they are then lost on the payment completed page. Does anyone know how I can pass the value of the basket across to the payment completed page so I can mark the transaction completed with an actual value present. I cannot post hidden input fields or change the url get variables as the third party system that us used fails. I have thought maybe javascript calls, but not managed to get to work as yet. Can the Google session pass and hold them in the cookies that are set? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers Tim

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | TimHolmes

  • We're changing our website's URL structures, this means all our site URLs will be changed. After this is done, do we need to update the old inbound external links to point to the new URLs? Yes the old URLs will be 301 redirected to the new URLs too. Many thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jade

  • So I've noticed that the sitemap I use has a capacity of 4500 URLs, but my website is much larger. Is it worth paying for a commercial sitemap that encompasses my entire site? I also notice that of the 4500 URLs which have been submitted, only 104 are indexed. Is this normal, if not, why is the index rate so low?

    Technical SEO | | moon-boots

  • Hi everyone! We've been trying to decipher how many of our pages are indexed by google at the moment. If we do the usual "site:" search term, the serp says that we have more than 740,000 pages indexed. However, when I do a deep dive and click through to the last page of results, I can only get to page 54, and then there are no more results. This would mean that I only have 540 pages indexed, not 740,000. We have also done other queries for other sub-sections of our website, and the results also truncate at 50 pages. Has anyone run into this problem? Any suggestions are appreciated! Best, Alex

    Technical SEO | | mpchobbydb

  • Hi all, I have a question (duh): I have like 10 colours of the same product. I will make one colour the canonical, do I still need to write unique meta titles for the others? I am almost certain it doesn't add value at all, but wanted to double check since I couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks a lot in advance and have a great day!

    On-Page Optimization | | TheOnlineWarp

  • This morning my client contacted me that another business is using their address as their own! They received a Google verification postcard with pin number on it, but luckily had the foresight to not give it to the person when they called. After some research, we also found out that they are using our address on Facebook and LinkedIn as well. The kicker is: this business is another SEO firm! You would think they would know that using our address would cause NAP issues for their own business. Has anyone dealt with another business trying to hijack their address for local rankings? Any advice on steps to take to report this abuse would be appreciated. Since this person is obviously unscrupulous, we don't want to provoke them into taking any other negative action online that could affect our business.

    Local Listings | | IlluminousGwen

  • Hello Guys, Thanks in advance for all who can help me with this I am helping a dinnerware company with their SEO. I told them to change their ambiguous  title tags for more specific ones. However, they opted to create some title tags with 2 or three keywords separated by commas. I have attached an excel image illustrating their new title tags.. My question is, will this format be a problem with Google--penalties? The questionable title tags are highlighted in light orange. Thanks! lHH92

    On-Page Optimization | | HectorCortes

  • Good day!We are concerned about Google's updated Guidelines in ratings and reviews, specifically as quoted in the SEO Roundtable: "The new guidelines specifically disallows you from using 3rd party reviews, found on other sites, and marking those up on your site." Guidelines are here enlist the use of a 3rd party aggregate for one of our client's (service business). Since, in effect, it is a 3rd party review site, and what the shortcode does is copy reviews from that third party site and mark them up on the client website. What do you guys know about this update, and what are is your take on what the update says and how it relates to a 3rd party review aggregators? Thanks!

    Reviews and Ratings | | LinkRightMedia

  • Hi Mozzers! I have a question on mass uploading low quality product pages We have a huge catalogue of products and our product managers are looking to mass reference 17,000 new products quickly on the website. Obviously, this will mean content will somehow have to be made unique - which would take a huge amount of resource. Apart from this issue, will adding this many new product pages in one go be bad for SEO? If we also do manage to make the content unique, but not high quality - we'll have 17,000 new low quality product pages - will this reduce our domain authority? Becky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, I've got an interesting issue and a bit of a technical challenge for you. It's a bit complicated to explain, but please bear with me. We have a client website ( which we are having a hard time ranking in the past few months. Main keywords simply don't show up in Top100 searches, even though we are constantly building backlinks through Guest Posts, Citations, Media mentions, Profile links etc. Normally, we use ahrefs to look at the client's website backlinks, but just today we used Majestic to look at the backlink profile and one backlink stood out. This is a backlink from a development server ( which redirects to
    The developers who were working on the redesign of the client website, put it up on their server and forgot to delete it.
    Also, the content inside the development website is almost identical with the client website. We then checked to see if is indexed.
    It's not. Although, inside the robots file there's:
    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    The funny (and weird thing) is that and all development website inner pages are not indexed in Google. But if we go to, it doesn't redirect to the corresponding, it's the same development website page URL and the pages even have links to the client website, but like I said, none of the pages of the development website are indexed, even though crawlers are allowed in the robots.txt's development website. In your opinion, could this be the reason why we are having a hard time to rank the client website? Second question is:
    How do we approach in solving this issue?
    Do we simply delete the whole with all the inner pages?
    Or should we do 301 redirrects on a per-page basis?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • Hi there I wonder if anyone can advise on this. Since the latest google update on 1st Sept or whenever it rolled out, we noticed an initial spike in hits on our site, which was great. However now we are noticing levels going back to where they were and less people visiting the site. It also seems to be very sporadic. So we have a period of say a couple of hours with no one on the site, then suddenly loads visiting. We have also noticed a big dip in enquiries, despite the site having roughly the same amount of visitors. All our stats on Moz, Webmaster Tools, Ahrefs, Serpfox and various other rank trackers are showing that we have had an increase in visibility on our tracked keywords. There is a definite spike on all, but where is our traffic and where are our enquiries? Usually we are able to work out where the problem is when updates occur but with this we have no idea. We are utterly baffled. Is this normal? Is this just fluctuations and will settle down? Has anyone else noticed weird things happening? If anyone has any ideas or experience of this then would be most grateful for any advice. Feeling rather desperate at the moment. Many thanks in advance. Clojo

    Algorithm Updates | | Clojobobo

  • I'm asking this for a guy over at SEOchat: Here's what his post says: Exclamation Unusual Change in Domain authority
    Guys and Girls, I'm having a weird issue in one of my sites , thing is the site had DA 11 in July and however when check on September Site is having 26 without me doing any type of link building and there are no new posts for this month as well. When checked using open site explorer there are no backlinks indexed in their Mozcape index as well. Site: Can you give me any plausible reasons for this to happen, so that i can check them out. Thanks in Advance.

    Link Explorer | | ThomasHarvey

  • I've also seen that you can get some data about this in Search Metrics but can't see where? Thanks for your help!

    Keyword Research | | lakestar

  • Hello, On a webpage I have multiple tabs, each with their own specific content. Now these AJAX/JS tabs, if Google only finds the first tab when the page loads the content would be too thin. What do you suggest as an implementation? With Google being able to crawl and render more JS nowadays, but they deprecated AJAX crawling a while back. I was maybe thinking of doing a following implementation where when JS is disabled, the tabs collapse under each other with the content showing. With JS enabled then they render as tabs. This is usually quite a common implementation for tabbed content plugins on Wordpress as well. Also, Google had commented about that hidden/expandable content would count much less, even with the above JS fix. Look forward to your thoughts on this. Thanks, Conrad

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | conalt

  • Hi Ya'll. I'm transitioning our http version website to https.  Important question: Do images have to have 301 redirects? If so, how and where? Please send me a link or explain best practices. Best, Shawn

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Shawn124

  • Hi All - Quick question that I think I know the answer to, but I feel like I've been going around in circles a bit. My client is launching a new product and wants us to build a microsite for it ( My client really dislikes their brand website, and wants to use paid media to push their audience to this new microsite. However, they also said want it to rank well organically. I feel uneasy about this, because of the subdomain vs. subfolder argument. I believe that the product will also be listed/featured on their main brand website. What is the best way forward? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | AinsleyAgency

  • Hello To Those Who Are Wiser Than I, I am wondering if the href link "title" tag is needed, or serves any purpose, on mobile websites?  Also, does it effect SEO in any way? I ask because generally the href link title tag provides more information to the user when they scroll their mouse over the link - but this action does not happen on mobile!  Users have no mouse and thus no extra information would be displayed. I'm really wondering if it still matters for SEO purposes on mobile though. -The UnEnlightened

    Web Design | | Stew222

  • I've searched Q&A but I did not see where this question has been asked before, so hopefully I'm not repeating a question that has already been asked (and answered). For the past couple of years I have been using Conductor Searchlight as our SEO toolset, however recently I have made the decision to switch to Moz Pro. My question is regarding the Tracked Keywords Overview Page. In the current display, the Overview Page shows Keyword, Location, Universal Results, Rank, URL and Optimize. Has there every been any consideration to also include Volume? One of the nice features of CS Keyword Overview page was that I was able to view the rank of all my keywords, and the volume of each, at the same time. We currently track 275 keywords. Some keywords are obviously more important than others. The CS Overview Page allowed me to quickly scan through the list of keywords, see the ones that were within striking distance of page one (by rank), and since I could also see the volume at the same time, it also allowed me to prioritize which keyword to focus on. If two keywords were both ranked "11", but one had triple of volume of the other, it makes sense to focus on the one with the greater volume. From Moz's  Tracked Keywords Overview Page I can drill down and get the "Volume" information that I'm looking for (and lots of other really good information), but I have to do it for each individual keyword. Moz Pro is a great SEO tool and the information available is amazing. The switch from CS has been an easy one, but CS did have some features that I liked, and being able to see both rank and volume on the Overview Page was one them. Any information, suggestions, or work-arounds regarding my question is appreciated. Regards Scott

    Feature Requests | | WScottDuncan

  • Hey Mozzers, I just wanted to see how you all deal with eliminating Google ghost traffic sources from Google. I tried setting up a RegEx 'include' list before, but it seemed as though I was blocking potential traffic sources when I did as much (I'm probably missing something here). Anyway, I'm interested to read how you all have dealt with this issue in the past, thanks for reading!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | maxcarnage

  • Hi I need some help identifying whether we need to rethink the way we paginated product pages, On this page when clicking page 1,2, etc - we have javascript to sort the results, the URL displayed and the URL linked to are different. e.g. The URL for these paginated pages is for example: page2 Then the arrows either side of pagination, link to the paginated landing page e.g. - this is where the rel/prev details are - done for Google However - when clicking on this arrow, the URL loaded is different again - & doesn't take you I did not set this up, but I am concerned that the URL never actually loads, but it's linked to Google can crawl it. Is this a problem? I am looking to implement a view all option. Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • For example: shower cabins (660), used in our onpage-navigation which links to a product list page.

    Technical SEO | |

  • I am interested to know your thoughts on which keywords to target for your about page. While most keyword strategies are about creating or optimizing pages on categories.  This is great for product/service page ideas, but I never know what my about page should come up for. Should it just be your name or can you utilize this page to capture some categories or keywords that are difficult to rank for;  I.e  We rank well for "web design [location]"  not so well for "[location] web design" Regards Rod

    Content Development | | VelocityWebsites

  • Hi, Are we possible to use Mozscape API to retrieve keyword difficulty information for a list of keywords? I can't find its documentation. Thanks

    API | | uceo

  • Not sure why this is happening but when i run our site though open site explorer it is only coming back with 1 link yet we have at least 10 - 20? our site is and i tried without the https:// so Any help would be appreciated.

    Moz Pro | | BobAnderson

  • Hi, I periodically use the Google site command to confirm that our client's websites are fully indexed. Over the past few months I have noticed a very strange phenomenon which is happening for a small subset of our client's websites... basically the home page keeps disappearing and reappearing in the Google index every few days.  This is isolated to a few of our client's websites and I have also noticed that it is happening for some of our client's competitor's websites (over which we have absolutely no control). In the past I have been led to believe that the absence of the home page in the index could imply a penalty of some sort.  This does not seem to be the case since these sites continue to rank the same in various Google searches regardless of whether or not the home page is listed in the index. Below are some examples of sites of our clients where the home page is currently not indexed - although they may be indexed by the time you read this and try it yourself.  Note that most of our clients are in Canada. My questions are: 1. has anyone else experienced/noticed this? 2. any thoughts on whether this could imply some sort of penalty? or could it just be a bug in Google? 3. does Google offer a way to report stuff like this? Note that we have been building websites for over 10 years so we have long been aware of issues like www vs. non-www, canonicalization, and meta content="noindex" (been there done that in 2005).  I could be wrong but I do not believe that the site would keep disappearing and reappearing if something like this was the issue. Please feel free to scrutinize the home pages to see if I have overlooked something obvious - I AM getting old.  - this site has continually ranked in the top 3 for [kitchener personal injury lawyers] for many years. - since we took over this site last year it has moved up to page 1 for [ottawa personal injury lawyers] - #1 for [aurora personal injury lawyers] - continually ranked in the top 3 for [mississauga immigration lawyers]. - ranks #3 for [ontario hydro plans] Thanks in advance! Jim Donovan, President

    Technical SEO | | wethink

  • Hi, Interested in getting Moz API metrics into Google Sheets on an automated scheduled. Supermetrics can do this, but I am curious to know if there are any alternatives, free or paid. Thanks! 🙂


  • Hello everyone! I'm working with a site right now that is currently formatted as The old version of the site was formatted as, with and several other variants redirecting to the current format, All of these redirects are 302, and I'm wondering if I should have all these changed to 301. Many of our old backlinks go to the old format of and i know the juice isn't being passed through, but i was wondering if there is any reason why you may want a 302 over a 301 in this case? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | KathleenDC

  • hi We're having a debate about the best way of rendering years in SEO terms. We have a new report that covers both 2016 and into 2017. To get the most juice should we title it: XXX Report 2016-2017
    XXX Report 2016/17
    XXX Report 2016/2017
    XXX Report 2016 and 2017 Which one is best read by Google?

    Keyword Research | | QSTopMBA

  • Hello Mozzers, I am having an issue with a particular client and wanted to throw it out to the forum for feedback. We work with many resorts and hotels. One, in particular, is a large condo-hotel property with several individual buildings. Each building has a unique name. While the property management company owns and operates most of the units within each building, there are units that are individually owned. The property management company runs the branded resort website, all local pages & listings, etc. One savvy unit owner, however, has built a website that is branded with the individual building name for one of the buildings. He has also taken ownership of the building Google Plus page, Facebook page, etc. He only owns a handful of units in the building. We have retroactively tried creating a new site but are struggling to gain traction from a ranking perspective. We did temporarily change the website address that was listed for the Google local listing, via the "edit" button, and were actually starting to increase rank (presumably somewhat related to the increase in website traffic), but it was quickly fixed to the other website. The management company has reached out to the owner but he continues to refuse to give up any rights to the Google local page, etc. We have also created a new (technically duplicate) page just to see if we can knock the other one off, though we are having issues getting the verification post card from Google. Any advice on how we can gain access to this Google local page? Or any other tips on how to get a relatively small, new site to overtake an existing site? I know URLs / examples are helpful in these situations but we'd prefer to keep the client names anon.

    Local Listings | | mbochic

  • Hi Guys, I am currently working on a site that's organic traffic suffered ( and is still suffering ) a huge drop in organic traffic. From a consistent 3-400 organic visits a day to almost zero. This happened as soon as the new site went live. I am now digging to find out why. 301s were put in place ( over 2, 500 over them ) and there are still over 1,100 outstanding after review search console this morning. Having looked at the redirect file that was put in place when the new site went live, it all look OK, apart from the redirects look like this... to Where the new URL is missing www. - I am concerned this is causing a large duplicate issue as both www. and non www. work fine. I am right to have concern or is this something not to worry about?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | HappyJackJr

  • Hi everyone This may seem a bit obvious but I am getting conflicting answers on this, we have a client that has a wiki that is basically an online manual of their software. They do it like this because the manual is so big and is constantly developing, there are thousands of pages with loads of links that are pointing to various sections of relevance on the main site as well, the majority of these are No Follow but I have noticed that they have a single link on the navigation that is a direct link to their main site that is a follow link, obviously this is a sitewide. Would this be seen as being detrimental to the main site, should I have this set as No Follow as well. Thanks in Advance

    Technical SEO | | Andrew_Birkitt

  • Hi, We are redesigning our website the following way: Before: Page A with Content A, Page B with Content B, Page C with Content C, etc
    e.g. one page for each Customer Returns, Overstocks, Master Case, etc
    Now: Page D with content A + B + C etc.
    e.g. one long page containing all Product Conditions, one after the other So we are merging multiples pages into one.
    What is the best way to do so, so we don't lose traffic? (or we lose the minimum possible) e.g. should we 301 Redirect A/B/C to D...?
    Is it likely that we lose significant traffic with this change? Thank you,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | viatrading1

  • Hey, guys, We are using the tool to automate our sitemaps on our properties, but some of them give this error "This url is not allowed for a Sitemap at this location" for all the urls. Strange thing is that not all of them are with the error and most have all the urls indexed already. Do you have any experience with the tool and what is your opinion? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lgrozeva

  • Hi Mozzers, I went through many Q&As in the community this morning. I found a solution where I could just remove the referral site in analytics>admin>property>tracking info>referral exclusion list. So I removed which was the main referral traffic. I thought the problem is solved. Later today I got another order, now the referral traffic is from, now what? Yes I know I will add this to the exclusion list but there will be many more referral sites. My main concern is I am not able to track the actual traffic source. How do I do that? 1. Do I need to use google url tracking for all my pages?
    2. Do I need to add tracking code in each page of the site?
    3. Is there a way to track the actual source of this traffic, now that the transaction is already made but reflects as referral traffic in Google Analytics? jZjTN

    Technical SEO | | DebashishB

  • Hi there, I have a URL structuring / redirect question. I have many pages on my site but I set each page up to fall under one of two folders as I serve two unique markets and want each side to be indexed properly. I have SIDE A: www.domain/ and SIDE B: www.domain/FOLDER-B. The problem is that I have a page for and www.domain/FOLDER-A/ but I do NOT have a page for www.domain/FOLDER-A. The reason for this is that I've opted to make what would be www.domain/FOLDER-A be and act the primary landing page the site. As a result, there is no page located at www.domain/FOLDER-A. My WordPress template (Divi by Elegant Themes) forced me to create a blank page to be able to build off the FOLDER-A framework. My question is that given I am forced to have this blank page, do I leave it be or create a 302 or 307 redirect to I fear using a 301 redirect given I may want to utilize this page for content at some point in the future. This isn't the easiest post to follow so please let me know if I need to restate the question. Many thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | KurtWSEO

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