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  • Hi all, We're running a Magento webshop and we discover some strangs things regarding canonical urls and redirects after using the Amasty improved navigation extension. To clarify, please check these four urls. They contain the same content (the same product page). All these four pages have different canoncials (the page url). Obviously, that's not good. However, in Google (site:...) url (1) is the only one that's indexed. Thereby, if I visit the productpage by first going to a category page (fe., I'm redirected to url (1), but the canonical url is So, the canonical seems dynamic depending on the last visited category. And still, only url (1) is indexed. Additionally, all aforementioned pages contain . Is anyone familiar with this issue? And more important, will it cause problems in future? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Chendon

    Technical SEO | | RBijsterveld

  • Hi All, We have recently discovered a site was linking to our site but it was linking to an incorrect url, resulting in a 404 error. We had only found this by pure chance and wondered if there was a tool out there that will tell us when a site is linking to an incorrect url on our site? Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | O2C

  • Hi I have noticed strange drops in our rankings, some last Monday 12th & some Sunday 18th - has anyone else experienced anything on these dates? I've seen talk of a possible algo update, but nothing concrete Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | BeckyKey

  • It is crawling the entire site, and there is stuff we do not want it to. Please advise.

    Link Explorer | | Tylerj

  • panda update

    Is this a panda penalty? A slow decline like this. I've checked for penguin and nothing there. I've tried creating new content and we moved to HTTPS and added Rel Canonical to duplicate product pages. If you have time how you go about recovering this site? YZz9h

    SERP Trends | | AaronRainsSEO

  • Hey all, So after reading about the benefits of pruning old content I decided to give it a try on our blog. After reviewing  thousands of posts I found around 2500 that were simply not getting any traffic, or if they were there was 100% bounce & exit. Many of these posts also had content with relevance that had long ago expired. After deleted these old posts, I am now seeing the posts being reported as 404's in Google Search Console. But most of them are the old url with "trashed" appended to the url. My question is: are these 404's normal? Do I now have to go through and set up 301's for all of these? Is it enough to simply add the lot to my robots.txt file? Are these 404's going to hurt my blog? Thanks, Roman

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • I attended Mozcon this year and the session by Joe Hall "Rethinking Information Architecture for SEO and Content Marketing" has me considering some changes to our site structure and architecture. I'm currently putting together a landing page for our webinars but could things like webinars and case studies be considered supporting content to our main ideas? For example instead of my architecture being: home > webinars > webinar about an idea It could be: home > main idea 1 > webinar about an idea So my webinar landing page would link out to all of the different webinar pages on the site instead of being contained in this bucket. Just wanted to get some thoughts on this.

    Content Development | | Brando16

  • We are planning a rebranding in January 2017. For us this means: redirects from root domain to on all our pages. Besides that we are planning to restyle our website to a responsive design in the beginning of November 2016. Now we a desktop website and a separate mobile website. So from our mobile website every URL will be redirected to a non-mobile variant. Both strategies will have impact on SEO, but should be positive on the long term. Now, what would YOU do: start with responsive design in November and do a new 'redirect session' after 2 months for the rebranding? Or do both at the same time?

    Branding | |

  • Does my html meta description tag have to be the same as my Open Graph meta description? I'm having problems pulling through my meta description into Google SERPs and I wondered if its because my 'OG' data is not consistent? Thanks Guys, Kay

    Technical SEO | | eLab_London

  • Hello, I'm doing some research on Facebook and Google Plus. I have more experience with Facebook. I'm going to do my own research, but what do you guys think is the best articles or videos for taking Facebook and Google Plus to the next level? My goals are to engage and promote for Ecommerce and Informational sites. Low budget. Thanks, Bob

    Branding | | BobGW

  • Hello Mozers I have four individual 'Benefits' videos on our companies Youtube channel.  Three describe individual benefits and one is a composite of all three.  All the videos have an audio script to accompany the visuals. I have been asked to optimise these videos and so far I have added: Title, Description and tags within the 'Info & Setting' section for each video. However I am sure that I should be adding more information to optimise these videos more completely.  I have the audio transcript in written form and have a hunch I should be adding the relevant audio transcript to each video. Currently in the section 'Add new subtitles on CC' I have 'Published' 'English (Automatic), which is an approximation of the actual script. Could anyone point me to a resource which clearly shows how to accurately add subtitles to a video.  Is it just a case of cutting and pasting and manually timing, or is there a slicker way of adding the text? Thanks Catherine

    Social Media | | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • I have noticed Spam external links linking to my website. I do not know who has handled these spam external links to my website. It looks like a Spam SEO my competitors did on my website. I believe my site was penalized by google with those spam link and lost it's visibility in search . How do I get rid off SPAM external links now?

    Technical SEO | | LIVEASISSTINFO

  • Hello, I was running universal GA via a GA Drupal module. We setup Google Tag Manager and setup a GA tag to run through GTM. When we pushed the GTM container live our Real Time was at around 1900 and when we turned off the Drupal module the Real Time was reporting around 1100. After 24 hours the sessions for that day were about 100k lower than what they usually are. Any ideas Why the larger discrepancy? Any places that are obvious to look? *I didn't setup the original Drupal GA module, nor do I know who did. Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | JJLWeber

  • Hello, i have a question about keywords in Single page website. For how many keywords should i focus in single page website? For example: In my industry are important 2 different keywords - cabinet making and **made to measure furniture. **Should i focus on both keywords or its better to pick better keyword and focus only for that one (of course including different forms of that word and so on). Thank you for help.

    Keyword Research | | Reyzer

  • Google Analytics once had a feature that showed what keywords brought traffic to your site. Then "not provided" happened...if this is so...should I trust the "Search Analytics" feature. What is the difference between this feature and the one taken away by "not provided" f this is so...should I trust the "Search Analytics" feature in Search Console ads alternative? What is the difference between this feature and the one taken away by "not provided? Thanks!! NVrjz

    SERP Trends | | HectorCortes

  • I'm trying to rank a new client for various key phrases that contain "it support." The problem is that about 100 of their 180 total referring domains have links that include "it support" (usually as partial match, or if exact then for uninteresting terms with low traffic), mostly on quite low quality directories. So, no penalty, and not much exact match I'm worried about, but I'm concerned that there's too high a percentage overall of partial match or simpy "it support"-based links for me to continue building keyword-optimized links to try and rank for the much harder terms we need to rank for... Despite the large number of low quality directories, a disavowal does not seem like a good idea since there is no penalty, but how does one avoid being handicapped by such bad links that came before one's time?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • I have been working diligently on these keywords. Not a lot of them but trying to get very specific. I have one that has traditionally been very high for our site and in one day it dropped from 2 to past 50+ when I reviewed the history I was unable to find any place to print or download the graph for the history or any place to print a report for our keyword rankings.

    Moz Bar | | signcreator

  • We own two root domains in the .edu space. According to Open Site Explorer, one has a domain authority of 76, while the other has a DA of 94. We operate a collection of degree microsites as subdomains of the lower-ranking root domain, e.g. All other things being equal, would these sites benefit if we migrated them to The question seems to hinge on whether subdomains inherit any of the root domain's authority, and the answers I have seen to that question are "sometimes" and "maybe". Lastly, as an alternative, would we realize greater SEO improvements by moving the degrees to a directory structure under domain94, i.e. Thank you for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | UWPCE

  • Hello everyone! The company I am working for is working on selling websites templates to clients in the near future. In terms of SEO purposes, would it be detrimental for our clients if we hosted all of these sites under the same server/IP? Also, in the past we've sold sites under a domain we own, adding them on as a subdomain. For example, we would own, and if Mark's Flowers wanted a site, we would give him: These sites are going to be the same niche as we are industry specific (example would be, we sell website templates specifically designed for flower shops around the United States). I want the best possible SEO experience for our clients and I believe using subdomains and hosting under the same server IP can be detrimental, but I wanted to see what the Moz community thinks of this. Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks

    Technical SEO | | KathleenDC

  • Hi, We have stackable filters on some of our pages (ie: ?filter1=a&filter2=b&etc.). Those stacked filters pages are "noindex, follow". They were created in order to facilitate the indexation of the item listed in them. After analysing the logs we know that the search engines do not crawl those stacked filter pages. Does blocking those pages (by loading their link in AJAX for example) would help our crawl rate or not? In order words does removing links that are already not crawled help the crawl rate of the rest of our pages? My assumption here is that SE see those links but discard them because those pages are too deep in our architecture and by removing them we would help SE focus on the rest of our page. We don't want to waste our efforts removing those links if there will be no impact. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Digitics

  • Hello, My website has been hacked few days Before, But after resolved it It is generating bad links, So i am Dis-vowing it , But as it is generating links like this,></p><h1>DIXCEL HS-typeスリットディ
    i am Not able to disavow it As it generating Spacing between. So my question is : Is there any Way to remove this Type of link from google???
    If any body know Please Let me know, I need Do remove this As soon as possible,
    please Help, Thank you

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | innovativekrishna1

  • I am working with my client managing/maintaining their online store.We have been making big improvements to onsite SEO, improved URL structures (complete with re-directs) etc, we use Yoast Premium to optimise pages for search and Yoast Local. We have a bounce rate of around 20%, however, suddenly in mid August, our revenues virtually vanished overnight. Moz is reporting a search visibility  drop of 51%, while visitor levels remain fairly average, certainly no drops that can be compared with the sudden loss of conversions. I am at a loss and cannot fathom why our sales have dropped. Can anyone suggest where I might look? Many thanks Bob

    Technical SEO | | SushiUK

  • Hello, Is adding meta keywords still worth doing nowadays? I have been reading and hearing some different opinions about it.  For a ' beginner ' in this field it is hard to find a definite answer to this questions.. Thank you for reading(and answering) my question!

    Algorithm Updates | | EPPD

  • Hi all, my business is on Google's knowledge graph carousel but it hasn't sourced any of the images I've provided. I've set up a G+ & YouTube account. I've added images to our wiki page and added photos to Google for our business, but to no avail. Any ideas? Cheers all.

    Reviews and Ratings | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi Guys, We have someone in the process of changing our domain from an 11 year old domain to a newer country domain of .se, He is not a web expert although he knows a lot of things. I am just wondering is there a checklist anywhere of things that are very important here that we should be aware of or he should be implementing so we can just double check that he is/ we are moving in the correct direction. Thank you for your Help. Rootin and Tootin xx

    Moz Pro | | Rootin_Tootin

  • As we all know, Google decided to give some weight in rankings to encrypted sites. SSL certificate providers are quite a lot out there, but there is also a free alternative (Let’s Encrypt). I've been going over some of these services and compared Godaddy's and the above certificates, and there isn't much of a difference. The question is: using a free certificate would have the same effect as a paid one? I would rather pay for one than be punished for using a free one, but free would be good too.
    What's your take on this? Thank you

    On-Page Optimization | | anitawapa

  • Has anyone experienced  the recent  limiting of data in the Google Adwords keyword tools -- Monthly average search volume? The average monthly search volume data used to be nuanced and precise. When searching for the average monthly volume for a keyword like "Chicago Heating and Colling Companies"now results in the vague 1K-10K . Does anyone know what it will take to get more specific ranges? I am new to AdWords and creating my first campaign. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | HectorCortes

  • I apologize in advance, but I am an SEO novice and my understanding of code is very limited. Moz has issued a lot (several hundred) of duplicate content and 404 error flags on the ecommerce site my company takes care of. For the duplicate content, some of the pages it says are duplicates don't even seem similar to me. additionally, a lot of them are static pages we embed images of size charts that we use as popups on item pages. it says these issues are high priority but how bad is this? Is this just an issue because if a page has similar content the engine spider won't know which one to index? also, what is the best way to handle these urls bringing back 404 errors? I should probably have a developer look at these issues but I wanted to ask the extremely knowledgeable Moz community before I do 🙂

    Technical SEO | | AliMac26

  • Hello i want to make a website of laptops repairing and want to target the following keywords in one post acer e55 lcd problem solution acer e55 lcd diagram acer e55 lcd ways acer e55 lcd jumper acer 355 lcd ic faultt the above keywords are just i posted an example so can you tell me how can I target them in one post haveing good title the one title in my mind is acer e55 lcd problem solution diagram jumper ways is this correct way of title or i have to do some thing else please help thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | salmansalmanpk

  • Curious. And my apologies for the naiive question. Is Yandex just focused for/on Russia? What if my clients don't have any Russian prospects or customers? Should Yandex still be included in a U.S. based business's website overall seo strategy? Thanks!

    Local Website Optimization | | mtishman

  • My site is My Domain Authority has not moved from 17 in a long time. i have done everything to optimize the different pages. I have 90%+ ratings for the various pages, yet I am still not even close to the first page for many of the keywords I am looking to rank for. Do you have any tips or ideas? Should I try to rewrite my content and add more information? I am just at a loss for where I should go to get the right traffic to my site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bigskyinc

  • Hi!  We have a pdf of a white paper on our site that ranks #1 for a niche term.  We are now exploring the idea of building a landing page for this paper with an overview (2-3 paragraphs) and a registration form for interested parties to fill out in order to access the paper. Do you think there'd be any hope of ensuring the new landing page would rank almost as well eventually (top 3)? I'm thinking a key consideration would be preserving the link juice from the existing links that are coming into the pdf, and that 301 redirecting the pdf URL to the new landing page URL could help with that.  Am I right?  Or would it be better to try to reach out to the linking sites and ask them to update their links (seems daunting). Any advice/opinions on this situation would be appreciated.  (If folks think that there would be a significant risk of permanently dropping out of the top 5 by attempting this, we would likely choose to leave the pdf ungated as is.)  Thanks!! -John

    Link Building | | jomosi

  • Several thousand of these popped up on my Crawl Report and the links appear to be searches, i.e. below 902: 403: I don't want Moz, let alone Google finding this kind of nonsensical link but I don't exactly know what the problem is or how to fix it. Am I right in thinking these are pages people have searched for? Can anyone shed light on this please?

    Moz Pro | | moon-boots

  • So I've been looking over my latest crawl and two of each category appears, the only difference between them is a / at the end, i.e. One brings in a 200 code while the other brings in a 301. Given that the 301 is in place I know Google won't see it as a duplicate, but I'm curious as to why Moz picks up on this and whether or not there is an issue that needs addressing here?

    Link Explorer | | moon-boots

  • Hi Moz! After a different question on here, I tried fetching as Google to see the difference between bot & user - to see if Google finds the written content on my page The 2 versions are quite different - with Googlebot not even rendering product listings or content, just seems to be the info in the top navigation - guessing this is a massive issue? Help Becky

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Is there a way to get the Moz Crawl Test to work with HTTPS? I just got back this error: 902 : Network errors prevented crawler from contacting server for page. Site is set up with a standard 301 to redirect http to https - or at least I certainly hope it is! Rex Swain's HTTP Header Checker took shows a standard 301. Anyone else experiencing this error? btw - this is both a specific question and an opportunity for open discussion... Thanks!

    Feature Requests | | seo_plus

  • I have 2 Domains with the same name vps nine and vpsn ine with same content. How to solve that problem? Do I need to change the content from my main website. My Hosting is having different plans, but with the same features. So many pages were having the same content, and it is not possible to change the content, what is the solution for that? Please let me know how to solve that issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alexa.Hill

  • Hi all, We have a number of 404 https status listed in Search Console even treated, not decrease. What happened: We launched a website with the urls We launched these urls sitemap. Google has indexed. ... For some reason, the urls were changed four days later by some developer in my equipe. So I asked the redirection of URLs "old" already indexed to the new (of: / url-abc to / url-xyz) all correspondingly. I submit the sitemap with new urls. We fixed the internal links. And than marked as fixed in the Search Console. But it does not work! Has anyone had a similar experience? Thanks for any advice!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mobic

  • Are we redoing a large portion of our site (not ecommerce). We have a large number of pages (about 2000 indexed pages, out of about 3000) that have been forgetten about until recently, are very outdated, don't drive any traffic (according to Google Analytics) But they are ranking very well for the targeting keyword (#3 organic for most). What should I do with those pages? Could you give any guidance on whether we should or what affect it might have one the rest of the website if we delete those pages or simply 301 redirecting all those pages to the home page?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aphoontrakul

  • Hi, We are merging two sites, differentiated by the type of customer (consumer or corporate). Currently we have: When on the new site, the type of customer can be switched by clicking 'Corporate' or 'Customer' which adds ?user=Business or ?user=Private to the url which then redirects so the URL is the same but certain features have changed. We block ?user=Business and ?user=Private in URLs in robots.txt to prevent duplicating pages. Should we redirect like: -> Or: -> (this will then redirect but the parameter is blocked by robots.) I'm concerned redirecting to a URL that is blocked from indexing is an obvious error. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoeuroflorist

  • Hi Guys Just wanting to get some feedback on best practices for international website. The main website is a there looking to target France & Belgium. The web hosting is UK based. Do we replicate the UK site and translate to local language but use a .fr domain and have 3 versions of the websites on 3 separate domains? or do just use the with french & Belgium translation have pages related to those countries? Any assistance will be appreciated

    Local Website Optimization | | Cocoonfxmedia

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a website with approx 110,000 pages. According to search console, Google will usually crawl, on average, anywhere between 500 - 1500 pages per day. However, lately the crawl rate seems to have increased rather drastically: 9/5/16 - 923
    9/6/16 - 946
    9/7/16 - 848
    9/8/16 - 11072
    9/9/16 - 50923
    9/10/16 - 60389
    9/11/16 - 17170
    9/12/16 - 79809 I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight into why may be happening and if I should be concerned?
    Thanks in advance for all advice.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Silkstream

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a website with approx 110,000 pages. According to search console, Google will usually crawl, on average, anywhere between 500 - 1500 pages per day. However, lately the crawl rate seems to have increased rather drastically: 9/5/16 - 923
    9/6/16 - 946
    9/7/16 - 848
    9/8/16 - 11072
    9/9/16 - 50923
    9/10/16 - 60389
    9/11/16 - 17170
    9/12/16 - 79809 I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight into why may be happening and if I should be concerned?
    Thanks in advance for all advice.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Silkstream

  • Moz Pro Dashboard compared my site to three competitors' site.  My site is better in every aspect.  My DA is higher, I have four times more external links, I have more relevant content than my competition, my site also is the fastest, I have solved all redirect issues, there is no broken link internally or externally.  We are custom home builders.  So all our sites have numerous full screen images.  I have optimized all of them.  When I ran WebPageTest on my competition, they all fail.  My site got A's in all categories. The three competitors' sites rank first, second and third. My site ranks bottom on the 2nd page.  Since my site was online last January, I have spent thousands of dollars on SEO work.  Its url is I am hoping somebody can point me in the right direction.  I am attaching a screen shot of my Moz Pro Dashboard. frEpZ

    Moz Pro | | pokongku

  • I did not get satisfactory answer on my previous question here - Please help me.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Alexa.Hill

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