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  • We use Disqus for our comments. However, one of the issues we notice from time to time is that it takes some time to load. So we were thinking of using the Disqus Conditional Load plugin ( so that only readers who are interested in comments can click on a "View Comments" button to load the comments. However, I wanted to know if disabling the auto loading of comments is a good idea from an SEO point of view. On one hand, it should reduce the page load times which should help, but just want to know if there are any issues I should be aware of before using the plugin.

    On-Page Optimization | | Gautam

  • I want to focus on these 4 keywords. E-waste management
    E-waste recycling
    E-waste solutions
    Brand name Do I need to create a separate page for each or can focus them from home page itself, With title tag like this E-waste Management and recycling company in _Cityname _| Brandname:

    Keyword Research | | themesh

  • I realize that I am building essentially 2 different sites even though they are connected, but on some local town pages i have 2-3 results on Page #1. Nice problem to have eh? But i am worried as for a lot of my surrounding towns my competitor has the top listing or definitely ahead of me, so i am wondering if i combine or convert my blog into the same domain as my site, then all of that content + links should hopefully propel my site to #1. Anyone have an experience like this? thanks, Chris

    Local Website Optimization | | Sundance_Kidd

  • I'm curious how Google evaluates pagespeed for SPAs. Initial payloads are inherently large (resulting in 5+ second load times), but subsequent requests are lightning fast, as these requests are handled by JS fetching data from the backend. Does Google evaluate pages on a URL-by-URL basis, looking at the initial payload (and "slow"-ish load time) for each? Or do they load the initial JS+HTML and then continue to crawl from there? Another way of putting it: is Googlebot essentially "refreshing" for each page and therefore associating each URL with a higher load time? Or will pages that are crawled after the initial payload benefit from the speedier load time? Any insight (or speculation) would be much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mothner

  • Hello, I was wondering why this is happening? In html for example the title tag is something like this: keyword 1 | keyword 2 | Brand name. Title is 67 characters.. When I search in google, I see the site but it shows brandname: keyword 1 | keyword 2 Is this bad? does this mean that google doesn't like the title tag that is in the html? I tried looking it up on google, but they were outdated and I honestly didn't really see an answer to what it means when this happens. Does the brandname: affect rankings?? Have any of you dealt with this, or noticed this?

    On-Page Optimization | | donnieath

  • I've seen a variety of services on the fringe of the SEO world that send a flow of (fake) traffic to your website via Google, to drive up your SERP CTR and site engagement. Seems gray hat, but I'm curious as to whether it actually works. The latest data I've seen from trustworthy sources (example and example 2) seems mixed on whether CTR has a direct impact on search rankings. Google claims it doesn't. I think it's possible it directly impacts rankings, or its possible Google is using some other metric to reward high engagement pages and CTR correlates with that. Any insight on whether CTR manipulation services actually work?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AdamThompson

  • This is a sort of follow-on question from a previous one I asked, where I was being advised to do this. I've inherited a poor client link profile from a previous provider, with tons of partial match links for "IT support" on a lot of low quality directories. It has been at least a year now since they were built, and I'm concerned that the abundance of them will make it harder to rank for any "IT support" keywords due to over-optimization. This is frustrating since "IT support London" is the main keyword for the home page. On the previous thread, I was advised to disavow these old links and move on, though I have heard from many in the SEO community (and read) that using the disavow tool unless absolutely necessary (i.e. In the case of a penalty) is a mistake, since it is effectively notifying Google that you have been "misbehaving" and you should stay away from sending these types of signals altogether. Can anyone with experience in this matter please advise on this? Thank you in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • Hi Moz, Our free subscription expires today and I cannot see if it has already expired? I have sent a few messages in the chat but recieved no reply. Is it too late for cancellation and to recieve a refund if a payment has already been made? Thanks

    Getting Started | | csie

  • Is there a way in which meta descriptions can be altered on AMP pages? The meta description is not pulling from the original page for each post, and current plugins such as Yoast/Glue for Yoast & AMP by Automattic do not appear to offer customisation of titles/meta descriptions. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

    Algorithm Updates | | SamClicks

  • I have a website with a number of images and I have optimized all of the images on both a file name and ALT text level, relevant to content on the page they are published on. I haven't created a separate image sitemap, but the strange thing is that Google has all of my images indexed and they can be found for the right keywords, but when I look in BING! images, there is no image indexed available at all ...

    Image & Video Optimization | | ConclusionDigital

  • Hello Experts, Is there any tool available to check which website using Lazy Load? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | wright335

  • Could anybody share how google listing will be ? the step by step process for Google business listing

    Local Listings | | Tabassum

  • Hello All, For my ecommerce site at my homepage there is an Language option of 9 different countries. My main site - and other sites are like this,, etc From my main site if user clicks on then France site will open but when he click on any link it will redirect to my UK site. On France site homepage if user hover the cursor then links are visible of UK site only. My query is ;- Do it required here to implement hreflang? As only homepage is in different language? Do it anything wrong in google point of view? Thanks!

    International SEO | | wright335

  • how can i bulk check a list of domains?

    Moz Bar | | NateLangwell

  • I am optimizing Title Tags for a WP site. I am getting ready to add keywords to the Yoast SEO. I noticed the long company name is currently the Title Tag - I choose 2-3 keyword phases per page- what do I do with the long business name?  In my own site I can post up 70 characters of keywords in the Title box and my company name appears after a pipe in the browser with my the keywords ahead of it? As Follow on my Site: Title, Tilte, Title - Company Name. Thank you! Joe

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Joseph.Lusso

  • We are currently blogging at a high volume to hit keywords for our 1,500 locations across the country. We are trying to make sure we rank well near each location and we have been using our blog to create content for that reason. With recent changes on Google, I am seeing that it is more about content topics than hitting all variations of your keywords and including state and city specific terms. We are now asking ourselves if the blog channel portion of our content strategy is incorrect. Below are some of the main questions we have and any input that is backed by experience would be helpful. 1. Can it hurt us to blog at a high volume (4 blogs per day) in an effort to include all of our keywords and attach them to state and city specific keywords (ie. "keyword one" with "keyword one city" and "keyword one different city")? 2. Is it more valuable to blog only a couple of times per month with deeper content, or more times per month with thinner connect but more keyword involvement? 3. Our customers are forced to use our type of product by the government. We are one of the vendors that provide this service. Because of this our customers may not care at all about anything we would blog about. Do we blog for them, or do we blog for the keyword and try and reach partners and others who would read the content and hope that it also ranks us high when our potential customers search? 4. Is there an advantage/disadvantage or does it matter if we have multiple blog authors? Big questions for sure, but if you have insight on any one of them, please provide and maybe we can answer them all with a group effort. Thanks to all of you who are taking the time to read this and contribute.

    Local Website Optimization | | Smart_Start

  • Google search console shows 67 backlinks. Moz shows 4. Why the discrepancy? Thanks, Thom

    Link Explorer | | thom22

  • Out of desperation (lack of time and knowing we were way behind competitors on backlinks) - I went to Fivvr and ordered 50 "high quality" backlinks. I know there are no shortcuts, but this weak little voice push through and said, "Just's so cheap, what's the harm?" Well, I should have listened to the rationale voice which is typically so much more assertive!  What to do now? *Note - I haven't had time to review them all, but at 1st glance, it appears they are off-topic, spammy blog comments 😞 - snapshot of links: 2016-09-21 11.49.26.png?dl=0 Check each page to see if the rank suggested is correct and leave links with legit high page rank? They are all garbage, try to remove them immediately - is this even possible? Watch to see if rank is positively or negatively affected, then go about taking them down if needed? Other suggestions? (Besides don't do that again, stupid.)

    Link Building | | vernonmack

  • I've just added a keyword and URL in Page Optimization. It gave me a 98 score - all good so far. But then when it added this page to the list of earlier pages it shows the keyword and URL but the title is [No Title] - and without a title I can't select it to edit it. Is this familiar to anyone?

    Getting Started | | swbaxter

  • Hi Moz Community! I'm working as a digital marketing consultant for an organization that uses us for their online registration - we do not manage their web page. The issue that I am hoping you might have some ideas on is that their SERPS still aren’t making much of a recovery since they revamped their site in mid August.  I ran a MOZ campaign for them and despite that they (eventually) got all their 301s in place, they submitted an updated sitemap to Google, aren’t hitting any crawl errors, and have a working robots.txt over two-thirds of their site pages don’t seem to be indexing.  MOZ is giving most of them a Page Authority of 1, and when I login to their GWT, it’s showing me that only 3 pages have been indexed of the 315 URLs submitted. I know Google doesn’t make any guarantees in index update timelines, but 2+ weeks seems like a long time 😞 Their website is  The site has a DA of 43 but most of the pages on the main nav are still at 1. They gave me permission to share in this forum because we're really trying to figure out a recovery strategy. Any thoughts or ideas as to what might be causing this? Is there anything else that you think I should check or that might be causing an issue? Is it possible that Google is just taking this long to index their page? Note: this page is built with Drupal. THANK YOU!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | camarin_w

  • Moz is telling me that the website address on our Facebook account is incorrect, however, when I click the link to correct the information, it is already what it should be. Any thoughts on this? Thanks!

    Moz Local | | eatatoasis

  • I'm wondering if there are any guides out there that list how subfolders should be structured for Internationalization? The first language/location that I'm targeting is Portuguese in Brazil so should my folder structure be: or I did find the guide below but was wondering if there was perhaps anything from Google?

    International SEO | | Brando16

  • Our home page is ranking for a group of search terms even though we have dedicated landings pages for them that have higher on-page scores. The home page is optimised for a base search term, i.e. "Product", and the landing pages for variations, so "Product Variation A", "Product Variation B" and so on. The home page has a slight higher PA than the intended landing pages. We are tempted to de-optimise the home page, however, the fear is that we simply lose our positions entirely. Anyone tried this before? THANKS

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Harry_TheClickHub

  • I have odd scenario I don't know if anyone can help? I've done some serious speed optimisation on a website, amongst other things CDN and caching.  However when I do a Search Console Fetch As Google It is still showing 1.7 seconds download time even though the cached content seems to be delivered in less than 200 ms. The site is using SSL which obviously creams off a bit of speed, but I still don't understand the huge discrepancy. Could it be that Google somehow is forcing the server to deliver fresh content despite settings to deliver cache? Thanks in advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | seoman10

  • Over the past c. 3 weeks our average Google SERP rankings for a site have been as follows : week 1 : average 3rd in SERP week 2 : average 1st in SERP week 3 : average 7th in SERP Reading on sites including Moz, SEO Roundtable and looking at Moz's mozcast tool it seems there is allot of change going on with Google's algorithm at the moment. Is there a general consensus as to what the new algorithm update is targeting so that we can adapt our site / marketing accordingly ? Or is it too early to adapt ? When Google rolls out an update like this is it common to see fluctuations as they try out things or if we are currently down in the rankings should we take action now. I know there a tools that look at your google analytics data an overlay a list of major google updates such a penguin and panda, but from what ive read this is a generic algorithm change rather than a defined named update.

    Algorithm Updates | | jpeg80

  • I have run a site called for the last few years. All it does is dish out a new inspiring video everyday. Recently we decided to implement an SEO strategy around the creation of quote pages. We have created 200,000 different quote pages (e.g. As well as this, we've created 15,000 author pages (e.g. We initially did a small batch to see if we could rank for different terms such as the start of a particular quote or "person's name quotes" and fortunately we ranked pretty well - on the first page for a lot of quotes, and authors. What we then did was release all of these new pages over the next week or two - so 215,000 pages. They've all indexed fine and we've received no errors on Webmaster Tools. We've not done any blackhat stuff and our domain is pretty solid having been featured by Techcrunch, BBC and others. On MOZ our individual pages are getting an "A" grade for SEO. We did this activity around 10 weeks ago. However, almost all of these pages are not ranking anywhere in Google. We accept that they may not rank on page 1 but they're not even ranking in the top 20 pages despite our small batch ranking really well. Some brand new pages, weirdly, are ranking (e.g. ranks on page 2 and ranks page 1). We've seen no real rise in search impressions within Webmaster tools - so it is as though there's a penalty on our site, but not on all of our site - and not on just the new pages. I just wondered if anyone had any idea what could be causing the issue? Is it simply that we have released too much content too quickly? And if so, would you recommend de-indexing everything and almost starting again by just doing very small batches over a long period of time. Really appreciate any advice you may be able to offer. thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SteveW1987

  • I have just been contacted by a company whose website has lost nearly all of its traffic. The web developers appeared to know nothing about the SEO aspects, when it came to migrating the website (this website change took place first week of August) - the traffic has gone from 7,000 sessions to 200 sessions a month. I can work through the usual SEO migration steps to help recover performance, yet normally I get employed on this kind of project as soon as the traffic loss is noticed... this time the traffic loss kicked in nearly 2 months ago - what are the implications of such a time lag re: SEO recovery?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | McTaggart

  • We are a medium size business on our way to expanding to new countries. Right now we have one Google+ account in Denmark. When expanding to more markets outside of Denmark, should we then set up a Google+ page for each country? Or is it better to stick with the one we have? Thanks in advance!

    Branding | | miegt

  • Hello, We're trying to jumpstart our new Ecommerce site with a blog. We just launched and have 4 thorough blog posts which I'm working to refine to 10X content. Trying to make all content 10X. As you know, it's not easy. Our niche has little to no content written by competitors. We are hoping to get to about $5000/month sales with this site. How many blog posts should we launch a week (10X content) in order to take advantage of boosting our results in the rankings as fast as possible. Does it usually take 6 months? I know the more the better, but consider we only have so many resources, so I'm trying to decide if one 10X piece a week is enough, or 2 or 3. Thanks.

    Link Building | | BobGW

  • Hello All, What is going on with Sitemap Index Status in Google Search Console :- Webpages Submitted - 35000 index showing 21000 whereas previously approx 34500 were index. Images Submitted - 85000 index showing - 11000 whereas previously approx 80000 were index. Whereas when I search in google is it showing approx 27000 index for webpages. No message from google for penalty or warning etc.Please help.

    Technical SEO | | wright335

  • Hello Experts, For my Ecommerce site I am using third party review service. Now my query is :- The reviews which is showing on my third party site if same review I can show on my product so will google consider this as duplicate content? Now that product listed on one of the category and that category page before footer section I have section of "Recently Reviewed" section in that section also it is showing same review of that product so is it fine? Will google consider it as duplicate content? Lastly I do have few subcategory pages before footer section I have section of "Recently Reviewed" section in that section also it is showing same review of that product so is it fine? Will google consider it as duplicate content?Note - Image attached of Review section -  Which is visible on category and subcategory pages.FYI - This I am doing for two purpose 1) For Visitors purpose so he or she will know reviews about my products 2) As it is customer own written reviews so my pages will get fresh content.Please share your viewsBiKmp

    Reviews and Ratings | | wright335

  • This is only meant to be a discussion. Is he legit? Is he too blackhat and the next update may make him a lot less relevant? Is he worth paying attention to?

    Affiliate Marketing | | Edward_Sturm

  • Why is it that some site rank with zero efforts? I have been working on some seo for a while on my main site and i have been getting more info competition analysis with sem and moz. Looking at the states from this website which tends to popup often in the searches on page 1-2 before my site. This site is not keyword optimized, meaning they arent even trying to rank.
    There is no content, articles etc.,
    6 backlinks (nothing powerful just 2 directory links and 2 from developer)
    Site really isnt even designed to get traffic as its a trade only ecommerce website
    I doubt they are hiding anything as far as backlinks etc. as it will get them too many visitors they dont want
    The city i am searching isnt even on the page (it is a city within a city so maybe google still relates it)
    PA 24 DA 15 Now my site:
    Optimized reasearched keywords
    175 backlinks
    All my main pages have content with images, alt tags, internal linking
    full of content, blogs, videos, products (probably 4000, could a site being too big be an issue?)
    Site gets regular updates
    I probably have 200 citations
    All the social media which gets done often
    PA 32 DA 20 They do get a good bit of traffic but that is probably the only thing i would see but it would be direct traffic mostly i believe as it would be people going to order regularly since it is a print reseller. They may have some age on me 15 vs 8 years. Could it be some kind of penalty i am not sure about lingering? According to what i know to check everyything looks ok, no shady links accoding to sem. I am working more and more on all the pages but this competittion site really doesnt have crap going on probably 8 pages and 1 page does all the ordering. What the hell does google want from me exactly!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CooperStrzelecki

  • Hello , I am in a fix right now. I have a website which is ranking well for many keywords in search engines.I am redirecting all my pages and blogs to new website with new domain name for better user experience and will be adding more content to new website. If i redirect all pages and posts from present website to new website will it affect my present rankings. What can be the possible effects that my present website will have. I need to fix this as soon as possible. I want to redirect so please tell me what best should be done as well. Thanks

    Technical SEO | | wallacep

  • I have a client who is in real estate and one of his competition used the same Name and Domain and added the word Toronto in front. The competition is putting similar content on the website. The competition also hijacked the Google listing since they both work in the same building. Is this going to affect the ranking our website? What negative effect will it put on our website?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KaranX

  • I'm working on a resources section for our website and I'm wondering the best way to handle my sites information architecture. The resources section houses things like webinars (both upcoming and recorded), case studies, ebooks, etc. Should things like webinars and case studies be considered supporting content to our main topics? For example we have a product that manages Rebates. So we have a page on our site dedicated to "Rebates". Would a webinar or case study about our Rebates software be grouped with "Rebates" or would it be grouped by content/resource type? So for example a breadcrumb could look like this: Home > Rebates > Rebates Webinar or Home > Webinars > Rebates Webinar Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | Brando16

  • Hi, We use Magento v.1.7 for our store. We have recently had an SEO audit and we have uncovered 2 major issues which can be pinpointed to our layered navigation. We use the MANAdev layered navigation module. There are numerous options available to help with SEO. All our filtered urls seem to be fine ie. have canonical url correctly setup and the meta tags as noindex, follow  but Magento is churning out tons of 404 error pages like this which google  is indexing I'm at lost at how to solve this any help would be great. Thank you **This is from our SEO audit report ** The faceted navigation isn’t handled correctly and causes two major issues:● One of the faceted navigation filters causes 404 error. This means that the error isappended each sequence of the navigation options, multiplying the faulty URLs.● The pages created by the faceted nav are all accessible to the search engines. Thismeans that there are hundreds of duplicated category pages created by one of theparameters. The duplication issues can seriously hinder the organic visibility.The amount of 404 errors and the duplicated pages created by faceted navigation makes italmost impossible for a search engine crawler to finish the crawl. This means that the sitemight not be fully indexed and the newly introduced product pages or content won’t bediscovered for a very long time.

    Technical SEO | | tidybooks

  • Hi Folks, With Google rolling out changes to AMP & webmasters being encouraged to implement AMP.
    Has anyone had any experiences implementing AMP for Magento Ecommerce. I understand that AMP is primary for articles & blog posts, but assuming AMP could be implemented on Product Pages, they would load faster & offer a better user experience & a step in the right direction What do you guys think? Many Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Patrick_556

  • I apologize in advance if this has been asked a million times but I'm just not able to find anything on it for some reason. Probably the words "site" and "search" come up a lot in this area... Anyhow, my question: How do I find trends in "site search" data from Google Analytics? I set up "site search" a long time ago. I have thousands and thousands of searches people have made on my site logged and squirreled away. The plan was to review them on a weekly basis, find the trends and start writing content to address interests people seem to be having but not finding on our site. Sounded great at the time. The problem I have, of course, is that among my 10,000 searches (many shown in Google Analytics as "no-results:cats and dogs", etc), there are slight differences that make it difficult to total up search trends. Let's say the list is like this: Term | Search Count Cats | 500
    Dogs | 500
    Cat | 250
    Dog | 250
    Cat food | 5
    Dog food | 5
    Birds | 1
    Bird | 1
    Cats are great | 1
    Cats are really great | 1
    Dogs are great | 1
    I like birds | 1
    Seriously, I like Cats | 1
    Turtles | 1 ... 10,000 more entries, every single one only 1 search per term. OK, so it looks like people like Cats and Dogs a lot, but also Birds and Turtles. But maybe there are snake searches. Maybe there are "cat pajamas" searches and variations on all of the above. Who knows what else is really trending in there??? The review of this data is MIND-NUMBING. Especially when you get into plurality and misspellings, this rabbit hole has no bottom. Is there a tool people in the SEO jam use to take a big ole CSV dump and have it magically sorted by at least potential trends? I mean, there's gotta be, right? And I'm silly for not already knowing what it is.

    Moz Pro | | rtkl

  • I am running a WordPress/WooCommerce site for a client, and Moz is picking up some issues with URL's generated from WooCommerce product attribute filters. For example: How do I get Google to ignore these filters?
    I am running Yoast Premium, but not sure if this can solve the issue? Product categories are canonicalised to the root category URL. Any suggestions very gratefully appreciated. Thanks Bob

    Technical SEO | | SushiUK

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