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  • I know when you redesign your on website, you loose about 15% internally due to the 301 redirects (see moz article:, but I'm wondering if that also applies to value of inbound links when you redirect your to I appreciate your help!

    Technical SEO | | JBMediaGroup

  • Hello Is it possible to use the landing Page reports for sites in Norway .no? If we define a search engine in UK, maybe it will mess up all the other data we are collecting? Regards
    Mogens Stoltz Wennersten

    Moz Bar | | moggiew

  • Hi, we can't find any Volume Data for Keywords in Austria.
    If we upload a Keyword List in the Keyword Explorer there is always US shown. Any suggestions? thxChris

    Feature Requests | | DIGIHOUSE

  • Hi team I was reading an article this morning from Barry Schwartz at SERoundtable about the impact of Penguin 4.0 and how webmasters are reporting minimal effects since launch. There was another article posted this morning about how the roll out may have began before the launch date, which would make sense as MozCast was reporting high temperatures leading up to Friday, specifically 9/12 to 9/15. I was wondering how everyone's traffic / rankings are performing after news broke on Friday, 9/23? Were you see fluctuations before that? What are you focusing on most now that Penguin 4.0 has launched? I understand we are a few days in and this is a real time / ongoing rollout, but I would be interested to hear what everyone has been seeing so far, if anything! Hope you all are doing well and I'm looking forward to hearing from you! Good luck!

    Algorithm Updates | | PatrickDelehanty

  • Hello, How can I remove Japanese hacker in my site?? here i have attached screen shot for it , My website is hacked From long, please help out to solve this Problem Thnx in advance

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | poojaverify06

  • HI I have resource issues and need to prioritise my time, I know both content & backlinks are important for SEO, but where will it be most beneficial to spend my time? We are a generalist site, so this also makes things tougher. I have some core areas to work on, but want to be the most effective in the time I spend on them. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • About 6 weeks ago we had a DA50 / PA50 homepage site publish an article on our company which included a money keyword anchor text to our site.. Great. Once this happened we shot up the SERP for this term, but quite a few other spam / crawler sites seem to automatically republish everything this DA50 site publishes. This didnt seem to be a problem up until a couple of weeks ago, but now with the new penguin update it seems we have been slapped with a penalty, for having 20 sites all with the same article and anchor text. (the rest of our profile is pretty natural, so this is the main culprit for the penalty) Im now going to write to all the webmasters apart from the DA50 site, and ask them to remove the article, failing that ill have to disavow them. For future reference what is there a way of avoiding this issue of spam sites republishing a propper article and triggering a penalty.

    Link Building | | jpeg80

  • Once we have contact webmasters and had some links removed / changed from money anchor text to brand anchor text. Or failing that once we have submitted spam URLs to our disavow file, should we just wait and keep and eye on the how quickly google re caches the URLs or should we try and force google to recrawl the urls quicker by submitting them to Google's submit url tool ?

    Link Building | | jpeg80

  • So Moz, Rank Ranger and data from Search Console all show this domain to be position #1 on Google for a certain search term. However, we can't see the same in manual search (desktop, mobile, incognito, &pws=0, different IPs, phone a friend and so on) and Analytics is showing no organic traffic. We can't even find the website in the top 10 pages. ANY IDEAS? Thanks in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Harry_TheClickHub

  • Hello there, As per google we need Fresh content For our website, i have content writer, but if i want to check it is duplicate before Submitting any where , Then How can i check ?? please any body let me know. Thanks,

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | poojaverify06

  • Hey there, My website All good but, in webmaster Search console some bad Queries(search terms) coming which is totally different from website. I want to make sure, is that harmful for my website traffic, as well as keywords Ranking?? How should i stop them to be crawl, ?? can any help for this query.?? i have attached screenshot of that, please check & help out, Thnx in advance.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | poojaverify06

  • Hi, my website's Keywords Ranking are going down, I am very new to SEO, I don't know what's the reason please help me website is Thanks

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | tariqsalam

  • Hi Moz Community, I'd appreciate any advice you can offer on this. We have a client with international offices, and we manage the website and SEO for some of these offices, including UK. Others, such as their US office, are managed by another agency. All websites have the same domain name, but differ in their sub domains depending on their targeted country, e.g. uk.domainname for UK, us.domainname for US. All are .com. The US office's agency re-desgined their us.domainname website earlier this year. We noticed a couple of months ago that the US website started to outrank the uk.domainname website for branded searches on Google from the UK. After some investigation, we found that their agency had incorrectly implemented hreflang tags and set the us sub-domain as the hreflang="x-default" instead of www.domainname. They corrected this and uk.domainname is now the first organic result on Google. However, us.domainname has remained in 2nd place for organic brand searches (from Google UK) for the past two months, when we were hoping that this would have dropped out of the rankings by now. We have asked the US office to ensure that their International Targeting is set to United States in Google Search Console, but have no way of knowing if this has actually been done. Does anyone have experience of this? Is there anything else we could try to stop the US site ranking for Google UK, or is it just a matter of waiting? Many thanks, James

    International SEO | | mcmnetjames

  • Hello Everybody, My main site - and other sites are like this,, etc Now if I donot use hreflang for Multilingual site then google will consider it as subdomain or duplicate site? But content of the sites are in different language. Thanks!

    International SEO | | wright335

  • hi,guys,our company have one online vape store,and now only 2000 visitors per day,anyone can help me checking where i need to improve to get more traffic from seems i need more high DA backlinks,right? the website link is : any suggestion.thanks

    Link Building | | smokstore

  • Hello, Whatever reviews I receive from customer on my Product page same reviews I show on relevant Category and Subcategory Pages. Now due to this I feel somewhat my page google consider as duplicate. Not sure. So I am planning to use either ajax or iframe on my categories pages so that google can't read my reviews of category pages. Is it a good practice to use ajax or iframe or anything else you can suggest? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | wright335

  • I hired an indian company to do some work on three sites that I own. I used a freelancing platform and they have been banned and now when i check in my wordpress sites, the admin user will not delete. Everytime i try and delete them it comes back. I change the password and the email address, but when i check a couple of hours later it comes back again, giving them full control over my sites which they are playing around with. any help would be great. I have tried going into the cpanel but it still will not delete. my hosting company has tried to delete them but it is not working

    Technical SEO | | in2townpublicrelations

  • Let's say you are building a new company that is involved in two lines of business.  Let's for example say one line of business is handling logistics for large conventions where the customer(s) are large corporation and the other line is for wedding planning.  Let's say that for certain reasons the owner wants to operate under one brand name, say "PROEVENT"  So they will market themselves as PROEVENT Convention Logistics and PROEVENT Wedding Planners. From an SEO perspective, if you have one side of the business doing B-to-B corporate business and the other doing B-to-C do you create two different websites on different domains ( and with unique design and content, or, do you just use in order to build better domain authority and on your marketing you use that takes you to the convention section of the website and takes you to the weddings section?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jazee

  • I have an established site with low keyword ranking and the keyword I am wanting to rank for it rated below 10 on Moz. It has been a few days since I published the article.

    Technical SEO | | Begbie2006

  • Hello there, I know that content in the footer of sites are safe from duplication penalisation; however, what if the footers where replicated across different subdomains? For instance, the footer was duplicated across: I don't see it as a big issue personally; however, outsourced "specialists" seem to think that this is causing duplication problems and therefore negatively affecting the ranking power of "lesser" subdomains i.e. not the www version, which is by far the strongest subdomain. Would be good to get some insight if anybody has any. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | SEONOW123

  • I'm trying to rank a brand new client site but getting nowhere for our main keyword/s - this after 6 months. We have built lots of good links and literally tried everything to fix this. What's a good way for me to test the keywords on a different page / domain to be certain the problem isn't with the vertical/keyword? I'd love to have some advice on this vs. how to fix the problem, which I've asked about here before. I'm assuming buying and trying to rank a new domain is a bad idea since sandboxing etc. could make it very difficult. Perhaps sending some links to a Tumblr page that's optimized for the main keyword or something similar? Would love to hear some suggestions - thanks a lot.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • Webmaster Tools is reporting that all of our site's URLs - located - are "unreachable." The URLs display correctly in all browsers. We recently switched hosting providers, but they assure us there is no security setting that would be causing this issue. Any ideas? Is this a glitch with Webmaster Tools?

    Web Design | | Zuken

  • Good morning, I've been using the redirection plugin on my wordpress site and noticed i have multiple IP addresses going to the same folder on my site - like "". The "folder-name" is obviously not anything remotely like any folder or file name I have on my domain - so it's obviously spammy in nature. And, there are multiple IP addresses going to this same URL address every 3 hours on the dot, so it's appears automated. Is this something to be concerned about? Should I "do" anything? Thanks in advance for reading and replying!

    Moz Pro | | mlm12

  • We've translated product description videos, typically we upload the videos to YouTube once they are complete and then embed them on our website. Should I create a new YouTube channel targeted to the locations for which these videos have been translated?

    International SEO | | Brando16

  • Hi, One of our clients currently owns a .com domain and they are interested in marketing into the Irish market. They have asked us if they should buy a .IE domain name and then forward it onto their .com one. I know that Google has been clamping down on people who use the 'Backdoor' method of buying 100's of keyword rich domains and forwarding them onto their website but would it really make a difference if they just bought one .IE domain? Keen to know if anyone has done this sort of thing before and their experience. Thanks

    Local SEO | | O2C

  • I have two internet stores for two different markets but in the same language (English), the same content and the same url (only domains different). They are in different servers one in USA another in UK. Example: (global) and (for UK).
    Currently (7 years old) is doing better but not very very well, (2 years old) is rated poorly. My question is if it's possible that google will rank both stores well in the future ? Thanks Vaidas

    On-Page Optimization | | VaidasLinen

  • Is it possible to un-disavow a link if we later decide that it isnt spammy / undesirable ? (i know best practice is to get it right first time, but worst comes to worst is it undo able ?)

    Link Building | | jpeg80

  • Hello, We recently ran a test on Rank Tracker and got a result indicating that the page in question was in position #17. We did a manual check on a Google USA SERP for the query, and found that we weren't in results where the tool had indicated. Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this discrepancy? Thanks!

    Moz Bar | | Critical_Mass

  • Hi everyone, so my company has a knowledge panel that show up for some keywords.  I use to be #1 on the map (for my favorite keyword) when Google was showing several listings. Now that it show only one, it's not me anymore and I wonder why. So what are the SEO leverage I need to focus on to win this new google knowledge panel? Thank you very much.

    Local Listings | | JimJ

  • Very quick question, are rel canonical, follow/no follow tags, etc. written in the htaccess file?

    Technical SEO | | moon-boots

  • Hey guys, We had a domain change three years ago now which was redirected. Many of the old domains have not been updated to the new domain. The redirect is in place. I'm just wondering if there would it be a worthwhile exercise to reach out to sites to request an update of the URL link from an SEO perspective? Many thanks Rob

    Link Building | | Griffith

  • Dear mozers, Thank you for your time reading the message and wanting to help! So, we have moved our WordPress to https and redirected all the content successfully via htaccess file. We used a simple 301 redirect plugin, which we are using to redirect old URLs to the new ones. The problem today is, the redirections in the plugin are not working for http version. Here is an example: htaccess redirect: http --> https Plugin redirect --> but, the url is not redirecting to while does redirects to What can you suggest as a solution? Thank you in advance! P.S. I don't think having 2 redirects for each version of the URL is the smartest solution Best wishes, Dusan

    Technical SEO | | Chemometec

  • Hi everyone, I've got quite a lot of good reviews on Google My Business, but I don't know how to get these to appear on my Knowledge Card. Any ideas for importing these across? I'd also like to include my social media tags in this card, but the HTML that I've tried to use has added the text to my homepage, whereas I wanted it invisible on the homepage but the social tags to show up in search. Cheers!

    Reviews and Ratings | | SwanseaMedicine

  • I'm having an international Drupal website and the hreflang module is in use. However, I'm still not sure how to optimize the pages. Perhaps it's easier to ask with an example **International: **
    Here we have the master content of the product **US: **
    Here we have exactly the same content as international. Nothing is localized. **UK: **
    Here we have almost the same content as on International. Here and there some local terms and extra text. **German: **
    Here we have a translated version of the international page. Questions Do I add hreflang from all to all pages + to itself? Where do I add canonicals? How should I optimize the content on the US and UK pages?

    International SEO | | Teklan

  • Hello Experts, Can anyone tell me for my eCommerce site how to configure images tracking in google analytic? And where can I see the image traffic in google analytic? Not sure I am asking correct question but confuse about image traffic. Thanks! Wrights!

    Reporting & Analytics | | wright335

  • Hello there, I have some questions pertaining to sitemaps that I would appreciate some guidance on. 1. Can an XML sitemap contain URLs that are blocked by robots.txt? Logically, it makes sense to me to not include pages blocked by robots.txt but would like some clarity on the matter i.e. will having pages blocked by robots.txt in a sitemap, negatively impact the benefit of a sitemap? 2. Can a XML sitemap include URLs from multiple subdomains? For example: would include the home page URL of two other subdomains i.e. & Thanks

    Technical SEO | | SEONOW123

  • hi guys I had 2 word press sites built but since they went live a couple of things aren't working. 1.when I do a keyword search one of the sites comes back with the actual URL and when I do another keyword search for the same site the DEV site comes back indexed and not the actual URL. 2.  The other site originally started indexing with the DEV site and not the URL and the developer tried to fix it and now it doesn't index at all. Its been long enough time for it to index. Both URL's are live when put into a browser. Any advice would be great Thanks Jamie

    Technical SEO | | HLAS

  • Hello, We have a site with 2 Penguin update penalties (drops in traffic) and one quality penalty (another drop in traffic) all years ago, both just drops in rankings and not messages in Google Console. Now that Penguin is hard coded, do you find that some sites never recover even with a beautiful disavow and cleanup? We've added content and still have some quality errors, though I thought they were minor. This client used to have doorway sites and paid links, but now is squeaky clean with a disavow done a month ago though most of the cleanup was done by deletion of the doorways and paid links 9 months ago. Is this a quality problem or is our site permanently gone? Let me know what information you need. Looking for people with a lot of experience with other sites and Penguin. Thanks.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW

  • I want to optimise the logo on our site. Our developers have presently got the site logo code like this: 601 character description, no keywords 1. How best to use the alt text and description? 2. Do I concentrate on alt text? Isn't the 601 character description:
    a) too long, and
    b) an opportunity to add relevant keywords again, like the alt text?

    Technical SEO | | abisti2

  • I have a visibilty of 1.17% andanother raknking of #7 keyword how good are these marks?

    Paid Search Marketing | | prostene1359

  • Hi, Looks like moz content is really gone 😞 Does anyone have an alternative that does sort of the same thing?

    Moz Bar | | mikeymosh

  • A site I work for has tons of organic traffic coming from branded terms like BRAND,, BRAND + Product, BRAND + question, etc. They also have a lot of non-branded terms, coming through. Overall a strong site. I've also seen websites for lawyers on TV with plenty of spammy links, almost no good ones, but nonetheless they rank well for their terms. My intuition says these are related, that the more people search for your brand, the more Google recognizes your authority relative to your keywords. Is this possible, or am I misguided?

    Branding | | krausdigital

  • I know its early days and even the wonderful Dr Pete said it will take a few days to notice anything, but has anyone seen anything. I've not seen any rise in traffic yet, but none of my ranking tracking tools have ran yet. Anyone seen anything, are you expecting to see any?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Andy-Halliday

  • Hi everyone, I am doing an external link audit for a site that contains a large number of public business profiles in it. As a part of each profile, there can be a website listed for the business, as well as a FB page and twitter etc.  Pretty standard. There are thousands of business profiles on the site and I noticed that in a small group of links to FB profiles there seem to be typos.  These are not the actual businesses that I found, but I have taken common public profiles and modified to show what I am seeing to give examples. Notice the double slash.  You can put as many slashes as you want and it makes no difference, e.g. FB shows a 200 for all of pages when it should show a 404.  There is no 301 to the correct URL. Facebook also does not canonical these other pages to the one slash URL. You could call this a potential duplicate content issue due to typos. These types of pages would be important for brand related searches for a business. Google may be smart enough to ignore them, or maybe the typo does not happen often enough that it does not really matter. I am just surprised that FB does not 404 or 301 these pages. When I checked my personal FB page URL and some of my friends, this does not happen. FB shows a 404 if you add extra slashes to personal pages. So, the duplicate issue seems to only be with business type FB pages. Curious about what the group thinks or if they have seen similar situations like this one. Thanks!

    Social Media | | CleverPhD

  • We use different headlines and text on our mobile site vs. the desktop. Our desktop headlines and text is highly optimized for SEO purposes, but because of user experience and space limitations the headlines and text on the mobile version isn't great for SEO. I'm wondering, what will google look at and will it make a difference? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Postable

  • I believe Vimeo has the advantages of being able to embed your video on your website without advertising and the ability to brand the player with your company name. Can't do that with YouTube. However obviously Google give a bit more weight to YouTube videos in search results. But I'm talking about ranking the website, not the video. If the objective is to provide the biggest boost to the website's ranking (not the individual video), is it best to embed the YouTube video or can you post the video on both YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia and embed the Vimeo or Wistia video? My gut feeling is that Google would see the direct linkage between the video on YouTube and the website it's embedded on and potentially that would have (albeit probably small) more benefit in the website's ranking than embedding the Vimeo or Wistia video? HOWEVER, re the SEO claims on this Wistia page true? Would the best strategy be to use Wistia for embedding and then also post the videos on a YouTube channel for maximum exposure? From Wistia: _Vimeo, like YouTube, is a powerful domain for SEO, but when you host your videos on these platforms, you are not doing your website's SEO a favor. When you upload your video to Vimeo or YouTube, the search engines are indexing the original url, not your website's. In contrast, when you embed a Wistia video on your website, your website gains all of the SEO benefits. Vimeo videos are ranked to drive traffic to Vimeo to keep users on their platform. Wistia videos drive traffic to your website—not ours._

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jazee

  • I have set up my robots.txt like this: User-agent: *
    Disallow: / and I have this meta tag in my on a Wordpress site, set up with SEO Yoast name="robots" content="noindex,follow"/> I did "Fetch as Google" on my Google Search Console My website is still showing up in the search results and it says this: "A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt" This site has not shown up for years and now it is ranking above my site that I want to rank for this keyword. How do I get Google to ignore this site? This seems really weird and I'm confused how a site with little content, that has not been updated for years can rank higher than a site that is constantly updated and improved.

    Technical SEO | | RoxBrock

  • Hello Experts, If I am using Lazy Load & Ajax Technology then how "" will consider website performance? I am not using this technology but few of my competitors are using this technology but still there performance in pingdom tool worst than my ecommerce site Little bit confuse please help. Thanks! Wrights

    On-Page Optimization | | wright335

  • Apparently on my last question my profile status says Staff?  Is there something I should know??  😉

    Product Support | | MickEdwards

  • Wooah, this one makes me feel a bit nervous. The cache version of the site homepage shows all the text, but I understand that is the html code constructed by the browser.  So I get that. If I Google some of the content it is there in the index and the cache version is yesterday. If I Fetch and Render in GWT then none of the content is available in the preview - neither Googlebot or visitor view.  The whole preview is just the menu, a holding image for a video and a tag line for it.  There are no reports of blocked resources apart from a Wistia URL.  How can I decipher what is blocking Google if it does not report any problems? The CSS is visible for reference to, for example, <section class="text-within-lines big-text narrow"> class="data"> some content... Ranking is a real issue, in part by a poorly functioning main menu. But i'm really concerned with what is happening with the render.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MickEdwards

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