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  • Hello, A website I am working on made it to Google's Local Pack. However, it does not have the website, hours, or location info. What is the best way to add it? I added an image link for context. Thanks!!

    Local Listings | | HectorCortes

  • We have reviews on our product pages and we are considering averaging those reviews out and putting them on specific category pages in order for the average product ratings to be displayed in search results. Each averaged category review would be only for the products within it's category, and all reviews are from users of the site, no 3rd party reviews. For example, averaging the reviews from all of our boxes products pages, and listing that average review on the boxes category page. My question is, will this be doing anything wrong in the eyes of Google, and if so how so? -Derick

    On-Page Optimization | | Deluxe

  • Hello, I manage SEO for an orthopaedic practice and I'm wondering what to do about their GMB listings. They have two locations, but I'm starting to think we shouldn't have separate GMB pages for the two locations because of the advice about other GMB questions I've been reading on this forum. I read a helpful response that said you must ensure the following if you want to create separate GMB listings: Unique name Unique address (even if only a suite / office number) Unique phone number Clearly different categories on Google My Business I can only ensure one of those - unique address. The business has the same name, phone number, and categories at both addresses. What should I do about this? I would think it's important to list both addresses so that patients can be guided to the appropriate location, but is there a way to do that with just one GMB listing? Thank you, Susannah

    Local Listings | | SusannahK.Noel

  • Hi everyone, I've read a lot about the impact of iFrames on SEO lately -- articles like for example. I understand that iFrames don't cause duplicate content or cloaked content issues, but what about thin content concerns? Here's my scenario: Our partner marketing team would like to use an iframe to pull content detailing how Partner A and my company collaborate from a portal the partners have access to. This would allow the partners to help manage their presence on our site directly. The end result would be that Partner A's portal content would be added to Partner A's page on our website via an iFrame. This would happen about across at least 100 URLs. Currently we have traditional partner pages, with unique HTML content. There's a little standalone value for queries involving the bigger partners' names + use case terms, but only in less than 10% of cases. So I'm concerned about those pages, but I'm more worried about the domain overall. My main concern is that in the eyes of Google I'd be stripping a lot of content off the domain all at once, and then replacing it with these shell pages containing nothing (in terms of SEO) but meta, a headline, navigation links, and an iFrame. If that's the case, would Google view those URLs as having thin content? And could that potentially impact the whole domain negatively? Or would Google understand that the page doesn't have content because of the iFrames and give us a pass? Thoughts? Thanks, Andrew

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SafeNet_Interactive_Marketing

  • Hey Mozzers, Have a quick question for you hospitality folks. We have a hotel property that has amenities being pulled into the meta description that aren't correct. We do have a custom meta description in the CMS but it is only pulling a portion of our meta description and is then including what appears to be a dynamic list of hotel amenities: "free covered parking; full service catering; complimentary airport shuttle". The airport shuttle is no longer free and the property is charging a small fee. All copy on the page (and across the site) has been updated to reflect this change. My main questions are: 1.) Are these amenities just pulled by Google? Do we have any control over this? 2.) Is there anything we can do to correct this error? Or do we just need to wait for it to hopefully update automatically? Thanks for the help!

    Technical SEO | | mbochic

  • Hello, I am currently working on a site that is leveraging multiple subdomains. I wanted to see if it suggested to migrate them into subfolders. One of the subdomains is a .shop and the other is location specific. Thanks, T

    Technical SEO | | Tucker_10

  • Our business is a contract packager/manufacturer of products sold to very prominent brands who sell through retail. For example, we make the sunscreen under a brand’s name, which you might then find on the shelf in Target or CVS. As I’ve optimized our pages, I’ve attempted to go long-tail, which has been simply to add “…contract packaging” or a variation after the particular product. So, instead of trying to compete in “sunscreen”, which would pit me against big-box distributors and prominent brands and sellers of sunscreen, I’ve optimized for “sunscreen manufacturers.” “Sunscreen” has 31K – 72K searches, with an 81 Difficulty and 67 Potential. “Sunscreen manufacturers” has a low 13 Difficulty and a decent 54 Potential, but only 51 – 100 searches. Some of my terms have only 0 – 10 searches, but I’ve been thinking that it’s better to compete for fewer but more qualified / buyer-intent searches and have generally lower Difficulty. Can you please tell me if this is a smart strategy, or if I should instead try to compete in higher-volume terms but much greater Difficulty? Thanks a lot for everyone's help.

    On-Page Optimization | | Beau_W

  • One of my clients has just been bought by a much larger company and thus will be losing their website and brand name. My client's site has built up a lot of traffic and authority in its space, so we are very nervous about losing all of this after the sale has gone through. The purchasing company intends for my client's services to be represented on its own website, so I am wondering, from a technical standpoint, what the best way is of going ahead with this, since my client will continue to work with the new company and would like to keep us onboard. Should we doing an 80/20 analysis, recreate our most valuable pages (eg. 70%+ of traffic is to home page) on the new site, then 301 each of these pages individually to its equivalent on the new site, while retaining as much of the old pages' on-page content/structure as possible? One thing I am concerned about is the fact that a large chunk of traffic is from brand searches. Again, should we simply recreate the home page with a page title of e.g. "X company is now part of Y company" in order that we'll still rank highly for the old company's brand name? Any advice on how to go about this is much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • Hi all My name is Riccardo and i work for a web agency. I'am working on a new client website and i have found this kind of errors through MOZ (Image 1). I checked all the URLs; they work and they remind to the Homepage.
    The website is made with Wordpress. I have already tried to solve this problem with 301 redirect but, as i supposed, it didn't work.
    I think that is a problem related to Wordpress URL in Wordpress settings (Image 2). However i would like to know if anybody had the same problem or if there are other possibile causes. Thank you in advance! zDVL0pj aB7MeGe

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | advmedialab

  • Hi all, I'm looking to re-direct one domain to another so that the content can be edited more easily under one CMS. Is this possible or will search engines penalise you for such a move? Not overly worried about losing link juice by implementing a 301 because the website we're hoping to re-direct from is a new page. Cheers

    Algorithm Updates | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Moz keeps finding loads of pages with duplicate content on my website. The problem is its a directory page to different locations. E.g if we were a clothes shop we would be listing our locations: The content on these pages is all the same, except for an embedded google map that shows the location of the place. The problem is that google thinks all these pages are duplicated content. Should i set a canonical link on every single page saying that is the main page? I don't know if i can use canonical links because the page content isn't identical because of the embedded map. Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nchlondon

  • Hello, I've a client that has many services in different locations and addresses with the same website and phone number. But the thing is they want me to involve location name to business name. Is there a way to add and verify as bulk ?

    Local Listings | | omeryamac

  • So I have a seriously large amount of duplicate content problems on my Opencart site, and I've been trying to figure out the best way to fix them one by one. But is there a common, easy way of doing this? Because frankly, it is a nightmare otherwise. I bought an extension which doesn't appear to work (, so now I'm at a loss.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • I use Opencart and have found that a lot of my duplicate content (mainly from Products) which is caused by the Search function. Is there a simple way to tell Google to ignore the Search function pathway? Or is this particular action not recommended? Here are two examples:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • What are people calling proposals, pitches & presentations these days? When someone requests a proposal from us (often for a website & digital strategy) we send 2 documents: A proposal, which is the nuts and bolts - and an accompanying presentation - which goes over our process in a more general manner: our approach to web design, our approach to SEO, digital marketing etc... basically our slick schtick... What are the terms people use for this type of document or document combo - the proposal and the presentation?

    Industry News | | wearehappymedia

  • Hello Mozzers So generally its said that when a site receives a penalty from Google - it's obvious - you can't miss it... But does google apply minor penalties (say dropping 5-10 places for one not so great link) One particular campaign we've been working pretty hard - really great stuff - all white hat techniques - but there were a couple of links I wasn't 100% sure on - but got them any way as I guessed that the effect of them, if not positive, would be neutral at worse... (The sites wen't obvious spam sites but just seemed 'not great') Recently after, we dropped around 8 place for our main keyword ranking. It's not a very competitive space. Is this likely just standard inexplicable fluctuation, or is there such thing as minor penalties or restrictions? Cheeers

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | wearehappymedia

  • Hi There, We have a test server that lives on a subdomain which we'd like to filter out in Google Analytics. We're using the hostname filter but are having trouble understanding the regex needed, we're using this as the filter pattern: Will that work? The profile is new so we can't test the pattern. Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben

    Reporting & Analytics | | cmscss

  • It can take some time for a new business website to get picked up by all the search engines and indexed. Let's assume it's going to take a month to build your new full-fledged business website.  Would it be advantageous in the mean time to immediately launch the domain with an introductory website using a template site so you might have just two pages, a home page with logo, title, brief description of pages, a couple images, etc and a contact page. Would this help give the site a "jump start" on being indexed? Or could that do more harm than good by putting up something "quick & dirty" versus the complete website with much more content, that has been SEO optimized?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jazee

  • Hey gang, First off thank you for any advice. I know we are all busy trying to make our money so I really appreciate everyone who chimes in. Links to studies and articles are also much appreciated. So. I am by no mean an SEO expert, I prefer to dabble in outreach and authentic link building campaigns. So you can imagine my frustration when I pull off a successful campaign, get about 4 or 5 great real links, raise in organic, but don't budge on the maps. I have noticed something. 1. My competition's yelp page has a couple more reviews than me (btw it's a locksmith site, I know it's a rather spammy industry, I don't do black hat...)  BUT their yelp Page Authority is like 46! Same thing with their angies list, BBB, etc etc. MINE IS 1 across the board. Now I know the internet is changing. There is usually no reason for a locksmith site to have a viral blog. Google is looking toward more Citation based authority for local ranking factors. (Or at least that's what they say, I feel like their algorithm is not yet advanced enough to catch all the spammers.) So I am going to have an ethics meeting with my company and make sure we are alwyas treating our customers fabulously as well as sometimes intentionally asking for a review, not just on google, but across all of our web 2.0 platforms. BUT How do I get MY page authority on these directories higher? By back linking to them? DO you guys think these companies actually had campaigns to get links to these directories? Did they just PBN em'? Am I stuck in 2013!? Much love guys.

    Reviews and Ratings | | Meier

  • Hello Fellow Moz'ers, My company's website,, is currently OLD and not mobile-friendly!  However, we rank #1 for out most important keywords and don't want to lose that ranking. I've recently redesigned our site, currently in testing, to use the same standard desktop pages but to also have responsive, mobile friendly, pages for different view ports. My question is if anyone knows an estimated time frame that search engines (mainly Google) takes to re-crawl the site and restore SERP rankings to their previous levels?  The reason is because we are HIGHLY seasonal and if we are not back at our top rankings by early December, at latest (November would be better), then we stand the chance to lose a considerable amount of traffic/revenue. -The Unenlightened One

    Web Design | | Stew222

  • What's the best way to sort canonicals on duplicate product pages generated from products being in more than one category in a Magento web store? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Kerry_Jones

  • I understand that only listing one address on a company website helps maintain NAP consistency, but is there a way to safely have a second address listed? A client of ours recently asked us if we could put their P.O. box address up on their website, so that THEIR clients would be able to conveniently look it up when mailing in documents, paperwork, checks, etc. They presently have their physical office address listed on their site, as well as in local listings. One idea we had would be to have the P.O. box address listed only on an image, so the crawler won't see the address, but there are potential accessibility issues with that solution. Would any specific kinds of markup or meta tags prevent the P.O. box from getting picked up and causing NAP confusion in local listings? Or am I simply overthinking this one? Thanks!

    Local Listings | | BrianAlpert78

  • I can not use MozBar,  receive a pop up about API credentials and when I go to Moz Help am asked to login but my credentials do not work. moz-login-issue-2016.09.28.png

    API | | Stacious

  • Hi, We have gone through a change of company brand name including a new domain name.
    We followed google recommendations at: and it seems to have worked really well, the new domain has replaced the old in the google search results. My question: Still most of our backlinks, both anchor text and links use the old brand name and domain and it´s a slow process trying to update all references. Although they get redirected fine to the new domain (also following google recommendations), I wonder if the current scenario is doing any harm, SEO wise (other than the missed visual exposure of the new brand name) ? ...since the old brand name is not present at the new site I´m thinking of including "New brand name - previously old brand name" somewhere just to provide some sort of connection to all old backlinks, would that be unnecessary? I should mention that the old brand name actually includes our most important keyword but the new brand name does not. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Agguk

  • Hi there, I am trying to track my search queries on my site with GA. Until now, I have to result? Any tips?

    Search Behavior | | TonikSEO

  • Hi, First time posting! Our website was page 1 for just about all local searches (legal related). Due to a rebrand we took the site over onto a new domain name and it has totally dropped - on average pages 8-9, even for local searches. The transfer was done back in May, I did expect a hit but I assumed it would recover fairly quickly but it doesn't seem to be the case. Any ideas/advice/tips would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Jamie

    Technical SEO | | jamiericey

  • I have a new client site that is not appearing anywhere in the top 100 for its main keywords. ASSUMING that this is not an issue with optimization or link quality, I am wondering whether it might be the following... The client's company has a parent company whose website has decent authority. This website links to the new (client) website. In addition, the 2 press releases we have done include links to both companies, since one was an outgrowth of the other. This is all 100% natural, so my inclination is that this is not causing the issue. But does anyone have any experience to suggest otherwise? That having website A linking to website B, and 50+ press release websites linking to both, could be causing the algorithm to throttle website Bs ability to rank? Thanks in advance!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | zakkyg

  • We are seeing a sharp increase in Bounce Rate on the website via Google Search Console. Is it possible to drill down and find out which pages are causing this? And if so, is it possible to find out why?

    Technical SEO | | abisti2

  • I've got an old defunct domain with a lot of backlinks to individual pages. I'd like to use these backlinks for link juice by redirecting them to individual pages on the new domain (both sites belong to the same company). What is the best way to set this up? I presume I need some kind of hosting & site, even if it's just a default Wordpress install, which I can then use to set up the redirects? Would it be best done using .htaccess file for 301 redirects or some other way?

    Technical SEO | | abisti2

  • Hi,For some reason, on my tracked keywords summary page, the URL shown to the right of each keyword appears to default to my homepage and not the page I want that keyword to rank on. How do I resolve this? I've tried looking around but can't see how to change it so that the correct URL is shown against the correct keyword. Many thanks! Bob

    Getting Started | | SushiUK

  • Should I use canonical tag in these cases? On the page itself (with the tag pointing to itself) On pages that doesn't have duplicate versions

    Technical SEO | | GoMentor

  • Hi, I have a problem with my website. From my PC, when I search for the homepage of the website doesn't appear, but on other PCs (different IPs) it is ok. 
    Also any keywords that usually responded with homepage, now responds with other page. Does anyone know way this is happening. It happen before the Penguin update, and after a fetch like google and send to index, I had the homepage back on serps

    Technical SEO | | Silviu

  • Hi Guys, Can anyone please help with my situation. My domain is I had title setup in every pages differently, and it has been 2 months since I made the changes. I keep checking by using in search. So far, only 1 title that been show correctly in SERPs. I used SEO Yoast before, I changed to All In One SEO Pack plugin, the titles are changing, but still not accurate as I made it. Somehow Google altered it by itself. I have tried fetch and submit sitemap couple times from Google Search Console. Could anyone please advise?

    Technical SEO | | ray.soms

  • When I crawl my site MOZ gave me 275 Pages with Title Missing or Empty within the High Priority Issues. So I went I reviewed it and the pages are Tag's that I use in my Blog posts. For example: How do I fix this? Is that a real error or is just MOZ been MOZZY? The pages have Authority 11, may I put some content on those pages since they had a decent rank? Maybe I can use this to my advantage? Or maybe I should choose my tags better? Is there anything to learn to tag?

    Technical SEO | | mcuenca2410

  • I have a site that is for a service company, not image based like a photographer or artist. We utilize the Portfolio feature to create a gallery of floor coating finishes (images of all the flooring finish options available) but this solution has created /portfolio/file-name pages for each image. These pages have no other content besides the image. I've run SEMrush audits on this site which shows a high percentage of pages with low text/code ratio and duplicate content (a lot of the finishes have very similar names). This site has been extremely slow to improve any visibility online (more than 9 months) and I'm wondering if this is a factor by possibly having a negative effect on our site. We initially chose the portfolio option because it was the best-looking solution for our users but we can certainly change it to another format if that is better. Thanks!

    Web Design | | WillGMG

  • Hi guys hope you can help - we have recenetly added a couple of "store views" to our magento website, in order for us to break down orders from channels that feed through M2e pro. What is great is that it gives us a little break down on amazon, ebay and the store sales separate, depending on which we select. However  - we have ran into a issue with duplicate content, mainly on pages such as the checkout? /checkout/?___store=default&___from_store=m2e_ebay /checkout/?___store=default&___from_store=m2e_amazon Issue being the above - I am hoping we can keep how we have broken down the store for a quick reporting instance by day. However how do / if I can  - get round this?? Surely if I was to redirect on the checkout it would cause issues. Any advice greatly appreciated Kelly

    Technical SEO | | KellyLloyd666

  • We are working with a client who has one irrelevant, off-topic post ranking incredibly well and driving a lot of traffic. However, none of the other pages on the site, that are relevant to this client's business, are ranking. Links are good and in-line with competitors for the various terms. Oddly, very few external links reference this off-topic post, most are to the home page. Local profile is also in-line with competitors, including reviews, categorization, geo-targeting, pictures, etc. No spam issues exist and no warnings in Google Search Console. The only thing that seems weird is this off-topic post but that could affect rankings on other pages of the site? Would removing that off-topic post potentially help increase traffic and rankings for the other more relevant pages of the site? Appreciate any and all help or ideas of where to go from here. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Matthew_Edgar

  • We have an e-commerce client that is launching a new site. In setting up for it they decided that they want to change their navigation on the site and url structure. So everything being even, the new site will have appropriate 301 and it's built on Magento so the product pages are all structured as but the category pages will now be deeper than before. So before it was will now be generic category/product-category/new-subcategory/product-category. Hope that makes sense. I'm not as worried about the 301's or specific products but I'm worried the category pages dropping a folder level will hurt page authority. Any thoughts, am I being overly nervous?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BCutrer

  • In spot checking some pages that I recently launched, I found subdomains ranking in place of the domain. The strange thing is, we never set up these sub-domains and they don't exist on our server. The pages, though they're indexed with the proper title and meta-description, time out when clicked. We're operating on Drupal 7, pages launched at the beginning of the month. The other pages within the series of content are ranking properly. Any thoughts or tips to resolve this?

    Technical SEO | | JordanNCU

  • We have a client who before us, had a website that was blacklisted by Google. After we created their new website, we submitted an appeal through Google's Webmaster Tools, and it was approved. One year later, they are still unable to rank for anything on Google. The keyword we are attempting to rank for on their home page is "Day in the Life Legal Videos" which shouldn't be too difficult to rank for after a year. But their website cannot be found. What else can we do to repair this previously blacklisted website after we're already been approved by Google? Here is the website in question:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | rodneywarner

  • If want to manage my website I will need moz pro;  butwhere can i find training touse moz pro for my website?

    Getting Started | | prostene1359

  • Hello Moz Community I have three separate websites that I have planned on merging into one. I recently acquired a strong domain ( stronger than my existing ones ) & after much deliberation, I have decided to move them together into one domain. Site 1) 1 Forum - Around since 2007 - Originally VBulletin, last year migrated to discourse. Site 2) E-commercece Magento Site - Around since 2010 Site 3) WordPress - Blog & Articles - Around since last year - Currently using the new ( Main Domain I want to use ) After a lot of research and White Board Fridays, I was thinking this would be my best bet:  - Merged WordPress & Magento CMS Page. forum <-- Will move my forum content & Install to the new domain. store <-- Will move my Ecommerce content & Install. Between my developer and I, we have our heads around how to handle the technical aspect of the move, 301s to the new location etc. But one area we want to research before pulling the trigger ( we haven't found much data on this ) **My Main Question:**What is the possible penalty coming for shopping websites vs. content-driven websites, and possibility that forum-based content hosted on the same domain might cause another penalty to be applied to the other content on the domain. **My Developer Says:**In recent years, we noticed that forum content had been penalized in favor of editorially reviewed content when this is identified by search engines.
    What big hiccups would / could we encounter from  combining these 3 types of platforms into one site?Many thanks for any direction or insight.

    Technical SEO | | Shop-Sq

  • I have a business i'm working with right now who wants to improve their rankings in a very competitive legal niche. Are there any Local SEO gurus out there that would be willing to explain in a paragraph or two what's going wrong? Let me know if you'd like to help and I'll PM you the domain.

    Local Website Optimization | | BrianJGomez

  • Search "Venturize", the first result is Venturize with the
    description "Get help on finding the right loan for your small business
    and learn what to look for when comparing your options." However, if you Google "Venturize opportunity finance network", the
    first result is Venturize with the description "Playing:360p@30. Embed
    size: CDN:fastly. Open link. Twitter · Facebook · About Venturize ·
    Contact · About OFN · Mission-Driven Lenders: Locator Map." Why is Google not taking the meta description in the longer tail search? I have checked: All of google's indexed pages for the website- A 3rd party crawl of the website- Multiple other keyword combinations Nothing produced the same result or indicated a reason why "Venturize opportunity finance network" has the incorrect meta description in the SERP.any ideas?

    On-Page Optimization | | WWWade

  • Our e-commerce site currently has thousands of duplicate pages indexed because category listing pages with all the different filters selected are indexed. So, for example, you would see indexed: etc. There is a logic in place that when more than one filter is selected all the links on the page are nofollowed, but Googlebot is still getting to them, and the variations are being indexed. At this point I'd like to add 'noindex' or canonical tags to the filtered versions of the category pages, but many of these filtered pages are driving traffic. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | fayfr

  • Other than Google and Bing, which search engines should we submit our sitemap to?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | NicheSocial

  • Hello This questions plays on what Joe Hall talked about during this years' MozCon: Rethinking Information Architecture for SEO and Content Marketing. My Case:
    So.. we're working out guidelines and templates for a costumer (sporting goods store) on how to publish content (articles, videos, guides) on their category pages, product pages, and other pages. At this moment I have 2 choices:
    1. Use a url-structure/information architecture where all the content is placed in one subfolder, for example Although it's placed here, there's gonna be extensive internal linking from /content to the related category pages, so the content about bikes (even if it's placed under will be just as visible on the pages related to bikes. 2. Place the content about bikes on a subdirectory under the bike category, **for example ** The UX/interface for these two scenarios will be identical, but the directories/folder-hierarchy/url structure will be different. According to Joe Hall, the latter scenario will build up more topical authority and relevance towards the category/topic, and should be the overall most ideal setup. Any thoughts on which of the two solutions is the most ideal? PS: There is one critical caveat her: my costumer uses many url-slugs subdirectories for their categories, for example, which means the content in the first scenario will be 4 steps away from the home page. Is this gonna be a problem? Looking forward to your thoughts 🙂 Sigurd, INEVO

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Inevo

  • Hi, I´m working with a site where clients proudly will publish a link to us as sort of a sign/partner symbol for using our services. Potentially we could have thousands or at least hundreds of links pointing to us and we could tailor/provide snippets for the links that clients can use on their site. I´m part of a team that just started working with this site and I realize this is a great opportunity that has not yet been exploited. I´m also a little paranoid that this tactic might be picked up by the penguin or that google sees it as black hat if not done wisely ? But links will only come from respectable business sites although ranging from different genres both really big and small.
    Today links are mostly leading to our frontpage from our clients but I would like to tailor links so that each client could link to a page that is targeted on the keyword/service they have been using (and awarded diploma for) I think this would serve both the client and our SEO better ? I would really appreciate suggestions and comments on how to approach this best! Here is my plan so far, trying to make good/right use of the opportunity without offending google:
    -Most links will be through a logo/sign that shows the award/diploma earned through our service.
    I think the "alt" -tag should include both our company brand name and the service/target keyword for the page it´s leading to. -We could also provide a short text describing the earned award and our brand name and this whole text would also lead to the same page on our site.
    ...I guess using only the targeted keyword as anchor -link within the text would be a bad idea? -Where possible I would also like to customize this short text a little for each client (although that will be hard and only possible to some degree). As we provide "link material" for the client to include on their site, would it be wise to have them use an image that is hosted on our site or send them the image so they can publish that instead? Grateful for any feedback on this! Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Agguk

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