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Category: Content Development

Ask and answer questions around the topic of content development for SEO.

  • Hi there, I would like to know how to work on my blog to get more organic traffic. Thanks!!

    | lucywrites

  • Hi everyone, On our corporate website we have a blog where we publish articles which are directly related to our company (house heating systems and gas cylinders) and some articles which are completely irrelevant to our core business, but which might be of interest to our potential clients. Recently I've been told that it is not a good idea to include these not directly related posts to our core business, because Google might be somewhat confused at to what our core business is all about. I was advised to research this topic and think of completely removing blog posts that are irrelevant to our core business from our blog. By removing I mean completely removing pages and setting a 410 status to tell Google that it is not a 404 error but that these pages were intentionally removed. I would like to hear some independent advice from Moz community as to what I should do? Thank you very much in advance.

    | Intergaz

  • We have a client with many international locations, each of which has their own ccTLD domain and website. Eg,,,, etc. Each domain/website only targets their own country, and the SEO aim is for each site to only rank well within their own country. We work for an individual country's operations, and the international head office wants to re-use our content on other countries' websites. While there would likely be some optimsation of the content for each region, there may be cases where it is re-used identically. We are concerned that this will cause duplicate content issues. I've read that the separate ccTLDs should indicate to search engines that content is aimed at the different locations - is this sufficient or should we be doing anything extra to avoid duplicate content penalties? Or should we argue that they simply must not do this at all and develop unique content for each? Thanks Julian


  • We are rebranding and our new name is fairly lengthy.  We own all main domain versions of our brand name - .com, .new and .org  - There is a very high search volume for the new brand name as it is a merger of 2 popular existing brands so want to take advantage of that and use our full name within our website domain name. However, since the name is a little long as mentioned - 25 characters - we also own the 3 character acronym of the new brand so we are debating on using the acronym for our new email addresses.  ie so it is user friendly. We would obviously redirect the acronym email domain to point to the longer website domain. Are there any negative SEO effects if we do that?  Use the longer domain for the website and shorter acronym for our email? Thank you

    | shpala

  • Hi! Are there any recommendation voor Duplicate Content finder tools? Is it offered on MOZ (not the one that belongs to 'seo issues') or a different site?

    | Marketing-SurpriseFactory

  • I have a blog post that has been generating more than 75% of my website's traffic month over month.-averaging about 1000 views a month. Awesome that so many people are finding and benefiting from this post, however it is really skewing my traffic. I have an 87% bounce rate, and I'm only ranking in terms related to this post as opposed to industry related terms. I'm not sure what to do with this blog post. I want to be able to better evaluate my website's performance and be sure I'm targeting the right audience in order to gain more leads. Would a 'noindex' or 'nofollow' be appropriate here? Thanks!

    | Ali_DeLeg

  • Random I know. I started a fun pet project at Total spam. Totally says it's not spam. Satire and all, something only SEO people will get really. Anyway I want to make a sidebar of other "not spammers" and need to find a bunch of spammy websites. Problem is they don't rank in search engines obviously so I know of only the ones who leave comments on some of my wordpress sites. Anyone have a list of a bunch of them so I can link to them in my blogroll?

    | DanDeceuster

  • How to optimize pages in other languages, we have some pages in other languages, such as Italian Spanish French Portuguese. But our budget is limited, and we are not very good at so many languages. How can we achieve better results with only a few pages? Does a link in English work? []( []( []( []( []( []( []( []( [](

    | ahislop574

  • hello guys recently i buy a expire domain rowlyrics  but i dont know the spam score of this domain. now its spam score is 46. how m reduce the spam score pls help me guys

    | msingh9040

  • I'm trying to encourage content editors to only  post content in either English or French. For example we have a French press release but the team are wanting it on our site in French and English.  I thought this would fall under duplicate content rules. Does google penalize you if you post content in French and English on a website?

    | EstherBrice

  • Hello friends
    How can we increase the credibility of the site's domain to be legitimate?
    How useful do you think generating content can be for a site?
    You can see me at the address below.

    | moziran104

  • Hello, For one of our sites, 19 keywords are ranking on Home page. But, the home page doesn't have content with those keywords. I am afraid that with Google updates, we will eventually lose all the ranking position for these keywords. Should we ask the client to create blog around those keywords or create separate pages ? Thanks

    | Johnroger

  • ı am trying to improve internal linking in one of my projects. I wonder if there is any difference in bottom top and footer linking on a website. You can check the website here, ı added my main pages in menu and others in bottom top. İs there any evidence that it is usefull or not. I did not see short term evidence.

    | OmerYoluk

  • Hey Moz fam! I had a blog that was doing pretty well for the target keyword. Unfortunately, to make a long story short, we had an image in it we weren't supposed to so I unpublished it for a few days while we got that sorted out. Since republishing (with all the same content) it has not gotten a single impression. I inspected the URL and it is totally eligible but nothing in the way of organic traffic. Any ideas on how I can recover?

    | danieldaher

  • Hi, A website I look after was hacked.  We cleaned it up , removed malicious content and changed passwords.  However the bogus links which were created have kept multiplying.  Search Console is all clear.  But they keep adding to Google, bogus links. My client site is For example There are thousands of bogus links created.  But I believe they are outside the hosting. Any help would be appreciated.

    | Lime-Results
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi, I am the editor at a travel website based in Singapore ( In mid April, we suffered a drop out of the blue and in total, it was a 20% drop overall. We post about 2-3 new articles a day, and we do research our keywords. I have also been updating our older ranking articles but seems like it's not really working. In May, we only received a .50% growth 😞 I have to bring it back to speed, and I really dont understand  the decline, since the "formula" of our postings has been the same since I joined the company a year ago. Please help thank  you! onjn7UV

    | mousepad88

  • I remember when I first started to see people tweeting their content summaries on twitter. At first I was interested and would click through but I started to get blindness to the posts in my feed because it seemed like people were getting lazy with it and it was just an easy way to get a couple of retweets or likes. I recently had this proposed to me as an option to share content but was wondering if anybody was effectively using it and having success with it? Does it have a strong user base? Are there any brands using it effectively? Look forward to your feedback!

    | Brando16

  • Does anyone have a solution where you can use a listing of page names with tiers in a Google spreadsheet and have it dynamically appear in a visual sitemap architecture format within in a Google document? Thanks in advance Moz community!

    | peteboyd

  • Hello Expert, I wanted to know, can I use expired domain content on my blog channel. I  have done many searches on google but couldn't find a satisfactory answer. Please help me to find out this.

    | vijay7796

  • Hey Everyone, I'm trying to rank for specific long tail key words such as: lower back pain treatment exercises lower back surgery options herniated disc exercises and etc. My question is: If I create a blog or article on these key words and integrate content and video within it and on youtube, will these blog posts come up locally when someone searches it within my area?

    | backinmotion123

  • I found the answer on this -- interestingly, I had changed registrars and they didn't pull over the DNS information correctly.  This caused the above issues.  Once I identified this, I updated the DNS correctly -- at registrar and server -- and things worked fine.

    | newbyguy

  • Hi I have recently been looking for some new content creators to work with. And I recently asked a blogger that I know of how much he would charge for some content creations. I told him that I'm looking for some good compelling content that is about 400 to 500 words. And he told me that he would charge $180 an hour. I sorta feel like that's a bit to much, but I don't want to jump to conclusions without any advice from you all. I'm very well versed in my SEO and do most of the work for my site. But I think a fresh touch would really be helpful.

    | LittleDog

  • Hi, My website would receive a lot of traffic and then I asked a SEO company who contacted me to do some work on the site. Since then, the site has dropped in the rankings and our traffic has dropped by like a lead balloon. Instead of receiving thousands of visitors, today we have received 10. I am finding that I have articles no longer in Google but they are in Yahoo. Here is an example of an article that was once popular I have tried everything and now I do not know where to turn. I am not sure what they have done but everything has now failed. We have not been penalized and our hosting company have said they cannot find anything wrong. Due to this problem we have stopped writing articles and have spent all our time trying to work out what has gone wrong. If anyone can give me advice and point me in the right direction then I would be in your debt.

    | travelmagazine

  • I recently changed my wordpress theme from a standard free theme to a newer theme. The home page I switched up a bit adding more calls to action to some of our top posts and leading people to popular categories and so on. This greatly improved the usability of our site as it allowed us to highlight new posts. The previous free template simply listed 10 of our most recent posts on a page with small snippets and then you had to move to the next page to keep reading. Since switching my theme the blog traffic has stayed relatively level. That being said, the specific posts traffic is going up a lot whereas the organic traffic to the blog homepage is now nearly depleted. Is this a common thing to happen or is there anything I can do to fix this issue?

    | saultienut

  • How do I find blog post ideas for my website blog when there are only very few questions people have. I am a tour operator operator and the the keywords I target are Provence bike tour, Normandy bike tour , Tuscany bike tour and so on. I am trying to to find blog ideas to create a topic cluster for those pillar pages. Any advice on how to find blog ideas that could boost my pillar pages. Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • We operate a blog inside a folder on our site and considering the launch of 4 highly focused blogs with specialized content which are now categories on the internal blog. Wondering if there is more value in using the external new blogs or just keep growing the internal blog content. Does fact that the internal blog is buried amongst millions of pages have any impact if we want the content indexed and value given to the links from the blog content to our main site pages.

    | CondoRich

  • Is it true that cornerstone content should have at least 3,500 words? I've done some research and found that the recommended amount is between 2K-10k. Also, the content that we create/publish has a lot of references/citations at the end of each article. Does Google discern words from the main text and from the references? Meaning should I count references as part of the word count? Thanks for the help!

    | kvillalobos

  • I'm working with a content team on a job search guide for 2019. We already have a job search guide for 2018. Should we just edit the content of the job search guide for 2018 to make it current for 2019, which means the job search guide for 2018 would not exist anymore or should we keep the 2018 guide and just create a new web page for the 2019 guide that way both exist. We currently rank very well for the 2018 job search guide.

    | Olivia954

  • Hi, im a newbie and im getting a bit overwhelmed by the information regarding setting up the blog. im sure that
    when people start off they tend to have very few articles , and their designs would be much different from
    what they have started? do people start off with hefty number of articles at the start? or can they progress
    with few articles for SEO purpose? and the most important thing is that what would the layout be 
    at the start of the website design, im sure they wont be any homepage displaying articles from different
    categories as there are only few articles so do we keep the blog page as the front page? please explain guys! thanks

    | Jal__Jaun

  • Hi guys, Just a quick question here - will google penalize a website for having both Canadian and American spelling on a webpage or negatively impact rankings? Appreciate your help with this. Mark

    | marktheshark10

  • I have been experimenting a little bit with desc lengths and keyword density. Sometimes MOZ says keyword stuffing and google ranks higher the page with higher density. Obviously, it can't be artificially packed with keywords but putting more than GWT/SEO suggestions sometimes comes with a good result. What is your Experience? if you decide to extend the description to 5000+ characters would you hide this to Javascript or kept it all on the page? Bottom or Top. Does it really matter? (We are talking about e-commerce category page)

    | Miniorek

  • Is it necessary to have the exact keyword which you are trying to rank for within the first sentence of the content on your web page? For example if we are selling men's shoes, is it ok to have have the meta title and h1 on page say men's shoes and just talk about shoes within the first sentence of the content on the page. Is it obvious to search engines that this page is selling men's shoes even if you don't have the word men's shoes in that first sentence or is it necessary to have the exact keywords which you are trying to rank for written there?

    | whiteonlySEO

  • I am in process of trying to help a client (who I also am an associate for) and they have over 600 pages (which are images) that have the same info in their tag, missing description, and you are talking 1500-2k pixels in their title. I called the host and the owner of the host said "If you were a real seo you would know that the title length doesn't matter." .... help me out here.

    | SeobyKP

  • Hi there, I am starting to write a blog and I wanted to know how to write for SEO correctly? I have been reading a lot about this subject lately and I found very different opinions in terms of length and keyword use. Could you give me some advise about this? Thank you!!

    | lucywrites

  • Hi there, I am starting to write a blog and I wanted to know, how to write meta descriptions correctly? I have been reading a lot about this subject lately and I found very different opinions in terms of length. Could you give me some advise about this? Thank you!!

    | lucywrites

  • Why do different blog lengths affect SEO differently? Is it directly affected by Rankbrain or the Google Algorithm, or is it more because of user engagement?

    | CyrusDariusXerxes

  • Hello, Can someone tell me please why are the links to a site's blog not displayed prominently? Why are they hidden away in the footer? Wouldn't making the link to the blog more visible increase traffic?

    | CyrusDariusXerxes

  • When creating a privacy policy page- much of what needs to be added is legal information.  This means privacy policy pages may be very similar to others' privacy pages in my niche. Are they all pretty much generic?   We have a few different companies and I'm thinking we can have one created and then modify them per company? Is this correct? Mary

    | MaryNix

  • Hi there, I am starting to work on my web and I have a question regarding the featured images of the articles. How can I work with them to improve the SEO of my posts? Thank you in advance! 🙂

    | lucywrites

  • Hello MOZ I really need some help here and would love your advice! I have access to a fantastic PBN through my sister's work colleague who is an experienced marketing director. The PBN is relative to my industry and are all DA 50+ My sister is a copywriter and is putting content together around 500-600 words long. My questions are: How many backlinks should she include in each guest blog post? Are 2 too many? Should the anchor text keywords be exact to the products I am selling? Tips/Advice going forward with the project? Thank you!

    | Luca_D

  • Hey, so I have been wondering for some time now as some pages will get indexed and others won't appear at all. That makes me think that I am either creating to similar content or it is becoming too spammy. Take these two pages I created for example. The body content is very similar but h tags, meta tags and title are different. So my questions is; would pages not be displaying due possibly being too similar and spammy or duplicate? I have linked two pages that are very similar below and would love to hear any thoughts about it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    | Niclasfa

  • Hello, I've got a really simple a basic question : is it an issue to put an excerpt of a text at the begining of a page, with a "jump to full text" link at the end of the excerpt ? So the first part of the text will be duplicated. A solution would be to hide a part of the text and reveal it with a "read more" button, but we don't want to do that, we want users to be able to read the full text just by scrolling + we want to put an excerpt "above-the-fold" content It's a product page. A second question : we've got duplicate content between our brand category pages, and the related product page, because the presentation text of the brand is shown on the product page + on the brand category page (it's presentations of distilleries, so it's a valuable content for the customer, we want to show it directly on the product page). Do you think it's a big issue ? Or maybe we can think : "ok, there is plenty of other text on those pages, so it won't matter" ?

    | Colage

  • Looking into allowing comments on a business blog:  Which is the best software to use to allow readers to leave a comment? (Use wordpress) One that will help eliminate spam. Are there some that allow you to sign in without social accounts (Facebook etc) and are there some that allow you to sign in with social accounts? Thanks

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • We have used blogs on a good number of client sites and always got good results from having them. However do you feel its best to have a blog as a subdomain or included in the site ie or

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hello, this is a very specific SEO issue my company and I often have so we want to get a definitive answer for it. Let's say we're writing a guide about a product. Would we be better off releasing that guide as soon as we can (the information embargo date) or is it better to post that guide on the day the product officially releases for the public? We really don't know the answer here, because while we understand being first is very important, we wonder if timeliness with when people are searching for the information matters more. Thanks for all the help, Moz community!

    | TwinfiniteSEO

  • I am working on a website that has been publishing content for years. Some of the content is 6 or 7 years old! Daily, I am re-writing, updating, or deleting old content, and adding new content. We have covered every topic under the sun (within our niche market), and sometimes new content is similar to old content in some way. Or, we are answering the same question a dozen different ways. I have always assumed this was correct for SEO, but I was challenged on this notion today and now I am questioning the practice of writing content that could be the same (or similar) as the old content we have written. What are the pros and content of creating "duplicate" content, provided it is never an exact carbon copy of our older content.

    | GreatLegalMarketing

  • I want to use some content that I sent out in a newsletter a while ago - adding it as a blog to my website. The newsletter exists on a URL and is being indexed by Google. Will this count as duplicate content?

    | Wagada

  • I "thought" I fixed a bunch of missing H1's on my blog, but when recrawled said the issue is still there. Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong or how to fix? I'm not sure what to do other than put in an H1 heading-which I did. Thanks! Jamie

    | JamieReinhart

  • Is it a good or bad idea to have other blogs, for the same company??

    | Coppell

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