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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi everyone,
    I'd appreciate some insight on a keyword stuffed site map I've seen on a site similar to ours (we don't have this kind of menu ourselves).
    This is accessed from a site map. Do you think it's too blatant / keyword stuffed? I haven't done this with our site, but am interested to see a big reputable site doing something so clearly just for SEO.
    Would it work? Or would search engines dislike it? I'd really appreciate your thoughts.
    Thank you.

    | TheJewelleryEd

  • I built the site about 5 years ago, but the site has been live for more than a decade. Tyler has hundreds of churches and Sylvania Church currently site ranks second for most variations of "churches in tyler tx." Sylvania has a well-optimized homepage, several well-optimized subpages, a consistent sermon audio feed, and an increasingly used blog. In addition to what's on the site, there are a few other relevant sites that link to the Sylvania site and I have completed profiles on virtually every business listing site known to man. Here's the oddity. The website that ranks third and even displaces Sylvania for the second place spot from time to time ( has only been a live URL for a few years, has no readable text on the homepage other than the nav menu, has very little content on the subpages, no blog that I can find, and fewer links from less authoritative sites. What's even odder to me is that Sylvania Church has the following numbers according to the MozBar: PA: 26 mR: 3.64 mT: 3.28 DA: 14 DmR: 3.27 DmT: 2.74 The numbers for CrossPointe: PA: 24 (2 less than Sylvania) mR: 4.68 (1.04 higher than Sylvania) mT: 5.30 (2.02 higher than Sylvania) DA: 13 (1 less than Sylvania) DmR: 2.98 (.28 less than Sylvania) DmT: 3.49 (.75 higher than Sylvania) The obvious question is, "Why does Moz like this site better than mine? What am I missing?" Thanks for any help you guys can give!

    | cbizzle

  • One of my websites was ruling the roost shortly after it launched. We cover BTS (behind the scenes) etc of the TV shows that my production company makes. But then it all went downhill. I do understand that my readership fluctuates with the number of shows I am doing and therefore covering but for a show like "Qubool Hai" which has been running for the past 3 years and we do almost two posts about it - we rank nowhere. Could posting about this "too much" be a problem? Anyway I have been breaking my head over this for the past six months and spent a lot of time trying to set this right but: 1. I am running out of time as I am about to start directing another show. 2. I am not even sure if what I am doing is right! Can any person/company Which is well trusted help me out of this situation? Here is a screenshot of my latest report from MOZ:

    | gmaxstudios

  • I have several car catalogs that I use to direct my customers to the parts for their vehicle. Example: My customers like the approach. They can easily find their vehicle, then scan the columns for the parts that they need. Each part number is a link and the part numbers are sometimes posted several times in one column. All of the links are internal to the web site. My fear is that this is going to be treated as a link farm. I have considered using a PDF catalog with links, but that is going to be hugely expensive. What do you think? Thanks for any help Mike

    | mikescarb

  • Hi, I know that use of '&' would be helpful to save space and also add more keyword variation to the title tag. But just want to make sure if it matters if I use '&' in most of my title tags? And also is it common to use more than & in one title? Would the following title be different in Google's perspective regardless of the title length? I am thinking they are all targeting the keywords 'fruit cake' and 'fruit bread', but the first one is the best. buy fruit cake & bread buy fruit cake & fruit bread buy fruit cake and fruit bread Thanks in advance.

    | russellbrown

  • Hey guys!  We are preparing a few product landing pages and want to make sure the alt and title tags are done correctly. We looked at landing pages from Apple and Google Nexus and found that they had very few alt and title tags (or none). Are we missing something here? Should there be an alt for every image and title for every link?

    | TVape

  • I have a WordPress website that I started building for free and eventually paid the $50 bucks for the premium version.  My goal right now is to increase the speed.  The current speed rating for the site on Google Insights is 60/100 for mobile and 66/100 for desktop.  I have used some plugins to help me increase the speed, but the previous number were the best I could do.  How can I get this site at least into the 90/100 range?  Should I buy another template, or can I hire someone to go through and optimize it.  I would like the best option that is as cost effective as possible as this is a hobby site for me.  Thanks!

    | FierceFrame

  • I currently work as an SEO/SEO in training. Oftentimes I get projects that require me to look at well established websites of big brands, the kind one would assume put a lot of effort into their sites, and make SEO changes. Additionally they want "actionable" changes that can be made on the fly so content creation, and most linkbuilding, is usually out of the question. Does this limit me to just changing meta titles and descriptions? What if all that seems alright too?

    | Resolute

  • Hello, fellow MOZers. Here is the question: Is there any benefits/disadvantages of having pages, grouped by common type of service, to be put into subfolder with keyphrase-friendly phrase? Example: We have website and several services under "SEO" niche, such as: SEO (page name seo-houston.php) Social Media Marketing (page name social-media-marketing-houston.php) Email Marketing (page name email-marketing-houston.php) So, is it better to have these pages in root directory like this:**/seo-houston.php****/houston-social-media-marketing.php****/email-marketing-houston.php** OR is it better to group them in subfolder "houston-seo-services" for "extra" keyword and convenience reasons like this: Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks!

    | seomozinator

  • If a site has more pages and also has good internal linking, then logically it would rank better.  Is this the case?  Should I be building big (but high quality) sites?

    | T0BY

  • Best SEO experts you know in India Chennai. Does anyone know of few companies who deal with SEO to help optimize keywords? and get more traffic for our website? thank you

    | bsharath

  • Hi, I manage this WordPress website I've been looking for ways to improve the product template and have come up with the following - you can see how this compares to the old template Basically I've moved the description copy for the product from the main body to an alternative field and disabled the reviews tab below the product images to give a more compact feel and better use of the space available in my humble opinion! The client approves too. However I was just about the change all the other products to match this one - but suddenly thought is is wise to move all text out of the main body just to improve the look? I wondered what impact this might have on search. Any pointers would be welcomed. One course of action might be to find a new theme that's just a little more accommodating! Or to develop this theme further to ensure the main body copy is displayed where I want it to be? Regards to the Moz community - thanks for reading. Nathan

    | nathangdavidson

  • my domain and page authority is working well right now but my Google Page Rank has no any rankings as we speak. What to do now? can some of you give me advice on this? Thank you very much in advance.

    | Panoramictrip

  • My website is an ecommerce and we have on homepage about 470 links ! 1. We have a top bar with my account, login, faq, home, contact us and link to a content page. 2 . Then we have multistore selection 3. Then we have the departament menu, with several parants + child category links 4. Then we have a banner 5. Then we have a list of the recently sold and new products. 6. then we have an image grid with the most important cms/content pages (like faq, about us, etc) 7. then we have footer, with all info pages, contact us, about us, my account etc. There are some links that are repeted 2, 3 times. For a user it is easier to find the informations but I'm not sure how search bots (google) deal with that. So I was thinking on how can I have around 150 links to be followed. To remove the links from the page is not possible. What about to add nofollow to repeted links and some child category, as the spider will crawl the father and will access child on the next page? Is this a good strategy?

    | qgairsoft

  • I know that Google understands various acronyms. Example: If I search for CRM System, it knows i'm searching for a customer relationship management system. However, will it recognize less known acronyms? I have a page geared specifically for SAP data archiving for human capital management systems. For those in the industry, they simply call it HCM. Here is how I view my options: Option #1: Option #2: Option #3: With option #3, i'm capturing the acronym AND the full phrase. This doesn't make my URL overly long either. Of course, in my content i'll reference both. What does everyone else think about the URL? -Alex

    | MeasureEverything

  • I have this .com domain which is the corporate website. Next to this domain, we also have local domains. We would like to test with a different meta-description per country on this one corporate .com domain. Does anyone knows if this is possible and how we could integrate this?

    | WeAreDigital_BE

  • Hi, I have a question about internal duplicate content. We have a catalogue of around 4000 products. Most of these do have individual descriptions but for most of the products they contain a generic summary that includes a sentence to begin with that includes each product name. We're currently working on descriptions for each product, but as you can imagine it's quite a chore. I was wondering if there are actually any penalties for this or whether we can ignore the crawl errors from the moz report? Thanks in Advance!

    | 10dales

  • Hi all, I'm targetting a keyword and we used to rank quite good for it. Last couple of months traffic of that keyword (and variations) is going down a bit. I wrote an extensive new post on the same topic, much more in dept and from 600 to 1800 words covering the same topic. Is it better to update the old article and mention that it's updated recently, or publish a new post and redirect the old post to the new post?

    | jorisbrabants

  • Does anyone have recommendations on the best tool(s) to use to check the keyword density of each page of a website? I'm not sure if SEOmoz has such a tool.

    | webestate

  • I need some fresh eyes on this traffic of mine. I have compared the dates to when updates have been rolled out (panda, penguin, page layout, top heavy, etc...) and I cant match these dates with any of them. Can anyone maybe shed some light to my traffic drops and recovery then traffic drop again and see if there is a correlation with any major updates? Dropped Jan 22 2014 Dropped April 4 2014 Recovered August 25 2014 Dropped September 18 2014 google-analytics.jpg

    | cbielich

  • I have an automotive dealer as a client. The primary nav has a finance menu item, which (of course) points to the finance related pages. He just requested that I add a finance link item, as child menu items, under the new and used car nav items. Now, this is wrong for a host of reasons, what is the best way to communicate to this to him? I mean, I see this as a usability issue, it's wrong thematically, we would end up having 3 links pointing to the same page. Would this classify as dupe content?

    | AfroSEO

  • Below are some of the urls highlighted as having duplicate content - These are neighborhood reports generated for 4 different zip codes. We use a standard template to create these reports. What are some of the steps we can take to avoid these pages being categorized as duplicate content?

    | urahul

  • Hi there I run and I've set up some Structured data using Google Webmaster Tools which says it will be picked up during the next Google update (has been set up over 4 weeks ago), however I dont seem to see any of the structured data for the products/reviews/ratings etc coming through in search results. Question at hand: Is there additional things I need to do in the code of the website or should this be sufficient? (see attached screenshot) szpFUpX

    | IsaCleanse

  • When trying to rank a page high for a certain keyword, I usually go by the following plan. 1. Focus on on-Page SEO. Title tags, webpage URL, unique quality content. In other words, make the page the best you can for the user using the keyword you want to rank for. 2. Promote the page via social media. 3. Try to link build to the page. Contact high-quality sites and have them try to link to your page. I was wondering if I am missing any steps, or do you use other methods when trying to rank for a certain keyword?

    | trumpfinc

  • Hello,I am trying to do an audit of the internal links of my site at  I am having great difficulty simply trying to establish how many internal links there are on the home page.  Off the top of my head I think there are probably 20-25 but Screaming Frog tells me there are 574, the MozBar is listing zero and Open Site Explorer is telling me my site hasn't been indexed yet.  I have tried several web based services but most of them don't work.  Can anyone recommend a tool which has given them a number they trust? My second query is that one of the tools told me that there are 4 links on the home page with no anchor text, linking to  Is this a problem? Many thanks, in advance. Toby

    | T0BY

  • There are few ways to do this and I would like to ask other Mozzers if they have found the best way. We have a site and are moving it back to .com.  However we do not have any access to the site folders for  (We have to move it anyway as our provider is withdrawing their service). We have built our URL 301 redirect file and it is ready to go, but how to impliment it? We can repoint to another site, and then redirect all traffic for each URL but this is quite messy, or just forget trying to 301 each page and just rediect the whole site.
    the .com has more authority already, but we ready do not want to frustrate visitors who are using a link to reach a product, only to find they hit our homepage and not the product. Your thoughts would be very welcome or other ideas Bruce

    | BruceA

  • Hello, I have just used (the amazing) Screaming Frog to check my site and it is listing the two following pages as having duplicate titles, making me think it is seeing them as duplicate pages. Do I need to redirect one of these? Thanks in advance! Toby

    | T0BY

  • I'm working with a client who is redesigning their site and the new design is very image heavy. Does anyone have any recommendations on the minimum amount of text the homepage should have so that it will rank (or at least not be penalized)? It's a site created by a known brand, but the site itself and URL are relatively new. Katherine

    | KatherineWatierOng

  • Hello, Using Moz I can see that my ranks for my site for keywords such as 'ear plugs' and 'molded ear plugs' and several other keywords aren't as high as other sites with similar DAs. I can't see why, am I missing something? Many thanks, Toby

    | T0BY

  • Hi, we are a celebrity site but also own a separate sports site with its own URL. We have a link to that site in our Nav bar. Are we being penalized by having that link? thanks

    | Uinterview

  • I posted about the Google WEbmaster tools Structured Data set up in this thread here: Just a follow up question (or separate)... would having a lot of products with marked up data (via webmaster tools and not on page) hurt SEO rankings? I have not got any warning/notice etc in Google Webmaster tools about it. Search term 'buy isagenix' on Google Australia Product listing page not in top 50 15th Result on Google Australia for 'buy isagenix' is a different page on my website: Any suggestions welcome

    | IsaCleanse

  • I always struggle with these pages I have on my site going back and forth debating what I want to do with them. On one side Google was content, yet at the same time its all about user experience. I used to have all my words listed on one page which could have been well over 10,000. Now I pagination them as you can see. I debate writing a header of content for these pages, but honestly users just want the words. Get in, get what you need and get out. What is the recommendation on these pages. Should I write content? Should I not?

    | cbielich

  • On our website we have all F's even though we have the targeted keyword in the title, url, meta desc, h1, body and some of the img alt's. They still show zero uses of the keyword. Are we missing something here or is this some kind of bug or glitch? Any help or advice is appreciated, Thanks. Keyword: 2015 Toyota Tundra Hilton Head Website:

    | stokesautogroup

  • Some internal links are indexed and some not of the same page of the website, what is the so and what is the reason behind?

    | renukishor1

  • i am setting up a new company and I need to register a domain name, is there any advantage to using the full name of the company in the domain name? I know it used to be important but does it still make a difference? If possible I would like to just use say the first letter of each of the 3 words instead what will amount to 23 letters but of it makes a difference then 23 letters it will have to be. Thanks

    | Ast9858

  • Hey Mozzers, I've recently been doing a content audit on the category and sub-category pages on our site. The old pages had the following "profile" Above The Fold
    Page Heading
    Image Links to Categories / Products
    Below the Fold
    The rest of the Image Links to Categories / Products
    600 words+ of content duplicated from articles, sub categories and products My criticisms of the page were
    1. No content (text) above the fold
    2. Page content was mostly duplicated content
    3. No keyword structure, many pages competed for the same keywords and often unwanted pages outranked the desired page for the keyword. I cleaned this up to the following structure Above The Fold
    H1 Page Heading 80-200 Word of Content (Including a link to supporting article)
    H2 Page Heading (Expansion or variance of the H1 making sure relevant) 80-200 150 Words of Content
    Image Links to Categories / Products
    Below the Fold
    The rest of the Image Links to Categories / Products The new pages are now all unique content, targeted towards 1-2 themed keywords. I have a few worries I was hoping you could address. 1. The new pages are only 180-300 words of text, simply because that is all that is needed to describe that category and provide some supporting information. the pages previously contained 600 words. Should I be looking to get more content on these pages?
    2. If i do need more content, It wont fit "above the fold" without pushing the products and sub categories below the fold, which isn't ideal. Should I be putting it there anyway or should I insert additional text below the products and below the fold or would this just be a waste.
    3. Keyword Structure. I have designed each page to target a selction of keywords, for example.
    a) The main widget pages targets all general "widget" terms and provides supporting infromation
    b) The sub-category blue widget page targets anything related and terms such as "Navy Widgets" because navy widgets are a type of blue widget etc"
    Is this keyword structure over-optimised or exactly what I should be doing. I dont want to spread content to thin by being over selective in my categories Any other critisms or comment welcome

    | ATP

  • I keep getting a ton of web spam crawler traffic from Fort Lee. Anyone know who this is?

    | cbielich

  • Hi I am trying to understand why a page list in position 1 on Google despite the fact it does not include the search terms anywhere in the page source.  One of our sites has been in that position for years has great content and links for the key word terms so how can the other page overtake it and all of the other keywords without so much as a sniff of the keyword in the URL, Meta, content or images. It grades F on Moz! How can I discover the technique that has been used.  This really is black art stuff or do Google accept payment from major corporations to list their pages irrespective of content?

    | Eff-Commerce

  • Question, on moz analytics, for my homepage, I've gotten the " Too many on page links" notification every crawl. I've always ignored it because i didnt think it affected ranking or anything really. The on page links on the bottom of our homepage are landing pages. Most users reach those pages by searching those specific pages on google. We just decided to put them on the bottom of our page for unknown reasons. My question is, should i remove the landing pages on the bottom of our homepage? WIll it improve search rankings for my homepage? if i do remove them, should i put the landing pages on another page besides the homepage? Does google index my website better without the on page links on my homepage? My website is-


  • I currently have an insurance website that has over 40 offices in Ontario. The site also provides online quoting.
    In some of our programming, we have implemented variables in the URLS that will allow the quotes to go to the specific city offices - the issue I am having is that the quote in itself is the same quote form (same title, same meta) because it's technically one page on the website. We did it this way to avoid having to update 40 forms if a field on the form were to change. Is there any way I can relieve my site of this duplicate title tag/meta tag issue? Any insight would be really appreciated - thanks so much!

    | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi all, I was wondering if the homepage of has hidden content in a search engines eyes. There is some text which appears  underneath a tile  called "hair tools" that has to be scrolled in order to be viewed by a visitor. As this isn't the typical white on white or off page by CSS hidden content are we in danger of being penalised?

    | BenfromBNKR

  • My client has their opening hours displayed on the right hand side of their website. Can anyone help provide an example of how I can wrap opening hours schema around this? Please bear in mind the opening hours is the only thing I want to be visible on the page. Thanks

    | Tug-Agency

  • Hi Im not sure what triggered this - Page title is showing up as 'Isagenix Australia'  while it should be <title>Buy Isagenix with 30 Day money back guarantee & Free Shipping in June</title> Previous title was 'Isagenix Australia - Read Isagenix reviews & buy isagenix products' but now it seems to have a mind of its own. Any suggestions would be helpful

    | IsaCleanse

  • Does Google view the colon as a keyword separator like it does with the pipe (|) character? Currently, our site automatically constructs the title tag based on the page name given by the user.  Long ago, we started using the colon character to visually separate the brand & model of the product from the size, and as a result, all of our title tags have been constructed this way. This was done more to make it easier to read for humans than for search engines.  My question is - should I consider getting rid of the colon from our title tags? To give more info, our website sells tires. So, for any given model of tire, there might be 25-100 different individual sizes.  The tags are constructed as follows:  (brand)(model) : (size).   Here's an example from our site: GENERAL ALTIMAX ARCTIC : 225/45R17 91Q The brand is General Tire, the model is the Altimax Arctic and the size is 225/45R17 91Q Since this entire string really constitutes the full product name, should I remove the colon so that Google views it that way?  Or, since I have used a colon instead of a pipe, will Google simply ignore it and treat the entire string as one keyword phrase?

    | kcourtem

  • For instance, one item where the only difference is the Sports Team Logo is different, etc... or It comes in a variety of color Variants. I'm using Shopify.

    | pstone29

  • Hi All, We have lots of articles on our news page of our website. Should we add one of us as the author to gain Author Rank points so to speak ?.. Have not done anything previously with this but just wondered if we were missing a trick here thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hey. We currently have a US version of the site  (/us) which is displaying in US Google Search. However the /us domain is also showing for our Google searches. Is there a way I can ensure the /us is only displayed for US searches? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated 🙂

    | LoveCrafts

  • On our panel for Google webmaster tools we had a problem where there was an error when we did some testing of our products. Missing prices seemed to be the problem. This has now been fixed but on checking when testing it returns the prices in US Dollars. We are a UK company with a number of currency options. Should we be worried about this or should the system return the prices in UK Pounds as this is our main currency? Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • Hi Everybody, I have two e-commerce sites just launched with not much content at the moment just user login pages for the clients to avail the service. The management is not interested to put much content there i think. Maximum what they will be putting only 5 pages of content in total, not more than this. Any practical tips how to optimize such sites especially when there is not much content. Best

    | Sequelmed

  • Hi all Looking for a second opinion on a strange issue with has occurred on my site. The site is a magento store and because I am using all the default merchant descriptions at the moment I have noindexed the product pages (there are 300k products, the plan is to rewrite the content as we go, starting with most popular sellers).  The Gbot is blocked from the pages and all the products have  header tag. We forgot to noindex the popular search terms page on the site and as a result google has indexed some search result pages - we may keep this open, not sure yet, We are seeing a very strange thing in the serps. Google has indexed the search result pages, as mentioned above, however, the description and title tag being used do not belong to that page, they belong to the product page the search result links to. If i do a search in google for the indexed pages i get the categories and lots of, what appears to be, product pages. One would assume that a page listed with the title of Ladies 1 Pair Young Trasparenze Mumbai Animal Print . and the description of Come on, program a little of your crazy side! Part of the edgy, sassy Young Trasparenze Medley, these soft touch, nontransparent stockings function a crazy, (along with the price) would be an entry for that individual product. However, clicking on that product opens up a search results page (very slowly as the site is processing an update still - it is not for public use thus far) which can be seen here  yes, the search result page is for that particular item but nowhere on the page is the title, description and price, nor has it ever been. Am a little puzzled about this and what it would do re duplicate content as im using the manufacturer data at present. Ideally i would like to keep the search results pages open. Any thoughts would be most welcome. Couple of things to note. Im aware the site is too slow for general public use. It will be fully cached once running, as i say, it has 300k+ products so isn't small. Also, am aware that there are no images. They exist but we are moving the images around, hence being down. Always a fun task when there are 25gb of the things!! Many thanks Carl

    | WonkyDog

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