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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi and thanks for looking. Due to internal constraints we are looking at a .net cms and ecommerce solution, I would have preferred a magento and wordpress solution but we have to work within our constraints. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on what cms they would use with seo in mind and what eCommerce platform, again with seo in mind. thanks again for looking and all replies gratefully received.

    | Renford_Nelson

  • Hi, Could anyone take a look at - a few years ago it used to rank highly for 'artificial grass' ... then when Google rolled out its algorithms punishing websites with poor links it lost all it's rankings. We've disavowed almost all of the bad links, and have been adding new optimised content etc over the past few months but rankings still haven't improved. Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks

    | icansee

  • Hi there, We are currently doing an SEO audit of an ecommerce website and we ar eunsure on the best practice in terms of using canonical link tag for some product variations. An example is that the company has a product with two colour variations: Black and Tan. These are for the same product and have 99% the same content. Within the content of the page the colour is the only thing that changes (along with the meta information and imagery of course). My question is should we choose one product and canonically link back to that one i.e. Black is the main product and we link Tan back to this via a canonical link? Many thanks in advance.

    | yousayjump

  • Our site has been updated twice in the past 6 years with new, better urls. Initially we did 301 redirects 3 years ago for the url redirects. Recently some of those redirected pages have been redirected again. Question: How long before it's time to have the old, original urls removed through Google? And, once that is done, how long to wait before removing the older redirects from the htaccess file? Appreciate any feedback/insights on this matter.

    | Manifestation

  • What kind of link i should give when i mention someone in a blog,  If they already have a better DA then my site.

    | jogindergujela

  • We have an ecommerce site. If we have a product that is not going to be available again and the url of the product is not in the Google index should we re-direct it to a category page or do a 410? Thank you as always in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • Hello, I need some help, i am trying to figure out why my Organic traffic has gone down so much in the last six months and trying to find a solution, but I am at a lost as to what i should be looking to see how to fix it. I hope you can help or give me some ideas as to why. Thank you in advance.

    | blinky51

  • My site customer has 2 domains pointing to the same site. So i have 2 domains with the same content, with problems about content duplication. How can i resolve this situation?

    | Maximilian21

  • Hello. I made a lot of car accident lawyer city pages.  They probably weren't as unique as they should have been. Suddenly, they all disappeared from the rankings and I freaked out.  Then, two days later, they all returned. Is this a bad sign?  Should I be worried? Why would they drop out of the rankings and come back in? Let me know, thanks.

    | RafeTLouis

  • Taking Great Photographs Underwater May 25, 2015  By  No comments yet  florida keys, key largo diving Excuse my ignorance, I suspect this is an easy issue...but at the the top of each of my blog posts have what you see above....the "No Comments yet" tab is showing as a broken link 404 error...?Why? And how to fix?Thank you

    | sdwellers

  • <form id="form-t3_37nfib9dz" class="usertext" action=""> Hello all, I am very new to SEO. For some reason many of the pages on my site were de-indexed. Specifically the ones linked from this page: However other pages, like the ones linked from this page and this page were not de-indexed.[1] However the pages linked from this page were not de-indexed:[2][3] That first page itself was not de-indexed, just the site that it links to. It just happened today, so maybe I am jumping the gun but I doubt it. When I enter the page into google webmaster tools again and press fetch, one of the child pages, it re-indexes. What could be the problem here? I had someone re-write the content for every city but I have a feeling that there is less differences in the car accidents pages? Is this considered duplicated content do you think? Am I making some other mistake I can't think of? Is it just a one day blip (I doubt it) Let me know, thanks. </form>

    | RafeTLouis

  • We have partial match penalty in WMT on one of our smaller sites. There are a few (less than 10)  instances of widgets linking to us using our Brand Name as the anchor text. Would this fail a reconsideration request do you think? The widget links without the no-follow attribute.

    | Simonws001

  • I use Wordpress for my business website...when I was looking at my html using "source" on Google, I noticed it looks like my site html has 2 sets of meta tags?  is my site
    I do not know why, and I am not sure how to get into my html using Wordpress to delete one set?

    | sdwellers

  • I am working with a company who does consulting work across multiple industries, but the services are essentially the same. Example Services: They implement "Customer Relationship Management" systems and "Data Archiving" Solutions. Example Industries: The services above can each apply to "Oil & Gas" or "Retail". Example URL Structures: <-- This page would also contain links to all of the services provided to the Oil & Gas industry. This seems like the best way to go, as long as i'm writing unique content, for each industry, for each service (i.e. I need to explain how a CRM solution solves specific problems in retail and OTHER specific problems in Oil & Gas). While there will certainly be some overlap, this approach seems logical to me. The URL length isn't too long either, which is nice. The company currently solely focuses on services in URL structure (not a very deep site): Since they have already worked with hundreds of clients in multiple industries, it seems smarter to start focusing more on individual customer segments. Would anyone else do this differently? Thanks, Alex

    | MeasureEverything

  • So, I have just purchased screaming frog because I have some specific tasks that need completing.  However, looking at Screaming Frog generally, there is so much information I was wondering for those who use it, what are the top key tasks you use it for.  I mean what are your "go to" things you like to check, that perhaps are not covered by the Moz Crawl reports. Just looking for things I perhaps hadn't thought about, that this might be useful for.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • So I was reading this article today Can setting a link to the same color as regular text and applying text-decoration:none really be considered a 'hidden link'?

    | cbielich

  • I have a new Drupal client and am getting a duplicate page error and indicates "?inline=true" after the domain as the culprit. Google comes up empty 😞

    | JimCoarse

  • Hi - I have a question on how to both avoid duplicate title tags and duplicate content AND still create a good user experience. I have a lot of SEO basics to do as the company has not done any SEO to this point. I work for a small cruise line. We have a page for each cruise. Each cruise is associated with a unique itinerary. However the ports of call are not necessarily unique to each itinerary. For each port on the itinerary there are also a set of excursions and if the port is the embark/disembark port, hotels that are associated. The availability of the excursions and hotels depends on the dates associated with the cruise. Today, we have two pages associated with each cruise for the excursions and hotels: When someone navigates to these pages, they can see a list of relevant content. From a user perspective the list I see is only associated with the relevant date (which is determined by a set of query parameters). Unfortunately, there are situations where the same content is on multiple pages. For instance the exact same set of hotels or excursions might be available for two different cruises or on multiple dates of the same cruise. This is causing a couple of different challenges. For instance, with regard to title tags, we have <title>Hotels in Rome</title> multiple times. I know that isn't good. If I tried to just have a hub page with hotels and a hub page with excursions available from each cruise and then a page for each hotel and excursion, each with a unique title tag, then the challenge is that I don't know how to not make the customer have to work through whether the hotel they are looking for is actually available on the dates in question. So while I can guarantee unique content/title tags, I end up asking the user to think too much. Thoughts?

    | Marston_Gould

  • Dear friends, We have a problem which occurs on our page with duplicated page titles. Landlords are posting rooms on our page and most of them are giving the same name to the rooms and after that, we are getting more and more duplicated page titles. We are applying random whit this title tag: Accommodation for students in {}: {name}. English title
    Certified student rooms in {}: {name} English title
    Erasmus room for students in {} | {name} English title
    Student room in {}: {name} English title Also our title tag is sometimes to long but there is no possibility to make them shorter. I think. If anyone would have some idea be free to comment and help us. Kind regards Miško Macolić Tomičić


  • I have been trying to do some research on the Page Layout Algorithm and Top Heavy Ads and much of what I read does not mention about mobile pages as apposed to desktop. I am curious if the Page Layout updates can be effected by mobile pages as well and if there is any good articles on this subject. Also is this Algorithm been incorporated into its regular algorithm or do we still have to wait for refreshes to see the impact? Cesar

    | cbielich

  • Dear all, 
    Im doing SEO for a finances website, and Im struggling to find a schema plugin for wordpresss that would contain "News Article" schema. Can you give me a hand with this? Best regards. Pablo

    | plcarrara

  • Please review the H1 tags for my website and let me know if they are ok or I need to change them? Website -

    | Green.landon

  • I am a close up magician based in the UK and have just signed up for Moz Analytics and looking through the info now. The first issue was that it says my home page had an F grade for "table magician" My home page is not really optimised for table magician but Moz is suggesting I do. So my question is do I go with Moz and adjust my home page to match even though I have a dedicated page for table magician. Is this title tag for the home page too much. Roger Lapin: Wedding Magician - Close up Magician - Table Magician ?? Thanks

    | rnperki

  • Here is 2 scenarios Scenario 1 Lets say I have a site with a ton of pages (100,000+) that all have off site duplicate content. And lets say that those pages do not contain any rel="noindex" tags on them. Google then decides to de-index all those pages because of the duplicate content issue and slaps me with a Panda penalty. Since all those pages are no longer indexed by Google does the Panda Penalty still apply even though all those pages have been deindexed? Scenario 2 I add a rel="noindex" to all those 100,000+ off site duplicate content pages. Since Google sees that I have decided to not index them does the Panda penalty come off? What I am getting at is that I have realized that I have a ton of pages with off site duplicate content, even though those pages are already not indexed by Google does me by simply adding the rel="noindex" tag to them tell Google that I am trying to get rid of duplicate content and they lift the Panda penalty? The pages are useful to my users so I need them to stay. Since in both scenarios the pages are not indexed anyways, will Google acknowledge the difference in that I am removing them myself and lift the panda ban? Hope this makes sense

    | cbielich

  • Could you please provide some suggestions about how to improve the domain popularity and link popularity of our website

    | nlogix

  • Hi there, Does anyone know if placing canonical tags in the body instead of the header of a page will still "take"? The system we are on means that making an editable header is no easy business and I was just wondering how big of a difference it makes to have it in a different area. Thank you in advance.

    | Whittie

  • Hi guys, I'm having a question, answer to which i'm unable to find anywhere. I browesed the whole internet lol. So the question is about multipple versions of the home page. In particular, i want to know how should i deal with home page URLs with this extention: /index.html All the rest possible versions of home page i know how to deal with but this one "/index.html" i don't. I did add a cononical tag to it but i'm wondering whether or not i should add 301 redirect to chosen version og the home page (let's say it is Please advise the best practices on how to deal with this. Thanks in advance!

    | odmsoft

  • Just Curious if this is an SEO No-No! I have set up the box to do some cool SEO transitions but am curious if I am loosing on a signifigant amount of internal linking considering anchor text or if Google recognizes the h2 as anchor text. Thanks. [ Article Title Article Synopsis Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.](internal-page.html)

    | Vspeed

  • I am pretty sure that the mobile version of the main site needs to be the same canonical link from what I understand. I am trying to find good docuementation that supports this. Even better if its from Google or Matt Cutts. I have a main domain like the mobile version of this is Should my canonical be rel="canonical" href=""/> for both these pages?

    | cbielich

  • We have 4 Magento store fronts that operate out of the same backend. Is there any way to safely have products that span multiple stores without getting a duplicate content penalty? thanks!

    | Shop-Sq

  • Hi all, I was hoping that someone might have a link to a good example of an XML Sitemap for a large property (real estate) website? Thanks in advance to anyone who does! 🙂 Gavin

    | IcanAgency

  • I have an e-commerce site with a very important page that have over than 200 links...I have read in various sites that is bad to have too much links in page...what do you think? This is one of the most important pages in my site = general product page. Thank you!

    | Maximilian21

  • Hi All, Hope you can help. For some reason Moz is pulling up different versions of the same URL as confilicting / duplicate page content.  Whats the best way to rectify this or is it something that I should just ignore. /NSW-locations , /NSW-Locations, Nsw-locations Very weird but they are the same page ?!? Cheers Dave

    | CFCU

  • Webmaster sitemap how to tell Google to recheck and no of times to check a day? But how often google  check if the sitemap version changed  and how to notify google about the change happened

    | bsharath

  • Moz is flagging a lot of pages on our site which have duplicate page titles. 99% of these are international pages which hreflang tags in the sitemap. Do I need to worry about this? I assumed that it wasn't an issue given the use of hreflang. And if that's the case, why is Moz flagging them as an issue? Thanks.

    | ahyde

  • Hi guys, We're working through a redesign of our product page and are considering the following: Currently the product name (including the brand name - Arc'teryx) in this case is included in the H1 and none of the title is linked.  You can see this here: The firm we're working with is proposing keeping the entire title in the H1 but linking the brand name to the entire brand assortment.  My concern is that the brand name is a critical part of the product title and should be text (not a link).  Any suggestions? Thanks!

    | evoNick

  • Hey, So i'm looking to make content that is optimized for Finding an injury lawyer in boston. The Phrase "Personal Injury Lawyers in Boston" get's a lot more searches than "Find Personal Injury Lawyers in Boston" but with the Find is it less competitive? The same thing goes for "Find lawyers in Boston" vs. "Lawyers in Boston." My question is, is it better to put the word FInd in front or not?  Is there a downside?

    | RafeTLouis

  • I work for a large 3rd party management company and we use vanity websites to help us market our hotels. They provide us the ability to better manage our content as well as provide value to our customers versus the brand site. An example would be Vanity: on my reading of Google's guidelines I am concerned that our vanity site may be interpreted as such. Please advise if this is the case.

    | JohnJimenez

  • The question is about if is important or relevant for SEO video scheme i mean like hacing de pluggin of Video Seo of yoast actually or if it is out of date or not relevant for seo that pluggin and in that case if it is better to uninstall that pluggin and video scheme provided by it in order to improve page speed and eliminate unnecesarry pluggins if that is the case?

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi Guys.  Bit flummoxed by this. I've recently updated our Mid year diaries page to be this years mid year products. i.e) Diaries that go from 2015-16 not 2014-15. Last year we rank really well for the search term 'mid year diaries 14-15'.  All i've done is update the page to be focused on 2015-16 diaries, but when i type in 'mid year diaries 15-16' it's no where to be seen in the SERP.  Even our home page is ranking higher!  I'm really puzzled about this, nothings changed apart from the year! The only reason I can think of is that Google is reading the file name of the images which are related to lasts years products?  For example the file name might say mid year diary 2014-15.  Do you think this is what's effecting us?  Very puzzling 😕 I've submitted it through Webmaster tool btw 🙂 Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Instart Logic is a content delivery network CDN, which claims to have a positive effect on time to first bite (TTFB). Faster site = good for SEO, right? Our initial investigation seems to confirm its claims to some degree, which is great, but at the same time we think it may lower our score on Google's PageSpeed Insights tool, which sort of negates its effect in other areas. If the user experience is worse (according to Google's own tool), are we effectively shooting ourselves in the foot by concentrating on TTFB as a ranking algorithm factor? For reference:

    | Natalie2012

  • I redesigned one specific page out of thousands on my site.  I believe I made it better, giving it more content, and a better organized design.  It spiked for a day, and then it dropped back to oblivion.  I don't know where it is with Google right now. From what I've read, it takes Google some time to understand the new design, so this is perhaps, normal.  But it still makes me uncomfortable. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to help this redesigned page?  Or if I should just leave it alone for a while, how long should I have to wait to let it sink in with Google?

    | osaka73

  • Hi all, As we know, implementing Schema doesn't change the look & feel of a web page for the users. So here is my Question.. Could we implement Schema markup on the web pages only for Bots (but not visible to users in a Source code) so that page load time doesn't increase?

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi Guys,
    Our latest Moz crawl shows a lot of 404-errors for pages that create dynamical links for users? (I guess it are dynamic links, not sure). Situation: On a page which shows products from brand X users can use the pagination icons on the bottom, or click on: View: / 24/48/All.
    When a user clicks 48 the end of the link will be /?show_products=48
    I think there were some pages that could show 48 products but do not exist anymore (because products are sold out for example), and that's why they show 404's and Moz reports them. How do I deal with these 404-errors? I can't set a 301-redirect because it depends on how many products are shown (it changes every time).
    Should I just ignore these kind of 404-errors? Or what is the best way to handle this situation?

    | jeeyer

  • We've launched a new website and i'm see a lot of 503 errors when i run Screaming Frog Seo Spider. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks!

    | Happy-SEO

  • Now, I know that there is no set figure to be used here, whichever metric you are using and it will depend on the article and what is natural. However, lets suppose for a minute that we are taking a keyword in isolation, and I have a 2000 word article using the keyword 17 times and rank no. 3 in Google SERPS.  The no. 1 slot uses the keyword 8 times but only has a 800 word article and only a B grade on the onpage ranker. Of course, there are off page factors as well, but just wondering what your thoughts are on whether you look at density or total keyword usage. It is easy to just write without think about keyword density or usage, but occasionally you end up using the keyword about 50 times, and it is then I have to actually think about it.  Other articles I barely use the keyword because the article just writes itself and it works out fine, but these are generally shorter.  With longer articles on my best converting pages, I can't help but think about it more and it ends up a little hit and miss.

    | TheWebMastercom

  • Hi I'm working on this site: and on the logo I have a rel=nofollow. Do you think I should keep it, and is so way, or I should remove the nofollow (why?)

    | Silviu

  • Hi,Do you thing those pages have duplicate content: also how much impact will it have on a panda update?I'm trying to figure out if all the product pages, (that are in the same way as the ones above) are the reson for a Panda Penalty

    | Silviu

  • Is it good(according to SEO) to give dofollow rel to external links of highly trusted websites from our content?

    | Obbserv

  • Hello all! This has been an on going issue for us trying to rank an air conditioning repair company. The 2 strongest keywords for us are both HVAC Repair and Air Conditioning Repair. The main question is.... Should this be 1 landing page or 2? I think google may recognize HVAC and Air Conditioning as the same thing, because for some crazy reason my air conditioning repair page ranks for the keyword HVAC repair. My HVAC repair page is actually nowhere to be found. I am coming across the same issue with other keywords like HVAC service , and Air Conditioning Service. Or HVAC Maintenance and Air Conditioning maintenance. Any help would be greatly appreciated

    | interstate

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