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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • What's the best way to prevent engines from crawling your websites shopping cart, wishlist, log in pags, ect... Obviously have it in robots.txt but is their any other form of action that should be done?

    | Romancing

  • I work on a site selling clothing, and we break up our clothing into categories of types of clothing. Right now in my accessories, I have an other category, which cover the miscellaneous items that there aren't enough to warrant their own categories. I was curious what people thought about further breakdowns of this category. Do I create a category that only has one item in it? Is there a certain threshold of number of items which should signal that these items need their own categories or length of time they're expected to be available to buy? Right now, I'm not targeting the one-off items for SEO purposes because we tend not to carry them from season to season or continue with them long enough to be the best use of my SEO time.

    | kennyrowe

  • We have had this problem a couple times now! A corporate client will not sign off on any new landing page development. Instead, we need a creative content strategy that we can use to target their keyphrases AND maintain a corporate/professional veneer. I'd love to hear your ideas and things that have worked for you for onsite optimization, when creating landing pages is out of the question.

    | newwhy

  • Let's say you own three websites. One is low quality and Google frowns upon it, another is moderate and a third has stellar unique content. Would Google penalize the third website because you own the first website? On a related note - If you were banned from Google AdWords, would registering a site in your name potentially harm your rankings?

    | DerekP

  • Hi, Mozzers- I'm re-evaluating my SEO WordPress Plugins. What are your favorites and why? Are there others that you avoid and why? Thanks!

    | lhc67

  • Hi there, I run a website which is a directory therefore there are a lot of On-Page links. If you take a look at the site,, you will see there are a number of links on all pages which are completely relevant. I'm not sure what to remove as everything is relevant. The top navigation is available throughout and that alone has 120 links in it to give users easy access to information. Do I ignore the Too many On-Page links suggestion or do I change something? Any suggestions welcome! Thank you in advance!

    | RyanMackie

  • My webshop site was just crawled by Roger, and it found 683 "Duplicate Page Content" issues. Most of them are result pages of different product searches, that are not really identical, but very similar to each other. Do I have to worry about this? If yes, how could I make the search result pages different? IS there any solution for this? Thanks: Zoltan

    | csajbokz

  • For a blog that already has thousands of posts, what is a good template for meta descriptions? I guess I assume that the best way to do it would be to do a custom one for each post, but given the amount of time that would take, I'd like to hear some alternatives. Thanks!

    | kylesuss

  • I have a client that has a lot of content in pdf files that are linked to from their website. The content on the site itself is quite thin. Should I recommend to them that they convert at least some of pdf files to actual pages on their website? That way there could be a title tag, meta-description, header tags, etc associated with the content. What role do pdf files play in SEO? Thanks!

    | bvalentine

  • Hi Guys We run a marketing company based in the Uk and rank well for internet marketing on google but conversions and bounce rates are quite high. The site is one of those constantly in progress due to Time and budgets so we are well aware of the short comings. I wanted to however get some other peoples opinions on why our site doesnt convert very well and is there anything you can suggest. You never stop learning I have been in internet marketing for 10 years so willing to listen to any suggestions. Thanks here is the site -

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi Folks I have 77 Rel Canonical warning, and mostly confuse me. Mainly because they seem to be the exact link I would expect for that page. So I'm not so sure why they have been flagged.... two examples below Any thoughts or tips? (please 🙂 ) | Page Title 
    URL | Tag value | Page Authority | Linking Root Domains | | BlueTea: New Sydney Kitchen Designs Company, Renovations, Colour Designs 37 18 Blog | Blue Tea | | 1 | 0 |
    |   |

    | PHDAustralia68

  • It appears that SEOmoz tools like the On-Page Report Card treat keywords differently if they have apostrophes in. So for example childrens and children's are treated as different keywords. Is this a quirk of the On-Page Report Card or does Google treat them as separate keywords?

    | MulberrySqCraig

  • On my blog posts, I have links to all the categories and months, dating back 5-6 years. This make the number of links on each blog page well over 100, which I understand might decrease the value of each page. Is there a problem with having more than 100 links on a page?

    | rdreich49

  • Guys, I'm aware of the recomendation of having <100 links per page. The thing is I'm running a vacation rental website (my clients pay me to advertise their properties on my website). We use an AJAX interface with pagination to show the properties. So I have cities that have +400 properties on them... the pagination works fine but google can't crawl trough it (there is a google doc about making ajax systems crawlable, but that would invove a huge rewrite of our code and I dont understand how it helps the SEO). So my question is: what do I do to mantain each property having at least one link pointing to them at the same time that I keep the # of links in each page <100 ? Any suggestions ?

    | pqdbr

  • Hi all! I'm trying to decide the best way forward with regards to a large site I'm currently in the process of redesigning/rebuilding. Basically, the site already has a lot of well ranking seo landing pages targetted to different niches. With this in mind which is the best way forward in your experience? 1. Expand upon the existing niche landing pages adding more content etc and more niches? or 2. Keep the landing pages but set up microsites for each of the niches. (On different domain names or sub domains?) I do not want to polute the existing site as it performs very well and ranks very well for the keywords we target. Are there any benifits to micro sites seo wise? Personally I think it best to expand on the landing pages and keep everything onsite but any adivce you can give me would be greatfully received! Thanks in advance!

    | EclipseLegal

  • I'm running a campaign report within SEOmoz & am getting 9 pages that appear on this report. They all happen to be our author pages We have multiple authors. Is there a proper way that I should take care of this? Also as a side note, I'm using Yoast Wordpress SEO plugin, is there a setting on their I should change that will fix this issue? Or is it an issue at all? Thanks, BJ

    | seointern

  • According to the Panda Update information, website content that is or was written to help with SEO is now not the best idea, but content that is very informative and interesting is the way to go. But if you have an Ecommerce Website how can you write informative bookmarking content, if each product you sell is very similar, and the information for the product is just details about the product. Its hard to write good content for an eCommerce website. We have 300+ products that are all similar, but if we would write content about each product, it would be similar and not interesting to read. People just want to purchase the product, not read a bunch of content. How do websites that sell many products and not content driven websites rank well in search?

    | hfranz

  • Hey Moz Community, I'm looking for some URL structure advice for a new directory of a website. We're trying to rank for the term 'internships abroad in <country>'</country> We have roughly 100 pages targeting specific countries. Right now the URL structure is, but some of my colleagues believe this structure would be better: I personally prefer the shorter structure, but we couldn't come to any agreement so we thought we'd pose the question to the community. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    | dunklea

  • How would you suggest writing a homepage title tag which needs to target both state and city? We are targeting these two phrases: Lincoln personal injury lawyer
    Nebraska personal injury lawyer Any thoughts on how you'd write the title tag? I know targeting Nebraska will be challenging but it's what the higher ups want to do. Would you suggest: Lincoln Nebraska Personal Injury Lawyer  ?

    | blueroom

  • I would like to find all of the keywords not just the keywords that I specified in the tracking section.

    | Court_H

  • I'm removing old products (wines)  from my site, and I've been using 301 redirects for each product page back to the winery page. My question is, am I using best practice? I want people who search for these now nonexistent products to go to the winery page where they will see what is now available. But does google approve? I've also tried leaving the product's page intact but saying that it is no longer available and putting a link in the text that points to the winery page. Which is better, in the eyes of the god google? Thanks!

    | JeanYates

  • See example: car rental - sedans - bmw car rental - sedans - audi car rental - sedans - ford (internal links to sedans - audi, ford) or (internal links to suv - bmw) car rental - suv - bmw car rental - suv - audi car rental - suv - ford (internal links to suv- audi, ford) or (internal links to sedans- bmw...) Should I cross link only between the product page under each category or can I link between different products under different categories? From a user point of view, I think it will give him more options if he wants to choose the same brand but a bigger vehicle although I have read numerous posts saying that we should be internally linking most of the time within the same category. User experience  or SEO?

    | echo1

  • Hi Guys, Quick question regarding sitemaps. I am currently working on a huge site that has masses of pages. I am looking to create a site map. How would you guys do this? i have looked at some tools but it say it will only do up to 30,000 pages roughly. It is so large it would be impossible to do this myself....any suggestions? Also, how do i find out how many pages my site actually has indexed and not indexed?? Thank You all Wayne

    | wazza1985

  • Hi guys, We have a video section on our site containing about 50 videos, grouped by category/difficulty. On each video page except for the embedded player, a sentence or two describing the video and a list of related video links, there's pretty much nothing else. All of those appear as duplicate content by category. What should we do here? How long a description should be for those pages to appear unique for crawlers? Thanks!

    | lgrozeva

  • Hello mozers, I am going crazy over this. I have designed a new site The company name / kw is unique (Smolikova Mikulas Hendrich), but it appears on page 5 on Google.
    Yahoo and Bing is fine (in top 3 positions). All the on-page factors are ok too.
    All the pages are indexed on Google. We have done a 301 redirect of two other domains ( and which were websites for the firms prior to forming a new one. I am scratching my head over what does Google dislike so much. Any thoughts? Can the domain - which previously had some dodgy insurance content - be the reason? Your help is much appreciated. Ondrej

    | ilincev

  • Google is showing strange cache for the site - . Why is 404 error being displayed ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Let's say you operate a laptop review website.  After several years, the individual product review URL's (like aren't receiving much traffic, they may have a few links here and there. In general and considering the panda update, would the best option be to 301 the old URL's back to the category page ( just keep them where they are? Any potential issues like having excessive 301's which could slow down the site or appear fishy to search engines?

    | BryanPhelps-BigLeapWeb

  • This question is about a new file structure and SEO friendly URL's.  Does a file name make a difference? I have a direct question about file structure.  Our old site was formated with a URL of  our new site is structured  no file no extension.  As the SEO guy of the company and not the programmer my feeling is this is killing us.  Does anybody have any thoughts on this?

    | HeadWebChef

  • I was wondering if there is  a software / dashboard where I can track key metrics around page weight (primed & unprimed etc…) javascript etc…. and compare us to established benchmarks of competitors?

    | Tradingpost

  • What are SEO advantages or disadvantages of the following - /%postname%/ - adds a trailing / /%postname% - no trailing / /%postname%.html - creates .html URL Thanks

    | SamBuck

  • I am currently building a retail e-commerce site in a highly competitive area. We have a generic brand name; e.g. and we also have another brand name, e.g. '' We have 3 options that I can see and I would like to know which is better for SEO. Build as a blog site. Link to 301 redirect from to Use as anchor text in all links 301 redirect from to  . Use as anchor text in all links Also, if there are other better options, then I would appreciate the input! thanks

    | cestor

  • Hi Guy's Is it better to have articles on our own website under a news section, with keyword phrases that point to relevant pages or is it better to post them on our blog (that is seperate, we use blogger) and point them to relevant pages on our site? or maybe a bit of both? Thanks Daniel

    | LushDuck

  • Wondering why my domain authority has dropped after about three months of trying to implement the best practices suggested on this site. Can anyone help?

    | MauiCoffee

  • Hey Guys, With the recent farm/panda update from google i'm at a cross roads as to how I should optimize product pages for a project i'm working on for a client. My client sells tires and one particular tire brand can have up to 15 models and each model can have up to 30 sizes. IE: 'Michelin Pilot Sport Cup' comes in 15 different sizes. Each size will have it's unique product page and description bringing me to my question. Should I use the same description on every size? I do plan on writting unique content for each tire model however i'm not sure if I should do it for every size. After all the tire model description is the same for every size, each size doesn't carry any unique characteristics that I can describe. Thanks in advance!

    | MikeDelaCruz77

  • In theory: If i have a page with only two outgoing, do-follow links,
    and both have the same target,
    only the first one will be counted.. right? Will that link pass 100% or 50% of the link juice? (if the anchor text is the same or different does not make any difference i think)

    | elgoog

  • How do i get Google to rank my page?

    | 1step2heaven12

  • Hi, Understand that Google will prefer unique content to be in the first fold of the website. But if those unique content are placed below the fold (in the center, right side or at the end of page), will Google place lower priority on the content?


  • Client has a site that ranks well for "Town_A_KW", "Town_B_KW" and "Town_C_KW". The home page is the page that's ranking. These towns are part of the larger metro area for Portland. They want to start ranking for "Portland_KW" and normally, I'd recommend optimizing the home page for this phrase, and better optimizing the sub-pages for town A, B and C KW's. The client is understandably nervous about messing with re-targeting the home page since it already ranks well. Is it best to: Add "Portland_KW" to home page meta titles, content, etc. to try and rank for that phrase? (so home page would be optimized for Town A, B and C KW's + Portland_KW). Re-target home page for "Portland_KW" only, and better optimize sub-pages for town A, B and C? Leave home page as is, and create a "Portland KW" sub-page? (client's original idea). Thanks in advance for your insights!

    | 540SEO

  • On some sites, the H1 is contained within the logo and remains consistent throughout the site (i.e. the company name is in the of the logo). If the h1 in a logo is dynamic for each page (i.e. on the homepage it is company name - homepage) is this better or worse to have it changed out on the logo rather than having it in the page content?

    | CabbageTree

  • I've just used Open Site Explorer to compare some sites whose (unpaid) Google ranking I aspire to. They all have higher authority than my site, but the top ranking site out of the 3 I've looked at has the lowest Page Authority, hardly and links (when the others have hundreds), lowest page rank and lowest page trust. In fact, when you look at the top ranking page (ranks #1), it does not even have the search term in it as a complete phrase. One thing I do notice is that it does have 100,000s of linking root domains from one linking root domain. So how can it rank number one on Google?

    | Beemer

  • A quick question on Google's new sitelink format. When searching for our brand name (Confetti) Google returns 8 sitelinks for our site. When searching for our domain ( Google returns the maximum number of 12 sitelinks. Is there a quick way (Webmaster Tools for example) to increase the number of sitelinks for our brand name to 12? Thanks,

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • A website has several wigets to show Each wiget with its own page The wigets mostly just vary in size How would you suggest titles be done? Example: Wiget 1ft Wiget 2ft Wiget 3 ft an so on........  Would this trigger a duplicate content issue given “Wiget” leads in the page title?

    | APICDA

  • I'd like your opinion on the strategy of dealing with key phrase variants: I've got a page that is ranking in the top 10 and top 3 for about 10 different variations of the same phrase.  Seomoz gives it terrible grades for all but one of the keyphrases. Which course of action do you recommend : ----------- create new pages ------------ Create new pages for each variant and get them to grade A. If I go this route what sort of cross linking scheme should I use between this pages? ---------- improve existing page ----------- Try to make my single page rank better for all the phrases by doing extra on-page work so the page has a better grade for all of the variants? Many thanks for your ideas and opinions.

    | PillarMarketing

  • Hey Guys I was wondering if you could give me advice to improving my SEO. I have used all the tools on this site and have improved it a lot already, but wondering if there is any glaring issues, that I could fix now

    | treelifedesigns

  • Blog page ranks 10 in Google, while the static page is on page 7. What makes it more interesting is that the blog page scores an "F" with the Term Target tool while the static page scores an "A". Static page has more inbound links and a mR/mT of 3.89/ 4.54 vs. 3.71/ 4.14 for the blog page. Any ideas on how to approach this one?

    | 540SEO

  • I have noticed that some of my title tags have been altered (by Google?) on the SERP. I am only showing the keywords on some listings, not the full title tags that I wrote, this is happening to our competitors as well. Any idea what is going on, one of my clients is looking for answers! Thanks

    | USHoleInOne

  • What if the PA and the DA on my domain and the entire site is 1. Most of the pages on the site were empty or not unique. Now I`m adding new pages with unique content. I have only one position in the top 10. The remaining 15 positions are above the top. What should I do to increase my PA & DA and to have top 10 positions by other keywords?

    | ATCnik

  • (Ok, this might be a stupid question.) I am a little confused about the best practice for the Meta Tag. I know they don't have a real effect on ranking. But I am getting "mixed signals" as to their general use. I've pasted the 2 examples of below that are confusing me. From my Campaign's Crawl Diagnostics: (I have missing Meta Tags) "Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from search engine result pages (SERPs). These short paragraphs are the webmaster's opportunity to advertise content to searchers and let them know exactly what the given page has with regard to what they're looking for" From The Keyword Optimization Tool: (Avoid Using Meta Keyword Tool) "Search engines have, for years, ignored the meta keywords tag as a ranking signal. Although it technically does not harm rankings, it can be used by competitors as a method to extract your targeted terms and thus, we recommend against its use. " I would love to hear opinions on this topic. I am trying to decide wether or not to use unique meta tags on every blog post.

    | NerdsOnCall

  • I have several pages on my domain that are using the same content except for changing a paragraph or sentence. Do I need to create unique content, even though much of the information pertains to a feature and is related?

    | Court_H

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a client who has just launched a new website and we are having difficulties in making the URL's search friendly.  I wont get into the technical aspects, but I'll explain the potential solutions the developers have given me. current: Where 'en' stands for the English version of the website, 37 is the product category for example 'hard drives', and 22 is the product name or example 'seagate' Option to fix; This optional fix reduces the word product down to p, reduces 'browse by product' to 'product' and inserts the category and product names.  Note the category identifier '37' has to be included in the URL, and the product identifier '22' also has to be in the URL.  Obviously this is not great, but it is required at the moment. Best case scenario would be to have the URL like this... So my question is, how far off the best case scenario is the option to fix?  Scale of 1 to 10 would be good?

    | JoeyDorrington

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