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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Does anyone foresee any future guest blogging penalties coming from google if the guest blogs are high quality blogs?  I'm wondering if a future google update is going to hit even more sites that have used guest blogging as guest blogging continues to grow.  I like guest blogging to drive traffic to my site but am scared to used it for fear of future updates in the algorithm. Thanks mozzers!

    | Ron10

  • As a web agency we have some of our client sites linking back to us from their footer to show who built the site as is common practice in our industry. This seems to work fine for us generating both referral traffic and we think some help with rankings. Google recently said that reciprocal links do cancel each other out of any benefit which gives us a dilemma for when we want to link to a website as a case study on our own website. Normally we use nofollow on the link but is that enough? I'd rather have the inbound link benefit than provide a link to the website!

    | RedAntSolutions

  • Hello Mozzers! Like most, we have greatly reduced the number of paid directories in which we enroll our clients. We do, however, still utilize a few. For those of you still using select paid directories, what approach do you take in marketing these sites to your clients? Thanks in advance for your input!

    | FrankSweeney

  • Morning! The main competitor of an eCommerce site I'm working on has a total of 31 sites for 31 different countries. Each one of these sites has a different domain extension (.com,, .fr, .it etc.), and every single one of these sites' pages links to all the other homepages through a dropdown menu on the navigation bar. When I pop the URL (our main competitor) into Open Site Explorer, I'm advised they have a 45,079 links from 475 domains. If I look at 'just discovered' links, most are from their own sites - I guess MOZ picks these up every time a new page is created. Now, these guys are huge in the UK. They rank in the top 10 for pretty much every single search term and, to put it into some kind of perspective, their Search Metrics score is 33,000 compared to our measly 160! Don't get me wrong, they do get some decent links from authoritative sites, but it seem most of their links are from their own sites. How does Google view these? Does my competitor have these thousands of 'internal' backlinks to thank for their current position? I've just checked their .kr URL and this has 12.5 million(!) links from just 450 domains. Do every single one of these links pass equity? Or does Google just look at one from each domain? Thanks, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • Hello, We have recently developed a related articles shortcode which we use on our wordpress sites. It allows editors to pull in links to x 3 related articles within their article which then appear to the side. I wondered if anyone is able to help advise about the link value of the links included within the related articles widget - i.e. will it carry the same link value as links within the copy? All I can see that's different is that the links are in an <aside>tag - is this going to make a significance difference do you think? Thanks for any help, Rachel </aside>

    | ChrisTalin

  • Assuming you have built a new sophisticated site that involves high user engagement as in bounce rate < 30% sophisticated genuine content (pages > 2000 chars) best possible site speed what are some of the boilerplate link building activities you would execute under which considerations? Activities: I am thinking of things along the lines of building X social media links using a fiverr submission to curated link directories reach out for high quality links with thought leaders etc Considerations: I am thinking of things along the lines of keep a constant link gain velocity over the first 3 months make sure you place links across pages not just the root domain make sure you have a mix of follow and no-follow links and a natural anchor text distribution In short I am hoping we can crowdsource a linkbuilding starting guide in the SEO world of 2015. /T

    | petersocapro

  • Hi, At this time i encounter the next problem as SEO at a retailer. They increased there SEA budget on branded and non branded keywords the generate more traffic on the Adwords campaign. But Now the SEO traffic is decreasing and the SEA traffic is getting bigger and bigger. Especialy on mobile devices where you only see the adwords link and no organic link without scrolling. It's also good for the conversion rate, so we have to do this. But i am curious how other SEO's deal with this thing. What will you  do to find new sources of organic traffic? Are you using more longtail keywords or low volume or other things. Like to hear from you. Grtz, Leonie

    | Leonie-Kramer

  • do three way links still help in moderation?   Have some friends with websites in the same genre as mine and was told three way links were better than reciprocal links. Thanks mozzers!

    | Ron10

  • Is there a tool in MOZpro where i can check my sitewide links? Is there any helpful articles regarding sitewide links? Im confuse about (1) how to detect sitewide links (2) are they harmful or not (3) how to remove them. Sample Scenario
    I have 5 websites ( targeting 5 different counties (china) (new york) (korea) (japan) (singapore) On each website i have a flag logo on every single page/ header allowing users to select the other websites. After 4 months, i end up with 200,000 backlinks from all the other 4 websites Why am i worried: I find myself ranking #1 for a lot of the keywords for the 4th months straight now without doing much SEO optimization. And there are alot of websites below me which have better and more informative site than me. Should i be worried? am i doing something called "sitewide links"?

    | kevinbp

  • Hi I am new to SEO and just getting started here with MOZ.  I am a photographer and blogger and primarily interested in improving my sites traffic.   My site gets reasonable amount of traffic but I want to do better.  For example I am page 3 for Photography Blog but I want to be page one. I am a little overwhlemed and not sure where to focus?  In Moz?   With Backlink building?  Does anyone have a methodology on how to approach looking at my site they recommend they are willing to share? I am also looking for someone to help me with the technical parts of ensuring my Wordpress site is up to speed.    Any recommendations? Thanks Dave

    | ShootTokyo

  • Just going through my competitors back links, and discovered a couple of directories who charge a small fee for a listing (£20) (one way link) or a free listing (with a reciprocal link) they both have PR of 50 so I was wondering are these type of links still worth it? Best wishes. David.

    | WallerD

  • Hello Mozzers, EDIT: Is internal linking enough? This question is my head for a long time. Let's say I have a webdesign company and a website (really?). I have a blog and write quality content on a weekly basis. The content is great and people love it, they share it on social networks and other webmasters link to these articles. Now I have one optimized page, that brings me the business. Lets say: On this page I only have boring stuff like saying what I am offering and testimonials and stuff. So basically a page no one shares and no one links to. But it's important to rank with the keywords targeted on this site. How do I get to rank this page? A page that doesn't offer value to anybody. Normally, we shouldn't have pages like this, but some companies do boring stuff and creativity doesn't help. Maybe this question is stupid, forgive me but I don't get it. I am thankful for any answers on this!

    | grobro

  • The first question is pretty self explanatory. If I do need my keyword I'm trying to rank for in my link example: Looking for a cool skateboard (cool skateboard) is my keyword. Can anyone on here help me come up with some creative ways for me to get folks to post backlinks to my site with that key word in it? Unfortunately my sites url does not have the keyword in my domain.

    | mr_w

  • I was wondering how important it was to remove/disavow: NoFollow backlinks - many ("buy viagra" etc). Directory backlinks - many questionable/generic directories. Obviously the focus is the equity passing links but both of the above constitute a significant proportion of backlinks to the site - I've seen that "scrapers" are seen as natural and obviously NoFollow do not pass link juice - but does the sheer number have a bearing and therefore make them equally important to address? Thanks in advance for your responses. Regards

    | National-Homebuyers

  • Hi All, Does profile links work related to offpage SEO? My website was linked to many profiles on sites and wanted to know if i need to cleanup or leave it as they are so they benefit? Thanks

    | jomin74

  • I'm curious for those who have used broken backlinking as a tactic for clients - what % of emails do you normally get results from. For example, if you email 100 webmasters, how many would actually replace the broken link with yours?

    | ImprezzioMarketing

  • Hello Mozzers, Matt Cutts once told that guest blogging is a bad way to get links, then he relativized it again and said it's okay. We all know Google doesn't want to count those links, what they want are editorially given links. Now my question, what's your view on this topic? Do you still use guest blogging as a link building technique? Best regards, grobro

    | grobro

  • I have been working on seo for amazon and was wondering if anyone in the community can share some tips with me around seo for amazon products?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • I'm working with an ecommerce site where various predecessors have created 5 blogs containing 5 links on each back to the site.  Should I disavow those links and take down those sites if I can get access? Should I close a second YouTube channel and Google Plus account under another name set up to create links back to the site? No penalties yet. Advice much appreciated.

    | PegCorwin

  • Hi Guys. As part of our link building campaign I've been creating a database of people who might link to our site. We're a diary company.  So I’ve been focusing on people interested in stationary, paper, pens, etc who also blog. We have a unique product at TOAD diaries, it's essentially an online tool that allows you to design your own diary.  You can choose size, colour, duration, etc and also personalise the cover. So the product (we think) is very compelling and interesting.  First of it’s kind. Check it out here: So.... question. Do you think that the site itself would considered 'good content'?  i.e) It's already a very interesting idea that's worth linking to. Or Would it be better to create a high quality engaging blog (with info-graphics etc) that really speaks to that community of people?  Say, about our love of the humble paper diary, and why it's still useful.  Then use that blog content to try get links? You thoughts would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • I read the moz begainers guide and I am confuse over this point. " If i have too many back links from a single site. It's considered too spammy. " Q: I have a blog and it constantly black links to my ranking page, is this considered bad? Q: I have an active forum that I go to and I am constantly contributing to the topic however i will always try to relate back to my website, is this considered spammy too?

    | kevinbp

  • and both have high page authority. Naturally i want to have a blog that talks about my website.
    And the aim is to create back links to my website. Q: So do I create two blogs and separate my content or should i concentrate on a single blog? Which is better for getting SEO backlink juice?

    | kevinbp

  • Hello All - I would like to create a guide for my team of rules for internal links and I could use some help. My understanding is that Google only counts the first link to a page, so any crafted keyword text links within the content do not count if the page in question is linked to from the main navigation. Is this correct? For example, if the menu or drop down menu in main site nav (which exists on all pages of the site) includes a link to a particular section that will be the only one that ever counts since the menu is on every page? Example: let's say a website selling cat toys includes a drop down menu on the homepage with links to "holiday cat toys". Does this mean that no other text links in content on the site will support that page from an SEO perspective since the link is in the main nav and will always be the first one counted? In the past we have added text links in the content on the homepage to important pages on the site. It seems to work, though now I'm questing these tactics based on the first link rule. I would appreciate some advice, clarification, thoughts, etc.  Thanks!

    | JBMediaGroup

  • Hi Guys, Please can you help me if you can. How to find high PR & Domain authority websites to build links?  I really want to learn as much as I can from link building, but I am not sure how to find out how to find high PR websites to build links from.. Can any help me?? Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • About 2 months ago a new client of mine bought a domain and we built him a nice new site; however, it appears the previous owner of the domain used some spammy SEO tactics. I've had to redirect about 30 pages and now I've found some spammy links. I've only discovered a few of them, but he doesn't have that many links yet so I'm wondering what kind of impact this will have. Is it worth disavowing a half dozen links? The sites are in Chinese and appear to be unmanaged link farms so getting the webmaster to remove them is unlikely. Also wondering what else is lurking out there that I haven't discovered yet... I suggested to the client we consider a different domain since the site is new, but he's become pretty attached to it. Any ideas?

    | Dino64

  • Hi Everyone We have clients that have very small budgets. We thought about outsourcing our link building to India to help with costs... Can anyone recommend any good Indian Link building companies that are well priced and that you have seen good results from ?? Any help would be much appreciated Thanks Guys Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • I have seen a number of these services pop up over the past few months. My question is, has anyone used them, and did you see any results? Here is a few example of the ones I have seen appear recently

    | EwanFisher

  • My website has started from August of this year, but number of Domain Authority (DA) is 1 and has number "0" from root domains when i checked by moz addon on firefox. I find it very unusual and I am worried about it. does anyone can explain why is that ? My website is: . I had 10 --> 20 keywords on page 1 of p/s: i am really not good at english. i wrote that words by I hope everyone can understand me and God i need your help ^_^

    | lthanhthe5s

  • We have recently launched a new website for a brand that always existed in our company, but never had its own website. Now I'm looking to increase it's organic visibility. We had quite a few links coming into our other sites, when in fact they would be more relevant to our new site. The only things is I found a really good one from 2012 - what would be your thoughts on asking the author to change the link? How would Google view? Would I damage the organic visibility of the site it is currently linking to? Thanks, Brian

    | brianmadden

  • Hey Mozers, I have a CMS that is able to create a XML sitemap but I would have to build out the HTML sitemap on my own.  Would the fellow smart people of the Moz world be able to help guide me in the best direction. What is the best HTML sitemap generator on the market?

    | rpaiva

  • If we are to get a quality blog to write a "sponsored blog post" for us and if they clearly state it is "sponsored" should the link back to our website be "no follow"? From an SEO stand point is it even worth getting the link if its "no follow"?

    | roberthseo

  • As a web designer, who should I reach out to for external links, other than former clients?

    | IntentioDesigns

  • We have taken over a site in which the client had unfortunately hired an SEO consultant who bought bad comment spam links.  Webmaster Tools does not show a manual penalty of any kind but clearly this was bad practice from the former "SEO" consultant.  I believe we have a good structure of the completely new website we have built for the client but I am not sure of the best way to reduce any negative fallout from the previous actions. I've read conflicting information about submitting disavow report to Google for the comment spam links.  In some cases, I have read that it would be irrelevant since there is not a manual penalty.  I am fairly certain rankings are being negatively effected from this action and looking for the best way to neutralize the algorithmic penalty. Not sure if this helps or not but I use GWMT "Download Latest Links" and see that the soonest Google discovered one of these links is 4/4/2013.  Most of the links were generated some time during 2012. How do you even begin to try to reach out and have comment spam manually removed...when most of the sites that allowed the comment spam to begin with are spam sites themselves?

    | bluelynxmarketing

  • Don't know if this has been answered in another post, but what happens to backlinks that requires users to subscribe and/or pay to view the content with the backlink on it?
    Some newspaper sites has subscription requirement to view certain content.
    Does the backlink drop in value? Or is there any negative effect from this?

    | helgeolaussen

  • A company I am doing SEO work for is splitting into 3 and will be hosted on three separate domains. I am getting 2 of the 3, however, I am not getting the domain that has most links going to it. What is the best practice to carry any link juice going to my divisions to the new domain names? Should I contact sites linking to my divisions content on the old site and ask them to link to my new sites? Should I do 301 redirects to help carry links to my new sites? Also, I found this guide in moz its from 2009, but is this still considered the best practices for moving to new domains or is there an updated guide I should be using?

    | T-wrench

  • Hello, I have just been checking my link profile and according to webmaster tools a competitor is linking to my website. Is there anyway of finding this link besides looking at every page within their website? Many thanks

    | mblsolutions

  • HI, I am about to start link building for my website. I have made a 5 month plan. Can anyone have a look on my linkbuilding plan ? Any suggestions ? Thanks Web2. Submission  (Monthly 10 Submission ) (( Squdoo, Hubpage , Tumblr , Blogspot , WordPress )) Blog Commenting  (Very Related and Related Comment )  ( Monthly 15 Comments Maximum) Guest Posting  ( Must be no-follow links ) (Monthly 10 submission ) Press Release  (Weekly Distribution ) (( Distributing 1 Press release the whole month ,15 Submission maximum High PR and Related Only )) Directory Submission (Related Directory Submission Only ) N.B:: Don’t get confused with article directory submission. ( Monthly 10 Submission ) Rss Syndication Submit Infographics (Monthly 10 Submission )

    | businessowner

  • Hello! We recently received a great link from a local university. My colleague did a few presentations at the university, so they were nice enough to turn a mention of our company name on their academics page into a link when we asked. The problem is that we've been told that the mention/link will disappear after about a month. So, my questions: Can we do anything to further exploit that link in the short time we have? My colleague brought up doing some kind of funky link pyramid thing where we create links to that page, which would possibly give us even more link juice. I know nothing about this sort of thing. Is it recommended/not recommended? Is there anything we could possibly do to preserve the link in Google's index and have it still count in our favor after it's taken down? Maybe some kind of crazy iframe magic trick? Thanks!!

    | BBEXNinja

  • hello, I recently changed from www to non www. I have redirected my whole website so if I type www. it goes to the non-www page. doing a open site explorer I noticed my www. still has the page authority 14/100 with 6 links. where as the non-www page has 1/100 page authority and no links. how do I get the www. to mirror the non-www links?
    eg if you goto it will goto the non-www version automatically, so why does the non-www replicate the page authority / total links attached picture for reference.
    Google webmaster has been selected for non-www, its been about 2 weeks.
    my domain authority i think about about 21 or more now its 19 aswell. I have a feeling: 
    nofollow or rel=canonical  has something to do with it but Ill need read into what that does and how to apply. any ideas? uRiJ2Ul.png?1

    | finnmoto

  • Hello Moz Community, I'm looking to do some link building for a client and I would like to know if there's a way to find out if a website is trustworthy and is not or hasn't been penalised by Google. Thank you.

    | CosminC

  • Hello, About 2 months ago we build a specific page arround the keyword 'kerstkaarten' (christmas cards in Dutch). It moved up to the first page (7th position), but last week we fell back to a +50 position.
    The changes we made during the last week where minimal, and I really don't have an idea what may have caused the sudden drop in ranking. Maybe you can help? Link: Changes made: -> I changed the keyword kerstkaarten on tim on the page to 'kerstkaartjes', because the Moz page grader said the keyword density was a bit too high. -> We changed the top image on the page with a different promo. Title of the image changed from 'kerstkaarten-promo' to 'kerstkaarten-wenskaarten' -> The date on a small legal text on the page changed -> We got 2 backlinks from bloggers who've written an article about our christmas cards. So no major changes in my opinion. Any ideas? Thanks a lot! hz2DpJS

    | ETonnard

  • I am being offered by a blog to have more than 5 links in an article that points directly to our money sites. The blog is in the same niche. This is the first time i am being offered more than 2-3 links in an article. Should i do it? How many links should be in an article so not to be penalized by Google? Does it look unnatural to have more links in an article that points to the same site but different pages? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • Hi, Some friends are happy to link to my site. As I am focusing on a particular search term is it best to have them link to the page that already appears in the SERP for that term or the one with better on page optimisation? Thanks Billy

    | Brighton-Soundsystem

  • Hi All, So my website has dropped now to page 12, I have no idea why, I've tried myself to bring it back and I have also tried a few £1000 at outsourcing the SEO which has had no affect. There are no penalties in webmaster tools but I personally think something the algo doesn't like is holding it back - I could be wrong. I think this because some of the results higher than me are a lot worse, hold little to no content and there backlink profiles have no links, some are even 1 page new domains that have been live for as little as a month ranking a lot higher than me. At one point I was ranking page1, position4 for the term 'bank holidays' and now I don't rank anywhere. What's weird is if you search 'bankholidays' as one word I appear in that position. Does anyone have any ideas what is going on? Problem page: - GoogleUK search. I need some help please.

    | followuk

  • Hello, I have a website that is performing really well in Google for country specific Real Estate Website. I have had this site for just about 2 years and I have 4600+ indexed pages, and about 50 of my main keywords appear in top 10 results on Google. I have now started a second site with a brand new domain, its only about 2 months old. This one is a Travel website and again its country specific (same country that real estate website is performing well in) and since its still building up the content and has barely a couple of backlinks, I am thinking of adding a linkback to it from my Real Estate Site. Is it a good idea to add a site wide link back from header section of the real estate website to my travel website? Both sites has same country and most of the keywords in both relate to this country. Or will I be better off adding a few text links from few pages with best Page Authority? Or - do you suggest that I do not link the two at all? Both sites are hosted on different servers, with different IP's and one is on windows server created in while another is a magento site. Any advidce / insight will be much appreciated and thank you in advance.

    | waituk_sanjeev

  • Hi, I manage 2 websites; website A and website B.  Both websites are hosted on the same webserver. Website A is significantly more established than Website B with a better domain authority and much netter keyword rankings.  I have a backlink from website A to Website B.  The link is do-follow and is in a sidebar template that appears on just about every page of website A.  Also, this template is used in nearly all of the subdomains of website A for a total of 1,362 pages. It occurs to me that Google might see this as unnatural. I am considering removing this link from the template and adding it to the content of the landing page so that we have only one link from Website A to Website B. It seems rational to me but I'd like a second opinion, please. Thanks in advance.

    | McCaldin

  • Is it bad to have a lot of low page authority links that come from a high domain authority site? also how do these types of links affect my PA and DA? Thanks if advance

    | JohnWalker

  • Anyone have any useful ways to link audit? I'm stuck picking up the slack from a previous worker who decided buying links was a great idea for our clients.

    | CGR-Creative

  • Hi - I was looking in my Google webmaster tools because we saw a huge jump in backlinks last week. We found this one article with 84,475 total links, which obviously stands out as spam. All the links are from 1 page and 1 domain ( This is the article on our website - and webmaster tools says all the links back to it come from this page My question is - should we/what can we do to clean this up? How does this impact our search ranking? We have had some issues with our website getting extremely slow overnight, and we believe the site scraping is really slowing down the site at points. Thanks.

    | carlystemmer

  • Hi All, I am seeking a truly free, not just free trial, but 100% free link prospecting tool beyond using search modifiers on Google.  I am constantly trying to find new sites to do outreach to based on a set of relevant keywords in specific geographies and the process is becoming cumbersome. I really appreciate any tools or advice on how to scale finding quality sites that are relevant for my keywords.

    | dsinger

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