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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • This figure includes links that sit within our navigational menus. Is there a way to block this somehow so that Google and Moz do not read them as 'internal links'? Thanks in advance.

    | Ashley-Jacada

  • 50% of our links are found in Webmaster Tools but are not found in Open Site Explorer. Is this normal?  If these links are not indexed does that mean our DA will not grow as high as it could until they are crawled?

    | calf

  • We have an xml sitemap that generates daily, and our site and navigation is strong. Is there any added SEO value in either the links, or content of an html sitemap? I only see answers from several years ago so not sure if things have changed that would increase or decrease the importance. Thanks

    | Education4Life

  • Hello All, I was wondering if you have a list of sites, tools or best practices in order to get your new backlinks indexed sooner by Google. Thanks a lot in advance! Luis


  • I'm having a terrible time with one of my sites - it's a new (less than 1 year) business, and I have accounts
    in a number of social media sites including Houzz, but Moz acts like there's only one link to the site.  DA is 1.
    Ugh.  She has pretty good traffic for a small local business, but I'm tearing my hair out over this.  
    Any suggestions?

    | chill986

  • I'd like to ask if link wheel still work ,if yes, when i can see results?

    | engmtamous

  • Hi, What about creating sponsored backlinks in pages with huge P.A./D.A. and PR, but not related with my site content?
    Like in review sites, general content sites and newspapers? Will it harm my business?
    I see that many of them have a weekly sponsored article...

    | silvioalmeida

  • Hi All We are trying to go through all of our backlinks to see which links are good and which are bad. We are using two paid for tools to find our backlinks and sort them out, either good or bad. I have found that both tools have returned links as being good even though the links are not indexed by Google and have no page rank. Also we have found that both tools returns some links as good even though the links are pointing to a 404 page. Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.

    | Palmbourne

  • hi i wanted to check if link exchanging is ok and not considered as black-hat seo technique in 2015 if its used as part of a link building strategy, and what percentage of links can be used a from link exchanges.

    | Direct_Ram

  • Is there value in consistently getting a link from a high DA sites? For example, consistently posting on a blog monthly rather then only doing it once and getting a link/being done with it. Could you list the pros of consistently getting links on high DA sites?

    | calf

  • Hi there, I work for a theater and live performances publishing site. We write 15-20 quality articles per day on the New York City and national theater community. We show a "Most Read" stories widget on all of our pages, but click rates for these are really low - 1% of readers click to read a story from this. As such we're considering replacing this with higher-value content. My question, however, is this: Is there any SEO value in keeping this widget? I want to make sure we're taking this aspect into consideration. Thank you!

    | TheaterMania

  • Does  (Best of the Web directory) have any SEO value these days? Would you recommend listing on there?

    | roberthseo

  • Hi Iv been asked iv to host a basic SEO training session for some employees who have never had any experience in SEO before. Obviously SEO covers so many things and it would be imposisble to run through everything in a single training session. I was curious as to what you guys think would be the best use of the time for the training session? Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • Hello, What is the best way to get a Linking Root Domains to my websites? Fore example:

    | iphony

  • About 3 months ago my site was hacked. Links were added to pages and pages were added. Whom ever did the hack made a bunch of scummy links back to my site. Now that the pages are gone off my site. Was wondering how I should deal with all the back links that are now getting 404s. The two solutions I have thought of are 301 redirecting all the 404 to the homepage or disavowing all the backlinks. Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!

    | BradSJohnson

  • I was wondering what an SEO with years of experience used to perform outreach campaigns? What software (Buzzstream, Inkybee), what email service (MailChimp), what prospecting tools (Buzzsumo)? What's the ultimate pairing of software and tools for maximum results (with the best client-facing KPIs)?

    | TinaMumm

  • One of my clients started working with a traditional PR company to get media placements and they've placed articles on some very excellent and relevant sites. However, the article's content is nearly identical on each site. We would like to link my client's site to these articles, but will the duplicate content hurt SEO? Because there are some very minor variations within these articles, will that be enough of a difference where we don't need to be concerned if we did link our site to each article?

    | Liggins

  • Hi guys, I've read lots of different opinions on directories and it seems that directories are still a useful part of an SEO strategy. What I'm struggling to understand however is how to know which directories are worth listing with and which may get the company a slapped wrist from Google. Is there an easy way to know such as its domain authority? Cheers in advance for your help! Leo

    | Leo_Woodhead

  • I know the standard answer of email all the sites but, I dont like my chances of even getting any delisted..
    Have around 260 links with about 60% of them junk.
    Some links are from sig links on forums that I actually legitimately post to and from real comments I have made on the web over the years. Should all of these go? Was thinking of hiring a freelancer to do this or maybe going through an online tool if anyone has any suggestions? An example is this Edit:  Well I got a reply from ezine and from goarticles! They are removing the articles, maybe its becoming a headache for them all as, Sorry, is no longer accepting new article submissions or account signups. We wish this wasn't the end, but unfortunately, it is and we aren't able to continue. You can download a backup copy of all of your submissions by logging into your existing account so that you can re-use your content on your own website or other competitor sites. Thank you for being a member and we're sorry that this site will be coming to an end shortly.

    | Adamzzz

  • I've discovered few backlinks in images came from websites points to my home page. What is the value of these links?

    | Eslam-yosef

  • Hello, We created a good infographic for a client of ours and a large tech site (DA 86) picked up and ran a story on it. We didn't contact this company asking them to feature it, they have just picked it up through other shares around the Web. I understand that, at the end of the day, it's their prerogative whether to "nofollow" their links or not, but surely they should be giving our client some credit as they have clearly deemed the graphic newsworthy and felt that it would appeal to their readership. I've emailed said tech site, but to no avail. Does anyone have any advice on this? Or is it just a case of they can do what the heck they want? I know that our client will still benefit from the additional referral traffic, but a follow link would have been nicer! Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • Hi Mozzers, I am wondering how valid are those links <a href="http:"" wp-content="" themes="" websitename="" directory-click-thru.php?id="51956&"">ANCHOR .  Not sure what are those? are these for tracking purposes?</a href="http:> This link acts as a click though and displays the domain linked but I am not sure if these links passes as much juice as a link following this format  <a href="http:"="">ANCHOR ? Are these should be worth pursuing or am I wasting my time with those?</a href="http:> Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hey there, My blog was linked on some named Prismatic that is a content aggregation app, and I have views from there. How are those link named? Is there any juice maybe? 😛 Good day,

    | Kokolo

  • I have a question really a matter of opinion for those other SEO's and marketers out there. One of the companies I work for has a ton of domains, just about every variant and international version of its domain name. Do you think there is real value to owning something like .mobi? It's not a mis-spelling variant and as I understand it the forwarded domain means nothing to Google. It's also not much used, so what is the point of spending thousands of dollars to own all these variations?

    | ScottOlson

  • Let's say you are collecting backlinks across a variety of pages for, like:,, and so on... Page Authority will benefit for each of those pages, but what is going to happen to Domain Authority? Is there any data available? Any educated guess in what's the best strategy to try to get best results for both PA and DA?

    | max.favilli

  • We have a domain which was optimized for a specific keyword. It does very well for that keyword, but seems like it has in turn caused our primary domain to be penalized (back to page 3) for that same keyword (We think they've figured out the connection). The optimized domain (only one page) has links on it to our primary domain, so I don't want to delete it as that's where our traffic currently comes from. But if I deleted it and 301'ed it to the primary domain is there a downside? Alternatively I could disavow it, but if the search engines know it's the same owner will they hold that against all domains? Or, alternatively again. Should I turn it into a more substantial website? Which could in turn remove it's "spamminess". Any suggestions are welcomed!

    | absoauto

  • There is a website that OSE has identified with a spam score of 5, it back links to me with a very specific key word. How important is it to have them remove those links?

    | absoauto

  • Hi Guys Just taken on a new site with around 80 keywords with no links because the site is new. Each page is optimised correctly, very user friendly with completely unique content for each and every page. I'm interested to know what would be your online marketing "plan" for such site to begin ranking. Thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • Hi everyone. I was wondering how I could build a solid link profile for an e-waste recycling business. Should I try to get links from local government bodies, the better business bureau, and the chamber of commerce? How have people done this before? I must also note that my business doesn't have a physical location per se in every city, but will travel to a client instead. Thanks!

    | Charles_Murdock

  • Hi If you pay to have a website listed within a web page as it will be beneficial to have it there for both the business and website audience, is this considered a dangerous tactic? The link is relevant to the situation and its not being done simply for a link Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • There are 10 links on page that point to this page where they exist (link to the page itself). Does it influence on ranking?

    | templatemonster

  • There are 10 links on page that point to this page where they exist (link to the page itself). Does it influence on ranking? And what's happening to link juice? How does it spread? Is there any loss of it?

    | templatemonster

  • I've come to the conclusion Google is definitely penalizing me for the keword "sensaphone" and I cannot figure out why. I've checked back links etc. and I don't see anything that would raise a flag. We rate very well in Bing etc. for the same keyword, but in Google SERP's will be on the 3rd or later page. Our domain is - - any ideas?

    | absoauto

  • I'm linkbuilding for a couple of websitew of mine with TLD's of .be and .nl. When i look at my competitors, i see they also have backlinks from .com, .cz,... But do those international backlink account for any value (link juice) being past on?

    | RoderickG

  • Is it a good practice to submit a page linking to my site to expedite google finding the link or is it better to wait for the google spider to find it? Thanks, Ron!

    | Ron10

  • Hey Everybody, Is there any downside to the smart link plugins that I see all over wordpress? Basically in short I enter a keyword and where I want that link to go (primarily internal) and set the parameters of repetition etc and it automatically adds the link to that. Now other than the obvious situation where it might put a link in an awkward place, is there anything wrong with this sort of software? Part of me things that this sort of software would not be liked by Google, and that it isn't really getting counted as a true link, but i wanted to see if there were other thoughts or experience with this.

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hi, I have a networks of blogs and I want to make massive links to the TIER ¿What tool do you suggest I use? What TIER can I send the massive links? Thanks friends

    | CarlosZambrana

  • My question has 2 parts: 1) Can you optimize a subdomain template site (a company is providing us with a template site they provide many other salespeople, but we can control the meta and content on each page), and 2) Does forwarding and masking another domain to the subdomain in question, hurt my SEO efforts?

    | gotchamobi

  • Wayyy back when (in the days of yore) Mr Cutts spelled out in a video that page rank is distributed equally between the external links on the page. If there are two links on a page, each gets passed 50% of the available page rank etc. (Perhaps an oversimplification but bear with me). As a result of this, the company I worked for at the time (this was the dark ages when sidebar homepage links were in vogue) decreed that we would only ever approach a site about a link for a client once, as additional links had little extra SEO Value. Now you could argue that if there are 5 external links, each acquiring 20% of the power, and your site has 2 of those, you are getting 40% of the power, but lets forget the basic math for a minute. I have scoured the web and Mr Cutts' videos and I cannot find the answer to my question: If my site (Site A) has a backlink from SiteB Page 1, and a backlink from SiteB page 2 - does this count as two separate links in the eyes of Google? If the SAME site links out to my site, linking to different pages in different posts, does this give me more SEO benefit? Thanks for your time!

    | Turkey

  • Hi Once Google indexes your backlink does it pass value to that link straight away? Before i was under the impression once backlinks were created (providing they were good links) you wouldn't see any value or the serp climb for 6/10 months, is that still the case? Reason i ask is we're link building for a summer item and most if the back links are being indexed within a few days by Google. If the backlinks are given value by Google once indexed then we'll carry on till late summer. If its 6/10 months to be recognized we may start moving onto something else. Advice would be appreciated.

    | neenan1

  • No - not that awful kind of guest blogging Matt Cutts called time on - but legitimate blogging on quality websites. Just thought I'd get that out of the way first 😉 I work for a legal services provider as a Content Marketing and PR Executive, and I have a regular spot guest posting on Search Engine People which I acquired in my previous role at an SEO agency. As I'm still working in the industry (in-house rather than for an agency) I thought I'd carry it on, not only because it's good for me personally, but because it'd also be a nice link building quick win from a good site with a strong DA. My question is, with next to know relevancy between domain-domain, page-domain, page-page, is there much value in the link? To be clear, I'll be doing it anyway, but the answer might inform whether I do it under the guise of an employee of my company or just as myself. Thanks all!

    | NAHL-1430

  • Hi all, When we should add followed links and when no followed? How this will affect to our site? Should all our links to other sites be no followed? Which sites we should give value? Thank you for your time Miško Macolić Tomičić


  • how do i create a natural link profile without buying backlinks or spamming the search engines with useless links in a niche that is similar to payday loans? I cant get guest posts i cant create private blog networks i cant trade links i cant spam with useless links and web 2.0 dont work. so how do i get traffic without buying adwords.

    | swekredit

  • Hi Guys, I’m relatively new to SEO. I’ve recently started working for a website design company and am in the process of changing the anchor text in the footer of all of our clients sites. At the moment most of them read “graphic design & web development by dara creative” with anchor text being dara creative taking you to our home page. As you can see we are not fully taking advantage of the keywords that could have a higher impact. So I’ve done some keyword research and I hope to concentrate my efforts on the following keywords as the anchor text leading to the home page; website design Dublin, website design Ireland, web developemt Dublin and web design Ireland so it may read something like “web design Dublin by dara creative” However this doesn’t read so well as people may think that the company might be called “web design Dublin”. So the alternative might be “web design in Dublin by dara creative”. So my question is which would rank better? Does google rank the exact searched keywords higher than broader searched words? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks rob

    | daracreative

  • I've noticed our competition has a much higher number of "root domains" linking to their page than we do. Is this simply a result of more websites linking to them? How long does it normally take to build up these numbers/rankings? (I'm assuming it's a concerted effort, which I'll be researching.) Thank you!

    | mjfinet

  • Hey Mozzers, I am in need of a bit of advice please? I work for a Gyms chain in the UK and we are sponsoring a major sporting event next month. As part of the deal we get a dedicated webpage and backlink from their high authority website. We do not have a logo and multiple backlinks in the footer on every page of their website, so to my knowledge Google will not necessarily regard this as a paid backlink right? Is there anything in the algorithm that is able to distinguish between the aforementioned backlink and a natural one? Just wondering if our domain is linking to receive the equity or not? Regards Ben

    | Bendall

  • Hi I am not having much success with SEO companies so am looking at link building and doing SEO myself. Where would you advise are the best places to add links? Also is it better to add links to specific pages or just to the home page? Thanks in advance

    | Briggzy

  • Which is the best and most trustworthy seo company if I want to outsource my link building after being severely hit by the google penguin 4 update?

    | naimelhajj

  • Looking to link to a website from other relevant websites. However, these websites are all hosted on the same server. We know that Google looks for diversity when it comes to varying websites in determining link value and authority, however, what about the case of diversity in the case of websites on different servers? Does this even matter? Any insight here would be most appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • Hi, I am looking for information on how to develop a link building strategy... I am wondering if its a good to go through a list of directory sites ( which I do not currently have)... Does anyone have a list? Do people set targets for the amount of links they wish to get?.

    | paddyaran

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