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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • We've got a well-established Wordpress magazine-type site with over 3000 posts and quite a lot of categories (100) and tags (117). These categories are needed as we write about quite a diverse subject, but I've been having a look at our current menu setup (megaMenu type affair with a lot of links) and I was wondering whether it's worth moving to a simpler/more streamlined main navigation and showing the sub menu items in a different way. The reason I say this is most cats/tags are used in the main menu which is a lot, and that's before any on page links are taken into consideration. I've also been looking at the analytics and seeing what the most popular cats/tags are - Do we want to concentrate on those only, or from a usability perspective should we give users as many options to find what they may be looking for instead? Would appreciate some help to get my head round this 🙂

    | Wedideas

  • For about 5-10 years ago many SEOers said that it is in particular important to be in Dmoz. What about nowadays?
    Moreover is it still working and accepting new projects. I suggested several of my projects but no news from them

    | kitoks

  • I read many articles, blogs and forums about SEO. I read almost everything in Moz. It seams that I know how to do SEO but practically I don't get results. I have a testing page where from time to time I do tests. Today I found in adords that keyword "Happn review" in 2015 of January was searched 1900 times. I wrote this keyword in google and found that all results do not have keyword in their titles. The first result even does not have keyword "review" in text. I wrote a test . Put keyword in title and in text. I even put it in image name. But my page is only in the 4th page. It is very strange that all my optimisation tests stuck in the page 4 🙂

    | kitoks

  • Hi folks, my question is related to inbound links how important is anchor text? Can you give me one example? Also what about outbound links. Should I add longer anchor text? Miško Macolić Tomičić


  • I just ran our site through Open Site Explorer.  If I run the non-www version I get 30 root domains, if I run www I get 177.  Is it wise to try and contact those sites using the non-www version and ask them to update the links to www version?  Will that make much of a difference?

    | Amueller

  • Hello...I'm hoping to get some advice or guidance regarding the following. My website has gone from a 30 page site about loans, to a 500 page site covering a much wider range of products such as mortgages and other more specific loan related pages. All the new pages were made live at the same time, and I've been through GWT tools to add pages with in the Google fetch and most have been indexed fine. My question is, how should I expect Google to treat all of these new pages? The site has changed massively and many of the new pages are at pages 3-4 for their key terms. Will Google treat these new pages in the same way it may a new domain, e.g. it could be potenitally a couple of months before the pages start to rank better? I appreciate that the terms are very competitive. Thanks!

    | Dave_B

  • Hi Mozzers, What are people's opinions on directory website? As standard, we would always attempt to get our clients listed on reputable generic directories such as Google My Business and Yelp, and then directories that are relevant to the industry in which a company operates. Do you think this is the right approach to take?

    | A_Q

  • Hi Moz Community, I'm currently looking into hiring a link building company. I found one promising lead out of Boise, ID who only specializes in white hat link building tactics but unfortunately, I found some tainted reviews as well. Any one has adice/recommendations on great companies out there? Many thanks!

    | SoFi_Moz

  • Previously my site was under manual penalty and then 80% of the links i removed and my penalty lifted. ( I am talking about 1 year before) Now i have few queries - What is the best way to regular check backlinks? what to do if a spammy link appears What to do about directories that link to us What to do with old links that are not good quality Now I have to check number of links and quality of links of website so which is the best method check? Thanks! dev

    | devdan

  • What off page strategies will work in 2015? Client's always look for something innovative in off page techniques how to approach this.

    | AMTrends

  • I will clean my backlinks removing those with low DA and keeping medium and high DA. Since which number of Domain Authority is good to focus my efforts? Thanks!

    | estebanseo

  • I have a retail website that in the past has been hit by a manual action for crappy backlinks (these were all done by a previous agency and up until the penalty providing very good results). We have since removed all of the rubbish backlinks and have come out of manual penalty and are looking in to our long term strategy in terms of content and link building. We have a blog within our site that does well with traffic and with an OK conversion to the products that feature within the posts, we are also putting together a strategy in terms of long term content plans and while this is all very good for the blog, the ecommerce part of the domain continues to suffer. I know that part of this is because we did remove all of these links that were giving it juice, but where do you start with SEO when what you are dealing with is essentially thin content? With around 7000 products, every page has unique descriptions and titles that have been updated to remove keyword stuffing and over optimisation that has occured in the past. We don't want to go down the route of getting an agency that is going to put us back in Googles bad books, but how do you go about getting a retail page juice without firing backlinks at it? Not looking for the holy grail here but just looking for some advice, I want a clear idea of a direction to go in before recruiting an agency to do this.

    | timsilver

  • Hi I was reviewing a clients link profile and found a lot of the links they have pointed at their domain have the anchor text "Buy Viagra" or "buy viagra online" and similar. Now the website has absolutely nothing to do with this kind of business so no doubt these links are spammy. To my knowledge the website has not been penalised by Google so far. Is it best to disavow or just leave alone? Kind Regards

    | TheZenAgency

  • I have read through the information on Link Building and I understand the importance of Inbound Links.  Turning it on it head, how useful is it to provide outbound links on my web pages?  And, do links from domains with higher domain authority get weighted higher? I have thousands of pages that I could add new articles to which I think would add value, but I want to know whether it will help for SEO.

    | troller

  • Ocassionally the URL for a product on our website will change. The shopping cart does NOT automatically create a 301 for the old URL to the new one. So in WMT the old URL's will appear as Not Found errors (even though all links in the cart automatically update, so there are no broken links within the cart). These issues always sort themselves out with some time, but still disconcerting. Is this a major issue? Thanks!

    | absoauto

  • We're creating buyers guides for the each category on our ecommerce website and we're not sure where to place the content for maximum impact. Option a: place the content on the category page beneath the product listings Option b: place the content on our blog and created links between the content and category page Which option do you think would be most effective/ user friendly? Any thoughts, help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Alick

    | Alick300

  • Hey guys, Just wondering if a Soft 404 passes on link juice? I know they technically show up as a broken backlink but since it takes them to the homepage, does the link juice get passed on or is it still considered dead and the link juice is lost?

    | bks_seo

  • Are "Redirect 303 & Iframe" types of backlinks? google count them?

    | zant

  • I have website with authority 50, I put one link for a site, How much will this site take from my authority? , Will this authority minify from my website? What if I put two links to 2 website, how much everyone will take?

    | zant

  • Hello Mozzers, Let's say I have a local webdesign business in Zurich, Switzerland. I try to get good rankings in Switzerland, to get real clients. Now I have a blog in German (Yes, we speak German in Switzerland) and get most of my links from other German Blogs. Why? Most of the Swiss sites are competitors and there aren't many Swiss blogs for this topic. Of course I have links from Swiss Sites too. But most of my strong links are from German sites, is this a real problem? Thanks for your answers, appreciated!

    | grobro

  • Whats happen if I or other didn't build any backlinks to my new website, but I still building content to my website, whats happen? and what google will do for that?

    | zant

  • Hi all, I'm new and have just launched my website.  I need to start building my backlinks and I need to know how I can go about getting started? I read the beginners guide but still stuck on where to start? Any advice Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi The former owner of One of our competitors ( ) gave my some insight into  how he got his site up in the rankings. He said he got his site listed on 100s of directories had bloggers Wright about him. Gastro catering ranks highly for almost every key word we want I used the moz tools to see where his links came from, Should I copy what he did? I read a lot of posts that lead me to the conclusion I shouldn't, but he ranks #1 for so many desirable keywords. What are your thoughts on this please? All the best Ben

    | SussexChef83

  • Hi guys there's a campaign (which I am very passionate about) to save our village pub from being developed. Now I have bought a domain name www dot SaveTheRoyalOak dot com I've forwarded this domain to I'm using forward masking so the url remains save the royal oak, I will contain the few pages to do with the pub so that the navigation bars are hidden so the site will pretty much look be it's own entity to the user. this micro site will get hundreds of users and people linking to it, My question is will this hurt my site at all? I'm guessing that when I ask people to link to it I should get them to "no follow" it to be on the safe side? Thanks for your help All the best Ben

    | SussexChef83

  • I submitted my blog to All Top awhile ago and something seems to be wrong with their feed. They're sending people to It's not just truth-o-meter either. I'm getting links that are supposed to go to all kinds of political blogs. As a result, I'm getting a ton of broken links reported on Google Webmasters. I couldn't find any real support option on, and when I log in, there are no sites for me to manage. Instead, I resubmitted the site with the correct feed address and in the comments, I mentioned the problem. All I got was a message saying the site was rejected. I believe because I already added the site. But I'm thinking they didn't pay attention to the comments. (In fact the message may have gone through an auto-filter considering how quickly it was rejected.) Is there a way to solve this? Is this a situation in which I would use the disavow tool? If All Top continues to create bad links, how do I stop the issue once and for all? Thanks!

    | eglove

  • When a company pays for an impartial review from a website, should these links be no-followed? I am confident that paid positive reviews are seen as a manipulation of search, but is paying for an impartial review okay?

    | RG_SEO

  • Hi, I have a question regarding the internal linking behavior.  My website is  which is approx 3 years old. I have approx 450 posts. Now i have a widget on right sidebar "Popular posts". A widget below my posts "Related Posts". And a simple html CSS menu above the posts (I removed menu around 6 month before so currently it will not show.) I crawled my site with moz crawler (same are the result from google crawler as well) and it shows menus links as internal links. While sidebar widget "Popular posts" and "Related Posts" are not showing as internal links. If we talk theoretically what i learn till now is "every link on a page behaves as internal link". Then why the widget links are not showing as internal links. Thanks, Mahesh Kumar

    | chaudhary0489

  • Howdy Mozzers, After carrying out a backlink audit for a client, Open Site Explorer shows a range of outrageously spammy links for guys wanting a bit of assistance in the bedroom area, and so on. Hopping over to Google Webmaster Tools, there is no reported trace of said spammy links (for either of the www/non-www versions of the site).  There are also no manual webspam actions found on the www/non-www Google Webmaster Tools accounts for this website. So my question is: do I carry out a pre-emptive strike and go down the disavow process of requesting removal from the spammy sites, and then submit a disavow request to Google after allowing a suitable period of time for the junky/compromised website to (not) respond? Or do I just leave it alone? Thanks in advance for your wise words of wisdom and pearls of clarity.

    | wh-seo

  • I'm interested in building backlinks to my photography business site by leaving good, engaging comments on other photographers' DoFollow blogs. Is this a good idea? Is it worth the effort? Through a little research, I've managed to locate more than 40 dofollow photographer blogs that have a domain authority of 35+. The idea is to take an hour or so a week to leave 10-20 comments on their blog posts. Would you consider this a good strategy? I rank on the first and second page of most of my keywords that I'm working on, but I want to rank 1st or 2nd on them.  I used the keyword finder tool on google adwords to find the keywords that are the most searched for in my area. Surprisingly the competition is not large, so I'm fairly comfident I can get there. I've already optimized my site substantially and I'm looking into link building. Thoughts?

    | studio35design

  • Hey guys, I was wondering what is the best way to build back links ? I have all the read moz's articles regarding this and I know the crucial parts are creating content, engaging users via social media etc. What I am interested in knowing is whether guest posting is still a solution to create that domain authority you need to rank ? I've spoken with some people that told me guest posting is out of date and will not pay off using it. By using guest posting of course I relate to creating unique content and valuable to the user. Thanks, Andrei

    | kiraftw

  • I have listed my business in a lot of directories recently and my domain  authority dropped 1 point...why? second I would like to know what is the most effective way to increase my website domain authority?

    | VanityCosmetic

  • I am working with a company that gets a significant amount of press, but often we do not get links from these articles or the articles do not have the best anchor text. Any suggestion, tools, or articles that help optimize this exposure to for seo benefits?

    | jkosarek

  • We are often being preached to not get backlinks to dodgy or spammy sites but how do we identify these sites?

    | dynamyt100

  • Hi, I was curious if anybody knows how exactly I can go through and get good backlinks, or really any other strategies for improving my ranking in Google. My site is Thanks, Alex

    | AlexCruft

  • Sorry if this is a basic question I should know the answer for. We have just acquired the .org for a moderately well searched keyword set. Our objective is to fight for rank specifically on this one set of two keywords. We want make sure our site is setup and business named optimally for this. Here is my question. What is the best business name for SEO and keyword rich backlinks, or anything else I'm not thinking of? KEYWORDS: Blue Widget     DOMAIN: BUSINESS NAME OPTIONS: A) simply We like this but do we lose some benefit of "Blue Widget" with a space on backlinks? **B) Blue Widget Foundation. Is this better because people will reference us by the keywords with a space "The Blue Widget Foundation", instead of "from the people at"? ** Am I missing anything important here in the name? We just want to start everything off on the right foot. Thank you Moz. Just joined and my first post.

    | RetBit

  • Hi Guys. Could you send me in the direction of some quality information on link value.  i.e)  How much 'link juice' do you get from high authority domains vs low authority domains. Also, I understand the Moz value for DA is logarithmic, not linear.  Does this also mean that a link from a site with a really high DA would be exponentially higher value than a site with a low DA.  You orders of magnitude better? Cheers in advance, I love you guys 😉 Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hi, One of my clients was interviewed by LA Times for an article that came out yesterday. The article is online with the company name but no link. Does anybody have any advice on the best way to get a major newspaper like that to add a follow link? I appreciate any advice! Thanks, Clay

    | clayknight

  • Hi We did a domain disavow some months ago and webmaster tools told us those links were not pointing at us anymore. But suddenly the same domain has appeared again in our external links list according to webmaster tools. Our disavow document still contains that same domain as a disavowed domain, so we don't understand why is still being taken into account. Thanks

    | Canexel

  • Hello all, Do any of you use Ontolo? It looks interesting, but also like there isn't a huge user-base so I couldn't get recent opinions on it. Any thoughts? William

    | wseabrook

  • Hi! Hi have a little doubt. I'm interested in getting higher positions for a landing page with a long tail keyword. Now the page (ecommerce product page) appears in position 5 and have a low authority domain site and page. My intention is to put more original text in the page and write a blog post with a link pointing to the product page. My doubt is: What is better? Building the blog into the same domain or build it into a high authority external domain (like wordpress), what link could be better for my objectives? Thanks! (And sorry for my English)

    | Empatica

  • We struggle link building because engineering sector has few blogs and is much more traditional than many industries. I've just had a new idea on how to do this and wanted to bounce it off people to help refine it and improve it. Search LinkedIn for "content marketing" or similar Refine by Industry etc Ask people on resulting list to guest post on our blog - which is focused on engineers in our sector Then..... For us it boosts our blog content with high quality posts that are interesting for our audience and maybe some traffic benefit. For them it provides SEO benefits and possibly some market exposure. How can I parlay this into getting a link back as well? What else can I do to make it more effective? Cheers Denis

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • Hi We are currently trying to update our blog page on our website but quickly realized there are numerous dead or broken 404 links after clicking on anchor text from past blog posts. Our blog is set up in WordPress and we recently installed an SEO plug in with it. Some of these anchor texts don't actually need links and I want to unlink them, is there a simple way to do this on WordPress? Other anchor text I would like to "301 redirect" to another page. Can i do this on WordPress or is this something my SEO plugin should be able to fix? Answers are much appreciated! Thanks

    | SapphireCo

  • Hello,
    I want to work on keyword research for one of our e-commerce website - which provides office supply products in canada. I am targeting only canada and keyword research will be based on Canada Search results. I would like to know how i will start targeting keywords in organic way for this website. I am using keyword planner tool and get results some how. But should i start keyword research by filtering with different categories or any other easy way that i can give me the keyword results for this site. I want to know which are the main keywords or the list of keywords on which i should work. Your valuable inputs will help me a lot! Thanks

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi Mozzers, I work for an IT company specialising in outsourcing Cisco Engineers worldwide. Due to being involved heavily in outsourcing, I'm finding it impossible to generate genuine and organic links to our website. My question is that is it essential to have back links back to our website to achieve high search engine rankings? I'm unable to get clients and other partners to provide links as we're the outsourced company,but I can get backlinks from unrelated c ompanies. For example we're running a CSR initiative with a National Gym relating to health & fitness, also links from our web designers etc... Do these links have any type of value? Any help and feedback would be greatly appreciated. Jason 🙂

    | 4Cornernetworks

  • Hi all. Just a quick one;  Are there any self created links that are worth bothering with? Any or any real value you can mention? Or shall we just put our time and energy into good content and outreach? Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • I've been doing a lot of research on BBB and the site's value. I know you have to pay for accreditation as well as a link, and most search engine optimizers says it's worth it. I added a company to BBB in October, but I did not pay for accreditation or a link, and yet a link still appears on the business' BBB page. Is this link still a followed link? Does Google view it as an important link? If a non-paid link on BBB is still good, I don't see too many more benefits to BBB accreditation than the trust factor and possibly gaining an A+ ranking.

    | rcseo

  • In reviewing our root domain links, I noticed that many of the directories (like Yellow Pages, Insider Pages, Merchant Circle, etc) that there are no follow codes included in the link to our website. Is this a common practice for these directories?  Also, I wanted to confirm that this would not help in our link building strategies with any relevant "link juice." Below is a copy and pasted (with some extra characters that shouldn't have copy and pasted), but the key note here is the no follow tag that was included in this link to our site. Visit Website Thanks as always MOZ Community - cheers!

    | Leithmarketing

  • For some reason, our websites seem to be missing a number of authoritative inbound linking domains which seems to be a primary driver in lowering our domain authority as compared to our competition. Does anyone have any feedback as to why this might not be populating or is there something additional we need to do to have these show up?  If it doesn't show up in MOZ is it likely that Google might also not be seeing these as inbound link domains? Thanks as always MOZ Community!

    | Leithmarketing

  • I was doing some research on social postings and SEO and couldn't really find the answer to my question. Would adding in SEO keywords help with my site's relevancy or would it just help boost my site because of backlinking? For example if I were to add a new Facebook post "Check out these great new blue widgets " help more than "Check out these new products "? Thanks!

    | EmazingKatie

  • Hi Guys. I understand the difference between page authority and domain authority in terms of how likely that page is to rank. But what about a links from a high DA site, but from a low PA page? We’ve identified a client with extremely high DA (73/100), but their blog page has a PA of 1/100.  Would a link from this page be pretty much valueless due to the low PA?  Or would it still be quite strong as the DA is so high? Perhaps you could point me to some good reading or Moz post on this topic? Thanks guys. Isaac.

    | isaac663

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