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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi Mozzers, <a> </a>is a close competitor of ours. They're ranking far better than us even though many of our search metrics are the same...except one! links! To give you an idea, we've got a fairly large backlink profile for the industry with quality links.
    34,981 links from 276 Root Domains = about 127 links/domain. Alive Network has 1,692,256 links from 705 root domains = about 2400 links/domain. Surely that looks a bit black-hat right there? Is it just a matter of time until they're penalised? Perhaps they're just a bunch of domain-wide links? Thoughts would be appreciated.

    | ChimplyWebGroup

  • I had a site that was ranking for hundreds of keywords, I got hit with a link penalty, got the link penalty removed by creating disavow file, reconsideration request. Last couple of months my site is stuck on page 2 and won't seem to move up. Thoughts?

    | interstate

  • Hi Guys, I've got most of the software I need for general link analysis, Moz/Majestic etc. But what I am lacking is software that would give me an update when one of my websites receives an incoming link? That is if there is such software available. All suggestions and help appreciated. Sam

    | Sandicliffe

  • Hi There !!! I´m cleaning the link profile of one of our sites and making the typical analysis I have found the following scenario: All SEO tools that helped me to gather the data (WMT, opensite, majestic) are showing me that I have links coming from spammy sites that actually are not online any more. In other words, the spammy site where the link is coming is not alive (when I try to check the page itself I´m having a 404 or domain expired). My main question is…  Should I disavow these domains links? or should I simply ignore them? We got an unnatural penalty and we are doing the whole proccess (checking sites, contacting, etc….). Many Thanks for your help

    | AutoEurope

  • My question is how valuable is getting a link from a PA 71 with roughly 20 links on it.  I guess I am saying how many links from a PA of 30 would be a comparable indicator.  I understand there is an almost exponential value of authority as they go higher, but I am looking for a good explanation from a technical aspect. Hypothetical Scenario Would a person be better off pursing 20 links from PA25 pages, or would you be better only getting 1 from the PA71 all things equal.

    | mbarden26

  • We are jump starting a link building campaign for a personal injury law firm. We're planning on doing things right with earning links to content people will actually want to share, sponsoring local events, etc. We're a little worried that some good opportunities could be missed due to the fact some people have assumptions about personal injury lawyers and would be hesitant to link to us simply because of our injury, regardless of what we're trying to share/promote. One solution we're considering is creating a foundation associated with the firm that supports relevant causes and provides the public with educational resources. That might get over our branding hurdle a bit. We've also discussed setting up a separate site for the foundation and actually building links to it rather than our main site, then linking the foundation site to our main site. The hope would be that we could get more links to the foundation site and it would in turn pass on link juice to our main site. My concern is whether this strategy makes any sense. We'd be putting good content on this foundation site rather than our main site. How much link juice would actually be passed on to our main site in this case? Would so much be lost that it would negate the whole purpose?

    | LeeAbrahamson

  • Hello, Can i create more blogs/websites 2.0 for SEO? It is safe to get backlinks from that pages (5-10 diffrent domains)? Blogs/websites like:,, Content: Only unique content related to my websites, new content every week. My website realy need fresh backlinks so i think these method are alright?

    | cerar

  • I run a small seo company. We work uber white hat. We are small with only 4 of us but we have a good client base with great results. My question is related to my own websites because they are the only sites in which I practice this technique. I just watched the white board Friday about good vs bad link building. In the bad link building it mentioned never to externally link in the footer. Is this an all around statement? For instance, every new site we make we always put links in the footer of our clients. Usually says something like "Developed by Stodzy Internet marketing Almost all the web design companies I work with do the same thing. Is this going to help me or hurt me?

    | SwanJob

  • My site recently received two separate links from the same domain, but different subdomains. Will my site receive "full" link juice from each link, or do they water each other down? Thanks!

    | SRichmond

  • So the site appears to have good decent scores from the various Moz ranks, but when I check out the site in OSE there are a lot of really sketchy links that jump out, online pharmacy/drug type links. I should also add that the negative links are seemingly going to a weird blog deep in the site and only appear when I select all links to the root domain in OSE. Everything about the site appears very legitimate except for the link profile which has me nervous. Would you guys pursue a link from this site?

    | CJ5

  • Hi there, Is it a bad idea to use Google related terms when creating internal links? For instance, if I search for 'printing companies chicago', there are at least 3 terms related to our organization and what we provide that appear at the bottom of the search results. Searches related to printing companies chicago reliable printing companies chicago
    chicago business card printing
    chicago printers Just curious if anyone uses this type of research to build out pages? And create internal links? Personally, I am seeing people search for services we offer in different ways - that alone makes me think it should be a major part of our internal linking. Looking forward to your feedback!

    | SEOSponge

  • I am trying to clean up/disavow bad linking domains and appears numerous times. Any idea what this site is about and should it make the disavow list?

    | khull

  • Our clients use the link shortener of our service software to share their job offers. Sometime the job baords they post to do not allow hyperlink and thus post the url as text only. Do these url texts offer any benfits in terms of SEO?

    | rflores

  • Hi everyone, I'd like your opinions on the best way to handle this situation: One particular site page just got hit with 10,000 no follow spammy backlinks over 10 days time. I've read that it's pointless to use the disavow tool on no follow links (since it basically does the same thing) but we want Google to be aware that this WAS NOT US and we don't want to be penalized for these spammy links. Couple of questions: 1. Do we send backlink removal requests to each domain webmaster? 2. Should we skip removal requests and move right to disavow? 3. Should we take other action? As a site we have NEVER used any black hat SEO tactics over a 15 year history and have many HQ do follow and no follow links to the site and this particular page. Thanks for any suggestions in advance!!

    | geteducated

  • Hi, Suppose, a page from Wikipedia ranks on 1st position in Google for "keyphrase1". But when you investigate further, there are no backlinks to that page that have "keyphrase1" as the anchor text. Then how come the page ranks for that keyphrase? Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • I want to that my backlinks are instant indexed, so is any social bokkmarking sites availble when backlinks can instant indexed then please answer me.

    | renukishor

  • hi there, I recently changed my website over from a www. (or nothing selected so i assume www.). to a non-www. eg webmasters and my website are all on the same page. I contacted as many websites as i could that have my link in there website to update it to the http://websitedotcom the cblocks dropped by 50% (from 12 to 6).
    domain authority dropped from 21 to 19. is there a way to see which c-blocks I lost? thanks matt

    | finnmoto

  • Hi Link Heroes, I have just come across a link crisis on my site. There is a sharp and sudden rise in No. of Links. Latest details are as under: External Followed Links                582 Total External Links                      710 Total Links                                  30548 Followed Linking Root Domains   92 Total Linking Root Domains        126 Can somebody come to help that : What are the reasons for sharp rise in total number of links and How it impacts my site (I notice a drop in DA) What are the solutions Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • Are there any other webmasters in the MOZ community that are interested in creating multiple high quality link exchanges? Our company has a decent size client list we are interested in building links for.

    | WebMarkets

  • Hello Moz Community, I am about to hire a SEO firm for my website ranking. I have few questions about their link building plan. Their link building plan ! I have purchased package 4. I have noticed they will use same article and PR again and again . Is that acceptable ? This plan is not authenticated to me. I hope google will catch me for duplicate content. Anyone can clear it please ? Another question is , If i provide unique articles , will that plan be helpful ? Still i have confusion. As I read few days ago, google don't give any value to article submission and press release distribution without any news ! So, help me quickly and suggestion as well. Will i continue with them or not. Thanks

    | businessowner

  • After Create i backlink use google add url tool to index the backlink url in google . is this method is good for seo

    | watchwrestling

  • I have a lot of /dummy.php/xxx pages that i would like to redirect to the front page. /dummy.php/100
     ..... redirect 301 /dummy.php/WILDCARD I can not figure it out?

    | Morten-Hjemmesider

  • My sister has a store page on where she sells home made crafts. And I want to help her rank higher on google with some of the other etsy stores. So i started to look at the other etsy store pages that are ranking well on google and found that they have a page authority between 48 to 52. So i looked at the backlinks of the ones ranking well on google with high page authority and found that many of their best links came from the internal search results page on, and some only had one link from just an arbitrary search page. I'm thinking this is because another product being listed on the seach page has a high page authority which then passes some of its link juice onto every other product on the page. But what is interesting is products are always being sold or getting added so even though you are on a search results page that happens to benifit from the link juice of another product the next time the page gets crawled you will be on a different search page. So i am thinking in order to maintain high page authority to you just have to have a lot of products listed so that there is a greater likely hood that you will find yourself on the same search page as another high authority page. I have not been doing SEO very long so i would love to hear what others think. I really have no idea, am i on the right track with this? (edited post) Thanks

    | doug565

  • Last week my ranking for "keyword A" was relatively high at 16. Since then it's dropped a staggering 31 spots. It's certainly the most important keyword we can rank for so seeing it go -31 spots is rather frightening. I have a couple of theories: We haven't included it in our blog content as anchor text but once in the past 2 or so weeks since the last crawl was done by moz on oct. 21. The lack of recent links with the anchor text of "keyword A" pointing back to the blog is causing it to lose it's rapport. I've been adding most of our blog posts to Reddit and we've been getting almost double the traffic from Reddit alone. But with that comes a much higher bounce rate (~80%). Could posting and having visitors bounce from our blog posts cause the ranking to go down? I would love to get your thoughts on this issue. Thanks,

    | smf43434

  • I have a client that has several coupons sites. They have about 15 different URLS all of which are [city] all of the domains have coupons lists that are relevant to that area. Other than the coupons there is not any other content on the sites. There is a Main site however, that has coupons, content, store locations, blogs, news etc... The coupons on the feeder sites are displayed differently than what is displayed on the main site. They are also categorized differently. So the question is on the feeder sites can they have the coupon link directly to the store page on the main site?

    | Firestarter-SEO

  • I am new to seo. Every where i see seo people are talking about nearly all the links are bad. I have read everything but cant seem to figure out how to get good backlinks. And what kind of backlinks will actually help my site. I used blackhat stuff in past that really made my life miserable. if you know what i mean. can someone guide me personaly 😛 . (kidding) i know you guys are very busy . but if you could may be tell me which direction to go , it will put a smile on my face.

    | samafaq

  • My issue is that i have 133k external links and 730k total links. And from what i've read on the forums this means that we have about 597k internal links (730k total links minus 133k external links). And this seems like HUGE number of internal links. I somehow think it might be affecting our seo rankings as it might look like some "fishy" practice to Google. So in the graphs i can see that this number of total links has actually risen from 400k to 700k in the past months.. And since our external link count hasn't changed that much it means the number of internal links has grown a lot. So my idea is to check what are these internal links so I can better understand where they come from. Can anyone explain how come we have such a HUGE number of internal links? And more importnantly how can we see a list of these internal links so we could possibly rectify this and check if all is in order? I am adding a screnshot to give better insight jiDONUw

    | urkeman

  • Hello I´m doing some link profile audit and I noticed that there are some data that would be nice to know for a proper evaluation. The case is the following: Imagine I have a link coming from a blog, so (besides other factors) would be really great to know how many external links follow-nofollow this blog has. I dont mean external links pointing to them (what opensite gives you), what I would like to know is the total number of links this blog has pointing to other external websites. With this data, I would be able to guess in a better way if this blog is selling links or if is spammy.  I would be able to know also how this blog/domain distributes its link juice and if the link gives me some value or if is dangerous. I have found some tools/sites but i just get the number of links a specific url has, not the domain info: Screaming frog (but the free version gives you almost nothing, link count checker, etc... ) Do you know any way to get this data in a domain level? You think this data would be important to decide about keeping a link or taking it out? Why none of the powerful tools of the market (opensite, majestic, etc...) provide this info? Many thanks for your help

    | AutoEurope

  • When you start doing SEO/content marketing, how many links should you try and earn per month? I know it's quality over quantity but I would like to know about your experience and how many you were getting when your site launched. Thanks!

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • I have seen several sites that have data or some type of information about a website. Often the site appears to be trying show the value of a site. How does Google treat the links this scrapper type sites give? Should these types of links be ignored or should they be disavowed? Here is an example:

    | Firestarter-SEO

  • I'm in furniture e-commerce. I'm not new to e-commerce but I am new to SEO as I used to just hire everything out. What is the quickest way to build or should I say earn links? So far I've just been contacting bloggers and I've built about 4 links through guest posts in the past month. The problem is I can't tell if this is good or bad. I also contacted a niche directory and they liked my content so they are going to include my website in their directory for free next week. Should I continue doing what I'm doing? Do I need to be more aggressive? Suggestions? Thanks guys.

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • I'm working on cleaning link profile for a client. He has lots of crappy links pointing to his site. I tried to contact site owners so that they remove those links. No go for the most part. Since it's not a manual penalty, there's no need to specify when exactly I tried to contact those site owners, add emails to my disavow file, etc. It's my understanding that it's OK to just add domains to Google's disavow tool to submit because there was no manual action and it won't be checked by a human being. Would that be the right way to go?

    | vitaliykolos

  • Using Google UK search for web design bristol the** #1 and #2 **spot are populated by companies that are ranked with footer links, directory spam, suspect links and other tactics. The #2 spot is even using cloaked anchor text in most of his footer links. The rest of the first page do not fair much better, it is generally a bit of a mess! The problem is you guys are going to tell me that they will lose in the end, that I should ignore it and carry on, but the problem is these sites have been there for years, those links and those tactics are standing the test of time and in a competitive B2B niche it is hard work to push forward with quality content and valuable information when people can just spam and cloak year after year and outrank you... I know for a fact that if you search for SEO Bristol that several of the top five guys are using private blog networks, not even very clearly ones at that...seriously, how can we all sit here with a straight face adviding people that content is king while it clearly is not! That became more of a rant than I intended it to 🙂

    | wattlebristol

  • Hi, I have a question regarding new links being found by Google, and showing in our latest links file from Webmaster tools. I run this site: it's a fairly new website with a small (ish) link profile but over the last 3 months I've seen a lot of links being found in Google like this: it's clearly a scrap of a webpage from the, who we partner with, that has a link to but the number of links Webmaster tools is seeing is much bigger than we would normally get in any given month. As a rule I would normally ignore scrapper sites as I’ve always assumed Google is smart enough to know which site these are and thus wouldn't affect your SERPs but I’ve also seen a drop in our SERPs over the same month so now I’m thinking these are effecting the sites SEO. Does anybody have any insight into this or advice on the best way to handle this, I looking at going through these site and adding them to our disavow file but this can take a few month to take effect so are they any better options or way to handle this? Thanks for your help in advance. Rufus

    | Dynamis

  • Hello Moz Members,
    Easy JOB - Ranking a Website For Easy Keywords (Moz Keyword Difficulty below 25)
    Ok so idea is simple here but I need some help because lack of time. I have 4 pages that I want to rank for these keywords in the next 1-2 months. Please contact me if you Done SEO in the past 3-5 years successfully and use White Hat Tecniques ! For more details contact me directly via email at or Thanks in Advance ! Keywords:
    Sophia Hills
    Mount Sophia Condo
    sophia hills mount sophia high rental yield
    dhoby ghaut rental yield Sophia Hills location
    location map
    sophia hills site plan
    sophia hills location map Sophia hills floorplans
    floor plans
    floorplans THANK YOU !

    | Sebastian21

  • We do backlinking for clients. And for this we also create a backlink page for linkingpartners (afcorse not all link have a backlink). For easy maintaince it would be handy if we can create a page on our server that is embed on the website of our clients. Is it possible to do this so there is no negative SEO? (google will rate this page and the content perfectly) best regards, Vincent

    | Aquaster

  • HI GUYS, I don't know how to classify backlinks types. Any kind of software can process those backlinks? Thank you.

    | primomc

  • Hey guys, I hope you can all help settle an office debate? When doing outreach for a client who do you send it from and why? I don't want to bias the answers so not going to go into much detail at this stage but I guess there are 3 possibilities (happy to hear others though): From an individual with an agency email address From an individual with a client email address From a persona (fictional third party) It would be great to hear your thoughts on where you send outreach emails from and why. Thanks!!

    | RikkiD22

  • Could someone critique my email? Thanks! Hi [FIRST NAME], How are you? I wanted to get in touch to see if you would be interested in being sponsored to write a post on your blog about [STORE NAME]? I’ve been looking at your blog and I see that you’ve featured [THE BRAND] a few times and I think [STORE NAME] would be a good fit as well. We would like you to create a post about our company and we’ll compensate you for the time you’ve taken to do this. You can choose 1 item under $200 in the following categories and we’ll send it to you free of charge: Accent Pillows Sculptures Accessories Beyond this, you have creative freedom to do whatever you want – the only thing that we require is that you link to [STORE NAME] If this sounds like something you would like to go forward with, let me know. Or, if you have any other ideas as to how you can partner with [STORE NAME], I’d love to hear them. I look forward to hearing from you! Thank You, [EMAIL SIGNATURE]

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • I have a blog that has it's own articles but then also want to feature third-party sites that have my op-ed content on them. Wondering what is the best practice for handling external links. The reason we want to do this: Make sure our followers and people who subscribe to our blog see all our content (especially when a third-party "high authority" publisher is featuring articles from our authors We also want to be able to get a ranking for the article title when someone searches for it on Search Engines. i.e I write an article for hubspot called "my article about something". When googling "my article about something" I want to see both the Hubspot listing (where my article originated on) as well as a link to my website where I show an abstract (original abstract) and then the link links to the hubspot article. For example: (renders a listing of articles with links to each individual article) If showing an "abstract" for the blog article and then linking out to the third-party source (where content is featured) (renders actual article page) When showing an individual post-title page what are the minimum requirements (META TAGS, length or amount of characters ,etc) Thanks in advance!

    | dspete

  • I want to find linking pages that link to several of my competitors. Those are likely to be lists of tools I can also add my website to. My application is a dashboard tool/kanban board. So if I find a page linking both to say and it will be likely to be a collection of links to kanban tools, ad my application can be relatively easy added. Magestic SEO has a "clique hunter" - is there anything similar in MOZ suite of tools?


  • Hi, I came across this site: It's one of countless random article sites out there. Do they actually rank sites higher? Is this even white hat?

    | simplisticsca

  • I have downloaded the domains that link to my website (550 domains) and I am going through the low quality (low DA) sites to ask them to remove their links to my website or I will disavow them.  I have noticed alot of and  (SEE ATTACHED) Should I ask them for removal or disavow these? tJO50fQb

    | PartyStore

  • Can anyone give me an example of an outreach email to a blogger? I have a blog post on my site called "How To Clean An Entire House In 60 Minutes" and I'm outreaching this content to home decor bloggers. What would be an example of a good outreach email?

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • I'm a bit confused. Every blog I try to outreach on always give me a quote for a sponsored post. Isn't this against Google guidelines because you paying for a link technically even though your paying for a post? Do you guys buy sponsored posts? Should this be avoided? How do you outreach to a blog that offers sponsored posts? They can smell that you want a link from a mile away and give you a nice fat quote.

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • Hi all, Wondering how Google would interpret the exchange of a no-follow link for a follow link between partner websites.  I have a potential referral relationship with a business in my niche and we are hoping to cross-market. The goal would be for my link on his page to be a follow link, while the link to his business on my page would be a no-follow.  Would my site get the benefit of a natural link in that scenario or would the two essentially 'cancel each other out' regardless of the follow/no-follow nature of the link? Thanks in advance for any help! -Rich

    | KingAir90

  • Hello all Some advice please. Im working with a friend who has a website (obviously).  Its based on wordpress and is accessible by the link  The problem is he has some good links out there which are pointing at As yet Im uncertain how he has setup his DNS, he maybe is doing a forward which would leave the DA back with the www subdomain.  What is his best practice to inherit those links into his actual domain? Thanks

    | DarrenMOB

  • What is your opinion on people offering blog mentions on their personal blog through Fiverr? Is this a risky way to get a link. Here are examples:

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • 8 Keywords are increase in the last crawl report of my campaign  but in next crawl report  my keywords ranking badly down, only two keywords show in top in 50 rank and remaining 6 keywords  are not in top 50 rank now.I want to know reason how its happened and what kind of activities done wrong by me?

    | renukishor

  • Hey guys, So I'm starting SEO for my e-commerce furniture store and I'm a little confused. Right now the only links I have are from sponsored posts. How do I get links from other sources? What other sources are there besides sponsored posts? I submitted my site to and I was also going to submit it to the Yahoo directory. I have contacted a few personal home decor blogs but have not heard back from those people. Could someone steer me in the right direction. Thanks a ton!

    | The_Kiwi_Man

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