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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I have made FAQ to my website Lån utan UC. I have double checked several time and the code is correct. THe problem is that the FAQ it does not show up i Google search.  I have put the code at several subpages, like for example: Mikrolån and at all other sites it shows in SERP but not for the first mentioned site above. That site is the startpage/homepage is that relevant to the issue? Please help and I would be really happy. I have tried to fix this in months...

    | LanutanUC

  • Hi there, So My website is two weeks old, and I published it and it was ranking at about page 10 or 11 for a week maybe a bit longer. The last few days it dropped off the rankings, which I assumed was the google algorithm doing its thing but when I checked Google Search Console it says my domain is not in the index. 'This page is not in the index, but not because of an error. See the details below to learn why it wasn't indexed.' I click request indexing, then after a bit, it goes green saying it was successfully indexed. Then when I refresh the website it gives me the same message 'This page is not in the index, but not because of an error. See the details below to learn why it wasn't indexed.' Not sure why it says this, any ideas or help is appreciated cheers.

    | sydneygardening

  • Hi there, Our site was redesigned at the end of January 2020. Since the new site was launched we have seen a big drop in impressions (50-60%) and also a big drop in total and organic traffic (again 50-60%) when compared to the old site. I know in the current climate some businesses will see a drop in traffic, however we are a tech business and some of our core search terms have increased in search volume as a result of remote-working. According to search console there are 82k urls excluded from coverage - the majority of these are classed as 'crawl anomaly' and there are 250+ 404's - almost all of the urls are non-existent, they have our root domain with a string of random characters on the end. Here are a couple of examples: Is this a cause for concern? I'm thinking that all of these random fake urls could be preventing genuine pages from being indexed / or they could be having an impact on our search visibility. Can somebody advise please? Thanks!

    | nicola-1

  • I inherited the digital maintenance of a website that was relaunched a year ago. In looking at Google Analytics, organic search a year later is still down 33%. I fear they did not install 301 Redirects but can't really get a specific answer from them. Is it possible to install them a year later to help with Google indexing and get back some of the organic traffic?

    | stansamples

  • Hi all Just a general discussion question about Internal Search pages and using them for SEO. I've been looking to "noindexing / follow" them, but a lot of the Search pages are actually driving significant traffic & revenue. I've over 9,000 search pages indexed that I was going to remove, but after reading this article ( I was wondering if any of you guys have had success using these pages for SEO, like with using auto-generated content. Or any success stories about using the "noindexing / follow"" too. Thanks!

    | Frankie-BTDublin

  • Has anyone ever seen a log file analysis return only images and no actual page URLs?

    | LoganRay

  • I work on a very large site with two main types of content, static landing pages for products, and a forum & blogs (user created) under each product. Site has maybe 500k - 1 million pages. We do not have a sitemap at this time.
    Currently our SEO discoverability in general is good, Google is indexing new forum threads within 1-5 days roughly. Some of the "static" landing pages for our smaller, less visited products however do not have great SEO.
    Question is, could our SEO be improved by creating a sitemap, and if so, how could it be implemented? I see a few ways to go about it: Sitemap includes "static" product category landing pages only - i.e., the product home pages, the forum landing pages, and blog list pages. This would probably end up being 100-200 URLs. Sitemap contains the above but is also dynamically updated with new threads & blog posts. Option 2 seems like it would mean the sitemap is unmanageably long (hundreds of thousands of forum URLs). Would a crawler even parse something that size? Or with Option 1, could it cause our organically ranked pages to change ranking due to Google re-prioritizing the pages within the sitemap?
    Not a lot of information out there on this topic, appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.

    | CommManager

  • Hello - We are rebranding and our new name is fairly lengthy.  We own all main domain versions of our brand name - .com, .new and .org  - There is a very high search volume for the new brand name as it is a merger of 2 popular existing brands so want to take advantage of that and use our full name within our website domain name. However, since the name is a little long as mentioned - 25 characters - we also own the 3 character acronym of the new brand so we are debating on using the acronym for our new email addresses.  ie so it is user friendly. We would obviously redirect the acronym email domain to point to the longer website domain. Are there any negative SEO effects if we do that?  Use the longer domain for the website and shorter acronym for our email? Thank you

    | KRBishopBh

  • i want to redirect domain, to, is anyone can help me to provide redirect chain error free ht-access code. I implemented this htaccess code on the  website and mhy site show on the moz redirect chain error RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !=""
        RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\s//+(.)\sHTTP/[0-9.]+$ [OR]
        RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\s(./)/+\sHTTP/[0-9.]+$
        RewriteRule .* http://%{HTTP_HOST}/%1 [R=301,L]

    | truehab

  • I have a strange situation on a website, when I do a Google query of all the top indexed results appear to be queries that users can perform on the website. So any random term the user searches for on the website for some reason is causing the search result page to get indexed - like However, the search results page has a canonical tag on it that points to, but that doesn't seem to be doing anything. Any thoughts or ideas why this could be happening?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hello, I've just run a site audit and it has come up with a duplicate title tag issue for the topics section of our blog. For example it is flagging that the following have the same page title. How significant is this as an SEO issue and what are the ways we can go about fixing this? I look forward to any suggestions and guidance that can be provided. Thanks, John

    | SEOCT

  • I have a client site that seems to have been penalized with a huge drop in rankings site wide for all keywords. I would like to hire an expert that could figure out what the issue may be.
    HOWEVER, I've done all the standard audit items, including submitting a huge disavow file. Nothing is reported in GSC and the site is built out in pure HTML, so not a WordPress issue.  I don't need a basic audit, I need someone with expertise in finding a possible penalty.

    | execubob

  • Not sure what the best way to describe it but the site is built with Elementor page builder. We are finding out that a feature that is included with a pop modal window renders an HTML code as so: Click So when crawled I think the crawling is linking itself for some reason so the crawl returns something like this: - what we want what we don't want so you'll notice how that string in the HREF is appended each time and it loops a couple times. Could I 301 this issue, what's the best way to go about handling something like this? It's causing duplicate meta descriptions/content errors for some listing pages we have. I did add a rel='nofollow' to the anchor tag with JavaScript but not sure if that'll help.

    | JoseG-LP

  • Hi all We are launching our site in Russia. As far as I can see by searching Google all sites have URLs in latin letters. Is there a special reason for this? - It seems that cyrillic letters also work. My technical staff says that it might give some encoding problems. Can anyone give me some insight into this? Thanks in advance.. / Kenneth

    | Kennethskonto

  • In my sitemap I have two entries for my page ContactUs.asp ContactUs.asp?Lng=E ContactUs.asp?Lng=F What should I use in my page ContactUS.asp ? Is this correct?

    | CustomPuck

  • Does anyone know if it is problematic to have a space between the "no" and the "follow"? I just discovered our CMS has been inserting a space and am trying to understand if it the reason why something that we were trying to keep from being indexed has become indexed.

    | LivDetrick

  • I am helping a client with SEO for their ecommerce store. They have around 65 products, but close to 500 URLs all for those same products. Basically they have a bit of an index bloat problem but long story short restructuring was too much of a lift for them, so I got them set up with a canonical URL strategy to ensure all duplicate pages point to one "main" product page. Getting to the point: They also need an on-page overhaul. I've created keyword optimized titles, metas, H1s, etc. for each product. Do these elements need to be added to every single one of the 450+ product pages OR do I only need to add them to the 65 "main" product pages that everything else is pointing to, since that will ultimately be the page that gets crawled?

    | AJTSEO

  • What are the best ways to keep old user generated content (UGC) pages from being falsely flagged by Google as soft 404s? I have tried HTML site maps to make sure no page is an orphaned but that has not solved the problem. Could crawled currently not indexed by explained by a shadow ban from Google? I have had problems with Google removing pages from SERPs without telling me about it. It looks like a lot of content is not ranking due to its age. How can one go about refreshing UGC without changing the work of the user?

    | STDCarriers

  • Looking for expert help (willing to pay) to set up a proper htaccess file. I'm having an issue as the site has a subdomain at  and has  php extensions there. I tried a couple recommended code sets but it seems to be a mess. The site is working properly but this may be causing rankings issues. It's coded in pure HTML and PHP, no Wordpress stuff.
    The delete www causes the secure side to fail. The delete html extensions causes the php extensions to fail.

    | execubob

  • We're a SaaS company and have a pretty extensive help center resource on a subdomain ( This has been set up and managed over a few years by someone with no knowledge of SEO, meaning technical things like 404 links, bad redirects and http/https mixes have not been paid attention to. Every page on this subdomain is set to NOT be indexed in search engines, but we do sometimes link to help pages from indexable posts on the main domain. After spending time fixing problems on our main website, our site audits now flag almost solely errors and issues on these non-indexable help center pages every week. So my question is: is it worth my time fixing technical issues on a help center subdomain that has all its pages non-indexable in search engines? I don't manage this section of the site, and so getting fixes done is a laborious process that requires going through someone else - something I'd rather only do if necessary.

    | mglover1988

  • Hey, a client has as .de domain with subdirectories for different languages, so,, etc. hreflang Tags are implemented, so each subdirectory of each language references to the other languages, so for it is: My question is about the combination of ccTLD + language subdirectory. Do you think this is problematic for Google and should be replaced with .com + language subdirectory? We have lots a high quality domains (from countries with corresponding languages) linking to .de/de and .de/en, some links on .de/fr & .de/es and 0 links pointing to .de/cn. Thanks in advance!

    | Julisn

  • Hi All, I have this problem, that has been a pain in the ****. I get tons of crawl errors from "Googlebot" saying a specific Javascript method does not exist in my logs. I then go to the affected page and test in a web browser and the page works without any Javascript errors. Can some help with resolving this issue? Thanks in advance.

    | FreddyKgapza

  • Hi Folks, My site has been live for a few months now. Certain pages are ranking, even some number 1 postions for prodcuct pages with certain search terms. But our homepage doesn't seem to rank in Google when searching by brand name "Home on the Swan". The page is well optimized according to Moz. Any tips / insight into why this is happening would be much appreciated. Jamie

    | homeontheswan1

  • Hello, Could you please let me know why might my website's DA have fallen down in merely a week? What might be a reason? I also noticed traffic from google dropped down at the very same week. Will be very thankful for any advise!

    | kirupa

  • My client currently has two websites to promote their art galleries in different parts of the country. They have bought a new domain (let's call it which they would eventually like to use as an e-commerce platform. They are wondering whether they keep their existing two gallery websites (non e-commerce) separate as they always have been, or somehow combine these into the new domain and have one overarching brand ( I've read a bit on subdomains and microsites but am unsure at this stage what the best option would be, and what the pros and cons are. My feeling is to bring it all together under so everything is in one place and creates a better user journey for anyone who would like to visit. Thoughts?

    | WhitewallGlasgow

  • Hey everyone, We have a website - a business directory. It is a large directory with lots of B2B listings.  So currently our URL structure for the categories look like this: **We want to rank for the KW  "dispensary professional services". ** Is it enough that we have the word dispensary in our brand name and in this way in the URL structure or is it better to make the slug: ****dispensary-professional-services/ Or even closer to the root of the website: ****dispensary-professional-services/ Thank you for your time and answers!

    | Nobody1615497501423

  • Hi all, I am working in Drupal which isn't always SEO-friendly. I want to convert some of our articles that are currently in an old article type to our new shiny longform template without losing SEO value. The process we use right now is to: change the URL of the old article in the CMS from /article-title to /article-title-old and then make the longform template /article-title in the CMS. Then hit publish. That way we can avoid having to mess with redirects. My concerns are that this will be seen as a bait and switch by Google. They are, after all, two separate pages — node-1 and node-2 on the back end — that are being smushed into the same skin aka same URL. I don't know if updating to the new template wipes out some of the info Google may have deemed important. I guess you could argue it's a redesign by CMS but I'm still not sure. Thoughts?

    | webbedfeet

  • Hi All, I have the LuckyWP Table of Contents plugin installed. I recently noticed that you can tag your internal links with  and nofollow. I understand that it's always a good idea to link internally and to pass link juice to my own content.  But with detailed posts that have over 20 headings, I'm thinking that internal linking for headings may actually hurt me because it takes my links well above 100. Any ideas what the best practises are in this scenario? Thanks.

    | nomad_blogger

  • Hi there, I wondered if someone could help please? I have a site which since I last looked now has a Spam score of 33% I have gone through my links and also read the MOZ articles describing the 27 things which it may be article here: but am still struggling to see why my spam score is 33% as it doesn't have any spam links coming into the site. One of the of 5% spam score I have asked for it to be removed. I wondered if you could help me please? Thanks again Duncan

    | derire9

  • I have an ecommerce site that we'll call I created a WordPress blog and CNAME'd it to Since then, the blog has earned a PageRank of 3 and a decent amount of organic traffic. I am considering a reverse proxy to forward to As I understand it, this will greatly help the "link juice" of the root domain. However, I'm concerned about any potential harm done to the existing SEO value of the blog. What, if anything, should I be doing to ensure that the reverse proxy doesn't hurt my "juice" rather than help it?

    | bedbugsupply

  • Using a reverse proxy only makes it appear that a subdomain is really a subfolder. However, links in the end remain the same. Does this have any negative (or positive) impact on SEO? Does it make it difficult from the blog's (subdomain's) sitemap or robots.txt file to be properly read by search engines?

    | rodelmo4

  • My website is and we are doing multilingual. There are three options 1. TLD eg (French) (German) 2. Subdomain eg: (French) (German) 3. Folders (French) (German) We have tried the 3rd option but need to know whether its better or not for the long term health from SEO. Does the MOZ DA carry better in Subdomain or TLD or Folders? What does MOZ recommend to maintain DA? Thanks

    | amitdipsite15022020

  • We set up a website on google sites.  but google sites page title not good for SEO.  How to fix it?

    | ahislop574

  • For security reasons we are now routing traffic through an external firewall cum CDN. Our server and domain IPs remain the same, but any request is routed through an external IP, which then forwards the traffic. Would our rankings be affected because of IP changes? Thanks Sam

    | samgold

  • Hi every body i have a strange issue with my search results in google. i noticed some of my results are disappeared after a while! there are no notifications or messages in webmaster tools just my results get lost! for example when my URL ( take a good place with a keyword's result for some days (page 2 or 3) but after a while that will gone for good in all pages! there is no results anymore in any pages! can you help me please what's the problem with google? i'm so stressed about this results. PS 1: my google webmaster is totally clean and every thing is fine. and of course my "search analytics" positioned the missing keywords in page 2 or 3 but i can't find them! google is showing wrong analytics results!!! some my results are totally gone. PS 2: all of my url's are truly submitted and showing in google there is no removed pages or results. just some keywords are gone after a while. best regards

    | ZomorodGasht

  • Hello! I am continuing to have issues with the bulk upload option.Currently, there are 12 non-verified locations in a location group in my GMB account. I have approximately 6-8 more that need to be added to this group via bulk upload. When uploading the spreadsheet, I receive an error reading "You've exceeded the limit for the about of locations you can upload to Google My Business in a single day. Try again later." It seems to happen specifically to the locations that aren't in my GMB account already. The others, the ones already in the account, are fine and simply read "No updates" when the bulk upload sheet is read. Everything else is marked as an error. Why is it marking some listings as nonviable when they come in via the bulk verification spreadsheet, which has been downloaded directly from the links Google has provided, and filled in with the help of the sample and amenities list?How do we finish uploading all of the remaining locations?I have another group, separate group (same company, groups split into US and International) under my name that may also need a bulk upload - what can I do to avoid this error in the future? Can they still be bulk uploaded to my account after I upload the first location group's listings?If you could provide any guidance, I'd be very grateful.Thanks in advance!

    | kmarsh

  • Hi! Does anyone know if the canonical tag of the old redirected page should be changed, and include the URL of the new destination? Thanks in advance.

    | AnahitG

  • I have a private/login site where all pages are noindex, nofollow. Can I still monitor external site links with Google Analytics?

    | jasmine.silver

  • Hey Moz Community, I was checking out the Links on one of my client's sites, as they were hit with spammy external links about a year ago, and noticed a large influx of Total Links to the site. According to Moz, external links have actually dropped over the last few months, so I can only assume they are internal links. But, I don't see how my client could add so many internal links over the past 5 months, as they don't do much besides upload new products (they're an ecommerce clothing retailer) via Shopify. They haven't added much over the past half year either. Total links were about 130K in Oct 2019; today, the site has almost 1 million. I've attached some screenshots for reference via Moz to better illustrate the issue. Appreciate any insights into this. Thank you in advance! hhCCUsk lyGltZD

    | EdenPrez

  • I was using Moz's guidelines ( to reduce the file size of my pages to improve load speed, but I'm not sure it really makes much of a difference.  On this page, the file size is 710KB and it's Google Page Insight Score is 84 on desktop and 66 on mobile.   On this page, I got the image size to 227KB and its Google Page insight Score is virtually the same,  87 on desktop and 62 on mobile. Any ideas if it is really worth the time to get images down? (or maybe it doesn't matter if it is less than 1,000KB.

    | EricVallee

  • Looking for the best way to do the following. Business has changed its name, and has also become a corporate store. The old domain name is now no longer needed as a website page has been created inside the main corporate site. Obviously i dont want to loose all the traffic that we had and want to redirect them but there is a problem, that im unable to redirect the old domain to the new one due to office 365 installed on the hosting platform, and the old emails will need to run for another 6 months. I can remove the old site and put a landing page up, but i still need to redirect all the pages to the new site, and there is approx 50+ of them. My main question is i currently have atleast 50+ redirects already in there due to seo changes over the years, some would go back atleast 5 years, whats a safe amount of time that i can remove the older redirects And am i going about this the right way so i dont loose all the hard work on rankings etc

    | Dunjoko

  • What would be better for automatically generated accommodation enquiry pages for a travel company? NoIndex tag, canonical tag, automatically generated H1's or another solution? This is the homepage: You would enquire from a page like this: This is the enquiry form:®ion_name=Sunshine+Coast

    | Kim_Lazaro

  • Does anyone know the linking of hashtags on Wix sites does it negatively or positively impact SEO.  It is coming up as an error in site crawls 'Pages with 404 errors'  Anyone got any experience please? For example at the bottom of this blog post the hashtags are linked, but they don't go to a page, they go to search results of all other blogs using that hashtag.  Seems a bit of a strange approach to me.

    | Mediaholix

  • Ran an SEO audit and I don't really understand country and language tags. For example, definitely has more than one language, but how do I seo check href lang ? Do I inspect the page? etc?

    | Mindgruver

  • We have noticed that we're getting over 25,000 impressions from India over the last 3 months for our brand term.  We are seeing similar results from other countries too but not as much.  Having used FatRank I can see that our brand name is ranking in position 1 and 2 in multiple countries, this wouldn't be a problem if 1. we sold cars there and 2. they weren't producing leads for our sales guys to follow up which is causing problems. How can we exclude other countries? In Search Console we are already just targeting the UK. Thanks 🙂

    | clickdealerseo

  • When reviewing my campaign's SERP Features, I notice that one of my competitors is gaining a lot of Review Features that I'm missing. I'm ranking high for the keywords that are showing the review features, but not on my product page. I'm ranking for those keywords on blogs and other pages. Is there a way to show for those review features as I currently have it, or should I be trying to rank for those keywords on my product page? I appreciate any insight into this situation.

    | LearningStuff

  • Hi all, Last Update was good for us; we got a quick %300 boost to one of our pages We have been waiting for the page to rank higher at the short tail keyword this month. However last Saturday, Our traffic dropped %78 instantly compared to previous day last week. Search Console Report says; Click: 1050    Impression: 2500      Pos: #1   Date: 26 Jan, 2020 Click: 1250    Impression: 2760      Pos: #1   Date: 28 Jan, 2020 Click: 1268   Impression: 2808       Pos: #1 .1   Date: 30 Jan, 2020 *****Click: 183    Impression: 707      Pos: #1 . 5  Date: 01 Feb, 2020 .   !! ** What you'll realize, the impression and clicks dropped drastically but the avg. position nearly stay the same. Have anyone faced a situation like this. There are no Featured Snippets or Advertisement for this query "gebelik hesaplama 2020". NOTE: There's no server response time problem There's no technical issue for that page Pagespeed has been increased more than %50 at 26 January 2020 Avg. Page Visit time 3 mins+ Bounce is %85 however, this is a tool for pregnant; they just calculate and go back to search engine. Waiting for your responses, Regards, Have a nice week all Fatih Dilekci

    | fdilekcimoz2

  • How important is it to Google's algorithm for a site to have separate PP and TOU pages? Is it necessary for a Terms of Use page in the SEO perspective?

    | agpz

  • We have products that are listed across multiple categories. This results in muliple urls for the PDP, for example: They make use of the canonical tag and point back to only one product listing url, however Google has indexed both urls in some cases. Has anyone else run up against this and does anyone have advice on how this should be handled?

    | LivDetrick

  • DescribHii I am trying to put key phrases for me blog but Yoast key phrase gives me an orange face .. How can I make it green and accept my key phrasee your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer. is there a way to analyse what yoast wants me to put as a key phrase ?

    | screwedcat

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