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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Pages on my site show No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag. However, when I inspect the pages html, it does not show noindex. In fact, it shows index, follow. Majority of pages show the error and are not indexed by Google...Not sure why this is happening. The page below in search console shows the error above...

    | Sean_White_Consult

  • I have a vulnerability - when I make a backlink as a piece of SEO in some site when I inspected comparative couple of days after. It hasn't documented and I checked its robots record. It showing up Customer trained professional: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-Agent: * Disallow: However, is this make any backlink maintain or just this with the ultimate objective of not requesting in google. I make it clear - "Is such a backlink my site FreeDombra maintain my SEO activity or Not?" In this No-record site.

    | Hadia768

  • I have an uncertainty - when I make a backlink as a piece of SEO in some site when I reviewed similar couple of days after. It hasn't filed and I checked its robots record. It appearing Client specialist: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-Agent: * Disallow: However, is this make any backlink uphold or only this with the end goal of not ordering in google. I make it straightforward - "Is this sort of backlink creation my site My Music Goals uphold my SEO action or Not?" In this No-record site.

    | Hadia768

  • Hi all. We have always struggled to rank Square Space and Wix sites. In one case we switched a site to WP and it ranked for a local term within weeks. Does anyone know the technical reason why SS & Wix seem to have this issue?  I have searched other questions and have read that SS sites ranking well are hard to find. I have a potential client with a SS site that is on the floor and he does not want to part with it. I would like to be able to give him some specific information to persuade him to move it.  Thanks in advance.

    | KarenJames

  • So, I'm changing all the URLs of a site, including all its AMP URLs, I'll be redirecting all the normal URLs, but do I need to also redirect all the AMP pages?

    | alksfjasldfu93434

  • Hi, I am regularly making links on my site to improve its metrics but i am confused how other people fastly improve their DA/PA and my DA/PA is not improving with that site. The same happened with spam score. It has been a month i disavow my links having spam score but instead of decrease in it, my spam score increased. Please advice. Is there any special way to use that help moz crawler to check site and update accordingly? Please help

    | AzadSeo3731

  • Following on from a previous problem of this 2021 Waec Runz page completely dropping from index, we have discovered that 150+ spam, porn domains have been directed at our pages (sometime in the last 3-4 months, don't have an exact date). Does anyone have exerpeince on how long it may take Google to take noticed of a new disavow list? Any estimates would be very helpful in determining our next course of action.

    | sathoiue8

  • Hi everyone! I am pretty new to SEO so all the help would be great. Does every webpage on our website need a focus keyword for example like tructiepbongda Just to note that I am using Yoast on Wordpress. Many thanks,

    | yenu

  • Hi Professionals, Someone create spammy backlinks in my website. How to remove spammy backlinks from my community "Sewways" company website? Please guide me to solve my this problem, because my website is D-Rank according to that backlinks. Thanks!

    | Smartlanjabdul

  • Hi All My wordpress website got attack by malware last week. It affected my index page in google badly. my typical shows about 130 indexed pages on google. Now it shows about 43000 indexed pages.  I had my server company tech support scan my site and clean the malware yesterday. But it still shows the same number of indexed page on google. Does anybody had ever experience such situation and how did you fixed it. Looking for help. Thanks FILE HIT LIST:
    {YARA}Spam_PHP_WPVCD_ContentInjection : /home/example/public_html/wp-includes/wp-tmp.php
    {YARA}Backdoor_PHP_WPVCD_Deployer : /home/example/public_html/wp-includes/wp-vcd.php
    {YARA}Backdoor_PHP_WPVCD_Deployer : /home/example/public_html/wp-content/themes/
    {YARA}webshell_webshell_cnseay02_1 : /home/example2/public_html/content.php
    {YARA}eval_post : /home/example2/public_html/wp-includes/63292236.php
    {YARA}webshell_webshell_cnseay02_1 : /home/example3/public_html/content.php
    {YARA}eval_post : /home/example4/public_html/wp-admin/28855846.php
    {HEX}php.generic.malware.442 : /home/example5/public_html/wp-22.php
    {HEX}php.generic.cav7.421 : /home/example5/public_html/SEUN.php
    {HEX}php.generic.malware.442 : /home/example5/public_html/Webhook.php

    | Chophel

  • Hey everyone! So Moz crawled my site and I passed it over to my dev team who's curious about what they should prioritize. Curious what everyone's thoughts are. Here are the issue types: Duplicate Content - Missing Title - Duplicate Title Tag - Redirect Chain - Title too long - Description too short - Missing Description - Missing h1 - Thin Content - URL Too Long - Has meta noindex Would love any assistance! Thank you!

    | inksoft_mm

  • Hi, Everyone I started my new website on WordPress but I face some error on my website like sitemap indexing, Sidebar not showing so anyone how can help me to check my website Etrends News to explain to me how to solve this solution I am very helpful to you for your time. Thanks,

    | Sonumahan727

  • I am quite vague about this concept, a few years ago it was quite effective and I used it to evaluate the quality of the website. But lately, I have a headache because some of the DA, PA pages are lower than my website (This keyword doing SEO: Intel core i9) but the rank is still higher.
    Hope to be answered.

    | yenu

  • We are changing CMS from WordPress to Uberflip.  If there is a URL that remains the same I believe we should not create a redirect. However, what happens to the old page? Should it be deleted?

    | maland

  • Hi, I am working on blog , and a few days ago when i check the spam score rise up to 1 to 10 ..i have searched many method on internet but it is not works. i am very worried about this. is it problematic. how can i fix this here is the blog - Jonakaxom Can anyone explain about this . what should i do now.....

    | Tormura

  • I have a blog on entertainment. does the url structure matter to rank my blog and iam also facing the issue of indexing of my blog. visit and check this if i need further changes.

    | Hammad78454

  • Hi~ everyone What does Google think about the inconsistency between content and structured data markup? Is this kind of a cheating way ?  Is hurt my SEO?

    | intern202012

  • We operate in several countries and have this kind of domain structure: For our schemas we've planned to add an Organization schema on our top domain, and let all pages point to it. This introduces a problem and that is that we have a separate Facebook page for every country. Should we put one Facebook page in the "sameAs" array? Or all of our Facebook pages? Or should we skip it altogether? Only one Facebook page:
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Org name",
    "url": "",
    "sameAs": [
    ], All Facebook pages:
    "@type": "Organization",
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Org name",
    "url": "",
    "sameAs": [
    ], Bonus question: This reasoning springs from the thought that we only should have one Organization schema? Or can we have a multiple sub organizations?

    | Telsenome

  • Hi, I have heard from many sources about the semantic and grammatical evaluation of google, this raised a question: when I put a keyword in my text should I put it with or without the prepositions? For example "doctor in Miami" or "doctor miami".

    | droliverulson

  • Hello, I have a dental eCommerce and I think to make products names in the category page as H2 is that good practice for SEO? and how is the situation as they are clickable elements drive to the product page? here an example:

    | Anass11

  • I have a question regarding 301 permanent redirection. I currently have three websites, each hosted by different platform/CMS: one by Wix, another by WordPress, and a custom built CMS. I want to have all my three websites to be under the the custom build CMS's URL. What I am most concerned about is that I would like to have the home page of my Wix website to become my custom build CMS's new home page and the original content currently under my custom build CMS would be updated under new sub directories (in which I have access to the custom build CMS's source code). I have never done a 301 redirect before and I would like to know if there is any additional thing I need to do to my current custom build CMS besides assigning all my current content under my custom build CMS to new directories before executing 301 redirects?

    | sihanedutech

  • I created another thread regarding hreflang sitemaps. However, this one is more general and doesn't cover multiple sitemaps for different localizations so I think it's reasonable creating a new thread. We are trying to implement hreflang using XML sitemap. We have localized content for a few countries, but only 1/3 of the content is 'duplicate' localized content. How should this be presented in the sitemap? Can we have some urls with hreflang-tags and some without? Also, where should this be located? In the usual sitemap file at or should we create a different sitemap where we just paste all hreflang-info? And if it should be in /hreflang.xml - can we have the same URL twice (in both current sitemap and hreflang sitemap)?

    | Telsenome

  • Hi Everyone. I have a few pages being flagged with "Title Too Long". However, these are page 2, page 3, page 4, etc of category pages. They obviously have "| Page x of x" at the end of the title. Can these be ignored or is there a more SEO friendly way of handling this issue? Thanks. Michael

    | nomad_blogger

  • We're kind of in crisis mode, as our ad revenue is about to take a huge hit. Hoping someone can help me figure out what to do next. Site: Here's what I did (below) that I think broke things somehow. I'm clearly not an SEO expert but thought I was making things better. And things did improve over the last week or so but then fell apart 2 days ago. 1. Most posts did not have a Yoast focus keyword. I added keyword phrases and used Yoast suggestions to optimize for that and for readability. 2. In some cases I changed post titles to better reflect the keyword phrase. 3. In some cases I changed the slug per Yoast's suggestion and did a 301 redirect from the old slug to the new one. 4. I used Grammarly to fix all spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. 5. Some Yoast-suggested changes that were made: Image alt tags, subheading structures, adding keyword to subheadings, first paragraph, and meta description, changed sentence length for those over 20 words to clean up the text, added transition words where applicable, reworded passive voice sentences, added internal links when needed, eliminated consecutive sentences (first word), improved Flesch reading ease when necessary. 6. I also added or changed Amazon affiliate links where needed and swapped out images when necessary. Results:
    I started this project about 3 weeks ago. On 11/29 we had one of our highest traffic days, with 1017 hits coming from Google. On 11/30, 257 hits came from Google, and on 12/1, 3 (three!!) hits came from Google. At this point, 82 of 89 posts have a double green "Good" score in Yoast; 6 are "OK" and 1 does not have a focus keyword designated. Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide. -John

    | Jbyron

  • We are trying to implement sitemaps for a site that has localized content for a few countries. We’ve concluded that we should utilize sitemapindex and then create one sitemap per country. Now to the problems we’re facing. Not all urls on the site have translations, how should these urls be presented in the sitemap? Should they be stated simply like so? <url><loc></loc></url> So urls with the hreflang attribute and without are mixed in the same sitemap, or is that a problem? (I have added empty rows to make it easier to read) <urlset xmlns="" <br="">xmlns:xhtml=""></urlset> <url><loc></loc>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate"  hreflang="de"  href=""><xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="de-ch" href=""><xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="http:"" english="" page.html"=""></xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="http:></xhtml:link></xhtml:link></url> <url><loc></loc></url> <url><loc></loc></url> <url><loc></loc></url> <url><loc></loc>
    <xhtml:link rel="alternate"  hreflang="de"  href=""><xhtml:link rel="alternate"  hreflang="de-ch"  href=""><xhtml:link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""></xhtml:link rel="alternate"></xhtml:link></xhtml:link></url>

    | Telsenome

  • Following advice from an external SEO agency I removed /blog/ from our permalinks late last year. The logic was that it a) doesn't help SEO and b) reduces the character count for the slug. Both points make sense. However, it makes segmenting blog posts from other content in Google Analytics impossible. If I were to add /blog/ back into my URLs, and redirected the permalinks, would it harm my rankings? Thanks!

    | GerardAdlum

  • Hello can anyone tell me how I can implement the same tactic that RetailMeNot is using to populate coupon information in the search results? They have below there meta description 4 fields labeled:Coupon Codes‎: ‎38, Free Shipping Deals‎: ‎6, Best Discount‎: ‎20% off, & Total Offers‎: ‎49  Is there some schema markup here? Or is this only allowed for RMN I have not seen it elsewhere but want my website coupons page to compete with them in the SERPs. Appreciate your help! dQNkHrb

    | Serenawong

  • Hello, Could you please help me figure out how to create title and description for my website blog's pages? And for projects' pagination (third example below): Thank you!

    | VELV

  • Hi there We're having an issue with our site recently where our new blog posts are not indexing properly from Google. 
    Inspecting it with Google Search Console gives up the errors "Discovered - currently not indexed" and "Excluded". I.e. it seems like Google sees our sitemap but chooses not to crawl and index for some reason. Does anybody have any ideas why this might be, and what we could do to fix it?

    | Syte

  • Is there anything I can do to boost my ranking?

    | anshu1432

  • My site links in Bing search results are pulling through the footer text instead of the meta description (see image). Is there any way of controlling this? 2L2VusT

    | RWesley

  • recently my site has got some problem some of my URLs are repeating in the SERP ! I removed them by search console and also site : but they show up again Does anyone know what is wrong?

    | talaabshode2020

  • I'm working with a company that has a hard-coded website on the root domain, and then a WordPress blog on a subdomain on a separate server. We're planning on implementing a hub and spoke model for their content, hosting the main hubs on the root domain and the linked articles on the blog. Is having the blog on a different server going to hinder our SEO efforts?

    | KaraParlin

  • Hi, For many months now, Google refuses to display the relevant locale in many markets, and instead shows the root domain as number 1 result. The country locale isn't even in the SERP in some countries(!). This only applies for branded searches. It appears Google is treating the root domain as an international landing page or something, while this isn't the case - visitors get redirected automatically based on their Geo-IP to the relevant country locale if they enter the root domain, there is no "flag selector" that people or bots can choose. Site: If someone searches for "example" from Google Canada, they should be met with as the first result for branded searches. Instead, is ranking, and is nowhere to be found. This problem is in all our English markets; Canada, India and UK. For non-english countries, branded searches return the relevant locale, but the root domain is often the 2nd result as well. This isn't as bad as the case with the English markets, but still. Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, or if you can recommend great reading assets. I have researched this thoroughly and tried different technical solutions, but nothing has worked so far. Thanks!

    | LeoVegas

  • Hi MOZ Community,
    I would like to request your kind assistance on domain URLs - www. VS non www. Recently, my team have moved to a new website where a 301 Redirection has been done. Original URL : (with www.) New URL : (without www.) Our current robots.txt sitemap : (with www.)
    Our Google Search Console property : (with www.) Question:
    1. How/Should I standardize these so that Google crawler can effectively crawl my website?
    2. Do I have to change back my website URLs to (with www.) or I just need to update my robots.txt?
    3. How can I update my Google Search Console property to reflect accordingly (without www.), because I cannot see the options in the dashboard.
    4. Is there any to dos such as Canonicalization needed, or should I wait for Google to automatically detect and change it, especially in GSC property? Really appreciate your kind assistance. Thank you,

    | Badiuzz

  • Hello, I know that you can't optimize two pages for 1 keyword because Google will get confused and will rather prefer my competitor. But I can't get if it will consider "appliance repair" and "appliance repair los angeles" same keywords? The homepage of my website,, is optimized for "appliance repair", one of the inner pages is optimized for "appliance repair los angeles". None of them shows on the first page in local SERPs for any of those quires. I am wondering if this is because Google sees it as both pages are optimized for "appliance repair"?

    | VELV

  • What is the difference between dofollow and nofollow links? I know that some sites/blogs only let you post nofollow links. In such a case how do I know if a comment I posted on a certain site will be a nofollow or dofollow? How about big traffic sites such as Huff Post. Do they only allow nofollow links?

    | greenfoxone

  • Hi all,We have some pages being flagged as duplicates by the google search console. However, we believe the content on these pages is distinctly different (for example, they have completely different search results returned, different headings etc). An example of two pages google finds to be duplicates is below. if anyone can spot what might be causing the duplicate issue here, would very much appreciate suggestions! Thanks in advance. 

    | Eric_S

  • I am wondering how many people still getting results from 301 redirects from high authority expired domains..? I read few case studies on detailed dot com where the shared some people still making big bucks from this strategy which i think 10beast also implemented few years back.? Is it worth it to test out 301 redirects to money sites.? How many people on the moz community here have implemented this strategy in practical and can share some insights and pros and cons of doing 301 redirects? Many Thanks.

    | asifseo098

  • Hi all, A number of our pages have dropped out of search rankings. It seems they are being marked as "Duplicate, submitted URL not selected as canonical" However, the page Google is choosing as the canonical is totally different - different headings, titles, metadata, content on the page. We are completely mystified as to why this is happening. If anyone can shed any light, it would be hugely appreciated! Example URL is this one: Which Google seems to think is a duplicate of this:

    | Eric_S

  • Does anyone know a way to restore data more than sixteen months old from GSC or extract more than 1000 queries?

    | RossKernez

  • I work with Axos Bank, and the domain name in the SERP started showing a couple of weeks ago. *As a test, search for [axos bank] in Google. You may need to click on "Search instead for axos bank" under "Showing results for axis bank" which is a whole separate issue we want to resolve. They do own, and it redirects to (along with a number of other domains). The SERP has always shown until recently, but the redirect has been in place for some time. Any idea why and how to prompt Google to show the correct domain? Thanks, all!

    | Gildej

  • I'm looking to update the alt text on my company's website to increase traffic and qualified leads. I've done some research on my own, but the alt-text examples i find are really simple and pertain more to ecommerce  (i.e. leather boat shoe). We're  an archteicture and interior design firm so we sell our design services. One of our goals is to get more projects in florida. I understand the best way to do alt-text is to describe the photo in as much detail as possible. But would it also help to plug in our services? Here are some examples i've thought of (i've attached the photo i'm describing) 1. Bright and airy coastal modern Palm Beach living room with abstract statement lighting
    2. Bright and airy coastal modern living room with abstract statement lighting by South Beach Interior Design Firm Workshop/APD J1x3AgC

    | WorkshopAPD

  • Hello experts I have a problem. The main page of my homepage got deranked severely and now I am not sure how to get the rank back. It started when I accidentally canonicalized the main page "" to a page that did not exist. 4 months later the page got deranked, and you were not able to see the "main page" in the search results at all, not even when searching for "". Then we discovered the canonicalization mistake and fixed it, and were able to get the main page back in the search results when searching for "". At first after we made the correction, some weeks passed by, and the ranking didn't get better.  Google search console recommended uploading a sitemap, do we did that. However in this sitemap there was a lot of "thin content sites", for all the wordpress attachments. E.g. for every image in an article. more exactly there were 91 of these attachment sites, and the rest of the page consists of only two pages "main page" and an extra landing page. After that google begun recommending the attachment urls in some searches. We tried fixing it by redirecting all the attachments to their simple form. E.g. if it was an attachment page for an image we redirected strait to the image. Google has not yet removed these attachment pages, so the question is if you think it will help to remove the attachments via google search console, or will that not help at all? For example when we search "kv16" an attachment URL named "birksø" is one of the first results

    | Christian_T

  • sir my blog is getting 40% spam score please guide me how can i decrease it please

    | seotoolshero23

  • Hi all, We have a customer who currently uses Square for their in-store point-of-sale system as well as for their e-commerce website. From my understanding, a Square site is a watered-down version of Weebly, and is proving to be highly restrictive from an SEO and content structuring standpoint. It's been an uphill battle to try and get traction for their site in SERPs. Would it be a bad idea to move the entire Square online store to a subdomain, and install WordPress on the root domain? This way their online store would remain as-is, but the primary pages on the site would be on WordPress which would give us a lot more control over the content. I just want to make sure this doesn't negatively impact their SEO. Thanks!

    | suarezventures

  • I work almost exclusively in wordpress now. And I always hesitate when it comes to naming a site's homepage. I have to give it a name -  right? I usually pick the business name or /home. And then that is identifies as the site's static homepage in the Wordpress settings and it works just fine. But I've started to get warning that it is an issue because it creates redirects.  For example, I just ran the Ryte service analysis on a website and it warned me about "Non-indexable pages with high relevance" and it's basically my homepage that has 29 incoming links that "passes all pagerank to https://ourdomain/home But what am I supposed to call my homepage if not "Home"? It's not like the old days where anyone has to type it in. The root domain loads the homepage just as it should. Can anybody advise me regarding best practices for what to name a Wordpress homepage for good SEO? With thanks in advance for your help.

    | Dandelion

  • We have been using vanity urls for some of our pages. Mostly the pages that have a vanity URL have a long URL length. But now the problem is, the vanity URL is getting displayed on the search engine when the particular keyword related to the page is entered. I checked the google search console, the vanity URL is indexed and the original URL remains unindexed. What should I do? Is adding 301 redirect to the vanity URLs are solution? Since some of vanity URLs are not redirecting to the original. Some of the original pages are not getting traffic. Also, can using canonical tag help?

    | tejasbansode

  • Hello! I have one company which will be operating in two markets, printing and website design / development. I’m planning on building two websites, each for every market. But I’m a bit confused about how to optimize these websites locally. My thought is to use my physical address for one website (build citations, get listed in directories, etc. ) and PO Box for another. Do you think there is a better idea?

    | VELV

  • Hello colleagues! I have a client who decided to launch a separate domain so they could offer their content translated for other countries.   Each country (except the US/English) content lives in its own country folder as follows: etc. The problem is that they post the content in US/English on this domain too.  It does NOT have its own folder, but exists righth after the date (as in the above example) Oh, and the content is the same as on their "main" domain so google likes to index that sometimes vs. the original client on the domain where we want the traffic to go. SO, is there a way to say "hey google, please index the US content only on the main domain, but continue to index the translated content in these folders on this totally separate domain?" Thank you so much in advance.

    | SimpleSearch

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