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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Our company implemented Google Shopping for our site for multiple countries, currencies and languages. Every combination of language and country is accessible via a url path and for all site pages, not just the pages with products for sale. I was not part of the project. We support 18 languages and 14 shop countries. When the project was finished we had a total of 240 language/country combinations listed in our rel alternate hreflang tags for every page and 240 language/country combinations in our XML sitemap for each page and canonicals are unique for every one of these page. My concern is with duplicate content. Also I can see odd language/country url combinations (like a country with a language spoken by a very low percentage of people in that country) are being crawled, indexed, and appearing in serps. This uses up my crawl budget for pages I don't care about. I don't this it is wise to disallow urls in robots.txt for that we are simultaneously listing in the XML sitemap. Is it true that these are requirements for Google Shopping to have XML sitemap and rel alternate hreflang for every language/country combination?

    | awilliams_kingston

  • Here’s a situation I’ve been puzzling with for some time: The situation
    Please consider an international website targeting 3 regions. The real site has more regions, but I simplified the case for this question. screenshot1.png There is no default language. The content for each regional version is meant for that region only. The page is dynamic. When there is no region cookie, the page is identical to (because Netherlands is the most important region) When there is a region cookie (set by a modal), there is a 302 redirect to the corresponding regional homepage What we want
    We want regional Google to index the correct regional homepages (eg. on, instead of
    Why? Because visitors surfing to sometimes tend to ignore the region modal and therefor browse the wrong version.
    For this, I set up canonicals and hreflangs as described below: screenshot2.png The problem
    It’s 40 days now since the above hreflangs and canonicals have been setup, but Google is still ranking instead of the regional homepages.
    Search console’s report for screenshot3.png Any ideas why Google doesn’t respect our canonical? Maybe I’m overlooking something in this setup (combination of hreflangs and canonicals might be confusing)? Should I remove the hreflangs on the dynamic page, because there is no self-referencing hreflang? Or maybe it’s because has gathered a lot of backlinks over the years, whereas the regional homepages have much less, which might be why Google chooses to ig nore the canonical signals? Or maybe it’s a matter of time and I just need to wait longer? Note: I’m aware the language subfolders (eg. /be_nl) are not according to Google’s recommendations. But I’ve seen similar setups (like and where the regional homepage is showing ok. Any help appreciated!

    | dmduco

  • Hi! We are trying to rank for various local search terms. Our head office is in Edmonton where we try to rank for such terms as "windows Edmonton", "replacement windows Edmonton", "windows and doors Edmonton" as well as others. The website was the leader in its niche for around 2 years. Then we've got some server related issues, moved to a new server and connected CDN Nitropack that really improved our google speed test results. Recently we noticed that our rankings started to drop. Do you know if Nitropack can negatively effect local SEO rankings? Thank you!

    | vaskrupp

  • Hi All, Sorry for what's about to be a long-ish question, but tl;dr: Has anyone else had experience with a 301 redirect at the server level between HTTP and HTTPS versions of a site in order to maintain accurate social media share counts? This is new to me and I'm wondering how common it is. I'm having issues with this forced redirect between HTTP/HTTPS as outlined below and am struggling to find any information that will help me to troubleshoot this or better understand the situation. If anyone has any recommendations for things to try or sources to read up on, I'd appreciate it. I'm especially concerned about any issues that this may be causing at the SEO level and the known-unknowns. A magazine I work for recently relaunched after switching platforms from Atavist to Newspack (which is run via WordPress). Since then, we've been having some issues with 301s, but they relate to new stories that are native to our new platform/CMS and have had zero URL changes. We've always used HTTPS. Basically, the preview for any post we make linking to the new site, including these new (non-migrated pages) on Facebook previews as a 301 in the title and with no image. This also overrides the social media metadata we set through Yoast Premium. I ran some of the links through the Facebook debugger and it appears that Facebook is reading these links to our site (using https) as redirects to http that then redirect to https. I was told by our tech support person on Newspack's team that this is intentional, so that Facebook will maintain accurate share counts versus separate share counts for http/https, however this forced redirect seems to be failing if we can't post our links with any metadata. (The only way to reliably fix is by adding a query parameter to each URL which, obviously, still gives us inaccurate share counts.) This is the first time I've encountered this intentional redirect thing and I've asked a few times for more information about how it's set up just for my own edification, but all I can get is that it’s something managed at the server level and is designed to prevent separate share counts for HTTP and HTTPS. Has anyone encountered this method before, and can anyone either explain it to me or point me in the direction of a resource where I can learn more about how it's configured as well as the pros and cons? I'm especially concerned about our SEO with this and how this may impact the way search engines read our site. So far, nothing's come up on scans, but I'd like to stay one step ahead of this. Thanks in advance!

    | ogiovetti

  • Hi, I recently encountered a very strange problem.
    One of the pages I published in my website ranked very well for a couple of days on top 5, then after a couple of days, the page completely vanished, no matter how direct I search for it, does not appear on the results, I check GSC, everything seems to be normal, but when checking Google analytics, I find it strange that there is no data on the page since it disappeared and it also does not show up on the 'active pages' section no matter how many different computers i keep it open. I have checked to page 9, and used a couple of keyword tools and it appears nowhere! It didn't have any back links, but it was unique and high quality. I have checked on the page does still exist and it is still readable. Has this ´happened to anyone before? Any thoughts would be gratefully received.

    | JoelssonMedia

  • Re: Are long URLs bad for SEO? Does a long domain name included on the count of characters bad for SEO as well?Here is an example : "". This over 35 characters, however, does it begin after or before the domain name?

    | cesaromar1973

  • We speak Persian and all people search in Persian on Google. But I read in some sources that the url should be in English. Please tell me which language to use for url writing?
    For example, I brought down two models: 1fb0e134-10dc-4737-904f-bfdf07143a98-image.png

    | ghesta

  • Hey Mozzers! I received a duplicate content notice from my Cycle7 Communications campaign today. I understand the concept of duplicate content, but none of the suggested fixes quite seems to fit. I have four pages with HubSpot forms embedded in them. (Only two of these pages have showed up so far in my campaign.) Each page contains a title (Content Marketing Consultation, Copywriting Consultation, etc), plus an embedded HubSpot form. The forms are all outwardly identical, but I use a separate form for each service that I offer. I’m not sure how to respond to this crawl issue: Using a 301 redirect doesn’t seem right, because each page/form combo is independent and serves a separate purpose. Using a rel=canonical link doesn’t seem right for the same reason that a 301 redirect doesn’t seem right. Using the Google Search Console URL Parameters tool is clearly contraindicated by Google’s documentation (I don’t have enough pages on my site). Is a meta robots noindex the best way to deal with duplicate content in this case? Thanks in advance for your help. AK

    | AndyKubrin

  • Howdy all, We have a few pages being hailed as copies by the google search comfort. Notwithstanding, we accept the substance on these pages is unmistakably extraordinary (for instance, they have totally unique list items returned, various headings and so on) An illustration of two pages google discover to be copies is underneath. in the event that anybody can spot what may be causing the copy issue here, would especially see the value in ideas! Much appreciated ahead of time.

    | camerpon09

  • subdomains redirect

    I have a client site that is getting redesigned. Its a multi location service provider. Currently (for whatever reason) the location pages are sub domains. https://<location-name> In the new design the locations will be on the main domain.<location-name> We are considering using 301 redirects from the current sub domains to the new location pages on the main domain. The current sub domains are setup on a multi-site with A records for each one in our GoDaddy account. Would like to get feedback on any unforeseen SEO issues that anyone might have input on.

    | ColeBField1221

  • Is there any benefit or negative impact to including schema for both @type WebPage and NewsArticle on the same page? The websites I work on are editorial news sites. Our CMS automatically outputs WebPage schema to every article we publish. I want my dev to set up auto-generated NewsArticle schema. The are pretty much identical with a few different attributes. I just want to make sure I make the right choice about adding both or removing one.

    | DJBKBU

  • I have a couple sites that were penalized by Google for hosting content that made Google look bad. After a major newspaper showcased what was going on they suddenly took a major hit as if someone at Google flipped a switch and told their system not to rank the content for anything other than their brand names. The article made Google look bad because the newspaper highlighted a lot of unverified user generated accusations the reporters assumed not to be true in the context of "these accusations are mostly false, but they still show up on the first page when people search Google." I was thinking one way to fight this would simply be to host the content at a different domain, but I am concerned about the new domain being penalized as well. I don't want to completely shut down all of the original sites because some of them have brand recognition. The oldest domain is 12 years old with backlinks from several news outlets which is why the content ranked so well, but after the penalty that is only the case on Bing. I've read various articles about this tactic. Some say that you will almost always pass the penalty to the new domain if you do a 301 redirect, but the penalties at issue in those articles were for things like buying links or other black hat tactics. This is somewhat different in that I wasn't doing anything black hat, they just decided not to let the site rank for political reasons. I was hoping that maybe that type of penalty wouldn't follow it, but right now I am leaning towards simply creating a second site to syndicate articles. It will need to attribute the articles to their sources though, so they will need either no followed links or possibly a redirection script that bots cannot follow. I would really like it if I could simply change the first site to its .net or .org equivalent and 301 everything though.

    | PostAlmostAnything

  • Please I have a domain name I redirected (301 redirect) it to one of my domain names and I am having issues with the website so I decided to redirect to to my new site but moz is still showing redirecty to the previous websites
    Even when I change the redirect on search console it still showing redirecting to the previous site.

    | UniversalBlog

  • I've read many threads online which proves that website speed is a ranking factor. There's a friend whose website scores 44 (slow metric score) on Google Pagespeed Insights. Despite that his website is slow, he outranks me on Google search results. It confuses me that I optimized my website for speed, but my competitor's slow site outperforms me. On, I did amazing work by getting my target score which is 100 (fast metric score) on Google Pagespeed Insights. Coming to my Google search console tool, they have shown that some of my pages have average scores, while some have slow scores. Google search console tool proves me wrong that none of my pages are fast. Then where did the fast metrics went? Could it be because I added three Adsense Javascript code to all my blog posts? If so, that means that Adsense code is slowing website speed performance despite having an async tag. I tested my blog post speed and I understand that my page speed reduced by 48 due to the 3 Adsense javascript codes added to it. I got 62 (Average metric score). Now, my site speed is=100, then my page speed=62 Does this mean that Google considers page speed rather than site speed as a ranking factor? Screenshots: Regarding:

    | etcna

  • Not a techie here...maybe this is to be expected, but ever since one of my client sites has switched to TLS 1.3, I've had a couple of crawl issues and other hiccups. First, I noticed that I can't use any renders an error message for URLs on the site in question. I wrote to their support desk and they said they haven't updated to 1.3 yet. Bummer, because I loved's functionality, esp. getting bulk reports. Also, my Moz campaign crawls were failing. We are setting up a robots.txt directive to allow rogerbot (and the other bot), and will see if that works. These fails are consistent with the date we switched to 1.3, and some testing confirmed it. Anyone else seeing these types of issues, and can suggest any workarounds, solves, hacks to make my life easier? (including an alternative to have and use screaming frog...not as slick, I'm afraid!) Do you think there was a configuration error with the client's TLS 1.3 upgrade, or maybe they're using a problematic/older version of 1.3?? Thanks -

    | TimDickey

  • Recently there have been a a couple of pages form my website that ranked well, in top 5 for a couple of days then they disappear suddenly, they are not at all seen in google search results no matter how narrow I search for them. I checked my search console, there seems to be no issues with the page, but when I check google analytics, I do not get any data from that page since the day it disappeared, and it does not even show up on the 'active pages' section no matter I keep the url open in multiple computers.
    Has anyone else faced this issue? is there a solution to it?

    | JoelssonMedia

  • Does registering or renewing a domain name for more than a year improve search as a result of a more trusted site and company that will seem to be around for longer than just a year?

    | Motava

  • So we are planning redirect all these to this If we do this, will it have an negative impact on our SEO, is there any downside to this? or get penalised from Google etc?

    | RodrigoR777

  • We have a primary domain We have used subdomains for offering the same site in different languages, like, etc. There are certain language subdomains that have low traffic and are expensive to get translated. We have decided to sunset 3 subdomains that match that criteria. What is the best way of going about removing those subdomains? Should we just redirect from those subdomains to Would that have any negative impact on our primary domain in Google's eye etc.? Anything other than a redirect that we should be considering?

    | 250mils

  • If I'm updating a URL and 301 redirecting the old URL to the new URL, Google recommends I remove the old URL from our XML sitemap and add the new URL. That makes sense. However, can anyone speak to how Google transfers the ranking value (link value) from the old URL to the new URL? My suspicion is this happens outside the sitemap. If Google already has the old URL indexed, the next time it crawls that URL, Googlebot discovers the 301 redirect and that starts the process of URL value transfer. I guess my question revolves around whether removing the old URL (or the timing of the removal) from the sitemap can impact Googlebot's transfer of the old URL value to the new URL.

    | RyanOD

  • Hello, Mozzers!
    I noticed something peculiar in the robots.txt used by one of my clients: Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php What would be the purpose of allowing a search engine to crawl this file?
    Is it OK? Should I do something about it?
    Everything else on /wp-admin/ is disallowed.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    | AndyKubrin

  • I am hoping for your good health. I would appreciate any tips on fixing technical issues on my website. Could anyone please help me to resolve some technical issues on my website? Thanks in advance. Here is my website: Apkarc

    | jjbndjkui88

  • We have a news aggregator site that has 2 types of pages: First Type:
    Category pages like economic, sports or political news and we intend to do SEO on these category pages to get organic traffic. These pages have pagination and show the latest and most viewed news on the corresponding category. Second Type:
    News headlines from other sites are displayed on the category pages. The user will be directed to that news page on the main site by clicking on a link. These links are outgoing links and we redirect them by JavaScript (not 301).
    In fact these are our websites articles that just have titles (linked to destination) and meta descriptions (reads from news RSS). Question:
    Should we have to nofollow/noindex the second type of links? In fact, since the crawl budget of websites is limited, isn't it better to spend this budget on the pages we have invested in (first type)?

    | undaranfahujakia

  • We have a news aggregator site that has 2 types of pages: First Type:
    Category pages like economic, sports or political news and we intend to do SEO on these category pages to get organic traffic. These pages have pagination and show the latest and most viewed news on the corresponding category. Second Type:
    News headlines from other sites are displayed on the category pages. The user will be directed to that news page on the main site by clicking on a link. These links are outgoing links and we redirect them by JavaScript (not 301).
    In fact these are our websites articles that just have titles (linked to destination) and meta descriptions (reads from news RSS). Question:
    Should we have to nofollow/noindex the second type of links? In fact, since the crawl budget of websites is limited, isn't it better to spend this budget on the pages we have invested in (first type)?

    | undaranfahujakia

  • Hi - My website title (company name) repeats in the SEO description.  My host service is Square Space.  How do I fix this? 
    Thanks! Paula board-directors

    | Peeker

  • Hello all, We're doing an adwords campaign, and Google has said that there is a malicious link on the website we're looking to advertise - so cannot launch the campaign. I've tried to go through Search Console (I am a novice BTW). And it says that "Domain properties are not supported at this time". Which I don't understand. Any advice please?!

    | PartisanMCR

  • Hello all, I've been having some weird stuff going on between one of my landing pages and the Homepage. What's happening is, the page showing up in the SERP keeps flip-flopping, but not only that, when it flips to the landing page it will drop 70 positions.  Then when it flips back to the homepage it goes back to around position 19. So confused about what is happening.  I think the two pages are fighting for the same keyword as they both have the keyword in the meta title. Homepage >( <title>PresenterMedia - PowerPoint Templates, 3D Animations, and Clipart</title> ) Landing Page >( <title>PowerPoint Templates at</title> ) I've seen other answers about the flip-flopping thing, but not sure about dropping 70 positions thing that is going on. Does this huge drop tell me the better page to rank is the homepage instead of the landing page this targeting this keyword? Any help would be greatly appreciated

    | JbonesPM

  • Hi guys I've recently had an EV security certificate installed on the site and have seen a drop in search visibility ever since. It was installed on Nov 27th. Though I was expecting some tracking hiccups as a result of the install and that this is a particularly competitive time of year (I know that others are bidding more aggressively on our brand terms which constitute the vast majority of our traffic) I have been quite concerned by the following: Under Acquisition > SEO > Landing Pages this has dropped to 0. In GWT, the certificate has been identified as self-signed which we know not to be the case. We've checked with the SSL provider that the certificate has been properly installed and obviously with our developers. We're just at a bit of a loss as to whether there is actually an issue and it's not just due to tracking issues and external factors. Does anyone have any advice as to confirm the existence of a problem with the install? Or how to rectify the GWT error as obviously if Google thinks it's self-signed we're not going to get the ranking benefits we were expecting? Thanks in advance for your time. Kind regards

    | Q-TCM

  • i have a web site we are a third party web connecting player to the big gambling site.. How can i optimize the SEO in our page?

    | 323SM

  • I am currently working on a website (Ed tech) that is doing business in India as well as USA. The courses are same. Content being served is also same. There is no cookie level redirection. The only difference is in the price range and price type. In schema we have set price type as $. We want to set different price type for India and USA through schema. How can we do this? For example given below website ranks for India & USA with the same domain name but prince range that we can setup either in INR or USA

    | DJ_James

  • **Here is the message from our technical team for the http to https migration; are there any other http to https migration steps recommended? ** Http to https migration steps (for this large ecommerce site): We implemented HTTPS (HTTP over TLS) protocol today (5/4/2017). Applied a patch to ensure that HTTPS pages did not have NoIndex, NoFollow and tested before and after . Added new IIS HTTPS Redirect to enforce HTTPS from HTTP and changed others, including the WWW redirect Changed HTTPS only for Cookies as required as per new PCI vulnerabilities Changed the Basepage HTML template to use Relative Paths or Absolute URLs with HTTPS only (to prevent mixed content) Created and ran a SQL Script to cleanup 16 tables from HTTP to HTTPS (about 20,000 of them, including internal URL links, site settings, etc) Ran Google Sitemap Generator to create new sitemaps with HTTPS Added new HTTPS instance of the site into Webmaster Tools, then added verification code to master page, verified and then submitted the sitemaps to Search Console (QUESTION: will historical data in Google Console/ WMT be preserved for https?) **Follow up steps for http to https migration for large ecommerce: ** From this point forward, to avoid “mixed content”, the Marketing team must use either Relative Paths or Absolute Paths with HTTPS only in any customization (i.e. Basepage) or any new link, such as created in Content Management (i.e. Long Description). Any mixed content will make the website look not secure to customers and search engine spiders – so it is very important to be disciplined and diligent about this. Contact Salesforce to change the protocol to HTTPS only.  Meanwhile, to prevent mixed content, we put in a temporary custom javascript change as workaround – but this should not be permanent especially as to the next upgrade will remove it – so we need Saleforce to make a change ASAP. We did not change Blog site (on sub domain), but we should even though it is only a Content site because it will not be signaled as Secure.  This means we need to have someone make the changes to WordPress to enforce HTTPS and then change any links. In terms of impact to page ranking due to Google’s treatment of HTTPS over HTTP and due to some impact to page speed – we will need to monitor closely to see how indexing, organic traffic and page ranking goes and take any additional actions as necessary.

    | seo2017

  • Hi there, I have client who has multiple domains that already have some PA and DA. Problem is that most websites have the same content and rank better on different keywords.
    I want to redirect all the websites to 1 domain because it’s easier to manage and it removes any duplicate content. Question is if I redirect domain x to domain y do the rankings of domain x increase on domain y? Or is it better to keep domain x separately to generate more referral traffic to domain y? Thanks in advance! Cheers

    | Leaf-a-mark

  • Hello, I've been trying to find out why Google Search Console finds these pages non-indexable: Moz and SEMrush both crawl the pages and show no errors but GSC comes back with, "blocked by robots.txt" but I've confirmed it is not. Anyone have any thoughts? 6AYn1TL

    | KenSchaefer

  • How to stop a URL from referring to another URL on my site. I'm getting a 404 error on a referred URL which is ([null id=43484])referred from URL ( The referred URL is the URL page that I want and I do not need it redirecting to the other URL as that's presenting a 404 error. I have tried saving the  permalink in WordPress and recreated the .htaccess file and the problem is still there. Can you advise how to fix this please? Is it a case of removing the redirect?  Is this advisable and how do I do that please? Thanks

    | Nichole.wynter2020

  • Stopping a redirect from one URL to another due to a 404 error? Referred URL which is ( Referring URL (

    | Nichole.wynter2020

  • I have this problem for the site's blog
    There is no problem when I check the yoast plugin setting , but some of my blog content is not on the map site but indexed. Did you have such a problem? What is the cause? my website name is missomister

    | seomozplan196

  • I have to sentences that I want to optimize to different pages for. sentence number one is travel to ibiza by boat sentence number to is travel to ibiza by ferry My question is, can I have the same content on both pages exept for the keywords or will Google treat that as duplicate content and punish me? And If yes, where goes the limit/border for duplicate content?

    | stlastla

  • Hi, I was inspecting a website which is covering the topic of best wheelbarrow of 2021, it is a new website and and starts ranking on google. But, after few days it got de-rank automatically and Moz is also not showing any result to that. I was wandering why this just happened and what should I do if I made my website and will not face this kind of situation?

    | Moeen2233

  • Can you help with how to fix this 404 error please? It appears that I have a redirect from one page to the other, although the referring page URL works, but it appears to be linking to another URL with this code at the end of the the URL  - %5Bnull%20id=43484%5D that I'm struggling to find  and fix. Thanks

    | Nichole.wynter2020

  • Hi to everyone, I used Sitechecker.Pro for a website audit of a client website   and there was this warning (not an error!): TEXT TO CODE RATIO<10% How  important is this to  achieve good ranking? What are good ratios? I undestand that more text needs to be added to improve it? fcdcfbe438

    | astweb

  • There's a section of my client's website that presents quarterly government financial data. Users can filter results to see different years and quarters of financial info. If a user navigates to those pages, the URLs automatically append the latest query parameters. It's not a redirect...when I asked a developer what the mechanism was for this happening, he said "magic." He honestly didn't know how to describe it. So my question is, is it ok to canonicalize the URL without any query parameters, knowing that the user will always be served a page that does have query parameters? I need to figure out how to manage all of the various versions of these URLs.

    | LeahH

  • I am counting on some more ads on the site, is it a problem if I add some ads about sex, porn ..., to make a little more money. So does it affect the PA DA score. Thank you!

    | gogoanimetp

  • I work for an agency. Recently, one of our clients decided to do a complete site redesign without giving us notice. Shortly after this happened, Moz Site Crawl reported a massive spike of issues, including but not limited to 4xx errors. However, in the weeks that followed, it seemed these 4xx errors would disappear and then a large number of new ones would appear afterward, which makes me think they're phantom errors (and looking at the referring URLs, I suspect as much because I can't find the offending URLs). Is there any reason why this would happen? Like, something wrong with the sitemap or robots.txt?

    | YYSeanBrady

  • I have a couple of questions about this. First of all is one more important than the other? Also, I currently have a website setup for How is it possible to grow page authority yet I am having a hard time growing domain authority. Thank you !

    | gogoanimetp

  • My site is being flagged in Page Optimization Score for "Avoid too many internal links", but the warning doe snot tell me how many internal links are on a page. How can I find this?

    | Zambezikid

  • Hi, will the content within a dropdown on a page be crawled? I.e. if the page visitor has to click to reveal the content as a dropdown will it be crawled by bots. Thanks

    | BillSCC

  • I'm working on a WordPress website that has around 300 pages (not posts, pages), many of which have very little content and / or content that is super outdated with zero relevancy. The site has been up and running for 10 years and ranks well overall, 1st in many instances for competitive keywords. The company holds yearly events and works with various other companies who exhibit at their events. In their very early years, they created pages on their website for each of these companies, some of which don't even exist anymore. If I had to delete all of the pages that are deprecated there would only be 10 pages of the site left (with blog posts counted separately). Would it be safe to remove these pages and set a 301 redirect to a semi-related page without hurting the website rankings? Any and all advice appreciated!!

    | enimmo1997

  • I built my new website and i have two major worries. 1. My home page has two URLs. The one with a high PA though indexed by Google, is not submitted in the sitemap. I tried to place a canonical tag but the hosting service said it was impossible for me to place the canonical link. My concern is if the indexed page will be successfully optimized for SEO without it being submitted in the sitemap and what happens to the other URL for the same page which is also indexed and submitted in the sitemap? 2.I started my link building campaign for one of my pages. I acquired some good PA already for a particular keyword  but later on discovered it will be very difficult for me to rank for the major keyword. I have decided to change the keyword. Will the acquired PA influence the SEO for the new keyword? I wish to know if i should dissolve the links to the page for the former keyword or should i maintain them and move forward with building links for the new keyword as well.

    | trevordocs

  • Hello,
    I have a query animation 'fade-in-up' on my website: which moves the H1 tag slightly and fades it in from zero opacity to 1. Will this affect the SEO value of the H1 tag?
    Thank you!

    | Tiffany_Barn

  • I'm getting an error in Search Console that pages on my site show No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag. However, when I inspect the pages html, it does not show noindex. In fact, it shows index, follow. Majority of pages show the error and are not indexed by Google...Not sure why this is happening. Unfortunately I can't post images on here but I've linked some url's below. The page below in search console shows the error above... As does this one. However, this page does not have the error and is indexed by Google. The meta robots tag looks identical. Any and all help is appreciated.

    | Sean_White_Consult

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