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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi everyone, my site has suffered from a number of organic drops this year, following a redesign, panda, and penguin.  An example of one of my key pages is shown below: Earlier this year, I redesigned my site, so that, for example, 4 pages associated with each Bridgestone Arena (a page with nearby hotels, one for user reviews, one for upcoming events, one for general information) were combined into one "Bridgestone Arena Hotels" page.  The reason I did this is because I felt that many of the pages were very thin.  My new page has tabs for reviews, tickets etc., with the default tab listing nearby hotel information - the primary aim of my website. I'm worried that all the great unique user review information that I'm collecting is not being given the weighting it deserves, because it is content that is not immediately visible when the user lands on the page - only click the Reviews tab makes the content visible. The hidden content is definitely being picked up by Google e.g. searching for a portion of the review content in Google such as "We were here for the Aerosmith concert. The workers were so friendly and helpful - great experience!" serves up the Bridgestone Arena page in the results. But do you think Google still sees the page as being pretty thin in content, because much of the unique content is initially hidden? I am considering introducing a little featured reviews section to the visible content, that just includes a couple of the latest venue reviews, with a link to open the reviews tab.  But if I have some review content here, and the same reviews in a hidden section of the same page, is Google likely to treat this as spammy? Thanks for your help and advice, Mike

    | mjk26

  • Hi all, I am developing an ecommerce store and would like some advice on the Category / Product URL structure for SEO purposes. Products have many options Products belong to a sub-category. Sub categories belong to a category There will be a maximum of 500 products in the database. 1.{category}/{product_slug}?{product_option} Flattened with query string option 2.{category}/{subcategory}/{product_slug}?{product_option} // Hierarchical with query string option 3.{category}/{product_slug}/{product_option} 4.{category}/{subcategory}/{product_slug}/{product_option} 5.{category}/{product-slug} Option 5 seems best to me, however I am also worried about duplicate content between pages. The above 3 examples will all have very similar content. And if I use canonical url tag, which product page would I refer these pages to? At least with Option 1 I can use the canonical tag to tell search engines that pages with get parameters can point to the non get parameter version. In addition to Option 5, should I create a{category}/{subcategory} page? That way Option 5 item canonical tags can point to that page. e.g. which would contain product summary detail with product options listed on the page? Am I missing something here or can anybody provide a better solution?

    | MangoMM

  • I currently have a dozen client websites or so that I have setup under my Webmaster tools login. Should I put them each separately under their own webmaster tools, then just add me as a user? Is the way I'm doing it now messing with Authorship?

    | daviddischler

  • Does Google treat them differently? I found something interesting just now and decided to post it up

    | daviddischler

  • Hi My robots file is currently set up as listed below. From an SEO point of view is it good to disallow feeds, rss and comments? I feel allowing comments would be a good thing because it's new content that may rank in the search engines as the comments left on my blog often refer to questions or companies folks are searching for more information on. And the comments are added regularly. What's your take? I'm also concerned about the /page being blocked. Not sure how that benefits my blog from an SEO point of view as well. Look forward to your feedback. Thanks. Eddy User-agent: Googlebot Crawl-delay: 10 Allow: /* User-agent: * Crawl-delay: 10 Disallow: /wp- Disallow: /feed/ Disallow: /trackback/ Disallow: /rss/ Disallow: /comments/feed/ Disallow: /page/ Disallow: /date/ Disallow: /comments/ # Allow Everything Allow: /*

    | workathomecareers

  • Hello, I'm doing content marketing, it's working but it's slow and steady. I'm looking for some wisdom here from people that have done a lot of linkbuilding. Phone calls are tending to be a great resource in our niche. But I've got about 10 sites that I've called about ten times each and they're taking up a lot of time. I've mostly narrowed down who to contact but that person won't answer the phone. My question is, when do you give up on a good lead? Do I just try to contact a good person 5?, or 10? times then leave a message, leave a message a week later, then give up? I don't think leaving a message for content marketing in this case would help much. Thanks for the advice.

    | BobGW

  • In my google webmasters I just started getting 404 errors that I'm not sure how to redirect. I'm getting quite a few that are ending in /feed/ for instance /nyc-accident-injury/feed/
    contact-us-thank-you/feed/ and then also a problem with my sitemap I guess? With /site-map/?postsort=tags The domain is

    | jsmythd

  • I am looking at an example of search results that displays the image below. I wanted to have the local address to the right of my website. How do I have something like this? qGJ6EBc

    | herlamba

  • Anyone know how to optimize for local when client has a regus office? I heard it doesn't work so well because the offices are temporary and so many have used the same exact address over and over. True? Any way around it? Thanks!!

    | BBuck

  • Hello, I'm marketing a useful article in our niche, appealing to the humanitarian side of things and I always show I'm a reciprocator. Should my wording in my outreach email be: write a guest post around this article: http://... Or should I just ask if they want help with content and go from there? In other words, should I always call it a guest post for maximum conversions? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Does anyone know a way to get Google to re-crawl a webpage that does not belong to me. There are a bunch of pages that I have had links removed on and I want Google to re-crawl those pages to see the links have been removed. (current wait time is way way too long) Can anyone suggest some ways to get the page re-crawled. (I am unable to get the website owners to use WMT to do anything). Suggestions like good ping services and various other techniques would be very much appreciated. Thanks

    | gazzerman1

  • Hello, A client of mine has a site with almost all keyword rich anchor text, The problem is on on a bunch of little blogs and some (mostly sitewide) paid links. We are working to move into 100% white hat SEO, but we're doing it slowly. My question is, how fast can we change the anchor text on all of these links? I'm worried that if I do it too fast that it will be a red flag. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I am looking for some proof, or at least evidence to whether or not sites are being hurt by duplicate content. The situation is, that there were 4 content rich newspaper/magazine style sites that were basically just reskins of each other. [ a tactic used under a previous regime 😉 ]  The least busy of the sites has since been discontinued & 301d to one of the others, but the traffic was so low on the discontinued site as to be lost in noise, so it is unclear if that was any benefit. Now for the last ~2 years all the sites have had unique content going up, but there are still the archives of articles that are on all 3 remaining sites, now I would like to know whether to redirect, remove or rewrite the content, but it is a big decision - the number of duplicate articles? 263,114 ! Is there a chance this is hurting one or more of the sites? Is there anyway to prove it, short of actually doing the work?

    | Fammy

  • Hi my site is 4 months old and I wondered whether my "Quick Links" section (right hand column) on 95% of my pages with the same/similar anchor text was not best practice ie should I vary the anchor text & the target locations more? ( they tend to point to my top 6 pages) They were set up originally to make the customer experience easy to find things but from what i have read Google doesnt like too many links looking the same ! I also have 3 Graphics (cross sales messages) just above the foot of most (not the home page) pages, linking to my 3 key value pages, all with similar Alt Text tags, again should i vary the alt text or is not a good idea to have this type of link on every page? What is best practice, as i am trying to balance the visual/customer experience whilst optimising for search? Thanks

    | AshShep1

  • Hi there, we are currently setting up a pure html version for Bots on our site so the content as well as navigation will be fully indexed by google. We will show google exactly the same content the user sees (except for the fancy JS effects). So all bots get pure html and real users see the JS based version. My questions are first, if everyone agrees that this is the way to go or if there are alternatives to this to get the content indexed. Are there best practices? All JS-based websites must have this problem, so I am hoping someone can share their experience. The second question regards the optimal number of content pieces ('Stories') displayed per page and the best method to paginate. Should we display e.g. 10 stories and use ?offset in the URL or display 100 stories to google per page and maybe use rel=”next”/"pref" instead. Generally, I would really appreciate any pointers and experiences from you guys as we haven't done this sort of thing before! Cheers, Frank

    | FranktheTank-47497

  • I want to mark up a business address for Google Local, so I thought I would use the data highlighter in WMT. However I only just added the address to the the bottom of the home page and when using data highlighter iit is giving me the old version of page to mark up without the address on. Rather frustrating, does any body have any experience on the time frame until Google updates the page in the data highlighter? According to this thread it's not even related to the page re caching:  Data Highlighter: Start link is pulling an old version of page

    | Milian

  • Good morning, I am using wp super cache and I got the report: Cache-Control max-age=3, must-revalidate Any idea how to fix this? Thank you very much for any advice. My htacces file look like this below: EXPIRES CACHING <ifmodule mod_expires.c="">ExpiresActive On
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    ExpiresDefault "access plus 2 days"</ifmodule> EXPIRES CACHING BEGIN s2Member GZIP exclusions Redirect 301 /2012/03/22/romantic-couples-getaway-on-diani-beach/
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    Redirect 301 /rent/diani-beach-zanzibar-style-villa/
    Redirect 301 /rent/diani-beach-majestic-arabian-villa/
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    Redirect 301 /rent/diani-beach-luxury-baobab-villas/
    Redirect 301 /rent/diani-beach-palatial-villa/
    Redirect 301 /rent/entiwi-beach-exclusive-beach-villa/
    Redirect 301 /rent/diani-beach-luxury-beachfront-holiday-home/
    Redirect 301 /rent/exclusive-holiday-beach-villa-diani-beach/
    Redirect 301 /rent/luxury-beachfront-holiday-villa-diani-beach/
    Redirect 301 /rent/7-bedroom-diani-beach-beachfront-villa/
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    RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^(w3c\ |w3c-|acs-|alav|alca|amoi|audi|avan|benq|bird|blac|blaz|brew|cell|cldc|cmd-|dang|doco|eric|hipt|htc_|inno|ipaq|ipod|jigs|kddi|keji|leno|lg-c|lg-d|lg-g|lge-|lg/u|maui|maxo|midp|mits|mmef|mobi|mot-|moto|mwbp|nec-|newt|noki|palm|pana|pant|phil|play|port|prox|qwap|sage|sams|sany|sch-|sec-|send|seri|sgh-|shar|sie-|siem|smal|smar|sony|sph-|symb|t-mo|teli|tim-|tosh|tsm-|upg1|upsi|vk-v|voda|wap-|wapa|wapi|wapp|wapr|webc|winw|winw|xda\ |xda-).* [NC]
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
    RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}/$1/index.html -f
    RewriteRule ^(.*) "/wp-content/cache/supercache/%{SERVER_NAME}/$1/index.html" [L]</ifmodule> END WPSuperCache BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]</ifmodule> END WordPress

    | Rebeca1

  • Hello Mozzers. I've just been looking at a site with capitals in the URL - capitals are used in the product descriptions, so you'll have a URL structure like this:  (such URLs do not work if I lower the case of the capitals). There are 50,000 such products on the site. Clearly one drawback is potential customers might type in, or link to, the lower case of the URL and get a "not found" result (though the urls are relatively long so not that likely I'm thinking). Are there any additional drawbacks with the use of capitals outlined here?

    | McTaggart

  • Hello - Just getting in to a bit of Markup for rich snippets etc. This site sells from New Zealand , but our target market is Australia and most of our sales are there and we locate it there in Webmaster tools. Our Site changes currency / location automatically detecting IP Addresses. So -primarily I have a product with multiple variations on one page that I want to show offers in - in Australian Dollars Syntol Probiotic 
      90 caps $25AUD    180 Caps $50AUD     360 Caps 75AUD Here is the page Ideas around that?  Ideally I would like to add some country specific data to it I guess..?

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • Hello! I was busy doing lots of key wording for my images which I hate and notices that when viewed in source code, the different places I inputed information translated into Title and Description meta tags but NO alt tags. As I'm a a photographer, it's really important to me that I make the most of my images to get increased traffic so I challenged the people behind my website about it. This is their response to the question: "We all know how important the alt tags are for image SEO so why does
    the design allows Title, Description and Keyword image tags but not alt
    tags?" Unfortunately, there is no way to add an alt tag and title tag specifically to an image display page. However, as you have pointed out here, we use other elements that essentially accomplish the same thing. Each image display page does have its own page title and meta description, as you have also noticed. For the title, we use the IPTC Headline field (if there is no headline, then we use IPTC Title, and if there is no title, then we go to file name), and for the meta description, we use both the IPTC caption as well as the keywords - so all of that information is embedded on the image display page with the image itself and search engines can index this content. Alt Text data intends to given contextual information to search engines when they crawl your site, and the IPTC metadata that shows along with your images, does this as well." What is your opinion on that answer?

    | IoanSaid

  • I own over 40 real estate websites that linked to each other for certain keywords.  This worked for a long time and now has not.    All had unique content, but pretty much used the same template for design.  I do have some very good content on each website. How should I go about getting un penalized?  Will killing all the text links to all the sites help?  Looking for solid advice here and thank you for your time.

    | CLTMichael

  • My site has been on page one for 2 phrases consistently from May onwards this year. The site has fewer than 100 backlinks and the link profile looks fairly even. On Friday we were on page 1, we even had a position 1, however now we are on page 6. Do you think this is Penguin or some strange Google blip? We have no webmaster tools messages at all. Thanks for any help!

    | onlinechester

  • Hello... We have a client, that had arround 17K visits a month... Last september he hired a company to do a redesign of his website....They needed to create a copy of the site on a different subdomain on another root domain... so I told them to block that content in order to not affect my production site, cause it was going to be an exact replica of the content but different design.... The developmet team did it wrong and blocked the production site (using robots.txt), so my site lost all it's organica traffic, which was 85-90% of the total traffic and now only get a couple of hundreds visits a month... First I thought we had been somehow penalized, however when I the other site recieving new traffic and being indexed i realized so I switched the robots.txt and created 301 redirect from the subdomain to the production site. After resending sitemaps, links to google+ and many things I can't get google to reindex my site.... when i do a search in google I only get 3 results. Its been now almost 2 month and honestly dont know what to do.... Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks Dan

    | daniel.alvarez

  • Hello, I have a question concerning a new website. What should I do, SEO wise? Should I place all my content on my pages at once? And thus let the spider crawl everything at once? Or should I place my content in different phases? So the spider could crawl my pages multiple times in some days/weeks time? Or do both ways come to the same result? Thank you,

    | MarikeP

  • Our client is a law firm with a name that is challenging to spell. We have procured a domain name for them that is catchy, easy to spell, and plays well into their brand, or at least the current campaign. We're using the campaign domain to direct traffic to their website with a 301 redirect. We have placed the campaign domain in a variety of offline mediums including print and outdoor. The client is currently in the number 1 spot for a good number of our highest priority keywords, so I do not want to do anything to jeopardize that.  I'm also not sure this campaign will be their "brand" long-term so I don't want to risk making a switch and making it back. So for now, I'm most comfortable leaving the campaign domain as a redirect to their primary domain. Recently, the client approached me complaining (legitimately) that when people google the campaign domain, they are brought to search results for an entirely different domain because Google "corrects" the domain name for them. This is obviously a bad thing, with many users defaulting to entering urls into Google instead of the address bar. If you tell Google that it was wrong about the autocorrection, our site is in the number 1 position. I liken the situation to using as their offline domain, but as their online domain. But imagine if you googled and google brought you to a list of results for "" because it assumed you fat-fingered it. Is there anything I can do to prevent the domain name from getting corrected by Google?

    | steverobinson

  • Hi, So after a site re-launch, Moz crawled it and reported over 150 duplicate content errors.  It was determined that it was because of incorrect uses of capitalization in internal links.  Using screaming frog, I found all (500+) internal links and fixed them to match the actual URL.  Now the site is100% consistent across the board as best I can tell. I am unsure what to do next though.   We launched the site with all the internal link errors, and now many of the pages that are indexed and ranked are with the incorrect URL form.   Some have said to use a canonical tag.  But how can I use a canonical tag on a page doesn't even exist?   Same thing with 301.  Can I redirect  /examplepage to /ExamplePage if only /ExamplePage actually exists? I would really appreciate some advice on what to do.   After I fixed the internal links, I waited a week and Moz crawled the site again and reported all the same errors, and then even more.  All capitalization.  Seems like it's a mess.  After I did another Screaming Frog crawl, it showed no duplicates, so I know I was successful in fixing the internals. Help!!

    | yogitrout1

  • My question is in regards to ranking a blog under our domain If we are targeting pc blog should the home page have some content in the side bar or somewhere that stays there contantly.

    | BobAnderson

  • I have a page that currently ranks high for its term. That page is going away for the main website users, meaning all internal site links pointing to that page are going away and point to a new page. Normally you would just do a 301 redirect to the new URL however the old URL will still need to remain as a landing page since we send paid media traffic to that URL. My question is what is the best way to deal with that? One thought was set up a canonical tag, however my understanding is that the pages need to be identical or very close to the same and the landing page will be light on content and different from the new main page. Not topically different but not identical copy or design, etc.

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hey, does enybody have an idea, why my site is not ranked for the KW detox in (Slovenia). It is being indexed, but it does not rank and i have no idea why. Best, M.

    | Spletnafuzija

  • I just started with a new company that requires multi-location SEO for its niche product/service. Currently, we have a main corporate website, as well as, 40+ individual dealer websites (we host all).  Keep in mind each of these dealers consist of only 1-2 people, so corporate I will be managing the site or sites and content strategy. Many of the individual dealer sites actually rank very well (#1-#3) in their areas for our targeted keywords, but they all use the same duplicate content. Also, there are many dealer sites that have dropped off the radar in last year, which is probably because of the duplicate and static content. So I'm at a crossroads... Attempt to redo all of these location sites with unique and local content for each or Create optimized unique pages for each of them on our main site and redirect their current local domains to their page on our site Any advise regarding which direction to go in and why. Why is very important. It will be very difficult to convince a dealer that is #1 with his local site that we are redirecting to our main site, so I need some good ammo and reasoning. Also, any tips toward achieving local seo success will be greatly appreciated, too! Thank you!

    | the-coopersmith

  • So now I created some really good content (with help of Egol and Peter here on and now I need to promote it.  To get it in front of authoritative sites so they hopefully will write about and link to it. I erroneously figured it would be fairly easy.  I contacted two writers of a high level industry blog/magazine that previously had mentioned us in press, sent them an email with an invitation to check it out and please let me know what they thought.  NO response.  They probably get deluged. Anyway, I can't afford to pay a marketing company to promote it.  Where can I learn how to best do this myself?  The content isn't going to help anyone if no one sees it.... Thanks for any leads! Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • Background: Our devs have been talking about changing some of our websites so that all pages are https vs just those that are a part of our logins and shopping carts. From what I have read things that need to be done as a part of this are make sure that https pages will allow caching setup new site in GWT put 301 redirects in place update all internal links, social profiles etc everywhere you can to https URLs can server handle the extra load so no impact on site speed There is an old MCutts video that says essentially, "works for Pay Pal" and  "you can try it, but test it on a smaller site first" The comments below the video are all stories about loss in rank and traffic with some coming back.  Not sure if these folks did the move correctly, but still, you never know. Question: Have any of you done a technically "correct" move of an entire site from http to https using the suggestions above?  What was your experience? Any gotchas?  Just to be clear, I am not talking about setting up a site from scratch, but wanted to know impact on an established site. Thx

    | CleverPhD

  • Hello Mozzers, just looked at a website and just about every product page (there are hundreds - yikes!) is duplicated like this at end of each url (see below). Surely this is a serious case of duplicate content? Any idea why a web developer would do this? Thanks in advance! Luke prod=company-081

    | McTaggart

  • Hi : Now it's 3 month from starting seo my website by myself ( my website is like that give users one online service " My both primary keywords have 450.000 and 100.000 **exact usa search , **when I start my goal is to rank my both keywords on second page during the first year , now and after 3 month after creating few quality backlinks ( guest posting and comments on relevant topic on forum ) my both keywords are ranked on 3rd and fifth page. Any suggestion to create quality backlinks that might help me ?  should I continue with guest posting ?

    | Khaledmoalla

  • Our client has medical centers all over the US and we rank really well for the term "DIALYSIS CENTER" as well as all the major markets "DIALYSIS CENTER LOS ANGELES", etc. We need to add in a Second Keyword Phrase of "CKD CENTER" (which is an alternate term for the same medical center). Should we change all the TITLE, H1, etc that we have done to a COMBINED term of "CKD DIALYSIS CENTER" or "DIALYSIS CKD CENTER" and all the local market variations?  We can't create 2 pages for one business in the directory, but we're not sure the right way to make sure that the pages are now targeted for 2 terms. Thanks in advance for any help & advice!!!!

    | ErnieB

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, I have recently been trying to earn new links for my company websites by appealing to local public libraries that line up with our geographic footprint.  We have store locations in 569 city, state combinations, so I am finding the local library for each city, state and asking them to add us to their website as a community reference for child care.  Here is my pitch email that I am sending out.... Hi There, _ I hope this email finds you in good health and good spirits. _ My name is XXXXX and I represent <insert company="" name="">.  I am reaching out to local libraries in the cities and counties where our schools are located in an effort to request local support for our schools.  Many libraries across the country have reached out to us asking for parent resources and child care options in their local city.  I would like to extend the same value to you.</insert> _ I would love to have our school in <insert city="" name="">be considered for placement on your public library site found at <insert target="" website="" url="">.  With ample parent resources and child related materials, our school would be a great fit for your local community.  We have many great parenting articles, blogs and local child care options in <insert city="" name="">.</insert></insert></insert>_ Our local school website can be found at : Our parent resource section can be found at: Who do you suggest I speak with regarding earning a placement on your site?  Any information would be greatly appreciated. So far I have a response rate of about 1% and of those that do respond, none are willing to add a link on their site in any capacity since our company is privately held and not a public school option.  Can anyone suggest either a better way to approach link earning on a city by city basis or help me improve my current initial email to get a better response? I really appreciate it! p.s.... some of my other link targets are city run websites, local chamber of commerce chapters (suspect this will be hard since most require a paid membership), local public school sites, and keyword targeted lists such as "child care in phoenix, az" to see what sites come for each term.  Advice on these and anything I may be missing would be of great value.

    | dsinger

  • Hello there,
    My site: was made with no sub structure.
    It has no categories, and no child pages, all the pages are simply added to the end of the URL.
    Sometimes this results in a rather lengthy URL like:
    I was hoping to arrange the pages a bit into a logical, parented structure that looks more like:
    **/Immigration/Permanent-Residence/Work-Permit-South-**Africa I would have parented pages, making up the same pretty much URL Now the Questions:
    Is it worth it?
    Will google read my parented URL with all the keywords, or only the page's keywords?
    What should I expect to see from google?
    Will my SERPs be all messed up? I will, without doubt, 301 redirect all the old URLs to the new parented ones. Any advice would be great,

    | NikitaG

  • We have been hit with a Panda penalty and the site has slowly been losing rankings since January, I've now realised that we have 4000+ page indexed in Google, but only 2000 live products. We have never deleted any of the pages with discontinued items, most of which were created when keyword stuffing and thin content reigned supreme - which explains the Panda penalty. But which is the best and quickest way to delete them from Google? We have already implemented a 'noindex' across all these pages, but as they are no longer in the 'crawlable' site, how will Google find them to know this? Would a 404 work any better - I'm not concerned about any link juice etc to/from these pages, I just want rid. I'm not sure if we can move all these pages into a dedicated directory which would allow us to use Google's Removal Tool - using it with the individual urls would be a mammoth task. Any advice would be most greatly appreciated.

    | ElaineAllkids

  • Hi, We've rebuilt our website and created a better sitemap index structure. There's a good chance that we not be able to append the XML files to existing site for technical reasons (don't get me started). I'm reaching out because I'm wondering if can we place the XML files on another website or subdomain? I know this is not best practice and probably very grey but I'm looking for alternatives. If there answer is DON'T DO IT let me know too. Thx

    | WMCA

  • TLDR: As part of a corporate rebranding/restructuring, my parent company is asking me to redirect just the homepage of our website to another page on their website. How will this affect rankings of all of the other pages on our site? I work for an organization (XYZ Corp) that is owned by another company (Big Conglomerate). XYZ Corp's main function is building custom skinned microsites for marketing purposes that live on our domain in a traditional directory structure (no subdomains). This morning, I get a request to redirect XYZ Corp's homepage to live at But all of our original microsites are to remain as is. Technically, I know how to accomplish this redirection. My question is- should I? Or should I fight this? I searched previous Q&A's, but wasn't able to find someone else who was concerned about losing search rankings for sub-pages due to losing their website's homepage. A few more details- The microsite pages are not linked to from the homepage. The microsites do not link back to the homepage. We cannot move the microsites to because everything that lives there is a cookie cutter CMS page. This is my first question ever, please go easy on me! Thanks, --Mark

    | bigwheeler

  • If you have a site that has 200k+ backlinks, and you are receiving anywhere from 1-4k new links daily (according to majestic), how are you supposed to manage your link profile? We don't do any black hat tactics or any link building, and at the rate of new links coming in, we are afraid that Penguin might hit us one day. We have never used the disavow tool yet either. What are we supposed to do exactly?


  • I finally figured out that to EARN quality links I need some great content that I can share.  Content that is valuable to people. So I created a (indepth?) article with some pretty sweet infographics.  This is NEW to me.  So I was hoping I could get some feedback on this before I attempt to promote it to media and industry publishers. Here is the link: Would love your feedback and suggestions! Thanks ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • One of our higher traffic section pages is not being indexed by Google.  The products that reside on this section page ARE indexed by Google and are on page 1.  So why wouldn't the section page be even listed and indexed?  The meta title is accurate, meta description is good.  I haven't received any notices in Webmaster Tools. Is there a way to check to see if OTHER pages might also not be indexed? What should a small ecom site do to see about getting it listed? SOS in Modesto. Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • We had some products on the Steals and Deals segment of Good Morning America.   The same day we received a message from Google in Webmaster Tools (below).  The message says that search result clicks have increased significantly. It seems like this was almost a warning that they were not sure this was valid. The promotion included a link from the good morning america site on yahoo to a subdomain on our site. The rankings have fallen a good little bit since and in Webmaster tools, there are no links to our site listed and no internal links and no content keywords for the site. Is this is a temporary freeze on our site until they figure out if this is manipulative?   I would have thought a link from Good Morning America would be great for SEO. Search results clicks for have increased significantly. This message is not indicative of any problem in your site. It is simply to inform you that the number of clicks that one of your pages receives has increased recently. If you have just added new content, this may indicate that it has become more popular on Google. The number of clicks that your site receives from Google can change from day to day for a variety of factors, including automatic algorithm updates.

    | gametv

  • Hi everybody. I've been working on this page for some time, Until several months ago, it ranked really well for the terms 'Anglian windows' and 'Anglian windows reviews'. However, following a Google update it tanked and has got worse ever since. Here's what I've done to try and fix it. Added 800 words of unique copy Added YouTube videos Replaced scraped press releases with unique descriptions that link to the source Analysed the backlink profile and uploaded a disavow file containing all bad links Contacted webmaster to remove them where possible Getting a bit low on ideas now, so any help would be great!

    | Blink-SEO

  • Not sure which approach would be more SEO ranking friendly? As we are a music store, we do instrument repairs on all instruments.  Currently, I don't have much of any content about our repairs on our website... so I'm considering a couple different approaches of adding this content: Let's take Trumpet Repair for example: 1.  I can auto write to the HTML body (say, at the end of the body) of our 20 Trumpets (each having their own page) we have for sale on our site, the verbiage of all repairs, services, rates, and other repair related detail.  In my mind, the effect of this may be that: This added information does uniquely pertain to Trumpets only (excludes all other instrument repair info), which Google likes... but it would be duplicate Trumpet repair information over 20 pages.... which Google may not like? 2. Or I could auto write the repair details to the Trumpet's Category Page - either in the Body, Header, or Footer.  This definitely reduces the redundancy of the repeating Trumpet repair info per Trumpet page, but it also reduces each Trumpet pages content depth... so I'm not sure which out weighs the other? 3. Write it to both category page & individual pages?  Possibly valuable because the information is anchoring all around itself and supporting... or is that super duplication? 4. Of course, create a category dedicated to repairs then add a subcategory for each instrument and have the repair info there be completely unique to that page...- then in the body of each 20 Trumpets, tag an internal link to Trumpet Repair? Any suggestions greatly appreciated?  Thanks, Kevin

    | Kevin_McLeish

  • I feel really silly asking this question to begin with, but... as a music store, we have a lot of "smalls" for products, like a guitar pick.  We sell picks for $0.50 each, or a single clarinet reed at $0.79.  Some believe this is too small, finicky, and cumbersome to have listed for sale on our site.  To me, I wholeheartedly disagree with the notiion of excluding "smalls" for a plethera of SEO, customer service, & online SALES reasons... Also we offer USPS shipping to offer low shipping costs on small goods.  Can I really be wrong about this?  Thanks, Kevin

    | Kevin_McLeish

  • Hi I have a job board site and the way the site is built means that I cant 404 job pages once they have expired. To combat this Im looking to 301 the pages into a 404 page.Do any of you have any experience with this? Are there any potential pitfalls to doing a 404 this way? Thanks

    | AndrewAkesson

  • I have a large number of 404's that all have a similar structure: kemprugelaw keeps getting stuck on the end of url's. While I created I never created the page or edited permalinks to have kemprugelaw at the end of the url. Any idea how this happens? And what I can do to make it stop? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I've got 3 sites (same name) located in Australia, US and UK. Currently these sites are all pulling images (I own) from 1 location. I'd like to create image XML sitemaps for each of these sites. As I see it, my options are: 1. Keeping the images hosted in the 1 place and creating image XML sitemaps for each of the 3 sites (which seems to be technically ok because states that if the image URL isn't on the same domain, both domains need to be verified in Webmaster Tools). However, is there a risk here that the sitemaps will conflict because they are pulling from images on the same host? 2. Hosting the images locally (ie. the same images will be hosted in 3 locations) and applying hreflang in the sitemap. Does anyone know which of these options are best (obviously #1 would be more convenient), or whether there are any other options for attacking this issue? Thanks!

    | oline123

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