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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I hired a company to convert an old static website with about 1200 pages of content to WordPress. Four days after launch it lost almost 90% of traffic. It was getting over 60,000 uniques while nobody touched the site for several years. It’s been 21 days since the WordPress launch. I read a lot of stuff prior to moving it (including Moz's case study) and I was expecting to lose in short term 30% of traffic max… I don’t understand what is wrong. The internal link structure is the same, every url is 301 to the same url only without[dot]html (ie is 301′s to ), it’s added to Google Webmaster tool and Google indexed the new pages… Any ideas what could be possible wrong? I do understand the website is not optimized (meta descriptions etc, but it wasn't before either) .... Do you think putting back the old site would recover the traffic? I would appreciate any thoughts Thank you

    | JakubH

  • Hi there, I've been wondering. Why do I get most of the traffic from these countries? My sites are english, I host in USA. I don't target a thing for those countries traffic, yet I get huge amounts of traffic from these countries. Any ideas?

    | melbog

  • Could anyone offer me some help regarding Moz Rank? Of all the metrics this seems to be one where we want to improve but just have not been able to. Does anyone have any advice or tips that we could look at implementing to get this thing to move at all?

    | halloranc

  • Hi community. Your advice and perspective is greatly appreciated. We are doing a site replatform and I fear that serious SEO fundamentals were overlooked and I am not getting straight answers to a simple question: How are we communicating to search engines the single URL we want indexed? Backstory: Current site has major duplicate content issues. Rel-canonical is not used. There are currently 2 versions of every category and product detail page. Both are indexed in certain instances. A 60 page audit has recommends rel=canonical at least 10 times for the similar situations an ecommerce site has with dupe urls/content. New site: We are rolling out 2 URLS AGAIN!!! URL A is an internal URL generated by the systerm. We have developed this fancy dynamic sitemap generator which looks/maps to URL A and creates a SEO optimized URL that I call URL B. URL B is then inserted into the site map and the sitemap is communicated externally to google. URL B does an internal 301 redirect back to URL in an essence, the URL a customer sees is not the same as what we want google to see. I still think there is potential for duplicate indexing. What do you think? Is rel=canonical the answer? In my research on this site, past projects and google I think the correct solution is this on each customer facing category and pdp: The head section (With the optimized Meta Title and Meta Description) needs to have the rel-canonical pointing to URL B
    example of the meta area of URL A: What do you think? I am open to all ideas and I can provide more details if needed.

    | mm916157

  • Hello, our Wordpress blog at has a rel canonical issue since we added pagination to the front page and category-pages. We're using Yoast and it's incorrectly applying a rel-canonical meta tag referencing page 1 on page 2, 3, etc. This is a known misuse of the rel-canonical tag (per Google's Webmaster Blog -, which says rel-canonical should be replaced with rel-prev and rel-next for page 2, 3, etc.). We don't see a way to specify anywhere in Yoast's options to correct this behaviour for page 2, 3, etc. Yoast allows you to override a page's canonical URL, otherwise it automatically uses the Wordpress permalink. My question is, does anyone know how to configure Yoast to properly replace rel-canonical tags with rel-prev and rel-next for paginated URLs, or do I need to look at another plugin or customize the behavior directly in my child theme code? This issue was brought up here as well:, but the only response did not relate to Yoast. (We're using Wordpress 3.6.1 and Yoast "Wordpress SEO" 1.4.18)

    | aactive

  • What is the best way to check the response time of a mobile site? Can this be done in Google Analytics/Webmasters?

    | theLotter

  • Hi there, I have a video site, which is on CDN and is really expensive to run. So I want to block most of the countries and only keep HQ ones. I wonder if there's a difference if I just block them and show blank page, or if I show them a page with text and let's say a link to a different site or if I just simply redirect to some other site. Do you think I can still get good ranking on google on countries that I don't block?

    | melbog

  • Hi, I have opportunity to get a link from a brands website to our website as we are official retailers. Should I give them our homepage URL or should I give them their brands page on our website? The brand page will have their brand name in the URL, meta details, images, content and products. What is more beneficial SEO wise? Thanks

    | YNWA

  • On September 28th, 2013 I saw my indexation rate decrease on my XML sitemap that I've submitted through GWT. I've since scraped my sitemap and removed all 404, 400 errors (which only made up ~5% of the entire sitemap). Any idea why Google randomly started indexing less of my XML sitemap on that date? I updated my sitemap 2 week before that date and had an indexation rate of ~85% - no I'm below 35%. Thoughts, idea, experiences? Thanks!

    | RobbieWilliams

  • Hi I need to tidy up my home page a little, I have some links to our index.html page but I just want them to go to the root '/' so  I thought I could 301 redirect it. However is this safe to do? I'm getting duplicate page notifications in my analytic reportings tools about the home page and need a quick way to fix this issue. Many thanks in advance David

    | David-E-Carey

  • I'm currently re-doing my blog and have a few categories that I'm getting rid of for housecleaning purposes and crawl efficiency. Each of these categories has many pages (some have hundreds). The new blog will also not have new relevant categories to redirect them to (1 or 2 may work). So what is the best place to properly redirect these pages to? And how do I handle the paginated URLs? The only logical place I can think of would be to redirect them to the homepage of the blog, but since there are so many pages, I don't know if that's the best idea. Does anybody have any thoughts?

    | kking4120

  • Hi Guys, We currently only sell to the UK so its pretty easy to manage our seo etc. However we are building a new site on and will be using magento enterprise. We will be serving the UK, US and the rest of the world. Does anyone here have experience with this? Is it best to have sub domains ie., Or folders Thanks guys

    | Trespass

  • I am using yoast seo plugin for wordpress. I have done several link changes and placed approximately 80-100 301 redirect into .htaccsses file. Is this good practice? Do they have to be there forever? Is it not slowing down site? Or should this be done in different way? Thank you very much Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • Hey guys, Is there any search query or website where I can get a list with all the articles by one author? Thanks

    | Felip3

  • Hi there, The e-commerce website I am working on seems to index all of the "quick view" pages (which normally occur as iframes on the category page) as their own unique pages, creating thousands of duplicate pages / overly-dynamic URLs. Each indexed "quick view" page has the following URL structure: where the only thing that changes is the product ID and category number. Would using "disallow" in Robots.txt be the best way to de-indexing all of these URLs? If so, could someone help me identify how to best structure this disallow statement? Would it be: Disallow: /catalog/includes/inc_productquickview.jsp?prodID=* Thanks for your help.

    | FPD_NYC

  • One of our clients is a lingerie retailer, that also sells swimwear and nightwear. They have a webshop, with landing pages such as /lingerie, /swimwear and /nightwear (only in Dutch). The nightwear page is doing ok (#5 in Google NL), but for the swimwear and lingerie pages, something strange has happened and I have no clue what it is. On May 7, the /swimwear page ranked 24 for swimwear in Google NL. In that period, the homepage was ranking at #40-50. One week later, on May 14, the homepage was ranked 24 for swimwear, and the /swimwear page was nowhere to be found. The homepage is currently ranking 17/18 for swimwear. Something similar seems to have happened for lingerie. The homepage was ranking at around 11-13 for a few weeks in April/May, the /lingerie page was ranking at 8 in May, and then after the 4th of June, both the homepage and the /lingerie page no longer seem to have any decent rank for lingerie. So, trying to find the problem: I checked the Moz On-Page Grader for all three pages/keywords. All pages get an A. Robots.txt hardly contains anything, and there's no robots meta tag to block the page. Checked Google Webmaster Tools just in case, nothing out of the ordinary. The page contains 342 URL's which is a lot, but that shouldn't be too problematic, I thought? I used the Moz Keyword Difficulty Tool to analyze the current top 10 for lingerie, and compared it to our client's stats. Page Authority in the top 10 is 37-68, our clients is 33. Domain Authority in the top 10 is 27-100 (wiki page), our clients is 43. MozRank for the top 10 is 6,6-8,0, our clients is 6,7. MozTrust for the top 10 is 7,0-7,1, our clients is 7,0. The basics all look fine! Now, the page could use some link building, the number of links is a little low compared to the top 10 entries. We're also in the process of redesigning the page, adding more products but also more content (text and images) to inspire visitors a little more. But being low on links doesn't seem a good explanation for such a relatively sudden change in ranking. As far as we can tell, looking back at commits by our developers, nothing changed around that time that could have this impact. Of course it's possible that we missed something, we're still looking. Also, it's strange that these sudden changes took place for swimwear and especially lingerie, but not for nightwear. I'd really appreciate any tips, hints etc. to find out what's going on here. Thanks in advance! Michel

    | DocdataCommerce

  • My site is ranking well on most of my products and honestly, I don't do the best job in "on product page" SEO.  I've got solid URLs for each, but my "on page" grades are mostly C, D and Fs.  😞 I honestly feel fortunate that I'm ranking well and have "put off" doing much work knowing that I was going to change from the Shopp wordpress plugin to Woocommerce. Is there anything structurally that will potentially hurt me from changing framework?  Do I need to make sure that the URLs are the EXACT same for each of my products or will it be okay to make them better?  Ex. some pages have a less desirable URL because I just "copied" the previous item. Thanks in advance for your experience.

    | dp42828

  • needs recommendation for a site audit.  Post panda/ post penguin experience preferred. thanks

    | skyao

  • So I could go in depth with this and tell you all about the problems I have encountered with Volusion... but i'm not. I just need to help a client change the 7,000 product pages they have that have duplicated title tags, and no H1 tags. (probably one of the worst case of On-Page SEO set ups ever right? Shouldn't Volusion be built to help you do these types of essentials easily? Or (for the price) even better would be to do it automatically based on the product name??)

    | TylerAbernethy

  • We are setting up some Jquery tabs in a page that will produce the same url with hashtags. For example: index.php#aboutus, index.php#ourguarantee, etc. We don't want that content to be crawled as we'd like to prevent duplicate content. Does Google normally crawl such urls or does it just ignore them? Thanks in advance.

    | seoppc2012

  • For nearly a year, our physician profile pages have been successfully displaying rich snippets in Google search results. Nothing has changed on those pages, but the stars recently vanished from Google. Example of a physician profile: We added some new content pages in a different schema category, and those new pages actually do have rich snippets showing in Google search results. Example of a new product page: Furthermore, the Google Webmaster Tools Structured Data report has me convinced that the Physician profiles aren't coded correctly because it doesn't appear to recognize the Review or Aggregate Rating counts. But the official Structured Data Testing Tool says all is correct. My instinct is that the code isn't quite right on the physician profile... but I'm not a developer. I need help identifying the source of the real problem. sFMua7y AUKfkjp

    | realpatients

  • We own and over the last 8 months have built some decent guest post, charity and customer links but still we seem to be beaten on good words such as banners, banner, vinyl banner, pvc banner etc by this website we just cannot figure out how this is happening and would be very grateful if someone with great wisdom could give us an in-site into why this is happening and we would be very grateful..

    | BobAnderson

  • I have a few pages that have dropped in rankings recently. I suspect it is because of the ratio of the anchor text. For example, you have 20 links pointing to page, and 15 have the anchor text "mens jeans". If I am looking to dilute the exact match anchor text, will the internal links count? Thanks

    | inhouseseo

  • I want to crawl a site that has so many pages that Xenu and Screaming Frog keep crashing at some point after 200,000 pages. What tools will allow me to crawl a site with millions of pages without crashing?

    | iCrossing_UK

  • Hi there, I'm creating a new website and I would like to start it in the best possible way. Content is the last of my problems, so is back links and social media. But I would appreciate your advice from an architectural point of view. In my current sites I've been struggling organizing menus, categories and internal links in an SEO friendly way. I just haven't got it yet 🙂 how to create an architecture that is both userfriendly and SEO optimized. Could someone please give me some tips or point me to a recent article to build a SEO optimized website architecture? How many menus in a page?
    Keywords in the menu?
    keywords in submenu?
    Menu linking to categories or specific articles?
    How many internal links?
    permalinks with /category/ or /post-name/
    menu in footer?
    category including keyword?
    categories in sidebar?
    how many links is too many?
    if in a page I have 101 links and nofollow 100 of them, does it count like if I have 1 link for SEO? Basically all things related to setting up a linking architecture in a website to optimize organic traffic. Thanks

    | Ltsmz

  • I have some redirects that were done with at "?" at the end of the URL to include google coding (i.e. you click on an adwords link and the google coding follows the redirected link). When there is not coding to follow the link just appears as "filename.html?". Will that affect us negatively SEO-wise? Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • Hello here, I am trying to understand the best way to find sites that are affiliate of a competitor, through link research. Typically our competitor's affiliates link to our competitor website via any of the following links:[aff_id]&LID=[link_id][aff+id]&offerid=[off_id]&type=2&[item_id] The first link looks much easier to find, so I have tried to find the first kind of links with Google by using the "link:" clause as follows: link: Or, similarly, by using Open Site Explorer. But I always get 0 results! It is weird because I know there are thousands of affiliates out there with the same tracking code. How's that possible? Why does it look impossible to find the sites I am looking for? Would you suggest any different approach? Any ideas, suggestions and thoughts are very welcome! Thank you in advance. Fab.

    | fablau

  • Hi Mozzers, My client is prominent in local search for their primary activity,  but I would also like them to appear for other service categories they offer. Assuming I add these other service categories  in +Local and build corresponding service pages on the site, will this be enough to cause them to appear for these other services? The additional pre set service categories offered in +Local don't  match those offered in local citations, so I can't really support these that way.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • For example: If I type in certain keywords for example like exterminating termites tucson on an apple iphone in google organic ranking it will appear with wildcat exterminating with its own individual map in the organic ranking section. How can my company get something like this? Thanks.

    | Nwext

  • We've got a few backlinks from Keyword Spy and Keyword Spy Pro. I'm pretty sure of the answer but I'll ask it anyway. Is there any way to determine who's doing the snooping? Are there any signals to look for while clicking back through the link "crumbs" that might tell me something of interest or value?

    | AWCthreads

  • Hi everyone, I can't seem to find a concrete answer on how anchor text is going, so I'm hoping you all can shed some light on it. We were asked to do a few guest blog posts, and I wanted to figure out what's the most effective way to use the backlinks. Granted, I know user experience is most important, but since we have control over the topic, I can tailor it so that won't be a problem. Other than user experience, how should I approach it? Things I'm considering: 1. Should I use branded text or keyword text? Kemp & Ruge Law Group vs car accident attorney? I've seen some reports of exact match anchor text causing some penalties, but I'm thinking that's for like thousands of links. We barely have any. 2. Should we point the links to our homepage to help our domain authority or to the page with the keyword phrase we want to rank higher? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I am looking at the links to my site from GWT. I see a bunch of random sites I've never heard of. I never made an effort to get links from these sites. Sites like | | Also found one porn site! Should I just ignore these or disavow them?

    | inhouseseo

  • Has anyone heard or used Spider Linker? In a nutshell, they use their AI to generate content for long term keywords and drive traffic, but this could mean they are building 1000s of pages. If content is thin, then it would fail, but if they generate unique, rich content and 1000s of pages for long tail, it could work. Thoughts?

    | Bio-RadAbs

  • Do you need the entire preceding path in robots.txt for it to match? e.g: I know if i add Disallow: /fish to robots.txt it will block /fish
    /fish.php?id=anything But would it block?: en/fish
    **en/fish.php?id=anything (taken from Robots.txt Specifications)** I'm hoping it actually wont match, that way writing this particular robots.txt will be much easier! As basically I'm wanting to block many URL that have BTS- in such as: But have other pages that I do not want blocked, in subfolders that also have BTS- in, such as: Thanks for listening

    | Milian

  • It makes sense to me that Google wouldn't want a rich result above the fold in a SERP that would compete with their PLA's. All my videos are on my product pages, so the queries that produce them always have PLAs in the SERPs. I've been run a few tests on this and it seems as though these snippets keep my result below the fold on the SERP (position 5-10). Thoughts on this? Experience?

    | RobbieWilliams

  • I have some links pointing to categories from article directories, web directories, and a few blogs. We are talking about 20-30 links in total. They are less than 5% of the links to my site (counting unique domains). I either haven't been able to make contact with webmasters, or they are asking money to remove the links. If I simply rename the URL (for example changing to, will that resolve any penguin issues? The link will forward to the homepage since that page no longer exists. I really want to avoid using the disavow tool if possible. I appreciate the feedback. If you have actually done this, please share your experience.

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi Guys,
    website: We had a massive drop in search queries in WMT around the 11th of september this year, I investigated and it seemed as though there were no updates around this time. Our site is only receiving branded search now - and after investigating i am led to believe that Google has mistakingly affected our website in the panda algorithm. There are no manual penalties applies on this site as confirmed by WMT. Our product descriptions are pretty much all unique but i have noticed that when typing a portion of text from these pages into google search using quotation marks, shopping affiliate sites which we use are being displayed first and our page no where to be seen or last in the results. This leads me to believe that Google thinks we have scraped the content from these sites when in actual fact they have from us. We also have G+ authorship setup. Typing a products full name into Google (tried a handful) our site is not in the top 100 or 200 at times, i think this further clarifies that we are penalised. We would really appreciate some opinions on this. Any course of actions would be great. We don't particularly want to invest in writing content again. From our point of view it looks like Google is stopping our site from ranking because it's getting mixed up with who the originator for our content is. Thanks and really appreciate it.

    | jarrodb

  • I have a large number of thin content city-level pages (possibly 20,000+) that I recently removed from a site. Currently, I have it set up to send a 404 header when any of these removed city-level pages are accessed. But I'm not sending the visitor (or search engine) to a site-wide 404 page. Instead, I'm using PHP to redirect the visitor to the corresponding state-level page for that removed city-level page. Something like: if (this city page should be removed) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    } Is it problematic to send a 404 header and still redirect to a category-level page like this? By doing this, I'm sending any visitors to removed pages to the next most relevant page. Does it make more sense to 301 all the removed city-level pages to the state-level page? Also, these removed city-level pages collectively have very little to none inbound links from other sites. I suspect that any inbound links to these removed pages are from low quality scraper-type sites anyway. Thanks in advance!

    | rriot

  • We have two websites and last week we had a significant drop in search engine rankings. Some of these search rankings we have been top 3 for the past 5 years and now we are not in  the top 20. Last weekend we changed our hosting provider and IP addresses for the first time in over 7 years. Now is there a way we could work out if we have been hit by the latest Penguin update or if the change in hosting / IP has caused these drop in rankings? I would appreciate any thought or ideas at all.

    | Jacksons_Fencing

  • We are using Yoast Seo plugin. On the main menu we have only categories which has consist of posts and one page. We have category with villas, category with villa hotels etc. Initially we set to index and include in the sitemap posts and excluded categories, but I guess it was not correct. Would be a better way to index and include categories in the sitemap and exclude the posts in order to avoid the duplicate? It somehow does not make sense for me,  If the posts are excluded and the categories included, will not then be the categories empty for google? I guess I will get crazy of this. Somebody has perhaps more experiences with this?

    | Rebeca1

  • I want to come away from our third party web developer and use a new website with different web developers, however the web developer wont 301 redirect the old url's to the new ones. Is he required to do this by law? Is there away of doing the 301 redirects without him? Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks,Tom

    | CoGri

  • I was curious if anyone has used SEM Logic or SEO Scout for adding related LSI keywords in their content. I just hired a few content writers and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions if these softwares are worth investing in or if anyone knows of any courses that are good for training writers to be able to maximize the seo value of content written. Any suggestions??? thx

    | ao500000

  • I have noticed that in theme file I have 2 header.php. First of all I have no clue why I have 2 of them. I guess that is not correct. Especially I wonder on difference in the title tag. I wonder what the difference it makes on the site. I have always name of the site behind every title, can be this causing this?

    | Rebeca1

  • After three years of destruction, my site still has a problem - or maybe more than one. OK, I understand I had - and probably still have - a Panda problem. The question is - does anyone know how to fix it, without destroying eveything? If I had money, I'd gladly give it up to fix this, but all I have is me, a small dedicated promotions team, 120,000+ visitors per month and the ability to write, edit and proofread. This is not an easy problem to fix. After completing more than 100 projects, I still haven't got it right, in fact, what I've done over the past 2 months has only made things worse - and I never thought I could do that. Everything has been measured, so as not to destroy our remaining ability to generate income, because without that, its the end of the line. If you can help me fix this, I will do anything for you in return - as long as it is legal, ethical and won't destroy my reputation or hurt others. Unless you are a master jedi guru, and I hope you are, this will NOT be easy, but it will prove that you really are a master, jedi, guru and time lord, and I will tell the world and generate leads for you. I've been doing website and SEO stuff since 1996 and I've always been able to solve problems and fix anything I needed to work on. This has me beaten. So my question is: is there anyone here willing to take a shot at helping me fix this, without the usual response of "change domains" "Delete everything and start over" or "you're screwed" Of course, it is possible that there is a different problem, nothing to do with algorithms, a hard-coded bias or some penalizing setting, that I don't know about, a single needle in a haystack. This problem results in a few visible things. 1. Some pages are buried in supplemental results 2. Search bots pick up new stories within minutes, but they show up in search results many hours later Here is the site: On request, I can provide a list of all the things we've done or tried. (actually I have to finish writing it) Some Notes: There is no manual spam penalty. All outgoing links are nofollow, and have been for 2 years. We never paid for incoming links. We did sell text advertising links 3-4 years ago, using, but removed them all 2 1/2 years ago. We did receive payment for some stories, 3-4 years ago, but all have been removed. One more thing. I don't write much - I'm a better editor than a writer, but I wrote a story that had 1 million readers. the massive percentage of 0.0016% came from you-know-who. Yes, 16 visitors. And this was an exclusive, unique story. And there was a similar story, with half a million readers. same result. Seems like there might be a problem!

    | loopyal

  • I have a client who's company name / main site name is not his name. All his social accounts connected to his site are in his name. The site is verified with Google Places, etc. Now he asked for me to create a site for him in his own name with some similar info and a lot of new info. The million dollar question is do I use the same social media accounts on the new site? Facebook, twitter, youtube, etc? Will that hurt the organic rankings of the main site? I've seen this similar situation before. You may have someone who works at a large corporation who is mentioned on the main site has their own personal profile site just about them. Where they can go more in depth about things they are doing. If the other set of social account where in the company name it would be a no brainer to create new social accounts in his name. The issue is the main companies social accounts are already in his name.

    | markpine360

  • In Google SERPs we have several websites (built in wordpress) who's pages are being displayed without using the page title - is this google ignoring the page title or is there a problem in our code - also if this is google is it still taking notice of the page title to determine what content is on the page?I have read several articles on this but wondered if someone can advise - I can provide the URL if required.Also I wanted to 100% that our robots.txt is behaving its self.

    | JohnW-UK

  • When I view html code of our website, I see this from yoast plugin this. I guess there is really something wrong, especially the page 2? Why so many meta? When ask the support team of the plugin, the developer said me that it is caused by the theme. <html xmlns="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" lang="<a class="attribute-value">en-US</a>"><head><meta http-equiv="<a class="attribute-value">Content-Type</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">text/html; charset=UTF-8</a>" /><meta name="<a class="attribute-value">google-site-verification</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">hRZ9ZRlCURkbiJA5Ewf6VJlSfGZipdXnumAKlHcrHaQ</a>" /><title>Villas Diani | Kenya Luxury Beach Holidaystitle><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">stylesheet</a>" href="[](view-source:" type="<a class="attribute-value">text/css</a>" media="<a class="attribute-value">screen</a>" /><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" type="<a class="attribute-value">application/rss+xml</a>" title="<a class="attribute-value">RSS Feed</a>" href="[](view-source:" /><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">pingback</a>" href="[](view-source:" /><meta name="<a class="attribute-value">description</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Indian Ocean Villas in Kenya, Diani Beach Resort. Find Diani beach Accommodation and Information for Luxury Beach Holidays in Kenya</a>"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">canonical</a>" href="[](view-source:" /><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">next</a>" href="[](view-source:" /><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">author</a>" href="[](view-source:"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">publisher</a>" href="[](view-source:"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:locale</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">en_US</a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:type</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">website</a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:title</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Villas Diani | Kenya Luxury Beach Holidays</a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:description</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Kenya Diani Beach Villas, Luxury Villa Rentals</a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:url</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value"></a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:site_name</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Villas Diani | Kenya Luxury Beach Holidays</a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">article:publisher</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value"></a>"/><meta property="<a class="attribute-value">og:image</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value"></a>"/>

    | Rebeca1

  • On a website I'm working on which has a search feature with paginated results, all of the pages of the search results are set with a canonical tag back to the first page of the search results, however Google is indexing certain random pages within the result set. I can literally do a search in Google and find a deep page in the results, click on it and view source on that page and see that it has a canonical tag leading back to the first page of the set. Has anyone experienced this before? Why would Google not honor a canonical tag if it is set correctly? I've seen several SEO techniques for dealing with pagination, is there another solution that you all recommend?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

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