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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • We have consistently had a 70 in DA and now all of the sudden we are at a 63 as well as seeing the same considerable drop among our competitors.  This was odd as I have not seen this type of drop in DA since being with the company.  Any ideas are appreciated.

    | WeaverMike

  • Hi, A client of mine has compliance issues in their industry and has to show two different types of content to visitors: Next year, they have to increase that to three different types of customer. Rather than creating a third section (customer-c), because it's very similar to one of the types of customers already (customer-b), their web development agency is suggesting changing the content based on cookies, so if a user has indentified themselves as customer-b, they'll be shown /customer-b/, but if they've identified themselves as customer-c, they'll see a different version of /customer-b/ - in other words, the URL won't change, but the content on the page will change, based on their cookie selection. I'm uneasy about this from an SEO POV because: Google will only be able to see one version (/customer-b/ presumably), so it might miss out on indexing valuable /customer-c/ content, It makes sense to separate them into three URL paths so that Google can index them all, It feels like a form of cloaking - i.e. Google only sees one version, when two versions are actually available. I've done some research but everything I'm seeing is saying that it's fine, that it's not a form of cloaking. I can't find any examples specific to this situation though. Any input/advice would be appreciated. Note: The content isn't shown differently based on geography - i.e. these three customers would be within one country (e.g. the UK), which means that hreflang/geo-targeting won't be a workaround unfortunately.

    | steviephil

  • We have an ecommerce website, and we show a popup for first time visitors to our desktop site to join our email list. Google has cached pages with the popup. Can I assume that this is a problem?

    | AMHC

  • Hi guys, I'm looking to implement new meta descriptions across a site and i want to measure the impact. So far I'm thinking of extracting the CTR data from GWT for the last 90 days to get the most accurate CTR averages for each URL. Then once the new meta descriptions have been implemented, compare the CTR with the old CTR averages accross URLs. Do you think this would be the most accurate way of measuring the impact? Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • Caching Level Determine how much of your website's static content you want CloudFlare to cache. Increased caching can speed up page load time.Caching Level    Ignore the query string of static content Site: Determine how much of your website's static content you want CloudFlare to cache. Increased caching can speed up page load time.

    | VelocityWebsites

  • I'm working on an SEO strategy for a recruitment agency. Like many recruitment agencies, they write tons of great unique content each month and as agencies do, they post the job descriptions to job websites as well as their own. These job websites won't generally allow any linking back to the agency website from the post. What can we do to make Google realise that the originator of the post is the recruitment agency and they deserve the 'credit' for the content? The recruitment agency has a low domain authority and so we've very much at the start of the process. It would be a damn shamn if they produced so much great unique content but couldn't get Google to recognise it. Google's advice says: "Syndicate carefully: If you syndicate your content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search, which may or may not be the version you'd prefer. However, it is helpful to ensure that each site on which your content is syndicated includes a link back to your original article. You can also ask those who use your syndicated material to use the noindex meta tag to prevent search engines from indexing their version of the content." - But none of that can happen. Those big job websites just won't do it. A previous post here didn't get a sufficient answer. I'm starting to think there isn't an answer, other than having more authority than the websites we're syndicating to. Which isn't going to happen any time soon! Any thoughts?

    | Mark_Reynolds

  • Hey Moz! I read Moz's guide on migrating websites from http to https, and it seems changing all relative internal links to absolute https is recommended (we currently use relative internal links). But is doing this absolutely necessary if we will already have a redirect in our .htaccess file forcing all http pages to https? Changing all of our internal links to absolute https will be very time consuming, and I'd like to hear your thoughts as to whether it's absolutely recommended/necessary; and if so, why? Thanks!

    | TheDude

  • Quick background: I have a page that is absolutely terrible, but it has links and it's a category page so it ranks. I have a landing page which is significantly - a bizillion times - better, but it is omitted in the search results for the most important query we need. I'm considering switching the content of the two pages, but I have no idea what they will do. I'm not sure if it will cause duplicate content issues or what will happen. Here are the two urls: Terrible page that ranks (not well but it's what comes up eventually) Far better page that keeps getting omitted: Any suggestions (other than just wait on google to stop omitting the page, because that's just not going to happen) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi everyone,My website was hit by Panda around the 27th September 2012 (Panda # 20 or EMD) , since then, it's no longer in Google search results for a particular keyword [wallpapers], resulting in a massive sudden traffic drop (-90%) (see the screenshot below).Despite my best efforts auditing my links, identifying unnatural backlinks, disavowing bad links, enhancing my website content, improving user experience... (I even ended up with a completely revamped website: new design, new structure and new content), I didn't see any improvement! Can you please look at It and Advise me? I am ready to give up; I am in deep despair.What are my competitors doing better than me? Competitor #1 Competitor #2Thank you in advance - I appreciate your timeMy website:

    | Spinodza

  • How do I get the keywords coming into a page on the new Google Webmaster Tools Search Analytics? Used to be there in the old version. You would just view your most popular urls and when you expanded the urls you would see the terms driving the traffic. How do I see the most popular keyword queries for a given page in the new tool? Alternatively can I still use the old tool somehow?

    | K-WINTER

  • My client has his main brand on the domain name .com and then 3 brands that exist on .com/brandA , com/brandB and .com/brandC We created a lot of content for .com main brand and we noticed that brandB copied some of our content and put it on .com/brandB . How to deal with this? Canonical tags?

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • What are best SEO practices to improve visibility in SERP for new content apart from meta data.

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • Has anyone heard of or have any comments on the following company:- Live Deftsoft Informatics Pvt. Ltd Looking to use them for some SEO work just wondered if there's any comments? Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Hi All, On my on-page-grade-report its suggested not to use keyword more than 15 times. Its a eCommerce site and we have brands and we have ranges within the brand. Now the problem i am facing is before each range the brand name is mentioned For eg. Levis is the brand and 501 is the range - the brand page is being optimized  for keyword "Levis". All ranges for Levis is listed on same page as Levis 501, Levis 503, Levis 506 and so on... As the ranges are above 15 in number my main keyword "Levis" is being used well over 15 times. I would appreciate if you guys can suggest if its very necessary to remove repetitive keyword before each range i.e call it Just 501, 503, 506. Or can i leave it as it is. Let me know your views, Sohail

    | tigersohelll

  • Hi There, When I check the cache of the US website ( Google returns the UK website. This is also reflected in the US Google Search Results when the UK site ranks for our brand name instead of the US site. The homepage has hreflang tags only on the homepage and the domains have been pointed correctly to the right territories via Google Webmaster Console.This has happened before in 26th July 2015 and was wondering if any had any idea why this is happening or if any one has experienced the same issueFDGjldR

    | adzhass

  • I've been thinking about publishing an article on LinkedIn and then posting the same article to the news page on the website. It would be high quality informative and useful but is that likely to cause any duplicate content issues?

    | seoman10

  • Several years ago my firm migrated our domain from a very lengthy to (we couldn't get at the time) thinking this would be a clever way to brand the name 3.7 Designs. Ever since that change we've had a dramatic reduction in search rankings which has lasted years. You can see the drop in early 2011, we made the switch in February. I've read some discussion about Google changing weights based on having numbers in the subdomain as it appears spammy. I've also herd speculation about .co vs .com. Further evidence is being outranked by a competitor for a term we previously dominated despite having higher domain authority, inbound links, exact match keyword in our title and content. We now own and and are contemplating a switch. Any insight into these being ranking factors or is the site being penalized for other reasons?

    | 3PointRoss

  • At the moment we are thinking about switching to another CMS. We are discussing the use of responsive content.Our developer states that the technique uses hidden content. That is sort of cloaking. At the moment I'm searching for good information or tests with this technique but I can't find anything solid. Do you have some experience with responsive content and is it cloaking? Referring to good articles is also a plus. Looking forward to your answers!


  • What is the best way to optimise for multiple keywords for the same product? The situation basically is I have several products which I need to optimise currently only one page, the search terms that relate to the product are in some cases very different.

    | seoman10

  • I am seeing something like this (Is this normal?): HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Server: nginx
    Content-Type: image/jpeg
    X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    Last-Modified: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 15:23:04 GMT
    Cache-Control: max-age=1209600
    Expires: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 15:23:55 GMT
    X-Request-ID: v-8dd8519e-8a1a-11e5-a595-12313d18b975
    X-AH-Environment: prod
    Content-Length: 25505
    Accept-Ranges: bytes
    Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2015 15:24:11 GMT
    X-Varnish: 863978362 863966195
    Age: 16
    Via: 1.1 varnish
    Connection: keep-alive
    X-Cache: HIT
    X-Cache-Hits: 1 ����•JFIF••••��;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v80), quality = 75
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    | Autoboof

  • Is there an advantage to using link rel=alternate (as recommended by Google) rather than noindex on pages on my mobile site ( The content on the mobile pages is very similar to the content on the desktop site. I see Google recommends canonical and alternate tags, but what are the benefits of using those rather than noindex?


  • I'm in the process of doing a link cleanup (nothing I have done just ended up with them). I stumbled across one or two doc hosting sites, the domain parameters aren't bad but I don't think they drive any value and they do look a bit dodgy.  They mainly only comprise of a little bit of text and Google custom search. 1. Is there any point disavowing? 2. Could it do any harm?

    | seoman10

  • We owned 2 sites, with the pages on Site A all linking over to similar pages on Site B. We wanted to remove the links from Site A to Site B, so we redirected all the links on Site A to the homepage on Site A, and took Site A down completely. Unfortunately we are still seeing the links from Site A coming through on Google Webmaster Tools for Site B. Does anybody know what else we can do to remove these links?

    | pedstores

  • Hey guys, We have been working for a client who is offering graphic design work almost 2 months. It is a new business and let's say the business name is ABC Graphic Design. So far all the pages are indexed, we built natural links through local directories, blog postings on relevant niche blogs and social media. We optimised the content and meta tags like we always do. However, none of the target keywords appear on the first 10 pages. This is quite odd considering we had a client who was doing the same business and we managed to show some progress in the first 2 months. We did some research and noticed that there are 2 ABC design websites with similar domain names and offering same services. They have nothing to do with my client and they are located in overseas. When i search ABC Graphic Design, the results show other companies instead of my client. My question is whether having a similar business name would affect the ranking. Obviously the other 2 websites have longer history and better ranking. Any suggestions?

    | owengna

  • Good Morning Mozzers, I am at a total loss. I have been working with a client in a "difficult" (to say the very least) vertical for roughly the past two years and for the life of me, cannot get these clients to rank within the top 3 for the targeted keyword terms. It seems that every time our targeted keyword begin to gain a little bit of traction and improve their ranking position, it is immediately followed by the same keywords plummeting shortly thereafter. I have done everything (in my mind) I can to try and get this client's keyword terms to rank, everything from revising the on-/off-page content, building citations, submitting the site to services like Yext, advertising on AdWords and Yelp, etc. but it doesn't seem to make any significant difference. I'm hoping that someone can offer some guidance into how I can get these clients to start ranking highly for the targeted keyword terms because I'm at a complete loss. I look forward to all of your responses! Thank you for reading. If you'd like to check out the site, the URL is:

    | maxcarnage

  • My company introduced Java script pages with #!/ and it looks like once we created those new pages the traffic went down. Any idea how to improve it?

    | aliciaporrata1009

  • Let's say you have a client. They have two big, main product offerings. Come early April of this year, one of the product offerings decide to move their product offering over to a new domain. Let's also say you had maybe 12 million links in your inbound link portfolio for the original domain. And when this product offering that split opened their new domain, they 301 redirected half of those 12 million links (maybe even 3/4s) over to their new domain. So you're left with "half" a website. And while you still have millions of links; you lost millions as well. Would a ~25-50% drop in organic traffic be a reasonable effect? My money is on YES. Because all links to a domain help "rise" the page authority sea level of all URLs of the domain. So cutting off 50-75% of those links would drop that sea level a somewhat corresponding amount. We did get some 301 redirects that we felt were "ours" in place in late July... but that really accounted for 25% of the total amount of pages with inbound links they took originally. And those got in place almost 4 months after the fact. Curious what other people may think. LnEazzi.png

    | ChristianMKG

  • Does Google take any notice of nofollow links, they seem to count for something but don't know how much.
    Any experience?

    | seoman10

  • We are an ecommerce company, and we outsource our mobile site to a service, and our mobile site is We pass the Google mobile ready test. Our product page content on the mobile site is woefully thin (typically less than 100 words), and it appears that we got hit with Panda 4.2 on the mobile site. Starting at the end of July, our mobile rankings have dropped, and our mobile traffic is now about half of what it was in July. We are working to correct the content issue but it obviously takes time. So here's my question - if our mobile site got hit with Panda 4.2, could that have a negative effect on our desktop site?

    | AMHC

  • I'm getting good, solid growth in my Google SERPs and Google search traffic now, but I do notice that 70% of my high ranking search results are images and the CTR on those is only 3-4%. All my images are illustrative and highly relevant to my travel blog, but I guess that hardly matters unless they get CTR so people see them in context. Has anyone seen or done any good research on what makes people click through on Google Image Search results? What are the key factors? How do you optimize for click-through? Is it better to watermark your images or overlay label them to increase likelihood of click-through? Thanks, Tony FYI the travel blog in question is and a relevant Google search where I rank highly is "songkran 2016 phuket".

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • Hey Moz! I’m getting ready to implement URL rewrites on my website to improve site structure/URL readability. More specifically I want to: Improve our website structure by removing redundant directories. Replace underscores with dashes and remove file extensions for our URLs. Please see my example below: Old structure: New structure: I've read several URL rewriting guides online, all of which seem to provide similar but overall different methods to do this. I'm looking for what's considered best practices to implement these rewrites. From what I understand, the most common method is to implement rewrites in our .htaccess file using mod_rewrite (which will find the old URLs and rewrite them according to the rewrites I implement). One question I can't seem to find a definitive answer to is when I implement the rewrite to remove file extensions/replace underscores with dashes in our URLs, do the webpage file names need to be edited to the new format? From what I understand the webpage file names must remain the same for the rewrites in the .htaccess to work. However, our internal links (including canonical links) must be changed to the new URL format. Can anyone shed light on this? Also, I'm aware that implementing URL rewriting improperly could negatively affect our SERP rankings. If I redirect our old website directory structure to our new structure using this rewrite, are my bases covered in regards to having the proper 301 redirects in place to not affect our rankings negatively? Please offer any advice/reliable guides to handle this properly. Thanks in advance!

    | TheDude

  • Dear Mozzers, I have a couple of questions regarding link juice and whether I should have do follow or no follow links ? We have an affiliate eCommerce website and on our product pages we have a "Order online " button which will go our subdomain on the manufactures site in order for the user to complete the online ordering process So it's -  - "Order Online Button" - Should this " Order online Button" be a Follow or No Follow link ? I ask this as currently from looking at Majestic seo , these "order online " buttons on my product pages seems to be Follow links so am I losing potential link juice by sending it externally ? Am I correct in assuming by changing it to be no follows, I would increase the link juice going elsewhere internally? thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hi, I found a link pointing to my client's site that looks like this: <a <span="" class="html-tag">href</a><a <span="" class="html-tag">="</a>" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" rel='nofollow'>Anchor text Could someone tell me if this links acts as a dofollow or as a nofollow? It's the first time I see such a link and I don't know how to handle it. Best regards, Edimar

    | Noriel

  • Hi Mozzers, I'm using Eggplants 301 redirect via wordpress and for some reason I can't redirect one url. The example of it is below: As you can see, it looks like there's 2 url's and this plugin doesn't do the trick.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Maybe via .htaccess? Thank you!

    | Shawn124

  • Hi there, Our client has an ecommerce website, their products are also showing on an aggregator website (aka on a comparison website where multiple vendors are showing their products). On the aggregator website the same photos, titles and product descriptions are showing. Now with building their new website, how can we avoid such duplicate content? Or does Google even care in this case? I have read that we could show more product information on their ecommerce website and less details on the aggregator's website. But is there another or better solution? Many thanks in advance for any input!

    | Gabriele_Layoutweb

  • Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but here it goes. All of the titles on my real estate website have disappeared. I have spent hours looking through different forums trying to figure out how to make them show up. Also whenever I hover the cursor over links they turn to white and disappear as well. This is the website: If this helps here is the custom CSS in worpress is the following: /* GREEN */ body {background: #eff3ec !important;} .header-membership {
    background: #fff !important;
    box-shadow: none !important;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #e5e9e3 !important;
    } .header-membership a {
    color: #909090 !important;
    text-shadow: none !important
    } h1#site-title a {
    color: #397249 !important;
    } header nav#main-nav {
    background: #7aad79 !important; /* Old browsers /
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%, #397249 100%) !important; / FF3.6+ /
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#7aad79), color-stop(100%,#397249)) !important; / Chrome,Safari4+ /
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%); / Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ /
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / Opera 11.10+ /
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / IE10+ /
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / W3C /
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#7aad79', endColorstr='#397249',GradientType=0 ) !important; / IE6-9 */
    } #t-header-container .home-search-container #header-top-search::before {
    background: #7aad79 !important; /* Old browsers /
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%, #397249 100%) !important; / FF3.6+ /
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#7aad79), color-stop(100%,#397249)) !important; / Chrome,Safari4+ /
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%); / Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ /
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / Opera 11.10+ /
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / IE10+ /
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / W3C /
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#7aad79', endColorstr='#397249',GradientType=0 ) !important; / IE6-9 */
    } input.button-primary {
    background: #7aad79 !important; /* Old browsers /
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%, #397249 100%) !important; / FF3.6+ /
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%,#7aad79), color-stop(100%,#397249)) !important; / Chrome,Safari4+ /
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%); / Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ /
    background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / Opera 11.10+ /
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / IE10+ /
    background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7aad79 0%,#397249 100%) !important; / W3C /
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#7aad79', endColorstr='#397249',GradientType=0 ) !important; / IE6-9 */ border:1px solid #23472d !important;
    } input.button-primary:hover {
    background: #628b61 !important;
    } footer {
    background: #e4e8e1 !important;


  • Hi there, I want to take the benefits (both Google's SEO rewards and increased site speed) from putting on-line my site (it's not yet live) with a SSL certificate and make it use the new HTTP/2 protocol. Now the question is: if in the future I won't renew the SSL certificate (because too expensive, maybe), so the site will run through normal HTTP, do I risk to see changes of my pages on the SERPs? Will I lose all positions that I got? Thanks in advance for your tips!

    | valeron

  • Our website (Detroit wedding services company..djs, photographers, videography) has fantastic competitive metrics, as in we beat the competition at every ranking factor, but we are still buried in the actual SERPs We are trying to rank for similar/identical keywords as our competitors in almost each of the main categories of the site: specifically detroit wedding dj...photographer...videographer..etc. We also have a Chicago office that we are trying to rank the site for with specific chicago pages. The website makes you choose right at the beginning what market you are in - Detroit or Chicago. We have A grades on all of our main keywords and the pages that we are trying to rank. But again we are buried on the second and third page of the SERPs in most of these keywords. Help - Moz community :-)Any thoughts on what we might be missing? BceI0XR

    | GT-Biz-Design

  • Hi, we will be moving a clients’ site address from one domain to another and will of course be doing 301 redirects and notifying Google of the site address change in WMT. The problem is, that at some point in the future (say 3-6 months), the old domain will be going live with a new site as the current client does not own the domain and the owner will be wanting it back unfortunately. How will this affect the rankings and traffic of the new site (new domain) once this (old domain with new site) happens? Will the site address change be enough to keep the rankings but it will lose backlink traffic? Or will rankings go down since the 301 redirects will in essence no longer be in affect? Many thanks for your help in advance.

    | WSIDW

  • I have a client that wants to apply video object schema to their iframe youtube video. Here is the source code: <iframe src="" width="272" height="202" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Is it possible to apply schema markup to this kind of iframe source code?   Our development team was having a hard time with it. Thanks!

    | RosemaryB

  • I am a believer in this concept, showing google less pages will increase their importance. here is my question: I manage a website with millions of pages, high organic traffic (lower than before). I do believe that too many pages are crawled. there are pages that I do not need google to crawl and followed. noindex follow does not save on the mentioned crawl budget. deleting those pages is not possible. any advice will be appreciated. If I disallow those pages I am missing on pages that help my important pages.

    | ciznerguy

  • Hi There, I am currently working on this site: to rank as high as possible for "carpet cleaning windsor" on and I can't seem to make any head way against the other websites ranking. I've optimized the page, created social media accounts for activity, even invested in Google Adwords and Facebook ads to try to boost my presence. Does anyone have any suggestions on any tactics/revisions I can make that may help boost my site?

    | MainstreamMktg

  • I published some new landing pages about a month a go which are much better quality than previous pages and on an optimised URL. The old pages never ranked and the new pages aren't ranking either although they are much better. The old pages 301 redirect to the new pages. Any quick ways I can at least get them ranking? Not expecting Page 1 overnight but to at least see the new pages on Page 5 would be great!

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi, I want to pass link juice from my English website to my other languages. Does Google index language flags/links in header? Only 1 flag is visible at a time, and from what i´ve read, Google does not index content that is not visible to the user without clicks, like content behind tabs. I´m guessing language drop downs could fall under the same category as well...? Any knowledge on this... thank you for your time!

    | guidetoiceland

  • I can not understand which is the best way to target similar keywords. Do the best way is create landingpage for each long tail keyword landing page or better one but with all included keywords? On the siste i have landingpages: 1. Metal doors 1.2. Steel doors for private houses 1.3. Metal doors for flats 1.4 Metal doors for technical rooms and so on. In Latvian language it sounds ok. Some time ago for other sites it worked good but now it just does not work. I see google meses these results up and seo performance is bad. Can you suggest correct structure? Thanks

    | Mekounko

  • Hello Moz Community, For the last couple of months we have been trying to improve our ranking in Google UK for the keyword  "church candles" We’ve been contacting relevant interiors/lifestyle blogs to feature our candles including anchor text linking back to our page. Our anchor text has been predominately our brand (Watts & Co) but also other key search terms (Watts and Co church candles, Watts and Co pillar candles). We have been tracking our ranking for the keyword “Church candles”  using the Moz “ Rank Tracker” and we started on position 15 in Google UK. We went up to 12 briefly before moving down every week to 15, 17, 19 and 22. We checked today and we have moved back up slightly to 19. Our progress seems to be a bit slow and inconsistent. We wanted to reach out for any advice on how we can move up? If there was any way we can improve our strategy? Here’s the links we have built so far: Thanks so much!

    | roberthseo

  •'s 2013 SEO study gave some value to "Total # of Characters in the HTML Code" (  Is having minimal HTML on a page still a ranking factor, even if not a huge one?

    | A289

  • Hello all.  I am optimising an E-Commerce site and I have a questions about Products in several categories & Canonical URL's.  Using Magento Platform.     ( link from category is )     ( link from category is )  ( link from category is the same , as is the canonical URL )  ( this is where other categories link to ) Canonical links for all the above is  which takes care of duplicate content correctly. I just wonder if we would get more link juice if ALL the links from all categories went to  ( instead of some going to ) Thanks in advance 🙂

    | s_EOgi_Bear

  • This may seem a bit of a broad question but grateful for all knowledgeable input! There are many things to focus on when looking at organic SEO, but where should I be spending the most time/effort in order to increase traffic.

    | seoman10

  • I recently discovered, that previous SEO work on a client's website apparently included setting links from subpages to the homepage using keywords as link text that the whole website should rank for. i.e. (fictional example) a subpage about chocolate would link to the homepage via "Visit the best sweet shop in Dallas and get a free sample." I am dubious about the influence this might have - anybody with any tests? I also think that it is quite weird when considering user friendliness - at least I would not expect such a link to take me to the homepage of the very site I was just on, probably browsing in a relevant page. So, what about such links: actually helpful, mostly don't matter or even potentially harmful? Looking forward to your opinions! Nico

    | netzkern_AG

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