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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • I am an in-house digital marketer for a small business in the UK. The majority of our business comes from people finding us on Google's organic SERPs for relevant search terms. Our website has been around since 1999 and we have established a great base of keyword rankings in that time from key vanity keywords in our field that generate a tonne of long tail rankings for the product pages on our site. Last year, I was given the target of increasing our websites DA from 40(something) to 60+ by the end of the year. I put a plan together at the start of the year which included things like 'create awesome content', 'promote awesome content', do 'proper' link building, do 'real' PR, make sure technical SEO is all up to scratch, increase CTR, reduce bounce rate etc etc But... I wanted to find some examples of case studies where SEO's had taken a site with a starting DA of 'whatever' and increased it to 'a way higher whatever'. I found a tonne of 'How to increase your domain authority' type blog posts which said things like 'create awesome content', 'promote awesome content', 'do proper link building' etc etc but no hard data case studies from people who had been successful in doing it! I really just wanted to make sure that the plan I was putting together, was focused on the right things! Does anybody know of any case studies? I'm still keen to check them out. Being a small business, it's often the case that once we've put a plan together, we quickly realize that we don't have the resources, time, personnel or budget to follow it through but at lest having the plan confirmed by successful case studies doing the same thing or similar would really encouraging! Thanks,

    | RichAlive

  • I have a client with a realtor site that uses IDX for the listings feed.  We have several external links going over to the IDX site for various live custom searches (ie: luxury listings, waterfront listings, etc...).  We are getting a Moz spam ranking of 2/7 for both "Large Number of External Links" and "External Links in Navigation".  Chances are, these are related. My question is this: (1) Being the score is only 2/7, should I bother with fixing this? (2) If I add a rel="nofollow" to all the site-wide links (in header, footer & menu) will this help?  I couldn't find anything definitive in the Q&A search. Looking forward to any insights!!!

    | lcallander

  • Hey there, since a client's global website has a very complex structure which lead to big duplicate content problems, we decided to disallow crawler access and instead allow access to only a few relevant subdirectories. While indexing has improved since this I was wondering if we might have cut off link juice. Since several backlinks point to the disallowed root directory and are from there redirected (301) to the allowed directory I was wondering if this could cause any problems? Example: If there is a backlink pointing to (disallowed in robots.txt) and is redirected from there to (allowed in robots.txt). Would this cut off the link juice? Thanks a lot for your thoughts on this. Regards, Jochen

    | Online-Marketing-Guy

  • I have a robots.txt file error that is causing me loads of headaches and is making my website fall off the SE grid. on MOZ and other sites its saying that I blocked all websites from finding it. Could it be as simple as I created a new website and forgot to re-create a robots.txt file for the new site or it was trying to find the old one? I just created a new one. Google's website still shows in the search console that there are severe health issues found in the property and that it is the robots.txt is blocking important pages. Does this take time to refresh? Is there something I'm missing that someone here in the MOZ community could help me with?

    | primemediaconsultants

  • Hi seems to be quite simple when working with a plain HTML website. You just look up the code you need on and implement it in the HTML file as required. But when using Wordpress things become more complicated. I have to use plugins for schemata and then I can only use the schemata that exist in those plugins which are very limited. How do you deal with this issue? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • In Moz's domain recommendations, they recommend subdirectories instead of subdomains (which agrees with my experience), but make an exception for language-specific websites: Since search engines keep different metrics for domains than they do subdomains, it is recommended that webmasters place link-worthy content like blogs in subfolders rather than subdomains. (i.e. rather than The notable exceptions to this are language-specific websites. (i.e., for the English version of the website). Why are language-specific websites excepted from this advice? Why are subdomains preferable for language-specific websites? Google's advice says subdirectories are fine for language-specific websites, and GSC allows geographic settings at the subdirectory level (which may or may not even be needed, since language-specific sites may not be geographic-specific), so I'm unsure why Moz would suggest using subdirectories in this case.

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi Moz, I recently migrated my website with the help of an SEO company using 301 redirects. The reason for the move was to change our CMS from .aspx to Drupal/Wordpress. The homepage ( and the blog ( were the only two pages that kept the same url. Everything else was redirected. It's been about two months since the redirects were completed and traffic has dropped off about 90%. I'm starting to worry that something was not done properly and my traffic may never return. The process for the redirects seem correct when I checked the work the SEO company did. All pages were duplicated, redirected to individual pages, then the old pages were de-indexed. Are there any insights the community can provide? Please help!

    | shictins

  • Hello, really hoped for your feedback here. So my site is I just used - and came to realization, that indeed we might have been hit by famous Panda 4.0 update. Here is screenshot from Barracuda tool - and in attachment there is Google Analytics screenshot for that time - especially May, 2014. Can you please help me confirm that we indeed have been hit with the Penalty? It has been 1.5 years already and since then, the traffic never has grown more. Before May, 2014 our site received 1.5 million pageviews/mo, after it..until this moment traffic has never been more than 600,000 pageviews/mo. Now if I look back even more with Barracuda tool, I can see it was also affected by Top Heavy 1.0 update,Thu Jan 19 2012. Even back then before all these updates site grew to 2.5 million pageviews/mo. What is the painful part I always focused on time-consuming link building. Submitting links to design news sites, leaving quality comments under related articles and always have written unique quality content on site for years. Can you tell based on screenshots and confirm we indeed have penalty. And maybe suggest what are the actions to take now? I have ahrefs pro subscription and started using Disavow tool to prepare for submission to Google. Would love to hear feedback on has been painful throughout years. Update: here is one more screenshot from Barracuda looking from 2012 year to traffic - SpRPIyY

    | researchninja

  • Hey Mozzers, We have several products that all have upto 6 different versions, they are the same product but in a different specification. As users search via these specifications (within our website) it is beneficial to keep all 6 products as different listings on the website. In google however it is not. So we kept all 6 listing but chose 1 to be the google landing page, the only different between them all is the technical specification + occasionally size. But 95% of the pages are the same. Let call the products A, B, C, D, E, F, we made all the canonicals point to C because this is out best selling version of the product. However, google has chosen E to rank instead. What is my best move here? Should i accept the page google has chosen and change the canonicals the point to that version or should I be stubborn and try to get google to change which version it ranks. As always many thanks.

    | ATP

  • Can anybody tell me what happened here? 13.37.16.png That is the ranking pattern of my UK site on Google UK for my main keyword. It reached number 1 on 7 December but three or four days later, dropped like a stone. It has been very erratic ever since, slumping as low as the mid-30s. I checked the search console but there were no manual penalties. There is an update signalled on the chart but I can't find any info about it and anyway it seems to have happened after the drop began. I barely touched the site between its top ranking and the slump and certainly didn't do anything to deserve that roller coaster (as far as I know). Does anybody have any ideas? Thanks

    | neilmac

  • Hi Mozzers, I am doing an SEO audit for a new client that has an innovative product in the shoe industry. The terms he uses to qualify his shoes don't get searched that much. Digging in into his google analytics I found some potential kws that has a small amount of traffic that he is already ranking for. So my question is how should I conduct my kw research for an innovative product that is new to the market and no competitors to analyze from? Thanks for providing any tips and/or suggestions!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I've noticed with a few of the restaurant clients I work with that Schema isn't contributing at all to their SERP -- their Google + page is. Is there any way to have more control over what Google is pulling to help make UX better? I.e. showing photos of the restaurant without a logo, etc.

    | Anti-Alex

  • Good afternoon...We just added a link to our homepage inside the menu of our video player. In the link below, if you click on the menu icon in the bottom right corner of the video player, you'll see a "Powered by WellcomeMat" link at the bottom of the menu. My question for the community is would that link be considered an inbound link from any site that has the video player embedded? So hypothetically, the video player is embedded into If a user would click on that link and go to our homepage, would search engines recognize that as an inbound link from, even though it sits within our video player? And most of the time, the player sits within an iframe. So that's why I'm not 100% sure. Thanks for reading and for your help! It's much appreciated!!

    | brian720

  • Where can I find some information on the new Google search listing that shows a Feedback link? How does one get this type of Google search listing?

    | marketvantageteam

  • I have a client who is going to split their retail and wholesale business and rebrand the retail biz. So let’s say they are going to move everything from to either or The most important business for them is the retail site, so they want to pass on as much ranking power as they can from to I see two choices here: We can 301 redirect all of to, and then redirect any wholesale pages to The advantage is that we can use GSC’s change of address tool to report the change to Google. The downside is that there is a redirect chain (2 hops) to Would this confuse Google? Or we can 301 redirect page by page from to the appropriate page on either new site. This means no redirect chains but it also means that we can’t use GSC’s change of address tool. Which would you do and why? And is there another option that I'm missing? I appreciate any insights you can share.

    | rich.owings

  • I'm putting together a holiday listing sits and as seo is key would like to add schema data.  Does anyone know of any themes that are easier to do this with for a non techie - have looked at plug ins but they get a mixed review Thanks Neil

    | neilhenderson

  • Hi, I'm working on a site that has video reviews of various places. It's general information/experience that most people possess and production-wise they are selfies. These videos are then transcribed and, voila... searchable content. My problem is this... how do I get large numbers of people to go to the trouble to make a 2 minute selfie? I thought about HARO, since one could work in a plug for something, but they have a site traffic threshold that this new site isn't at. Any and all ideas on how to efficiently generate this content for a new site with very little traffic would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | 94501

  • We oversee a variety of regional, county, and town level tourism websites, each with hundreds (or even thousands) of places/businesses represented with individual pages. Each page contains a link back to the place's main web presence if available. My fear is that a large portion of these linked to sites are low quality, and may even be spammy. With our budgets there is no way to sort through them and assign nofollows as needed. There are also a number of broken links that we try to stay on top of but at times some slip through due to the sheer number of pages. I am thinking about adding a nofollow to these outbound links across the board. This would not be all outbound links on the website, just the website links on the listing pages. I would love to know peoples thoughts on this.

    | Your_Workshop

  • In marking paid ads as "advertisement" for the sake of Google organic, if you have a block of small ads, do you have to mark each and every one as an advertisement? For instance, let's say you have a block of small ads in the right column... mark each one or just at the top or what? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Hi for some strange reason for one of our sites the international targeting option to select what country to target in GWT is not showing. Usually it shows up like this: (this is a different site we have in GWT). But it shows up like this: With no way to change country targeting. My permission level is set as: Owner and are verified. Any ideas on why its not showing up? Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi We have a large ecommerce site, the menu at the moment is limited by the amount of categories we can display. As our site is so large, the menu at the moment only has the top categories and their immediate subcategories, however we have level 3's which go deeper, as there is such a large range. At the moment, they;re not in the top menu, but I want to put a case forward to say why we should include them - I am however mindful of a menu not being overcrowded with hundreds of links. Has anyone had a similar experience of this? Or a case study on how adding important categories to the menu helped improve things? Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi I want to find out how ecommerce sites optimise their product names: 1. When they have thousands of products 2. When some of their products are identical I notice on some sites, like this for example, they have no key phrases in their product titles How can this help for SEO? At the moment we optimise the titles as best we can for key phrases relevant to the products and differentiating attributes. Where we get stuck is, if their are 2 identical products - how can the content team quickly add a title which is useful for customers and search engines? Some products have no differences for us, but longer tail phrases are where we could get some good returns if the research is put in - it's just very labour intensive. Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • My Website is, I have very strong competition in market. Please advice me the list of improvements on my websites. In regarding ON page, Linkbuiding and Social media. What I can do to improve my website ranking?

    | zoe.wilson17

  • I am working around development site. All pages are 'nofollow'. What can I advice on, when it come to SEO and is there any good article or checklist that I can go through. One thing I wanted to know is how can I check for broken links or meta data or any other SEO analytics if the page is 'nofollow' and I cannot crawl it with screaming frog or any other tools.

    | atlanticocean

  • I've been monitoring the performance of some pages via the email Moz sends every week, and until this week two pages that I've managed to get ranking have ranked between 20 and 23 for the specific term. However, today on the email one of the pages for one search term has bombed out of the top 50 while the other page has remained unaffected. What could be the cause for this? I've looked at Google Webmasters for an indication of a penalty of some sort but there is nothing glaringly obvious. I've no messages on there, and I haven't bought a load of spam links at all. What else could I check?

    | mickburkesnr

  • Hi all, I am pretty new to the concept of progressive jpegs so don't know much about it. I believe for a webpage with small images (under 10Kbs) I probably shouldnt worry about progressive jpegs but i do have some images for the size 250+ KBs. Should I go ahead and turn it into progressive from baseline?

    | Malika1

  • During a site move, a sub domain of website a redirected all pages to the homepage of website b. resulting a homepage algorithmic penalty for website b. The sub domain was deleted - and the sitemove for the main domain went through ok. However website b has 80,000 incoming links from the sub domain of website a. is there anything else that needs to be done to "inform" google that the mistake was fixed?

    | FusionMediaLimited

  • For example, the company has 4 locations. As of right now, all of the locations are listed in the footer- which I know is bad for SEO. How do you inform going about this in the right, smart SEO way?

    | HotCoffeyDesign

  • Hi Community, We are currently thinking of changing our domain hosting package and I am wondering if that could have any effects on rankings, SEO, etc. The thing here is that we aren't changing the hosting provider, we are only changing the package from the same provider. Most of the info I have found on the internet has been mostly about changing actual hosting providers versus packages from the same provider (if the makes sense). If anyone knows if this might affect our SEO and what steps we can take to safe guard against any potential pitfalls, please let us know. Thanks

    | Brian_Dowd

  • Hi our website meta title on the directory section is showing the same title, it does not show the page title. We have tried turning off all plugins, reinstalling the theme, creating a new htacces file. installing Yoast, and testing with All in one seo but still the same thing happens. Tried different themes with the same results But when we test with Twenty Thirteen it is ok Completely lost and would love some help Thanks in advance

    | Taiger

  • I have well over a hundred pages of reviews (10 per page). I know this is solid content and I'd hate to not be able to leverage it, but I'm running into the issue of having duplicate title tags and H1s on all of the pages. What's the best way to make use of the review content without have those types of issues? Is a noindex / nofollow strategy something I should be considering here for Page 2 and beyond? Thanks! Edit: I did additional digging into pagination strategies and found this terrific article on Moz. I'm thinking it should address my questions regarding review pages as well.

    | Andrew_Mac

  • Hello, I have an issue where we will have a website set up with dynamic (AJAX) result pages based on the selection of certain filters chosen by the user. The result page will have 12 results shown and if the user scrolls down, the page will lazy load (infinite scroll) additional results. So for example, with these filters: Filter A: Size Filter B: Color Filter 😄 Location We could potentially have a page for "Large, Blue, New York" results dynamically generated. My issue is that I want Google to potentially crawl and index all these variations, so that I can have a page that ranks for "Large Blue New York", another page that ranks for "Small Orange Miami" etc. However, I do not need all the products indexed--- just the page with the first set of dynamic results would be enough since the additional products would just be more of the same. In other words, I am trying to get these pages with filters applied indexed and not necessarily get every possible product indexed. Can anyone comment on the best way to Get Google to index all dynamic variations? The proper way of paginating pages? Thank you

    | Digi1234

  • Hello, I notice that some sites do provide hosting for mirroring file downloading for cpanel, apache and other big developers. I assume that benefits of it is link building but look at this site: Hoobly provide mirrors for most developers but none of them are indexed by google for ex: So can someone explain why would be that or what is going on ? is that something hidden here ?

    | eriklogo5

  • Hi Mozers, I have a website that has literally got hundreds of 301 redirects. I had a close look at these URLs and only some of them have backlinks to it and remaining all of them are not indexing in Google and has got not backlinks at all. Based on what I have noticed experts mentioning, loads of 301 redirects can potentially slow down the site speed. In a case like the website I have, should I completely take off the pages from website to reduce the number of 301 redirects or should I leave 301 redirects? There is no traffic or backlinks coming from these URLs. Malika

    | Malika1

  • Hello everyone Please advice what to do in a situation when searching for a domain: google is recommending ? when these are completely 2 different sites? Does it has to do with trust rank? Please advice.

    | FusionMediaLimited

  • What is the thoughts on the following? Does it look dodgy to you?  Is there any SEO value? 1. Social Bookmarking
    2. Reddit Sharing
    3. Stumbleupon Sharing
    4. Profile Creation
    5. PPT Submission
    6. PPT Promotion
    7. Blog Submission
    8. Blog Promotion

    | seoman10

  • Added sub-folder to GWT no data? Hi guys, I've added a sub-folder to GWT: about 5 days ago. I have no yet received any data via GWT around the subfolder. The main domain has been added separately and is receiving traffic. Any ideas why i'm not seeing data for the sub-folder above I simply added it as a new property in GWT. Thankyou.

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi guys this is a 2 part question so hoping someone is able to assist! 🙂 I own the website which ive been updating manually in Dreamweaver for last 6+ years, it has very high Organic Rankings for most of my targeted keywords which are: industry tix
    Industry tickets
    breakfest tickets
    Stereosonic tickets
    CUban Club tickets
    etc etc - essentially names of events Im currently about 90% of the way through replicating/improving the content of the website using a Wordpress Theme which is located at so all the URLs/Sites are currently running concurrently. Im using Eventum Theme for hosting events and Woocommerce plugin for products so there is a slighy disconnect between the 'Event Page' and 'Buy tickets/Product page" **For example: 
    Event page: ** Ticket/product page: Next step is to kill off the old outdated homepage and recirrect all the event pages to the new ones - for retaining SEO value is there a best practices for completing this? (I am planning to move the New WP Installation into the root folder from the /buy-tickets/ folder where its currently staged. For example of OLD to NEW redirrection requirements:
    Nicket/product page: Any other feedback improvements as far as retaining SEO and not keyword stuffing etc? Thanking you all in advance for taking the time to read this 🙂

    | IsaCleanse

  • Hi guys, I hope you can help. We have a large ecommerce website which has different domains for each language - GB, USA, DE, AU & CA. I've been working my way through the errors that have been flagged in Moz and today I noticed something quite worrying. One of our strong keywords has dropped from 1st place to nowhere at all. However, the Canadian version is ranking in the UK desktop search and our mobile site is appearing in the desktop search too. The keyword is 'personalised macbook cover' and the page in question is I'm confused as this page was ranking brilliantly a couple of weeks ago and now it's nowhere to be seen. We've added alternate and canonical tags to distinguish which site is mobile and which site is desktop. We've also submitted a sitemap so that it takes into account all of the languages. There are no harmful links and we've changed the content of the page across each language. I've attached what appears in the SERP's in the UK. (there is the mobile version ranking at the top and the Canadian version further down the page) Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Danny webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=personalised%20macbook%20covers

    | DannyNutcase

  • My Moz Pro report from Sunday shows I have lost ranking on about half of the 1000+ keyword phrases I track. Most of these drops are of the order of 50 places or more. But 6 went up and the rest stayed the same. I see no corresponding drop in Google search traffic or Google search impressions. So how do I read this? About a week ago I switched my travel website to a premium theme and removed indexing on my Wordpress attachment pages. In the week since, There is no manual penalty visible. The new theme increased my page speed from C to A, so I thought it would help my rankings. Now I don't know what to think. My website is

    | Gavin.Atkinson

  • UPDATE: Found a source that says that Google recognizes the redirects, so it should be fine leaving backlinks as is - Hi again Mozers, When a site's protocol is changed from http to https, what impact would it have on the backlinks? Especially, when the backlinks doesn't contain any protocal mentioned. Thanks in advance Malika

    | Malika1

  • Wanted to pass along a specific use-case that I'm thinking through in the technical setup for a client. Site: is an ecommerce company that offers the ability to white-label a site so an affiliate can join and get access to the site, and ultimately get a cut of whatever is sold through that affiliate. So I join the site and get access to and can handle my business through that. From a technical standpoint, this is the proposed technical setup of the site. Canonical URLS will be set to Pages on will be set to noindex, while the main will be set to be indexed Webmaster Tools for will be set to have preferred domain of will have separate robots.txt instructing to block crawl Questions Am I missing any steps in properly setting up the technical background of the subdomain sites? The use of subdomains isn't something that I am able to move away from. Will any links in to pass juice and authority to, or does the noindex/nocrawl block that from happening? Is there anything else that I am missing? Thanks!

    | RosemarieReed

  • Hi everyone, I've been researching for the past hour and I cannot find a definitive answer anywhere! Can someone tell me if page anchors affect SEO at all? I have a client that has 9 page anchors on one landing page on their website - which means if you were to scroll through their website, the page is really really long! I always thought that by using page anchors instead of sending users through to a dedicated landing page, ranking for those keywords makes it harder because a search spider will read all the content on that landing page and not know how to rank for individual keywords? Am I wrong? The client in particular sells furniture, so on their landing page they have page anchors that jump the user down to "tables" or "chairs" or "lighting" for example. You can then click on one of the product images listed in that section of the page anchor and go through to an individual product page. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thanks!

    | Virginia-Girtz

  • Hello fellow mozrs!
    Been working on a few Property (Real Estate for our American friends)  websites recently and and two questions that constantly come up as we spec the site are: 1. What schema ( should the website use (throughout all pages as well as individual pages). Did anyone found that schema actually helped with their ranking/CTR?
    2. Whilst setting up the sitemaps (usually Yaost is our preferred plugin for the job), what page would you EXCLUDE from the site map? Looking forward to some interesting comments.

    | artdivision

  • Just went through a migration. We have a group of canonical URLs that are NOT the preferred url, but  301 re-direct to the preferred URL.  Does this essentially "break even" and the incorrect canonical URL becomes obsolete? And/or would this be considered potentially bad and confusing for bots?

    | lunavista-comm

  • We are an ecommerce site and I have noticed sites like this - with hidden content (click on the details link under the canteen image) My question is would this content be as good as content that is placed normally within the body of a website? Because content I place on our pages is more for SE rankings than it is for visitors. Good to get your thoughts Thank you Jon

    | imrubbish

  • Hi Guys, I was wondering what would be the optimal and best URL structure for sub-categories on a E-commerce site for SEO purposes. Example if my category was dresses and I had multiple sub-categories within dresses would 1 or 2 below be the better URL structure? 1) Domain + Category + Sub-Category be the most suitable URL structure: Sleeveless Dresses URL: Midi Dresses URL: 2) OR would excluding the category be better Domain + Sub-Category like: Sleeveless Dresses URL: Midi Dresses URL: Do you think it makes much of a difference, is shorter better and more effective in this case? E.g. Rand discuses in this article:  that having the keyword in the URL serves as anchor text, so wouldn't having additional keywords dilute value in this case? Plus he mentions shorter URLs the better. Cheers, Chris

    | jayoliverwright

  • Hi, We are considering the impact when you want to deliver content directly on the product pages. If the products were manufactured in a specific way and its the same process across 100 other products you might want to tell your readers about it. If you were to believe the product page was the best place to deliver this information for your readers then you could potentially be creating mass content duplication. Especially as the storytelling of the product could equate to 60% of the page content this could really flag as duplication. Our options would appear to be:1. Instead add the content as a link on each product page to one centralised URL and risk taking users away from the product page (not going to help with conversion rate or designers plans)2. Put the content behind some javascript which requires interaction hopefully deterring the search engine from crawling the content (doesn't fit the designers plans & users have to interact which is a big ask)3. Assign one product as a canonical and risk the other products not appearing in search for relevant searches4. Leave the copy as crawlable and risk being marked down or de-indexed for duplicated contentIts seems the search engines do not offer a way for us to serve this great content to our readers with out being at risk of going against guidelines or the search engines not being able to crawl it.How would you suggest a site should go about this for optimal results?

    | FashionLux

  • My site got demolished by this update and I really don't know why and would appreciate if any Mozzers could help me out to understand this.  I just found out about this update that happened today and I am kind of shocked and at a loss on what happened. If someone would PM me, I would really appreciate it Thanks!

    | steve45058

  • Hi, I run a B2B 3rd party retail ecommerce site and I am kind of stuck on how to implement my SEO strategy. 
    So I learned from AdWords data that the best converting words to my site is the (Brand name, Model Number).  Many of my B2B customers already know what they want/are looking for.  Now this is all fine and dandy for adwords, but I don't really know how to implement this strategy on the SEO side.  I do rank decent for some of these product keywords, but 99% of them I do not (which confuses me because some of the brands I rank high for are the more popular brands eg. more competition.)  When I do keyword research on SEMRush or another site, it tells me that the competition for this type of keyword strategy is extremely high. Any Help, Advice would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

    | steve45058

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