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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi! My page is not ranking the way it should for "Webdesign Freiburg" on google Germany. Although it receives an A it is only seen on page 2 although the competition is not that hard. Do you have any ideas why that is and what I could improve? Best regards Marc

    | RWW

  • Context Our website has a large number of crawl issues stemming from duplicate page content (source: Moz). According to an SEO firm which recently audited our website, some amount of these crawl issues are due to URL parameter usage. They have recommended that we "make sure every page has a Rel Canonical tag that points to the non-parameter version of that URL…parameters should never appear in Canonical tags." Here's an example URL where we have parameters in our canonical tag... rel="canonical" href="" /> Our website runs on IBM WebSphere v 7. Questions Why it is important that the rel canonical tag points to a non-parameter URL? What is the extent of the negative impact from having rel canonicals pointing to URLs including parameters? Any advice for correcting this? Thanks for any help!

    | Solid_Gold

  • I have recently taken over a website (website A) that has a domain authority of 33/100 and is linked to from 39 root domains. I have not yet selected any keywords to target so am currently unsure of ranking positions. However, website A is for a division of a company that has its own separate website (website B) which has a domain authority of 58/100 and over 1000 legitimate linking root domains. I have the option of moving website A to a sub-domain of website B. I also have the option of having website B provide a followed link to website A. So, my question is, for SEO purposes, is my website better off remaining on its own existing domain or is it likely to rank higher as a sub-domain of website B? I am sure there are pros and cons for both options but some opinions would be much appreciated.

    | BallyhooLtd

  • My site until the 10th of December, 2015 was ranking more or less in the top 10 for 92 Keywords most of them 1 word and 2 word, built upon over 10 years of SEO and optimization (all ethical). Since that time however it's like Google's decided that we didn't belong there and all the rankings are in free fall. The only change was that we updated our Wordpress Version. Nothing else was changed. Links were same as always. My organic traffic figures have fallen 99%, many KWs have been buried beyond 51+ and because of that client's queries we got have virtually disappeared. PPC helps but it's not Organic. Should I be Worried or is it just more Google Dance?

    | jagdecat

  • Website build in process in Angular JS. We are looking at prerendering the pages so its all good. However, because there are going to be few server requests, how would the page load be like for search engines? Also, on the client side (browser) would there be any impact if we prerender the pages? Cheers!

    | Malika1

  • Hi, I have noticed that Google likes to rank random pages on my site higher in the SERPs than the actual relevant content page for that service. Please let me know why it is happening?

    | RuchiPardal

  • Hi In one of my other Q&A's someone mentioned I may need to look at pagination. For instance, are these pages counted as 'new' pages in Google's eyes when clicking on pagination? Does anyone have any advice on what I could do? It's not something I have had much experience with. Thank you Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, I'm building the extension for Chrome, which should show me the status of the indexability of the page I'm on. So, I need to know all the methods to check if the page has the potential to be crawled and indexed by a Search Engines. I've come up with a few methods: Check the URL in robots.txt file (if it's not disallowed) Check page metas (if there are not noindex meta) Check if page is the same for unregistered users (for those pages only available for registered users of the site) Are there any more methods to check if a particular page is indexable (or not closed for indexation) by Search Engines? Thanks in advance!

    | boostaman

  • We have to greatly scale back on one of our services and focus on the other more successful ones. I need to figure out what to do with all the pages relating to the service we are cutting back. Just to be clear, we aren't getting rid of the service. So they still want the pages on the website, but it is better for us to have more link juice going to the other service pages, more of our content ratio to be around the more profitable services, etc. So, should I no-index/no-follow all the pages relating to the service we are cutting back on? Or should I no-index/follow all the pages relating the service we are cutting back on? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We rank on page 1 for some keywords. Pulling SEMRush reports, we discovered we were placed #1, and we thought it was out of the norm, then determined it was due to the snippet preview Google created before SERPS. Anyway to know how we can consistently be favored by Google to get the snippet preview? I've read up a structured data markup on schema could help. All input is appreciated.

    | ejcruz

  • We've setup an new site and many pages don't exist anymore (clean up done). But for many of them we have new pages with new url's. We've monitored the 404 and have now many URL's redirected with 301 (apache file). How long should we keep this in place? Checking all links manually to see of new url is in place of the old url (in google) is too much work. tx!

    | KBC

  • Hi I'm looking into competitors for a high volume keyword and reviewing their top ranked page to see what else they rank for in this category. How is it possible that one page of theirs ranks for over 500 key phrases? They have a little bit of content at the bottom

    | BeckyKey

  • Hey Guys, Looking at a site which has mobile versions of each page example: Some of these pages have images which are over 1mb. I want to quickly identify these pages with high image file sizes, any good tools which can do this? Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • My main question is: How do we remove URLs (links) from Google's index and the 1000s of created 404 errors associated with them after a website was hacked (and now fixed)? The story: A customer came to us for a new website and some SEO. They had an existing website that had been hacked and their previous vendor was non-responsive to address the issue for months. This created THOUSANDS of URLs on their website that were then linked to pornographic and prescription med SPAM sites. Now, Google has 1,205 pages indexed that create 404 errors on the new site.  I am confident these links are causing Google to not rank well organically. Additional information: Entirely new website Wordpress site New host Should we be using the "Remove URLs" tool from Google to submit all 1205 of these pages? Do you think it will make a difference? This is down from the 22,500 URLs that existed when we started a few months back. Thank you in advance for any tips or suggestions!

    | Tosten

  • Hi, Our top page appears to have dropped out of the index. The core keyword "business ideas" is still showing us at the top but it's a different post and it's lost all the long-tail. Whats even stranger is that it's not even directly relevant to the topic of business ideas. Looks like something fishy happened here – perhaps due to the recent algo updates. We've always seen a significant increase in organic when anything Panda related updates (c.20%+ growth every time) yet this has compeltely killed us. We spent a long time building this post up, eventually outranking It's been #1 for for months. Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated! ikvJVrq

    | entrepreneurhandbook

  • I have a client who's website is an amalgamation of multiple domains. is the main domain but the site passes traffic back and forth from the following domains/sites. My questions is, would it it be better for SEO to consolidate all of these domains under the single high authority domain and 301 redirect the rest or is that a really bad idea?  Thanks for your help. (Domain Authority 31) (Domain Authority 22) (Domain Authority 21) j (Domain Authority 19)

    | dbaxa-261338

  • I notice something weird in Google robots. txt tester I have this line Disallow: display= in my robots.text but whatever URL I give to test it says blocked and shows this line in robots.text for example this line is to block pages like but if I test or any page it shows as blocked due to Disallow: display= am I doing something wrong or Google is just acting strange? I don't think pages with no display= are blocked in real.

    | rbai

  • Hi Mozzers, Hope you're doing good. Well, we have a website, up and running for a decent tenure with millions of pages indexed in search engines. We're planning to go live with a new version of it i.e a new experience for our users, some changes in site architecture which includes change in URL structure for existing URLs and introduction of some new URLs as well. Now, my question is, what's the best way to do a A/B test with the new version? We can't launch it for a part of users (say, we'll make it live for 50% of the users, an remaining 50% of the users will see old/existing site only) because the URL structure is changed now and bots will get confused if they start landing on different versions. Will this work if I reduce crawl rate to ZERO during this A/B tenure? How will this impact us from SEO perspective? How will those old to new 301 URL redirects will affect our users? Have you ever faced/handled this kind of scenario? If yes, please share how you handled this along with the impact. If this is something new to you, would love to know your recommendations before taking the final call on this. Note: We're taking care of all existing URLs, properly 301 redirecting them to their newer versions but there are some new URLs which are supported only on newer version (architectural changes I mentioned above), and these URLs aren't backward compatible, can't redirect them to a valid URL on old version.

    | _nitman

  • I have a main ecommerce website with unique content and decent back links. I had few domains parked on the main website as well specific product pages. These domains had some type in traffic. Some where exact product names.  So main main website had , parked on it. Also had parked on This caused lot of duplicate content issues. 12 months back, all the parked domains were changed to 301 redirects. I also added all the domains to google webmaster tools. Then removed main directory from google index. Now realize few of the additional domains are indexed and causing duplicate content. My question is what other steps can I take to avoid the duplicate content for my my website 1. Provide change of address in Google search console. Is there any downside in providing change of address pointing to a website? Also domains pointing to a specific url , cannot provide change of address 2. Provide a remove page from google index request in Google search console. It is temporary and last 6 months. Even if the pages are removed from Google index, would google still see them duplicates? 3. Ask google to fetch each url under other domains and submit to google index. This would hopefully remove the urls under and eventually due to 301 redirects. 4. Add canonical urls for all pages in the main site. so google will eventually remove content from doman1 and due to canonical links. This wil take time for google to update their index 5. Point these domains elsewhere to remove duplicate contents eventually. But it will take time for google to update their index with new non duplicate content. Which of these options are best best to my issue and which ones are potentially dangerous? I would rather not to point these domains elsewhere. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    | ajiabs

  • Hi friends, I'm trying to target a variety of keywords for an e-commerce/woocommerce store. These keywords have slight differences, and I have a writer to come up with a paragraph or two of unique content for each SEO landing page. I plan on making them with WordPress pages, and linking them with in the content to other related blog posts and product categories. Would it be best to make individual landing pages for terms that vary like: mens wallets under $100 mens wallets under $50 mens wallets under $25 mens leather wallets qaulity mens wallets affordable mens wallets buy mens wallets online shop mens wallets online Should these each be individual pages? How should I link these to the main navigation? or Should I interlink them elsewhere?

    | JustinMurray

  • Is their a recommended way/best practice to implement sitemap.xml files on a site built with ruby on rails?

    | brianvest

  • I notice Google displays the schema(reviews, price, availability etc.) in results only for some of our item pages in same category using same template. Any ideas why this is happening. They are created around same time - more than a year ago. Schema was also added a year ago.

    | rbai

  • Hello Moz World, I have a client that has a TON, like close to a thousand pages that have a 302 redirect set up. After further investigation, I found that every month they update their events page & Demo Request page, and the old events pages still exist but, get a 302 redirect to the updated page. From what I gather, this is a default mechanism set up by the hosting provider. My questions; is this an example of when to use a Rel=canonical? Also, is there a method for integrating this without having to go into every page and integrate the code snippet? And Lastly, How should I go about ensuring this doesn't happen in the future? Thanks ahead of time, you guys rock! B/R Will H.

    | MarketingChimp10

  • I like screamingfrog but they don't automatically generate and submit to google. We use but they don't have all the functions and they crawl slow too. Can you recommend some good sitemap generator that is fast, with features and can automatically create and submit? Is inspyder good?

    | rbai

  • Hi everyone, I am wondering if there are any negative SEO effects of removing mass amounts of content specifically in the situation I am about to describe. We have a website that is being converted into Wordpress, however, one particular section that contains a large portion of content (31 pages) have not been transferred over yet. We are very eager to launch the new Wordpress website for lead generation purposes and will gradually re-implement the content over time. From Google Analytics, these pages have not generated a significant amount of organic entrances (~7 ) in the last year. Furthermore, these pages do not contain any backlinks. I would like to know whether or not this would have an overal negative SEO impact on the website even if we 301/create a page for coming soon/310/404 these pages? My gut feeling is no, but I would like to make sure I am not missing anything. Thanks Moz community!

    | Snaptech_Marketing

  • Hi I wanted to ask how Google perceives a page which includes display:none - but doesn't use this to hide content but will use it in other cases such as:
    Is this dangerous to use in terms of affecting Google rankings?

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi Guys, Im working with a SaaS client in the flatmate sharing industry and I need to ask the following: Here's a screenshot showing the reviews people have submitted. Shot 2016-01-13 at 2.46.12 pm.png?dl=0 1-Is there a chance Google will include these reviews as it doesn't have a way of checking if they are real? They are in this case so that's why would be great to include them. 2- the stars don't seem to be in html, how can we mark the stars to be indexed by google? I want to include this schema I don't think we would be able to full-fill these items, what do you think? <code>spanvocab=""typeof="Review"> <span< span="">property="itemReviewed"typeof="Thing"> <span< span="">property="name">Super Book This is not a boook is a service, what should I put here?</span<></span<> <span< span="">property="author"typeof="Person"> <span< span="">property="name">Joe</span<></span<> <span< span="">property="reviewRating"typeof="Rating"> Rating: <span< span="">property="ratingValue">7</span<> out of <span< span="">property="bestRating">10</span<></span<> <span< span="">property="publisher"typeof="Organization"> Whato this property means? Reviews are made by customers not organizations. <meta< span="">property="name"content="Washington Times"> same as abobe, they are not publishers.</meta<></span<></code> If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks <code>Nico</code>

    | niclaus78

  • Hi all, I have a website which is going to be rebuild in AngularJS. It's a massive website that recieves a lot of traffic. As I am new to AngularJS and with less programming knowledge, I am not 100% confident about how to go about it. I am requesting MOZers to please point me in the right direction to get the SEO right. What are the things to take care of? How it will impact the search engine rankings etc.

    | Malika1

  • Does anyone have any experience if it is possible to get a website ranking on a subdomain? I'm trying out a business idea and need to keep costs to an absolute minimum. I have a site which I designed in they give a free subdomain and I want to know if there's any chance of getting it to rank Thanks

    | seoman10

  • Spa Spot Edmonton is a Client of ours and while it seems that they are performing very well in Bing and Yahoo search engines, the same can't be said about Google. 9 or 10 keywords are on the 1st page with another 9 or 10 on the second pages of Bing and Yahoo, whereas Google is only ranking 3 keywords and the rest do not show up even in the Top 50. Any ideas?

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Has anyone implemented deep linking for Apple Search (NSUserActivity/Core Spotlight) or Google Search (for Android and iOS) for an app that is behind password protection? Interested in seeing whether this is even possible.

    | Merkle-Impaqt

  • We have a client who has had a significant decrease in organic traffic this last month (about 20%) but in Webmaster tools it tells me there was an increase in impressions and clicks.  How can these both be accurate?

    | jfeitlinger

  • We are using JSON-LD to apply schema.  My colleague had question about applying @id tags in the schema parent lists: While implementing schema, we've included @id as a parameter to both the "list" child of "ListItem" of a "BreadcrumbList" - on the same schema, we've added an @id parameter to mainContentOfPage and both @id parameters are set to the pages URL. Having this @id in both places is giving schema checker results that have the child elements of "mainContentOfPage" appearing under the "list" item. Questions: is this good or bad? Where should @id be used? What should @id be set to? Thanks for the insight!

    | RosemaryB

  • We took over an account for a company called who specialize in doors and windows in Edmonton, Alberta. We built them a new website on a new domain: We did 301 redirects on all of the old URLs so that they now point to the new URLs so most of the authority should transfer over. Additionally, each page has a properly optimized title, h1 tag, a series of pertinent alt tags, and many instances of the focus keyword for that particular page. Additionally, the website loads quickly and has many high authority inbound links pointing to the domain. We have done this for many other companies and have seen their rankings maintain their position or increase. Is there something that I am missing for this company in particular? Thanks so much!

    | Web3Marketing87

  • Hi everyone I am looking into this page on our site Just comparing it against competitors in SEMRush, the tool shows a wordcount of this page for over 4089 words, compared with which only has 2658 - it has a lot more written content than our page - where is this word count coming from? Also looking at the same page on our site Woorank suggests we have the word 'sack truck' in the h1 and title too many times - it's only there once, but its this showing because its an exact match keyword? I'm just wondering if there is something wrong with the html or how the page is being crawed?

    | BeckyKey

  • Just stumbled across a company called Wildshark SEO ( Has anyone used them? Any feedback? Please and thank you!

    | seoman10

  • Hi Guys, We have two different versions of each page for both desktop and mobile example: We want to create meta descriptions for both versions. However in the CMS (  it only allows one meta description. Example: Does anyone know anyway around this? To add two different meta descriptions and tell Google which one to use based on device type. Thanks.

    | jayoliverwright

  • I'd like some professional opinions on this topic. I'm looking after the SEO for my friends site, and there are two main search terms we are looking to boost in search engines. The company sells Billboard advertising space to businesses in the UK. Here are the two search terms we're looking to target: Billboard Advertising - 880 searches P/M Outdoor Advertising - 720 searches P/M It would usually make sense to make a separate page to target the keyword "billboard advertising" on its own fully optimised landing page with more information on the topic and with a targeted URL: and the homepage to target "outdoor advertising" as it's an outdoor advertising agency. But there's a problem, as both search terms are highly related and have the same intent, I'm worried that if we create a separate page to target the billboard advertising, it will conflict with the homepage targeting outdoor advertising. Also, the main competitors who are currently ranked position 1-3, are ranking with their home pages and not optimised landing pages to target the exact search term "billboard advertising". Any advice on this?

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi everyone, I don't understand the reason why if I delete cookies, chronology, set anonymous way surfing in Chorme and Safari, I have different results on Google. I tried it from the same pc and at the same time. Searching in google the query "vangogh"  the internet site "" is shown in the first page in Chrome but not in  Safari. I asked in Google webmaster forum, but nobody seems to know the reason of this behavior. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. Massimiliano

    | vanGoGh-creative

  • I was curious if it is possible to markup a newsletter signup link for a client.  If yes, what schema property should I use?

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi Everybody, I'm managing the SEO for an E-commerce site with different desktop and mobile sites (meaning, not responsive). We're changing the way reviews on mobile product pages will be displayed from 'view all' to pagination (due to server load). Basically the above the fold part of the page will always display the product, and below the fold will have x numbers of reviews on each page. But here is where it gets tricky: 1 - A different number of review pages will exist on mobile vs desktop (due to different no. of reviews per page on each device) - so I'm wondering what's the solution regarding canonicals. Usually every mobile page points to its desktop parallel, but now we'll have non-matching pages. 2 - The users will be able to change the no. of reviews displayed on each page. So the number of paginated pages will change accordingly. I was thinking about a solution where all the reviews will be in the first page's html (and only X of them will be displayed on screen), and all the other paginated pages will be created dynamically (with # and won't be indexed, so basically no pagination in mobile). Does anyone think this can be seen as cloaking or has any other thoughts? Thanks, Sarah

    | Don34

  • Hi, We had a site with many bad links pointing to it ( It was knocked from the SERPS. We tried to manually ask webmasters to remove links.Then submitted a Disavow and a recon request. We have since moved the site to a new URL (.com) about a year ago. As the company needed it's customer to find them still. We 301 redirected the to the .com There are still lots of bad links pointing to the The questions are: #1 Do we stop the 301 redirect from to .com now? The is not showing in the rankings. We could  have a basic holding page on the with 'we have moved' (No link). Or just switch it off. #2 If we keep the 301 to the .com, shall we upload disavow to .com webmasters tools or webmasters tools. I ask this because someone else had uploaded the's disavow list of spam links to the .com webmasters tools. Is this bad? Thanks in advance for any advise or insight!

    | SolveWebMedia

  • Hello, We have a .com magento store with the US geo targeting We're going to launch a different versions soon, one for the US, and another one for Canada (we're going to add a Spanish and French versions later as well) The stores content will be same, except currency and contact us page. What would be a better strategy to introduce it to Google? What is better URL structure? , , or ? Should we stay with the original ( and just close an access to /ca/ and /us/ / or use rel=canonical / or use "alternate" hreflang to avoid duplicate content issues? Thanks in advance


  • Hi, Would it be better for organic search to have a null alt image tag programatically added to thousands of images without alt image tags or just leave them as is. The option of adding tailored alt image tags to thousands of images is not possible. Is having sitewide alt image tags really important to organic search overall or what? Right now, probably 10% of the sites images have alt img tags. A huge number of those images are pages that aren Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Hi Moz community, My company updated and used a new developer to build and re-design their charity websites:, and This sites were "re-launched" at the beggining of December 2015 and I have now been able to get a good 6 weeks worth of data. I've been religiously using for a couple of years and I use it simply for SEO purposes. Our websites are built upon organic traffic being driven to them and I have noticed that the PA on the new sites has taken a hammering.  They all appear to have a PA of 1 and I'm at a loss why?  It appears that no page has h1 text? Would this be an issue with the developer or something the content team is doing wrong? Any help of advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks Ryan

    | Bennerya

  • Hi I wanted to find out if anyone knew how to discover why DA may have dropped? Ours has gone from 26 to 25 - I know it's not much, but I wanted to find the reason. One thing which happened was our developer company wiped redirects, which did impact rankings - would this also have affected domain authority or do I need to review our backlinks again? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi all, I have a gigantic website and they are adding another subdirectory to it. My question is regarding html sitemaps for better optimisation. 1. Should a keyword focussed front end (html) sitemap be made for all the dynamic URLs or 2. Should a category focussed front end (html) sitemap be made for all the dynamic URLs what would be your approach to doing a sitemap with thousands of pages with a structure like Directory > Sub directory > Subdirectory > Files

    | Malika1

  • We have an online multistore which is running in three different countries. For Example: Should I create different meta tags for different stores or should I just use Hreflang Tag? Should we create meta tags for individual store?

    | Envisionecommerce

  • Hope everyone is having an Awesome December! I first noticed a drop in my index in the beginnings of November. My site drop in indexed pages from 1400 to 600 in the past 3-4 weeks.  I don't know the cause of it, and would like the community to help me figure out why my indexing has dropped.   Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to read this.

    | BSC

  • Dear Mates, Could you check this category page of our e-commerce site: and give me your opinion about, this is a Panda safe page or not? Actually I have this as NOINDEX preventing any Panda hit, but I'm in doubt. My Question is "Can I index this page again in peace?" Thank you Clay

    | ClayRey

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