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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Currently I have a 301 redirect from
    to And in my canonical and hreflang and also insite links I use consistently without trailing slash. Is this OK? Or do I need to add a trailing slash?

    | lcourse

  • Could someone help me with a 'what if ' scenario please? What happens if I publish a piece of content on an external website, but then later decide to also put this content on my website. I want my website to rank first for this content, even though the original location for the content was the external website. Would it be okay for me to put a rel=canonical tag on the external website's content pointing to the copy on my website? Or would this be seen as manipulative?

    | RG_SEO

  • Hi everyone I am fairly new to SEO but have a basic understanding. I have a page that has a lot of content on it (including brand names and product types and relevant info) ranking for a quite a few key words. This is cool, except that I have pages dedicated to each specific key word that are not ranking. The more specific page still has a lot of relevant text on it too. eg. TYRES page - Ranks first for "Tyres". Ranks okay for many tyre key words, including "truck tyres"
    TRUCK TYRES page - not ranking for "truck tyres" Further on, I then have pages not ranking all that well for more specific key words when they should. eg HONDA TRUCK TYRES - Then has a page full of product listings - no actual text. Not Ranking for "honda truck tyres". ABC HONDA TRUCK TYRE - not ranking for "abc honda truck tyre" key word
    These pages don't have a lot of content on them, as essentially every single tyre is the same except for the name. But they do have text. So sometimes, these terms don't rank at all. And sometimes, the first TYRES page ranks for it. I have done the basic on page seo for all these pages (hopefully properly) including meta desc, meta titles, H1, H2, using key words in text, alt texting images where possible etc. According to MOZ they are optimised in the 90%. Link building is difficult as they are product listings, so other sites don't really link to these pages. Has anyone got ideas on why the top TYRES page might be so successful and out ranking more specific pages? Any ideas on how I can get the other pages ranking higher as they are more relevant to the search term? We are looking in to a website redesign/overhaul so any advice on how I can prevent this from happening on essentially a new site would be great too. Thanks!

    | JDadd

  • Hi There, i have question how to increase the Pagerank? My website health according ahrefs is 90%. but still no pagerank. please help.

    | GarySahota

  • Consider this example, because I want to be clear about what I mean.  You have two websites.  Lets all them and On, there is an iframe something like this:
    <iframe src=""></iframe>
    Then content of this iframe is a bunch of pictures, text and numbers, as well as a group of links, linking each picture to for example the links might be: Questions: When google crawls **, **does it pass link juice to*? Does google instead consider these to be internal links within itself.  because links to ** are actually from itself, since the domain of the iframe is actually: 3) Is there any amount of link juice passed from to* **because this is the src= element of an iframe that is hosting? Consider an alternative setup.  Where instead of using an iframe the contents of the above described iFrame is actually added the the page dynamically using javascript, and a call to an API endpoint at  Resulting in these links being added directly to the body of without being wrapped in an iframe element. Questions:
    4) Do these links that were created after page load still get crawled and credited by google? (i have heard in the past that google was going to start crawling javascript, i just don't know if this is known for a fact yet).
    5) Do links created on the client side hold the same weight as a link that was served directly via the backend html generation? If both the links within the iframe and the links within the javascript embed method pass link juice.  Is one preferred over the other? is one known to be more effective than the other? Thanks!

    | adriandg

  • Hi guys. This is somewhat a continuation for this topic: After that update, several of our clients and our website as well have experienced high fluctuation rankings period, which ended up in huge drops - 10-20 spots. Which, obviously, made everyone unhappy. Anybody knows what exactly the change was about? What should we fix/take a look at, analyze again? We aren't using any shady techniques or black hat. Everything is honest. All metrics, number of backlinks etc are going up, no major changes have been recently made. Please, help!

    | DmitriiK

  • Just a quick one, when I search for my brand in Google I see my normal listing but the Google Plus URL is appearing on the right hand side as a link on it's own. I see that other brands have there company info pulled in here. Is there anything I can do to make it appear like other brands have it, (with the images, text, etc.)? Thanks,

    | the-gate-films

  • Hi All, Im designing the url and im confused, need your experts advice engine-oil is a category I will display car truck, bike oils only
    Car  > in this page I will display engine oils only related to car
    Hyundia> in this page I will display engine oils only related to hyundia
    i30 > in this page I will display engine oils only related to i30 models
    Petrol > in this page I will display engine oils only related to petrol So im planning for or should I write like this below and also i heard i should keep 3 folders max.. so confused..
    i have lot of car parts like engine oil, gear oil, tyres, battery,etc(categories)

    | Rahim119

  • I have a website with over 30,000 pages. But only around 100 are getting traffic from Google/being used by the company. How safe is it for me to kill the other pages? Usually I'd do rel canonical or 301's to scrap as much link juice as I can from them, but at 30,000 we just don't have any place to 301 the pages that makes sense and rel canonical to irrelevant pages seems... wrong? So my hope was to just kill the pages, reuse their content when needed, but pretty much start fresh. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks,

    | jacob.young.cricut

  • Hai All, Website was hacked and is clean now. What to do next? Send a Reconsideration Request to Google through Google search console. How detailed should this request be? As detailed as possible? And how much time will it usually take before Google responds? Should I remove all infected URL’s that Google has indexed by using Google search console, remove URL’s? Or is this not necessary? (All the infected URL’s will give a 404 statuscode now) Regards, Maurice

    | mlehr

  • Hi, About 10 months I switched from HTTP to HTTPS. I then switched back (long story). I noticed that Screaming Frog is picking up the HTTP and HTTPS version of the site. Maybe this doesn't matter, but I'd like to know why SF is doing that. The URL is: Any feedback, including how to remove the HTTPS version, is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | mrodriguez1440

  • ANSWER SEEN 'WITHIN THE QUESTION' BRACKET So you ask, why is the sky blue?
    Well, the answer is not so simple; In the day-time, when it's clear and cloudless,
    the sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.
    When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. See Structured Data Testing Results 'QUESTION' AND 'ANSWER' IN 2 SEPARATE BRACKETS Why Is The Sky Blue? Well, the answer is not so simple; In the day-time, when it's clear and cloudless,
    the sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter red light.
    When we look towards the sun at sunset, we see red and orange colours because the blue light has been scattered out and away from the line of sight. See Structured Data Testing Results Thanks, Mark

    | RedFrog

  • Hi guys and girls, I am looking for a company that is willing to work with us to improve our SEO. Our website is and we keep on going all the way UP to fall rock bottom hard again (like waves in the ocean). It's really weird, we never invested much in link building and such. We are so busy with other things that it would be nice to outsource this task. You can contact us by phone, or by email. Thanks!

    | MartinePeters

  • My web site previously offered several categories of an indoor type of product, which have since been permanently discontinued. We do still offer a full line of the outdoor type of these products. The usage is quite different (indoor vs. outdoor), and customers looking for the indoor variety are not likely to be immediately interested in the outdoor ones. But the pages for the discontinued categories and products have built up significant page authority and rank quite well even for more generic searches which are not indoor or outdoor specific. I am interested in opinions on what approach to take for the discontinued category pages and product pages. Currently, the discontinued pages are accessible by direct link, but have been removed from the site's navigation menus and on-site search. The pages include some messaging for visitors to inform that we no longer offer this type of product, with some links to active categories. We can remove these pages and serve a 404 error page. Or, we can redirect these pages to the outdoor product category (but all would have to be redirected to a single category, as the specific outdoor categories and products don't map logically to specific indoor ones). Or, we can keep as-is. I am interested in opinions on approach, either between these options above, or other alternatives.

    | drewk

  • Hi, I'm dealing with a several year old site that has had a lot of success in organic search around one particular subject and is now evolving into other subjects. Would like your experience on how best to handle this. Here's what we have so far: First, the site was about niche craft carpentry. Then, it added training. Then, it added training in other subjects in smatterings, like plumbing, electrical, etc. Now it's considering adding training in subjects even further from niche craft carpentry. So, interior decorator training, landscaping training, etc. Nearly all of it's organic search traffic (about 200,00 per month) comes from blogs, articles and discussions related to the original topic of niche craft carpentry... not training. As we've branched out from carpentry into carpentry training and then other subject training, have not had great success in organic with these new less related topics. We've had some for carpentry training type terms, but not much else. If the site owners are hell bent on expanding into these other training subjects for business reasons other than search, how would you structure it? For instance, would you go or or what? I understand that a is for all intents and purposes a new domain name and won't have the authority of the original. However, would it have more chance of breaking free of how Google has pigeon-holed the original site's subject matter as niche carpentry-relevant only? Or, would you just keep adding subjects to the original domain name and figure that one of these days google is going to see it as the of an expanding galaxy of home improvement? I should add that the future of the site is training, so landscape training or interior design training is pretty far from high end niche carpentry stuff. What do you think? Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Hello Moz World! I am receiving a 404 error on one of my webpages. When I directly input the URL into my search bar I receive a 404 error. However, when I am on my website and link over to the broken webpage from my website I do not receive an error. The page will show up with no issues, and the address in the URL is the address that is receiving the 404 error. i.e. Does anyone know how i should go about troubleshooting this issue? Any suggestions on how I can resolve this? To me, I would think that if the link is not broken when being directed from the website, it shouldn't be broken when entering the url directly into the search bar. Right? Any info/advice is appreciated. B/R Will

    | MarketingChimp10

  • Just wondering what the community thinks about the following URLS and whether they are essentially thin content that should be handled through a canonical, noindex or a parameter filtering system:

    | ColinDocherty

  • I run and own my own travel photography business. ( I've been looking into building a search archive of photos that don't necessarily need to be in the main galleries, as a lot of older photos are starting to really clutter up and take away the emphasis from the better work. However, I still want to keep these older photos around. My plan is to simplify my galleries, and pull out 50-75% of the lesser/older photos. All of these photos will still be reachable by a custom-build simple search engine that I'm building to house all these older photos. The photos will be searchable based on keywords that I attach to each photo as I add them to my website. The question I have is whether this will harm me for having duplicate content? Some of the keywords that would be used in the search archive would be similar or the same to the main gallery names. However, I'm also really trying to push my newer and better images out there to the front. I've read some articles that talk about noindexing search keyword results, but that would make it really difficult for search engines to even find the older photos, as searching for their keywords would be the only way to find them. Any thoughts on a way to work this out that benefits, or at least doesn't hurt me, SEO-wise?

    | msphotography

  • Does anyone have experience and advice on ranking a .com site in Switzerland and Saudi Arabia? The site currently ranks well in the UK and Italy but they want to expand into Switzerland and Saudi Arabia. Any advice or links to resources would be hugely appreciated and I'd also be interested in entering into a joint venture with someone to focus on those 2 countries while I focus on the others. Anyone interested?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi all, I work for a retailer and I've crawled our website with RankTracker for optimization suggestions. The main suggestion is "Pages with excessive number of links: 4178" The page with the largest amount of links has 634 links (627 internal, 7 external), the lowest 382 links (375 internal, 7 external). However, when I view the source on any one of the example pages, it becomes obvious that the site's main navigation header contains 358 links, so every new page starts with 358 links before any content. Our rivals and much larger sites like appear to have just as many links in their main navigation menu. So my questions are: 1. Will these excessive links really be causing us a problem or is it just 'good practice' to have fewer links
    2. Can I use 'no follow' to stop Google etc from counting the 358 main navigation links
    3. Is have 4000+ pages of your website all dumbly pointing to other pages a help or hindrance?
    4. Can we 'minify' this code so it's cached on first load and therefore loads faster? Thank you.

    | Bee159

  • I operate an eCommerce site selling various equipment. We get product descriptions and various info from the manufacturer's websites offered to the dealers. Part of that info is in the form of User Guides and Operational Manuals downloaded in pdf format written by the manufacturer, then uploaded to our site. Also we embed and link to videos that are hosted on the manufacturer's respective YouTube or Vimeo channels. This is useful content for our customers.
    My questions are: Does this type of content help our site by offering useful info, or does it hurt our SEO due to it being thin and or duplicate content? Or does the original content publishers get all the benefit? Is there any benefit to us publishing this stuff? What exactly is considered "thin content"?

    | MichaelFactor

  • Sorry for the length, but I believe this is an interesting situation, so hopefully you'll enjoy thinking this one over a little. Thanks for taking the time! Historical Information We’ve owned and operated since 2002. In late 2009, we acquired and operated both sites until Mar, 2015, when was redirected to The reason we chose to redirect to is that they were same industry, same pricing, and had a lot of product overlap, although they did have unique product and category descriptions. We saw a long and steady decline in organic traffic to in the last couple of years leading up to the decision to redirect. By the way, while I understand the basics of SEO, neither I nor anyone else at our company could be considered an SEO practitioner. Recent Information An SEO firm we used to be engaged with us reached back out to us and noted: “I started looking through your backlink and it looks like there has been a sharp increase of referring domains.”  They included a graph that does show a dramatic increase, starting around November, 2015.  It’s quite dramatic and appears anything but natural.  The contact from the SEO firm went on to say: “After doing a cursory review, it looks like a handful of these new links are the type we would recommend disavowing or removing.” We do little in the way of “link building” and we’re in a relatively boring industry, so we don’t naturally garner a lot of links. Our first thought was that we were the victim of a negative SEO attack.  However, upon spot checking a lot of the recent domains linking to us, I discovered that a large % of the links that had first shown up in AHREFS since November are links that were left as comments on forums, mostly in 2009/2010.  Since was redirected to in Mar, 2015, I have no idea why they are just now beginning to show up as links to By the numbers, according to a recent download from AHREFS: Total # of backlinks to through mid-Feb, 2016: 8,679 of backlinks “first seen” November, 2015 or later: 5,433 Note that there were hundreds of links “first seen” in the months from Mar, 2015 to Oct, 2015, but the # “first seen” from November, 2015 to now has been 1,500 or greater each full month. Total # of linking domains through mid-Feb, 2016: 1,182 of linking domains first seen November, 2015 or later: 850 Also note that the links contain good anchor text distribution Finally, there was a backlink analysis done on in April, 2013 by the same firm who pointed out the sharp increase in links.  At that time, it was determined that the backlink profile of was normal, and did not require any actions to disavow links or otherwise clean up the backlinks. My Questions: If you’ve gotten through all that, how important does it seem to disavow links now? How urgent? I’ve heard that disavowing links should be a rare undertaking. If this is so, what would you think of the idea of us disavowing everything or almost everything “first seen” Nov, 2015 and later? Is there a way to disavow at the linking domain level, rather than link-by-link to reduce the number of entries, or does it have to be done for each individual link? If we disavow around 5.5k links since Nov, 2015, what is the potential for doing more harm than good? If we’re seeing declining organic traffic in the past year on pretty much for the first time in the site’s history, can we attribute that to the links? Anything else you’d advise a guy who’s never disavowed a link before on this situation? Thanks for any insights! Rob

    | PrintGlobeSEO

  • Getting some mixed message on this. Is the keyword ranking informational available in SEOMoz based on the data in Mozscape or based on live Google data? Reason I ask is that my ranking for "crown moulding" for www.worldofmoulding differs: Based on the today's scan my ranks in position 40 in Google. Based on a manual check with cleared out cache no local setting ... the site is 4th spot Running a third party check using "Advanced Web Ranking" tool it comes up in 9th spot, but they count the local business SERPs in which case it matches my manual search. It seems that SEOMoz is not in line with actual ranking. Any suggestion for what can be used to accurately asses SERP placement for terms?

    | VanadiumInteractive

  • Good evening Mozzers. Couple of questions which I hope you can help with. Here's the first. I am wondering, are we likely to see ranking changes if we remove the .html from the sites URLs. For example Change to: We will of course make sure we 301 redirect to the new, user friendly URLs, but I am wondering if anyone has had previous experience of implementing this change and how it has effected rankings. By having the .html in the URLs, does this stop link juice being flowed back to the root category? Second question: If one page can be loaded with and without a forward slash "/" at the end, is this a duplicate page, or would Google consider this as the same page? Would like to eliminate duplicate content issues if this is the case. For example: and Duplicate content/pages?

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi Mozzers, Hope you're doing good. I have a content placement related question. Assume, I have 1000 products of brand A, 1000 of brand B, and so on. Now, if I want to put brand specific 200-words description on each of these product pages. I'm creating duplicate content across the site by putting absolutely same brand description on these product pages i.e brand A description on first 1000 pages, brand B description on next 1000 products and so on. Looking for an expert advice around placement of content here i.e how can I add brand description on product pages and avoid duplicate content penalty? Any help?

    | _nitman

  • Dose anyone have any experience of Fatjoe? Mainly thinking for blogger outreach

    | seoman10

  • Hi All, I just like to know whats the best way to protect wordpress website for getting hacked. I tried using Wordfence but nothing much happened. I m in shared Host and when ever there is a sign of attack my hosting company takes the site off which affects my site ranking a lot.  I m trying to keep all my plugins updated but still it happens . Like to know what other people do . I am open for Paid tool suggestion as well. Thanks

    | Verve-Innovation

  • Hi i am looking at buying an existing domain. It is currently vacant and the site is just on a godaddy holdpage. if i buy this domain, will its DA and PA TF CF still remain if we don't lose the links? thanks

    | Direct_Ram

  • Hi Can anyone help with how I can rectify a duplicate issue? A high priority on my Moz report shows a duplicate issue however, this is due to the way the website is structured. For example. the below duplicate is created due to the website having a function to display all trips, so customers do not need to search page by page i.e: My question is, Will this format damage the SEO for this page? Is there a way to rectify? Would a canonical tag work in this case? Many Thanks Claire

    | Strateji

  • Today I noticed a really weird problem. Our LED Step Lights page ( has been replaced in the search results with our home page.  See screenshot below. As I started to research what was going on, I noticed that this same thing must have happened on January 26 and 27 because in my Analytics I can see that our LED Step Lights sub-cat page had a sudden drop in traffic on those two days only to bounce back again on the 28th.  See screenshot below. Our LED Step Lights page has had no changes in content, meta information, or anything in months.  We have done no recent link building to this page in years. I don't understand what is going on.  This is a popular page for us generating decent traffic.  I really don't understand what is going on or even how to try and resolve this problem. I checked our Search Console.  No messages.  No manual web spam actions.  Nothing to suggest that anything is going on except for the weird drops in traffic. Has anyone ever seen this happen before? Does anyone have any ideas as to what may be going on? serp-led-step-lights.png organic-traffic-drops.png search-console-led-step-lights.png

    | cajohnson

  • Hey guys, had a question with regards to content production. We run an store called Yellow Octopus in Australia and we've literally got thousands of products (4500 skus last count). We've got everything from novelty mugs to kitchen accessories to gag gifts, t-shirts and tech gadgets. I've read a lot of material on creating awesome content to attract backlinks and we are ready to craft our content strategy. We've got a team in place - graphic designer, illustrator and writers to execute that strategy. It's just a matter of formulating the strategy! Largely speaking I have an idea of the quality of content required because I look at a lot of it. The real issue is what type of content is right for us? Most of the articles I have read focus on niche industries i.e. SEO, Piano sales or health foods. Right off the bat I can come up with hundreds of content pieces that work around those niches. However, with such a diverse range of products I'm unsure of what our niche really is, in fact not having a niche is almost our niche. Of course we could do gift guides like '30 Unbelievable Gifts for Foodies' (and we do, do those). However they aren't really the type of posts that are likely to attract back-links. Is the best strategy to split the content into categories? What sort of content pieces would you suggest for a company such as ours? Many thanks in advance!

    | TheGreatestGoat

  • Hopefully a quick Yes No answer to this one but if I site links to my site as follows: Is there value in that link still?

    | Marketing_Today

  • I have compared my traffic from Jan-15 to Dec-15 and found traffic increased but pageviews decreased on few pages. Is this any issue?

    | vivekrathore

  • I have a client's site that was hacked in December and a whole bunch of spam pages were created. We've since removed those pages and they serve a 404 error now. But I pick up a new link almost every day from a another spammy site linking back to the pages that were created. I'm updating the Disavow as I see the new links reported in ahrefs but what else can I do to stop these buggers and how can I recover rankings other than building links and creating content

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi guys - I have just stumbled across an onsite calendar that's throwing out hundreds of indexable pages (some are indexing) - most of the pages are basically blank - just a day date and the calendar design on the page. How would you deal with this issue? I was thinking noindex but would prefer a solution where calendar isn't throwing out so many pages to begin with! Look forward to reading your thoughts, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, My site has been hit by a "Unnatural links to your site" manual action penalty and I've just received a decline on my 2nd reconsideration request, after disavowing even more links than I did in the first request. I went over all the links in WMT to my site with an SEO specialist and we both thought things have been resolved but apparently they weren't. I'd appreciate any help on this so as to lift the penalty and get my site back to its former rankings, it has ranked well before and the timing couldn't have been worse. Thanks,

    | ishais

  • Hi all! With a coleague we were arguing about what is better: Having a subdomain or a directory.
    Let me explain some more, this is about the cases: Having a multi-language site: Where or rather than or Having a Mobile and desktop version: or rather than or just Having multiple location websites, you might figure. The dicussion started with me saying: Its better to have a directory site. 
    And my coleague said: Its better to have a subdomain site. Some of the reasons that he said is that big companies (such as wordpress) are doing that. And that's better for the business.
    My reasons are fully based on this post from Rand Fishkin: Subdomains vs. Subfolders, Rel Canonical vs. 301, and How to Structure Links for SEO - Whiteboard Friday So, what does the community have to say about this?
    Who should win this argue? GR.

    | Gaston Riera

  • Hi,
         I have implemented schema code for Breadcrumb on mobile site which is same as on Desktop. Now Desktop breadcrumb structure is getting visible on Google SRP, but when i check Mobile breadcrumb structure in Android Phone Google SRP, it is not visible. I have verified both code in schema structure tool. Is there any different schema code for mobile breadcrumb. Need any additional information regarding this, please send me your queries.

    | vivekrathore

  • I'm not sure if I should be including old URLs (content) that are being redirected (301) to new URLs (content) in my sitemap.xml. Does anyone know if it is best to include or leave out 301ed URLs in a xml sitemap?

    | Jonathan.Smith

  • Greetings Moz Community: About 280 pages of my 650 page commercial real estate website are listing pages. Each listing page contains between two and five photos, each with a corresponding ALT tag. My developer has set up the labeling of the ALT tags in the following manner. I can create a label for the first photo, but each subsequent photo automatically gets the same label plus a number tagged to the ALT. Like this: alt="Flatiron Loft for Rent"
    alt="Flatiron Loft for Rent - Photo 0"
    alt="Flatiron Loft for Rent - Photo 1"
    alt="Flatiron Loft for Rent - Photo 2"
    alt="Flatiron Loft for Rent - Photo 3" Is this method neutral, positive or negative for SEO? I am concerned that this manner of labeling ALT tags might risk triggering a duplicate content penalty. In early July I migrated the site from Drupal to Wordpress. We  changed the URL structure (adding a sub-directory) for the listings at that time. Google is refusing to index about 100 listing pages. Any chance the ALT tags are contributing to Google's reluctance to index the URLs? I might also add that images are hosted on Amazon's CDN. A sample listing URL is
    Note: (/listings/278) were added to the URL in July, representing the listing sub directory plus the listing number. I Look forward to hearing the opinion of the MOZ community!!! THANKS!!!

    | Kingalan1

  • Also, how to hide modal popup box in Google cache?

    | JohnEducents

  • We built a website for a jewelry company some years ago, and they've recently asked for a meeting and one of the points on the agenda will be why their products pages have not been indexed. Example: I've taken a look but I can't see anything obvious that is stopping pages like the above from being indexed. It has a an 'index, follow all' tag along with a canonical tag. Am I missing something obvious here or is there any clear reason why product pages are not being indexed at all by Google? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Update I was told 'that each of the product pages on the full site have corresponding page on mobile. They are referred to each other via cannonical / alternate tags...could be an angle as to why product pages are not being indexed.'

    | RobbieD91

  • Hi Mozzers I know that it’s best practice to block Google from indexing internal search pages, but what’s best practice when “the damage is done”? I have a project where a substantial part of our visitors and income lands on an internal search page, because Google has indexed them (about 3 %). I would like to block Google from indexing the search pages via the meta noindex,follow tag because: Google Guidelines: “Use robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages that don't add much value for users coming from search engines.” Bad user experience The search pages are (probably) stealing rankings from our real landing pages Webmaster Notification: “Googlebot found an extremely high number of URLs on your site” with links to our internal search results I want to use the meta tag to keep the link juice flowing. Do you recommend using the robots.txt instead? If yes, why? Should we just go dark on the internal search pages, or how shall we proceed with blocking them? I’m looking forward to your answer! Edit: Google have currently indexed several million of our internal search pages.

    | HrThomsen

  • Hi SeoMoz community! I have a software product, which our clients implement onto their websites. It is like a pop up box. I know that backlinks are very important for SEO ranking, and I really want to give our clients 2 options of product: 1. you can get the free/cheaper option if you use the code which has a keyworded backlink to our site on it 2. you can pay small fee if you don't want to use the version with a link to our site on it Now, the problem is that the product is written entirely in Javascript, and I don't think that Google crawls this, do they? Is there a way around this? Thanks for your help!

    | qdigi

  • Just noticed a web developer I work with has been copying tweets into the website - and these are displayed (and saved) one page at a time across hundreds of pages (this is so they can populate a twitter feed, I am told). How would you tackle this, now that the deed's been done? This is in Drupal. Your thoughts would be welcome as this is a new one to me. Thanks, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • I would like to ask about a technical SEO issue that may cause duplicate content/crawling issues. For pagination, how the rel=canonical, rel="prev" rel="next" and noindex tag should be implemented. Should all three be within the same page source? Say for example, for one particular category we may have 10 pages of products (product catalogues). So we should noindex page 2 onwards, rel canonical it back to the first page and also rel="prev" and rel="next" each page so Google can understand they contain multiple pages. If we index these multiple pages it will cause duplicate content issues. But I'm not sure whether all 3 tags need adding. It's also my understanding that the search results should be noindexed as it does not provide much value as an entry point in search engines.

    | Jseddon92

  • Happy Monday Moz World! I am just wondering what are some best practices when using Tags. For Example, I have a client who provides multiple services and provides unique content on each webpage. The design of each of the webpagesare unique, and conveys information differently. My question is: If each page of a company's website has unique content that describes a service or product, could I essentially change the url & description of the Schema Tag so that each of my pages are indexable by relationship to that page's content? Thanks ahead of time for the great responses! B/R Will

    | MarketingChimp10

  • Hi there, I'm working on a site which is using parameter URLs for category pages that list blog articles. The content on these pages constantly change as new posts are frequently added, the category maybe for 'Heath Articles' and list 10 blog posts (snippets from the blog). The URL could appear like so with filtering: All pages currently have the same Meta title and descriptions due to limitations with the CMS, they are also not in our xml sitemap I don't believe we should be focusing on ranking for these pages as the content on here are from blog posts (which we do want to rank for on the individual post) but there are 3000 duplicates and they need to be fixed. Below are the options we have so far: Canonical URLs Have all parameter pages within the category canonicalize to and generate dynamic page titles (I know its a good idea to use parameter pages in canonical URLs). WMT Parameter tool Tell Google all extra parameter tags belong to the main pages (e.g. belongs to Noindex Remove all the blog category pages, I don't know how Google would react if we were to remove 3000 pages from our index (we have roughly 1700 unique pages) We are very limited with what we can do to these pages, if anyone has any feedback suggestions it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | Xtend-Life

  • Hi I have been trying to decide whether we need to change our menu structure We have a lot of subcategories which are not in the menu structure and for SEO I wonder whether its best to have menu drop downs, so if a customer hovers over one category, it will display all the subcategories within this. I am concerned that sub categories we are trying to rank are many levels away from the homepage e.g If you want to find leather office chairs from the homepage, you have to go to the 'More categories' link, then choose seating > office seating > leather office seating. Users need to do a lot of navigating before seeing what we offer. I would prefer if a user could see these options in the menu when they hover over it. Does anyone think this would help SEO or just customer journey? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Greetings, I have an interesting challenge for you. Well, I suppose "interesting" is an understatement, but here goes. Our company is a women's health site. However, over the years our content mix has grown to nearly 50/50 between unique health / medical content and general lifestyle/DIY/well being content (non-health). Basically, there is a "great divide" between health and non-health content. As you can imagine, this has put a serious damper on gaining ground with our medical / health organic traffic. It's my understanding that Google does not see us as an authority site with regard to medical / health content since we "have two faces" in the eyes of Google. My recommendation is to create a new domain and separate the content entirely so that one domain is focused exclusively on health / medical while the other focuses on general lifestyle/DIY/well being. Because health / medical pages undergo an additional level of scrutiny per Google - YMYL pages - it seems to me the only way to make serious ground in this hyper-competitive vertical is to be laser targeted with our health/medical content. I see no other way. Am I thinking clearly here, or have I totally gone insane? Thanks in advance for any reply. Kind regards, Eric

    | Eric_Lifescript

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