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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Looking for SEOs who have experience with resetting projects by migrating on to a new domain to shed either a manual or algorithmic penalty. My questions are: For algorithmic penalties, what is the best migration strategy to avoid inheriting any kind of baggage? 301, 302, establish no connection between the two sites? For manual penalties, what is the best migration strategy to avoid inheriting any kind of baggage? 301, 302, establish no connection between the two sites? Any other input on these kind of reset projects is appreciated.

    | spanish_socapro

  • Hello, We have created a new page for truck rentals but for some reason it does not seem to be picked up. See this report: The page is: but our main site is being pickedup instead vs the competition that has their truck page showing up. Can anyone help me understand? Thanks, Karim

    | GlobeCar

  • We are trying out SEO for a UGC Q& A Platform and has been able to generate 15000+ questions in last 4 months.  The overall traffic is 50K while SEO traffic is only 4 K even after putting in all basic SEO elements in place and ensuring that we have a google page speed  of 73/100. What  are some of the items that can be done to push up the traffic through SEO ? Any thoughts .

    | ozil

  • Hi everyone, Rob Cairns brought me onto the concept of silos. I'm very amazed of the concept and want to make sure that I get it right. When I create silos I sort subjects according to their main keyword which will rank most difficult and make this the main landing page (the main menu entry within a menu navigation). Then I create submenuentries that have the main menu entry as parent and that also have (in wordpress) the landing page (which is the main menu entry) as a parent site. I use these subpages for LSI and long tail KWs. I do not link between silo subpages of different categories.  There is (naturally) a link from the main menu entry to the sub menu entries (which is a little weaker) and a link back to the main menu entry (the landing page) from within the text (which is a little stronger). I also can link between subpages of the same silo or from subpages to a landing page of a different silo if the keyword fits to that landing page. Is that correct so far? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • Looking for advice here.... We are a small business looking to secure/increase rankings in the search engines. What are some recommended SEO agencies/companies that are effective with today's search engine optimization standards. _ Thank you_

    | wickerparadise

  • What is the best wordpress plugin for redirects, Old to new pages?

    | Michael.Leonard

  • Hello, We're putting together a large piece of content that will have some interactive filtering elements. There are two types of filters, topics and object types. The architecture under the hood constrains us so that everything needs to be in URL parameters. If someone selects a single filter, this can look pretty clean:
    or The problems arise when people select multiple topics, potentially across two different filter types: I've raised concerns around the structure in general, but it seems to be too late at this point so now I'm scratching my head thinking of how best to get these indexed. I have two main concerns: A ton of near-duplicate content and hundreds of URLs being created and indexed with various filter combinations added Over-reacting to the first point above and over-canonicalizing/no-indexing combination pages to the detriment of the content as a whole Would the best approach be to index each single topic filter individually, and canonicalize any combinations to the 'view all' page? I don't have much experience with e-commerce SEO (which this problem seems to have the most in common with) so any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | digitalcrc

  • Please let me know what is the goood URL structure for blog posts or�tegory%/%postname% If Category, Can we name it Blog like website/blog/postname or it is good to use actual categories, and How many categories we can use?

    | Michael.Leonard

  • ok mozers i have a few questions. I am starting a new seo campaign and i want to target traffic for "how to make money on autopilot" Question 1. when it comes to link building i have seen some articles saying that i should not send all of my links to my landing page at once but to send links to my backlinks then index then using tiered link building. Is this a must or not? will i get penalized if i build 20 targeted links to my landing page in 1 day, lets say 20, pr7-9 domains? or should i tier it out and link maybe 5 pr9 domains to my landing page, then link 10 pr5 domains to each of those 5 pr9 domains and maybe link 20-pr1 domains to each of those tiered 2 pr5 domains? eq: Tier 1 = 5 PR-9 Tier 2 = 50 PR-5 Tier 3 = 1,000 PR-1 Question 2. Is their a certain amount of backlinks i need to use in order to out do my competitor? or does it just matter on the metrics of my backlinks? and when it comes to indexing these links do i need to index just the 5 pr9 links? or do i need to index all of them? or should i just index the landing page through google webmasters tools and hope it indexes all connecting pages? will doing any of these get my landing page indexed faster in order to rank faster? Question 3. Types of link building. Ok i am targeting guest blogs, wordpress sites, etc to put a link on. Should i focus on smm 'social media marketing' as well? or can i just focus on the traditional seo tactics first? Question 4. Keyword research. ok so my blog post is 'how to make money on autpilot' and from my keyword suggestion tools it picked up a list of keywords suggestions to target. Competition ranges from low to high, search volume ranges from 10 to 1900 visitors per month, after organizing the most relevant keywords to add to my campaign should i target each of the these keywords by creating a link building campaign for each one and target it to my landing page or use it as my 2nd or 3rd tier? those are the questions i really have for now. Here is my blog post Please feel me in on what i am needing to do in order to get some ranking and on how to run a link building campaign the correct way. Thanx in advance!

    | djgbshows

  • We were having an internal discussion regarding what specific signal Google is looking for regarding Site Speed. My understanding was that Google primarily used Time To First Byte (TTFB) as its signal of Site Speed. My colleague argued that this is not part of Google's PageSpeed Insights ( and therefore was unlikely to be the primary signal. Who is right? Is TTFB the primary signal or the score on PageSpeed Insights?

    | DesignHammer

  • Is there any way to ask google to indexed the website in following URL structure  (I have this structure on my website) But Currently google indexed my website posts as - How I can tell google to follow the right structure?

    | Michael.Leonard

  • We recently changed our eCommerce site to a https from a http and we have seen a slight drop in rankings. Should we have not changed the who site over or was it the right call? Thanks,

    | the-gate-films

  • Hello A few times I have come across tags and categories ranking for some relevant search terms. This seems strange as all category and tag pages would have 0 external links back to them - whereas pretty much every other page on the site would have external links. In most cases thy seem to rank along with the page, for example: for the search term "voiceover recording xxxxx"  The voice over recording page will rank, followed by a similar tag page... If I make the tag links 'nofollow' would that help stop this? Cheers

    | wearehappymedia

  • We have successfully implemented run-of-the-mill 301s from old URLs to new (there were about 3,000 products). As normal. Like we do on every other site etc. However, recently search console has started to report a number of 404s with the page names with a trailing forward slash at the end of the .html suffix. So, /old-url.html is redirecting (301) to /new-url.html However, now for some reason /old-url.html/ has 'popped up' in the Search Console crawl report as a 404. Is there a 'blobal' rule you can write in nGinx to say redirect *.html/ to */html (without the forward slash) rather than manually doing them all?

    | AbsoluteDesign

  • We are still struggling with the consequences of a manual penalty. Here the history we got a manual penalty in September 2013 on our main site for unnatural links we cleaned up our link profile and the penalty was lifted in February 2014 we did nothing in terms of link building until December 2014 from December 2014 we started to build natural links, we mostly gave away our products for reviews, that way we built first one content link per month now 2-3 content links per months we expanded our social acitivities on facebook and google plus we started a blog in the beginning of this year and rewrote our guide section For now the results of all this have been very modest. We are basically still stuck where we were after the penalty. In contrast our sites in other languages where we do similar activities perform quite well. There is one difference in Germany (where this is) we have other niche sites which partially sell the the same products. We made sure that every product is indexed only once, however it might still hurt the main site. Does anyone have experience in a similar situation or advice what we could do? Thanks in advance. Dieter

    | Storesco

  • My site is at 4th place, 3 places above it is a gumtree (similar to yell, yelp) listing. How can you figure out how difficult it would be outrank those pages? I mean obviously the pages would have low PA and they are top based on the high DA of the site. This also seems to go back to keyword research and difficulty, when I'm doing keyword research and I see a wikipedia site in top 5 rank, or a or perhaps an article in outranks your site. Typically the problem seems to be Google giving a lot of credit to these pages rankings based on the high DA rather than PA of the pages. How would you gauge the difficulty of that keyword then if the competition are pages with very high DA which is impossible to compete with but low PA? Thanks

    | magusara

  • We have multiple eCommerce sites which not only share products across domains but also across categories within a single domain. Examples: We have selected canonical links for each domain but I need to know if this practice is having a negative impact on my SEO.

    | ArtisanCrafted

  • Hey Mozzers, I'll be moving several sites from HTTP to HTTPS in the coming weeks (same brand, multiple ccTLDs). We'll start on a low traffic site and test it for 2-4 weeks to see the impact before rolling out across all 8 sites. Ideally, I'd like to simply 301 redirect the HTTP version page to the HTTPS version of the page (to get that potential SEO rankings boost). However, I'm concerned about the potential drop in rankings, links and traffic. I'm thinking of alternative ways and so instead of the 301 redirect approach, I would keep both sites live and accessible, and then add rel canonical on the HTTPS pages to point towards HTTP so that Google keeps the current pages/ links/ indexed as they are today (in this case, HTTPS is more UX than for SEO). Has anyone tried the rel canonical approach, and if so, what were the results? Do you recommend it? Also, for those who have implemented HTTPS, how long did it take for Google to index those pages over the older HTTP pages?

    | Steven_Macdonald

  • HI Mozzers, I am checking at a site Navigation and when disabling JS, I can see that navigation is not present. When checking at individual nav items, they are true HTML I believe  since they carry attribute but somehow not crawlable. I am confused since JS is disabled and Nav is not showing up, isn't it suppose to mean that Nav is 100% JS?  Can someone tell if the Nav is good or bad based on the fact it has true HTML? I am not sure because couple years ago I knew that Google was not crawling well JS but seems that things have change based on Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I am starting to use the Moz pro tools like optimizing on page SEO for keywords and looking for opportunities. I know link building is a huge part for getting rankings on keywords in google search. Where do I start and how do I do the link building process for specific keywords I can rank for?? Thank you in advance for your help.

    | wickerparadise

  • I have a wordpress website for an attorney. I would like to implement schema markup rating/review. My client has really good reviews and I want to show the 5 stars in the SERPs. His rating is 5 out 5 stars. There are different plugins that are good only to leave a review, and the stars would only appear only for that review page in the SERPs. I would like the home page to have the stars in the SERPs. Is there a way to get it done? Thanks!

    | Armen-SEO

  • An eCommerce site built with Modx CMS. I found lots of auto generated duplicate page issue on that site. Now I need to disallow some pages from that category. Here is the actual product page url looks like
    product_listing.php?cat=6857 And here is the auto generated url structure
    product_listing.php?cat=6857&cPath=dropship&size=19 Can any one suggest how to disallow this specific category through robots.txt.  I am not so familiar with Modx and this kind of link structure. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks

    | Nahid

  • Hi, we recently improved our product page to show more color options, like this In order to improve the seo, we expanded our rich snippets the following way we added all color options, skus and prices as "items offered" we are showing the highest and lowest price range and eliminated the base price Google now shows the price range in the rich snippet. The questions is: as the user see the original color, the price and the sku only when mousing over the small images. We are worried that this could be treated a "hidden text". Does anybody have experience in this matter or a way a to solve it better? Thanks in advance Dieter 8WthtQY

    | Storesco

  • Greetings, I just discovered that some of our content was produced with
    tags in the title tag. Example: <title>Diabetes Symptoms <br> In Women Over 40</title> My gut says this is bad for SEO, but I couldn't find a definitive answer on the web, so I thought I would ask the community of gurus here at Moz. 🙂 Thanks in advance for any reply. Kind regards, Eric

    | Eric_Lifescript

  • My clients has had a website for many years, and his business for decades. He has always had a second website domain which is basically a shopping module for obtaining information, comparisons, and quotes for tires. This tire module had no informational pages or contact info. Until recently, we pulled this information in through iframes. Now however the tire module is too complex and we do not bring in this info through iframes, and because of the way this module is configured (or website framework), we are told we can not place it as a sub-directory. So now this tire module resides on another domain name (although similar to the client's "main site" domain name) with some duplicate informational pages (I am working through this with the client), but mainly I am concerned about the duplicate contact info -- address and phone. Should I worry that this other tire website has duplicated the client's phone and address, same as their main website? And would having a subdomain ( work better for Google and SEO considering the duplicate contact info? Any help is much appreciated. ccee bar (And, too, The client is directing AdWords campaigns to this other website for tires, while under the same AdWords account directing other campaigns to their main site? - I have advised an entirely separate AdWords account for links to the tire domain. BTW the client does NOT have separate social media accounts for each site -- all social media efforts and links are for the main site.)

    | cceebar

  • Hi, I had a query that i have created a new URL on mobile site this url does not exist on desktop. So what is impact of this on SEO and is it harmful for SEO, if yes then what we can do to handle this.

    | vivekrathore

  • We are moving a domain from oscommerce to prestashop.
    We will setup 301 redirects for each page and have made sure that new platform is following SEO best practices. I read a lot that it is critical to keep changes to a minimum when migrating to a new domain, but is this also critical when migrating just to a new e-commerce platform (same domain)? Change of URL is unavoidable, but what about these other changes below? Would you be very concerned about doing them at the same time, or rather would you do them some time after the migration? title tag (about 30% of text in title tag will be different) meta description tag (more customized and varied meta description than before) h1 (expanding product name with some relevant keywords for a number of products) additional table with product features (additional content in product pages) adding additional products to store moving to https instead of http Product descriptions and product images and category descriptions will remain the same. Replicating title tag, title description and h1 from old site would actually imply quite a lot of additional work at this point and we would have to make the change anyway at a later point, so if it is not a major risk I would prefer to do it in one go. Any thoughts?

    | lcourse

  • I run a very small business in Australia, and was thrilled to create content which got picked up by a DA92 site in my industry. PA is at 1 as it's only been live for 2 weeks now, and I have a couple of questions that I couldn't find online: If a huge site like the Wall Street Journal adds content all the time, the page gets buried in their history. Would the PA improve over time, or should I just expect it to remain at 1 or 1-10? Is the boost to my SERP's negligable, is there a period where I need to wait to see the effect, or is there any effect whatsoever if the PA remains low? Thanks so much in advance, I really appreciate any input. Cheers, 

    | BrighterFinance

  • Our website is running through WordPress. We've been running Moz for over a month now. Only recently, within the past 2 weeks, have we been alerted to over 100 duplicate pages. It appears something happened that created a duplicate of every single page on our site; "" and "" Again, according to our MOZ, this is a recent issue. I'm almost certain that prior to a couple of weeks ago, there existed both forms of the URL that directed to the same page without be counting as a duplicate. Thanks for you help!

    | wzimmer

  • My company is looking at consolidating 5 websites that it has running on magento, wordpress, drupal and a few other platforms on to the same domain. Currently they're all on subdomains but we'd like to consolidate the subdomains to folders for UX and SEO potential. Currently they look like this: After the reverse proxy they'll look like this: I'm curious to know how much link juice will be lost in this switch. I've read a lot about site migration (especially the Moz example). A lot of these guides/case studies just mention using a bunch of 301's but it seems they'd probably be using reveres proxies as well. My questions are: Is a reverse proxy equal to or worse/better than a 301? Should I combine reverse proxy with a 301 or rel canonical tag? When implementing a reverse proxy will I lose link juice = ranking? Thanks so much! Jacob

    | jacob.young.cricut

  • I am looking for the answer for this interesting question: 1. I have a static page with NO information on it, this is almost completelyblank, only a search box on it, which does nothing! The information it contains is absolutely zero, but the page has got a specific URL which is = the keyword i will look for 2. And i have another page which is fully optimized with the help of on page grader (97%) for anoter specific keyword Q, in case of 1: Searching in google for a keyword which is = the page, and i will have top 1-3 serp!???? (i say it again, the page contains no information...and the keyword is really frequent, in google adwords it says that this keyword which has got high competition) in case of 2. i have the /url which is completely the same as the keyword, have 97% on page grade, and i see that week by week i can only move upwards a little in the serp. Created unique content a lot, made several changes on this page and like no position changing. So the question is WHY in case 1 i can be with no information in (empty static page) top 1-3 for a really hard keyword, and why i cannot move upward on the list for a not so frequent keyword however i did everything i could??

    | Neckermann

  • Hey, Based on the most up to date thinking - what's the best way to approach a link spring clean? We've got a site with a large amount of links (a few of which look a bit spammy - SEO directories etc) Also, the brand changed it's name and URL a while back so there are directory/web citations using the old URL and sometimes the old name. The old URL is 301'd but I'm thinking (especially in terms of local SEO) these citations with differnt business names/numbers/web addresses could be particularly harmful? Cheers!

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi to all the SEO experts here, I am working on SEO of my 4 months old website. For example, its ''. We like the brand name 'abz' for the business and we are able to SEO well for keyword 'abz'. However, we would also like to target for the keyword 'abc'. There are 2 reasons for that: 'abc' is an actual word. So there is a possibility that our users may type 'abc' instead of 'abz' to reach us. For 'abc', the top result is '', which is a site of adult in nature. Also our website doesn't feature at all in the results. This is hitting us hard in terms of or brand visibility. So the questions are: How to feature in results of keyword search of 'abc'? Will the following approach work: Buying an available domain '', and use it to feature in 'abc' results and 301 redirect to '' Having 'abc' in the page meta (title and description). This is hard for us, since we need to rethink our taglines and copyrights. 2. If we search for 'abz', Google says "Do you mean abc". Is there a way to not have this suggestion? It would helpful to have some more ideas for this problem.

    | manasag

  • Has anyone used a Dynamic XML Sitemap Generator tool? Looking for recommendations!

    | Matchnode

  • Our US version (.com) of our site is appearing above the UK version ( when using Google UK. I know Google has been giving US more priority in the UK market over the last couple years... What is protocol for fixing/dealing with this? Also, and probably more importantly, how do we handle users who are looking for the UK site right now? Majority of our users are coming from the US so we don't want to cause them any inconvenience, but the UK users need an easy way to get to the UK version quickly. Input is much appreciated!

    | chrisvogel

  • Hi, I work for a furniture company that essentially purchased another furniture store some time back a few years ago. However, this furniture store that was acquired had a website. The website has no existing pages anymore, only the homepage. The homepage has a message on it describing how it's been taken over and then links to our website. The spam score for the website is 8. I was wondering if there was something else we should do instead of the link, whether that be a straight 301 redirect or if we should have the link at all considering its score. I can provide more information and links if needed. Thanks in advance, Adam

    | AdamEgarr

  • Let's pretend that ranks well for certain search terms and generates some traffic from organic search. If a company were to acquire the competitor (or their domain), what's the smartest way to redirect that SEO value to the acquiring company's website? Does a 301 redirect work between different root domains? Even if it does work, is that the smartest approach? Thanks for your help!

    | Raleigh

  • We've run a on-page grader test on our home page with the keyword 'led bulbs' it comes back with saying there is a H1 tag, although the content of the keyword apperently doesn't contain 'led bulbs... which seems a bit odd because the content of the tag is 'UK’s #1 Price Comparison Site for LED Bulbs` I've used other SEO checkers and some say we don't even have a H1 tag, or H2, H3 and so on for any page. Screaming Frog seems to think we have a H1 tag though, and can also detect the content of the tag. Any ideas? ** Update ** The website is a single page app (EmberJS) so we use prerender to create snapshots of the pages.
    We were under the impression that MOZ can crawl these prerendered pages fine, so were a bit baffled as to why it would say we have a H1 tag, but think the contents of the tag still doesn't match our keyword.

    | TrueluxGroup

  • We are thinking about migrating our site from Volusion to Magento due to traffic reasons, our site's been growing and we're going way over the bandwidth limit (40gb) for Volusion every month.  It only make sense for us to start on Magento CE where we can host it on our site and use our own bandwidth.  We will be using the same domain, and changing our URLs to make things better (we were somewhat restricted by Volusion so we couldn't optimize some of our URL addresses).  Here's comes the main question, since we are ranking pretty good for the keywords that we're targeting, we ABSOLUTELY DON'T want to lose any traffic or ranking from our pages, I know that there's something called the 301 redirect that we can use, but how can this be done? When we migrate the site, we will need to point our domain to Magento from Volusion, so basically Volusion store will be down... if we are changing domain names then the 301 redirect makes sense because we can have the original store live while it's redirecting to a completely new address.  Is there any method to still setup this 301 redirect, or is there something else I can do to save our rankings??? Thanks in advance!

    | s2bkevin

  • recommendations for  the length of h1 tags and how much does it matter. What is the major disadvantage if the h1 tags are slightly longer.

    | MariaMcGrath

  • We're looking at expanding our robots.txt, we currently don't have the ability to noindex/nofollow. We're thinking about adding the following: Checkout Basket Then possibly: Price Theme Sortby other misc filters. What do you include?

    | ThomasHarvey

  • My domain is currently targeting the US, but I'm building out sub-folders that will need to geo-target France, England, and Spain. Each country will have it's own sub-folder, and professionally translated ( Other than the hreflang tags, what are other best practices I can implement? Can Google Webmaster tools geo-target by subfolder? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Justin

    | Rhythm_Agency

  • Hi guys, I hope to find some good answers to my questions, because here are some of the best SEO's in the world. I'm doing SEO as a hobby for a few years and had some very good results before the latest Google updates. Now I'm not able to rank any website for competitive keywords. The last project I started is this website (man and van hire company targeting London market).
    The problem is that I can't rank even in Top 100 in Google UK for the main keywords like: "man and van london" , "man and van service london" ,"london man & van"...
    The site has over 1k good backlinks (according to Ahrefs), unique content, titles and descriptions but still can't rank well. Am i missing something? Few years back that was more than enough to rank well in Google.
    I will be very grateful to hear your suggestions and opinions.

    | nasi_bg

  • Hello, I have a keyword for lack of providing too much info we will say my keyword is laptop-bags. Now we have a /laptop-bags/  page and inside that page **/laptop-bags/leather-shoulder/ ** We got a score of 95 for that page. Now I got a score of 99 when I changed it to **/laptop-bags/leather-shoulder-laptop-bags/ ** The way Bigcommerce handles is it will use the product category title in the url, page title and site links, to me it feels like it's spammy, as well as on my /laptop-bags/ page, I now have 18 keywords of " laptop bags " on that page when before it was 12, since I added laptop-bags to all 6 categories inside the laptop-bags page. How would you handle this, use the /keyword/ then /longtail-keyword/ in full or would using /laptop-bag/leather-shoulder/ still rank for leather shoulder laptop bags? I've asked this before and was told to use whatever sounded better to the user, but now moz is telling me different.

    | Deacyde

  • Hey MOz Squad, So I have a locksmith company with 7 locations all up and down the west coast. We set up each location in a sub-directory (mainly because they used to have other websites for these locations and we wanted to try and keep the juice so we 301 redirected back to these subdiretories) But it's making our efforts so tough because every time I want to change something I have to do it seven times! DO the sub directories really matter that munch for rank? One of my partners says google treats it like it own website and trying to rank just a page on a website for a certain city is harder. What do you guys think Keep the subs or ditch em?

    | Meier

  • Hello! Ever since switching to a new website back in late 2014, my rankings have suffered.  My webpage was always the #1 google position for the keywords "wood sunglasses" and "wooden sunglasses".  For a while my site bounced back a forth between the #1 and #2 spots, but in the last 4 months I have been stuck with a #3 rank for both keywords. I hired an SEO company to help fix the problem but after a year of work, there was still no positive change.  I have had multiple experts take a look at my site, but to no avail.   All signs seem to point to a stronger, healthier site than my competition.  My domain authority and page authority are much greater than the competition with the #1 and #2 rankings.  I have used the On-Page grader and other tools to try and help, and even though I am getting an "A" grade, I'm still not improving my rankings. I ran a link metric comparison for my website versus the competition and attached it to this post.  The main area I seem to be lacking is the Internal Equity-Passing Links.  The top competitor has a ridiculous amount, which I think may be due to their use of breadcrumbs.  Is this enough to make the difference? My other thought is that I could be suffering from duplicate page content.  My website is setup to be "localized" via Subdirectories With gTLDs  (.com/us, .com/eu, .com/au, .com/international).  The on-page content is the exact same, but the prices for the products changes depending on your location.  Moz shows a ton of duplicate pages due to this.  Could I be getting penalized for this? I am an SEO novice and trying to learn as much as possible while investigation this issue.  Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated! -Taylor wUiyU

    | shwoodeyewear

  • I understand that the H1 tag is no longer heavily correlated with stronger ranking signals but it is more important that Keywords or keyphrases are at the top of a page. My question is, if I just put my important keyword (or H1) toward the top of my page in the HTML and move it towards the middle/lower portion with css position elements, will this still be viewed by Googlebot as important keywords toward the top of my page? QCaxMHL

    | Jonathan.Smith

  • Hi guys, a site we manage, received an alert through web master tools yesterday that it can't be crawled. No changes were made to the site. Don't know a huge amount about the robots.txt configuration expect that using Yoast by default it sets it not to crawl wp admin folder and nothing else. I checked this against all other sites and the settings are the same. And yet 12 hours later after the issue Happy is still not being crawled and meta data is not showing in search results. Any ideas what may have triggered this?

    | wearehappymedia

  • Hi All, So I have a client that has two restaurants that they are wanting two sites for. Right now they have one site for their two locations that ranks pretty well for some bigger keywords for their style of food. With them wanting two sites, i'm struggling on whether we should just build them all within one site and just use separate folders on that site & with a landing page sending you to each, or if we should split it into subdomains. The content will be roughly the same, the menus are identical, i think each branch is just owned by a different family member so they want their own site. I keep leaning towards building it all into one site but i'm not sure. Any ideas?

    | insitemoz1

  • Hi Guys, Just wondering can anyone recommend any tools or good ways to check if rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes have been implemented properly across a large ecommerce based site? Cheers. rel=“next” and rel=“prev”

    | jayoliverwright

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