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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hi there Moz Community, Our org is looking into implementing Highcharts, interactive charts on our website instead of having regular static chart images. I found this post recently about how Moz implemented them a while back, a couple years ago. Moz made a pretty good case for them over alternatives. They would certainly keep people on the page longer, which is good, but is there anything else that I should take into account or think of before going ahead with this from an SEO perspective? Does anyone else have experience with them on their websites? Thanks

    | Brian_Dowd

  • A client using Marketo has inquired about personalizing their website content to be personalized based on a persona. To be clear, I'm talking about key website pages, maybe even the Home page, not PPC/campaign specific landing pages. For example, areas of on the site would change to display content differently to a CEO vs a sales person. I'm new to marketing automation and don't exactly know how this piece works. Hoping someone here has experience or can provide pros/cons guidance. How would search engines work with this type of page? Here's Marketo's site explaining what it does:

    | Flock.Media

  • Hello Moz World, I would like to incorporate Schema Data onto my website. My website has Meta tags in the of the document, which incorporates our keywords. And, in the footer, I have my businesses address, logo and other relevant information. Everything flows because it is stylized using CSS. When I input the data it appears on the website as text w/ a hyperlink. See Code: My Company
    United States
    Phone: NUMBER I've tried to put it inside the head, body & footer of the HTML code. I want my website to show up properly through Google Structured Data Testing Tool however, I don't want the text to show up on my website not stylized. It sticks out like a soar thumb no matter where I incorporate it. My questions are; Should I even bother with And, is there a way to incorporate it into my website so it does not show up and Google can still pull it up? Thanks ahead of time for all of the awesome responses! B/R Will H.

    | MarketingChimp10

  • Hi all, I wondered if you could help me at all please? We run a site called (which is not optimised) and in the last 2 weeks have tried to optimise some new pages that we have added. For example, we have optimised this page - This page was added to Google's index via webmaster tools. When I then did a search for the full quote it came back 2nd in Google's search. If I did a search for half the quote (Life is a bit like mountaineering) it also ranked 2nd. We had another quote page that we'd optimised that displayed similar behaviour (it ranked 4th). But then for some reason when I now do the search it doesn't rank in the top 100 results. This, despite, an unoptimised "normal" page ranking 4th for a search such as: Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered. So our domain doesn't seem to be penalised as our "normal" pages are ranking. These pages aren't particularly well designed from an SEO standpoint. But our new pages - which are optimised - keep disappearing from Google, despite the fact they still show as indexed. I've rendered the pages and everything appears fine within Google Webmaster Tools. At a bit of a loss as to why they'd drop so significantly? A few pages I could understand but they've all but been removed. Any one seen this before, and any ideas what could be causing the issue? We have a different URL structure for our new pages in that we have the quote appear in the URL. All the content (bar the quote) that you see in the new pages are unique content that we've written ourselves. Could it be that we've over optimised and Google view these pages as spam? Many thanks in advance for all your help.

    | MichaelWhyley

  • Hello Mozzers I recently noticed that there has been an increase in crawl errors reported in Google Search console & Google has stopped indexing our app content. Could this be due to the fact that there is a mismatch between the host path name mentioned within the android deeplink (within the alternate tag) and the actual URL of the page. For instance on the following desktop page the android deeplink points to Please note that the content on both pages (desktop & android) is same.Is this is a correct setup or am I doing something wrong here? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.

    | InMarketingWeTrust

  • I have a WordPress site as using theme Genesis  i am using default robots.txt. that has a line Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, is it okay or any problem. Should i change it?

    | rootwaysinc

  • Hello All...Just signed up for the 30 day trial with Moz. I am a wedding photographer here in the UK. If I was to change my company name to Simon Cook Wedding Photography from Simon Cook Photography, will this help my presence in anyway?

    | Simon_Cook

  • Hi I have a old OScommerce webshop, that i will keep for now, but i have build a complete new mobile site for mobile devices, but it has another url structure. Can i launch this site without any problems when its Google Mobile Search Engine that index the mobile site, and then just make the neccesary rel alternate tags for the desktop site for the product pages and main categories that i can. There will be some differences in the urls i cant make a alternate for.

    | noerdar

  • Does anyone know of any changes SEOwise when running an adult toy site versus a normal eCommerce site? Is there any tips or suggestions that are worth knowing to achieve rankings faster? Thanks,

    | the-gate-films

  • Hello Amazing SEO Community! Quick Q for a client with a TON of duplicate content. (yikes!) My client is currently undertaking a large SEO project around canonical tagging for their thousands of duplicate pages. Currently, one product sits on multiple URLs and they are being indexed as different pages (with the same content). The issue is found across all products and other pages, and across their international sites as well. One core challenge they face now is lack of time/resources from their developer side. The solution we see to the duplicate content is to manually add a canonical tag to each of our tens of thousands of pages. Their content management system is Magento. Has anyone ever tackled canonicalization for a large site that uses Magento? Any more efficient solutions to manual tagging is ideal. Thanks in advance for your input. -Bonnie

    | accpar

  • I had this question before and was not fully satisfied with the answer.. We are selling adhesives and some of the products have the same name and description, the only thing that separates them are the width on the roll.. Are old/online setup are as following, each product has its own product page with more or less the same description. For example here and here The above product pages are for a product called Fentrim 2. its availiable in widhts from 75 to 300mm.. so, its six diffent products pages with more or less the same description. The other variations of the products besides the width. are Fentrim 20, Fentrim IS 2 and Fentrim IS 20. So this gives us 6 x Fentrim 20 product pages with the same description, just the width that changes. 6 x Fentrim 2 product pages with the same description, just the width that changes. 6 x Fentrim IS 20 product pages with the same description, just the width that changes. 6 x Fentrim IS 2 product pages with the same description, just the width that changes. I get that this can cause us problems in the terms of duplicate content. The plan that we have now is to have 4 different product pages with variations instead. For each of those for product pages we have well written and unique content. And have the old ones 301 redirected to them. Like this Today we gain traffic from one product page per variation and it seems that google has picked those ones out randomly, see the attached screenshot.. Will we loose rank? will this increase our position, whats your ideas? // Jonas PG4aAcM

    | knubbz

  • So long story short - we are rolling out a new website earlier than expected. Unfortunately, we are being rushed and in order to make the deadline, we have decided to create a www2. subdomain and release our HTML only version of the site for the next 2 weeks. During that time, the HTML site will be ported over to a Drupal 8 instance, and resume its www. domain. My question is - will a temporary (302) from www to ww2 and then back to www screw the proverbial pooch? Is there a better way to implement a temporary site? Feel free to probe with some questions - I know I could be clearer here 😉 Thanks community!

    | BDS2016

  • Is it likely that google uses bookmarks(favorites) in chrome as a ranking signal?

    | lcourse

  • So I had a site that I worked on get hacked. We eliminated the URLs, found the vulnerability (Bluehost!) and rolled back the site. BUT they got into the Google Search Console and indexed a LOT of pages. These pages are now 404 errors and I asked the robots.txt file to make them noindex. The problem is that Google is placing a "this site may be hacked" on the search listing. I asked Google to reevaluate it and it was approved by there are still 80,000 404 errors being shown and it still believes that the uploaded files that we deleted should be showing. Doing a site search STILL shows the infected pages though and it has been a month. Any insight would definitely be helpful. Thanks!

    | mattdinbrooklyn

  • I am currently using Fiver for cleaning up grammar, building backlinks and summarizing topics and articles. Does anyone else have suggestions on other ways to leverage the Fiverr community or any other similar services?

    | clickshift

  • Hi guys, I was wondering does anyone know of any tools which you can had a large list of seed keywords and it will find related keywords per seed keyword. I know scrapebox, ultimate niche finder can do this, but was wondering if there was anything else in the market to checkout? Cheers.

    | jayoliverwright

  • We are redesigning our existing website. The domain is staying the same, but the sub-structure and page names are changing. Do I still need to do 301 redirects or will search engines know to remove the old 404 pages from the SERPs? We are redesigning our existing website. The domain is staying the same, but the sub-structure and page names are changing. Do I still need to do 301s?

    | GrandOptimizations

  • Hi! Today we have our product categories indexed (by misstake) and for one of our desired keywords, a category have the nr 1 rank. By misstake, we didnt set nofollow, noindex on our categories, just tags, archives etc. We are now migrating to from Ithemes Exchange to Woocommerce and ime looking on improving our SEO urls for the categories. For keyword "Key1" we rank with this url: http://site/product-category/Key1. The seo meta title and description where untouched when we launched the site last spring so it doesnt look so good.. The plan is to stripe out product-category and instead ad some description ( i have a newly written text of 95 words, 519 letters without space with they keyword precent 5 times in a natural way  ) to that particular category and have the url as following: http://site/key1 and then have a 301 redirect for the old http://site/product-category/Key1. What do you think of this? What shall i consider? on the right track? Grateful for any help! // Jonas

    | knubbz

  • I need suggestion for URL structure to include my news section in Google News.Google recommend any specific URL structure to include website in Google News.?

    | vivekrathore

  • Our startpage and shows the same woocommerce loop of all our products. Shall i set canonical url for to Thanks! / Jonas

    | knubbz

  • Happy Friday, Q&A friends! This week's discussion question comes from Amir Jaffari's YouMoz post from Thursday, January 28. Amir explains how he was able to use annotations to massively increase his YouTube videos' views without using ads, and raise his annotation CTR 22,400%. Have you tested annotations to see if they dramatically improve conversion rates? What were the results? What other strategies have you tried?

    | MattRoney

  • Is it necessary to submit a new site to search engines? I have a brand-new site I purchased a few days ago which I didn't think to check until after I purchased it, But it has not been indexed by Google!
    The domain was registered three months ago, and probably the website wouldn't have been designed until after that.
    But I'm still left puzzling why the site is not indexed by Google. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    | seoman10

  • Hi! Ime quite new to SEO and to woocommerce so please  help out with this one.. We are migrating from Ithemes Exchange over to WooCommerce and i have come up with some issues. We are selling adhesives and some of the products have the same name and description, the only thing that seperates them are sometimes the widht, or the length on the roll.. As we have it now we have a separate product page for each widht and length. For example here and here The above product pages are for a product called Fentrim 2. its availiable in widhts from 75 to 300mm.. so, its six diffent products pages with more or less the same description. I get that this will create duplicate content, couse the description on the pages are similar.. We cant use variations in woocommerce, couse this cant be set up to exactly match our shipping needs, so, we need them on separate pages.. Soo, my plan is to set a new product page for Fentrim 2, ex and then set that url as canonical url for the variations of the product.. Am i on the right track? Gratefull for any help on this one! / Jonas

    | knubbz

  • For some reason every webpage of our website (  has a rel=canonical tag. I'm not sure why the previous SEO manager did this, but we don't have any duplicate content that would require a canonical tag. Should I remove these tags? And if so, what's the advantage - or disadvantage of leaving them in place? Thank you in advance for your help. -Josh Fulfer

    | mhans

  • Hello mozers, We run an ecommerce store and are planning a massive catalog update this month. Essentially, 100% of our product listings will be deleted, and an all new catalog will be uploaded. The new catalog contains mostly new products, however there are some products that already existing in the old catalog as well. The new catalog has a bunch of improvements to the product pages, included optimized meta titles and descriptions, multiple language, optimized URLs and more. My question is the following: When we delete the existing catalog, all indexed URLs will return 404 errors. Setting up 301 redirects from old to new products (for products which existing previously) is not feasible given the number of products. Also, many products are simply being remove entirely. So should we go ahead and delete all products, upload the new catalog, update the sitemap, resubmit it for crawling, and live with a bunch of 404 errors until these URLs get dropped from Google? The alternative I see is setting 301 redirects to the home page, but I am not sure this would be correct use of 301 redirects. Thanks for your input.

    | yacpro13

  • If Google decides to ignore your canonical and indexes numerous versions, does that count as duplicate content? We've got a large amount of canonicals ignored by Google, so I'm just trying to gauge if it's an issue or not.

    | ThomasHarvey

  • Hello, I have been reading a lot about site migration and 301s and sometimes get confused with conflicting suggestions from different sources... So, in a site migration. Should I 301 redirect all old URLs to the news at once or little by little? I've see this Google handout that suggests doing it all at once (minute 13) But also have read the opposite in other forums...

    | Koki.Mourao

  • Hi , I am looking to add article news section of my website in google news. We'll remove all content from this news section and upload unique news, might be possible we use graph/chart and images from some other news site and other sources but the content will be unique and fresh. Any specific guidelines for URL structure for this news section? We are thinking about to create URL like <title>. Is it okay and will not harm our site? Google News can consider my section as a news?</p></title>

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi, We have been submitting sitemaps on a weekly basis for couple of months now and only 40% of the submitted pages are indexed each time. Whether on the design , content or technical side, the website doesn't violate google guidelines.Can someone help me find the issue? website:!

    | ZeFan

  • Hi, I need some specific advices on which is the best way to optimize the subdomain of a main domain. Besides meta title, description, etc. Br.

    | Tormar

  • I am SEO'ing this site but need some assistance in the analysis. it was doing not too bad but in the last 4 months the google traffic has really fallen off, i suspect the keywords may need improving but any tips or observations would be great.

    | crowng

  • Just a question (or questions) I have wondered about. What's the difference, besides the actual encoding, between the three? Why have three? Why not just the one? Seems to me that Microdata is the easiest, but maybe I am wrong. Is there a reason to use one versus another? I have not found anything explaining this on - I suppose this is just a discussion versus getting one right or wrong answer. I am just curious of the opinions of people in the SEO MOZ community. Unless of course there is one answer. I'll take that too.

    | Brian_Dowd

  • On an large ecommerce site the main navigation links to URLs that include a legacy parameter. The parameter doesn’t actually seem to do anything to change content - it doesn’t narrow or specify content, nor does it currently track sessions. We’ve set the canonical for these URLs to be without the parameter. (We did this when we started seeing that Google was stripping out the parameter in the majority of SERP results themselves.) We’re trying to best strategize on how to set the parameters in WMT (search console). Our options are to set to: 1. No: Doesn’t affect page content’ - and then the Crawl field in WMT is auto-set to ‘Representative URL’. (Note, that it's unclear what ‘Representative URL’ is defined as. Google’s documentation suggests that a representative URL is a canonical URL, and we've specifically set canonicals to be without the parameter so does this contradict? ) OR 2. ‘Yes: Changes, reorders, or narrows page content’ And then it’s a question of how to instruct Googlebot to crawl these pages: 'Let Googlebot decide' OR 'No URLs'. The fundamental issue is whether the parameter settings are an index signal or crawl signal. Google documents them as crawl signals, but if we instruct Google not to crawl our navigation how will it find and pass equity to the canonical URLs? Thoughts? Posted by Susan Schwartz, Kahena Digital staff member

    | AriNahmani

  • I have a problem with my site's rankings.
    I rank for higher difficulty (but lower search volume) keywords , but my site gets pushed back for lower difficulty, higher volume keywords, which literally pisses me off. I thought very seriously to start new with a new domain name, cause what ever i do seems that is not working. I will admit that in past (2-3 years ago) i used some of those "seo packages" i had found, but those links which were like no more than 50, are all deleted now, and the domains are disavowed.
    The only thing i can think of, is that some how my site got flagged as suspicious or something like that in google. Like 1 month ago, i wrote an article about a topic related with my niche, around a keyword that has difficulty 41%. The search term in 1st page has high authority domains, including a wikipedia page, and i currently rank in the 3rd place. In the other had, i would expect to rank easily for a keyword difficulty of 30-35% but is happening the exact opposite.The pages i try to rank, are not spammy, are checked with moz tools, and also with canirank spam filters. All is good and green. Plus the content of those pages i try to rank have a Content Relevancy Score which varies from 98% to 100%... Your opinion would be very helpful, thank you.

    | Mcurius

  • HI guys, I have few questions and I always find good answer here. I tried many SEO companies some very expensive and well known some with medium prices and some from India. I’m not an SEO expert but I always get the same things from SEO companies. They're saying you have to stay with us for few months before you’ll see any results. I completely understand however I don’t see the result on the end.1. What exactly Do I need SEO company for, after I do on page optimisation if they don’t work on proper backlinks. Just letting you know I’m getting content from other people.2. Is there something else which is really important after your page is optimised than backlinks? Or we should fully focus on get backlinks from customers, guest post, sharing on social media etc. to increase our DA and PA?3. Any advice about some individual or company who is good in backlink services?
    Thank youLukasThanks a lot.Lukas

    | Lukas-ST

  • Hi all, My question is related to links that I saw in Google Search Console. While looking at who is linking to my site, I saw that GSC has some links that are coming from third party websites but these third party webpages are not indexed and not even put up by their owners. It looks like the owner never created these pages, these pages are not indexed (when you do a site: search in Google) but the URL of these pages loads content in the browser. Example - what exactly is this thing? To mention more details, the third party website in question is a Wordpress website and I guess is probably hijacked. But how does one even get these types pages/URLs up and running on someone else's website and then link out to other websites. I am concerned as the content that I am getting link from is adult content and I will have to do some link cleansing soon.

    | Malika1

  • Hello, I've noticed some big ranking downs on important keywords, from the last Google update, and don't really know what seams to be the problem, but have an assumption. In April 2015 we had 3.000.000 pages indexed by Google, and 80% of them had duplicated content for about 90% of it. The site I'm talking about is The duplicated content came from variations between calling from and calling to selections, because each of this selection was making a new url (ex. from/calling to). If "calling from" and calling to were the same country the url was, but after you chosen another calling to, the url become like the one in the example. To solve this I've decided to keep the urls and for different calling to country to display the content trough a javascript, because it was the same, it changed only the country names and the rates. I thought that this change will help us with the duplicate content, and still deliver our client what they are interested in, without affecting the UX, and also reducing the link juice dilution because we had 3.000.000 indexed by Google and most of them with no added value Can this be the reason for the drops? Now we have 590.000 pages indexed by Google.

    | Silviu

  • Hello Could you please share with me your advice and recommendations on how to design a SEO layout (H1, Image, body text, etc). I need to give instructions to our website designer. I would like to see some examples. We are going to work with wordpress and visual composer. I really appreciate your help and time Andy

    | GHSCostaRica

  • Hi All, We use a parameter called "breadCrumb" to drive the breadcrumbs on our ecommerce product pages that are categorized in multiple places.  For example, our "Blue Widget" product may have the following URLs:  We use a canonical tag pointing back to the base product URL.  The parameter only changes the breadcrumbs.  Which of the following, if any, settings would you recommend for such a parameter in GWT: Does this parameter change page content seen by the user? Options:  Yes/No
    How does this parameter affect page content? Options:  Narrows/Specifies/Other Currently, google decided to automatically assign the parameter as "Yes/Other/Let Googlebot Decide" without notifying us.  We noticed a drop in rankings around the suspected time of the assignment. Lastly, we have a consistent flow of products that are discontinued that we 404.  As a result of the breadcrumb parameter, our 404s increase significantly (one for each path).  Would 800 404 crawl errors out of 18k products cause a penalty on a young site?  We got an "Increase in '404' pages' email from GWT, shortly after our rankings seemed to drop. Thank you for any advice or suggestions!   Doug

    | Doug_G

  • Hi everyone - I've just been looking at a site that simply uses Google Translate through its website. So basically, on any page you can Google Translate the content to any language you like - there's no change to the URL structure according to language, etc. I haven't come across this approach before (simply allowing users to Google Translate withing the existing page) - and it doesn't sit well with me - let me have your thoughts re: the SEO implications. Thanks in advance, Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Hi all, When a search for our brand is done, the homepage is shown but the meta description is in French. We have a translated version of the site available once the user is on the site, but there's no reason it should be displaying the translated version in the SERPs. This issue has never happened before and began last week. Anyone seen anything similar? Thanks.

    | ggpaul562

  • Hey There, One of My client Needs To rank his site in multiple Location ,  like He is in Australia But wants To Promote his Site in Canada, india, USA,So What are the things i can do For Rank in Others Country. Please any Expert Help. Thanx

    | nupuriepl

  • My client owns a brand and came to me with two ecommerce websites. One website sells his specific brand product and the other sells general products in his niche (including his branded product). Question is my client wants to rank each website for basically the same set of keywords. We have two choices I'd like feedback on- Choice 1 is to rank both websites for same keyword groupings so even if they are both on page 1 of the serps then they take up more real estate and share of voice. are there any negative possibilities here? Choice 2 is to recommend a shift in the position of the general industry website to bring it further away from the industry niche by focusing on different keywords so they don't compete with each other in the serps. I'm for choice 1, what about you?

    | Rich_Coffman

  • Hi, This is an issue that is really upsetting my client. There are sitelinks that are coming up when you search for his business that aren't relevant as the other pages are! I assured him that there is nothing for me to do about it besides for demoting a sitelink, which is simply a suggestion in Google's eyes. 1. I would love to know why they are choosing the titles they are publishing, which is the shortened version of states? Where are they getting it from? I don't have any linking pages with such anchor text. The only thing I can think of is that there is a clickable map that has abbreviated words of that state. Would that do it? How could I change it? 2. Also, why are they choosing pages that are really not the top visited pages on my website instead of the pages that visitors are really interested in? Here is a snapshot of the issue: Thanks!

    | Rachel_J

  • Hi I've been looking over my pages and it says for this page for example I have too many links, I think it was about 178. These links are from the menu and bottom of the page - how much of an issue is this for internal linking structure? I wouldn't want to remove the menus or change them too much. Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • Does anyone know if it's possible to get a penalty on WHOIS data and a shared IP address? We had some bad SEO done (And at ranking demolished) on one of our company websites which has the same WHOIS data and is on the same IP address as another side which is just seems to have taken a knock. Is it possible Google could have associated both and penalised accordingly?

    | seoman10

  • ​Hi All, I have a question please. If i target in English for Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, are the tags below correct? English for Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg:" hreflang="en-nl" />" hreflang="en-be" />" hreflang="en-lu" /> AND Targeting Holland and Belgium in Dutch: Pour la page on peut inclure ce tag:" hreflang="nl-nl" />" hreflang="nl-be" /> thanks a lot for your help!

    | Onedirect_uk

  • We are looking at changing our URL structure for tracking various affiliates from: to Both would allow us to track affiliates, but the second would allow us to use cookies to track. Does anyone know if this could possibly cause SEO concerns? Also, For the site we want to rank for, we will use a reverse proxy to change the URL from to would that cause any SEO issues. Thank you.

    | RoxBrock

  • ​Hi All, Thank you for this great post! I have a question please. If i target in English for Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, are the tags below correct? English for Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg:" hreflang="en-nl" />" hreflang="en-be" />" hreflang="en-lu" /> AND Targeting Holland and Belgium in Dutch: Pour la page on peut inclure ce tag:" hreflang="nl-nl" />" hreflang="nl-be" /> thanks a lot for your help!

    | Onedirect_uk

  • What would be your take on how to hire a link building service. Specifically, but not limited to: Finding one whose methods/links achieved won't later destroy the domain? Define the cost for the service? What is a typical cost for such a service? Reasonable expectations? Any other tips for dealing with same. Thanks!

    | 94501

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