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Category: Competitive Research

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  • searching for a domain for a new branch of business, the original .com domain was no longer available yet the same domain with a .biz was.  Question, how does google treat and rank .biz vs .com, same? less?

    | AmazingUniverse56

  • A little help just to check if the service worth the money spend.

    | Naghirniac

  • Does anyone know of a tool that can be used to input a URL and have it spit out keywords of how Google could possible see what the contents of that page is about?

    | shawn81

  • I am facing trouble to open the website please check on your side and let me know

    | 247Email

  • Hi...I'm new here....not a professional SEO at all....just been teaching myself as much as I can about SEO on my own as I'm a small business owner desperately trying to make something out of herself. Could use your thoughts on this...please forgive me if this isn't your usual type of question you get here: so...I've been going through all the suggestions for on page optimisation and researching competitors links given through this lovely SEO Moz pro account .  One competitor in particular....has spammed A LOT of sites...I think she's hired some company to do it for her.  There's article submissions that don't even sound like they are written by someone who speaks English and very low quality sites for back links including some with adult content...however she's got thousands of these links so she ranks extremely high on all keywords.  All her pages have very high keyword density and could be accused of keyword stuffing big time.  I put her website through the SEOmoz grader....she's got a C and I've got an A.  She's completely catered her site to Google not the customer and its obvious.  But other competitors in my product have started doing the same thing as this gal and low and behold their sites are popping up in google searches also. Beginning to feel frustrated with my hours of efforts and wondering how I can compete with people like this when I'm trying to be a good girl with Google and focus on creating a great site.  My hits per day are increasing slowly, my Alexa rank (hoping this matters) is improving rapidly and you can actually find me on the google search when I couldn't before (I'm page 10 now yay)  so I don't feel like a total failure but still am wondering if hitting page 1 for my keywords will happen this lifetime. Why does Google seem to reward people who go against all these countless books and resources on SEO I'm reading?   Could use any thoughts/suggestions you might have on this matter. Thanks for your help. x

    | ldnwickless

  • Mozzers, Does anyone know of a tool that can count up the number of local reviews a business has and compare them against another business? Google Places has the number of reviews at the bottom of each place page but it never fully reflects the true count of reviews each business has. Thanks!

    | hawkvt1

  • Hi All, I have been looking in the forums but could not quite find an appropriate answer to my question. I have a site that has no subdomains, in my htaccess non www redirects to www. So I would think that the subdomain metrics in seomoz would be the exact same for root and subdomain. However, it appears that I get almost all the Ticks for my site over my competition on the root domain, but do poorly in the sub domain area compared to competition.  Also, it shows that I only have 2 links for everything in the sub domain section. Any I reading something wrong, or is this correct? Thanks in advance

    | cchhita

  • We are looking for a way to get the estimated traffic for some sites in our niche. Usually we use or spyfu, but they only track traffic in the US. Does anyone know a way we can get traffic estimates in Canada? Thanks in advance.

    | ClaytonKendall

  • the searches that i would like to improve my ranking on are
    st kitts real estate
    nevis real estate
    st kitts and nevis real estate. my website is

    | oswaldjr

  • Are the other factors such as page rank, Alexa rating and mozRank used to determine where I will show up in search results, over Goggle's key word rank for my key words?

    | allstatetransmission

  • Hi, We are building an app that requires some audience profiling of websites as part of its architecture. Alexa provides some of this info, along with visitors by country which is useful, however I am quite skeptical of the information it provides as it is well known it can be way off (particularly on smaller sites), so are there any other API's that provide better data along the same lines as Alexa? NOTE - The app will profiling websites without having their authorized logins etc, so it needs to be an API that doesn't require authorisation from the website to get the data . Many Thanks

    | James77

  • Guys, I need help. I have a company in Brasil and due to lack of budget, I'm doing the SEO for my self. And for two years Im reading everything that I can to do my best in my website. I worked very hard, but the #1 in the most important keyword for my company is a very bad website only with frames. What they are doing? Could anyone give help? Keyword: "acampamento"
    Google Brazil (
    #1 website: My website: Thank you in advance Miguel

    | Naghirniac

  • A while back someone on here posted a really good workbook for analyzing ranking factors for competitors.  Unfortunately I lost it, and I am hoping someone might know what i'm talking about and hit me up with a link to it, or perhaps your favourite seo workbook for excel? Thanks!

    | adriandg

  • Any insight into what's driving these results would be appreciated. Another site ranks #6 and we rank #22 on a keyword that scores 67% for "Keyword Difficulty", but we score significantly higher than them on almost every ranking factor including having nearly 10 times more backlinks along with higher PA and DA scores,etc. Here is a comparison from the Keyword Difficulty Tool report. Question: What could be going on? Factor and ranking comparison (us v. them) with our higher rankings are listed first. PA: 61 v. 39, mozRank 5,85 v. 4,54, mozTrust 6.00 v. 5.49, mT/mR = 1.0 v. 1.2, total links = 4,198 v. 90, internal links = 4198 v 90, external links = 275 v. 57, followed links = 4171 v 85, no follow links = 27 v 5, linking root domains = 46 v 30 on-page grade = A v B broad keyword usage in title: yes v yes broad keyword usage in document: yes v yes keyword used in url = no v no keyword used in domain = partial v no KW exact match - no v no exact anchor text links = 2373 v 13 %links w/ exact anchor text = 56% v 14% linking root domains w/ exact anchor text = 7 v 8 % linking root domains w/ exact anchor text = 15% v 26% partial anchor text links = 0 v 0 Domain Authority = 54 v 27 Domain mozRank = 5.4 v 3.2 Domain mozTrust = 5.8 v 3.7 DmT/DmR = 1.1 v 1.2 External links to domain 9261 v 63 Linking root domains to this domain = 355 v 33 linking c- blocks domains to domain = 267 v 30 tweets = 4 v 3 FB shares = 13 v 11 Google Plus one shares = 1 v 0

    | rickt007

  • or what would be the quick way to find out? Page Authority 1 mozRank 0.00 mozTrust 0.00 Total Links 0 Internal Links 0 External Links 0 Followed Links 0 Nofollowed Links 0 Linking Root Domains 0 On-Page Analysis Grade A Broad Keyword Usage in Title Yes Broad Keyword Usage in Document Yes Keyword Used in URL Yes KW in Domain No KW Exact Match No Exact Anchor Text Links 0 Linking Root Domains w/ Exact Anchor Text 0 Partial Anchor Text Links 0 Partial Anchor Text Root Doms. 0 Domain Authority 100 Domain mozRank 7.6 Domain mozTrust 7.9 DmT/DmR 1.0 External Links to this domain 40443657 Linking Root Domains to this domain 223797 Linking C-Blocks Domains to this domain 40697 Tweets 6 FB Shares 20 Google Plus One Shares 0

    | antoniorigo

  • or what would be the quick way to find out? Page Authority 1 mozRank 0.00 mozTrust 0.00 Total Links 0 Internal Links 0 External Links 0 Followed Links 0 Nofollowed Links 0 Linking Root Domains 0 On-Page Analysis Grade A Broad Keyword Usage in Title Yes Broad Keyword Usage in Document Yes Keyword Used in URL Yes KW in Domain No KW Exact Match No Exact Anchor Text Links 0 Linking Root Domains w/ Exact Anchor Text 0 Partial Anchor Text Links 0 Partial Anchor Text Root Doms. 0 Domain Authority 100 Domain mozRank 7.6 Domain mozTrust 7.9 DmT/DmR 1.0 External Links to this domain 40443657 Linking Root Domains to this domain 223797 Linking C-Blocks Domains to this domain 40697 Tweets 6 FB Shares 20 Google Plus One Shares 0

    | antoniorigo

  • Hey guys i have a question in regards to targetting seo results. A lot of my customers will me SME and most have visitors of under 50 per day. My question is how do you judge the amount of traffic a website of a small local business should be getting? For instance i have a site that gets average 22 visits per day, i would love to know how much their competitors get per day so i can know what targets to strive for. I feel that is 22 is ten times more than the compeitors website then the amount of seo time needed is less than if it is 10 times behind what competitors get. Thoughts?

    | buntrosgali

  • I just downloaded the SEOmoz toolbar and found out several metrics that I need help to understand: PA mR mT DA Can anyone help with this?

    | amtnezschez

  • Hey there I'm new to both SEO and Seomoz. I have this personal site I've been working on SEO wise (slowly since I started learning from 0) and I have reached a point where the only missing thing for me to do is build links. However, the competitors for my site have thousands of links. From all I've read on the web regarding SEO&LinkBuilding, including articles in this site...the old method of spamming links wherever/whenever possible is now being penalized while the practice of manual/hand-built links of higher quality and lesser quantity is rewarded. So I went ahead and approached several linkbuilding companies and one thing that struck me was the level of uncertainty regarding the chances of getting a site to get to the first page. I understand there's factors you cannot predict or control, such as what your competitors are doing on the SEO front...but ultimately, I'm curious as to how do you effectively gauge the possibility of getting to the top page of any keyword combination? Especially when dealing with clients... since apparently whoever 'guarantees' you anything is a fraud or uses blackhat do you pitch the 'uncertainty' to the client? do you know if you can make it to the top page or viceversa? Cheers

    | Sotkra

  • Hello, I've been analyzing our top competitors since we dropped in rank recently, and all the people who did not drop in rank as well (looks like an algorithm change) and are ranking well have an H1 with their keywords in it. keyword "NLP" our site: nlpca(dot)com Could the H1 be really important in our case?

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Is there a way to see the most anchor text of a sites internal linking structure, that is not mine. For example how many times a competitor used the anchor text "door" on their site. Not external links though, just the internal ones. Thank you, Ada

    | digitalops

  • I have a lot pages on my site and I'm wondering if there is a tool out there that will find all the pages with the highest pagerank for me? Also, it would be helpful to find that on competitors sites as well. Any ideas?

    | shawn81

  • When you review your competitors online presence, what are some of your favorite tools? I like Open Site Explorer's domain comparison tool. SEMRush is great too but the data is often inaccurate.

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Hi there, I've just taken over a site and it doesn't have a huge amount of shelfspace on the SERPs for it's brand name. Looking at the results that are there are a lot of free SEO tools that are coming up. They haven't had an SEO before so it's not coming from their side. There's such a lot of them I was wondering if anyone had come across this before - is it simply a competitor looking at the seo, could it be one of the seo analytics packages using free sites or is there anything else to be aware of. I can start knocking the sites down the SERPs but just wondering if anyone has a good solution for this. thanks Shiv

    | Shivvyt

  • Now that the Yahoo Site Explorer is not usable on sites unless they are in your Bing Webmaster Tools, what is the best tool out there to see an accurate list of inbound links to a site? Google tools are still pretty unreliable from what I can see...

    | Bandicoot

  • I plugged a competitor into the campaign manager that is ranking #1 for many target keywords like "sprinkler parts" (18k broad, 720 exact) and "sprinklers"(550k broad, 4400 exact) and #2 for "sprinkler"(1mil broad, 8100 exact).  This site has over 8500 errors on SEOmoz - I have spent a good deal of time fixing errors on all of our client websites and have gotten them down to 0 errors. I am just wondering if I have been wasting my time and if the errors that SEOmoz reports on even make a difference.  How can a site rank for such high traffic keywords when it has 4k duplicate content and 4k duplicate page title errors?  The site has 75 linking root domains according to opensiteexplorer.  any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

    | Splashme-139191

  • I'd like to get traffic information and facebook /twitter stats for a company.  Don't know their ua, logins or have access to any of their pages.  Where can I find this information? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    | brandonschultz

  • In terms of ranking and other stuff, how does adding 's' at the end of a keyword works ? For example - 'Custom Cases' in place of 'Custom Case' I am getting different results as well for both. Please advice....

    | viniyog

  • I currently have a campaign set-up that monitors a few competitors compared to our site. When I look at the Root Domain Metrics I see that Company A has 2,053 total external links, and Company B has 1,632 total external links. I wanted to view these links in more detail so I ran Advanced Inbound Links reports.  The reports returned 432 results for Company A and 693 results for Company B. Shouldn't these numbers match up with each other, or am I missing something? Also, I noticed that in the Inbound Links analysis for my competitors there are a number of results listed that are not actually inbound links, but are internal links from there own site. Is there a reason these are appearing? I am having problems because I am trying to use this campaign to show the improvements in our site vs our competitors.  However, OSE shows dramatically fewer total external links for our site (about 260 vs 3200 in Webmaster Tools) and I cannot tell if the competitor data is accurate? Thanks

    | zazo

  • just want to check is anyone using these other products? and if so do they work? RankTracker Seo Spyglass Website Auditor LinkAssistant? Thank you!

    | mikedw

  • Dear Community, I am seeking your expert advice on this situation: We have these assets as a starting point: a long-existing and well-linked Corporate Website (CW) with good metrics, a Brand Website (BW) with low/medium metrics, and some Brand Competitor (BC) websites with very similar metrics to BW. We will launch a new version of BW very soon with a well SEOd structure and copy (the old one was not SEOd at all) which I hope itself will bring SERP advantages. My dilemma emerged after checking the domain level values of our Corporate Website: CW / BW / BCs Domain Authority: 48 / 28 / 24-27 Domain mozRank: 4.79 / 3.15 / 2.6-3.25 Domain mozTrust:  4.73 / 2.79 / 2.47-3.06 My understanding is that based on seoMoz consensus domain level values give about 1/4th of the total pie. Based on these what do you think I should to win over competitors rankings? Should I keep running the service under BW (in an neighborhood  with nearly identically valued competitors) Should I redirect BW to a sub-folder of the Corporate Website? ( with 301 redirects and enjoy the advantages of the much better domain values Alternatively, I could also build valuable and keyword-optimized content under our CW linking back to our BW. My understanding is that Option 1 has the least advantages among the three. Option 2 and 3 compete with the following advantages: Option 2: We could quickly rank higher as domain values elevate us from the mediocre BW and BC values (offsetting a little loss on 301 redirects) Option 3 would allow us to occuppy more positions for the important keywords on SERPs thus attract more "deep-browsing" visitors (and possibly BW could also get some advantages by receiving links from CW) Which direction would you proceed from here? Cheers, Andrew

    | andrew1212

  • Im trying to rank well for a local search. im trying to rank for my city plus lawn care. Its not that competitive, because people in this field dont know about seo. Im trying to just rank well for it can someone give me suggestions to do that. Should i create blogs and use the comments to hyperlink to my page. Im doing research on my competition and seeing what backlinks they are using. and off page seo ideas would be great as well We have a great google places page same with yahoo. We are trying to rank for different city's i rank well for the city i live in and my address is in, but i dont rank that well for other cities. Even tho they are less competitive than mine competitive under 500k results for my keyword

    | fhnhockey088

  • My Google PR in the toolbar has not worked since last night? Is it on my end or is anyone else have the same issue??

    | Robbie8299

  • Is it possible to see how many visitors a competitor has received for any given keyword over a set time period via either Organic / Paid means? Thanks

    | jaycfc123007

  • Hello, How is everyone doing? My question is about the google search engine results page. How come some results have the www. in front of them and some don't. Also what are the SEO implications of having www. in front of your search results vs. not. Is this something to do with canonical? I have included a screen shot so you will see what I mean. One result is and the result without the www is R6GLL.png

    | digitalops

  • We are targeting the term "wholesale fireworks" we are currently on page two and just completed some on page optimization.  I noticed using the Mozbar that the SERP results on the first page show a site with near zero page rank, Moztrust, domain trust, etc..  It is steadily number two in SERPS.  Our site is just as strong or stronger on these ratings as anyone on the first page.  How is it possible that we are still hanging out on page 2?

    | devonkrusich

  • I wonder if anyone has any insight on the above question.

    | InTouchMarketing56

  • I am paying for monthly Adwords Google.  I am planning to build out and optimize my website content with the findings from the Adwords campaign.  What is frustrating me is the Google list of keywords recommended.  Is there a better tool for determining excellent, "long-tail" keywords specific to my industry, products and services? -Feeling Left Out

    | natearistotle

  • I am new to SEO Moz - It looks like incredible technology.  I was playing around with different websites to see where they had back linked to see how it works. Looked at a site called racingsecretsexposed [dot] come and it said that it had dozens of links to such as: with link anchor text "laying horses" but when I do a search for the company name, or the anchor text "laying horses", or the owner of the company's name on - nothing appears. Why not? Isn't the back link anchored by the text laying horses, which should link back to the racing secrets website? Thanks

    | NewtoSEO90

  • What are you thoughts about tool?

    | globalcampus

  • One of my customers is buying a competitor.  The competitor has a site that usually ranks just 1-2 spots below the main site that we manage for them (our site has been up for about a year, and their's is 15-years old). I am wondering what is the best way to consolidate the rankings/websites to take advantage of the purchase of the competitor's web assets.  I would love to leave both sites up and just get 2 top-25 links to our products, but with no more marketing being done under the competitor's name, I assume their rankings will degrade. Would a basic 301 re-direct on a page-by-page basis be enough to 'steal' all of the juice their domain name/site has built?  Is there some other method of using an older domain to boost the rankings of a newer one (I am assuming they only rank as well as we do because of how long they've been active - all of our metrics are better than theirs across the board). Thanks for any help/advice the community here can provide!

    | dschapira

  • How does Google decide whether a Google News box appears in organic search results?  A list of any specific factors, if known, would be very helpful.

    | pathjoy

  • Hi, I would like to do some research and put together a post on the most powerful websites in my industry, and was wondering if you have any advice on how to calculate this - or if there is a tool available? Rather than making assumptions, I would like to try and be as accurate as possible. Thanks in advance for suggestions.

    | juiceD

  • with seomoz, i rank on google in one spot.  With market samurai, I rank in another spot,  With KPMRS (or whatever) i rank another place.  But then when i just type my keywords into google, it puts me in a whole different world... am confused... and the client i am trying to help rank higher is confused. Thanks for any help you can offer be blessed bd

    | creativeguy

  • I was doing some research and a lot of my competition are websites from Universities, but I got surprised when I saw that a lot of their  Anchor Text  where things like  Buy Viagra , Play poker , Buy Cialis , a lot of their inbound links where about things like that , one of the sites I was doing research on was , this site was #1 for the keyword I want that is related to education. Also other sites on the #1 page of google for this keyword (universities websites) had the same kind of inbound links and achord texts.  Whats going on here??

    | globalcampus

  • If you set your Google location to "Dallas, TX" and you do a search for "web design dallas", my client shows up #4. If you change your google location to anywhere else in the US, he is #1. How can I be #1 in Dallas and the US? (My client is not really in Dallas but I didn't want to give away the city, their site, etc)

    | trollo

  • I'm looking for tool where I can insert a keyword phrase and have it give me a list of websites with a percentage of the traffic they receive: example: keyword is "knee brace" result: Amazon 35.16% next site 24% next site 13.54% etc Does anyone currently use a website or know of a tool that can provide this information.  Free sites would also be doubly appreciated!  Thank you Mozzers.


  • Hi, I like to know the inbound marketing sources of my competitors, and like to know how many traffic are receiving from Organic Ranking and Adwords or Search Engine Paid Marketing. ANd it would be nice to know the social media traffic too. I am searching, but i see here, but at the moment it's too expensive for me, like to ask you if you can find me to find any software cheaper than compete. Thanks.

    | leadsprofi

  • When is the right time to vary your anchor text? My companies most competitive keyword is "Chicago Movers" and I am just wondering when I should start varying my link building around say for instance Professional Chicago Movers Cheap Chicago Movers Best Chicago Movers When is it alright or not alright to just keep building keywords around just "Chicago Movers"

    | newcitymoving

  • Does anyone have/use any really good link analysis tools? I have been using SEOmoz open site explorer but don't find it that indepth or find that many links. I don't mind paying once the link analysis tool is good and I can export links to excell. I was thinking of buying this software Cheers,

    | Socialdude

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