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Category: Algorithm Updates

Discuss algorithm updates and impacts.

  • Anybody else noticing Google satisfaction surveys on long-tail results? I'm only seeing it when there are no ads... 6071fb3341.png

    | Propecta

  • Hey Mozanarians 🙂 Is there a way to change the pages that are shown on the "link tree"? (e.g. see bellow picture)
    Lets say that I dont want the "career" page to show on the "link tree" can I do that? Thanks and lots of love!
    Daniel Bernhardt BLo9KSr.jpg

    | DanielBernhardt

  • Hello Moz Community, I'm ranking well in Google (#2-#6 for various keywords) but on the second page of Bing. Are there certain differences that I should be aware of? Thanks, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • Hi We was hit by the Penguin update a long time ago and we lost a lot of traffic/positions because of this. For a long time we worked really hard to identify all off our links that may have caused us to recieve this penalty. After Months of work we submitted the disavow file and reconsideration request and in June 2014 we recieved confirmation from google in webmaster tools that the manual spam action had been revoked. over time we then started to recieve more traffic and better positions in the serps, however since penguin 3.0 we have dropped again for a range of keywords. many going from page 1 to 2 or page 2 to 3/4 Any ideas what we should do here , any help will be really appriciated as I'm totally confused We havent done any link building at all since the penalty / recovery

    | AMG100

  • I saw slight drop yesterday after the penguin rollout, about 3 - 4 spots lower on targeted KW's.  However, I'm still on first page for those KW, just near the bottom as opposed to near the top. I'm wondering if anyone else experienced, or has experienced with past Penguin updates, a "slight" dip in rankings. What actions did you take, if any?  I'm inclined to simply focus on building better links rather than disavow given the lack of severity. With that said, I would love some feedback or suggestions from anyone who experienced what I would consider a "less severe" penalty (3 - 4 spots, still on first page).

    | mrodriguez1440

  • Hi all, I just submit my url and linked pages along with xml map to index. How long does it take google to index my new pages?

    | businessowner

  • I've read that the most recent algorithm update by Google is targeting dodgy links. I have a client's website who within the last few days has been smashed out of of top positions for the most competitive keywords (and many others). I'm worried that the site has been penalised, however I can't understand why it would be. The site only has 11 domains linking to it (65 links total) and a lot of these links are coming from the same websites that link to all of our other web clients and none of them have experienced this sudden and significant drop in rankings. Does anyone know if Google is targeting a specific type of site, or how I can determine if my client's website has been penalised? I've not made any significant changes recently to the site's content or meta data, however rankings have remained steady for months now. It just seemed to happen overnight that they dropped off everything (eg. middle of page 2 to page 8 of search results for some of the better keywords) Thank you in advance for any assistance!

    | JuiceBoxOM

  • I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the new domain extensions that are now available. I'm considering buying a couple .lawyer and .attorney domains for clients. I noticed when I tried to buy these I was asked for verification if we're going to be offering legal services through the site. That led me to think that it may be possible in the future that with this verification, if it's required, that means that not just anybody can have these domain names. That leads me to think that it's possible that these domains may benefit from users searching for terms with "lawyer" or "attorney" in their search term. I haven't seen anything in terms of these domain extensions and SEO yet, but I'd like to know your thoughts as to how these will be treated in the future. I can imagine these will be more valuable than the old .net, .us, .info, etc., domains.

    | Millermore

  • I haven't been able to repeat this, but I just saw a strange Google SERP layout. The screenshot is attached below. Has anyone else seen something like this? I kind of rubbed my eyes and wondered 'if it was kicking in'. ca2JqaP

    | Travis_Bailey

  • Message reads as follows: Property is receiving data from redundant hostnames. Consider setting up a 301 redirect on your website, or make a search and replace filter that strips "www." from hostnames. Examples of redundant hostnames:, We have had our preferred domain set to www for months and I've never seen this error before today.  A quick search shows others getting this as well.  I did notice our 301 is no longer working so I am going to set that back and see what happens.

    | Sika22

  • Hello, So, for many months, a couple of my clients have had a handful of terms that they were ranking for on Page 2. All of a sudden in the past month, both clients have moved up to Page 1, #2 for most of their terms. I have been working on some optimization tests and made minor changes, but I am concerned because the consistency of the #2 position for both clients for all of the previously Page 2 ranking keywords. I have seen this type of Google increase for clients before, and my experience has shown that it is a test from Google-so, from Google's perspective: "we're going to move your rankings up to Page 1 and see what you do with this to prove to us that your site is worth the position". Anyone had any experience with this kind of movement? Thanks so much in advance..

    | lfrazer

  • There have been several new domain extensions recently. .discount .care .attorney and even .wtf (I find that humorous).  What are the extensions that you feel will have value at least secondary to .com? I have been running different url valuators and noticed that the .discount extensions when preceded by a strong keyword for example: are showing pretty high values. Also any city with .attorney after it... What are your thoughts on these domain extensions?

    | Atlanta-SMO

  • I want to difference between to all updates of panda algorithm. How to differ each updates of Panda between to each other?What kind of changes each update Panda.Please reply soon.

    | renukishor

  • Hello everyone, Just a quick question. Can anyone give me a safe estimate of how much time it could take for a Google Algorithm Update to show its effect in the Middle East after roll out? Maybe you guys can direct me to a post to read through and learn more about it myself. Your input will be highly appreciated. Regards, Talha

    | MTalhaImtiaz

  • Hello Everyone, I have a question for you. Today when I checked on, it is showing following message. 404. <ins>That’s an error.</ins> The requested URL /search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=519& was not found on this server. I was able to see sitelinks till yesterday but they also have disappeared now. Can someone please tell me why is this happening? Is this a temporary issue? or something needs to be done.

    | SEOcandy

  • To get some new pages out without over-thinking things, I decided to line up the title tag, h1 tag and URLs of my pages exactly. They are dynamically generated based on the content the user is viewing (internal search results pages) They're not ranking very well at the moment, but there are a number of factors that are likely to blame. But, in particular, does anyone know if varying the text in these elements tends to perform better vs. having them all identical? Has there been any information from Google about this? Most if not all of the "over optimization" content I have seen online pertains to backlinks, not on-page content. It's easy to say, "test it!" And of course, that's just what I'm planning to do. But I thought I would leverage the combined knowledge of this forum to see what information I could obtain first, so I can do some informed testing, as tests can take a while to see results. Thanks 🙂

    | ntcma

  • We have 1 sitemap for our desktop site, mobile site, and images. This works for Google, but I'm not sure if it's supported by Bing or if they require separate sitemaps. Anyone know?

    | YairSpolter

  • My company makes explainer videos. I often come across a lot of (seemingly) inflated & unprovable stats, pertaining to explainer videos, from other companies. This article claims that "Having an explainer video on your web page makes it 53% more likely to show up on the first page of Google search results" Is there any real data to back up such a claim? Do explainer videos really help SEO? How?

    | WickVideo

  • I have not had too much experience with helping websites that have been hit by Panda - any tried and tested formulas I can pass to website owner would be great. He does not want to reveal domain name - its in the area of children/baby products 'Web site featured on page 1 of Google search results for many years (website 5 years old-  Australian domain) . In April/May 2014, Google suspended our Google Shopping account because we used watermarks on all our images. We were advised that the suspension would remain in place indefinitely or until such time the watermarks were removed. We wrote back to Google to explain that these watermarks were put in place by our store back 2005 with the sole purpose of protecting our intellectual property. Needless to say, their attitude was unwavering. And as a result, revenue plummeted. However, the perfect storm was about to hit our store without warning. In the same month, Panda 4.0 was unleashed and our store was hit once again. This update alone reduced visitor numbers by around 50% overnight. The Panda 4.0 algorithm update was designed to target poor quality, duplicate content and unfortunately we had some of it. We have now begun creating original content with many of the new products we're uploading onto our web site. It's slow and tedious. We have modified our web site to now include a tag on a the home page (this was missing). We have removed many duplicate links from our footer (it was too big and contained hundreds of links that were also repeated from the header). We introduced a blog  and we have engaged the services of a local seo company to disavow any bad backlinks and add missing or improve existing content to category and brand pages. No improvement in our situation is yet visible and with Christmas just 3 months away, poor sales during our 'bread and butter' period will mean even tougher times for our store in 2015. ANY PANDA EXPERTS who can help please email me - looking for independent freelancers rather than agencies

    | GardenBeet

  • Noticed today that when I search (non-personalised search, incognito etc.) some of my pages on Google ALL references to authorship have now been completely removed. Does anyone know when this change occurred? I might be a bit slow this week (or last week) with concentrating on projects. I know like others that photos went some time back but now there are no author details being displayed. Just the page title and description. David

    | David-E-Carey

  • Hello dear community fellas!
    The story goes like this: my company has a good ol' website launched back in 2008 and since then nothing much was updated there. Our rank dropped significantly because, well, barely any SEO was done for it. Me and my team decided to redesign the whole thing: content, structure, visuals, links, everything but this time really making it right. However, with our oldie we managed to get a nice user base, so we still want to get all the traffic juice out of it. Now the questions is where do you think is the best place to publish our new website: Our original domain Create a subdomain Totally new domain Cheers!

    | PayPro

  • I must have missed this or been living under a rock but when I type 'amazon' in a google search. Below I see a "search" search bar. How do you get this? Thanks

    | Mike.NW

  • My URL is:
    With no changes to my site, I suddenly experienced a huge drop in search queries on Aug1. Your company has still given me an overall rating of A. I just thought you may be able to help or be interested in my case due to it's strange nature. Due to some suggestions on the webmaster forums, I have disavowed all low quality back links to the site, and I am currently working through each page trying to make the key words a little less spammy. Here are some screen shots of the action... This appears to be almost a 50% 2 year set back. Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated

    | applianceassistant

  • Hi We have a site which list and ranks all the school within the UK. on the 25 of August it just dropped off the face of for all the local search terms. Things like "Schools in kent" so on. Now we are having trouble figuring out why. It's been suggested it could be something to do with Google "pigeon" update. Now I have been doing some reading up on it and it seem that with was more about cutting down the size of the local listings. Our site is a directory and does not have local listing as such (set up in Google places). Could this have been caused by "pigeon"? I would have thought it would have improved it? Is anyone else seeing these kind of changes?

    | EdBen

  • Lets say the website you are working on has covered most of the important topics on your subject.  How important is it that you continue to add content to it when there really may not be much that is so relevant to your users anymore?  Can a site continue to rank well if nothing new is added to the site for year but continues to get good quality links?

    | DemiGR

  • I was just using a program (copyscpape) to see if the content on a clients website has been copied. I was surprised that the content on the site was displaying 70% duplicated and it's showing the same content on a few sites with different % duplicated (ranging from 35%-80%) I have been informed that the content on the clients site is original and was written by the client. My question is, does Google know or understand that the clients website's content was created as original and that the other sites have copied it word-for-word and placed it on their site? Does he need to re-write the content to make it original? I just want to make sure before I told him to re-write all the content on the site? I'm well aware that duplicate content is bad, but i'm just curious if it's hurting the clients site because they originally created the content. Thanks for your input.

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • Hey, I am working on transitioning a website and all of my current URL's will be slightly changed (moving to dynamic pages).  I understand that I will need to 301 redirect all the old pages to their new counterparts but I would like to know how long it will take for the 301 redirects to take full effect in the search rankings. I ask because my site is an e-commerce site that receives 90% of it's business in January and the transition would take place December 15th.  If my search rankings are not back up to par by January 1st then I will take a drastic hit to revenue. Please help this SEO noob out!

    | Stew222

  • Need some good examples of semantic search friendly content. I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject, but have seen no real good examples of 'this is one way to structure it'. Lots of reading on the topic from an overall satellite perspective, but no clear cut examples I could find of "this is the way the pieces should be put together in a piece of content and this is the most affective ways to accomplish it". **What I know: ** -It needs to answer a question that precludes the 'keyword being used' -It needs to or should be connected to authorship for someone in that topic industry -It should incorporate various social media sources as reference to the topic -It should link out to authoritative resources on the topic -It should use some structured data markup Here is a great resource on the important semantic search pieces: ,but I want to move past the research into creating the content that will make the connections needed to get the content to rank. I know Storify is an excellent medium to accomplish this off page, but only gives no follow attribution to the topic creator and links their in. I am not a coder, but a marketer and creating the backend markup will really take me out of my wheel house. I don't want to spend all of my time flailing with code when I should be creating compelling semantic content. Any helpful examples or resources welcome. Thanks in advance.

    | photoseo1

  • In the last 3 years there happened a lot in online publishing. New magazines like lifehack, upworthy, viral nova revolutionized the publishing business. Not only got these website within up to 2 years 5 Million unique+ visitors, they also changed the art of writing in the internet. Viralnova and Upworth through headlines, lifehack through media. Even the monetization changed and Upworthy realized a new trend, that simple ad-showing business will die and ads have to be more sutil (sponsored posts). Even old media like the huffingtonpost started spamming and recurating content, instead of focusing on old-school journalism. Unfortunately there are many sad parts: If I research a topic I only find main stream articles that don't go into deepth anymore. The physics nerd that publishes amazing and analytical content got replaced by the newest gawker article. And sites with (from my point of view) trash content like and are still big in business. I saw them dying already 2 years ago but it never happened. The content of this huge websites is basically the same. And their backlinks come mainly from PR and an existing brand. Nobody would like out to an article if it wouldn't be . Newcomers have a tough job: SEO for 2014+ seems to me consisting out of getting covered in one of these big magazines. Do you agree? Will this trend continue? What adjustments did you make for your own business? I started to adapt headlines slightly and hired a designer who just creates illustrations related our articles. I also noticed that you cannot build sites about small niche topics anymore, everything has to go big. More categories, more mainstream. What are your thoughts?

    | ScipioX

  • For keyword search volume and competition to replace Keyword Research Tool (that's a unique situation, eh?), is Wordtracker a sound choice? The more I research, the less I feel I know! I'm finished with my 7-day trial and am on the verge of committing to an annual contract. Is their data pool sufficient? Are there better, comparable tools out there? I only need volume and competition. I would combine this tool with AdWords and Moz. Thanks!

    | SSFCU

  • For your blog post titles, is it "better" to use numbers or write them out? For example, 3 Things I love About People Answering My Constant Questions or Three Things I Love About People Answering My Constant Questions? I could see this being like the attorney/lawyer, ecommerce/e-commerce and therefore not a big deal. But, I also thought you should avoid using #'s in your url's. Any thoughts, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We want to use a 301 redirect rule to redirect all pages to a lower case url format. A 301 passes along most of the link juice... most. Will we even see a negative impact in PageRank/SERPS when we redirect every single page on our site?

    | tcanders

  • We have been cleaning up our back office and preparing our .com domain to take all our future traffic and have got into a debate about how far to clean up the old past links. We have not ever had a penalty on the site as far as we know, but did once get the site taken offline by Google as they thought it was a malware site back in March this year.  They put it straight back up and running in 5 hours, but was very strange as it is an amazon-webstore retail site. We are not sure why Google thought (edit: typo) this, so just in-case we have been combing through the historical links and now started to disavow any links we cannot get removed manually.  So far just a couple of sites that have no relevance to our retail business. However, the debate we have been having is around Directory listings: Should we get rid of these too?  Gut reaction is Yes, based on the need for quality relevant links for the end user, but then some are passing proper links to relevant sections of our site albeit in a directory format.  Dmoz comes to mind Any thoughts? Bruce.

    | BruceA

  • Hello, Mozzers!  Sorry if I've missed a thread on this, but I didn't find anything after searching for a while... I've used Wistia for years - LOVE the service and the company!  Had great luck getting Rich Snippets, ranked well...  until the recent Google change.  Now all of my Wistia thumbnails have disappeared (though my rankings have stayed strong, thank goodness!)  M question is, does it make sense to now embed YouTube videos on our site, and to create a video sitemap with those pages, with the hope that Google will rank the page better than it otherwise would have, knowing that there is valuable (video) content on the page?  This is new videos, I'm not thinking of replacing my Wistia videos at this time. I'll probably need to clarify as I see your responses, since this is a tricky set of interrelated decisions.  Thanks for any thoughts that anyone may have!  🙂 ~ Scott

    | measurableROI

  • Hey all, I know that everyone is going on about https as a ranking signal (as far as I read it is not a very important ranking signal, but a low ranking signal) but Site speed is a ranking signal https is now a ranking signal as well https makes sites slower So in view of the above, what's better? An https site that is slower A non https site that is faster Thanks!

    | bjs2010

  • Hey...this is my first post on Moz so please go easy on me! I've recently been baffled by the ranking behavior of a domain I do SEO for. In short, the primary domain was "". After several months of SEO efforts and a really solid PR run the site managed to run up to #1 for several target keywords. For the purposes of this question I'd like to focus on the term "spicy mayo". "" was steadily climbing for as far back as page 5 until it ultimately reached #1 rank on Google for "spicy mayo". We also had another domain "" which was originally 301 redirecting to "". About 3 months ago (shortly after acquiring the top ranking) the client wanted to reverse the domains so we started using "" as the primary and redirecting "" to that. In summary:
    ORIGINALLY: 301 redirect ->
    NOW: 301 redirect -> At the time of the swap I did the following: Redirected the domain using a 301 via htaccess (made sure "www" requests are forwarded too) Created a new Google analytics account / webmaster account for "" Went into my old webmaster tools account and used the change of address tool In the new webmaster tools account i submitted a sitemap and requested a crawl of the new domain Ensured the new primary domain was properly configured and all pages had the correct urls in the source code Verified that Google has updated their index and "" now shows in the results. Now of course musashispicymayo has the keyword in the domain but I find it hard to believe that that is what caused such a dramatic and swift drop in rankings. In fact a good portion of the backlinks actually point to ""...Did I miss something else here? Does Google penalize you for reversing 301 redirects like that instead of just using a new domain altogether? Let me know if I can provide any additional info that would help clarify...any advice is greatly appreciated!

    | Andy-Twizen

  • Our site has lost over 20 first page rankings since the end of May. I assume this is because of Panda 4.0. All content on the site is high quality and 100% unique, so we did not expect to get penalised. Although I read somewhere that if Google can't read particular js anymore they don't rank you as high. The site has not been blacklisted as all pages are showing in Google's index and there are no messages on webmaster tools. We have not taken part in any link schemes and have disavowed all low quality links that were pointing there just in case (after the penalty). Can anybody see anything on that may have cause Panda update to affect it so negatively? Would really appreciate any help.

    | search_shop

  • Hi is it pretty standard for Google to index content that you have not specifically asked them to index i.e. provided them notification of a page's existence. I have just been alerted by 'Mention' about some new content that they have discovered, the page is on our site yes and may be I should have set it to NO INDEX but the page only went up a couple of days ago and I was making it live so that someone could look at it and see how the page was going to look in its final iteration.  Normally we go through the usual process of notifying Google via GWMT, adding it to our site map.xml file, publishing it via our G+ stream and so on. Reviewing our Analytics it looks like there has been no traffic to this page yet and I know for a fact there are no links to this page. I am surprised at the speed of the indexation, is it a example of brand mention? Where an actual link is now no longer required? Cheers David

    | David-E-Carey

  • When the keyword "acls recertification" (an important keyword for our client) is typed into the Google search box, the word "recertification" is underlined in red.  Note that you only need to type "acls rec" to make the red underline appear.BUT, Google does not underline the word "recertification" when it is typed into the search box alone, nor does Google underline the word "recertification" when the following keywords are searched: cpr recertification bls recertification pals recertification ^These are all closely related to the keyword "acls recertification," so this spell check behavior is very inconsistent.Why does this matter?  Because no matter how close you come to typing "acls recertification," Google's autocomplete suggestions never include "acls recertification" (because of the perceived misspelling?).BUT, Google does suggest "acls recertification online" in the dropdown menu.  If you select the "acls recertification online" suggestion then backspace until the word "online" is gone, the red underline disappears, and "acls recertification" becomes an autocomplete suggestion.  VERY strange behavior...I have replicated this issue on various depersonalized browsers and devices, so I am confident that this is not related to my personal settings.This keyword contributes to a large portion of our client's business (they specialize in acls certification and recertification), so you can imagine how concerning this is for us.  Note that until very recently (3-4 months ago), this keyword did NOT have any spell-check issues. This keyword averages 2400 searches per month according to AdWords which should be enough volume to allow Google to recognize the correct spellingI posted this issue in the Google product forums, where I was advised to submit feedback directly on the search results page via Google's "feedback" link.  I have submitted this feedback to Google, but I thought I would bring this to the MOZ community as well to see if anyone has experienced a similar issue, or has any ideas as to what could be causing this issue.

    | RyanKent

  • I've recently started work on a new clients website and done some preliminary work with on-page optimisation, and there is still plenty of work to be done and issues to resolve. They are ranking ok on Bing, but they are not getting any ranking on Google at all (except paid) - I tried the search and comes up with no results... so this confirms that something is going on with the google search rank! Can anyone shed light on what can cause this or why this would happen? My next step is to look at their webmaster tools (haven't had access yet), but if anyone has any tips to resolve this or where to look, that would be great! Thanks!

    | ElevateCreativeAU

  • What is more advisable, though there surely could be debate on this? Back in '07 till sometime around a year ago it seems our site got hit by google's updates, no manual action though, and have seen in past few months disavowed what we could find as well as deleted a lot of links.  We are also working on getting word out on the brand as well and trying to get on some business websites to have articles and offer some discounts. Our keyword rankings seem stuck in limbo the past year or so though. Some main keywords for example seem stuck around page 8 when they used to be on page 1. Question is, can what seems to be a penguin update be recovered from?   Is Google likely to refresh the algorithm?    Also could starting a new site be more worth the investment - starting fresh with natural links, etc And if googles system could pick up that the site is run from same ip, etc.  would they care? Also the keyword competition one of Moz's tools said around 46% if that makes a difference for one of the main keywords. Thanks

    | xelaetaks

  • Hello - I'm contemplating buying a directory listing on the software promotion website . It's a site that gets quite a bit of traffic for people searching for software products and  I was interested in promoting my software product there, but I don't want to ruin our very good standing with Google at this time if Google deems Capterra as selling paid links. I'm not interested in this for links but instead as a good source of referral traffic for my software site. If anyone has used Capterra or has advice on whether Capterra might injure my SERP rankings, I would appreciate it. Thanks, Jeff

    | DenverDude007

  • I have already pinged my backlinks, While pinging individual urls but all the same backlinks are not indexed. How to index my backlinks?

    | surabhi6

  • Has anyone heard when a Penguin algo refresh might be happening?  I used LinkRisk and identified about 1,000 toxic links (not put up by me) and disavowed them.  Then my rankings tanked a bit.  (yes, I know they must have been helping me.)  But I think we are probably under a Penguin algo penalty since 2012.  Earned some good links, and disavowed some bad links.  So I'm hopeful that a Penguin algo update will give us a traffic boost.

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • I mean when google dance, the pages in results go up and down frequency every minue, but finally your page will rank in any position in google, what is the time when you get another position in google

    | engtamous

  • Hi Community, The company I work for wants to create a blog as a subfolder from (we are working on it's structure yet). Our main site its build on wordpress and so our blog (with a differente design). What would be the best way to distinguish a post from a category if they are in the same level of the url, example (  and Or should a post always be under a category? Im asking this because the way we have it, we need to place a .html at the end of the title to make it clear that the title is NOT a category or tag.

    | revimedia

  • Not sure why this is happening but when you this command into Google site:"mywebsite": + "key phrase" It brings up pages from my website which have the key phrase but I have noticed that Google is using the wrong meta description for all of them even though these pages all have their own unique meta description Does anyone know why this would be happening? Thanks

    | webguru2014

  • So there's a blog I recently took over - that over the past 2 years has great content. However, with their 800+ published posts. I'd say that 250-300 posts are light in content, that's nothing more than a small paragraph with no real specificity on what its about - more like general updates. Now what would best practice be; optimizing all of the posts or deleting the posts and 301'ing the URL to another post/the root?

    | simplycary

  • Hello everyone. I did some research as to why my website has decreased in the Google search rankings recently. After reading this Yoast article I believe it's because the robot.txt files I have set up on my wordpress website. The following is a screen shot of the results of a fetch & render query of my webpage.Googlebot couldn't get all resources for this page. Here's a list: URL Type Reason,600,700,800%7CPT+Sans:400,400italic,700,700italic%7COswald:400,300,700&subset=latin,latin-ext Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Style Sheet Denied by robots.txt Script Denied by robots.txt My current robot.txt settings are as follows; User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Disallow: /wp-includes/ Disallow: */xmlrpc.php Disallow: */wp-*.php Disallow: */trackback/ Disallow: *?wptheme= Disallow: *?comments= Disallow: *?replytocom Disallow: */comment-page- Disallow: *?s= Disallow: */wp-content/ Allow: */wp-content/uploads/ ```What to I need to allow/disallow to allow Google spiders to properly read my website?

    | gamesotd

  • Hello, I just recently implemented adjusted bounce rate onto one of the websites that I track via google analytics. ( Since doing so, obviously my bounce rate has gone down significantly, nearly half of what it use to be, but I've also noticed an increase in the average time per visitor. In fact, the increase of average time per visitor began the same day I adjusted the bounce rate. Has this happened to anyone else? Can someone please explain why/how this may occur?


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