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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi One and All! We're launching a new site which provides listings for businesses, and being that it's very early in the process and we're building up our presence we're offering our services for free for now. In return though we would like to request that our clients exchange the free service we're providing for things which will help our SEO to develop faster. I've thought of things like following/liking social accounts, maybe even backlinking to us in a blog post if they have a blog, but does anyone have any other ideas about what other beneficial things they can do for us, and which things are most beneficial? Thanks for Advice!

    | joelmd

  • Hi, Just wondering if anybody has found a work around for importing import email contacts into facebook? The invite email contacts button is not long visible, and I read on a forum that it now only appears for the arts and entertainment industry (not applicable to me). Thanks for reading!

    | E2E

  • Hi All, Was looking at our Facebook company page last night and was going through our recent posts and noticed that the individuals that liked our posts had an "Invite" button next to their name. I've been testing this and is it true that I can only send an Invite to like my company page if I'm actually friends with the user? The "Invite" button is there for every individual that has liked a post on our page, but I've only had success sending the invite to people I'm connected with. The frustrating thing about this is that the button changes to "Invited" regardless of whether or not they have actually received the invite.

    | Brando16

  • Hi I know how old hat guest blogs are - but is all lost for high quality articles being placed on relevant sites? I am trying to decide where to put my offsite SEO efforts - we have no outreach strategy at present. Do I ignore articles altogether & focus on SEO/Social campaigns? Or try and do both? It's only me internally, we are looking to outsource some of the work but not all. Help! Thanks!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi, Twitter says: Top Tweet: Tweet that received the highest number of impressions Top media Tweet: Tweet with photo, video, or Vine that received the highest number of impressions It's impressions that count and the only difference is whether or not media is attached. If my top tweet for a month has the most impressions but no media it is the top tweet. Another tweet that has media is then the top media tweet. That makes sense and I've seen it in my Twitter analytics. I'm confused when my top tweet is one with media but it is somehow not also showing as the top media tweet. Surely it should be? how can another tweet with media and a lower impressions count be the top media tweet when the top tweet is one with media and a higher impressions count. Thanks

    | Houses

  • hi, If i get paid traffic from social media on my website blog. Will overall ranking of my website increase in search engine or not. Share your experience.

    | Khan50

  • Hi, Has anyone experienced issues unlocking Twitter accounts that has a mobile phone connected with it that is no longer valid? I have situation where an account is locked and in order to unlock this a code must be sent to the mobile number that was originally used to set this account up but the number in question is now obsolete and not in use. I've made numerous attempts to contact Twitter's customer service but they are almost non-existent and not unresponsive. Does anyone have any suggestions how I can resolve this or know a direct contact email or number for Twitter? Kind Regards

    | Carl287

  • Hello, My SEO audit on my site shows we have 858 external links with missing anchor, report shows Target URL and Source URL. How I can fix external links with missing anchor? None of them looks like spam, my target URL is all from our Social Media. Twitter, Google Plus, Linkedin, Pinterest, Facebook ... Here is the link to the the excel spread shit report and you can see it yourself. We use ''Hootsuite'' to  shrink the URL and post in to our social media, is that maybe we having this problem now? Thank you,

    | Kiakh1987

  • What do you do when Facebook won't spend your ad budget, no matter what you do or how high you bid? We've tested a large audience (2.2 million reach) under a single ad set versus many smaller ad sets with tighter targeting (50-150k reach). We've tested auto bidding versus manual bidding with bids as high as 1000% higher than Facebook's recommended bid. We've tested many versions of creative with and without text overlay and our relevance scores are high. Nothing seems to work. Our Facebook rep and Facebook technical support keep recommending to stay with one ad set and one ad, but that's not spending either. Most days we are getting less than 20% budget utilization. Has anyone experienced this situation before? Does anyone have any recommendations?

    | Liggins

  • Hi I am about to set up a Facebook company page under our current brand name Key - however in March we'll be re-branding to Manutan UK. I didn't want to wait until March to start using Facebook (we're so behind!) but when we re-brand what are the best steps to take. Here are my options - I'd love some help! 1. Set up a Key company to actively use now & a separate Manutan page just to secure the page - only using Key until March then merge the business pages (I did read however Facebook won't allow it if the names are different?) 2. Set up a Key page now & in March request a name change of the page & vanity URL We obviously don't want to lose any likes/followers we've gained between now & March Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? Thank you

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello, I'm looking to coach local business owners on how to run an Ecommerce business. Charging $400/hour Will entail everything someone needs to know to be good at Ecommerce I need to be better at Facebook to do this. What do you suggest to get better at Ecommerce Facebook on a strict budget? Thanks, Bob

    | BobGW

  • Hi Does anyone have experience of re-branding LinkedIN or Facebook? Can you keep the company page/followers and just change your name or do you have to start again? Thank you!

    | BeckyKey

  • Hello Mozers We have just discovered a rogue social media account for our company which was set up back in 2015. It has our company name with 'ltd' tacked onto the end to make a unique handle. Unfortunately as we don't know who set it up, we don't have any of the usernames and passwords necessary to go into it to potentially remove it. Does any one have any suggestions? Thanks Catherine

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • We are running a social media campaign for a point of sales system for restaurants and retail stores. We have had quite a bit of traffic to our website from Adwords and SEO. We have thought of the idea of creating a new look-alike audience based off the people who have come to our website already. However, we only really want to only build a Facebook audience consisting of business owners, managers or decision makers of restaurants and retail stores that would be interested in a point of sales system at some point. We know that most of the people who have come to our website (from SEO and Adwords) have been interested, in some degree, in our point of sales system. My reservation though is that if we create a look-alike audience, Facebook will not be able to replicate the type of audience that really fits this profile - that it will create an audience possibly of similar personalties, interests etc to that of those that have visited our site, but not one that consists predominately or entirely of owners, managers or decision makers of restaurants and retail stores. This is the necessary characteristic we are wanting for our audience members. Is it fair to assume that in this situation Facebook won't be effective in its creation of a look-alike audience to fulfil what we are really needing as stated? Or am I underestimating Facebook's abilities? You thoughts here would be greatly appreciated.

    | Gavo

  • We have a client that has over 150 locations. They are using a software to post to all of their accounts at once with an API for different platforms. We are wondering if there is anyway to do this to post to their Google My Business Page.

    | Brie.E.Anderson

  • Hello, our client wants to place an iPad in their foyer where they invite customers to review via Google / Facebook.  My concern is that having too many reviews from the same IP (and esp the business' IP) will look suspicious to Google (be it now, or in the future when the algorithm changes). Do you think Google collect the IP's of reviews? Any thoughts?

    | E2E

  • I am intrigued by Facebook IA and am thinking that putting some of my company articles on it would be beneficial for marketing. Question is, will it hurt SEO if I take an article that is on  my website and also submit it to Facebook IA? Will it register as duplicate content in Google? Could it have other benefits/risks?

    | MJTrevens

  • I have a bunch of pages that I want to remove from one of our ecommerce sites I understand that it's recommended to check the backlinks of each of these pages to determine if they have any incoming links before removing them, to see if I should even bother doing a 301 or not. (We have a good 404 page) What about checking if the pages have any social media interaction? After removing these pages is it recommended to update and resubmit our sitemap.xml file to Google Webmaster Tools? I feel like once Google Webmaster tools finds the 404s and we have resubmited a sitemap, we can mark all the issues at hand as fixed. Thought? Are we on the right track?

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • Hi there, I'm currently looking to set up a Facebook Group for an Education Recruitment Business I am working with. We're setting up the Facebook group to foster a sense of community and collaboration with our current teachers. I'm currently in the process of drawing up a list of rules and regulations for our first group. The obvious ones are there such as no profanity, no spamming (can't stand spam - especially those fake Ray Ban ads!) but there I would really love some other group rule suggestions especially when it comes to users promoting our competition as education recruitment is a very competitive sector. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, James Miller - Digital Marketing Executive

    | James-Miller

  • Hi, everybody. I started to do animated infographic marketing.  Some of the sites I used to submit the regular infographics do not do videos. Does anyone have a list of free and paid animated infographic submission sites?

    | Videogamefan

  • Hi Does anyone have any good articles or case studies on how SEO/Social compliment each other? I know the benefits, I just need something tangible to show management, which justifies me spending more time on it. I currently do a lot of onsite SEO, but I know we're missing the content marketing/social media aspect and it's something I want to push. Any help would be great 🙂 Becky

    | BeckyKey

  • Hi guys first of all i am really thankful for such an opportunity to test such a wonderful app and i didnt know there is a Q&A community here 🙂 i was actually searching on google about google plus and end up here but the thread i bumped into is a bit outdated anyway a little background on what i am doing. Our company have a 15 local branches, its a service that we provide on our local clients. I am totally new to SEO like 6 months and i am really learning a lot and i am now learning on how to build my own backlinks and my 1st struggle is on google+ actually i am dismayed that its too confusing (at first) but somehow i manage to understand but still unsure please correct me. So google+ has 2 type 1 is for personal and 1 is for brand am i correct? So since we have 15 local branches what i did is create a personal page and make it as our business page and then claimed all the 15 branches on google maps and all is verified now. You think im correct on creating a personal page and make it as our main business page? I asked because i want to create brands page on each branch or do I even need brand pages for my branches? Was thinking of this custom URLS for our main page (which is our personal page) +OurBusiness for the branch brand page +OurBusinessCity you think it would be cool? 🙂 then on about sections (brand page) where i can add links on tag line description i will put the dedicate branch page of our website, then on that website page i will also put our google plus brand page +OurBusinessCity so its a 2 way link. Please bare with me as i am fairly new to this and i am not really sure if my ideas are stupid so please dont laugh 🙂 By the way my another question is about the ABOUT ME section of google+ personal page, when i add link on the description its a nofollow, i know cause i have this extension on my browser that detects do/nofollow links but on the link section its a dofollow. On the other hand google+ brand page has no links section so if you have a link and want to include it on your google+ brand page easy way to do it is put it on description and i just found out its a do follow HOWEVER it seems like the links on both pages (personal, brand) are not seen by search engines i tried it on several google search simulator and also checked the source code of the pages and i cant seem to find the links so my question is, is google really that useful when it comes to backlink building? Another question is that when i build brand pages i have to use our brand name and so all the branches have the same brand names includes our personal page so all of those 16 pages have the same name, will it be ok? Another question is that is there anyway that i can edit its meta description? 🙂 please i am really new to google so bare with me. Thank you so much in advance and hope to hear from the gurus 😉

    | Bamservices

  • A client of mine is being held hostage by their facebook managers and refusing to give access to their ads - any way to get facebook support on this?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • I'm just wanting to find out more if I can set a CPA strategy for Facebook advertising and re-targeting. An acquisition for us would be when someone reaches our thank you page. This indicates a successful conversion on our site. Are we able to set a Facebook strategy where payment is only made for advertising upon reaching that page (and achieving that conversion)?

    | Gavo

  • Does anyone know of a Wordpress plugin that allows you to create different tags for Open Graph (and potentially even Twitter) than standard Title and Meta Description Tags? As far as I can tell, most plugins just force OG and Twitter to use whatever the standard Title Tag and Description Tag are. But we'd like separate fields for each.  Standard Page Titles need a bit of extra keyword love, whereas social media titles we'd like a bit more freedom to focus on branding and creativity / CTR. Tips/feedback appreciated, thank you!

    | mirabile

  • Hi there, I want to get the Facebook page of a fashion blogger verified. This blogger has around 28,510 likes on her facebook book at the moment, can this Facebook page be verified? The blogger has been trying to get the FB page verification done for a long time without any luck. Now the blogger wants me to verify her Facebook page. How do I go about the process? It will be great if you can share a step by step process. And how long will it take to get the page verified? Also, I need to get this done soon, so a quick response will be appreciated. If you want any other info please let me know. Regards

    | DebashishB

  • Question. I've noticed in the past and more recently that if you search a business (example: Adidas) in Google, you'll see their activity on Twitter being displayed organically. How can you get your business to show? I also did some research and found that some business that have their tweets displaying are not Twitter verified. I though that may have something to do with it...I guess it doesn't. Does anyone know what "triggers" a business to have their tweets show up organically. When you search Adidas, you'll see their business info, then the twitter carousel (displays 3 tweets and a arrow to view more). Thanks for your help. 102GB

    | Kdruckenbrod

  • I am trying to find the best way to get information from submissions that come from Facebook Lead Ads to be sent straight to email. I believe the way to do this is to configure a CRM. Does anyone know though of a free CRM to use that will enable this to be setup?

    | Gavo

  • In the past, we assigned roles and managed business Facebook pages by sharing admin access with an individual account. However, we encountered an issue with this, as when it came to advertising, billing was processed under that individual account and not the account of the actual business Facebook page. To resolve this, I have begun setting up a Business Facebook Manager account. However, need some guidance. I have claimed access to a business Facebook page and assigned a person to manage this page. By doing this, I can now see that the assigned person has the ability to make posts on that page and to create and manage Ads. Two things I need clarification on however: When advertising is conducted, is it billed to the credit card details for the Business Page? (And not the billing details of the individual it was assigned to) It seems that the assigned person cannot boost a post? Am I missing something here? Thanks for your help!

    | Gavo

  • Now that Moz has retired the social element, I'm at a loss as to what to use instead. What have you all switched to? We use Hootsuite to schedule Twitter and LinkedIn posts for our clients, and Facebook native mode for scheduling there. At the end of each month I produce an SEO report for each client and up to now, that's always included the social report from Moz. I want to be able to report on the following for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. what traffic has come to the client's website from each social channel growth in followers/fans engagement for the month eg how many retweets, likes, shares etc best performing posts on each channel I've looked at Sprout, but it seems to me that in order for Sprout to give you all the reporting info you need, you have to use it to manage all your social media channels, and as mentioned above, we already use Hootsuite for this. I don't want to switch completely. Twitter Analytics gives me the info I want for Twitter, but doesn't output this to a pdf style graphical report. I just want a nice summary to give my clients every month. Any ideas as to the best way to report on all this while still using Hootsuite to do the scheduling? My feeling is that I just want a flexible, easy to use and comprehensive reporting tool that covers all social channels, and not a social media management tool.

    | mfrgolfgti

  • Hello, First of all I know that all the links which come from Pinterest are no follow. However about 4 years ago we made a campaign to pinterest for one of the websites we are managing. Although the thing was going well we had to stop it for various reasons. Right now, 4 years later, this thing has grown big without any move for us! All these years our pins, which were great in many aspects, were continuously reppined. This has lead to the point where the Google Search Console is reporting that about 500.000 links are linking to our website from Pinterest. We know how this has helped us or not concerning the actual refferring traffic from Pinterest but our main question, and this where we want the Moz's community help, is how is this helping from a SEO aspect. Thank you!

    | Tz_Seo

  • Hello, We run Facebook ads for 30+ companies each month. We have not found a way to quickly monitor relevance scores from all our clients in one reporting format. Right now, we're still going into the ad account for each client, then into each ad to check the relevance scores, either in Ads Manager or Power Editor. Is there a way we can pull up relevance scores from all ads across clients in one fell swoop using Business Manager reporting features?

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Dear Moz community, Not later than 7 days ago I did impelement twitter markup to a website including : as well as twitter markup to all blog/article posts The question: I mentioned Moz (when you search for this brand name in Google) it shows a recent tweets carousel, how long it takes for it appear on our website and should I do any additional fixes for it to appear ? BWctKyu

    | admiral99

  • I am confused between choosing Facebook share and Facebook like options on my website. Like is a one step process but it won't be visible in friend's feed whereas share is 2 step process but is visible in your friend's feed and it reaches more people. Did anyone experiment with these two options and found which works better?

    | Avinash_1234

  • Hello, I keep on hearing that social media signals have a role in the way Google ranks pages and sites, but for now, I haven't seen any hard evidence of that. Like any other company, we have pages on facebook, linkedin, google plus and twitter, to which we post daily. No, there are no clients coming in from social media, so I was wondering if it's worth investing time in adding every day updates, unless those count in ranking on Google. What do you think, is there a link between social media and Google rankings, and how much does this weight in ranking my sites? Thank you

    | anitawapa

  • What is a good benchmark social share rate? Does a benchmark exist? For instance, on a Zillow home profile, what % of people share that home listing on social media? Or on a NY Times article, what % of people share that article on social media? Thanks.

    | NicheSocial

  • We have been using Facebook for some time for our business and are looking to schedule our posts. We want to schedule posts when they would have maximal reach to our audience. How do we find this out? Can it be identified using Facebook Insights? Instructions or guidance here as to how to do this would be most appreciated!

    | Gavo

  • I have read mixed reviews about the relationship between these two in the past. Are there any ways Social Media can improve SEO?

    | sophiecrosby97

  • An Australian start up we act for has Vote Trump appearing in Google Analytics. Is that happening for anyone else. It is very strange. 43rvF

    | ClaytonJ

  • Hello, I am adding a Facebook Like to Download button for each piece of free content on my website and wondering if a feature like that would be bad for the page SEO.

    | ollie345

  • Hello, I have currently have a Free listing but Im considering paying the monthly fee. Does it really generate leads? Does it help for link building and SEO?
    If it does, is it wise to link back to the profile page or the home page? Thanks

    | ogdcorp

  • Hi everyone, I am doing an external link audit for a site that contains a large number of public business profiles in it. As a part of each profile, there can be a website listed for the business, as well as a FB page and twitter etc.  Pretty standard. There are thousands of business profiles on the site and I noticed that in a small group of links to FB profiles there seem to be typos.  These are not the actual businesses that I found, but I have taken common public profiles and modified to show what I am seeing to give examples. Notice the double slash.  You can put as many slashes as you want and it makes no difference, e.g. FB shows a 200 for all of pages when it should show a 404.  There is no 301 to the correct URL. Facebook also does not canonical these other pages to the one slash URL. You could call this a potential duplicate content issue due to typos. These types of pages would be important for brand related searches for a business. Google may be smart enough to ignore them, or maybe the typo does not happen often enough that it does not really matter. I am just surprised that FB does not 404 or 301 these pages. When I checked my personal FB page URL and some of my friends, this does not happen. FB shows a 404 if you add extra slashes to personal pages. So, the duplicate issue seems to only be with business type FB pages. Curious about what the group thinks or if they have seen similar situations like this one. Thanks!

    | CleverPhD

  • Hello Mozers I have four individual 'Benefits' videos on our companies Youtube channel.  Three describe individual benefits and one is a composite of all three.  All the videos have an audio script to accompany the visuals. I have been asked to optimise these videos and so far I have added: Title, Description and tags within the 'Info & Setting' section for each video. However I am sure that I should be adding more information to optimise these videos more completely.  I have the audio transcript in written form and have a hunch I should be adding the relevant audio transcript to each video. Currently in the section 'Add new subtitles on CC' I have 'Published' 'English (Automatic), which is an approximation of the actual script. Could anyone point me to a resource which clearly shows how to accurately add subtitles to a video.  Is it just a case of cutting and pasting and manually timing, or is there a slicker way of adding the text? Thanks Catherine

    | Catherine_Selectaglaze

  • Where can I help get my business marketing bounce rate from 95% Down?

    | SEOgrandmaster

  • Hi Moz community! Coming to you today to ask a two fold question about a mysterious source/medium combination and also social medium data in general. First question relates to the attached image named 'Facebook Referral.' We've made sure to apply correct tags to all of our campaigns, both organic and paid, and are having a difficult time figuring out where this source/medium comes from which is a bit troubling as it actually has pulled in some revenue over the past couple of months The second question is around general Facebook data. Our Facebook business manager is vastly over reporting clicks to landing pages. For instance, we saw about 1,700 clicks to site as reported by Facebook business manager, whereas Google Analytics only registered about 950. I know data between the two channels rarely lines up perfectly, but this seems like a rather wide variance. Can someone help me to understand this, and let me know if there is anyway to reduce the occurrence of one or both of the issues we're facing. Thanks! referral.PNG

    | amichaels

  • Hello All, I have one question that I have a domestic website of Indian domain "". And In google webmaster tool it is showing on 20.4 position. But when we are selecting the search tool and in that i am selecting the India. Then only then I can see on 2nd page. And without selecting it is not showing in 100th position. So, how does google webmaster count this position? Please also what activities should more I do to get my domain Up?? Please let me know that.. I am waiting for it..

    | CommercePundit

  • Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask a question on Twitter. Something has perplexed me, both these tweets contain videos and both have been RT on my account On one you have to click into the BBC tweet to play the video, the other straight away plays and credits the original source. (see pics). When the video plays in the 2nd example you always get more interaction, RT's, likes etc compared to a RT where you have to click again. How does this happen? I've managed to do it once but cannot replicate it, even with the same tweet!! I'm sure it's something totally obvious. Here's how they look (images)

    | RichardUK

  • Hi My company has a Google+ page with about 3000 followers and very little engagement. We are considering deleting this page as it is not worth the effort of us creating content and posting on here for the little engagement we get. Do you think this would impact our SEO in any way? Thanks Emily

    | emilyed3

  • Hey all, So I checked out "The What, Why, and How of Pruning Your Website for SEO" and recently read ahrefs well known article on seo strategy and both really focused on the idea of removing poorly performing pages on your site for an SEO boost. I've asked this question in a few different ways before but I was hoping to get some more insight into this. If my company's blog has thousands of posts going back 5 years, 99% of which only really had pageviews on the day of their release and then after that receive no traffic, direct or organic, am I better off getting rid of (301) 99% of these posts and only sticking to/improving important/performant posts? Does anyone know how other blogs/sites deal with these sorts of issues. Where one function of the blog is to provide informative articles and the other function to post little tidbits (with barely any copy and rapid relevancy decay rate) meant to promote interaction with the blog community (like polls or one line contest winner announcements). Is this an issue of misusing the blog? For example, should the blog just be used for articles and all contests etc. be moved to social media? Thanks in advance for your insights, Roman

    | Dynata_panel_marketing

  • Hi, I'm a bit confused about the actual purpose of the social settings in Admin > Property > Social Settings. I've read some blogs saying it just helps analyse traffic that has arrived from your social media pages. Then I've found other sources saying you should add your own domain in there so you can track likes and shares sent from your website to social media platforms. What do I actually need to put in there and how does it help my data? Thanks!

    | Sally94

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