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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • We have a summer intern we need to give a handbook/guide on social media strategies, best practices, etc. Any recommendations? It can be free or paid, as long as it is accurate and up-to-date!

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi guys I have been building custom facebook pages using fbml but now i see talk of using iframes....can you guys please tell me what is best practice at the moment to build custom facebook pages and if there is a tut you can direct me to......i would prefer the iframe method but want to be clear on the process. thanks for your time cheers

    | nomad-202323

  • I help a site that helps spread word by getting links on peoples social media pages.  These links are truncated ie  for the purposes of tracking clicks, referrals and so forth.  I have heard that when a link is in a redirect form like that it loses close to all, if not completely all of its link value.  The links themselves are technically 301's.  Do these still maintain value? For example, the links on this person's twitter.!/Melewis18 Is there any way to make links of this type maintain SEO value?  Is there a workaround to truncating for tracking purposes?

    | MarloSchneider

  • It's quite easy to buy Facebook likes & fans these days. You can get 200 for five bucks at fiverr. I am sure that most of the likes are from fake accounts. But do you think it will have any affect anyway? And is this black hat SEO or is it just collateral from trying to boost the # likes / fans?

    | Chrisper

  • I was reading some seomoz posts last week and for a long time ago they are making some experiences with social medias. I agree that facebook share is more powerful than retweets but also is harder to get it. I would like to know if you have any GOOD experiences with Twitter or Facebook in your SEO campaigns. I got one: I got 20 retweets per day since last week, now my keyword is ranking at 2º positon. What about you? Thanks

    | Ex2

  • all, would you consider social bookmarking to be part of an SEO package or a Social Media Package? thanks

    | imageworks-261290

  • Doing a piece on the royal wedding, what PR service should I use?

    | rmteamseo

  • Hello All, I am looking for some opinions regarding social media plans. We are looking to provide plans as follows: plan a Facebook/Twitter setup 1 hour training Google Local set up Slideshare 4 facebook posts/mo 4 tweets/mo (original, not syndicated) content brief 2 downloadable objects (slideshows, pdfs, brochures ect) and submitted to slideshare 2 press releases and submitted to pr outlets Plan b Acct set up 1 groupon or living social deal squidoo scribd. flickr setup 2 hour training on tools 8 facebook posts/mo 8 tweets/mo google local 3 press releases 2 downloadable pieces submission to slideshare (with lead generation) content brief Plan C Acct set up 1 groupon or living social deal squidoo hubpages scribd. flickr setup 2 hour training on tools 12 facebook posts/mo 12 tweets/mo google local yahoo local 4 press releases 2 downloadable pieces submission to slideshare (with lead generation) content brief Plan D Choose your own adventure this will be where a client can choose up to 4 of the aforementioned services with a 2 hour training session and the price will be custom. I really appreciate your assistance and look forward to your wise responses!!

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hello, In our SEO package that we use to sell our product to clients we list Social Bookmarking as one of the services we provide. What is the appropriate amount of social bookmarks that we should obtain monthly?  How heavily do these weigh in your opinion? Thank you for your time

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hello, How much weight do links from social media carry for seo? We are trying to develop a social media package for a client and we are unclear as to how much time to dedicate to SM every month and we would like some opinions. Thanks!

    | imageworks-261290

  • Hi guys, I've done something rather stupid... allowed Google to index two variations of a single viral piece therefore fragmenting the way it's being distributed and diluting its effect. Here are the URLs: (68 Tweets, 254,000 stumbles) (24 Tweets, 155,000 stumbles) If I 301, what happens to counters? What can I do? PS: I cannot update my post on Youmoz now that it's published but I cannot stress the importance of a single solid location of something you want to act as a linkbait.

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hello mozzers, I have a question, for example if we see the seomoz company profile on linkedin, we see the number of employers, and for my company, can't see the number of employers on the public, what is reason? Maybe seomoz is using pro-membership on linkedin? or is doing the linkedin automatically for the employers who are registered with mail at domain name official of company. How to do this..? to see number of employers on public-profile, not on the right side, but on the content, at seomoz you can see the latest 5 new employers. Thanks

    | leadsprofi

  • I've seen a few companies pop up offering 'facebook likes' for sale. I'm assuming these are all dud accounts that are subject to get deleted in a second if facebook catches on. Anyone else have something to add?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • With Rand's new post about the correlation between FB Shares and rankings, I wanted to ask... How is Google able to see what links are being shared?  Does the profile have to be public?  Or do they get anonymous info direct from FB as part of some deal?

    | brianspatterson

  • I have attended a number of social media webinars with tips on getting the most out of Facebook and Twitter.  Now, I would like opinions from someone who is not trying to sell me something. We post 2 daily blog articles to our Facebook company page which auto re-posts to Twitter every day.  Is that enough, or is it necessary to hire someone to engage people with additional conversation? If your answer is that additional conversation is needed, are there any companies or individuals that you recommend to provide these services at a reasonable cost?

    | BradBorst

  • It looks like google (regular organic) does not index individual posts from facebook pages often, more likely the wall of the page itself or separate pages. Can someone confirm this?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • My company currently uses Picasa to host our images and links to them on our website.  However, we'd really love to have our images start showing up in searches.  Is there a way to get maintain our Picasa (or use another, similar site) and get the images searched by webcrawlers to say we are the source?  Or do we simply need to start hosting all of the images on our own servers?  Thanks!

    | tennisexpress

  • This is a followup to a Q&A posted by fideaux64 taking it from speculative to practical level. Question: Can a popular social profile page outrank an exact match branded domain. Domain: Facebook: Myspace: Results: This experiment is currently in progress. You're welcome to comment and participate. Note: Please do not link to the main domain - only Facebook or Myspace.

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Thought experiment... All other things being equal (content, inbound links, etc), which will rank better: a Facebook Page or a regular website?  Why?

    | fideaux64

  • Creating a few (multiple) social bookmarking accounts at multiple sites and getting blocked based on IP (guessing). Disclaimer: a few, not volume here. What is the best way around this? Preferably something simple. Not savvy on VPN. Someone also mentioned Proxies, not sure the best approach on that one. Thanks!

    | bozzie311

  • Hello everybody, For some reason, both the google crawler and the SEO Moz crawler are not picking up a twitter account I am using with my site. Maybe I am doing something wrong? My website is and the twitter account is!/compare4me Thanks in advance.

    | compare4me

  • Having tried Yoono and Tweetdeck I'm leaning towards Tweetdeck for ease of use.... Managing 5 facebook accounts, 9 facebook pages and 6 twitter accounts at the moment... Any other suggestions for tool or software I should consider?

    | JohnW-UK

  • Could you please explain the link values to be earned through Social Media Optimization?

    | gmk1567

  • Hi there! We are an ecommerce company based in the UK and are an online butcher. We are looking to further our contribution and authority in a social sphere, in particular develop relations with bloggers and social sites who are realised to have authority in our sphere (food / meat). At present we are active in the usual (Twitter, Facebook etc) and have over 1000 likes and followers. We also have a cool blog which can be found at <cite></cite> We are looking at our content and would like to share this with other bloggers in return for backlinks and visits from these blogs, and in turn improve our pagerank and SEO ratings. I have been offered the chance to work with EBuzzing, who claim to get your content published and referred to but you have to pay these "bloggers" for the privelage. Is this a good way of furthering our social strategy in the short term, or is this the wrong way to go and do search engines devalue these links? My preference is to organically grow our presence through becoming a valuable contributor and have alsways strongly advocated this, however Ebuzzing or other simillar services sound too good to be true! Are they? Hope you can help me, and look forward to your thoughts. Many thanks Gary

    | DonaldRussell

  • Say the site is a 2 year old eCommerce company that has this awesome clever infographic but not many blogger connections.  What would be the best ways to get that content syndicated?  What agencies are still left that do actual viral marketing now that Rand and Todd Malicoat have moved on the greener pastures?


  • I would like to give away 10 tickets to a local event and if people want to participate they have to like us and share the post on their wall. Everything happens from my website but i don't know how to track the people who have shared the post. Anyone knows how to do this? Would be greatly appreciated!

    | ldestrooper

  • I'm attempting to promote a fresh seafood market / restaurant here on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. I have not found a lot of examples of people using Twitter and Facebook to promote this type of business here. Is it hard to justify the time for return here? One benefit I thought for twitter is we could have tweets displayed on site giving us some dynamic content which would hopefully keep Google spider coming back more regularly is this correct? Is there any link building advantage to using these social media sites?

    | iSenseWebSolutions

  • We've heard a lot about how user-generated content is doing good for SEO, and how it can add more value to users. While this would work in certain niches, how would one go about implementing UGC like Q&A and comments on a corporate website? I've thought about having a Q&A about our services, but that would limit the appeal of the content.

    | IslandLogic70

  • Forgive this question, but I've always wondered is there a difference between a Facebook Page and Facebook Place page?  What if a business has both? Thanks

    | christinarule

  • Hey Guys, I created a facebook fan page and I created a twitter account. I'm following about 175 people on twitter and 30 people returned the follow. Now what? How can I keep building? Any tools to help me? if you wanna analyze:

    | Goetzman

  • One of the things we struggle with is how to position ourselves when doing outreach such as link building on behalf of a client. We know many times it is best for outreach to come directly from the client themselves so that it comes across as more genuine. However, some clients prefer to outsource the entire process. When doing outreach on behalf of clients, how do you position yourself? Are you typically transparent about being a marketer working for an agency, or do you spin it more as being someone 'with' the company? Does it ever make sense to use aliases?

    | Jeff-Hahn

  • I have come across a number of Twitter users that have 1000+ Followers, and they typically follow 1000+ people. I've noticed as of late that many of these people are found on fewer lists. I also know that many twitter users are selective about who they actually allow in their main twitter stream and therefore create lists to manage who they follow. Any thoughts on if /how twitter lists contribute to a user's authority and/or influence from the SERP's perspective?

    | Thos003

  • How Social media can help rankings? what is popular networks to the curent date?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

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