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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi, Is there any means of posting new content for my companies various social profiles in the one go rather than having to log into each one? This would save a lot of time. Thanks

    | fdep

  • I've noticed two things that are going wild on Facebook this week: and In the first scenario, you supposedly just click share and they'll send you a $25 Tim Horton's gift card.  (For those who don't know Tim's it is a very popular coffee shop in Canada).  There's no way this is happening...they claim to have something like 5000 cards to give away. In the second one they're apparently giving away 1000 ipods. Yeah...OK. So, they're obviously scams that are just trying to get a few zillion facebook shares.  But why?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hello Everyone, We recently developed videos for all of our products.  Upon clicking on each video, we have the video popping up in a lightbox.  The videos are hosted on Amazon s3. We would like to implement social sharing for each video and to do so, we are going to have the video load on each page upon being clicked using jquery.  My question is how we should structure the urls so that the actual product page gets the share value. So for example, if the page is should we have the video be and ensure there is a canonical url on each product page so that the benefit is given to Or is there another way that anyone would recommend doing this? The videos are AMAZING and I'd like to ensure that as these videos are shared on social networks, that the value of the share is directed to the actual product page. Any ideas mozzers? Thanks!


  • Hello SEO people... I have an important and urgent question. Is it possible to customize social sharing buttons with counter? We are developing a new website and I want to place the social sharing (not the social follow buttons) at a specific location on the website. The space available is not a lot and my developer says that it is not possible to change the size of the button+counter.... please tell me what you guys know about this. And if the answer is 'YEs they can be customized' then please give me a link that I can forward to the boy so that he can work on it. Your answers will be highly appreciated. Regards, MTI

    | TopGearMedia

  • Dear Mozzers, who can help me on this. I'm looking for a (PRO) Shortener, that will work with my personal domain, where I can directly add the Google Anatocy Tagging (utm_source / utm_medium, etc..) Do you know a service that provides this? Thanks, andre

    | viventuraSEO

  • Hi, Sorry if this question appears a bit confused, but here goes ... My understanding is that the Google ranking algolrithm has three aspects: Content Links Social Activity (Tweets, FB shares etc) I recognise that I can increase my PR by posting comments on highly ranked pages that allow 'follow' links. I get that! After investigating Google+ I see I can tie together: The content I contribute to (e.g. my website, my blog) My social networking activity (My Twitter activity, my FB fanpage, Google+ activity) Suddenly Google has a view not just of my content, but also my social influence, almost like a Klout score. It also means they have the potential to build a matrix of other content producers & social media commentators. Therefore, can I gain what I'm calling 'Social Juice' (which would influence the ranking of my content) by: Getting highly ranked social media commenters to interact/comment on any of my content/social engagement By commenting on highly ranked content producers regardless of whether that comment contains a link back to my content. So for point 2, perhaps a prominent expert in my field has a blog that allows me to leave a comment via a Twitter login, but I can't leave a link back to my website (no link juice), however because Google+ knows the comment is attributed to me (as my accounts are linked in Google+) I get 'social juice'. The idea being if I'm permitted to interact with an expert in my field, then I too must have some credibility. (Perhaps that not quite accurate, because I could engaged in an argument with said expert, so perhaps it is more like Klout's idea of influencing people) If there is logic in point 2, then what might be the best way to 'login' to leave comments on something like a Disqus comment based system so that Google might gain access to this 'social jiuce'. I guess the best way would be to leave a comment via a Google+ account, but that doesn't seem to be option in lot of cases. Big post, I hope its relevant and makes sense.

    | PhilH

  • If i have a page on my domain say PAGE-A and let's say it's located at: and this page has quite a lot of page authority from many many inbound links.  It is my understanding that if i "sculpt" the internal links on PAGE-A to point at only my primary targets, let's call the PAGE-B, PAGE-C, and PAGE-D; then those pages would gain some benefit from this link juice flowing through. Consider a similar situation where i have a page, say PAGE-F located at: and page-F gets 150 facebook shares.  would the links on page-F pass this benefit on in any way?  Or is only the direct target of the facebook share gaining benefit from this facebook sharing? Furthermore, lets consider a scenario where there are 30 or 40 similar pages like PAGE-F all with links out to my primary targets.  Would these primary targets gain anything as these 30 or 40 pages gained facebook shares? Repeat above question, replace 'facebook' with 'twitter'. repeat again for 'google+' ?

    | adriandg

  • I want a tool that i can enter a domain into and get all the social backlinks available.  Preferably the tool that keeps the most recent database of this information.  I'm willing to pay for the tool, it does not need to be free. Not sure if i'm using the right terminology here, by "social backlinks" i mean Facebook Shares, Twitter RT's, Google +'s, etc.

    | adriandg

  • Hi Mozzers, Quick question, Does anyone know of a tool that can search Twitter bios for a URL then match the URL to the asscoiated twitter handle? For example, my twitter handle is @rosstav and the URL in my bio is rosstavendale(dot)com. I want a tool that searches bios for a list of URLs and returns the twitter handle. I tried Followerwonk but no joy. Any thoughts?

    | rtavs

  • I am using Open Site Explorer to measure some metrics. The Facebook Shares, Facebook Likes, Tweets, and Google +1 metrics make no sense to me. Where and how are these being pulled? Is there a timeframe attached? Can I assign a timeframe to them? I have a ShareThis account that states one of my pages was liked over 3000 times but the metrics say 1 like. Very confused. Thanks for any help! Ari

    | aricom

  • Is anyone else having trouble seeing the new Facebook Insights page?  If I click on Insights I get a message at the top that says, "Take me to the new Page Insights" but if I click on it it does nothing. Apparently people are "talking about me" and I can't see the new stats!

    | MarieHaynes

  • Following a thread here thought I'd login to G+ only to notice the new Google games tab, lol you've gotta give em A+ for trying ...... Think Google should try to be a little more original, wondered what everyone else thought of this new addition? Lee

    | LeeMiller

  • I was reading outbound marketing and they suggest that a good blog "does not" moderate comments. I have always taken the moderate approach, but their thought was this inhibits a conversation from taking place on the blog. I am wondering what thoughts others may have on this and its potential positive and negative impacts, both SEO and in general. Also I am thinking about using a Facebook plugin with my blogposts. I think this may be a good way to help get social visibility... Has anyone tried this yet?

    | mmaes

  • I have one running here I want to add a different discussion piece, behind the "like us" form each month and not have to replace what I have Does anyone know how I can set up multiple different Like pages? Cheers Stephen

    | firstconversion

  • Do outbound links from Quora pass link juice or other SEO benefits?

    | sftravel

  • I was wondering if you have a like button on the blog and people use it to like a post , is it possible to find out who all have liked the post ? ( there is a counter to show the number of people who have liked the post, but could not figure out who have actually clicked the like button )

    | avant_seomoz

  • Hello everybody! I'm in doubt with which one is the best: To have a Twitter profile name with: 1)the company's name.
    Of course it's good for branding, but it's a B2B, industrial market. 2)a relevant keyword.
    Will it bring traffic, considering that is a B2B, that works different. The question is: does Google gives relevance to username with keyword in it? If yes, have it a great value, or should I use the company name? Thanks!  =]

    | seomasterbrasil

  • I was wondering if there are any tips to help a FB page rank well for a given search term? Any help welcome! Adam

    | adamlewis10

  • We're thinking of adding social elements to our confirmation page, which as of right now doesn't ask for any specific action. Might as well take advantage. i.e. "Tweet this" or "Share this" with a shortened link to the landing page. Does anyone have any great examples of Twitter/Facebook being incorporated into a confirmation page? Visually pleasing, striking, great copy? It can be a confirmation for any type of action, whether you've just bought something, subscribed to something, joined a site, anything really.

    | PurchSEO

  • What i mean by this is if we were to obtain 10-20 facebook shares for 10 different deep links like these:
    ... Would that help any of these rank better:
    etc... Extrapolating, does the same count for Twitter, Google+, etc?

    | adriandg

  • That is to say, where there are links on public FB pages, such as those on my own company's public profile to my company's website---can the crawler detect these, or is it simply not bothering to crawl FB because so much is private? I don't see any links from FB in the crawl results, and don't believe I ever have, even for very large brands' domains.

    | jimseo

  • I'm curious about links that are just URLs (e.g. or in a URL-like format (e.g. vs links with plain-word anchor text (e.g. Google Reader). If a link that is just a URL (or a partial URL) has keywords in it, do those keywords provide anchor text relevance benefits? I'm particularly thinking about URL shorteners that provide customized links, and social media. Many web tools (twitter, blog comment systems) don't render HTML but will automatically link URLs. If gets linked to through custom shortened URLs like, is it more likely to rank for the term "Boston Jobs" than if it received the same number of links using a non-custom shortened URL like

    | Jay.Neely

  • Hello Can you help me. I'm starting out in SEO and sometimes I think I miss the Elephant in the room. I have tried and tried to find our via 'Google' or 'Seomoz' articles the answer to this question. How does 'Google Panda' link a facebook business page to it's actual business website if the url is not identical eg '' 2 ''? As no one is talking about this I'm assuming I am missing the elephant. If you can see it can you point it out gently? ta!

    | catherine-279388

  • Today, I read very useful blog post on SEOmoz regarding social media search and trends for better keyword research. I come to know about Google Ngram Viewer. What is this? I don't get it. Can it help me in my eCommerce website marketing?

    | CommercePundit

  • Wondering if any one is having success with getting their content and pictures into Thoora.

    | bozzie311

  • We are promoting our company on twitter, and currently using a high quality brand graphic image.  We see others who use the personal photo of "evangalist" who manages the twitter account.  Any advice on what works best here to encourage user engagement?  A more generic "brand" identity graphic versus a real person's photo? Of course this is in conjunction with doing all of the other good Twitter things, but curious what folks recommend on the profile image.

    | sftravel

  • One of us says to join one or two, Linkedin being one of them and just work those. The other says to build profiles on multiple pages - everything from Merchant Circle to  fastpitch , essentially any and all, and not worry about activity level, just get the link. What are your thoughts? Which approve will result in more effective optimization for clients?

    | belocally

  • Newspaper SEO is tricky business, primarily because of the way you deal with Keywords. So far, I have been unable to find a comprehensive guide to newspaper SEO via SEOmoz, although I'm a big fan and this website has actually made my career! So, my question is, how do you go about building links for newspaper websites, what keywords should you use and what link building strategies would work?

    | Netpace

  • My client has been interviewed by one of the top 3 networks and the interview will appear on the evening news. My immediate task list: Social media including YouTube have the interview on the home page construct a Press Release try to gain a link from the network using a personal contact link build using the interview (good opportunity for higher authority sites) If you were in my shoes, how would you best leverage this unique opportunity? Thanks Mozzers!

    | hawkvt1

  • Hi.. Our page URL is : And our keywords are : PSD to Joomla PSD to Joomla Template We need to get to the 1st position, and thats why, we have been doing a lot of social bookmarking and blog posting since 4 months. It was on 9th Page, but for this 4 months work, it now in the 1st or 2nd page. We need to get the #1 position, since from all of our competitors, we have the best website and everything in order . All others are either incomplete or doesnt look and work in a professional way. So, what are we lacking behind ? Got any recommendations, like what should be the plan and how to go about it ?

    | qubesys

  • SEOMoz Gurus, I am wondering what our best implementation strategy shoul dbe around linking up the Facebook Like button on our pages. Essentially there are two options: A) Linking the button directly to the Facebook Page of the web site so every Like is actually converting into a Facebook "Fan" which can be messaged going forward through our Facebook page. B) Having them like the actual URL which might be more beneficial from an SEO and viral perspective as now a link to the actual URL gets shared on the Liker's facebook wall and it should also be easier to use that lIke for Google & Co. as it's tied to the actual URL not a random Facebook page given that search engines already convert those signals. Both approaches obviously have their benefits. Are there any common guidelines on what is a better approach to take from a pure SEO perspective? Thanks /Thomas

    | tomypro

  • I just watched Rand's latest webinar on the end of search without social.  It was very timely for me because I've been putting a lot of thought into how allocate my available person-hours. It is clear that SEO these days necessitates both linkbuilding and social.  But how much of each?  (50%/50%?, 80%/20%?, etc.) -For the DIY small business owner (<10 hours per week available for SEO) -For SEO savvy web business (~20 hours per week available of SEO) -For in-house or other full time SEO's (30+ hours available) Clearly it depends on a lot of other factors, I'm just looking for a good rule of thumb that can be adjusted according to the business.

    | JesseCWalker

  • Anyone using this service? Its seems like some sort of really bad affiliate marketing, which we all know is a no-go in regards to acceptable use policy for twitter. Just looking for some opinions, a client seems to really like, I seem to really not 🙂

    | Gaveltek-173238

  • Ok, so we currently operate in the UK, Australia, Ireland, Spain and France. Currently we have a different twitter accounts for each Country. This can be difficult to manage as we are going it all from the UK. I can understand that having separate accounts for foreign language countries is perhaps suitable (we have foreign staff tweeting in their native tongue), but my question is this: Is it worth just tweeting all English speaking activity from one account. I mean at the end of the day we are one company, and also our activity in other countries won't effect our followers, in fact wouldn't it just make them realise we are a global brand? What are the advantages and disadvantages of gradually deleting the other accounts and tweeting all English stuff from the one account? Cheers,

    | esendex

  • How do I go about setting up a Google Plus Company Profile?

    | smstv

  • I missed the webinair but have just been going through the slides. Looking forward to watching the video when its up. I have a question however regarding the experiment conducted by Rand to find out: Is Social Influencing Primary Algorithms (slides 7 - 20)  The suggestion is that an RT of a google search URL affects the ranking of one individual ranking site. The +1 side of the experiment I understand completely - it is clear how Google can see that there is a social preference for the site and reward accordingly. But how would retweeting the search result URL possibly affect its rankings? Is the suggestion that those doing the experiment also clicked on the relevant link? And if so, how is Google discerning that this additional traffic is down to Twitter? I feel I am missing something incredibly obvious. Anyone want to help me out here?... otherwise I'm not going to sleep tonight...

    | seomasters

  • So... I have a fairly new wordpress blog at, but the ultimate goal is to drive traffic and increase rankings for With the rise of twitter/facebook influences do you think best to migrate the blog to a directory within aka  and then 301 direct all the existing pages to the new pages created or is it better to keep the 2 domains seperate and then just have links in the navigation of both sites to each other? My initial thoughts are to incorporate it within but not 100% sure? Quick follow up question.. Is there an easy code snipit to add to the .htaccss file to 301 direct to Thanks for any help and thought on this! John

    | JohnHerrigel

  • So if I am linking to someone's twitter account should I use the ajax code #! or not?**/#!/**thos003 vs Bonus Question: I have also seen in the past that google splits a domain that has as a secure protocol. vs Does does that split link juice?

    | Thos003

  • I'd love to see which URLs on a specific domain get socially shared the most.  I know I can use OSE to say figure out exactly how much social sharing has happened on let's say this URL: But what if I want to figure out the top 50 most shared URLs across all of  Is that possible on OSE or anywhere else?  If not, do you have some ideas on how something similar could be achieved?

    | Almonds

  • I have a self-hosted wordpress blog that I have been authoring for 5 years. It resides at I have built a static wordpress website (fyi - it's a different wp theme from the blog) to promote my company, named READY2SPARK. The site location is temporarily Since this will be my main company website, it makes the most sense to have the static site reside at and the blog reside at (or, at least, I think). I'm hoping some of you experts can let me know what the issues with changing my domain would be or provide suggestions on what the optimal architecture should be.

    | LaraMcCulloch

  • I have a client that I am doing web-work for...I recommended for him to claim his Facebook Place page as well as create a twitter account. He's a little skeptical and doesn't think that a doctors office needs a Facebook and twitter page. I strongly disagree with him and would like to show him some facts. Has anyone ever done social media for a doctors office before or know where I can get some good information? Thanks in advance!

    | christinarule

  • A lot of blogs are beginning to use facebook comments. I came across a WordPress plugin called "Crawlable Facebook Comments". The plugin makes a text version of your iframe comments visible to googlebot. You can see how it works at: Is there really any utility to this seo-wise? Comment content is normally not optimized and you will end up linking to a bunch of facebook profiles. What do you folks think?

    | Muhammad.IST

  • Hi. Hopefully someone can help me out here.  I have created a quiz on one of my sites that hopefully will be good linkbait.  But I'm having some issues with figuring out how to best get users to share this on facebook. The quiz consists of two pages.  The first contains each of the questions.  I use jquery to hide and show each question.  Then, the second is the results page.  The results page has a dynamically generated title and shows a sharable badge depicting their results.  So, for one user the results page may say, "I scored 100% on ABC Quiz!" and show a 100% badge.  Another user may see, "Apparently I know nothing about ABC!  I scored 16% on the quiz!".  (Just examples, of course.) If I use the facebook share button, the url that gets shared is the results page and obviously I don't want knew users ending up on the results page.  I tried using a rel canonical on the results page (pointing to the original page) but then the dynamic title doesn't get shared. Can anyone help?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I am considering doing a iPad give away to gain more Facebook page likes.  I have several questions running through my brain that I'm hopeful fellow Mozzers can help me with.  I was thinking I'll give away an iPad for every 500 FB likes on our page...or $1.00 per like. If I get an abundance of likes will Google smile upon me? How do I track the entries? Are there any tools that can assist in getting the word out on this and or tracking it all?  I'm kind of a FB newb!

    | TheDude

  • We are looking for a way to quickly find blogs for a particular keyword that have a high number of subscribers / followers. Is there a tool that can do this? A blog equivalent of followerwonk / wefollow would be ideal.

    | nicole.healthline

  • I notice that Youtube apparently does kind of an automatic transcription. What can Google tell about a video? Is it comparing text from a voice recognition transcript? Can it take compare the waveform of a video signal and see how different a video is from another video? I'm putting together a variety of videos that are similar for different pages and wondering how much do I have to change for each video. I remember one time I attempted to launch a video that was an exact copy but with a different file name, title and tags and Youtube said, "hey, that's the same video!" Thanks!

    | 94501

  • Where is it possible to find a total number of tweets by URL? So, for example, 2 tweets has 20 tweets, etc.

    | nicole.healthline

  • Hi guys, In our never-ending search for better SEO strategies and results, our journey has led us to question the idea of creating custom social media icons for our site.  We are wondering if anyone has had experience, either negative or positive, by using these icons, or if there is no difference at all? I would like to make it clear that we are only thinking about customizing the icons that lead to our Facebook page, Twitter profile, YouTube channel, etc.  NOT the like/share/tweet/etc buttons.  We understand the negative effects in changing those icons, but are interested in knowing if creating general icons that match our design will be a good or bad thing. Any replies are appreciated, thanks!

    | jid

  • I like the call-to-action button that HuffPo uses on its FB button, where with one click, a user on their site can 'Like' their main page on Facebook without actually having to go there (assuming that they're logged in, of course). I'd love to use it on my site but... I'm trying to understand how this works. It seems like it's a custom wrapper, as i'm not seeing the toolset in dev tools  ( etc) Anyone know about this?

    | EricPacifico

  • I'm fascinated with reddit.  Yesterday I did an IAMA and got lots and lots of comments.  In the comments I was able to refer back to some pages in my website which got me some traffic. I can see the benefit of getting your website featured on reddit.  But, I'm wondering how people benefit from putting random pictures on reddit (that don't link to their sites at all.)  Is there something that can be done with the link karma that you get?  Am I missing something? btw...I just posted a random picture on reddit just for fun as I realized that my daughter has reddit pajamas:

    | MarieHaynes

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