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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • I am getting more and more confused by the messages out there about "post Panda" link building methods. Apparently Google has devalued many of the old methods such as Article Marketing, Profile Linking, Web 2.0 content etc. But all I hear is that instead of that you must create "quality content" that users want to link to naturally. But hey.... how do users find your quality content if you don't already rank in the search engines?? Isn't it a bit chicken and egg? So, if I write what I think is a really good blog post or product page now, I can not really do anything to help it along in getting some decent rankings so that people will actually find the page and maybe link to it?? I also hear that "Social Signals" are becoming more important for rankings. Facebook likes and Google +1's Can anybody tell me how you encourage people to like and +1 the standard info pages of your website, like "Home Page" or "Service Page"? or is the future of search all about "commentary". Do I need to write a witty interesting blog post that appeals to masses that then links to my service or product page. Do I need to tweet to my non existent followers about a page I cant get ranked in the search engines? or blog "quality content" to no-one because I have no traffic coming to my website?? As you can probably tell, I am very confused with the messages, post panda. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with the order of the new Search Marketing strategies. If I write a quality web page, then what? If I don't already have a traffic source either in Social Media or other related web pages, what is the best way to go about gaining rankings and traffic from search? Thanks

    | websearchseo

  • Hi Guys I manage a few facebook pages and a day ago something weird happened to one and i cannot figure it out.  It started with me trying to auto share a youtube video to the facebook page and offcourse added the "comment" and shared.  The video is then visible when i log in to the page but not when i am not...and it also does not share to the followers....and then the same happened with a normal link and image post....I see it when logged in but it does not get sent to my followers or to the page if not logged i missing something here. Should i just log in and then click on share and see if that send it out?? please help...facebook drives me crazy half the time..thanks in advance

    | nomad-202323

  • My twitter feed is picked up in the daily roundups like Do these links count towards my SEO effort or are they just empty. Clearly they spread my content so that great, just wondered if the links pass juice to the site.

    | GlobalLingo

  • Hello, Do you recommend using the buttons (facebook, twitter and google +1) on pages with adult content? For adult seo marketing google uses this metric? Thanks, Stroke

    | stroke

  • Hi, Mozzers- I'm running a contest for a client of mine via Facebook - The prizes are great an iPad2 and an iPod Touch! The contest is pretty cool too. Basically it's a papercraft / travel thing that appeals to a wide range of people. Anyway, here's my question - I've started promoting the contest via social media, the website, online to get to promoting it on relevant blogs too. I'm in the beginning stages. Any other ideas? Has anyone had luck with PPC or FB ads? Thanks in advance! LHC oVThP5PcRvo

    | lhc67

  • Do you guys recommend I pursue this combination? I want a semi-automatic (spend a few minutes a day picking interesting blog articles) blog and to automate its promotion. Is there anything else I could be doing? Also this combination doesn't seem to post to facebook pages well. I'd like to also add buttons to like/tweet/ etc, right on the blog. What are some best practices for this?

    | ilyaelbert

  • Hi I am helping my wife optimize e-com site selling childrens clothing. I am learning SEO from scratch and have no real computer background (physician IRL). Been doing okay - member here for less then 2 months and are ranking 12th and 14th for 2 main keywords (frontpage) and 4 other keywords on first page (producer names on separate pages) (6th -9th spot). All of course absolutely whitehat. I havent done a twitter campaign yet. just recently opened twitter account but have 3 or 4 followers willing to retweet ( they all have 700-1000 followers in right segment). I have very limited twitter knowledge. Here is my idea and just shoot at it if you think i should do it otherwise: it will be in norwegian but ill do it in english just for you 🙂 follow @companyname(epleskrinet)  #childrensclothing (which is name i use for company on facebook) and retweet and take part to have your chance to win a 'giftcard' of x USD. ( I am planning to put a box/picture referring to competition on frontpage. Feel free to critique me, thanks for help.

    | danlae

  • I am looking into incorporating Facebook Comments into my site.  When commenting it gives the option to the commentor to post it on their FB wall. Can it be setup to post everyone's comments on my site on our FB business page?  I tried to use the commenting tools while logged in as a page, but it said I had to be logged in as a person. If not, how do I get notified someone has commented on my website through FB Comments so I can reply?

    | TheDude

  • My website has a page on Facebook with around 32K connections, these are not showing up in Bing's serp annotations because Bing is not associating my page with the website. Unsure why because I have closed loop links and used their Page Like Box to generate those 32K connections. I have Facebook insights and Bing webmaster tools authorized for the domain Does anyone know how I can ensure Bing makes that connection? If that's not possible, would it be more advantageous to drive likes to my sitewide domain or specific pages? My testing on Bing suggests the domain level like is most likely to trigger annotations, even for deeper pages with no specific likes.

    | Tony-Karib

  • Hey, What are some great tips for gaining social shares on ecommerce product or category pages? I understand great images and video will go along way, but it's difficult on a large scale ecommerce store. Receiving an offer for sharing something is great - I honestly cant think of a way to track this strategy in a large scale manner. I can send an email after a purchase making an offer to go back to the page to share, but how would I track this? Thanks.

    | LukeyJamo

  • I've analyzed the link profiles for 12 sites recently. I noticed that none included a link from LinkedIn, though each company had links on LinkedIn (I suspect this is because LinkedIn redirects outbound links). Are links on LinkedIn really good for SEO? (IE DO THEY PASS LINK JUICE !!!!!!!????) SuperStock_1491R-1130365.jpg linkedin.jpg linkedin-243x300.jpg

    | glennfriesen

  • Would it be considered buying links if you asked your Facebook fan base to share a specific product page, and by doing so they will be entered to win a drawing? How would Google look at this? And could we expect a significant increase in rankings as a result? Or would it just be a temporary "what's trending?" boost you think?

    | JerDoggMckoy

  • Just asking for advice / strategy on increasing the number of tweets & Facebook shares to a particular domain. We're seriously lacking in this department and I'm not exactly sure how to get started as we're a B2B services company. We're languishing on page 2 of Google where all the other stats look good enough for us to be in the top 5, tweets and FB shares are 1 and 1 respectively. Any advice gratefully received - we also have a small budget set aside for an expert to provide a ranking strategy if anyone's interested. Many thanks in advance, Tony.

    | posh_tiger

  • Do you guys think there is a more strategic place to place these buttons? below the fold, above, in the top nav menus...?? I would love to hear your thoughts..

    | robertrRSwalters

  • Since it is not an internal page, would it make sense to nofollow links to my youtube videos throughout my site? Thanks for the help William

    | whorneff310

  • I seem to remember seeing an online app mentioned here that allows you to enter a twitter username, and it reports back metrics on the likelihood of each follower being a real person or not. Does anyone have the link, or did I imagine it?

    | nbyloff

  • "Google+ is in limited Field TrialAt the moment, we're testing with a small number of people, but it won't be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we'll make sure that you're the first to know when we're ready to invite more people.[Keep Me Posted] btnAlready invited? We've temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon."Is there anything i can do to get it working so i can get a taste of the google+?

    | mosaicpro

  • Like many other companies or company has a site and a Facebook page.  With the Facebook like button your can either specify a url or a Facebook Page.  So I don't know what would be better to get more 'likes' or if I need both? My thoughts: More people liking the Facebook Page then we can post updated to more people that will show on their wall. More url likes, I think this might have (or will have) effect on search engine rankings.  The more people that like your url the higher it could be in rankings. I don't really want both as most people won't go through the trouble to 'like' both plus it is confusing. Please let me know your thoughts or strategy.

    | lsujoe

  • Should you post on competitor's facebook page, I had an opportunity to recommend a client site for their services.  The facebook page was a holiday company, they only offered hotels & apartments, the post asked do they do villas and they responded with "no" and wished them luck. Should I have posted a link to our clients website or facebook page?

    | iprosoftware

  • Looking for Tips on how to improve our Social Media. How to  get more people to LIKE US on Facebook and or Share. My understanding is that Facebook Likes are starting to play a big role in Organic Search Results. Any Ideas on how to to receive more LIkes and Shares. Anyone know of any Facebook Tools? If we run a contest, how can we set it up on Facebook for people to Like us prior to entering the contest. Can we track who Liked Us When?

    | hfranz

  • Where is the best placement for FB, twitter, and G+ shares. This is a non=profit site.. trying to give some juice to event sponsors...and any other feedback.. Golf tournament [" target="_blank">>](<img src= "Hosted by") [](<a href= "Hosted by")" target="_blank">a>

    | johnshearer

  • I am trying to understand if I should add the Google +1 button to my client's homepages in addition to "sticky" content. Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.

    | MattAaron

  • Hello, Complete newbie here so please be kind, We are a brand new business based in the UK selling natural/organic hair and skin care products, we have been going about 5 weeks, we are really struggling to get people to like our facebook page! we simply dont know where or how to get people to like it! I mean the right kind of people, i am sure we could buy likes or send people to it that are not really into natural beauty products! so the question is, how do we get our likes up for relevant traffic? Thanks Daniel 🙂

    | LushDuck

  • Seems to be a thought process emerging (CALL THE MEDIA!) that twiiter and facebook are having through various different paths a real ranking effect.  Is anyone now doing SEO on a clients Social media page because of this. I know they are no follow. I am not sure they don't pass juice.

    | MBayes

  • Last week I implemented Facebook Comments and Addthis to my site. Rankings went up for nearly all my keywords.  I have people from Africa, Europe and USA asking questions. Every time someone comments, it is shared on their Facebook Wall. I want to know if anybody has experienced this besides me? Here's my site if you want to see it in action.

    | Francisco_Meza

  • So if FailBlog makes about 2 grand a day in YouTube revenue for posting other people's videos, then why can't someone just make their own FailBlog? In other words, someone could simply download all of FailBlog's videos, and remove their logo, and publish the videos on youtube as their own. Afterall, FailBlog doesn't own the videos anyway. Neither YouTube nor FailBlog seems keen on vetting videos - to see the rightful owner. Yet they are happy to both profit from videos of ambiguous ownership. Or, even, unambigous ownership. e.g. its obvious failblog doesnt own this media

    | anthony-305442

  • There doesn't seem to be clear cut advice / data on whether Facebook Share or Facebook Like is more valuable from an SEO standpoint. So I'm asking you SEOmoz fans have you come across conclusive evidence or have your own sites / testes proven that one is stronger than the other.

    | walidalsaqqaf

  • Looking through Google analytics today and noticed that there is a section under top content that shows  number of Facebook likes & shares,  tweets, diggs, delicious book marks, etc. Anyone else seeing this? [staff note: see answers, this came from a Chrome extension]

    | prima-253509

  • A little background: The site I'm working on,, is a math practice site for pre-K through 8th grade.  Our content consists of math skills where we randomly generate math problems, grouped by grades and topics.  We have around 300 skills per grade. The question: We don't currently have a twitter feed, Facebook page, or a blog.  I'm working on setting these up, or at least a twitter feed and the Facebook page first.  I'm wondering, what kinds of things will we tweet about once I get a twitter feed set up?  What kinds of things should we be tweeting about?  Things like online education articles?  And articles about teaching math?  Do you guys think that would be compelling enough to get followers and make this productive for us? Another question, how important do you think a blog is, compared to a twitter feed and Facebook page?  I was thinking it would be fun to set up a blog, and post math questions from the site 2x or 3x a week, as well as other content that could overlap with the twitter feed.

    | john4math

  • I have a business that works in many cities across Texas.  Our home base is in Austin and i have a Google Places page set up for Austin.  I have a page dedicated to each major city in Texas talking about clients we've worked with in each city, etc..  I am placing social icons on each page and Google Places is one of the Icons and i was concerned that if Google sees a link to our Austin places page on our Houston page that the Houston page might be considered less relevant for a Houston search being as Google takes note of addresses on pages to consider relevance.  Will my page suffer in the serps if i link to our Austin local page on our other city pages in the google places icon? Second question:  What are the best social icons to put on my web pages for the best traffic? Take care,

    | Ron10

  • I have about 100 city-based automated twitter job accounts which tweet jobs as they are posted.  5 of them are indexed, but the rest do not appear in the twitter index.  We diagnosed the issue a year ago because all of the accounts were flagged when we tweeted out the same message across all of the accounts.  Then I made a couple of account adjustments (follow, unique description and link), and the 5 started indexing.  We unfortunately waited a month and tried again, but the same actions did not lead to indexing.  So there we are.  Anyone have nay other advice for getting these out of the spam penalty box?

    | RonMarcelo

  • I created ad #1 in facebook ran it for a marked time frame. Target audience 1200. Reached 248. Created ad #2. Wanted to test it against ad #1 for same audience, but now Facebook says the target audience is less than 20 people. Huh? Facebook can't be loosing people that fast. Why would this happen? Is it simply a glitch?

    | Thos003

  • I have some neat ideas for calculators and fun tools that I'll implement on one of my sites from time to time.  I'm not convinced that I am getting the most SEO value out of them however, and would love to discuss what others do. Let's say I create a calculator that let's someone "cartoon themselves"  (fictitious example).  So, I'd create the tool and then I would put a button in a prominent place on the page to encourage people to share to FB.  I configure my page so that the title and meta description are enticing for others who would see the story in their friend's news feed, so something like: I just cartooned myself on! Upload a photo and see what you look like as a cartoon!  You won't believe the results! So, this gets me some traffic, but nothing has gone super viral yet.  I have a few pages like this that have garnered a few links, but not nearly as many as I would like. I promote the page on digg and other sites as well but this brings very poor returns. When you make a tool like this, do you do a lot of promotion?  Have any tips for me? ('s possible that my tools are just not as "shareable" as I think!)

    | MarieHaynes

  • I'm trying to convince my tech dept to take our blog off of a subdomain and move it to a folder on our root domain. Understandably, they don't want to build it from scratch, so I need some good CMS tools to build the blog. Our first choice is Wordpress but it isn't compatible with Oracle. Does anybody know of any good solutions that are Oracle-friendly? Our platform is PHP.. Thanks!!

    | znotes

  • Until now, I've been focusing on getting Facebook likes for my site, and amassed quite a lot. However it felt like I was missing an opportunity by not connecting directly to my audience. So I created a Facebook page which my site visitors can like. But this means having to promote two different things: a "facebook like" for my site, and a "facebook like" for my facebook page, which seems silly. So, I was wondering if: there is a way to combine the likes of my site to the likes of my FB page? Or a way for a visitor to like both through a single click? what's more important to Google: FB-likes to your site, or to your FB-page? Thank you!

    | GregMoine

  • I've noticed that when logged into Google, content shared by people within my social graph is being identified by a "(name of person) shared this". And, content shared by people not within my social graph (but people who have a Google+ account) is being identified with their picture. My questions are: Is this "(name of person) shared this" content showing on first page of results because they're in my social graph. Or would this content have been on 1st page regardless of whether it had been shared? Why is google identifying who is sharing content when they're not in my social graph? Thank you!

    | LaraMcCulloch

  • I am looking for a Facebook fanbox display, and a recent tweets display which looks nice and uses an iframe. The reason I desire an iframe is to eliminate these otherwise followed links which I do not necessarily endorse. When you use a facebook fanbox, if 12 users are displayed then you have an extra 12 links added to your page. When you use a recent tweet display then each tweet, depending on your configuration, can offer many links. The tweeter's avatar is a link along with the sender's name and any links added to the message.

    | RyanKent

  • Hi, With a the growing trend towards social media signals starting to have a decent impact on Search Engine algorithms, i'd like to know what tools people use for "social media site audits". I generally use a fair amount of manual observations for social media profiles such as profile completeness. Hubspot offer a few really nice tools over at that allows a quick 'score' for an account. I then take a look at the 'buzz' around a company over a few mediums such as Twitter Search, Google blog search, BoardReader, and Facebook Insights is good (if you own the domain) for testing the number of likes. Im still yet to see a decent tool for testing entire domains for # retweets, Diggs etc. What are your favourite tools for SEO Social Media Audits?

    | DigitalLeaf

  • SMM has a presence that is just growing and growing. I'm hearing all these back and forth talks about how tweets/shares are influencing rankings more than traditional link building would. If so, would this be a short term ranking improvement, long term? What percentage would you say SMM (ranking factor) has when ranking a website in the SERPS.

    | Brother22

  • hi everyone i wondered if googlebot explores facebook comments and if not, what are the seo benefits of facebook comments module? As you can see below, techcrunch has added facebook comments in pages So is it useful for SEO purposes?

    | FranckNlemba

  • I just wanted to share a technique I have had a great deal of success with called a Social Media Infrastructure. It has really increased the amount of followers on all of the social media sites I have been using. The first link explains a Social Media Infrastructure and the second link is somebody using the social media infrastructure whom has implemented the technique much better. It does take some time to get all set up correctly, but it has increased my followers a ton. I am not going to claim that it gives you all the links and as much SEO benefit as they claim, but it does give your social media some muscle.

    | photoseo1

  • Hi everyone, I'm reading everywhere about the Facebook 'Share' being more powerful than the Facebook 'Like'. Just yesterday, there's a post on the SEOmoz blog about Facebook Shares But I thought the Share button was replaced by the Like button? All references to the Share button now point you to Facebook's Like button developer page. So if we want more SEO value, where can we get the Share button from? Or do we have to make do with the Like button from now on?

    | heatherrobinson

  • Is it possible to add a link to Google +1 on Facebook to encourage people to click it?

    | PMC-312087

  • Hi Folks, I am trying to find out a little more about how individuals need to be connected to see that someone 'shared' something and for this to then show up in my results when signed into Google. Can anyone shed a little more light on this please? I am just looking for extra clarification. Would we need to be connected through Google Buzz? Facebook? Twitter? Quora? LinkedIn? None of the above? With everyone you are connected to through your Google Account? What is Google using when it looks at how I am connected with others? This is from their Blog: "First, social search results will now be mixed throughout your results based on their relevance (in the past they only appeared at the bottom). This means you’ll start seeing more from people like co-workers and friends, with annotations below the results they’ve shared or created. So if you’re thinking about climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro and your colleague Matt has written a blog post about his own experience, then we’ll bump up that post with a note and a picture..." And... "Second, we’ve made Social Search more comprehensive by adding notes for links people have shared on Twitter and other sites. In the past, we’d show you results people created and linked through their Google profiles. Now, if someone you’re connected to has publicly shared a link, we may show that link in your results with a clear annotation (which is visible only to you, and only when you’re signed in). For example, if you’re looking for a video of President Obama on “The Daily Show” and your friend Nundu tweeted the video, that result might show up higher in your results and you’ll see a note with a picture of Nundu:" Many thanks, Andy

    | Andy.Drinkwater

  • I am managing an ecommerce site with over 1000 SKUs. Does anyone know of any Q&A widgets we can add to our site for individual products where customers ask questions and moderator can answer them? FYI I'm looking for something similar to, which has a great tool q&a tool.

    | AHH888

  • Hi all, With the recent launch of Google+ I've looked into the possible effects of +1'ing sites and whether or not it has a direct effect on other people with whom I'm connected within Google+. So far I cannot see any direct correlation, however I running a bigger/wider experiement with more people to get a definitive answer. What does scare me as an SEO, is that Google+ users will (most likely) use Google search whilst they are logged in, which, as we know personalises results based on a myriad of suspected metrics such as previous visits, personal +1, etc... How is this going to effect the SEO world if/when a Google+ attracts more users. Experienced this first hand when a client called me to congratulate a jump from position 9 on Google to first position over the weekend, which when I checked, the website hadn't shifted, the client was logged into her Google account due to the fact she had been playing with plus. Thoughts? Cheers Aran

    | Entrusteddev

  • More on established B2C sites (not blogs/forums)?  For example, a client has the #1 ranking for the kw with the highest exact match volume in their vertical and sitelinks.  Is it better to keep things status quo and not give Google the data or potentially introduce a new signal to Google that might be negative if CTR is not high enough?

    | MatomySEO

  • Hello friends, can anybody please invite me to Google+ please? my gmail is [removed by staff. please PM author] will really appreciate it. thanks.

    | maddogx

  • I could go widget crazy with my website, there are so many cool buttons and linking this and likes and etc. There's one that is used a lot, called "Addthis" that adds a series of small icons to share a page via facebook, twitter, etc. The javascript looks innocent enough, but there's a link, and who knows what google makes of it. Then there are the dozen or so Facebook widgets - are they safe to use without negative SEO consequences? Does anyone know of any other pitfalls with using the numerous addons offered free to enhance your site? Thanks for any wisdom out there! Jean

    | JeanYates

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