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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • [email removed by staff -- like comments say, let's PM this information rather than have it indexed]

    | richcowley

  • If yes what is the trick because we can't figure it out. (no black hat techniques please) Thanks

    | OlivierChateau

  • Hi all, When we add a new Christmas party package onto our website I always tweet about it with a link to the party page, utilizing a tweet such as : "New Manchester Christmas parties", followed by the link. How much power (if any) does utilizing the key phrase Manchester Christmas parties have on SEO for that page? Bearing in mind the link is shortened and doesn't mention the keywords anywhere in it, they are only present in the tweet itself. Similarly, on our company Facebook page I always post a link with a title such as "check out our new Manchester Christmas parties". Does this have much SEO benefit for the page I'm directing the link to? Many thanks!!

    | RobertHill

  • Hi Guys I desperately need help on this one.......I have taken over the management of a Brand's facebook page and have some concerns as to how it was setup.  The account was opened by an individual that has a personal account but they did not open the brands page from their personal account...instead they used a slightly different email address and opened a new page business account.  I am not able to comment on any comments on this account and i am assuming it was as a result that there is no "profile" (not sure). Should i go ahead and create the profile with the details of someone at the brand? or how should i proceed to rectify i not able to comment as a result of not having a profile?? help! UpDate: The comment issue has been resolved and it seemed to be browser / firewall related...never happened before...very strange

    | nomad-202323

  • Hi Everyone, I am looking for some assistance on our packaging for social media. I am worried that my piece reads too much like a contract and not a sales piece.  I would like to get some input before I run it by my boss and I felt like you guys were the best resource. If you would be so kind as to Private Message me I can send you the plan and we can go from there! Thanks in advance!

    | imageworks-261290

  • Whatever it sells for I'm giving to: Thanks guys, Dan

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • What is the best free social media monitoring tool out there?

    | insitegoogle

  • I just finished a 2 week test using Twitter.  The person running the test was tweeting for 1 hour every day, but the tweets were broken up into several different times throughout the day.  She engaged in conversations, retweeted, posted interested and catchy topics and linked to our blog.  By the end of the test, we only saw a 7% increase in traffic to the blog.  There was no noticeable increase in sales. According to an article I read by Business Insider, Applied Predictive Technologies ran a test to help companies like Starbucks measure the impact of social media.  They concluded that social media accounted for a 2% increase in sales.  That's not much for the time and money that goes into it. What's your experience with social media? When I first posted this, I neglected to say this Twitter account is one we have been activly using for about 2 years, and we have posted to it at least once or twice every day for the last couple of years.  And, we are a well established company for the past 8 years, and we regularily submit press releases and have written 2 articles per day on our blog for several years.

    | BradBorst

  • I started posting viral videos and stuff that I found on reddit and youtube on my facebook fan page.  It's getting a lot of attention and creating more opportunities for bonding with my fans/customers. I'm just wondering what you guys think about reposting some of this stuff on my you think it would be worth the time and effort? I've experimented with a few and it really does draw traffic to my site...and gets me facebook shares.  But the traffic is very poorly converting. So, now I'm trying to decide if the extra time it takes (i.e. 5-10 minutes to write a blog post and include the video imbed code vs. 20 seconds to just hit the "share" button) is worth it. What do you think?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I am in charge of our company wordpress blog and we regularly update the content. However, we are getting hundreds of spam comments every week. To be honest I wouldn't care as they go straight into the spam folder BUT we are missing out on a few legitimate comments because it is so difficult and time consuming going through all the comments. Does anyone have an ideas on how to tackle this and stop this? It would be really appreciated.

    | Weerdboil

  • With Rands latest Blog post about social media linkage and sharing, and upon the discovery of in his post, I was wondering what other important ones I might be missing? There are certain obvious ones: Facebook Foursquare Twitter Linkedin Merchant Circle Do you guys know of any others that you find important, or see as useful in the near future?

    | dignan99

  • I was just wondering why Facebook and now Twitter have added "#!" into the url structure? Does this mean we should link to a twitter profile like this - -  anymore? Should we now be linking like this:!/kevinbarnes Kevin

    | KevinBarnes

  • I am just getting to grips with Twitter, suppose its better later than never, and was wondering who everyone follows for SEO and Web Design. Personal i find it hard to keep up with more than five or six people with out getting information overload, and have no time for those that tweet twenty or thirty times a day about what they had for lunch or who they are meeting for drinks. If you had to pick the top five people to follow for SEO and the top five for Web Design who would you chose? I work on the SEO side of our business and i think my top five would be, in no particular order: Randfish
    dannysullivan Would be interested what others think especially on the web design side as we tend to follow people we know locally. Thanks Fraser

    | fraserhannah

  • So which is better for SEO, Tweets or ReTweets? We have a tweet button on our blog which seems to work pretty good.  But I have noticed a few sites that instead of tweeting, they have a ReTweet button where you are actually ReTweeting an original tweet. Any thoughts?

    | Trupanion

  • Has anyone had issues with the creative control google is maintaining with the Plus 1 button.  I have a client who is very strict on their design structure and wants to make the google button appear in style with their theme.  Has anyone encountered this or knows a moderately easy solution besides hacking away? THanks!

    | malachiii

  • I've recently been really interested in the content at reddit.  I've actually gotten some good content for my facebook page and stuff to blog about by reading what is trending there. I haven't had any success in submitting anything though.  No one votes for my stuff.  😞 I'd love any tips from those who successfully use reddit.

    | MarieHaynes

  • I'm wondering what's the most important number in facebook that affect more the SEO of a site: It is the number of "Recommend" that your site have received or It is the number of fans the facebook fan page of the site have? Also does this really affect SEO or not? If you can provide some data, statistics, link to post or whatever it would be very nice. Thanks for your help

    | nuroa-246712

  • Hello, Will use of URL shorteners [ or equivalent] in Twitter feeds impact the rankings of a target pages? As I understand it Twiitter links are automatically generated as nofollows so I am assuming the published link is irrelevant. Is this still the case? If we do continue to use URL shortereners should we look at branded URL-shorteners to provide link context? Thanks.

    | Urbanfox

  • Hi everyone - The site I am working on is going to start giving users the option to tweet that they completed an action. It reads, for example, "I just took the first step to (    ) with (site): (shortened link) via (Twitter name)" Here's my question: Should I worry about the fact that the shortened URL (we're possibly going to use Twitter's shortener T.Co, but I'm not dedicated to it) changes each time? Should we instead have a permanent short URL for the homepage (where we are going to direct people who click the link in the tweet)? Thanks!

    | JohnECF

  • Now that facebook has different types of pages and no FBML anymore apparently, does anyone have up to date instructions of how to set up a landing page for when you use Facebook as a page? I have my account with a number of client pages in it. I don't appear to get the ability to ad apps to these page Cheers S

    | firstconversion

  • If you have several different websites with related themes, does it make sense to just have a facebook or twitter page for the company to make managing the account more manageable?

    | thappe

  • Hi All, How do I know if people are using an addthis widget setup on product pages. The widget seems to be in an annoying location for me personally and I want to move it or replace it with just a few social media buttons. How do I track its effectiveness? Would you use Addthis widget or manual buttons on ecommerce? Thanks in advance!

    | seoninja20

  • Aside from your blog would anyonme here think about adding the Google Plus 1 Button to their website?

    | GrouchyKids

  • So Google just announced the +1 button, which is there answer to Facebook 'likes' button: They should begin showing up now on Google US. If you aren't seeing them, you can turn them on here: I want to know? What affect do you predict these are going to have? Is there anything we can do from an SEO point to begin leveraging +1 right from the outset?

    | Tom-Anthony

  • Hi Mozzers, What variables could be used to calculate the value of a Twitter follower? I m thinking something of Click through rate Conversion rate Retweets Number of followers Something else?

    | ThomasHgenhaven

  • Which facebook like button code is better for seo. iframe or XFBML

    | hfranz

  • I'm planning to create a Tweet Archive on my WordPress install. Ideally each tweet would be a separate entry in the database. That would mean that each one could essentially have it's own page. I think that if each had it's own page though, it would just create a very deep site with super shallow almost non-existant content. I am pretty sure I know the answer to this, I'm just looking for some substantiation... Should I just keep it as a list and not have each tweet exist as a separate page?

    | WilliamBay

  • Hi All....just wanted to know if i can get some clarity on what is and is not allowed on the facebook static html pages. I build many that are brand oriented and am concerned about all the unclear rules that somehow i am not aware off....I do know that you cannot have any auto playing media on the video and music....but not sure about a image slide show so i have made all slide shows to force manual. Can you guys share some of the cardinal do's and dont's for building these pages without unknowingly getting your clients page band...... I believe linking out to a website from these pages are allowed but it is not clear.......would appreciate some input....thanks

    | nomad-202323

  • Is video marketing an effective link building strategy-has anyone had any luck with it?  By video marketing I mean using a video distribution service like TubeMogul to atuo distribute videos to many different video sites, and including a link to my website in the Video Title section.

    | MyNet

  • Hi Everyone, Has anybody ever bought traffic using a site like What are your thoughts? What other services are there? We are trying to supplement our "like/follower" campaigns, while we wait on our organic methods to build followers. Think of a HVAC company just starting out in social....they dont have time to build and nurture a list, (although we will for the future) they need sales they trun to radio, print ads, etc. If we could buy thousands of followers in a demographic that made sense and it was affordable, is it worth a try to get the word out? Thanks in advance guys!

    | imageworks-261290

  • I added facebook comments to many pages on my site.  Does anyone know how you can moderate (or even see) what comments have been left? If I go to for my website it tells me that I have had 15 comments this month.  But, if I go to "popular pages" it shows me 1 page.  If I click on that page I can see that one comment.  But where are the other 14? I really like the idea that when people leave a facebook comment on my page it goes on their friends' news streams and then my site gets more exposure.  But, if I can't moderate my comments that would not be good!

    | MarieHaynes

  • Have a Twitter account and theres much confusion over Twitters use of planting keywords into posts and have some SEO benefit from this. Wondering if anyone has come accross an effective use of promoting keyterms on by twitter posting and how often is deemed okay? Generally see some twitter users who are obvioulsy promoting keyterms for their buisness or company who put in as much as five to ten posts in any one day for the same keyword, or keyphrase. while this looks spammy surely this is liable to be flagged by the search engines? Appreciate any insights on this.

    | callassist

  • And lets say I wanted to do this over an extended period of time.  And for bonus credits... is there any program that would notify me of each new tweet as it happens.

    | Thos003

  • A vendor who has high domain authority;  with a platform that is social media integrated, can provide a backup database, has advanced navigation options, is designed to be SEO savvy among other things... And basically anything that I can make look similar to the SEOmoz Forum!

    | gravityseo

  • What are current SEO Treads to improve your ranking and increase the website Au What are the factors impacting SEO and how?
    How do you win over these Factors to ensure you get good results?
    How do you measure these Factors (tools you use)?

    | diyawards

  • Have you seen Jen's post on the SEO Blog today about Facebook?  I am really interested in testing out Facebook comments.  Are any of you guys using them? Here are my thoughts: Benefits: Will make it easy for people to comment (assuming they have a facebook account) Their comments are shared on their wall and on their friends' news feeds so you could potentially get a LOT of exposure and traffic. Potential Drawbacks: Who controls the content?  If facebook decides to pull this feature will we lose all of our comments? What is the moderation like?  Do I get to approve which comments are posted? Some people may be reluctant to comment if they know that their friends are going to see what they wrote. What do you guys think?  Are you going to use FB comments?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hello, it will be much appreciated if anybody could please invite me to Quora, my email address thanks again!

    | maddogx

  • I have a question regarding non-original content on multiple sites. I'm working for a client that's company has a personalized social network for it's fans (completely custom, built from the ground up - not like kickapps, or the other social network dev platforms). Anyway the network is fairly active - at least a couple thousand users -  and each one of these sites is given a subdomain. Each of these subdomains can be given a custom URL if purchased - but essentially it's much like creating a blogger or wordpress. Each URL is basically "http://FanUsername.BrandName.c0m/" Now the dev had the genius idea of publishing all "corporate/company" blog posts on everyone of these subdomains as well. When first learning of this, I told them it was a terrible idea - and that it may even penalize the main blog. After more research - it looks like this may not be the case? I still think they should just link back to the main blog and discontinue publishing these posts on all of these additional subdomains (and for those that purchased domain names - unique websites). What do you guys think? Should they only include an RSS feed of links back to the main blog? Should they just link directly back to the blog? Or should they offer shortened versions of each blog post - ala links + meta description + Read More...? Or lastly, should they just keep as is? Thanks for the help

    | iinuser

  • I haven't really paid much attention to adding hashtags to my tweets, but I'm thinking I should. For my real estate site I just started following the mayor of our city.  I noticed that he finishes each of his tweets with #ourcityname.  I clicked on the hashtag because I wanted to find more people who tweet about our city.  Then, I suddenly realized that if I used that hashtag when I tweet then other people would find me and follow me. Any thoughts?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I was wondering what would be the best way to drive traffic to a posting that will only last 30 days.  I didn't think linking would be the answer, but wanted to get opinions. I was thinking pinging and social media (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter)... What would your strategy be?

    | RaginCajun

  • Does anyone have any guesses on how YouTube views are counted? Are views unique or can a single individual view a clip multiple times? I have also heard rumor say that AUTOPLAY views from your profile page do not count.

    | Thos003

  • Search for SEO in Twitter and top result says: "aplusk: I'm starting to become convinced that people put my name in articles just to improve their SEO or hoping I'll tweet it." When you click on the result it brings nothing! Another weird thing, when I search for the sentence and view cached Google result it immediately redirects (which is unusual and annoying). I managed to find a text only version of cache here. Can somebody please explain what's going on here?

    | Dan-Petrovic

  • Hi, All! I've spent about an hour working on this with no success, so I thought I would ask the community: How do you tell Facebook which image to put in for the thumbnail on a link you're posting?  And I would like it to be a different image for each post, and I don't want to have to deal with programming PHP (the main solutions I saw). I'm on a Wordpress based site, and I've tried putting images in as the featured image, made sure they weren't huge (under 200x200), made sure they were .jpeg... and the only thing that Facebook offers me as a thumbnail is a generic "green globe" image that I don't believe comes from my site at all. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    | debi_zyx

  • I just wonder if there is any online monitoring tool - application for Facebook activities..

    | merkal2005

  • Hello, I can't seem to find a social media metrics comparison tool that showed me the number of Facebook Likes/Shares, Tweets, etc. compared to a site's competition. Does anyone have any idea what this may be? I scanned through all of my SEO Tools and can't find it.

    | chrisfree

  • One of the branded channels I run has been offered to be apart of YouTube's Partnership program. Trick is - I don't necessarily want to see ads pop up for my videos, as I imagine the revenue is fairly small. I would be wiling to join the program if there is evidence that joining the program helps our rankings on YouTube. I imagine it may - as YouTube likely would give preference for partnered channels, partly due to ad/revenue opportunities for them, and partly because partners have obviously proven to have better content. What do you guys recommend?

    | iinuser

  • Hello and Good Morning, I have a tech convergence question... In our social media package we have listed that we will subscribe to hubpages and scribd. a lot of these services do the same thing (twitter vs, color vs instagram, gowalla vs fourquare, ect), what are some of the better services to use and why? We have our favorites but they may not necessarily be the most effective. thanks!

    | imageworks-261290

  • Moving my blog from to and just wondered if all the social data for each post will be lost including the blog authority which has been built up over time? Is 301 redirects enough to keep any of it?

    | SDOwner

  • I have a really hard time wrapping my head around the use rel canonical.  I just watched WBF and it brought up a question that I had. I had a situation where some of my pages could be accessed a couple of ways: www.mydomain/question1.php?id=24-keyword-rich-url, or www.mydomain/question1.php?id=24 I used rel canonical to tell the search engines that the keyword rich url was the one to index. Now, we all know that shares on Twitter, FB, etc. can add value to my site's SEO.  So, if someone happens to be on the non-keyword-rich url and they click a button to share, do I still get the same seo benefit? Which brings me to a related question...if someone shares your content via a bitly or other shortened domain, is there any difference to the benefit you would get as compared to them sharing the full domain name?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Our Twitter account had been hijacked by an ex-employee who refused to give it back. However we filed for copyright infringement and got access of our Twitter account back. The sad part is that Twitter could not leep our followers intact and we lost our fan base of over 30k followers. Now that we have control of the account, how should we go about regaining our followers? Just to give the community a better idea i'd like to point out that we are a leading news organization ( of Pakistan. (Yes, we have internet and no we don't ride on camels!). We posted a message on our FB account that has an even greater following but didn't get a good response as most followers on FB are local whereas 70% of our readership comes from the US alone! So how would you suggest regaining followers and also, is it better to operate an RSS feed or manually select the links to share on Twitter. Thanks!

    | RishadShaikh59

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