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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • I have a domain called There is nothing there now, but what I want to do is create a directory type site where I list lots of different blogs about Down syndrome (my son was born with Down syndrome, so it's a passion of mine.) Is there a good way to use that domain other than just a simple directory? Is it worth it to do some sort of "all top" like site? Maybe listing the RSS of each blog and pulling in a spinet of info? Or have people rank and view them? My purpose for buying the domain was two fold: 1. To give people searching for blogs about Down syndrome a good list of where to find them, and 2. To help direct people back to our site about Down syndrome, Another thing I was thinking about was somehow asking people to submit their site to and perhaps ask for their email address or other contact info (since the people wanting to put their blog on the list would be the same people I would want to know about my main blog - Or maybe there is another thing I'm missing all making that some sort of 'social network' or buddy press for people wanting to blog about Down syndrome..but there are already many other sties out there like that. One thing I was curious about is SEO...if it's not a blog, and i"m not constantly putting up new and fresh content, will anyone ever be able to find the site via google search? (If that makes sense.) If I just do a directory page the page will be some what static and only updated when I add a new url. I'm open to any feedback / suggestions/ advice. Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • I just want a simple place that will host an image for the tab. I don't want it to look cheap or tacky (obviously) Any suggestions?

    | hwade

  • What are the best  5 ( or 10 ) social bookmarking sites to promote a new site ? If we were to launch a new site, what bookmarking sites would be beneficial to spread the word about it. Thanks

    | seoug_2005

  • What if a partner brand wants to post the full text of a story on one of their FB tabs, Please advise whether this would be duplicate content, thanks!

    | bonnierSEO

  • We have a news portal
    We have our our company profile /
    Articles written our journalists It is possible, that they referred to our company profile / (so as not to each author to your account.) ? example: This article was written on the page: URL ....
    The author  Natasha Penrova The author [Andrey Dembitskiy on the page with the author:]( <a rel="me" <="" span="">href=" / our company profile /">+Natasha Penrova on the page with the author:</a> <a rel="me" <="" span=""> href=" / our company profile /">+Andrey Dembitskiy So will it work?</a>

    | meteorr

  • As subject reads - I wonder if it possible to get the information about Facebook Likes, Google+´s and Tweets by using your API? It would help a lot.

    | SEOmannen

  • With Facebook likes it comes up on Facebook, telling you who pressed the 'like' button. You also get the number of people that like it. Is there something like this for the +1 button? I can work it out through webmaster tools, but this is delayed data, unlike the Facebook 'likes' which is instant. Is there a way of knowing who pressed your +1 button straight away, like on Facebook?

    | sophia123

  • I am trying to figure out the best social bookmarking and social networking sites to use for my eCommerce sites.  Often in the social bookmarking platforms posting a review or a product is instantly considered spam. I know that having links from these types of sites are important but I don't want to come across as spam. What creative solutions do you use for this challenge?

    | purch

  • Hi i have come across this feedburner account and have found it a great way to get our message out there but after spending a few hours trying to work out how to get a feedburner account to do the same as this and failed i would like some advice on simple steps on how to promote our website by using the same methods as this company. As you can see they have lots of articles on the same page but i cannot see an option for doing this on feedburner, can anyone please advise me on what i need to do.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Moz Community, I would like Facebook promotion opinions. I have a local business (Seattle painting contractor) and have built a fan page  which engages our clients, local & national suppliers, friends and other contractors. Our original intent was to use the fan page to promote our main website; we never added a prominent "like us" button on our main page, we did not want to convert for facebook when our best content was on our site. I have been pleasantly surprised this past year how many fans we have accumulated by promotion and by accident. The main benefit has been rewarding engagement from other industry marketers such as Benjamin Moore paint company, and introductions to local design professionals..and these conversations once started continue by direct communication ( I have just added a facebook link on my blog..see attached picture Join our 2500+ fans. Primarily because the visitors to the blog tend to be the sort that engage on Facebook vs  the type that want a painting contractor (Google analytics traffic data and click through behavior). I now have more traffic to the blog than the front end site. What do you think of the button? What else should be promoting? Come Learn more, see what we are about, enage, share, & learn facebook_button.png

    | johnshearer

  • can someone please help I have being trying to find my user id on facebook for days now & i keeo coming up with so many diff answer 😞 I understnad my username is /glenbobquinn but because i have a user name my id is not easilty accessible Then people say hover over your profile pic and it should be in the bottom left of the screen this is what comes up So can anyone please tell me my **user id ** Thank you kindly

    | Socialdude

  • We are considering adding the +1 and facebook like widget to the footer of all our pages, but we can't decide whether to point them to our URL or to our respective Google Plus / Facebook Page. Ideally, we would prefer poiting them to our pages instead of our site URL, but I'm not so sure if we would get as much SEO advantage that way. I was looking for feedback towards the SEO advantages / disadvantages of this at what strategy you guys use. For example: Having +1 our URL would be shown to their friends at the organic results. Having +1 our page would grow our profile, allowing us to communicate with them and would also enable people search +Duplika at Google (like it happens with big brands). What do you suggest?

    | Juanzo

  • Hi, My client, which is a university department, used a regular facebook page to manage some 800 friend on a personal Facebook page. How would you go about convincing the friends to switch to "likees" on a new corporate account? Is holding a giveaway my best bet? Any other ideas? Thanks!

    | michalseo

  • A couple of weeks ago I created a Google+ page for my website and you can see the page here: I was logged in to my account when I did so. I'm now ready to start posting on my page and I cannot for the life of me figure out how. I've tried everything I can find to update that page as the page, but I cannot use Google+ as the page. I have no idea how to post anything. Please help!

    | DanDeceuster

  • Here is a Facebook question: I would like to hide some content behind a Facebook wall - i.e. only make it visible to users who press the like button. Something like the New Yorker did with a Jonathan Franzen story. My question is: how do I do that? Thanks! Thomas

    | ThomasHgenhaven

  • I'm thinking (and I could be wrong) that eventually the number of people that have +1'd a site will begin to impact search results. After all, it is Google's platform. What are your thoughts on this? And do you know if having someone +1 your site is different than having them "follow" you or add you to their circles? Should a business have more followers or +1's?

    | juliaritz

  • If so,how? Sorry if this sounds like a really vague question but our client has asked us to take control of their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account and Im just trying to research the best practice for this? Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

    | SoundinTheory

  • I will often post photos that I have taken to my Facebook page (either personal or my fan page).  Sometimes these can get lots of likes. I got thinking that perhaps I host these photos on my site (i.e. and then share that "page" on Facebook.  That way any of the likes would be counted towards my site. What do you guys think?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Today, I found interesting stuff in Google result. I found that few Facebook fan page have created product page in Facebook to sell products via Facebook like follow. So, How can I get it done?

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi, My client www.nlpca(dot)com wants to know if we can just place the google plus button on their website or do we have to have a profile and such and share things regularly? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Taking some advice/ideas from this seomoz blog post I decided to launch a facebook competition were you like/share the product you want to win. The question is should I be looking for share or likes?  From what I have read Share are more valuable than likes, but Likes would be easier to get I think (ie we could get a lot more of them).  Here is an example of one of our product pages: We already have a like, tweet +1 buttons, but not a facebook share, should it be there? Any feedback or advice would be appreciated

    | eunaneunan

  • So what would you guys say is the best way to market a infographic and get as much exposure to it as possible. The main goal is to get backlinks from blogs and somewhat of social buzz on twitter and facebook. So would anyone suggest doing a Press Release for infographic? And if so, does anyone have any suggestions on which press release site to go with?

    | utesters

  • Does anyone know a good way to find the number of Facebook Likes or Google +1's across an entire domain? It looks like SEOMoz only shows these metrics for individual pages.

    | SparkplugDigital

  • During a spectacular presentation at Seattle Interactive Conference, Rand discussed how Google is able to see linkage between different social networks and a Google profile.  Outside of setting up your Twitter feed to send loads of messages to your Facebook fans (or vice versa), is there a best way to communicate the "linkage" between your social media profiles to the search engines? Eg - How do you best signal to Google that your Twitter, Facebook, G+ and your website are from the same entity?

    | sftravel

  • In the interests of creating some quick, but nice link bait; Does anyone know of any software or online info-graphic generation service? i.e. Something that is easier to create infographics in than gimp/photoshop. Something that you can enter some data in to create some nicely laid out graphs would be amazing.

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • We produced a Movember poster to use at our showroom to encourage customers to donate, and I published it on some of our blogs as to raise the profile of our campaign. We've been getting loads of hits from people searching for "Movember poster", but as it has our branding on it won't be much good to them. It's a good image which has been making people laugh, so I think it's worth publishing an unbranded version which people can use freely so long as they link back to us if they use it on a website. Obviously I can publish the unbranded version of the poster on our own websites, but I think it might be worth publishing it on free image sites as well. I've got no experience dealing with image publication, so just wondered if anyone can give me any suggestions about the best way to go about it.

    | StoresDirect

  • How do you add a facebook like box to the home page here nlpca(dot)com It's a large like box with pictures. I added this below the body: and this on our site (Joomla site):" data-width="217" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="true">
    What am I doing wrong?

    | BobGW

  • It looks like Google is putting a definite emphasis on social signals, through Google+ anyway. Has anyone tested the effect of social circles on SEO yet? Same effects as the "magical +1 button?" +1 on shifting your time and resources to Social Media?

    | 10JQKAs

  • I'm seeking some social media plugin advice, in relation to SEO. This may not be possible to answer yet, or ever? But it could be worth a discussion. As far as i can see, there are two main forms of plugins (taking facebook as an example): 1 that directly connects a user to your brand page on said platform (eg like us on facebook) 1 that allows a user to 'like', 'share', 'recommend' the page that you are on as a sign of respect and/or sharing content For a home page, I am confused as to which one to use, without filling out the whole page with plugins. One objective is to increase fan numbers, the other is to increase content sharing, and possibly SEO? I've noticed that Google has been returning some personalised results based on mine, or my google+ connections +1's. So to the question... Do you think having more fans on the new Google Pages for business accounts will improve SEO to the same, if not higher weighting than a +1 does? and therefore is it more important to get more brand page followers, or +1's of the homepage?

    | ARMofficial

  • I am wondering what I can do to get my site into Google News. I have followed their guidelines but had my site declined. I have a news sitemap, a staff page, a contact page with all info provider, etc etc. But my application was denied. One my largest competitors just got accepted so I would love to get in.

    | NoahGlaser78

  • Hi, This is really a social media question, hoping you can help. We have 2 facebook sites that we are going to delete. One is a group and one is a page. Here they are: and How do we send a message to all people in both groups all at once letting them know of our new facebook page that we're making? We're also concerned that people will get 2 emails that are subscribed to both sites to be deleted.. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hello, What social media do you recommend for nlpca(dot)com and what kind of buttons convert best for a site like that? We're working on facebook right now: So far I like the buttons on the top right of this site: weddingmountain(dot)com. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Does anyone have an infographic to explain how social media increases any lift in the SERP's.  I just am not grasping how if I re tweet a link that the search enegines see this and say "this must be important" let rank it higher.. Where is the Social Media Moz Guru?


  • Hi, Our website is nlpca(dot)com facebook page: They recently added facebook. I told them for posting on the wall to do the following: Identify your target audience, possible people to like us Identify what they really really are searching for on Facebook and the web, and give it to them. How could we improve on this strategy. At first my boss wanted to post article sinippits and links to the articles, but I told him to create facebook content with the above (1) and (2) strategy Your thoughts?

    | BobGW

  • We use canonical tags for multipart videos, using part 1 of the series as their canonical tag. The logic behind this is that if you have eight parts, it's better for part 1 to get all the link juice for the entire series, so that when someone searches for the main keyword, part 1 is the highest ranked part to appear in search results, and the link juice from every part is aggregated into that one page. The problem is the Facebook made changes to their URL sharing practices to reflect the canonical tag. So as long as the tag is used Facebook ignores the image and description from say part 2, and uses the description from part 1. Can this be waived by using Facebook Open Graph Protocol? Thanks!!

    | Tug-Agency

  • HOLA! I need some questions answered by all the GREAT people here: 1. suggestions for 3rd party facebook analytics tracking (currently utilizing a custom API and raven tools) 2. who is using the open graph protocol  and how are you doing so?

    | Gaveltek-173238

  • I have a client (professional practice) whose father is a marketing professor. He is pushing the client that he should have a professional page on  social sites. While I believe having FB likes, shares, Tweet links, +1, etc. on the page, I really am ambivalent about building pages specifically for social media sites. 
    For some of you who have tracked the efficacy of these it would be great to know your pros and cons.

    | RobertFisher

  • I incorporated Facebook comments on my site and am now working on displaying it for Google to see.  I did so successfully using the FB comment display php script (See: on the page below, but it is displaying in the browser as well. What is the best preactice to hide this from the human visitors? Here is an example page of the comments and the output of the PHP script that needs to be hidden from human visitors:

    | TheDude

  • Hi everyone, I've only been a member for a few days but this community is extremely supportive of one another, and I appreciate that very much.  Here's my current project. I've done IM for awhile but now I'm helping a massage therapist with his personal brand here in Chicago.  I've used the tools here to identify a few of the bigger sites and ten local keywords that he'd like to rank for - things like chicago massage, cheap massage therapy, and chicago reiki, his favorite. I'm currently getting him set up with Google Places properly so he shows up there.  We have a Facebook and Twitter underway.  We have a blog he can use if he wants - though I'm not sure how insistent he's going to stay.  I'm planning a separate page targeting each of the keywords we're after. His competitors each have a couple local blogs talking about them, so I'm going to contact some local bloggers and offer them free massages in return for a review.  He also is getting registered in some of the local business directories - mostly the ones I see the other sites already in. Finally, I was going to use some Build My Rank sites to bulk up his backlinks - maybe focus 10 on each keyword, with 5 going to the main keyword and 5 going to long tails. How does this sound for a simple, first SEO project?  I'd love to hear some feedback, even if it's just "sounds great".  I've never put one together for a client, and I'm thrilled/nervous. Thanks! Philip

    | philipbuuck

  • Hi, What are the benefits of hooking an rss feed into feedburner? Will this help SEO? And more important will this help exposure? Should I see a higher level of traffic?

    | activitysuper

  • Hello, I'm planning a blog contest. I have the project plan outlined and the one missing factor is where to promote the blog contest to get the most people involved in the contest possible. What do you recommend in regards to publicizing the contest to bloggers?

    | AllergyBuyersClub

  • I setup Facebook comments on my site using the iframe setup.  I thought FB would notify me whenever someone comments on my website, but that is not the case.  Now people are commenting and I would have to look through hundreds of pages on my site to reply to their questions. I searched the web on how to do this, but I am lost when looking at the steps.  Can anyone help provide clear instructions on how to notify me of my website comments on my FB page or by email?

    | TheDude

  • I'm attempting to find users to follow and receive reciprocal follows for a client on twitter. Through the company's newsletter database, I have a CSV file of somewhere in the range of 20,000 email addresses and names. I've been importing them 250 at a time into an empty Gmail account then connecting that with twitter each time to find some of them. However, a lot of the PEOPLE using the email addresses on the mailing list are not on twitter but their COMPANY is. To find the company, I can obviously drop the name@ part of the email and just search by the domain but this becomes tedious real quick since it has to be one by one and cannot be bulk imported/searched. Are there any tools/ideas out there to more easily find twitter users based on a larger set of keywords and/or domain names?

    | Motava

  • Hi, we are planning to make major changes in our site (SEO optimalization) and recently I read post in some kind of blog speaking about problems with FB Likes, Tweet etc when we change URLs. So the question is: Is it true that we lose social rankings when we change URLs structure( e.g. from to, even with proper 301 redirects?

    | DELETE_b

  • Hello, I was wondering, does it help if I publish a link to a new page on my website on my Facebook-, Google + and Twitter-Account - even if noone reposts it? Thanks Polyniki

    | polyniki

  • Hi guys, I'm having trouble coming up with a proper twitter background. I'm just going to start with a simple solid green with branding info in the top left. Do you guys know of an article that gives me the exact dimensions and placement to put things as far as where to put my logo and name in the background image and how wide and tall to make my logo and name. Or you can just tell me, but an article would be fine. The articles I've read are not consistent. Thank you!

    | BobGW

  • Hello, I want to know what the best versions of twitter, facebook, and Google+1 buttons are, and where optimum placement  is. site: but I want to know in general as well Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a "voting" app on Facebook. We have some user-generated recipes that we want to post and allow our fans to vote for their favorite. Similar to this:!/New7WondersofNature?sk=app_114026852036251 I've contacted Woobox but they only allow users to choose between 2 options and we would need 5. Any thoughts?Thanks!

    | EssEEmily

  • Hello, I have a twitter account. Do I need to make a 2nd twitter account for my business? My current username is BobWeikel If I need a 2nd account, what would my username be? My company is called Bob Weikel & Associates. Thank You!

    | BobGW

  • I have following Facebook fan page and want vistastores username which is my domain name. But, I am not able to get it due to my personal profile. Fan page: Personal profile: I am thinking to delete my Facebook account. [Profile & Fan page] Then, I will re-open my Facebook account and create fan page. So, Can I transfer my username from personal profile to fan page by this method?

    | CommercePundit

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