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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi All! I want to know what people think about having forums on their sites. Do you still find value on these, or are they mostly a waste of resources? Would it be better to use facebook's registration plugin or something along those lines? Any other thoughts or suggestions on this topic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • First off, thanks to what I can already tell is a great community here. I've never seen so much solid information in one place. I am working on a real estate website that brings a better experience to high end lake front home buyers in our area. The lakes name is Lake Keowee and it is in Seneca, SC. My url is Some of the top competitors seem to use link exchange options that don't seem relavent, yet they are ranking quite high. I am only a month or two in, and just looking for feedback from you all on tips for my path forward and approximately how long it will take to you some of my work pay off in the results. Still waiting for my dmoz listing to be approved for now, arghh. Thanks, Steven

    | sfmatthews

  • I have checked the competitive landscape and the rankings with the keyword difficulty tool. E.g. for "Schuhe" - - the rankings do not correlate with MOZ Page authority and Domain authority. What are the reasons for that and what are the important factors currently not reflected in SEO Moz Page and Domain authority?

    | delphinus

  • Hi all, I have a client that has 2 websites (different brands) in the same industry. I have encouraged them to become authors when writing content for each respective website and hook up their Google+ profile to the posts. Is this detrimental for SEO if they are writing for both sites? Or is it in fact a positive thing? Looking forward to your thoughts on this!! Thanks, Elias

    | A_Q

  • What are people's thoughts on whether or not social spam will become a major problem soon, just like forum profile/blog comment spam, etc, and what do you think the search engines will do about companies that are blatantly gaming the social signals game I.E. since social proof seems to be google's answer to combating anchor text manipulation and content farms, what do you think will be google's answer to combating the rampant social spam that will surely overtake us.

    | ilyaelbert

  • We have quite a few ideas for projects to help improve our web presence on SERPs while providing value to our members. Below is a 'short' selection. Which one strategy do you think would be highest priority, and why? Dynamically-Generated Content Create additional unique content-rich pages dynamically from technical data about plastic materials stored in our database. We don't just want to puke out data, but make it meaningful and unique - educational in fact to engineers, thinking it's good for them and also might give us an opportunity to gain links from edu websites. More Content Hire a company to transcribe our 60+ recorded plastics industry webinar presentations. These are really cool topics (at least that's what engineers think) presented by top industry experts - something we want to continue to do to capture knowledge for future engineers. Forum / User-Generated Content & Interaction Create an online forum for people who design with plastic materials - a forum like the SEOmoz format we think, would be cool! It's good for the users to interact and provide additional user-generated content that can be useful for our members and for SEO. Social Push This is a tough one for us because the plastics industry is an older audience (that continually 'grows' younger). We can see a shift towards social adoption over the past few years, and obviously its impact on search. We see growth on Twitter and LinkedIn, but Facebook and others are a mystery for us - but we've got to adopt it early so we're ready when the plastics industry matures. We're a small company, so we've got to pick and choose the best things that help improve our business while providing top notch products and services to our users, members and customers. Simply posting to a blog that auto posts to all other social outlets seems like an opportunity, but kind of cheesy. You probably have better ideas... Videos We can easily generate short educational videos to post on our site through YouTube. This would be a great strategy, albeit it would take some effort, but we're thinking it would be well worth it.

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • When I 301 redirect a page that has content that has been +1'ed by our visitors, I would assume that Google would handle a +1 the same as a link and pass this authority along to the new url. Has anyone had any experience or heard directly from Google confirming this behavior?

    | Eventful

  • hi i have just come across scoop it which is a magazine site where you can post items and news and i would like to know if anyone is using this to generate traffic for their site and generate links. I cam across it after finding out that links were coming to my site from the network and this morning i have signed up as a free member to try it but there are paid options. I would like to know if anyone is using it and how successful it has been for them

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Does anyone have an idea how long it takes for the business profile to show up on youtube and twitter?  I created profiles yesterday around mid afternoon.  I searched for both today and they do not show up just yet. Thanks!

    | hawkvt1

  • I recently started a discussion on Google+ and thought I would get some feedback from the SEO community. This article suggests that Google Search Plus Your World does not improve search quality for users. When a search is performed, I can imagine that results would be skewed to Google+ content and +1s from people in your circles. Doesn't this mean that if you only follow not-so-influential people who share and +1 not so quality stuff that your new "world" results are just going to be low quality? Doesn't this mean that SEO and traditional linking methods are dying? This would mean that the bigger chains will have more advantage just like what happened after Panda. How does the small business compete with this? Any insight would be of super appreciation.

    | itrogers

  • Hello, Can you give admin status to a user, that doesn't give them the ability to remove other admins. This would be editor or contributor in wordpress. The concern here is that an admin can delete the other admins. IF ATT gave admin to a disgruntled employee, they could lose a page for some time. Thanks

    | tylerfraser

  • What are people's opinions of Quora for SEM? Early last year many were excited about its potential but I must admit I haven't explored quora as much as I should have. I do find it a good resource for getting answers to my questions but how do people turn this into an SEO tool? This is probably sacrilege for most SEMs but I don't think Quora has taken off over here in the UK as it has in the US. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts as an SEO community and how you've used Quora successfully. Cheers.

    | A_Q

  • I've set up an author profile for myself, but if I'm writing articles for clients, I don't necessarily want to do it in my own name. Is it possible to set up a Google author profile using a G+ business page? Obviously the idea is to try and gain the rich snippets that only recognised authors receive, but to do so in the name of my client.

    | Piranha_Solutions

  • Hi i have seen lots of facebook pages that are being used to promote a company and would like to know if anyone is using facebook or any other social network such as myspace to promote their website without having to pay a fee. I would love to see some examples and learn how to set up a facebook page that is there to promote a website. What i would like to do is to have one that promotes my travel website where i can post travel stories on facebook and promote my website and also drive traffic to my website from facebook. any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I just finished watching the mozinar on "The End of Search Without Social" mozinar, and I have so many points that I want to implement for our agency.  The problem I see is that we have clients in about 20 different industries.  How do you create strong social relationships in each of these industries for your clients?  It seems that you could have more influence if you built all into your own personal profiles or your SEO company's to create that great fan base.  Anyone have success in doing it across the board? Thanks!

    | esztanyo

  • Our website ( has a very large and active Facebook group ( Often there are more comments on the Facebook posting of a link, than on the blog post itself. I try to get people go and leave comments on the blog, but they don't get it. So I'd like to try to find a way to get Facebook comments to transfer to our site. I"m not sure the best way to do this....either via a plug in, or via these instructions I'd just like to get it going..and not mess up the comment's I have now. (Also not everyone has Facebook, so I'd like them to still be able to comment the 'old' way (name/email). Hoping someone can help point me in the right direction with this. Thanks.

    | NoahsDad

  • If an established publisher gets started on Google+, is it better to post one or two things a day like a real person would, or is it okay to do a "data dump" and post a ton of articles at once? Does it matter if the account is a brand or personal page? Thanks.

    | ebenthurston

  • 7,350,000,000 results in Google ( When I login with gmail account) 7,360,000,000 results in Google ( Without Login) Don't you you people think its quite big difference ? I want to know about extra 10,000,000 index pages ?

    | SanketPatel

  • Is it a good idea to outsource social media optimization or is it something that has to be done in-house? I understand the question is kind of vague, but what I had in mind was to have an offshore contractor post daily about individual products and try to increase our following on twitter/facebook (i.e "social footprint").

    | inhouseseo

  • On the left side of our Facebook page, we constantly see a number like this -  5 talking about this ( just below the likes ). Please have a look at What does  "5 talking about this"  mean ?

    | seoug_2005

  • Is there any benefit of backing up tweets (with something like tweet backup) and publishings the back ups on your own site from your own database?

    | JohnW-UK

  • I am curious as to people's opinion about the Facebook like button you add to a given website.  It would seem with the increased influence of social media indicators that you would want to have people "like" your webpage (as opposed linking the like back to your Facebook page) when they go to your webpage, but this dilutes the number of likes you get at both Facebook and your webpage.  It is my understanding that people are more likely to "like" a page that already has a lot of "likes."  As most of my clients are very small businesses, this is a significant consideration as their "like" volumes are very low by default (i.e., if you only have a few hundred people who even use your business it is hard to get thousands of likes).  Thanks for your opinion!

    | farlandlee

  • I am wondering how Facebook uses the data enclosed in OG Type tags? Facebook wants you to stick to the types listed though it's fairly limited in scope. Our pages are in the accommodation space but they are not HOTELS. In this instance would you list as COMPANY or go with HOTELS. Curious to hear your thoughts - thanks!

    | Jeff_Lucas

  • I am looking for some help an inspiration on a quality email for sharing content. I don't want it to be in your face please share my article but at the same time I want people to act upon it 🙂 Thanks for your help guys and gals 🙂

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I just read this article over on Read Write Web: The part that made me raise an eyebrow is in the section "Google+ Hates the Internet". I just tested the exact term the author used and his article does show up first, followed by two G+ listings. I don't have enough action going on in my G+ accounts to even test this, let alone see it, but was wondering if anyone else has seen it or tested it? Perhaps this in fact, is Google's way of using "social proof" to drive valuable content up? Seems like it, which is good. However, I can also see how it can be abused to further game and manipulate SERPs. Thoughts?

    | AngieHerrera

  • I read in the Google+ Guidelines that running a contest, sweepstakes or other forms of contest is against the rules for Google+ However I have seen a few contests going such as share this with your friends to get entered to win.  How is Google enforcing this rule? My company runs product giveaways each month on Facebook but I did not know if I would get banned for posting a link to it or building content around it on the Brand Page. I figured I would ask before I get in trouble. Thx

    | Ben-HPB

  • Please consider the pricing, ease of use, and accuracy, also, perhaps the social networks being monitored( as far as I am concern it's only trackur that monitors google+) Also if you have other recommendation, that would be awesome too. Thank you. PS:  I love seomoz Social Media reporting, I just have other requirements too. Thanks.

    | TofSalcedo84

  • Is there anywhere I can learn about social media monitoring on SEO Moz?  For some reason I just get a blank page when trying to access the section on here Thanks!

    | HugoK

  • For blog commenting and gaining viewers, ultimately trying to get more links, should I leave comments with the Name +URL or leave a comment with my twitter account? Which do you all feel would be more effective?

    | AlphonsoSanchez

  • Hi all, I have noticed that when moving to a new domain your normal links will move along with you when you set proper 301 redirects and use google webmaster tools. But I'm under the impression your twitter mentions, fb likes etc. on the different pages will be lost... I'm looking forward to your comments and ideas. Cheers

    | hellemans

  • Hey everybody, Thought I would poll my fellow Wordpress users about their favorite social plugins. Mine are WP Socializer for customizable buttons, Facebook Like Box for my Facebook pages, and SEO Facebook Comments for crawlable Facebook comments. Happy Holidays, Jared

    | JaredBroker

  • Volusion doesn't allow messing with the main directory so I could only put a page at /v/blog. They do allow you to set up a 301 redirect so I had set up a 301 redirect from to Is it worth starting a blog like this for SEO? Thanks

    | AHH888

  • Do Facebook Open Graph tags get spidered by Google?  I have a site I'm looking at and they've implemented these tags on the entire site, but with the same title and description on every page.  I'm assuming if you use these tags, give each page their own unique tags.  But do these have an effect on rankings at all?  Does googlebot see them and take them into account?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hi, I have more than 100 videos on youtube with thousands of visits. This videos are often inserted in other websites, but I don't get links from them. How to take advantage of it?

    | ociosu

  • I am creating a new fan page for my company. The page will definitely begin with my brand name.  Is it a good idea to add keywords after the brand name (3-4 word short description of what the brand is) or is it better to keep the name just the brand? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi Guys, Does anyone know / use any good all in one CRM for Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. This is for business purposes therefore I will need to able to post on facebook as my business page (not personal profile). Thank you.

    | Socialdude

  • 2011, what are the best social bookmarking sites to use for getting backlinks and what are your strategies?

    | echo1

  • UPDATED: I meant to say SEO VALUE, not just business value Lets say I have a site -, and I set up a Facebook Page - I understand the SEO value of having the domain "Liked", using the FB Like button on my homepage lets say, or the same goes for individual pages - My question is rather about having my Facebook Page - "Liked".  Are those likes counted by the engines as a strong signal that should rank well? Or only that the Facebook Page - should rank well in searches for that company?

    | Jeff.Gold-31537

  • I tweet a lot from several twitter accounts, and have a lot of traffic from my tweet pictures. However, I'd like to capture that traffic on my blog. I've tried a few plug in's that allowed me to use my blog has a host for the images I tweet out, but I've yet to find one that works very well. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas / suggestions on how I could send the traffic from all of the pictures I tweet out to my blog? Also, I don't want this to clog up the home page. At one time I used a plug in that allowed me to do something like this, and I created a separate category ( and excluded that category from my home page. There were a few issues though, the formatting didn't work well for people viewing the pictures on twitter. And the plug in conflicted with other plug ins I was running. I haven't tried it in a while, so maybe it works better now. I hoping someone out there was some suggestions. thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Im pulling my hairs out literally, Facebook has been constantly rejecting my ads, throwing away All the work it took the campaigns to set them up. This is getting frustrating since I allways get the same "image" reason. What bothers me is the themes are similar to previously approved ads and I for one cannot find a reason on their lists for the rejection. So I was thinking of just resending the same ads with a higher bid, to test if they approved them or not, but don't know how this will work. Is there a way to contact them to actually tell you what they think was wrong? Is there a chance to file a complaint for the rejection of the same ad with different targeting just on different dates? Im really really stressed out since ive lost 10hours of work dealing with this constant rejection nonsense.

    | makote

  • Our web development team members are having a debate on when and where to add various social media buttons / links. The crux of the debate is when does adding various calls to social media services become detrimental to page load time. We have really been focusing recently on optimizing page load speed using YSlow and Google Page Speed tools to tweak templates and pages as much as possible. Our webmaster argues that we should be selective on what pages we add Google+, Facebook LIKE, Twitter/Follow buttons. e.g. just 'important' pages such as the home page. Here is a forum link that speaks of this... Bottom line? What are your thoughts on when and where to place various social media buttons and links for Google+, Facebook LIKE and Twitter/Follow. Thanks,
    Roy McClean P.S. We have pretty much agreed to use AddThis button set on our clients' blog pages that includes FB LIKE and SEND, Google+, Twitter and the AddThis general share buttons.

    | RoyMcClean

  • This is with reference to the post My questions are - 1. Where should i enter the code in IE and in 2. Chrome Thanks

    | seoug_2005

  • This is a question that has been nagging at me for more than a year now.  I've played around on Twitter and LinkedIn, and am a frequent user of Facebook. I really struggle to see how a small business can utilize Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Let's get the obvious, "Tell your friends about your business" post out of the way.  I have a friend that posts about his business everyday, the same thing, over and over.  I have since blocked his feeds because they are annoying.  I always pay attention to when someone makes a post about a new business they are starting because I want to watch and see how they use social media to grow, but it never seems to develop into anything more than a simple "I have a new business." I don't want to be the guy at the neighborhood Christmas party that everyone ignores because they think the only thing I will talk about is my business. I've also tried doing the "Build real relationships on Twitter" approach.  It seems like everyone I chose to follow and try to become friends with was a bot. They didn't post anything, but "Inspiring Quotes" and "Random Facts". I think my real question is "How do small business use social media, WITHOUT being annoying?"

    | kadesmith

  • Does Facebook Open Graph tags have any benefit to SEO? e.g.

    | Dennis-52961

  • Hello Mozzers, I'm looking at Social Media Marketing and wondering what counts for most in terms of SEO - (A) shares and likes from specific web pages, or (B) followers, likes, etc., on social media profile pages? What does Google measure vis-a-vis your website? Also, regarding Twitter, if a twitterer forwards on a tweet manually (by inserting RT) - and his RT is then shared, does that count for anything, or is it better for clients if RTweeters simply press the RT button. And should I include URLs in tweets, facebook posts, etc? And do backlinks help beyond increasing website visitor numbers - do any of the social media marketing tools pass juice back to websites via backlinks? Thanks in advance :), Luke

    | McTaggart

  • Looking online I noticed sites like mashable listing share buttons on the left of the screen I think this is a great idea and a lot more prominent. So I then looked at the current solution we have on wordpress that lists them at the bottom of the individual posts. does anyone know of any plugins that list the share buttons to the left of the page ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hi all, We're just about to push out a blogger contest. We want to win for the keyword "How to make a difference" Search volume: Exact match: 810 Broad Match: over 300,000 These are our contest guidelines that I plan to share with interested bloggers soon: Subject:
    Follow Up: The Vittana “Make a Difference” Contest. Hi [FIRST NAME], Thanks for expressing interest in the blogging contest that I mentioned a couple weeks back. We’ve finalized the contest rules and we’d love to get you on board. We were impressed by the interest that this contest has generated. Not only do we expect this contest to help over 250 students in developing countries to complete their education, but it should also drive traffic to your site as well! PRIZES $200, $100 and $50 gift certificates for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Badges showing the amount of loans driven by your blog post. ??Another idea?? CONTEST RULES: WRITE A SHORT BLOG POST
    Write a post on your blog focused on the theme “Making a Difference.” The post length is up to you but probably should be under 500 words. Some possible topics include. These posts do not have to be related to Vittana: How has education made a difference in your life? How have you used your education to make a difference in the world? What are, in your opinion, the best ways to make a difference? What are, in your opinion, the most pressing problems in the world today? What can we do about them. Check out the list of countries on left-hand side of Vittana’s student list. Have you been there? What are major problems facing the country? How might they be solved? Tell us about someone or something that had made an impact in your life. Again, the format can be up to you, but you can check out this document (TO BE CREATED) to help get you started. PASTE THIS TEXT AT THE BEGINNING OF YOUR POST
    Please put the following text at the beginning of your blog post to mention the contest:
    [Paragraphs with varying anchor text pointing to our contest page--we'll vary through mail merge] EMAIL ME THE POST URL AND YOUR TWITTER HANDLE
    In order for us to enter the contest, please send me the URL of your published blog post and your twitter handle. If you don’t have a twitter handle, we encourage you to sign up and create one for the purposes of scoring. Important: The scoring of posts is based in part by the number of tweets that your post receives. In order for us to properly calculate your score please ensure that your username and the hashtag #makeadifference is part of the tweet. Something like this: In order to make this process easier, we will be sending a “tweet this!” link so that when people do share the hashtag and your twitter username is already included. Good luck! And if you have any questions just let me know! Kenji

    | vittana_seo

  • We use Twitter, Facebook, a blog, and Google +.   Currently we create unique content for each.   These platforms have the ability to "cross-post" (Where what you put on your facebook or blog gets tweeted, for example). Is it important to keep this content unique?   Or can we duplicate across these platforms?

    | EugeneF

  • Hi all, It's become more apparent to us all going forward after the panda update that social signals are becoming more and more important in regards to SERPS. Our website is and is gaining a decent amount of traffic from Twitter. and we have managed to work out what works for us on twitter and what doesnt allowing us to interact with our followers more and more. The problem is facebook. Direct marketing doesn't work here. Our page is but we are struggling to get any traffic or interaction with our friends. Any advice on how to market properly for facebook for seo purposes? Thanks in advance.

    | AdenBrands

  • I have a Facebook like button on each of my individual posts and a box on my home page where people can 'like' my Facebook fan page..but is there any way to have a Facebook 'like' button on my home page so people can actually like the home page?

    | NoahsDad

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