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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hello.  Can someone please help me to clarify what the difference is between a twitter list 'subsciber' and a twitter list 'member'?  Thanks so much.

    | E2E

  • I'm looking for help with how to setup/manage a community on Facebook. Here is the scenario: You have a bike store owner.  Out of the store he also organizes different biking training groups, for people who want to be able to meet certain personal goals.  These groups like to interact with the other members inside their groups, but not across groups. Does the following architecture make sense?  The business would have 1 Company Page.  Then for for various different training groups, the company admin would create Facebook 'Groups' which allow for interaction amongst members that way. Does that make sense?  Or is there a smarter way to do this?  It seems like this isn't very unified, because there could be a bunch of different groups.  Is there a way to set this up inside the business' page itself?  Any other thoughts?

    | brianspatterson

  • Hello, I have a ticket website: and I am looking for advice for better SEO for the website. I know its tough because there are so many sites out there like this but wanted to get some opinions. I have done little things here and there and are starting to see a couple of keywords come up but I am trying to get my inner pages ranked so I can come up for long tail keywords based on an actually game or event that is happening. Any suggestions would be great. I have 4 friends that work for me that will do anything to promote the site. Thanks

    | maximumrank

  • To begin with, please pardon me if this question is ignorant. I'm completely new to this whole social media thing, and somewhat feel it is overhyped. I find it really difficult to believe that social media will actually help the majority of small business owners out there like me, and that most of them are probably being misled about the powers of social media to increase sales. Because it's mentioned so frequently, I've decided to delve into it a bit more to see how this could possibly help me business. Over the past few weeks, I've become familiar with a company that sells Facebook Likes, Twitter followers, as well as YouTube and SoundCloud plays. Since my official Twitter and FaceBook accounts really didn't have that many followers, I decided to buy a few thousand followers for each account. Initially, I bought them because I wondered what would happen if a customer that visited my online store happened to go to those Twitter and Facebook pages. If I personally see a Facebook page with few followers, I probably wouldn't give them my business. I would want to go with a company that seems to generate a bunch of traffic to their pages. Originally, I only had about 200 Facebook followers (now called Likes, it seems) and maybe 25 Twitter followers. I now have over 12,000 Twitter followers and 2,000 Facebook Likes. I may end up buying more since the service was pretty quick and affordable. I'd like to know if Google factors Likes and followers into it's formula for creating SERPS. Will my website rank higher if I have 10,000 likes, rather than only 200? If so, would it be a notable increase? FWIW, I found that more people organically started following my Facebook and Twitter accounts once I had more followers. I didn't change anything about how I maintained the page; I just had more people following them. One other thing of note: these companies are almost certainly using fake/hacked accounts to like various pages around Facebook/Twitter. You can tell because my Facebook page says some city in Croatia has the most amount of 'likes' of my page. Do you think this might come into play at all? Thanks for any and all help!


  • I'm talking about Scheduling Tweets Scheduling FB Updates I'm sure I'll be pointed to some good resources for the above but what I really need is a tool that allows me to sort out queries/complains/requests that I would need to pass on to my client. Something that lets me tag a comment and gathers it with complete data like user name, time, comment etc. Does something like this exist?! Similarly, something that allows you to filter words that should be treated as spam. Also, suggestions on what other "brainless" tasks of SMM should be/can be automated would be appreciated. Regards, Edit: No responses as yet! Whats up Mozzers?

    | AsadMemon

  • I know this probably won't matter much to people who get crawled on a regular basis, but for those of us who don't, does promoting a new page on social media help it get indexed faster with google? My site rarely gets crawled, but I've recently been adding new content.  When I add new content I started to promote it on facebook/twitter and I do get minimal traffic from it.  I noticed that a couple of the pages seem to be indexing quicker than pages normally do for me, although I'm not sure if it's because I recently migrated to WP or what..? I know T/FB are no follow sites, but is there a chance that promoting a page may contribute to the pages getting indexed? Thanks for any insight you can shed on the matter. It's more for curiosities sake than anything else. Pete S.

    | psokoloski

  • Hi has anyone used go to increase their brand awareness and traffic. I have been using the site for a while now but never seen any real results where our articles only get a couple of views over the space of a few months while i have seen some other articles on the site that claim they are receiving thousands. would like to know if the stats are true what is the secret to generating traffic to the articles on the site and if there are better article sites out there to increase brand awareness.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Does having a lot of Google +1 adds really affect your ranking?

    | TheGrid

  • Hello, Social sharing is a positive signal for SEO.Google told on its blog, Googlebot take car of more than 200 social websites. Sometime Twitter and Facebook aren't good marketing places because business isn't B2C but B2B. So customers doesn't use them for job, but they use Linkedin, Viadeo, Xing, and maybe some other. I can't be present onto all social website, I've to choose the most relevant.
    I already know which are better for branding and CRM. But for SEO, which is better for you, and why ? Thanks

    | Max84

  • Hi guys, I'm wondering; is it a good idea (for the engines primaliry) to include links with targeted keywords in facebook posts. From a user perspective I would say it's not desirable. But I'm wondering how Google and co treat links which they find there. They are nofollowed, yes. They are indexed however but when I want google to show me the text-only version of the cached page I receive an 404 error which is odd. Anybody else getting the 404 from google? Eg. clicking on this cache-URL: and then on "text only" leads to this page which does not exist: Looking forward to your ideas on this topic.

    | jmueller

  • Hi, Back in Jan I asked "Why has SEOmoz added G+ code to multiple pages?" - I wanted to double check something so looked at your source code but see that you've now removed the rel="publisher" code from all of your pages... Could you please let me know why its been removed? I don't want to add it to my site and find out 2 weeks later that you've done a big test and shown it hurts rankings or something like that. Thanks FashionLux

    | FashionLux

  • What is everyone thoughts on and other sites that try to manipulate the "social signals" aspect of SEO.  Am I right for thinking that it is waste of time because it is not related to your niche and all the accounts in the network are just spam accounts with lots of spammy looking links that add no value. I just feel time spent getting a retweet about your site from related authority sites would do far more than a ton of crap ones.

    | deaddogdesign

  • I have two sites I can get a link to my site on. The first has 10 outbounds all to facebook. The other has ten links to ten different sites. Assuming the sites are in every way equivalent apart from in that way which site gives me more juice if I add a link to my own site?

    | Turkey

  • Hello, We created a google+ page for our website and we would like to know what's best for SEO purposes. We've put +1 buttons on our website and when you use them it give a +1 to our website's url. Some other websites on the other hand make the button give a +1 to their website's page on Google + like this for instance: So basically the number of +1s on the Google+ page increases. Which one is best to have my website rank higher for its keywords? Thanks for your help 🙂

    | LisaAa

  • Can someone please direct me to a good article on how the recent facebook changes to how check ins are calculated affect SEO? Or even give me an explanation here?

    | HamiltonIsland

  • Can anyone tell me when i can start working with Blogscape, so i can start monitoring my social media? It's out of order for a while now and i am just wondering. Thanks in advance Best Regards Jonas

    | jonasdenda

  • I have a doubt regarding the facebook LIKES for URLs Case 1: By using a Facebook Like Button (for URL) on my page(s). Here people are coming to my page and giving like directly on my page. Case 2: Here i'm not using any Facebook Like plugins on page, But my page got shared on facebook pages and profiles. And people are giving likes on for my shared links. Is this two count as different methods? Explain me please.

    | riyas_heych

  • Is cross posting automatically on the multiple social media networks good for SEO or bad?

    | Melia

  • I can't find the answer to this by Googleing, and Pinterest doesn't seem to specify.

    | ebenthurston

  • Is using a platform to automatically cross post on the social bookmarking websites good or bad for SEO?

    | Melia

  • Need some help focusing social hours to impcat brand, but also make a SEO impact.

    | jdcline

  • Sorry for probably stupid question. But we are asking it ourself during last few month and can't make a decision. After reading this article ( it is hard to say which case is for us. We have the eCommerce site, but we are using category pages in addition to eCommerce. So we put on this page images, specifications and videos for a bunch of products. On the specific product page from eCommers we have only general information about products and a canonical tag that goes to the category page described above. This was done to avoid duplication content for similar products. So we concentrated on these main category pages. SEOmoz shows to us: Duplicate Page Content  - 179 (why is canonical tag  not working?),
    Duplicate Page Title - 746 (why is canonical tag  not working?), Long URL (> 115 characters) - 117
    Temporary Redirect - 1,306(eCommerce login redirect)
    Title Element Too Short - 63
    Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) - 2,357(why is canonical tag  not working?),
    Too Many On-Page Links - 616
     Missing Meta Description Tag - 873(why is canonical tag  not working?), For main pages, on-page reports look like: Factor Overview
    Critical Factors     4 / 4
    High Importance Factors     4 / 7
    Moderate Importance Factors 8 / 9
    Low Importance Factors 7 / 11
    Optional Factors  3 / 5 And according to SEOmoz we have 7,865 External Followed Links So please help us to decide which case from article is the best for us. Thank you. Duplicate Page Title

    | ctam

  • Hi There, Just wondering if you guys (and girls) think that your links to social media accounts be followed or nofollow? This includes sitewide header/footer links and other text links littered throughout the site. Includes Twitter, FB, Pinterest and G+ specifically (for my site anyway). Thanks in advance!

    | bradkrussell

  • Hey Guys, As you all know there are many social buttons out there that can be added to your website. Facebook Like button, Twitter's Tweet and Follow buttons, Google +1, and AddThis buttons are just a few to mention. All of these buttons can be customized, eg. you may choose to point your FB Like button to your homepage, to a specific inner page, or to your Facebook Brand Page. Same with your +1 button. Moreover, you may choose to add Twitter and Google+ Follow buttons to your site's pages, and so on. My questions are very simple: Is there any best practice for adding social buttons to your site from SEO perspective? if yes, Which social buttons to add? Where is the ideal place for them on your page? Where these buttons should be pointing to? your homepage? specific inner page? or to your official brand pages? Thanks in Advance, Yogev.

    | ShivaS

  • Just got around to looking for a client's link on merchantcircle and didn't see it, so I looked for some other client's links from there and they don't show up either.  Am I the last one to notice this?

    | Chris.Menke

  • Does anyone know how to improve Facebook script loading (for the FB Page Social Box). It seems to load on my site but Chrome takes for ever to finish the hour glass.

    | Heydarian

  • Great news, yesterday we had a nice big spike of referrals from facebook, GA shows them all going to a certain article (an online magazine type site), but only shows them as coming from /l.php (Report: Traffic sources->referrals-> - secondary dimension landing page) Nobody in the office did anything with facebook and that article, so it must be a visitor; any ideas how we can find out any more details about who or why? It would be great to be able to reproduce as in the 4th April saw more FB traffic to us than March!

    | Fammy

  • Hi Everyone, I am working with a pest control company that is looking to branch out into social media.  Their primary goal is to connect with their existing customers to improve retention.  The secondary goal is to potentially pick up new clients. With that said, I wanted to see if you all had some ideas on things that they could tweet/facebook about on a regular basis?  Posting about bugs on a daily basis gets pretty boring. I know Rand has been talking a lot lately about not being so narrow, so maybe we should talk more about general home improvement?  Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks! EDIT: I should clarify that this is a company that has maintenance plans.  You don't call them only when you have a problem. You sign up with them, and they treat your property every 3 months, or whenever you call.  Only about 2% of their customer base is one-off phone calls to fix 1 problem and never come back again. I don't think their existing customer base will have any issues with Liking them on Facebook or following them on Twitter. The initial plan is to incentivize them to do so, but once we get the like/follow, we want to continually be in front of them with interesting content, contests as Jay suggested, etc.

    | brianspatterson

  • Hi everyone, Can someone explain the benefits of adding OG tags to a site? As far as I can see/read doing this 'enables a site to become part of the FB social graph' (or similar..) ...and that's what exactly? (confused smiley) Cheers.

    | Capote

  • On the blog section (and most other pages of the site) there is a social badge on the right hand side of the page where it shows the number of followers on Twitter, FB fans, etc. How does SEOMoz pull those numbers? It seems like its not using the normal Javascritps supplied by FB and Twitter, Feedburner. Thanks

    | Heydarian

  • Guys please help me to increase reference traffic for a dry topic website such as automotives, insurance, real estate. I tried social bookmarking and networking but I did not find any difference I even did Blog commenting forum posting but it did not make much difference to me It increased my search rate but it not helped in my referral traffic. So please suggest me better strategies in Link Building for dry topic websites

    | PrasanthMohanachandran

  • Let's say I have a page on my site with the url Let's say it can be accessed by the url And let's say that the second example is what I have set as my rel-canonical. I wondered what would happen when people submitted the non-canonical url to twitter.  We know that Twitter shares count for something in SEO.  I didn't want things to go to waste if people were landing on my short urls and sharing them on Twitter. Well, tonight, I shared one of my own urls on Twitter.  I was accidentally on the short one (not the canonical), but when I shared it via addthis the long one was shared.  So, Addthis must read the canonical and use this to share. Very cool.  At least to me.  I may possibly be the only person on the planet that understands what I just wrote, but this is a neat discovery for me.

    | MarieHaynes

  • I have created a site that has 100 percent original content in my business category.  I have written over 100 articles myself that not only to help me rank, but most important to help the use find the right anwser to their search.  I didn't farm out not one sentence of any of the content.  With that said how do I prevent others from scrapping my site for this info and using it as their own. 1.  Is there something to add to each page code wise that will lead them back to my site. 2.  Does using the google plus help this situation in that google thinks it's yours and treats the others as duplicate content. 3.  I dont mind placing this info on other sites as long as the readers know its mine. Sorry to ask such a noob question but I have spent all my time on the content and really know nothing about the coding side of things. Any help would be great. thanks

    | JasonRae

  • Hello, I was just wondering pretty much what the difference between a static HTML page for your timeline is and what the apps are. Is this something that is going to be wildly popular. What should one focus on when creating these static pages or custom apps? It seems like outreach and insights is going to be big for Timeline as well. What are the best practices for switching over in a timely manner while staying somewhat slightly ahead of the game?

    | imageworks-261290

  • I am working on my facebook business page and am frustrated with the new "timeline" facebook layout which really does not make sense as a business page.  I have not found a way to change it to a traditional layout and have read some posts that said facebook does not allow you to go back from timeline. Does anyone have a good layout suggestions for a facebook business page with SEO in mind? Thanks.

    | frankthetank2

  • Can using keywords and target phrases in posts on my Facebook fanpage help my SEO strategy, or does Google not crawl those pages so it doesn't matter in terms of SEO? If it can help, can you please provide an example? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Without actually going to each product page and looking at the number next to the 'Like' button, is there any way of finding a list of all your pages and the number of Facebook likes on each?

    | seanmccauley

  • This is another novice question that I hope is easy to answer for someone out there. How do you get a backlink from twitter or facebook? Either Open Site Explorer is not recognizing my accounts or twitter and facebook are not reporting it for some reason.   I have looked at other competitors and they have twitter and facebook that show up as linking to them.  Do you have to do something special to get a link? Utah Tiger

    | Boodreaux

  • I came across a company one time that would sign you up and submit your username to all the social media sites.  Seems like it was "knowit" or something like that.  Anyway Does any one have an recommendations on companies to submit to sites instead of having to do each one individually. Thanks, Utah Tiger

    | Boodreaux

  • We have a company with 2 offices, 1 on each coast. I was wondering what would be the best way to create a google+ business page for this to maximize them? We'd like to show a nationwide presence with 2 offices. Are there any downsides to picking any 1 of these? To clarify, there are 3 choices: local business, brand, and company. Which of the 3 would you recommend for a company with a nationwide presence and 2 offices?

    | ilyaelbert

  • Do Google+ pages gain authority with age? Does it matter very much if I wait a few months to make a Google+ page as opposed to establishing it now, even if I won't be doing much work on it for a while?

    | HCGDiet

  • Hi All, We are in the process of adding a Google Plus button to our site (to the header, sitewide) - at My question is, should the button have behavioural characteristics that apply to the whole site, or only for that page that it is clicked on. Consider these scenarios: A customer clicks on the G+ button from the homepage - they then 'like' that page (our homepage, i.e. our site) A customer clicks on the G+ button from a category page - e.g. Because the button is in the header and sitewide, should the customer be 'liking' or We are also adding a Google + button to the item template, e.g. on above the Add to Cart button. When they press the button in this instance, they are 'liking' only that page (which is how I would want the functionality to work). So my question is to do with point 2 above. Much like a Facebook 'like/fan count' type button that exists in the header of many sites, should the G+ button function the same way? E.g. if we have a count of 10 in the header on the homepage, then there is also a count of 10 sitewide? Or should this reset for every subsequent page that a customer lands on, and by pressing the G+ button on that page, they are 'liking' only that page. Which is better for SEO? Several different +1's to different pages (e.g. from the necklaces, bracelets and earrings category pages for a more natural structure) or several +1's all pointing to the homepage? Any help or suggestions regarding G+ button or the service in general would be much appreciated. Thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • I'm considering the following in order to get users to stay on my site and make it more useful to visitors. At the minute we list live bands for hire and have a blog - that's it. I'm looking to build a sense of community where users can build a profile, chat, list their gigs, upload demos and chat in forums. Firstly I want improve the user experience and gain dedicated members but my second reason for doing so it to gain backlinks. My theory is that if the site is more useful it will gain more links. Does anyone have any info on how implementing 'community' features on a website helps with backlinks and whether this strategy works? These changes would mean my site has evolved considerably but i don't see that as a problem. My long term aim is to monetise the site through classifed ads and spot ads. Would anyone advise against adding advertising to a site and if so why?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, were in the process of creating multiple domains and sites for each country we plan to operate in, should each site site have it's own set of Facebook, twitter you tube accounts etc? I realise this will create more work in administrating each site and corresponding set of social media accounts, but does it have benefits ? As we'll need to do it anyway in different languages, does separating the English languages accounts make any difference carry any benefits? Thanks,

    | opoczno

  • Hello, Using the following code to display a facebook like box" data-width="198" data-height="320" data-show-faces="true" data-stream="false" data-header="true"> Getting "log in to see this content" when we're not logged in. Our Age setting is set to 13+ example image attached Thanksfacebook-error.gif

    | BobGW

  • I can't for the life of me figure how to see the total number of Google +1's my site has. Yes, I've tried Webmaster Tools, but it only shows +1's from the past 30 days. All days prior to that are grayed out. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    | 1000Bulbs

  • We have built up our site to 1.5m pageviews / 400k uniques per month.  But I am sure there are a ton of things that we aren't doing correctly. Please take a look at and let me know if there is anything we can do to improve the site.  We would love to figure out a way to get to 2m pageviews. Also we would love to have you take a look and check out our google analytics.  You can see our 3 years of great data and see if you see anything we aren't capitalizing on.  Just drop me your analytics gmail account and I'll add you. Ywo13.png

    | denimblog

  • Hello Everyone! We're trying to launch a Social Media campaign for our website and in order to reach more people and follow/invite them to our social profiles we thought of finding them by their email addresses (i read a post somewhere - maybe seomoz, maybe not can't remember). Can anyone suggest a tool or best way of researching ~20.000 email addresses to find out / filter what social networks have this email registered? Much appreciated! Alex

    | pwpaneuro

  • Is the following entirely correct? What would you add or subtract?: Google+ is making its presence known in the Google search results. One of the main benefits of using Google+ for your business is that your Google+ posts are indexed in Google. The more you post, the more likely your content will show up in search results. Things you can do today that will improve your visibility using Google+: Optimize your "About" page. Add keywords to your Google+ profile and links to your website using keywords as anchor text. Add links to your website, social networks, and blog in the "recommended links" section on Google+ page. Add a link (or icon) to your Google+ page on your website, blog, social networks, and your email signature. Add a +1 button to your website. The number of +1s a page gets will show up in the search results, even if a searcher is not logged into Google+. Announce your new Google+ page everywhere you communicate online, encouraging people to add your page to their circles. Your content will rank higher for specific keywords in search for those who have a connection to you on Google+.

    | chronicle

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