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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • I was wondering how can I start a Google Local effort and how is it beneficial?

    | bronxpad

  • Is there a method, program, or app to view how many Facebook shares each page/content has on a website. Is there a plugin if the site is a wordpress blog? I'm looking to see how many shares or top shared content are on a specific website. Thanks!

    | MasonInteractive

  • I'm working on an infographic and I need a way to analyse the followers of about 25 to 50 industry twitter accounts to figure what type of people their followers are. used to do exactly this, look at the profile description area of twitter and produce a tag cloud of a given twitter account's followers based on terms from their profile fields.  But they are no longer online. Anyone know of another service that does this ?  Or can think of another way to get this data.

    | Klarke

  • I saw a video on an Internet marketing blog that showed a company's Google+ Local page with a "Follow" button on it so people could follow their company Google+ profile.

    | innovationsimple

  • Good day guys, Just a quick question. By having the AddThis sharing tool to share content such as blogs, does it still send the same social signals to Google as you would get by having the official Facebook/Twitter plug-ins? Regards

    | Michael-Goode

  • Hi All, I've just taken over handling our company's blog at We have several writers for this blog so I want to set up separate author tags for each of them. As you can see from the latest post - - I am the author/publisher. However, I can't seem to link my blogger author profile - - to my Google Plus profile because when you go to my Blogger Profile it automatically redirects to my G+ profile. Also, there is no link directly from my blogger post, it just says "Posted by Brad Russell" (unlike previous posts by the master login for our company, which link to a central author profile page). What am I doing wrong? Today I successfully set up author tags on my Wordpress blog, I just can't seem to get it right on Blogger. Thanks!

    | bradkrussell

  • I am thinking about starting a niche social networking site. My question is how big of a team would I need, how much up front costs would I incur and what specific coding languages would my team need to be well versed in? I'm thinking HTML, CSS, php, MySQL but are there any other languages needed for this type of endeavor ?

    | bronxpad

  • I was wondering if anyone had a guide on how to transition your existing Google Places listing to the Google Plus local. I have a Google plus places listing for my business already and don't want to loose my reviews on my Google Local listing.

    | photoseo1

  • How does social book marking benefit my website in terms of SEO?

    | sansonj

  • We have a client who is being told by their incumbent supplier that they should renew their annual contract to buy links on 4 domains by their incumbent SEO agency. It will cost approximately $2,000. We are recommending they produce decent content, like a video, an infographic based on data that is exclusively theirs and seed this with bloggers / real world publications / trade press / etc. The client is struggling to make a decision because he's caught between two SEO's with different approaches. He doesn't have the budget for both. He's scared of losing his position in the SERPs. So, I said I'd get some votes from other SEO's. Which would you recommend? Option 1 1,000's of links on 4 domains Option 2 Create link bait Seed using social media GO!

    | NoisyLittleMonkey

  • Hello, I would like to promote blogs, articles etc. Can you give me some tips, advice on how to promote these? I guess everyone starts with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. After that, Reddit, StumbleUpon. Any other good ways (penguin proof) to promote a blog, article etc? Any tools you use: SocialOomph or something similar? Thanks! 🙂

    | ThomasH

  • Hello, Can someone advice what the best way is to promote a Squidoo lens post Penguin? Thank you

    | ThomasH

  • It appears one way to rank more highly is by using Google+. But should I start to build a community myself or as my company? I have a good Twitter following under my own name, which links to my company page and a facebook page (for my business). I much prefer to be a face on social media than hide behing a logo, but am faced with a dilemma and not sure where to begin: Will Google recognise the relationship between me and my business if I set up an account under my own name? Primarily it's my business I want to promote, so from an seo perspective it seems should I use Google+ as my business, but I really dislike 'corporate' social media?

    | lindsayjhopkins

  • From my understanding its best to get likes on a website rather then from within the  Facebook page for SEO purposes. What is better to set up a photo gallery with a like button on each image so that every URL gets liked separately for each image or having a like button for the entire gallery. 10 likes on one page or 1 like on 10 pages?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I hope some of you may be able to lend some advice here. We have secured a large client who has a considerable monthly SEO Budget. The problem is this. They are in a competitive industry, the site is brand new, the brand name is pretty much unheard of but they have been backed by an angel investor and understand the importance of SEO. Now the guys obviously want to see that there money is being spent wisely and they are getting ROI, even if not in immediate results certainly by effort we put into them. Aside from having a small team initially going through there site to ensure that it is optimized to the best level it can be what would be your recommendations on getting this company off to the best start. Also they want to concentrate on natural search rather than PPC. Without mentioning the name of the company they are a software developer for an innovative ticketing system. Thanks in advance Paul

    | MondayBlues

  • i was wondering whats the best way to optimise a wordpress website for SEO? Any advice or tools would be greatly appreciated, currently the site is not very well optimised and is very new.

    | Bristolweb

  • Hi, I am trying to set up author tags on my Wordpress blog ( so that my author profile shows in Google SERPs. I'm following Yoast's article - - and I did everything up to the "How to allow authors to add rel="me" to links in their bio's" section. Basically, in Wordpress under Appearance -> Menus for the About Me page I set 'link relationship' = author. Then on my Google + page ( under the 'Contributor To' section on the About tab I linked back to the About Me page on my blog. Upon checking on Google Australia it appears that this was done correctly - My questions are: Do I need to link back to my About Me page from every post I do? E.g. 'Written by Brad Russell' - linking to About Me. It appears I don't but does it help? Some of the results on Google Australia show 'By Brad Russell' but some don't. I'm just not sure if this is because the site hasn't been reindexed properly yet. What happens if in the future I have multiple authors on my blog? I give them a new username in Wordpress but how do I specify that they are the author of the post? Do I need to create an 'Authors' section on my site? If I then specify an Authors page as link relationship = author, how do I link each post to the necessary author page? I still don't really understand the rel=me tag and how I implement it on Wordpress. I'm not sure how to edit the functions.php and author.php files on Wordpress (ie the second half of Yoast's article). Many thanks!

    | bradkrussell

  • We are planning to set up a blog using wordpress to help improve domain authority and rankings.  Is there a preferred site to put this?  ie  is it best to create a subdomain, or put it in the root directory or put it in a completely different domain?  Or will there be no resulting difference ?


  • What is the best way to start a Google + campaign? Has anyone had any success with getting G+ for a local niche site? From what I hear there are tremendous seo benefits with Google + . Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | bronxpad

  • I've recently joined a web-development and social media company as their SEO; with an onsite blog which we're trying to resurrect. Previously, the blog has been aimed mainly at either clients ('Why is a website important for your business' etc. - I know, I know) or web developers (quick tutorials on css techniques, for example). The owner of the business recently approached me about the blog posts I'd been writing and said they were too technical and aimed at the wrong people. I'm always open to constructive criticism, but I want to know who a web development, social media and SEO company's blog should be aimed at. I was perhaps assuming knowledge of SEO and web techniques that not his previous readers may not have. However, I don't really think the blog had any significant number of readers before. My argument is to aim it at those in the industry of SEO and social media, as this will garner more links and position ourselves as an authority (people learning from our blog, arguing and contributing their opinion on something). Whereas a blog aimed at clients, while it may attract some search traffic, is less likely to be linked to because they're clients who don't know about linking to content on the web.

    | SEOboarder

  • Does value from social signals have the ability to pass through a 301 redirect?

    | SEOmoxy

  • Question, been thinking of some link bait infographic ideas for my site I've got a couple in the careers/job niche but the one I think would be best is completely unrelated. I study free market economics a lot and want to debunk the whole 'deflation' debate that is on the news these days. The overall gist would be to do so with a history of Apple products showing why falling prices aren't anything to be afraid of. Given that it's econ/techie related(even non econ people would find this graphic neat I think) and not specific to the 'career hunting' and job searching my site is I'm curious what people suggest. Give it a shot and release on our blog anyway?  Or trade it to someone else in a more relative niche(assuming the graphic gets built, I know ideas are relatively cheap:).

    | astahl11

  • Hi, Just noticed what to me and our ecomm site seemed like an extremely useful way of advertizing on facebook:!/lindexnorge . At the time of writing its the 2nd one on this facebook site. This which I assume is an app gives in this case 30% off on dress of your own choosing. Clicking the box sends you an email from facebook with info. It specifies in pop up after clicking that  your mail adress has not been shared with the ecom site. There is also a smaller line on bottom were default is to share this with your friends on facebook. You have to change this in order not to. Within 24 hours this one is up to 20k uses and that is quite a lot in a small country like norway. Anyone understand which app this is or how it can be done ? Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • We have a Google+ business page @ <cite></cite> (therefore the managers of that page log in with their personal Google accounts to use Google+ as the business page). We had/have a Google Places listing tied to our company Google account, and that does show up in Google+ Local. I simply would like to marry the two so they can live together in perfect harmony. But that does not seem straightforward at all. If I'm logged in with our company Google account, I am asked to "join" Google+, but I don't want our company to be a "person" on Google Plus (just a Business Page). If I'm logged in with my personal Google account, and switch to using Google+ as our business page, and then click to claim/edit our Google+ Local listing, that doesn't work because I'm not logged in under our corporate Google account. It's an Internet mystery. Mozzers, assemble!

    | SamTurri

  • Hello, I have a question, or maybe a discussion. I'm wondering what the best way is to promote a blog from Blogspot or Wordpress nowadays with Penguin and other Google algorithm updates? Looking forward for your answers. Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • My Facebook page does not show up within the first 50 results of a search for my brand.  I have over 3,000 fans and am relatively active so it should be there. On the second page of SERPs for my brand there is a Facebook page of a spammy looking affiliate with 15 fans.  On the third page my Facebook test page appears. Any ideas about what happened with my page? Is it possible Google penalized my Facebook page - and if so, how do I fix that? I checked the admin again and the page is open to the public and when I do a search for "brand facebook" it appears. Thanks for your help!

    | theLotter

  • It seems that both infographics and memes seem to be popular methods of creating good quality links at the moment, but how can you actually gain links by using these? When people share the graphics they will need to put an extra link in back to you and obviously most will be via social media so will not be worth that much to Google? Do I need to email these out to blogs etc?

    | harrygardiner

  • Hello, With the recent algorithm changes of Google I am wondering what the the best way is to promote a blog like blogspot or wordpress? Looking forward to your answers! Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • Hi everybody! It's quite clear that if you have a pretty, clean, compact html code on your website, Google loves you as a lovely mom does with her kids. But it's not a dream world and you have actually to choose between social and clean code. In fact to add, for example, the Facebook social button, you have to include some files from the Facebook servers. Even though the googlebot doesn't download them (but people do, with page optimization decreasing), it reads some javascript code. Moreover you have to add some code where you want the button appears. I think it hasn't much sense for the googlebot, so that could it be punitive for your website / page to place that bunch of code? In the end my question is the following: Does the social power win against negative factors like additional files to download and a bunch of ugly code in your body? social power > bad factors (file downloading+more code)?

    | jobintourism

  • About two weeks back I set up a new website called  It's a blog where, once a day, I post a set of verbal comprehension-style questions to help students prepare for the GAMSAT (the graduate entry to medicine exam used by universities in UK, Ireland and Australia.) Along with rising traffic, I've recently started to receive spam comments. Before going ahead and activating Akismet or some other spam-blocking app I thought I might have a bit of fun with them.. I took my favourite spam comment (one allegedly about SEO) and wrote up some questions to turn it into a sample GAMSAT reading comprehension It's not the most efficient way of moderating spam comments, and my not-so-subtle bitter rantings are unlikely to deter any future spammers, but I nonetheless had a little bit of fun doing it.. So, my question is, has anybody else experimented with interesting or unique ways of dealing with comment spam? E.g. created a directory of all the people who spam commented you / donated their email addresses to hordes of email marketers / replied with a kindly worded email expressing concern for their well being.. Has anyone stumbled upon anything more fun/efficient than the akismet-style plugins?

    | Devin_Anderson

  • I was wondering if I can get a couple recommendations for good info graphic designers. The person I previously used is no longer available. Also, how do you guys go about outsourcing the actual information procurement that will go into the info graphic? I am doing everything in house but am now expanding to where I was wondering if it was possible to outsource the actual info gathering and process flow in addition to the creation/design of it. Any thoughts and info would be appreciated. Thank you

    | PEnterprises

  • Hey guys, I need some help with my company's website and integrating some of facebook's tools to my site. Basically what i need help with is creating a "like us" pop up option or a "share link" pop up option on my check out page. The process would be something like this....Once someone buys my product, the thank you page will appear, then a pop up will pop up and say something like " if you like us on facebook we will send you a free gift" so when they click on pop up, another facebook pop up will appear asking for permission to either like the page or share the link, then hopefully they share the link and the word is spread. Anyways, what are the basic steps that I need to get this done. anything to point me in the right direction would be very helpful, thanks! I got this idea from buying from a website recently, bonobos (great pants btw). I even took a screen shot of the 2 steps that happened to kinda model what I am looking for, for my website. the first image is what pops up on the thank you page itself, the next image shows what happens when you click the "share on facebook" button. I think dollar shave club does this too. xfpfo a9bWQ

    | david305

  • Now I know that shortcuts are usually not a good sign for SEO. However if I am on a group on linked and there are Facebook like exchanges going on I am getting real people in the right market, right? See picture for more details. Is this valuable? NGpT0.png

    | SEODinosaur

  • I'm trying to add our Facebook account so that we can review the reporting on this.  I keep getting an error that says "Uh oh! We couldn't connect to your account on Facebook." I AM an administrator on this FB account.  Anyone know how to get this to work? Thanks

    | SpearOne

  • We have 2 offices within 20 miles of each other, and we are getting ready to launch a facebook page (or pages)... I'm not sure whether we should put up one page or two.  One office is our 'corporate office', and the other a 'satellite' office, both are very much open for business, but there will never be a need to post something on one and not the other...the two locations are just too close for there to be a need for that.  If something is relevant to one town, it is relevant to the other. I am really leaning toward one page for both offices for many reasons, but it seems like facebook wants me to have 2 pages (ie. I can't put in more than one address). Any help is much appreciated!  Thank you!

    | jgower

  • Hi, I was browsing a magazine recently and came across an advert that had a text of: When you visit this address you are automatically redirected to their Facebook account. It got me thinking, is there any benefit to this? It's the first time I've seen it and I presume they get links from outside sources to their FB account to go to rather than Thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • We are considering merging facebook profiles for our three stores.  If we do this, users will not be able to "check in" at a location, but wouldn't it be better to have 4,000 fans on one profile than to have 2,500, 1,000, and 500 fans on the three profiles?  The main site for these stores is also an ecommerce site.

    | EugeneF

  • Hi Mozzers, Does anyone know what an acceptable figure is for daily following on Twitter? I've read lots of conflicting views and Twitters guidelines are vague. I'm starting to follow users so I can get them to follow me back so I can build an audience to engage with. I want to do this more aggressively but whats the threshold to avoid getting banned? Thanks Bush

    | Bush_JSM

  • Getting social signals is important it seems now. Is having a facebook comments box on your website where people can comment worth any social noise? if it posts to their facebook page its only seen by their friends, not google. So basically wondering do you get social signals of people commenting on your page in a facebook comments feature?

    | pauledwards

  • Hi, I have a client who's made some changes to their content strategy. They want to use a single author for all content produced and publish, to maintain a consistent identity across the web. This single author is a persona e.g. "Joe Bloggs" but this is not a real person. This works fine for creating and publish content (for their blog and outside blog posts). It allows many people to work on creating and publishing content under the same name, which for a number of reasons makes good logistical sense. The problem arises when it comes to social marketing. They have set up a Facebook and Google + profile and Facebook and Google business pages. The main issue is that they are finding it difficult to friend other people because nobody knows this "Joe Bloggs" persona. Can anybody offer advise on how to approach this kind of strategy. Thanks,

    | Leighm

  • Hello Mozzers, I have a noob question for which I have not been able to find a clear answer on the internet. When a client asks you how much would I have to spend on FB ads to get 100,000 fans how do you go about making a "media plan". I can understand you can calculate clicks using your budget and CPC but fans? Also, ad impressions on Facebook? FB doesn't even give that metric anymore on its default ad dashboard where you have campaign reach, social reach, CTR etc. So if a client wants 1Million Facebook Ad Impressions (I know, I know), how do you tell them how much its going to cost them. In a nutshell, clients want to know how much they should be spending to get x number of fans and impressions and vice versa, how many fans and impressions will $XXX get them. So how does one go about making a media plan for Facebook advertising, what do you include in it and well, anything else that I should know? Thank you, Rishad.

    | AsadMemon

  • With the recent Penguin update meaning we have to work even harder to get links to our ecommerce site, we are trying to come up with creative ways to make our product and category pages more linkable. The recent Seomoz articles on the topic here and here are brilliant and have stimulated some ideas, but we also have a unique opportunity that I want to make the most of. Some of our eBook products contain original cartoons by the author, which relate to various products on the site. They are funny, and sometimes poignant, and seem to me to be very shareable. The question is how to make the most of these. We have thought about simply embedding the images on the product page, with sharing icons directly underneath. And ditto for categories where the images make sense. Then we were wondering about creating a separate Artwork area in the content area of the site where the image could be downloaded in large format for printing, should people wish. Again with the sharing icons. The other thought was to create a Flickr account with the cartoons in, which would hopefully lead to widespread use of them, but I guess the trouble with that is the link love ends up on Flickr instead of our site. We think there's a real opportunity here, and just want to make sure we make the most of it! I'll happily share the results once we decide what we're going to do with them. (I've attached an image so you can tell us if you think we're woefully off the mark 😉 ayKQX.jpg

    | RogerElliott

  • Please delete

    | krseo

  • Guys, What is the best way to install facebook comments in a wordpress blog, I've seen most plugins, but most of them are broken. Also, I would like to keep the default wordpress comment system. So, I'll be maintaing 2 comment systems in my blog. Please inform me the procedure in detail. Thank you in advance 🙂

    | gurrambharath

  • You are tasked with creating a Facebook page for an industry which has a distinct lack of social media presence. During your research for your industry or client you find none of their competitors are using social media to any large degree. Reviewing the whys, you find that the demographics of people using Social Media outlets like, Facebook, Twitter, Pin Interest, and LinkedIn do not really fit with the industry. Do you view this as a great opportunity for your company / client and push forward with creating a Social Media presence? Or, do you inform your company / client based on your research, social media isn't a viable use of time or money? Examples: Plastic Manufacturing
    Industrial Laundry
    Tractor Trailer Wholesale
    Copper Mining Equipment I am interested in how the guru's handle clients / companies that don't necessarily fit the mold of social media, but ask and are willing to pay you to make it happen for them. I am hoping this to be a good discussion as I don't see any right or wrongs in these situations. What would you do?

    | donford

  • Has anyone had any experience with the DoFollow social bookmarking tool "Mister Wong".  Is it worth the fee for DoFollow links?  Is this site subject to Google Panda penalties or others for essentially selling dofollow links? Is social bookmarking as a whole worth the time and effort? Does anyone have any alternative sites or strategies for acquiring a high volume of dofollow backlinks?

    | BethA

  • Would you rather have someone +1 your homepage or add you to their Circles? Which one will help you out more in the SERPs ?

    | znotes

  • For a law firm website looking to increase its traffic by offering pictures of cars that were in accidents, would it be more advantageous to add the pictures to the website directly (my inclination) or to Slideshare and put the embed code on the site? Also, we will have an abundance of pictures over time. How would you organize them on the site to maximize their SEO benefit? Have a picture landing page, then links to individual months from the landing page? Finally, assuming I go with a landing page with links to the months of the year (where that months pictures are stored), should each picture ultimately reside on its own page or is it sufficient to have all pictures for that month on one page?

    | rarbel

  • Hi there How do you submit your linkbait pieces to social medias (Digg, ...)? Do you hire people with highly connected profiles and high success rate so probability for viral spread is bigger? Thanks, Chris

    | Diderino

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