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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Do you think it's unethical to use ghostwriting on a company's blog? Specifically, I mean hiring a writer to create content for the blog, and then publishing the content under, say, the CEO's name and using rel=author to tie it to the CEO's social identity. Does that undermine the whole idea of AuthorRank? Is it gaming the system?

    | CMC-SD

  • Hey guys, I was wondering if any of you could help me with this. Basically one of our clients will host a competition on their website soon. Once a visitor completed the entry form I would like to have social media buttons on that page that automatically place text into your social media account if you chose to "share" or "tweet" your entry. For example it could automatically place "I have just entered to win .... You should try it out as well!" into the twitter or Facebook posting field. I have tried looking around, but honestly I am not sure what the look for. How could this be achieved or what it is called? Thank you

    | Michael-Goode

  • Buongiorno  from Wether by UK Latitude 53.92705600 Longitude -1.38481600 Ok after 20 mins or clicking around I couldnt find any way of measuring sentiment tracking. For example i wanted to know how many users where mentioning @PhilpottsLtd but all i could get was a salvo of follow data. Whilst I know this is of some use sentiment tracking i.e being able to measure users dissing or loving your brand would be more usefull. So my question is please..."In follerwonk how can you measure whats being said about a brand" Grazie Tanto, David

    | Nightwing

  • Currently I am in the process of relaunching - however a friend pointed out to me that no image displays when I'm on facebook and link to my site. Anyone know how to define which image you want Facebook to show when you link to a certain page? Many thanks...

    | GrassRootsSEO

  • I have a question about this article: Specifically the Section Titled: Other Google Link Penalties _"Google often manually penalizes sites and does not inform site owners of the penalty. Furthermore, Google makes many algorithm changes each year. Most people are aware of the major algorithm changes, but you should also know Google makes about 50 algorithmic changes each month which could lead to ranking changes or an "algorithmic penalty". With the Penguin update specifically, we are unsure if there will be further refinements and rollouts as has happened with Panda. On May 25th Google rolled out what Search Engine Land calls Penguin 1.1. _ What advice is available for a site owner who wants to know if they have received a link penalty or at risk in the future? Check your anchor text distribution to see if it appears natural. You can perform a fast check in Open Site Explorer of your top 20 links as follows: Go to Enter in the URL of your site and press <enter>or the SEARCH button</enter> Change your drop down box settings as follows: Show [followed + 301] links from [only external] pages to [pages on this root domain]…..then press the FILTER button. These settings will remove the “nofollow” and internal links which are not evaluated by Google as part of link penalties. You will now see a list of all links to your site which may cause you to incur a penalty. For now, focus only on the Link Anchor Text column. If 50%+ of your top 10 links show the same or very similar anchor text, that is a warning sign of a very unnatural link profile. Of course, a deeper analysis is desirable but this method offers you some idea of the problem in just a few seconds. Hopefully your anchor text distribution looks more natural than the below example. Notice how all the links show anchor text? A natural distribution would show a high percentage of links with simply the site URL. When anchor text is naturally used, it is often far less than ideal." Anyway, with anchor text looking the same - would this have a negative impact if i was syndicating content to 10-15 blogs, or if i used onlyshare and did it to 50 or something. Would this impact me eventaully in a long term sense. I tend to write articles at least weekly for these sites so that i make sure i have fresh content, if me syndicating them/sharing the excerpt to my blog pages w/ anchor pages back to my main article is hurting me by having multiple pages linking back w/ the same exact anchor text, that would be a good thing to know. Any input on this would be much appreciated. Keep in mind i'm not creating 10k blogs and having one blog post on them.  They are actively posted to. With my established site they seem to work great- but with a new site, would popping 10-15 links real quick like that set off any alarms? thank you, -Travis Gross

    | choiceenergy

  • Hey I own a few websites and always wondering whats better in terms of SEO. Having a like button directed  to my website or having it directed  to a fan page of my website. Looks like most Seo tools count the "directed to website". is it because its easier? or is it because its better to SEO? Thanks Idoz

    | Idoz

  • Buongiorno from Weherby Uk 🙂 With brands all clamouring to get a stake in Facebook I wonder how many people actually search for brands on facebook. For example promote their facebook page on their bottles but how could you work out how many searches are entered in the facebook search box for evian as illustrated here: So my question is please: "How do you work out search volumes for search entries via facebook"? Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • How would you improve their exposure on Google?

    | znotes

  • I was just contacted by BBC and asked to appear on a breakfast program talking about psychotherapy.  It is not certain that it is going ahead but more likely than not.  Assuming it does what would you say would be the best way to utilise this opportunity through marketing (particularly internet marketing) afterwards? If this goes ahead I would be at the studio for 7am or so and be gone by 9am or so.  My website only gets a few hundred visitors through organic traffic and my Twitter and other social media accounts were only started recently so have fairly low levels of followings.

    | LighthouseC

  • Hi i am wondering what people's thoughts are with reference to twitter. I use twitter and enjoy twitter but i have never had any traffic from twitter. I use facebook which i am not a fan of and i get a lot of traffic from it. Just wondering if there is a knack to getting traffic from twitter or are other people finding out the same as me that twitter does nothing to generate traffic or increase your profile

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, I've always used subdomains when setting up a WordPress Multisite + Buddypress website.  But which is better for SEO? Now I'm thinking this may not be a "one size fits all" websites decision: Case 1: The subsite blog owners need/want/pay/ to advertise their own business using their subsite.  Subdomains are perfect because they can SEO their own site seperate from other client sites, yet reap benefits from the home buddpress site SEO. Case 2:  The subsite blogs are for hobbyists so they are not promoting their own site with SEO, at least they don't need to.   However,  using subsites subdirectories will enhance the content and SEO for the main Buddypress site by treating them all as content of the main site. I would appreciate hearing from those with more expertise. Regards, Larry .

    | tishimself

  • I have a website and a facebook page. I have the Facebook Social Plugin on my website which shows my facebook page likes - This is currently at approx 140 likes. Is there a difference between facebook page likes and webpage likes? For SEO purposes, should I be concentrating less on the Facebook page and more on building facebook likes for the website? Are there any guides on this? What gets people to like a website as opposed to a web-page?

    | MangoMM

  • Anyone know of a service where I can insert a list of URLs (or twitter user names) and get twitter stats for each account? Thanks in advance. Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • A client of ours has experienced a large drop in traffic (per GA) from referral source in the last 30 days. After a lot of searching, its apparent that there is not a lot of chatter on this topic. So this is a twofold topic..... 1. has anyone observed a drop in referrals lately as well? 2. does anyone have any best practices learning on optimizing these pages? Facebook guidance and content in general on the topic is virtually not existent. Google is still clearly indexing the url structure so its visible in search at least.

    | SWKurt

  • Has anybody else noticed that Google has made a significant change to their SERP?  There is a lot of social data reported from LinkedIn, Youtube and Facebook (includes page likes and activity) when you search by company name.  Thoughts anybody?

    | rrad

  • Hi, How do you generate followers on twitter? I see a lot of people are saying follow others to gain more followers, use #tags and engage with other peoples tweets. But with the last point, all the tweets I find under search are spam. As an example, if you searched 'SEO' all you are going to get is lots of ' view this article' type tweets. It's almost like there is more business/spam then actual real people. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I want my content authors to be able to associate their work with their Google+ profile. I read about an update rolled out in June that included a Link Site function on the Edit Profile -- About Tab. I don't see where to do this. Can anyone help me figure out how to enable this function?

    | wlefevre

  • Reading through the SEOmoz threads, and also other forums, I can't help but notice that the majority of material covered is about SEO & SERP, white hat & black hat linking, social media blogs and articles, etc, etc. Everyone trying to scramble to the top of their market via Google. If Google brought out a release saying that hopping down the street naked & having a neighbour googling that you had, for improved SERP ratings, would produce a weird downtown scenario. What I am asking, is this: Does Google have too much power in determining to the world what is correct and what is not as a corporation. And are they and what they have a passing phase, or will they lose their dominance like Microsoft etc through technical change?

    | ABCPS

  • A day ago I uploaded a photo of a US Navy ship mooring at Bell Harbor marina, which is across from my office (near the conference center site of SMX Advanced Seattle). A rude comment was posted by someone from Germany accusing me of sending this to them personally, offended because he's anti-military:  "Don't spam people pal." I blocked him. So, since it was uploaded to my public stream and shared to my circles, I have no explanation as to how this could happen. If someone in my circles shared it to him, I suppose it could look like I sent it to him, but I haven't seen that happen before. Anyone else see behavior like this? UPDATE: because this person was within one of the circles to whom I shared this photo, he received a notification that I'd shared it "directly" with him. See comment below.

    | BrianCrouch

  • Sorry if I am late to the party with this, but I thought Twitter stopped giving sites link juice? I have been running some sites through Open Site Explorer and there main links are coming from Twitter.  I have other sites who are on Twitter and nothing comes up. Why is that?  Thanks!

    | ClickIt

  • After watching Rand & Dharmesh's The State of SEO and Internet Marketing in 2012 webinar, I've been trying to learn more about the (current and potential long-term) impact of Google+ on SERPS and ranking. How can one leverage Google+ to improve SEO? Would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks! Sherry

    | IMM

  • When using Twitter to generate interest in company blog posts, is it better to do it on a company account like @AcmeWidgets or a personal account like @JoeSmith, the owner of Acme Widgets?

    | CMC-SD

  • Good Morning from 14 degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 As i sat on my grassy knoll puffing on a pipe overlooking the English country Land I wondered... just how do you measure the volume of users using hash tag twitter groups.... or put another way imagine you say to a client "Ok one idea is to get this friday meal deal promoted on #FF" The client then says... "So how many twitter users use the #FF" It a blunt but legit question & one I couldnt answer right now. So my question is please... "Is there a tool to measure frequency of use with regards to twitter hash tag groups" Thanks in advance 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Greetings from OS grid reference SE404481 🙂 I really like the graph on slide 16 of this presentation: I would like to replicate this but I would like to know if any SEOMOZ member could recommend a tool that can monistor sentiments eg positive & negative commments about a brand across different social  media platforms. I also wonder how these packages measure negativity, do they just scan word negative words? Thanks in advance, David

    | Nightwing

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone would be able to tell me how SEOMoz records social media statistics. Namely when does SEOMoz record new: Facebook Likes Tweets Facebook Shares Google+ +1's I was wondering this because for campaigns that I am running the social media statistics displayed on SEOMoz are different to what is actually there. Thank you for any help.

    | SueCook_TAOS

  • With my business I had always intended kicking social media into gear much sooner but various other pressures put this back somewhat. Counselling is quite sensitive for a variety of reasons:- We want to disassociate ourselves from the masses of non- professional folksy type "advice" that dominates the net, People, particularly in the UK often do not talk about mental health issues nor would we always want people to if they had not protected their privacy enough. Key marketing messages such as "get the first class service you deserve" (in UK people are more likely to wait 6 months to be seen by a trainee with no choice of who they see or when they see it than pay for counselling, "there are no quick fixes for mental health and counselling can make a real difference to your life if you invest time, energy and cost into it" (in a market where read this 300 word article to never feel stressed again dominates) and "what help choosing the counsellor who is best suited to you" - are not the sort of thing many people are likely to "like" or share with friends. At the moment I am looking to focus on LinkedIn (for corporate work), Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.  I have a blog which is going to be producing excellent daily content including people's positive experiences of counselling, comprehensive self help tips, counsellor advice etc. On Google+ and Facebook I am looking to autopublish some of the blog posts and there are probably some other channels I will autopublish to but I do not yet know which to go for.  Initially I am going to do little else on Google+ to focus time and energy developing Facebook and Twitter. I am trying to achieve the following:- Social Legitimacy - having  decent number of engaged fans will make us seem more legitimate in an industry where trust is important (only 14 FB likes so far is not a good start) Engaging with Potential Content Creators - Reaching out to people who have experienced mental health issues so that this content can be used to provide peer support to others and enable them to see benefits of counselling Creating relationships with people and organisations where we can cross promote each other's initiatives, potentially co-deliver services in the future (community counselling work etc) Bring traffic to my site that will potentially convert into counselling clients in several cities in the UK through both people finding Promote my content more widely than is happening with organic search, reach different audiences, engage with potential customers, generate links to quality content I create Develop the social infrastructure to be able to leverage it for future goals, whether promoting an article, raising awareness for good mental health initiatives (that may have no financial benefit to the business but will help people) etc. Sorry this is so long but any comments, ideas, suggested tactics etc would be appreciated.

    | LighthouseC

  • What should I be doing to maximize my Twitter account to contribute to the SEO of my website?  I have 30,000 followers and want to get some SEO out of Twitter.

    | bigeyecreative

  • Hi, We have an eCommerce site and currently publish videos, unique articles, troubleshooting advice etc. on a subdomain  The hope is that the content on igloo will prove sufficiently useful for someone to either link to or bookmark for future reference.  Eventually this will hopefully result in sales through the main site. We were assured several years ago that we should host this content on a subdomain but the more I think about it, the more I think that this content should be hosted as part of the main site (for example My logic is that this would extend a couple of advantages, not least that any links built to this unique content would be attributed to the primary domain rather than the subdomain.  Although I appreciate the subdomain does link back to the primary domain I can't help but feel this dilutes the potential strength of any link.  Post Penguin I think it would be nice to get genuine, natural links appreciating content on our primary domain rather than a separate subdomain. It should probably be pointed out that we only publish articles related to our key business activity (printing, cartridges, technology) on igloo.  There is no unrelated content designed simply as link bait. If we were to make the move we would of course 301 all the old pages.. I would really appreciate your opinion on whether you agree or whether you would be tempted to keep the content on a subdomain. Thanks for your help! Chris

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Buon Giorno from wetherby 🙂 Ok a week or so ago i went thhrough the hoops of seeting up a Google+ authorship link with the hope my beautifull & click worthy face would appear in the serps. But after following the following steps: 1. Link from to using rel author e.g.: [](<a href=)" target="_blank">Find me on Google+ 2 Link back from Google plus by pointing back to in the Google+ contributor section Nothing has happened ie no picture in my SERP listing, click here for illustration: So my question is please..."Have i done anything wrong? I put the code in place i think about two weeks ago" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • We put a blog post up on our Facebook page earlier today.  Within an hour, there were 560 likes and over 4,000 comments.  While that sounds great, that is nowhere in the universe of normal.  Almost all of that was spam (there were no services that we engaged in to bring likes/comments). So, has anyone else here been hit by rapid-fire Facebook spam?  Any thoughts on what to do - leave it alone, delete the post, filters, etc.? Would love the advice of the Moz community.  Thanks guys!

    | DeliaAssociates

  • Hi, How do you know when your on a Auth website? Gaining backlinks from Auth 'relevant' websites is at the top of any SEO's list but how do you know when you have found one? Generally I look at DA/PA and social following, the bigger the social lists and the more activity socially on the website the more I think they are a Auth website. So if I had something like DA/PA 60+ and lets say 5000+ twitter and facebook followers with sharing activity on the site, I would then try and gain a link. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • When I add an image to a Facebook post (for a FanPage) does it need to be something I own or have credited, or can I use whatever images I like? Is this something that is at all monitored? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi, every week I want to post one of the Audi cars on twitter so this week my tweet would be: Alfa Romeo 156 Fotos #carpics **Question: **I used the hashtag "#carpics" to get some reach. Is there a tool on the internet where I can see how often hashtags are used? eg. should I choose #carpics or #autopics  ?

    | Autoschieber

  • I've read mixed results about the SEO benefit of having Google+ for your company. I'm sure that a very small % of my sites user base has Google+ so if we did implement Google+ into our site I don't think we would really have anyone following us...or in our circle or whatever they call it. So are you guys using Google+ for your business and if so, do you think it's worth it for me to if I know barely any of my users have Google+? Google really seems to be trying to plush Google+ for business, with replacing Google places with Google+ Business and requiring people to log into Google+ to rate businesses. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | SheffieldMarketing

  • People often say that Social Media shares are all about the quality of them but not the volume when it comes to a factor in SEO. However, as far as I know, Google does not have any in depth access to the likes Facebook and Twitter's API, so how can they tell the quality of likes.  Most Facebook accounts are hidden or restricted so Google can't tell from that either.

    | gazza101uk

  • Today I was going through one of my sites and I noticed a rich snippet that had a screenshot of a YouTube video for this page: When I click on the video it went to my site… almost like authorship. I have never noticed this before, what markup would make it show up? Schema? And what else have you seen this with? I can't find answers anywhere… I attached a screenshot. Sidenote: I looked again and now the rich snippet doesn't show up… bizarre. youtube-rich-snippet.png

    | BeTheBoss

  • I've read the info about how Twitter's bad seo effects ability to rank well for our twitter profile in some cases. I've been unsuccessful at getting my twitter profile to rank higher than it does, even though all metrics on OSE seem to indicate that it should. I've been linking to the non !#, non https, and non www, version of my profile, however it still is ranking as high as I'd like. I noticed today that the link URL has each letter of my name capitalized. I'm almost certain when I link to it I write out the name in all lower case. I was curious if you think this has any effect on it ranking? I'm wondering what the best steps would be moving forward. I could start linking to the url showing up in google (with upper case letters in the url) or I could go into my twitter profile and change my name to all lowercase and see if that changes the url in google, thus fixing all of the other backlinks to the profile. (At least I think it would.) What's everyone's thoughts on this? Thanks! [IMG]]([IMG][/IMG]) vGIbf.jpg vGIbf.jpg

    | NoahsDad

  • Hi, Bit of a discussion really, every article out at the moment talking about SEO mentions how Social Media will take over in 2013. Is this really the case, should every SEO be focusing a large amount of time of Social Media? Far as im concerned I do a few things, try and build the social lists on different networks such as Facebook & Twitter also trying to get the list to engage with my posts and secondly social sharing from onsite content. Thats it at the moment.

    | activitysuper

  • Hi there I have taken control of a webshop that sells fake snow and winter effects products. I am going to start a blog & in addition to paid and organic search practices, what other content marketing ideas does anyone think could increase traffic. Cheers, Ben

    | SnowFX

  • Title pretty much explains it all. If lots of people plus one (the new verb of 2011?) a site, is that site deemed 'popular' and therefore will appear higher up the SERPS generally? Or does it only affect those with whom you are linked via Twitter/Facebook/Google+? Or is it too early to tell yet?

    | seanmccauley

  • Hi all, I'm sure i'm at the stage most people find themselves: • Site designed and built
    • Products added to online store
    • Basic SEO carried out, titles, tags, H1, etc
    • Site has been running for almost a year and gain a little momentum Now it's time to turn my attention to pro-active link-building and marketing of the site in order to build traffic and sales. My question to you guys is: What's the best way to go about implementing this next step? I have a list of links from competitor sites via OSE, what do I do with them? I try to post regularly on twitter and Facebook, but they rarely make an impact - i guess i need to look at the content i'm posting - how do i generate more engaging content? Your help is appreciated, any comments suggestions or feedback on the site design, structure, usability, links etc would be appreciated. **Can anyone share any real-world examples specifically relating to e-commerce businesses? ** The site is built and hosted on the Shopify platform which i find a pleasure to use. They allow certain on-page seo control, i think i've done as much as I can but i'm open to any suggestions The site link again is: Thanks in advance! Chris

    | ChrisAntoniou

  • For a new site, I want to feed in Twitter updates and Facebook posts onto the page. I regularly update these feeds. I'm using PHP to directly integrate with the two sites API and grab the data. Is this a good idea? Will it help SEO as its fresh content? Is it a good or bad idea to have a social media feed page on the site that grabs content from these sites?

    | gazza101uk

  • Eg, if you are an administrator of "Funco" which has a FB page, how do you post on the wall of "Followerwonk" as "Funco", not your personal FB account?

    | sftravel

  • I'm fairly new to SEO, but I'm trying to learn.  I have a discount prescription drug card business and while it's quite new (the website was created in January) I'm not very satisfied with the traffic I'm receiving...that's putting it mildly. I'm contemplating different methods I might be able to exercise in order for my website to show my potential visitors and search engines.  First, while I do have a blog I find it extremely difficult to offer well-written material on prescription drugs and what not....while it is my intention to offer a good product and service it's a subject that I don't have enough experience on to write intelligent posts.  I'm just not in a position to hire a writer. Essentially I have two, trying to find a doctor, a pharmacist or a pharmacy school whereby I could professionally videotape a presenter talking about various prescription drugs, kind of like a glossary.  Which prescriptions are used to treat various ailments, etc... The 2nd idea is a little disconnected to the business of prescription drugs, but along the lines of saving money and being financially sound.  In this example I would tape 30 second pieces where a financial consultant might give different lessons about ways to save money or be financially prudent.  For someone looking to save money on prescription drugs...this could be very useful information. My reasoning with both of these is providing original material that could make my site more authoritative and provide rich content.  Videotaping these would be a good option for me because that's my primary business. I appreciate your patience and feedback.  Any other ideas or input would be most welcome!  Thank you.

    | MyMeds

  • Hello, For a game site I would like to use Youtube for SEO purposes. And I need a little advice on this. How would you use these video's without spamming? There are a lot of tactics to use Youtube. Create channel and put your desired url in the profile (link back to your site), Put your desired url in in the description of the video (link back to your site), Put the created youtube video also on your own site to drive traffic to youtube, and back. And get views. Put a created channel on your own site to drive traffic to youtube, and back. And get views. Other tactics I don't know.... Can someone advice me what tactics I can use without spamming, I'm afraid that if I use combinations of the above mentioned tactics I get an unnatural linkprofile.... Thank you in advance. Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • Hi, It seems like im seeing more and more about the Author tag, its now in Webmaster Tools and Google+. If your guest blogging, is it a good idea to include the Author link back to your Google+ account? If your Google+ account is also connected to your website and Google confirms they can see the connection does the Author links help with ranking when you push them back to the connected Google+ account?

    | activitysuper

  • Do you need exact url brand match to get the benefits of social media noise in the google organic rankings? EG: my url extensions have my brnad but other words in, if i get noise does my website stil benefit in the rankings because it has the url in the profile? or do i need exact match in the url?

    | pauledwards

  • I own an agency and have several local clients.  Particularly clients in the service areas - Window replacement company, Roofing company, Foreign Car repair company, and an Asphalt paving company.  I really want to run some link bait campaigns, and would love any input you guys might have.  Thanks in advance for your ideas:)

    | RonMedlin

  • It's become a common refrain that social media is critical to SEO. Taking this literally, I have been examining the impact of social media on specific pages and topical areas within my site. Specifically, I am looking at pages and content areas that we promote and link to via social media and I am seeing zero correlation to SEO success. Social media is not impacting my rankings at all. And we have a sizable social footprint. Has anyone else done this type of analysis and seen different results?

    | AmyLB

  • Hi From an SEO perspective what is the most beneficial getting +1 of your homepage or trying to get customers to click on your actual Google+ Page - or are they linked in some way?  As the importance that Google are/will place on this cannot be ignored My concerns regarding Google+  are that I believe in the UK at least, most active consumers are not on Google+ (not sure what its like in the USA) many may not even have a google account, especially of their email is with the likes of hotmail or aol. The people who are using Google+ are other companies, web pros,marketing pros etc and not your target audience in many cases

    | ocelot

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