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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Facebook says roughly 12% of your friends see your posts. Facebook has privacy settings. Naturally the setting is "public." If you change the setting from public to "Selected List," do you think more of that group of people will get the message? If your public setting has 1,000 friends, and the list contains 200 people, do you think it will generate the post to 12% of the list? Is there anyone interested in testing this? It would make a GREAT blog post! I would certainly read it. If you have any tips to help hit more people on Facebook let me hear it please!

    | JML1179

  • I am putting together a presentation for my managers about why link building and social media is important for SEO so that we can get more resources allocated to these areas. Does anyone have advice/links of convincing arguments for me to include? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • I have added share buttons to the thankyou page of our site and receive 2 or 3 shares on average per day back to our homepage from this via twitter, facebook, google+ and linkedin. We have done this for the past couple of months. Im not too sure what benefits i may get out of this other than a few clickbacks. Do i gain links back or do they carry little value? Am i better to replace these share buttons with follow buttons to our facebook and twitter pages? thanks Andy

    | Dougy

  • Links that are added in the "Website" field in a twitter profile are nofollow. However, links added to the "Bio" section are dofollow. This has to mean these links are passing juice correct?

    | eli.boda

  • According to this inforgraphic I found on Unbounce, the most powerful social signal is Google-Plus followers followed by Google-Plus votes. Now these results look amazing, so if this test is correct I need to gather 100 business page followers and a shed load of plus votes and I should see big movement in the SERP's? Thoughts? testing-social-signals.jpg

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, We are in the process of gaining coverage and visibility over our SaaS service. And one of the work we're doing is, very much standardly, having our pro blog with content. I see that most of companies/people are using a  WordPress or a Blogger blog to achieve this. Another school is choosing Tumblr, which is a rising star. But then I can't help to feel that there is something wrong with Tumblr. It doesn't appear in Google search at all... It is never in the top of the searches. And sometimes even search for an exact match of a known post extract won't show the Tumblr link into google Search. What it means to me is that Tumblr has a very poor SEO-friendly policy. I was also reading in different posts that it was indeed the case. Tumblr is bad for SEO. I can't help but feeling confused and not really understanding how such a big social blogging engine couldn't get into google search... Or are they going twitter-like? I guess my question will be: "Is it good to have chosen Tumblr, or should I switch to either or Blogger using a custom DNS?" Thanks for reading.

    | NicolasE

  • Anyone who know any good ways to increase the following, +1s on Google plus please share !thanks. (I know good content will do the trick but what else?)

    | Personnel_Concept

  • When using twitter for business how to we prevent phishing and spamming issues, or at least minimize them

    | BrianScott

  • In the past month I have seen a huge increase in the visits + conversions from Facebook (which is obviously great).  However, from Google Analytics it appears that most of my visits are not coming from my brand page. Is there an explanation of what these referral paths mean? Top Facebook referral paths: / /l.php /home.php /ajax/emu/end.php /brand - much less visits than above URLs

    | theLotter

  • Does anyone have some feedback on Buzz Bundle software? I am wondering whether using this package to create 100 personas to create your own social media buzz is really going to help with rankings. The idea "feels wrong" but ... Regards, Andrew

    | andrewjd

  • I have a strange thing going on with my Facebook pages. The "friends who also like this page" is showing wrong numbers, just 1 respectively 5. In reality this number must be much higher. When I saw a profile of someone who coincidentally liked both pages, the numbers of friends who also liked those pages said 30 respectively 48. I remembered that a while ago I changed categories of at least one of those pages. So now I just checked that theory and changed the category of one of those pages back: The 1 went up to 26. When going back to the category I have right now, it's back to 1. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this, kind of merge those numbers?

    | codebalancer

  • A page speed test suggestion is to serve the following resources from a consistent URL: Is this something I have any control over?

    | casper434

  • One of the clients I manage has over 5,000 Facebook fans. Whenever I'd make a post, it usually would get ~700-1,000 impressions. About two weeks ago I did my first promoted post. Ever since then, all the regular posts I've done have only gotten ~100 impressions . . . out of 5,325! I'm wondering if Facebook, once learning that you are willing to pay for promoted posts, secretly lowers your impression count so that you will pay for promoted posts more often, or if the timing of my promoted post was just a coincidence, and everyone started to see a decrease about two weeks ago. Does anyone know what's going on?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • I work for a big company and they want to use the google autor tag. The goal is to get the rich snippets and better rankings in the future from having a trusworthy autor for each topic building up followers basically. The problem is that the company does not want to pay employees to build up their own autor profiles/trust since an employee could leave the company any time and we would have to start from scratch building another autor profile. Now I know that google only wants real people in google plus bla bla  ... bla bla ... How do you guys handle this problem? I thought of having our autors sharing one made up autor profile which is owned by the company.

    | Windex

  • I have a client who  wants to run a twitter based competition. The idea is as follows. tweet the url of your favorite product from clients website, with #hashtag . so potentially there could be 100+ tweets  referencing  three or four unique urls on the clients  website. What I am interested in is there any SEO benefit to be gained from this.

    | dmccarthy

  • We're looking to build out an event countdown widget for Facebook users to install as an App. Should we just focus on creating a useful app, or should we be trying to also optimise it for Likes, Comments, Shares etc. Having read the Searchmetrics 2012 report we're starting to ramp up our FB efforts...

    | cruiserDan

  • My current shopping cart uses OG tags on about 1/2 of all pages, it puts them on product pages and that about it. Would it be beneficial to have these tags on all pages? Thanks for your time.

    | ibcdan

  • I seem to remember an update where Google said it was going to include Facebook page updates into Google search, but perhaps that was a deal that fell through? If updates ARE appearing in Gooogle search, how do I troubleshoot a Facebook page where they are not?

    | KatherineWatierOng

  • My URL is:
    I lost all of my ranking in google organic since Sept. 26th. I have resubmitted the site to google. But the site is indexing very slow. It has crawled 125/400 pages and it is just not crawling any more pages since two weeks ago.

    | tanveer1

  • Hi, I'm looking for an tool which allow me to forward RSS content to a company facebook page, a company google+ page and a google+ profile. Suggestion are welcomed. Thanks.

    | Max84

  • Hi All, OK we all know the merit in G+, Authorship etc. I'm a regular user on G+ and I work hard to keep my profile up to date and with fresh content. I have no doubt my increased number of followers has helped my blog rank (which my G+ account is linked to). My question is - is there any merit at all in setting up a separate page for my blog so I can get +1s for it (probably very few). Much like any company page that gets +1s and people to follow that company. Or is this just plain silly and I should concentrate on building my personal profile? Thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • I've created a gift-guide with some big brand items on it.  I'd like to reach them when I post the gift-guide. Is there a graph that will show me when they are active on their twitter accounts?

    | tatermarketing

  • Hey All; Question regarding visitors; How, and what software should I use for my wordpress website? To gather as much visitor information? I currently use Google Analytic's - Any more thoughts as to what I should be using? Remeber a Mozinar regarding this. Anyone have the link, to video by Randfish maybe? The site is a Music video up loader for underground local bands to put their music on TV. It's for a local MAJOR University Private cable service. How do I get started on getting the persona inter-graded into my website?  😉
    Is is just a a FB API?

    | smstv

  • Hi if a site is hosting its own videos (not embedding them on youtube) is there less benefits then getting youtube to host it, and then embedding the youtube video. For instance: For benefits such as building channel authority, easy to rank the video in the search engines hosted on youtube, better opportunity to increase visitors and traffic and higher chance for the video to spread and rank for the keyword when hosted on youtube. What do you guys think?

    | monster99

  • Hi folks, Any GA experts out there available to help with a social tracking problem we've got? In short a client is using a ShareThis plugin, but the data we're seeing in GA doesn't correlate at all with the share counts showing on the plugin.  Huge discrepancies in fact. Could do with someone taking a look at the page and seeing what part of the tracking code we need to update/fix.  We'll make it worth your while. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks! Matt.

    | MattBarker

  • Are there any tools that SEO use to manage facebook postings etc... Anything that adds extra statistics/tracking etc... to the process to report to clients?

    | JML1179

  • I am an e-commerce website with a blog, creating content on my website but also guest posting for others. I also have a Google + page. Do i need to do the rel=author rel=me? does it benefit me? I am confused on how it works, can someone outline the basics please? i gather i put rel=me in the page that is about me and author on the blog posts i do/gues posts? Any help much appreciated.

    | pauledwards

  • I spent a bit of time this morning combing Google looking for some documentation on SEO for Facebook, specifically the value of 'likes', when liking one's status, how that effects the visibility of a given post and basically the criteria for creating whatever they deem a  post to have gone 'viral'. I'm convinced there has to be some answers for my first two questions... ....somewhere. Likewise, I can appreciate if there's nothing available to answer my third question pertaining to 'viral criteria'. Nevertheless, if anyone has any resources/documentation that could provide me some insight into how FB interprets 'likes', how an increased number of 'likes' may lead to greater visibility and (more or less) the mechanics of how this interacts with the entire Facebook structure, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for reading, I look forward to the responses!

    | NiallSmith

  • Hello, I have profiles in several social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. When I search with my name on the profiles are showing on the first page, but when I do a local search, the profiles start showing in the end of the second page. I'm very active in my social media profiles, and I don't know why is this happening. How long does it take for the profiles to show on the first page in local search? Can I do anything to speed up the process?

    | FisnikSylka

  • I currently operate a Facebook page with ~4,000 fans who are fairly active. In the nearby future I am planning on opening up websites in my most important target locations (mostly for legal reasons) We offer several worldwide products that are extremely popular and not all represented on Facebook. Given the above background info, my questions are: Is it worthwhile to open and build up Facebook channels per language Is it worthwhile to open and build up Facebook channels per "product" What are the SEO implications of each in addition to improving our social profile. thanks!

    | theLotter

  • We have created a tool that provides "at a glance social metrics" for the URLs listed in an RSS feed. Its intended purposes are: Monitor the social success of your recent blog posts Spy on the social success of your competitors' recent blog posts Quickly analyze a blog for social sharing metrics to determine whether it is a good outreach prospect or guest post opportunity Check out the tool at I've attached a report run on the YouMoz RSS feed. Would love to hear some feedback on the tool... Do you think the tool is useful? Nice, but not worthwhile? What could be done to improve it? What ways do you think it will be most useful? Thanks! RSSSocialAnalyzer-YouMoz.png

    | AdamThompson

  • Google+ and YouTube are important social media networks for several of our clients. Are you planning to add them soon? Thank you.

    | pheffernan

  • Hi All, Do any of you have recommendations on basic social analytics software? We are looking for something that's not to expensive, that's easy to use, and measures the basic stuff, hashtag mentions, tweets, likes, etc. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Margarita

    | MargaritaS

  • Does anyone know if it is possible to connect 2 separate Twitter accounts? The marketing department in my company set up the official Twitter feed. However, one of the employees took it upon themselves to set up another one and built up a good following. Now a lot of people are getting confused to which one is the official one. It would be great it we could merge the two, but I've been looking all morning and can't seem to find a way. Any help?

    | AAttias

  • What is the best way to use Google + for a Realtor?

    | bronxpad

  • We use the Share This facebook & twitter widgets on blog posts. Share this auto tags it in Google Analytics so we can see share count with in the analytics interface. Viewing the blog post I see the share counts as a lot higher than google analytics reports. Does anyone know why the count would be different?

    | Jeff_Lucas

  • Hi Does anybody know how to transfer Twitter lists from 1 account to another ? Twitter says this isnt possible but is anyone aware of any software that can do this (or technique) ? Both accounts have the same owner Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi guys ! I'm a one guy army here trying to get my website rank from PR3 to PR4. I have really great content (the website is an industry standard) that's about 80 pages. I currently rank PR3 (find my stats down there). Anyone have an idea on an action plan to get to the next level ? I don't have a budget, I just have manpower (more or less 1h seo everyday + one day a week to write content). Thanks ! | Domain Authority | 30 |
    | Domain MozRank | 3.73 |
    | Domain MozTrust | 3.92 |
    | External Followed Links | 709 |
    | Total External Links | 888 |
    | Total Links | 5,356 |
    | Followed Linking Root Domains | 46 |
    | Total Linking Root Domains | 60 |
    | Linking C-Blocks | 49 |

    | zedisdead

  • I logged into my Adsense account yesterday and saw a notification that I could have code to add the plus one button to my site. I currently have addthis on most pages, so I set it up so that the +1 button is floated next to my Addthis FB, Twitter and Share buttons. I'd love to hear your personal thoughts on +1. Do you think it will have a great effect on rankings? Are you likely to +1 interesting sites as you surf the web? Are you adding it to all of your pages?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hello, My site is What do I post on Google+ and Twitter? How often? Can my posts be the same for all 3: facebook, google+, and Twitter

    | BobGW

  • I've not been able to determine what a best practice might be in this situation. Maybe you can help. One of my sites (built on Wordpress) had a blog post go viral on Pinterest. We went from about 1-200 visits a day to more than 17,000 visits daily. All the traffic was basically coming through this one blog post. The site was not built to accommodate that much traffic. We quickly received a call from the hosting company that they had to take our site down because of the load that was being placed on the server (shared hosting.) This is a small, niche site. The products & services being advertised are extremely niche. There is no intent to ever have huge amounts of traffic because we know the customer base is so small. In order to keep the site up, and to reduce the amount of traffic coming from Pinterest, the hosting company modified the .htaccess file to block all traffic coming from We know that 99% of all the traffic coming from Pinterest not only were not potential customers, but are in the wrong demographic. So, there's no worry for us in losing that traffic. I also know we're not the first site this has happened to. So, what's the best practice here?

    | Imperi

  • What are the best social media measurement/ management tools to use (that measure metrics and conversation volume & conversation sentiment)?

    | RochelleRietow

  • If I use multiple social media accounts to share-reshare on facebook, to increase the number of people that see my posts, do I need to somehow mask my IP from facebook/google? I only have one personal facebook account right now. I have been reading and am speculating that most SEO's use several facebook accounts. I know you have to build a facebook account that looks/feels real, but do you have to mask your IP address somehow to stop facebook/google from realizing you are one in the same...

    | JML1179

  • You know how sharing on social networking sites can act as social signal for ranking but I was wondering that what type of sharing on fb/google + ? does it has to be our site links all the time or any sharing other than our own site links matters too ? lets say if we are just discussing something on fb/google+ without our site link does that count too? social signal is sent only when we share our own sites link on social sites or through any kind of activity on our social fb/google+ page ? If you want to tell anything else connected with social signal please go ahead ..

    | Personnel_Concept

  • Hi all: It is time for my semi-annual “I don’t have a clue” question.  Actually it’s questions since there are three although they may overlap. I am confused about the intersection of social media and SEO.  A couple of years ago it seemed like one of the better procedures for link building was writing articles and having them published on Isnare, Goarticles Ezine and the like.  Now I am not sure if this is effective anymore.  It seems like all of the emphasis is being put on social media sites. Not just Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, and blogs, but big ones (that I don’t have a prayer in the world of getting on) such as Mashable, Reddit etc. How are my efforts best served at this point?   Should I still submit articles to article directories or should I concentrate on guest blogging (which isn’t so easy if you want a reputable blog) or try something that I can’t even think of? Second, my blog is a Wordpress Blog that is no big deal and probably isn’t read much.  It can be accessed either at Wordpress or through my site.  It is listed in my Google Merchant Account, but I can’t imagine anyone reads it.  It’s about gifts and products that we sell and is not going to stimulate anyone’s mind.  Two things here: First (and I don’t know if anyone will know the answer to this) my site is hosted by Yahoo.  There is a tab at the top of my site that takes you to the blog, but Yahoo also has some way to integrate the blog with the website.  Does anyone know if this will make any difference?  Second, the last several times that I ran by backlinks on Open Site Explorer my Wordpress blog has not shown up.  It always did previously right at the top.  Any guesses as to why it no longer shows? Finally, in the last couple of months I have had a precipitous drop in orders and visitors to my site.  The only thing that I have done is to lower my budget for Google Adwords, but it was never that high to begin with and shouldn’t account for the change. Given the holiday season traffic should be picking up but it is going in the other direction. Does anyone know what is happening here and what to do about it?  Anyone with really good insights might get a gift certificate from us (is that permitted on SEOMOZ – if not then forget it). The website is www,  Here’s a thought – buy stuff from us. (ignore if this is spammy). Many thanks. Don

    | uniquegifts-277879

  • Hello, What do you recommend I post on my facebook page for maximum reach?: my site: bobweikel(dot)com and how often? It can't be too time consuming. I'll invite more friends once I have some content. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I just wanted to know if you have a Google+ page, should your page be displayed on the right hand side of the SERP when someone searches for your company name. We currently have set-up a Google+ page but it doesn't appear when someone searches for us. Any help?

    | AAttias

  • Any knows how to or where to find instructions on how to create custom buttons using Facebook Open Graph? I.e. "Want it" Example can be found here:,default,pd.html?cgid=3657 Thanks

    | Carlos-R

  • Hi! What is a recommended social media share plug-in (SEO-friendly) to implement across multiple websites (desktop & mobile) for an agency? Also, does the suggested social share plug-in provide a dashboard to review multiple accounts via one location?

    | RezStream8

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