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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hey everyone, I know is this is a bit of an old strategy, but what do you think about building social profiles (blogger, tumbler, wordpress, etc) with a keyword in the url for link building and SEO? Outdated strategy? Unnatural? Has it worked for you recently? Comments? Questions? Suggestions?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • What if someone leaves your company and removes your site from their Google Plus profile (under "Contributor To"). Does that kill all the rel=author on the pages written by this former employee? (Should you use the email verification with employees to avoid this scenario? Email verification is a big hassle for us.)

    | ProjectLabs

  • I'm the Internet Marketing Manager for an ad agency and in charge of not only our social media and SEO but advising and hooking up clients with successful campaigns. I've taken the liberty of signing us up for almost every major social media account. Some are very successful (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Vimeo is ok (we use it over YouTube), Vine is picking up) and others are very not doing well (Flickr, Foursquare, YouTube really is low, Google+ is very mediocre).  I’ve been wondering if it would be more beneficial to just delete certain accounts.  I think I need to keep Google+ (Google values it and we are not doing terribly on it) but all the others listed in the bad column I think are really cancerous to our SEO (and make us look bad b/c we are doing poorly on them) but I really don’t know.  I used them kind of to see if they would work for us and to demonstrate that we knew what we were doing in these social networks, but I think they may be doing us more harm than good both from a PR standpoint and SEO.  Doesn't it hurt your website for Google to see poor performing social media accounts, just as the opposite would be true (good sm accounts and mention/activity would give you klout & SEO...)? What do you think? I'm no novice but no master either.  Love this forum.  Thanks in advance.

    | JCunningham

  • In answering a question, I got to pondering something: When we check in with an app like a Yelp, does that affect the rankings? In other words, is more and more check in activity (assume without leaving any review first) going to have an effect like more and more click throughs? Has anyone done any type of study or measure of this? Thoughts? Ideas? Interesting, Thanks, Robert

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi my google plus profile ( rel author) is anly appearing only in the results where my home page is shown. Every time a inner page appears in the serps is without it. I added the the my profile rel author link to a google plus link I have in a site wide footer for which I assumed all the pages will be included. Any ideas for best practises? thanks very much. NIcolas

    | niclaus78

  • My blog is still very young - and I feel like a total newbie, but I'm working at it consistently. I've got  21 posts that I've put up since the beginning of January (except for 2 from October) and another in the pipeline and of course, plans to continue on this way. I've been building up my confidence and feel like it's just about time to branch out farther than my Google+, FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts (which I've been doing regularly). My hope is to gain more visitors by publicizing the posts in some other environments. I would so appreciate some suggestions on how I might do that.  And also, is it too soon? I don't want to jump the gun before there's an respectable/acceptable amount of content.

    | gfiedel

  • Can somebody give me an answer on this question? And when so what to do? With your Google + account? And what about Google + and the future of SEO within the organic search results in Google ? Hope to get some answers???
    Thank you in advance 🙂

    | SearchOptimization

  • Hi All.  Just wondering what your experience is with using Facebook graph search? I have a site that ranks highly for a good number of keywords on google, yahoo etc, but when you use the facebook graph search, it either doesnt show up at all or is buried away in page 5 or something. I'm talking about the 'Web Search' bit where it returns web results rather than searching for pages likes by my friends etc. Any thoughts?  Why is my site way behind the competition in Facebook?  I'm a white hat kind of girl and can't think what I might have done to offend! Have you come across any good resources advising how to optimise for facebook graph search for web? Thanks Jo

    | littlesthobo

  • Is it possible to receive a manual penalty on just 2 keywords (or any penalty for that matter) from Google but receive no message in GWT? I am going to give a lot of information here, in the hopes that it will be helpful. My apologies if it's too long. Some of you who are here a lot, may remember my panicked questions in early January. I have learned a ton since then but I still haven't fully solved our mystery and one of the questions that remains is if perhaps one can receive a penalty for particular keywords only and not receive any messages. Our company name, company and company name + location is still coming up #1. We also still have a couple of other keywords at #4 and #7 so it seems our site wasn't penalized. My over-zealousness with the keyword usage on our Home page was pointed out to me here in the forum by Dr. Pete so I made some significant changes on that back in January and continue to tweak although I'm afraid at this point, to do too much that may cause us to lose ranking in the last two good keywords...Meanwhile, our listings on Bing and Yahoo are great and mostly continue to go up. Back Story: We had a huge drop in the SERPS for a particular set of keywords that I feel are our most critical, at the end of December 2012 after being #3 for over a decade. We had a smaller drop in October, that worried me and I worked on the on-page and brought it back to #7 sometime in Nov or early Dec and then it disappeared to "not in top 50". I believe I overdid it. I also got a lot of great advice and leads from Mike Tek and have been having a blast being engaged in reading, learning, following, commenting. I believe I have created some good content since January by creating a company blog and adding posts regularly- 19 so far.  I have also gotten some reviews on Yelp, claimed more local listings, worked on our Google+ page, joined Communities, have been promoting our blog posts on FB, Linkedin, Twitter, Google+. We are very short in the inbound link department and I have yet to activate solutions on that score, (and sadly, the majority of our links are in client footers as we are a web design company and I don't think we should remove them without being sure they've hurt us). I am at the point of looking for some help for hire for link building as I am realizing my own limitations.

    | gfiedel

  • Hello everyone, I am inclining to use a platform from which to post my social content. I use mainly facebook, twitter, linked in, google +. I used Hoot, but found it difficult to include Linked In, and several other social media sites. Somebody has experience using BUFFER? Ive read about it, and it seems great! Would you recommend it? Thanks for your comments,

    | JesusD

  • Ever since the Penguin changes there is so much information online about the right way and wrong way to gather high PR good backlinks. I am starting to notice a number of websites that have over taken me in the serps that display NO BACKLINKS no media interaction but have a PR of 3 and are displaying on page 1 and 2 for major keywords? SEO is so confusing post penguin, How are we supposed to know whats wrong and right,?? One expert tells me one thing, another says another? I have been told backlinking is useless now, I have bought numerous books on post penguin SEO and they also contradict each other. Does anyone actually have an idea of how to go about getting ranked well now adays, or is every one guessing like me.. Trial and error.. websites offering services OLD SCHOOL SEO link building etc? If SEO is dead how can these businesses still be focusing on 1000's of directory links etc. I have targets of around 150 backlinks a month and to get good quality post penguin links I am stuck? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks elissa 🙂

    | Chris__Chris

  • Our company has over 100+ stores. Does it make sense to have a main Facebook page and individual pages for each location? How does each affect SERPs? Thanks!

    | Buddys

  • Hello, For a current client of mine, the person doing the outreach (me) and the person who is going to write the guest post (expert) are different people. Also, the expert doesn't want their real name published. They're going to use their first and middle name instead of first and last. How do I taylor my outreach and link building to accommodate the above two facts? BTW: The expert's picture is on the site if that helps, in an "Ask the Expert" menu tab Thanks

    | BobGW

  • I have two questions about google places/local and Personal/Company Pages Regarding Local and the categories section. Should you be using strictly the predefined categories they have? or should you be creating your own?  Also say you're a car repair shop for instance. If you should be creating your own such as 'truck repair' should the city be in there as well 'Truck Repair New York/New York Truck Repair(keyword or location first?)' When it comes to company and personal g+ places, i understand doing the rel author and its bennefits but what is the correct way about tagging this? For instance in Wordpress, Studiopress has a section in the profile for the user g+ profile that will rel author it, and Yaost SEO says 'if you have a business page, insert it here and link your personal page as a contributor to the business page' Should we be filling in both sections? or does this cause a conflict? Adding these items is very easy to do, but would rather do it right the first time then circle back and have to correct everything. Any feedback/input is appreciated. Thanks,

    | choiceenergy

  • Hi Guys Have any of you tried social and give give me some hints on performance and price?

    | AndersDK

  • There's a lot of information floating around about best practices for ranking on Google Local, but not much information about ranking on Yelp.  I wanted to see if anyone has suggestions about ranking for Yelp or if you can point me towards some information that would be great.

    | Alchemist23

  • Hi, We noticed in our Google Webmaster Tool that we have received a total of 10,162 links (still increasing) from over a period of less than 2 months from January. All these links are linking to our home page, and it is topping the list of "Who links the most" under our "Traffic > Links to Your site" in our Google Webmaster. Our second domain that links the most to us only has 1,831 links to our domain. According to our marketing service company who posted our brief bookmark content on "That just has to do with the page structure of that site. If multiple users promote your URL, the link will appear multiple times on each user's page.  Plus, it's a curated site, so the link will be recommended to other users. has an Alexa of <1000 so it's a very popular site. If Facebook was fully indexed by Google (and other search engines and crawlers had full access), you'd see a similar situation. There's currently no way to exclude specific social sites, sorry for the bad news. The high # of links from are totally normal (and natural for that domain), it's just because of all their internal linking. Google seems to LOVE (60M+ pages indexed), so I wouldn't worry." However, we still don't feel comfortable with the explanation because it appear so very unusual and clearly appear to be 'Unnatural' to us as we concern. I wonder if anyone knows if this would get us into trouble with Google? More seriously, get us deindexed due to 'Unnatural' backlinks in short period of time, from one single domain? Can anybody advise us what could we do with the current situation? Highly appreciate your advise, and many thanks! Enam

    | enam937

  • for example if me and 2 co-workers of mine worked on a post, is it possible to add 3 rel=author of our google plus's?

    | Ouzan

  • Hey SEOmoz Community, I have a couple questions about social media campaigns. Which KPIs do you use for social media campaigns? How do you determine realistic campaign goals? I am looking at projecting the number of followers/fans and the amount of traffic a site can expect to see as a result of this growth. Any suggestions. Thanks! Geoff

    | GeoffKenyon

  • I am running a site in WordPress and would like to know if there is a way to block competitor ads from appearing for the videos I embed to my site? (the videos are not owned or controlled by me, just embeds). Thanks..

    | Clicksjim

  • HI Does anyone know of any negative consequences of changing Facebook username ? For example i take it all your fans are transferred/you dont lose them 🙂 ? Its just a url change (so links on website etc need to be updated) but thats the only thing that changes ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Functionally the Google+ Brand and Business pages seem to be exactly the same, but does having one or the other have an effect on SEO? Is it better to have both?

    | HireSpace

  • Just a quick inquisitive question. Websites like Facebook and Twitter arent public, they obviously allow a page title and snippet of account info in search results. So how are is social metrics gathered as regards to Tweets or Shares or Likes etc. in crawling data gathering? Would this give some insite how best to share social media too?

    | xtopher66

  • I have a wordpress website and have been trying to figure out the best social media plugins to use...........That DON'T dramatically slow down the page speed load times. Does anyone have recommendations?  What social media plugins have you used that don't have a huge negative impact on page load times?

    | webestate

  • Hi There, I'm seeing more and more businesses (especially small businesses) setting up Facebook pages and then almost begging people to like them with lines such as "lets see if we can get to 200 likes", etc etc. What are your thoughts on this does it really help and do you think Google will find a way to not count them as spammy?

    | Ant71

  • Has anyone heard of Quick Fire Social Academy?? ( My boss just signed up for it and wants me to check it out.  This the claim their website makes:  "In 5 Minutes A Week Or Less You Can Setup A Full Social Media Campaign That's Full Of Red Hot Viral Content !" I went to their Facebook page  They only have 7 likes and the page was just created in January of this year, AND I see no Red Hot content on their site.  So, I have a few concerns.  Is anybody using them?  How are the results?

    | smartlinksolutions

  • Hey guys, I am currently using Hootsuite for social media work for our clients. Although I am quite happy with Hootsuite, the layout gets quite hectic when a lot of social media accounts get added. Creating individual accounts for each client just wouldn't be sufficient. So now I am looking for an alternative. Could you recommend a different social media scheduling site which is more user-friendly to manage lots of social media accounts in one central place? The most important function it must have is the ability to schedule messages. Thank you

    | Michael-Goode

  • In the past week we have started having problems syncing Google + with Hootsuite.  Has anyone else had this problem and/or suggestions of how to resolve it? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • A while back, can't remember when, I set up a profile page under my business name. It has recently started picking up a bit of momentum but I am concerned it is not in line with Google's policy and will eventually get removed. I don't want to invest any more effort into this profile if this is likely so am looking at moving my efforts to a page. Any ideas / recommendations? Thanks,

    | Cornwall

  • yes i am wanting to share my articles with social media sites, what is the amount of sites you should use and not over do it

    | equotes

  • I'm wondering if anyone can help me with how to use follower wonk and twitter for outreach link building and offer any strategies. I'm using the following method but perhaps there are more efficient ways of doing it or other software that can aid the process. As I understand it it's a case of searching bios on followerwonk based on keywords and at the minute I'm selecting targets by social authority. (Is that the best metric or the there another one that's better?). I'm basically then following users in my niche and hoping that they follow me back. Those that do I'm then visiting their website based on the url in their twitter bio and running it through OSE to check the domain authority to see if the site authority is high enough to warrant listing them as a potential link target. If so I'm communicating with them by sharing their content, mentioning them or direct messaging them complimenting them on an article or such like. My aim is to build a relationship and eventually achieve a guest post or backlink somehow. Is this how the process should work?

    | SamCUK

  • If this is a duplicate I apologize. Our employee had a client's business page tied to their personal page. This person is now a former employee and closed their personal page. That leaves us without full capacity on this client's Business page. Is there anything I can do? Or is the only way to reclaim manager status to start a new page?

    | HogWild

  • Hi guys i have a big e-commerce website, we have put rel=publisher on our homepage and linked it up with our google + profile. We sell holidays and have a big resort guide full of quality content, do i need to put rel=publisher on those too? It doesn't seem right to put a personal author with a personal google + page on content as the author. Do i simply as a business page use rel=publisher instead? Any advice much appreciated, i find this confusing in all honesty on what benefits the most.

    | pauledwards

  • I plan to publish same posts on facebook and google+. As they are in 10 different languages, I would rather not make modifications for facebook and google+ respectively. Do you see any problems with this? Do you think it matters whether I first publish on google+ or first on facebook? Any problem if I publish posts on one social media account which I already published in another social media account for another company of mine some months ago? thanks

    | lcourse

  • I thought my Google Plus score on my business page had dropped dramatically, only to find out that when you’re logged into your Google account score is lower when you are not logged out, does anybody know why? Thank Alan

    | whitbycottages

  • Our clients want us to manage their FB pages. I need to know how we can do this without having to enter through the FB page of whomever set up the business account. I'm aware of the ability of the person who set up the Business page to allow admin access, but that too requires an our employee to give his or her personal FB info for this access. In the same vein, a former employee set up a client's FB page using his own personal account and now when we enter the client's business page, we do not have access to the search window and we don't have the ability to go to other pages to "like" other pages - the button doesn't even appear if we are signed in and search a FB page through an engine. We do have the ability to see Admin settings and metrics but we don't have the news feed, and we have other limited access/abilities. I would like to have a central access so neither client or our employee has to offer personal FB log in information. Thank you, Julie

    | HogWild

  • We have a significant following on facebook with over 6,000 fans, but very few "likes" or "shares" of our homepage.  Do fans in anyway affect our sites domain authority and what is the best way to leverage our fan base to increase our DA?

    | bloomnation

  • We just got off the phone with our current SEO/ SEM provider and was shocked to hear that we are essentially renting the FB pages and Google + pages we paid them to create for our 100+ locations. We were told that all the pages have been created under a "Master SEO" account and we would immediately lose any juice from these pages if they are not under their account. He claimed the pages were given their rankings because the account they are associated with vs. the actual SEO done. Can anyone shed some light on this claim. I have never heard of such a thing.

    | Buddys

  • I am working hard to get 1. position but seems i don't know something... My website (I am 3. now): 1. website : 2. website : The keyword : webáruház készítés Please give me tips 🙂 I am bloging now 3 times per week and building links naturally. I don't know how can I improve the Page + Domain Authority, any tips? THANK YOU for every help my friends 🙂 2rny2jk.jpg

    | Netkreativ

  • If a post on my site receives a lot of facebook 'likes' does that have a direct impact on the rankings for that post? I notice SEO Moz track them so I guess they must be pretty significant. Also if someone visits my facebook page and 'likes' for example a link to an article on my site does that have an impact on SERPS? I can see that 'liking' something is a vote of confidence or a trust signal that google could use but I would imagine that if someone actually shares my content on their facebook page that would be much more valuable than a 'like'? If facebook is important to SEO then is it worth setting up facebook ads to get my facebook page in front of an audience so that I can build 'likes'?

    | SamCUK

  • I have read that its a good idea to have both rel=author & rel= publisher set up on a website If so What is the best way to set it up to where rel=author and rel=publisher appear in your website source code? I use wordpress genesis site and have the Yoast seo plugin **In the user profile section on WP there is an area to enter google Authorship link **In the Yoast dashboard there is a place to enter google publisher link. When I check my source code…….I see rel=publisher only on the home page, however ALL my other WordPress Pages and Posts have rel=author. Does that sound correct?

    | webestate

  • I have been watching Google+ and see lots of SEOs sharing ideas and enjoying their circles.   However, I have not seen anything outside of the webmaster community that I would hold up as an example of business engagement - and certainly nothing that seems to be producing a good ROI for a business. It seems to me that everyone outside of the webmaster community is on FaceBook and doesn't give a hoot about Google+.  And, since FaceBook  has the massive amount of people why should I open an outpost in the poorly populated Google+? I am not looking for Google+ evangelist answers.  Just looking to hear if anybody anywhere has found Google+ to be a better use of their time than  FaceBook and working on your website. I do believe that using Google+ as an author verification platform is a good use of your time if you have valuable content - mainly because it helps your visibility in the SERPs.  Beyond that I am looking for validation. Anybody want to point to something good happening or telling a success story? Thanks!

    | EGOL

  • Someone hacked a clients twitter account and changed BOIS. I can find on google the hacked BOIS listing. How do I remove can this be scrubbed fom the search engines?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I'm not sure if here is the right place for this Q but since followerwonk is one of the SEOmoz tools, I thought I'd try. I want to autofollow anyone who tweets or retweets specific URLs (my blog posts on a large blog). Does anyone know how to do this? They often don't @mention me in the tweets, I just see them all on topsy. I get 50-100 a day and at the moment have been manually going through and following all those people. It's been a useful exercise so far to see what types of people are tweeting my stuff, but now it has got super tedious!

    | KateV

  • I've looked through the forum and I understand that it now considered better  to use a personal G+ account rather than a domain based one. I can change this as I haven't actively used by yet but want to start doing this. I understand that it is better to set up a personal G+ account and a business page. However I have a couple of questions: 1. which account do I direct the rel=author markup to, my personal G+ account or the business page. At the moment I write many of the posts on HomeforBusiness. 2. When I post from the HomeforBusiness site do I post to the business page or my personal page? Which is considered better for building connections and improved ranking? Thanks, Elizabeth

    | econley

  • Hi everyone, I'm exporting social metrics as CSV's, but the CSV's don't have any data.  This is happening with both the dashboard and the Facebook reports.  There is plenty of data, it's just not exporting to the report. What could be going on? Thanks.

    | kenc138

  • hi, i have to made a game site , what  you will suggest  me where can i start its seo, like social media , submit link here or what i will do for it?

    | Mubashirshafi

  • Dear all, I have several Facebook pages and are all indexed except the Belgian Facebook Page. How is that possible? Thanks!

    | HMK-NL

  • Hey guys, got a question about the Huffington Post and its Twitter widget - see screenshot attached HuffPo seems to be aggregating links somehow under the "Top links on this topic" heading within the Twitter widget. At first I thought this was an official Twitter wdget; However, I can't find it on Twitter's site and I'm starting to think it's a custom widget possibly developed by HuffPo themselves. My question is how do I get my site to rank under their "Top links"? Is it feeding on Twitter presence or is it feeding from Google News or through something else? Many thanks in advance for any light shed on this topic Edit: Link to Huffington Post page example from screenshot Screen%252520shot%2525202011-10-24%252520at%25252017.26.54.png

    | JDauncey

  • I have a facebook like button on my homepage. Currently, it points to my facebook page, so every time someone likes this button they are liking my facebook page. Is this how it should be structured? Do the likes count towards my home page? Is there a way that a like can simultaneously like my facebook page AND my website? Which is best for search metrics? Thanks for your responses.

    | MarloSchneider

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