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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • I was curious if by having Pinterest embed pins on my site will add SEO value... This would be used mainly on product pages for alternative images, closeup detail, any type of image to answer a customers question. I would accompany the pin with more text as another way of adding content to the page. Example on my site: Wicker Sofa product page with Pinterest Embed live. Also attached the screenshot of the code that is used by Pinterest pin embed widget. Hoping that extra unique content + social activity repins or follows, would help my store's SEO. Thank you for your answers in advance... 3uqUz57.png

    | wickerparadise

  • A client is one brand with several locations. Previously, we had created a Google+ Page for each location - now we're finding out that we should have created only one brand page with a Local page for each location. Two questions: Is this correct? Do we create a brand PAGE, with separate LOCAL profiles for each address If yes, is there a way to merge the work that we have already done on the pages to the Local profiles? We don't want to lose the followers and updates that we've made to these pages. Thanks for the help!

    | RachelEm

  • Hi I have a client who has set up Facebook fan page for their physically located local business and they have 'checkedin' to it but not showing on FB page as having been checked in i.e. '0 were here' when i would have thought it should show at least 1 Does anybody know how best to set up FB fan page for a local business so is checkin'able ? or rather just get the checking in aspect of existing page working properly ? (Have followed FB help guidelines) Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, have a question on the distribution of content which is designed to go viral. Let say you have written awesome content, with great visuals, etc which is designed to go viral. Your site is relatively new - not many social media followers, DA authority, or natural traffic. What would be a good process of distributing that content - getting the content out there so it has the best chance and ability to go viral and generate links. So far i have: Use press releases to distribute that content, using a distribution service like: Hope its picked up by a news site or something. Contact Facebook Pages or Twitter Pages who have a large audience of the type of people who would be interested in the content. Ask them if they can share the content. Content sites related to the content, and ask them to share it with their users (Give them a incentive e.g. money, a gift, etc) I think number 1 would yield the best possible results in getting actual sites linking to you. 2 and 3 are more designed for people (who very few would have blogs) to read the content. Any other suggestions, i'm missing out on? Any good articles you guys recommend, i should checkout? Thanks, Matt

    | Mattcarter08

  • We have the social icons (facebook, twitter, youtube etc) in the footer of our homepage linked to inner pages instead of our actual social accounts.  So, if you click on the facebook icon you go to one of our inner pages talking about our facebook profile and why to like us on facebook. Then on this inner page you can get to our facebook profile. We do this so we can pass on PR juice from our homepage to our inner page, and not lose it right off our front page.  Is this a good idea?  Or does it just confuse users?  Most people think when they click on a facebook icon they will go to an actual facebook profile. Here is my homepage,  click on the icons on the footer and let me know your thoughts.

    | joebuilder

  • Google+ has thrown a bit of a monkey wrench into my SEO plans. Over the last few weeks, Google+ listings started showing up in the SERPs for my money keywords. The good news is that once we launch our new site, we have a good chance of getting into the Google+ 7 packs. The bad news is that SEO on a national level just got tougher with the local Google+ listings crowding natural listings down the page. Questions: 1. How does Google+ determine who goes into the 7 pack?
    2. Is there always a 7 Pack? Can there only be a 4 pack?
    3. I see Google+ listings for companies that don't have a Google+ page. How is that possible?
    4. Through my keyword research, I have about 20 keywords that are triggering Google+ listings in the SERPs. Some SERPs are only showing  2-4 G+ listings. Is it safe to assume that this is because no one has put those keywords in their Google+ description, and hasn't optimized for those words on their site?

    | CsmBill

  • Hi all, I'd like to ask the community to recommend some great agencies that specialise in large scale link building (enterprise level), especially around link baiting & social linking. Would like to avoid the traditional paid links and have someone who's innovative in their approach. If you've had experience with any of them, would be great to hear your experiences. Thanks.

    | danng

  • I am in the process of updating my website where all the URLs of my individual blog pages are changing. I have, in the past, done a lot of link sharing on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter of my individual blog posts, but now on the new site my links will be different.  Therefore, when I launch the new site anyone clicking on my previous tweets or facebook shares will get a broken link. Is there a tool I can use that identifies all the links on social media sites? Opensite Explorer doesn't show these - unless I am missing something? Any tips on how to overcome this would be very useful. thanks

    | goodge

  • I had read a great blog post somewhere a couple weeks ago that had some great tips and resources on how to best run a contest (like on FB) and get good links. Had mentioned specific tools and techniques to use. Unfortunately I can not for the life of me remember where I saw this at. Did anyone happen to read this and have the link the post by chance? Thanks for any help!  Ron

    | yatesandcojewelers

  • Hello everyone I have started a new small business which currently we do only PPC marketing.  We are spending roughly $1,700 per week in this medium, and would rather invest this money into getting ourselves organic.  I am trying to figure out how we can best invest what money we have without stopping the PPC campaign, as we are only a month old with a limited budget ($2,000 month to spend on SEO). Our website right now has a fair amount of content, and we are blogging 3x a week at around 700-1000 words average per blog.  We have zero backlinks at the moment, or at least from what I can see on opensiteexplorer, and of course this is expected.  I have used seomoz to optimize my pages, and keyword tool to figure out which keywords we want to go after.  Some of the better keywords available seem like it would be very hard to get on Google first page as most of the links are authorative .edu/.gov links. So we dont know exactly where to invest now.  All our pages are optimized well via the seomoz tool, we get an A on all our pages for certain keywords.  It seems to me the next step would be back links building, but I want to make sure and hire a reputable company (going to use the SEOMOZ recommended list) so we dont have issues in the future. Before doing so I was hoping to get some input from everyone here as to what might be the best path to take on a limited budget.  What are my priorities lets say if we could rank them? I should probably mention we are on facebook with 50 likes and about 50 shares via the blogs. We are ranking on some of our keywords (only one first page on bing/yahoo, none on google), but I take this as a good sign for only having this website up for about 10 days. We have another website at first put up really quickly by a friend, then went to our new site. Thanks for the help

    | DemiGR

  • Since there is no way to promote your posts on google plus it is difficult to target the audience that is in one particular niche. What are good ways to connect to a larger circle if one is in a very small niche with very few professionals?

    | TVape

  • Blogger is under the google umbrella and of course will be in line with google's strategic moves in the future.That includes commenting with google plus accounts and any future integrations. (google plus will HUGE in the future when it comes to SEO)currently there is no way to host blogger on your own servers, which means all your images and video are not really yours from an SEO perspective. Wordpress however does not have as much technical restrictions, but eventually it will be a major competitor to blogger. You can host it on your own servers as well. So from an SEO perspective which one is better?

    | TVape

  • Just looking for some opinions here.   I'll be hiring a summer intern to help with marketing, spreading the word, and link building. Just wanted to get some feedback on what I'm thinking of having them do. 1.  Run back link checks on all competitor websites and ask the owner/webmaster if they'd consider linking to us. 2.  Directory submit to any relative directories that pass link juice. 3.  Find relevant websites or forums and ask for links, run broken link checker while on their site as well.   Maybe offer their audience some sort of freebee or special product/e-book. 4.  Create hang outs on Google +, groups on, Quora etc.  Follow relevant Twitter followers and post content regularly. Trying to think of a few other things as well.   Looking forward to your opinions.  Thanks.

    | arkana

  • What do people think is the best way to increase unbranded organic traffic specifically? We have worked on on-page optimisation / keywords / some social media, but there has been no noticeable increase over the last 6 months. Do you think increasing unbranded traffic is an objective worth pursuing?

    | RG_SEO

  • Hey guys, My question is about blog comments. I have them disabled on my blog simply because I didn't want to have to deal with them. I get reasonably good traffic to my blog (mainly from my facebook fanpage). Am I making a mistake by having comments disabled? What about WP Plugins like CommentLuv. Will having this enabled hurt my SEO? What if I make every comment need approval and keep the Spam out? And finally, does commenting on others blogs that do have CommentLuv enabled help? Thanks!

    | Joshlaska

  • My twitter user name australia was changed by twitter to Australia1_ My original user name has been given to Toursim Australia. I never saw any correspondence about this from Twitter (I may have deleted it), nor from Tourism Australia. I have managed to send 2 related support requests to twitter; Once explaining I couldn't log in - and their reply was; "The email address you're writing from does not match the email on this account. For privacy reasons, we can't offer any more information about the email." Second time that my account was suspended - they replied; "If you're writing in about Australia1_ being suspended, this account is not currently suspended" I don't believe this can be a trademark issue because you cannot trademark a place name. I would love an explanation from twitter- Any tips?

    | RR500

  • If I want to add rel=publisher from my Google + page to company website do I still need 1,000 followers or has Google lifted that requirement since launching the feature?

    | theLotter

  • On Twitter every now and then I have a conversation with a few people that lasts couple days. Then the conversation dies down and a different conversation with a few other followers begins. What do you guys do to keep in touch with the followers from the older conversations and perhaps start new ones? Do any of the online tools help with that?

    | Heydarian

  • I've worked with a few sites with multiple google+ authors. rel=author works well and have no complaints. If you have a site with user generated content, would Google ever accept rel=author for every user we have a Google+ account for? Is 100 too many? 1000? 10,000? Anyone with big sites out there care to share your experience? Thanks!

    | andrewhyde

  • When I create a new blog post and link to it on Google+, the thumbnail & description are correct, but the HTML title it pulls in is just the company name. I have the proper HTML title tag and OpenGraph tagging on the page too, but lately (last 3 posts) it just shows company name: Here's an example. It used to work on the first handful of posts, but the last 3 or 4, it just show the "Company Name" next to the thumbnail image & above the description. <title>Some blog post title - Company Name</name></p> <p>...</p> <p>...</p> <p><span><meta </span><span class="webkit-html-attribute-name">property</span><span>='</span><span class="webkit-html-attribute-value">og:title</span><span>' </span><span class="webkit-html-attribute-name">content</span><span>='</span><span class="webkit-html-attribute-value">Some blog post title - Company Name</span><span>'/></span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p></title>

    | nbyloff

  • Hi Im about to establish a G+ account, and i just want to know if anyone inhere has some insights that might be useful in that proces. Its gonna be a company profile, and its important that its combined with our SEM-account. Is there any pointers in order to do this, any good advices on how to create a profile?

    | Petersen11

  • I've learned many things to do to improve my page rank over the past several months (thanks, seomoz). Our website,, has improved greatly thanks to your help. Here's my question. I have 13000 fans on FB. If they all read a blog post I put up, does this help my page rank? Does new visitors hitting up my website make the Google gods smile upon me?

    | Joshlaska

  • Selling medical equipment to everyone from hospitals, nursing homes, & dealers to selling medical equipment to every individual that doesn't have insurance (at great prices) is what we do. I've had success with some social media but I want to know where you think the biggest social media value is at specifically for a company & website like ours. ( Thanks!

    | Mike.Bean

  • This is somewhat off-topic, but this seems like a good place to ask. Has anyone used a script/code/3rd party service that allows you to track who has viewed your profile?

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi can someone confirm, does Pinterest use Open Graph Protocol? If you use the Pinterest Widget builder - Will the image you place in the widget replace the image Pinterest selects if it does use the Open Graph Protocol? The site already uses Open Graph Protocol for Facebook and Google+. It also uses Twitter cards for twitter. It would be good if we don't need to add more html (such as from the Pinterest widget builder) for Pinterest. -- Matt

    | Mattcarter08

  • Hi, have a question on the distribution of content. Let say you have written awesome content, with great visuals, etc which is designed to go viral. Your site is relatively new - not many social media followers, DA authority, or natural traffic. What would be a good process of distributing that content - getting the content out there so it has the best chance and ability to go viral and generate links. So far i have: Use press releases to distribute that content, using a distribution service like: Hope its picked up by a news site or something. Contact Facebook Pages or Twitter Pages who have a large audience of the type of people who would be interested in the content. Ask them if they can share the content. Content sites related to the content, and ask them to share it with their users (Give them a incentive e.g. money, a gift, etc) I think number 1 would yield the best possible results in getting actual sites linking to you. 2 and 3 are more designed for people (who very few would have blogs) to read the content. Any other suggestions, i'm missing out on? Thanks, Matt

    | Mattcarter08

  • I've had problems with google authorship. I always check to make sure the snippet tool is reporting correctly but my picture appears some weeks and disappears others. I've changed my picture to make it a more recognizable headshot like some posts and blogs suggested. Is anyone else having this problem? My website is

    | ayesroc

  • Hi! We have a blog on our Swedish Car site. We have around 10 bloggers that blog frequently for us. Most of them have a Google+ profile and has added us to the "contributes to" field. We also have a rel=me tag on each post. Still after serveral weeks, the Google+ profile picture isnt showing up in the search results. Here is two examples: Can anyone help me or explain if there is something I have done wrong? Thanks in advance!


  • Fiverr offers services like 1000 likes for $5!!! (and they seem to deliver) Sounds great but what is the catch? Has anyone tried out these type of services and more importantly what are the potential penalties?

    | Wallander

  • Hi - i have tried connecting my Facebook account to our  SEO Moz account - but it will not let me. Does anyone know why?

    | TenAlpsSEO

  • Our site is currently not in the first 3 pages of Google. it is a social networking site that requires users to login/ register. Much of the content is therefore user generated and is as diverse as the users themselves. The problem is that SEOmoz crawler is not even picking up the keywords i inserted into the site. Does this mean that Google is not even picking them up as well? Our site is
    We are using JIVE, which is best suited for intranets. What can i do to improve the site's rankings?

    | seoworx123

  • Hi, Yesterday I migrated our blog to a new domain. It seems it went smoothly and all 301 redirects were implemented and are working properly, however, the social share count was lost across all posts and has returned to zero. Is there any easy way I can recover our social share counts across the board? I am using the **1-click Retweet/Share/Like **plugin for Wordpress. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thank you, from Russell in South Africa.

    | Shamima

  • Hey can anyone recommend a tools out there, which can look at a list of urls (over 20+) and it will show the social stats for each url (e.g. number of Facebook Shares, Tweets, etc)? Or a tool which searchers within a certain category or niche (might be based on the keyword you entered), and finds the most shared content? Cheers, Chris

    | MBASydney

  • I'm thinking about changing the URL for a new blog post that I have already promoted off-site today. I overlooked a detail and am gently kicking myself. I can't determine if it's worth any negative issues that adjusting it might create vs the value of having a more "perfect" URL. Would it be OK to do this by applying a 301 redirect to the page? Would this be the right thing to do or is there some other way? Thanks!!

    | gfiedel

  • Hi At the moment im trying to make a social media strategy for the company i work in, whcis is a big insurance company. Of course i want to add value on the different social media, but i also want to take into account which value the social media can add to my SEO. Facebook
    We have a profile on Facebook, with around 5.000 likes, and as far as im concerned the important thing on Facebook is to get people to share your links? Google+ At the moment we dont have a Google+ account, but my suggestion would be that we create one . maybe not to generate alot of content, but in order to get more info on the branded search results - and i have a presumption that Google will put more and more emphasis on Google+ in the updates that lies ahead. Twitter We have a profile, but are there anything we could do in order to optimize the SEO-effect via Twitter - what i have heard is that because their links are no-follow it dosent have any effect on SEO. Instagram
    Is there anything to gain on SEO if you create a profile on Instagram? Please let me hear your views on this. Thanks in advance.

    | Petersen11

  • I am currently undertaking a review of how we use video on our website and I am wondering what advantages Wistia provides over using YouTube? My current stance is that we would use Wisita for our high-production value videos, and YouTube for videos embedded within our content pages so we can make use of the playlist functionality. If anyone can provide insight into this, I would be most grateful. Thanks in advance, Chris

    | Fasthosts

  • Hello, I would like to create a blog but i do know where. The options are to create a blog on a platform like blogspot or wordpress or make a 'blog' section to my website - travel content. Which do you think is the best? If I create it in my website, would that boost my ranking or authority? Thank you!!!!

    | Tz_Seo

  • I recently created a google + page (personal and business) but notice that while I can create circles for my personal page the business page does not work the same way. Is there a good reference for making more effective use of this new social platform?

    | casper434

  • Hey, Recently we are quite disturbed about if we should assign our business g+ page as an author for main pages of the site and home page? I will explain shortly:
    We are a group of professionals that write content (each one on his own subject), the posts / reviews / videos etc... we make are each assigned to our personal g+ profiles. Now my question is:
    What should we do with pages like the homepage or main pages?
    Should we assign the website g+ business page as the author? or publisher is enough?

    | Ouzan

  • Hi, I’m currently building a brand new site in the fitness vertical. The site is brand new, no authority, and backlinks. My goal is to turn it into a high end authority website, with organic traffic, and into a brand. My other goal is it to be purely organic growth, content driven. All my backlinks are natural. I don’t want to plead with other webmasters to link to me, whether it would be for guest posting or other questionable SEO tactics. I understand that creating awesome content so people have a reason to visit and link to, is what I need, and it’s a long-term process. I guess the part, in which I’m seeking advice/suggestions on is how do I go about creating awesome content which people link to and share. I’m thinking of doing something like Movoto and bridging together the sites topic and current trends online. For instance content on comparing North Korea average diet and how it compares to the US. Or who’s the fittest character on Games of Thrones. It’s relevant to the site and is current related to a hot trends. However creating content which is designed to go viral can be quite costly and I don’t have unlimited pockets nor do most people. E.g. creating an awesome info graphic, collecting data, hiring a professional writer, getting professional images, etc. So you don’t really want to screw up. So how can you reduce the risk? How do I go about it from a risk adverse angle? I’m thinking I can find content which has been previously shared (had a pulse), repurpose the content (I remember Rand mentioned this in one of the white board Friday sessions, make it way better, use visuals, apps etc), then base some of my content decisions using this process. I guess other ways – look at places like Reddit, bridging topic with current rends (as mentioned before), find popular forum topics, etc. The goal of the content is: 1)    Content which naturally attract high quality links to the site, so it lifts up the other pages which don’t attract many links (through authority). 2)    Turn some of that viral traffic into long-term subscribers of the website, and repeat visitors. Increase total search presence naturally Any suggestions or insights into this question would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Matt

    | Mattcarter08

  • It was good until I have had this new website where Google plus has got an active account but under different id and the site has got its analytics and webmaster tools account set under another id.  If I simply verify the site, will it be able to track authorship and social signals? Your opinions, help and guidance will be appreciated

    | SunitaBiddu

  • Let's say that I manage a Page for a company, and I run a contest through a "Promoted Post". Does every single Like to that "Promoted post" will be counted as new fan? My objective is to increase the fans number of the page, which is your best practice to achieve that through a Facebook contest? Many thanks.

    | YESdesign

  • Hi,We have had Rel=publisher implemented on our Blog for sometime, and in the Rich Snippets for our Brand name i can see data and some of our latest news articles do appear. I am not convinced the Meta tag has been implemented correctly however and would appreciate a second opinion. The code we have is as follows: <div class="<a class="attribute-value">g-plusone</a>" data-href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" rel="<a class="attribute-value">publisher</a>">div> Looking around its recomended to add this as a link element, and the page we do link to is the comment section not the home page that would end after our company ID. Now i dont know HTML (Something i really need to remedy) but would this be an issue? The Rich snippet testing tool also does not recognise the code on the blog pages.

    | Sarbs

  • I have a website for one of my businesses at that we've been building upon for many years.  On that site we have a lot of content and we publish at least two blog articles each week with solid content that is relevant to members of the market that the business wants to attract as customers. I have a second website for a new business at that is in the same market but which operates in a different manner.  That second business is very new.  It also publishes two articles per week. Both sites name me as the author and I have created a Google+ page for myself.  The sites identify me as the author for google+ author purposes. Both businesses also have google+ pages.  The weekly articles are being pushed out to the respective Google+ business pages as well as to my own Google+ page. I think I've got all the basics established for us to take advantage of google+ for SEO purposes, then.  Is that correct? If so, what do we do next?  What matters?  Getting others to +1 my posts?  On which Google+ page, mine or the businesses?  Getting others to share my posts?  If so, is it better to get them shared from my personal page, or from the businesses' pages? Thanks!

    | tcolling

  • I have fan page on facebook. Recently i started social bookmarking and directory submission for that facebook Fan Page, Now i wanted to know how can i track those referral visits, from which bookmarking site visitor comming on facebook fan page.

    | sachinshelar

  • what type of link i need to build  on regular basis? blog article directory any more ?

    | constructionhelpline

  • Should I be linking to the author's G+ profile or their Google Places for the rel author tag? It's my understanding that Google Plus profile is different from G Places and hence two different urls. If I'm linking to the profile page of the author and not their Google Places, does this have any negative impact in terms of SEO?

    | priceseo

  • Hi, Wondering if anyone has a checklist for getting that brand entry on the right of the SERPs? i.e from your experience how many followers you need, plus ones, where to interlink etc Here's my brands G+ if you want to check it out! Thanks, Asaad

    | Asaad

  • Google+ account

    | SherisRanch

  • Hi, I am wondering how an FB like made on a webpage can have a positive impact in its Google rankings. How does Google measure an FB like of a Person (especially with a non public profile)? Kind Regards, Sebastian

    | Naturalmente

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