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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi Re: Changing Twitter Usernames/Character Length Issues: To improve the branding of a clients Twitter username I'm about to change clients 11 character Twitter username which currently is half brand name plus a number i.e. @halfbrand99 to a full brand name plus regional suffix i.e. @fullbrandnameuk (since brand name alone not available) totalling 16 characters. I know Twitter usernames should be as short as possible but think more important to maintain consistent brand identity across all social platforms.  I have already changed the page profile name to brand name, included brand name in bio and linked to site in bio but not sure whether to change the username or not too ? Whats your opinion ? It doesnt matter, leave as is since shorter better re: character limits and rest of profile well branded OR Better to change to longer branded username for consistent brand identity ? Note:  I will be setting up new profile for old username to catch and divert any peeps using old username etc Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi Mozer(s), I work for a company which provides cloud-based collaboration environments for companies. Like many companies in this field, we offer a Free package, which gives users enough capabilities to explore our tool under business-alike circumstances. However, we currently dont have a time limit for our free version - which, makes us (I think) quite unique from a competitive standpoint. But consequently, it also means a lot of users see no immediate need to upgrade to a business package. If maintaining this business model, we are considering various options in how to generate more awareness. The company is quite new and can generally only get better results of SEO and social media advancement. One alternative is to start charging for signup to the Free package, using Social payments scheme, i.e. get access to the collaboration tools for free if liking, tweeting, plusing us, using a pre-defined message, hashtag, etc, using a hybrid approach, allowing users to edit some/all of the message. It may have an impact on number of sign ups, but are there other potential negative effects? I have seen some comments, both positive and negative, about its SEO impact, mostly positive, not least from this [Youmoz post](How To: Win Tweets and Influence Search Engines with PayWithaTweet).- though unlikely to have a direct SEO effect, it can increase sharing, exposure and SERP presence. But any flip sides social payment users should be aware of? Thanks in advance.

    | Clinked

  • If indeed Google does use social signals for ranking factors, how would you go about using Instagram for SEO (if it's even possible)? Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • I'm trying to make another push to get authors on my site to set up authorship. Can anyone point me in the direction of any official stats from Google on the impact of authorship on SERP click-throughs? I've seen some articles on SEO sites that make it seem like the lift is anywhere from 20-40%, but those seem to be site specific cases. I'm wondering if there's any broader studies out there or official data from G. Thanks!

    | BostonWright

  • I recently posted an (insightful) comment in a LinkedIn group. I can see that someone from this group has taken a look at my profile, so I'm assuming that they read my comment and they were at least a little intrigued as to who exactly I was. I would regard this person as a prospect. Maybe a slightly unlikely prospect as there's a couple thousand miles that separate us geographically. I'm wondering what sort of etiquette/best practices there are for connecting somehow with this person/company. Initially I thought I'd follow them on Twitter, maybe like them on Facebook, but they have no such presence. I like the idea of connecting with them that way because it's a 'soft' connection - not too aggressive. Doing something like emailing or calling and saying 'Hey, saw that you looked at my LinkedIn profile', seems creepy & desperate. Even sending an invitation to connect seems a little too forward. I feel the only thing to do is to continue to involve myself in this group by posting thoughtful & insightful comments in order to get noticed further that way.

    | stevefidelity

  • I am having a really hard time clearly defining this for folks, I am hoping for some help here. Directory Websites: sites such as, these are typically lower quality manual submission websites with little user interaction Citation Sites: These are websites with business location listing such as or and involve locations with no links but the citations are valuable to ranking Local Search Sites: These are sites like Google Places, Yahoo Local, Yelp, etc and they sometimes offer reviews and user interaction, and are a hybrid local/social SEO component, you can create listings on these sites but if you want them to appear in search you need interaction with the page/listing.

    | runnerkik

  • What is more beneficial in regards to SEO and Social Signals.  A like button that "Likes" your web site or your associated Facebook page?


  • So I have 3 completely different niches. As in B2B vs. B2C, as well as markets that are not related whatsoever. Unless your grandmother that likes to sew, just so happens to also love to demolish giant buildings (lol, I never thought about how polar opposite my niches were until I re-read that sentence). Anyways, I guess the company should also have profiles/hubs, but what about for Outreach? I feel like outreach should be done by a personal profile, since outreach is all about networking and building relationships. Any direction/help/tips here? Thanks everyone, Tyler A.

    | TylerAbernethy

  • Hello. Could you tell me, which free tools do you use for analysing Facebook Pages? It should connect with FB Insights. (no just information from "outside") thanks a lot 🙂

    | mysho

  • Hi there, I want to ask do you know does Google counts web pages' links in social medias like Facebook, Twitter etc when they are shortened like that: And is it better not to be shortened like that? I am using HootSuite to post in those social medias and it automatically shortens them like that when there is a new post in rss emission.

    | vladokan

  • I am looking at setting up several of my clients with Google Plus pages for their businesses. What's the best practice for doing this? Should I have a separate Google Account for each and set up the Business Page under that account? Are you allowed to have multiple Google Accounts manage a single Business Page - i.e., can I turn it over to the business without having to relinquish my control or give them access to the account I made? Any good tutorials on getting started with this? Thanks! Tom

    | TomBristol

  • I've seen plenty of articles about using Twitter to build links, but how about building links to a Twitter account? Does registering on sites and directories like Topsy, Twellow and Klout help? We can link to Twitter accounts on our own websites and other social profiles, and use it as our link on blog comments etc, but is there anywhere else specific?

    | Alex-Harford

  • This includes onpage, blogging, social media, link building, content creation, reporting, etc Etc ETC!!! The company I work for has about 100 employess and we are an eCommerce company.  I have recently taken over all the SEO duties, as the person before me left. In the past we relied heavily on link building but that seems to be losing steam with Panda and Penguin.  Is it even possible in this day in age for one person to keep a company afloat in the competitve SEO world?  If so, what should I devote most my time to?

    | joebuilder

  • Hey everyone, I'm doing an adwords campaign and was wondering if I can use the keyword "Facebook" in Google Adwords Ads? Thank you!

    | jhinchcliffe

  • What are some ways to build links to social media page that links back to your website? Example: Building links to my Pinterest page that links back to my website. Who do we pump up the Pinterest page?

    | KrisPhoto

  • Hey Guys, I'm trying to setup an Authorship profile for a client of mine and I am not sure if I have done it correctly. Here is what I did: I put my clients blog in the 'Contributor To' section on Google + ( I confirmed my email address on Google + I put the Google + profile link at the end of each article I put the Google + profile link in my user account inside of WordPress One thing im not too sure about is that there is a link to my clients Google + Page (Not Profile) in the footer, will this prevent authorship? Have I missed anything? Thanks!

    | conversiontactics

  • Worth a watch... LJz8EYegBh0

    | activitysuper

  • Is AuthorRank now the main game in the SEO world for 2013? I've seen some say AuthorRank must be worked on now, if you haven't started already? Who's agrees with this and who doesn't? And why...

    | activitysuper

  • Using Youtube, UK that has been working well to boost clients SERP results and general marketing. Does anyone know how to arrange uploads within your YouTube channel, know you can do this for playlists but can't see for uploads despite there being some videos on the topic? Thanks everyone in advance!

    | lauratagdigital

  • I think the Facebook widget is great for social proof if you have a lot of people who like you. (the widget that shows faces of people who like you) Let's say that you create a resource that gets 100 likes. Do those "Likes" only count at the page level or can they be aggregated into a total "Likes" count that you can show on your home page and on the Facebook widget? Or are "Likes" in the Facebook widget only for people who like your Facebook page? (not those who "Like" your site).

    | Charlessipe

  • Hi, I am new here and its my first question. I am helping a charity on pro-bono basis on their SEO. They do a great job by looking after terminally ill children with no costs to parents. 60% of their funding is through various fund raising events. They know some well known actors and sports personality who may be willing to help. They have asked my to look at their Facebook page and help to raise its profile and no of likes increase interaction with donors & general public and most importantly use it to raise funds Any ideas/ help/suggestions will be really appreciated. Thank you, Syed

    | Syed_I

  • Any Google+ marketers on here, just have a few questions for anyone who knows about Google+, the way the system works and successful strategies. Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • I'm curious to know how much social media effects the chances of being more highly ranked on Google. I appreciate it's important to 'be seen' by Google, but if articles/newsletters are being written, does it really matter if a business isn't using Twitter or Facebook, etc?

    | lindsayjhopkins

  • Hello, Does it matter what kind of email address my client uses for a business twitter account? Like or or client' We're looking to use twitter for guest post outreach. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi, What do you think of this website for guest posting - Now to me I would quite happily give up a guest post to this website, and the reason behind this would be... DA:63 PA:67 MR:5.6 MT:5.8 And lots of social sharing per post and to me this would be a perfect site to get some exposure on, looks ok as well. BUT the only thing which would put some doubt in my mind is the PR2, I would assume a site with DA:63 would have a PR4/5. What are your thoughts on this?

    | activitysuper

  • If your a Google+ wizard and do everything right, so optimise your profile, pick up 1000's of followers, followers engage with your posts by adding a comment or a plus, followers are even going to your website and sharing content using the Google plus button etc. What kind of effect would this have on your SEO? Would this kind of activity improve your Auth? Side question: Forget the above, what movement would you expect if one of your pages received 1000 plus's from real users, would you expect to see a jump in SERP's I know every website is different, im just looking to see what I could expect if the work was put in to achieve the above.

    | activitysuper

  • This fan page - does not show up in the Google search results for "Anytime Fitness Santa Rosa Facebook" (broad match search). Other Anytime Fitness pages show up in position 1 and 2 and the website for the one I want to rank the Facebook page shows up in position 5 ( Rosa-CA-95407). Also I noticed something weird (but maybe unrelated - the url has a %20 in it but shouldn't - it should be a "-" (dash).

    | Intergen

  • I have a small law firm with a website including a blog, as well as accounts with Twitter and FB.  I usually write a blog on the website then reference and link to that blog from twitter and FB.  I also do short blogs that are basically links to other interesting articles about my field, and link to those as well. Is this helpful or correct from he perspective of SEO for the website?  Is there a particular way to do this?  I have much to learn so any comments are welcome.  Many thanks.

    | NCCompLawyer

  • I personally from what I have read believe the share button to be more powerful when it comes to SEO but I don't know for a fact so anyone have any input on this subject? One thing I do know, is it's a lot harder to gain a 'Share' then a 'Like' and im talking about these buttons being onsite maybe in a blog post. If you gained 100 shares and 100 likes which one would generate the best signals? Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • I've been having some challenges on my page load times and am in process of addressing.  Some of the issues are my pictures(so I'm in process of condensing), but part of the issue (according to is my social sharing. I was using 1 click retweet, and when I changed this to Sexy bookmarks, it seemed to improve.  But, I'm wondering 2 things: 1.  Do you guys have any recos on which plugin is best to use and takes least time to load (I'm not sure if this is contraditory).  My priority is G+/Tw/FB. 2.  On my sexybookmarks, it's strange because visually, the plugin is not showing up correctly.  Where the G+ button should be, it's invisible.  Ironically it works, if I click on it, but a normal person is not going to realize it's there.  Any suggestions? In case it helps, my site is  I don't think the plugin shows up there, but it does show up at the bottom of all of my blog posts. Thx.  I appreciate any guidance you can provide.

    | Jborgueta

  • With 2012 coming to an end and 2013 just around the corner. What direction should we be taking our SEO Efforts? My Short List. Unique Content Ensure site is Trustworthy Combine SEO & Social Media for maximum exposure Blog Often What am I missing? What will be the trend to watch in 2013? How will 2013 differ from 2012?

    | bronxpad

  • i will offer twitter ,Facebook and YouTube services for $$$ on my new business website so i got home page and 3 inner pages i have chosen keywords for the 3 inner pages now what about home page ? it's depends on what i choose home page keywords ? i got answer from my friend but not sure of that the problem is, if we make it too closely to inner page
    Google will divide ranking power
    between the two pages
    so maybe just generic sales
    telling people why they need to buy your services ..etc looking for reply ,thanks 🙂

    | Khaled

  • For SEO purposes to get links, does it make any difference whether URLs are shortened? Do the search engines analyze key words in twitter URLs for relevance?

    | manintights28

  • I've read, over and over that Pinterest creates no follow links and so is good for virality, traffic and social media but does NOT help with SEO. Is this true? I had an "SEO" tell me recently that this does actually create backlinks. I don't believe them...

    | WNL

  • I noticed that a bunch of "likes" and "shares" had gone down for a webpage I do marketing for, and I wanted to see if anyone had also experienced this. About two years ago, I realized that when I would send a FB message with a link to a webpage I was promoting, the number of shares and likes for the page would go up by one. So, thinking that I had stumbled onto something incredible, I proceeded to message over 500 people on facebook with a link to the webpage. Soon enough, I had increased the likes and shares displayed on the webpage to 635 (as shown in the Digg Digg plugin). Today, I went back to the same page and realized the number of shares and likes had gone down to 160. Has anyone experienced a drop in the number of shares and likes, and has anyone increased their likes and shares by sending a message with a link to a webpage being marketed? (You can test this out by messaging someone in facebook with a single link to webpage that displays the number of facebook "likes" and "shares" -Once you send the message the number should go up by one) Thanks

    | 1activator

  • Hi quick question, lets say you find writers in your niche and get them to do a guest post for your site and they have also built up alot of author rank (active google+ account, tones of social media followers). From my understanding you cannot leverage their author rank for your site since their google+ profile needs to be connected to your site? Unless it connected, you will not get any author rank benefit? Cheers, Mark

    | monster99

  • If you have a great resource on your site that earns a lot of social shares, does that improve the authority of your entire site or just that single page in the eyes of Google?

    | Charlessipe

  • I just saw a big drop in Facebook URL Likes on my clients' websites. Has anyone else seen this too? Looks like Facebook is cleaning out the SPAM Likes.

    | Francisco_Meza

  • We have a google plus page here, set up as a business: Then we also have a migrated local page: What I would like to see ideally, is to keep the local marker so when people search through Google Maps our name still appears, but on a branded search for 'world of books' I want to see our Google+ page down the right hand side, rather than the local page currently, search for 'world of books' I want it to look the same as if I search for 'music magpie' Help!

    | Benj25

  • Is cross posting on the multiple social media networks good for SEO or bad?

    | Melia

  • I've been doing SEO for quite some time now but with the recent updates I've been told that I'm doing some things wrong now. I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything from a SEO standpoint, let me know what your thoughts are. On-Page
    Max of 3 keywords on homepage linking to internal optimized pages
    Links to these pages on other pages using your keywords
    XML and HTML sitemaps
    Using only WWW or no-WWW version of the site, make sure this is also set in .htaccess and google webmaster tools Each optimized internal page should have this:
    content is king, write for readability
    max 2 keywords per page
    keyword in slug or html page name
    keyword density of 3-5%
    keyword 2 times in title and meta description (preferably at beginning and end)
    keyword in bold, italic, and underline
    keyword in h1
    keyword in h2-6 if possible
    keyword in image alt tags
    low code to text ratio
    valid HTML Off-page
    Link directories
    article directories
    social media links and likes/+1s
    web 2.0 links
    forum profile and signature links
    pdf links (slideshare, google docs, pdfcast, scribd)
    social bookmark links
    blog comments on related sites
    yahoo answers
    edu and gove links
    authority sites carry much better link juice
    build backlinks to your backlinks From what I understand forum profiles and web 2.0 aren't as powerful as they used to be, is all of this correct?

    | nusani

  • I want to include videos from my youtube channel on Google+. Does this mean I have to save the video file on my PC at first and then upload it?

    | knielsen

  • I asked this question a couple of days ago. Would be great if anyone has some good insight: I write content on my site, which I immediately share across Twitter, FB and Google+. Will Google view me as active on social media with this onsite content I distribute across social media sites (basically creating duplicate info across social media, which already is on my site) or will I be seen as less active on social media since I do not write original content on the social media sites, but rather use content from my site and distribute across social media.

    | knielsen

  • Hi there! There's a new platform on the web which says that it can crawl on the web to get the best content around social media and blogs in order to allow the developer of website "x" to public this content on their websites (with all rights reserved - that make me believe that it generates automatically rel="cannonical" tags). I aways heard that all kind of automatic content applications suck, and my fist impression about this one was the same. But my business partner found it really interesting, mostly because we have a small team to generate constant great content. So I said to him that automatically generated content commonly suck in any case, and google sometime will find that our blog has 1kk rel="canonnical" tags for every post and they might find it suspect. Anyway he asked me to research more about this specific platform and I wanna know what you guys think about it. Forget speech errors. English is not my native language. Regards.

    | ivan.precisodisso

  • If I write content (small career advice quotes) on my website and I distribute across Twitter and FB I assume my site will get the full credit (from an SEO perspective) since that is where the content was originally uploaded. However, will I still get SEO credit for being active on social media, or will Google view it as duplicate content and evaluate that I am not active on social media? thank you

    | knielsen

  • Hi, 1/I want to ask do you use onlywire service for you websites? Is it beneficial for a web site? 2/  Can Google see so many links from different social medias after you use onlywre as a spam (coming immediately every time you put new url in onlywire) or as something positive, especially for a website which doesn't have so many links from different web site per day? 3/ Do you think stumbleupon,, etc are all helpful for SEO of a website and have influence in Google ranking? I know about facebook, twitter but there are so many social media websites and is it worth to have accounts all there and post the same stuff? Thank you 🙂

    | vladokan

  • Hi, Has anyone done any testing on LinkedIn Endorsements to see if they are of any SEO value? It is so easy to endorse a persons skills, it seems to devalue the credit given. But, if it is adding any SEO value, why not? Thanks so much, Donna 🙂

    | WebMarketingHUB

  • I just want to ask if it is possible to use a customized Google+ icon. I am confused after I have read this "For buttons that may be rendered by the Publisher, such as the Sharing Link, the Publisher must use only the official Google-provided icon or a plain text and link combination. source: Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | esiow2013

  • Hi, I've read so much lately about social signals and got basically 3 completely different responses. 1. Yes they are going to over take normal link building in 2013 so get on it. 2. Yeah they do help with rankings but not massively, don't focus to much on it. 3. Na they don't help, you need to gain 1000's of signals and even then it will be a short SERP increase and then back down you go. So... What im looking for now is a straight up Yes or No, should you be on social signals now? Should time spent on gaining social signals be increased? If your doing 10% of your time on social should this percent now shift to a larger percentage? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • We have a Like button on our site which currently Like's our domain. I'm wondering if it would be better if it Liked a Facebook page for our company. The benefit of liking the domain as I can see it is that when it appears on timelines a click will take you directly to our site.

    | whatupdave

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