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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hello, Ive noticed some of my competitors show up with both verified and non-verified Google+ Icon, and recent activity showing to the right usually where PPC shows. Is it possible for smaller sized businesses to accomplish something like this? Im assuming this is not paid? Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi, We want to change the URL of the blogposts. We want to remove the date, so the URL ...   would become For SEO link juice it's OK because we will implement 301 redirect on all URL. But we have many Like, Google + and Tweet on our articles. Is there a way we can maintain our social share (Facebook, Twitter and G+) for each URL if we change them ? We are using Wordpress and we have around 1 500 blogpost. Thanks for your time

    | Adviso

  • Hi Guys, I'm thinking of changing the plugin I used on my blog for people to share my blog posts on Facebook, Twitter and Google +. If I do this, would I lose all shares (meaning that all the buttons would go back to 0, I know the shared content would still appear on people's profiles)? Thanks, Carlos

    | Carlos-R

  • I have an online only website (no brick and mortar storefront).  I heard somewhere that if I create a Google Local Places account, this is not good for online shops.  Something to do with it taking the place of my website's SERP ranking.  Is this true?  Are there any downsides to it?  I know I would need to hide the location so people don't come to my house.

    | ChrisTS

  • Hi everyone, I'm sure you know how images tend to do better in Facebook. The problem is, if I post an image on Facebook, and link to a blog post in the comment of that image, the activity of that Facebook post wouldn't be pulled into the blog post. That is, the blog would show 1 "like" when the post on Facebook is actually getting 150 "likes". That wouldn't be the case if I posted a link instead of an image. Does anyone know of a work-around? Thanks.

    | andrep

  • I would like to know how a business with multiple geographic locations can be listed on the Facebook City Page for each of it's separate office locations? Would you need to list the address of each office on the business' Facebook Business Page? Is it even possible to list more than one address per Facebook Business Page? Thanks!

    | CQMarketing

  • Hi Have just read an inspiring post by Cyrus @ But before I ask my existing social media contacts and email lists who have a Google account to +1 my site, what offers most benefit from a search visibility perspective? Should I ask my contacts to +1 my homepage (there is a +1 button on there) or Click on the +1 button on my businesses Google+ page and also ask them to join my circles? Hope this makes sense? Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • I am still trying to figure out Places and Google+.  Could someone please help me understand how my Google+ profile (that it attached to and can be accessed through my gmail account) interacts with my Places page (which requires my gmail credentials to administer, but can only be accessed through the Places page itself)?  Do my posts on my personal profile enhance my Places listing?  Any help would be appreciated.

    | richardslaw

  • I've been looking at putting some of my companies on Google+ but I've just done some quick research and it doesn't seem like many of our competitors or even any in our industry is on there. I have heard that by having a Google+ presence it will help your organic search ranking. However, I'm not sure how true this is. Is it worth setting up a Google+ page if it's likely that you're not going to get much activity on it?

    | AAttias

  • Hi Within Facebook business admin there is an option to email your contacts to invite them to like your page. Has anyone done this?  and would sending this invite request out to your mailing list of subscribers be allowed in Facebook or would it be seen as spamming?  even though they have opted in to recieve communications/news/offers from the company?

    | ocelot

  • Hello, I've read multiple posts on this, and the new timeline layout rolling out for business pages..but I haven't seen an update to this issue. My company has a retail store and an online store. Because of this, we had to create a places page and a regular business page. When people "check-in" via Facebook, the check-in goes to the places page. But our main marketing efforts and large fan base are at the business page. Facebook used to allow you to combine these. In a perfect world, all would live on one business page. Has anyone heard an update on this feature? Thanks either way.

    | Blenny

  • Is it possible to set up a business Google+ account without linking it to a personal account? I have already done this but would like a stand alone account for the business...

    | jj3434

  • Hello I am trying to integrate the Facebook social plugin into my website. So far I have included the HTML 5 code in my site and it is visible, but how can I moderate the comments before they are being posted? I have included into the header of the root of my site but when viewing the comments area on a page within my site I cannot see any moderation options? Hope this makes sense and someone can help Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • Hello, Helping a friend out with their site: Black Mountain Colorado Dude Ranch.  It is an awesome dude ranch (working ranch that has cabins for rent so you can get that 'western experience' without buying a ranch. Yes there are cattle drives). They have a great ~1000k a picture facebook page that is fantastic, but I'm completely at a loss on how to get help with our ranking terms from this (as most don't have blogs, websites or any knowledge of what linking is outside facebook). Ideas? tl;dr Asking for links from people without sites is confusing to them, but is there any tips to getting help from them?

    | andrewhyde

  • Social doesn't help SEO (article), what are your thoughts?

    | activitysuper

  • Anyone recommend a good mid level social media training company in the UK. Ideally would want on site training for about six people. We are based in Salisbury in Wiltshire. Thanks in advance.

    | highwayfive

  • Hi i set up a personal Google+ page and added a business page for my website The business page is linked to my site, but my personal profile "James Price" has the authorship and my blog, youtube, twitter accounts for over50choices linked to it - do i need to link all these accounts to my Google+ business page to get maximum SEO juice or will my personal page get picked up? Do i need to transfer all the social accounts to my business profille - help!? Thanks James

    | AshShep1

  • Hi, I am currently doing a Social media review and find myself wondering whether having exactly the same copy - or part thereof, on a businesses' Facebook, LinkedIn, G+, Twitter, profile(s) is likely to be viewed by SE's as a good or bad thing? Is it duplicate content and to be avoided? Or would it be viewed as a case of the business trying to ensure a consistent profile and therefore reinforcing your business details?

    | Binarynature

  • I know, I know, why am I even asking, but I have to it's just in my nature. Are there any legitimate Social Exchange groups or sites where we can exchanges shares, +1's & retweets, ect.

    | KristopherWho

  • How important are social signals to SEO? Are generating social signals a must? It seems every website out there has some sort of social sharing tool installed, everyone is after a like or a tweet. Are we now looking at getting as many likes/tweets etc from real accounts as possible because actually they effect SERP's a lot. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I am doing some guest blog posting.and I want to measure how successful my effort was: when deciding the value of the links from the article Does google take into account how many times the article is read? Because some people do not bother taking further actions (like/share/clicks) even they like it. how do you guys check the amount of reader of those articles? I can't track this article views through analytics obviousely. On the other hand let say the article create valuable info to the readers (many people read it) but no likes/shares/bookmarks  would this still be a successful article marketing?

    | LauraHT

  • Hey Everyone, I've been out of the game for a few months, and I am amazed at how much I've missed! I'm trying to wrap my head around the difference between Google+, Google+ Local, and Google Places - can anyone help? My client has a Google+ account and manages multiple businesses under Google Places. I can't seem to get google to connect the two though (the account login is the same). I know Google is still working on migrating Google Places to Google+ Local, so here's my question: How do I obtain ownership of my Google Places listings in Google+ Local? I already have ownership of the Google Places listings, but when I log into the Google+ account there is no proof of ownership. I can add the related Google+ Local locations to my "Pages" in Google+, but it lists me as a manager and not an owner. My client has been penalized by Google in the past (not my doing, but unfortunately something I now have to deal with), so I want to tread lightly as I optimize his local listings. Any assistance to help me figure this out is greatly appreciated! Also, if anyone knows of a good book on Google+ Local for business owners I would love the referral! Thanks!

    | Level2Designs

  • Any word on if this ever launched and if so how do I enable?

    | webfeatseo

  • Hi Everyone, I have just watch Rands latest whiteboard friday and in it he mentions that care should be taken to ensure that images are sized correctly for social sharing on facebook and Google+. Could anyone expand on what the ideal size for an image should be so that is sizes correctly when shared socially. Thanks Miles

    | easyrider2

  • We're considering working with ContentLEAD and was wondering if anyone has heard anything good or bad about this company?   Thank you. "ContentLEAD is an online marketing service, providing search-friendly custom content, as well as SEO and social media management"

    | AnnaGrace

  • Hi ...I have a brand that is very strong socially..specifically facebook and twitter and this is where we have directed all strategy and traffic. We recently wanted to establish a presence on google+ and have done so. My feeling at this point is to maintain a presence on google+ but only direct social traffic to facebook and twitter from the brands we can keep the focus here aswell as the stronger community. I have noticed other brands doing something this a good strategy or should we be directing traffic to all the platforms from the site?...bottomline should we be linking to all our social platforms from the brands website or keep it linked to the stronger platforms and just maintain a presence on the others? thank you

    | nomad-202323

  • From time to time I take a look at competitors'  website and the activities on their social media channel like facebook. There are many times that their facebook likes increase much faster/more than we do while I havenot been able to figure out why they get likes much more that we do. Compared with the competitors we have very similar activities: uploading content to facebook daily and have competition every week  and answer every question about our services and have faq session sometime I think our content/information are even more valuable than our competitors. I think they are possibly doing something more value-added to be able to target more people? Is that any tools that I can use to get any insight? e.g. some activities that I am not able to see? Have done some research for last few weeks but I did not manage to findout. Thanks

    | LauraHT

  • I was using Open Site Explorer to look at a competitors back links and they had a lot from site I must must confess to have never heard of before. Diigo seem to have a strong Domain Authority but I don't understand how (or if it is wise) to utilise it to boost the organic performance of my website. My competitor seems to be taking advantage of it to good effect, but I cant work out how! In my mind it is a bookmarking & commenting tool that is geared up towards nofollow link sharing...I must be wrong?! What do you guys reckon? Has any one here got any experience in optimisation via

    | DHS_SH

  • Does anyone have any tips or experience on how they increased their Facebook fan base? I work in the oil/fuel industry and getting people to like your Facebook page is quite difficult because our customers are mostly middle-aged men, who if statistics are to be believed aren't the most active on social media anyway. I've been doing regular posts for the past couple of weeks, liking other pages and joining conversations but don't seem to be getting any increase in followers. Does anyone have any advice, ideas or examples of what you did that worked? Thanks

    | AAttias

  • Is requesting people to like your facebook page of any real value for a small business? Is it better to encourage people to write a comment/testimonial about your product or service on their own status with a link to your website and/or Facebook page? I have a lot of clients getting more and more into the concept of social marketing so I am now wondering how best to guide them in the right direction with regards to Facebook specifically

    | NeilD

  • I recently read about a well known company giving away a large prize and offering anyone a chance to win by Liking their Facebook Page. Has there been any statements provided by Google on how they view the attempt to increase  Facebook Likes through contests. Or if they have not revealed anything, what do you think Google's approach would be based on their history?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I just wanted to see what your opinions were on this. Does being active on social media help with your SEO efforts. I'm not talking about having a link to your website on your Facebook page, but in general commenting on news stories and having conversations. Would Google prefer you over a competitor if you were more active on social media?

    | AAttias

  • OK, I'm not being rude, but I have a few clients who work in areas that really don't stimulate people - they are just needed. Examples are: Accountants
    Chartered Surveyors 
    Forklift truck suppliers Not the most inspiring list... So my question is whether to pursue the whole social media side of SEO with them. I mean, who wants to "like" their chartered surveyor? Do they have anything interesting to "tweet" about? If anyone has experience of this type of field, then any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,

    | Gordon_Hall

  • Hello Mozzers, I've recently (2 weeks ago) launched a website with a brand new domain for a client. I know I can't expect instant results but I'd like to know I've done all I can to get the best results as fast as possible. I've done the following already: It's a WordPress driven website so the site is very SEO friendly Submitted the sitemap.xml to Google Listed the site on Bing Sorted out the canonical issue Got keyword rich URLs Meta tags are in Site structure is heavily optimized with H1, H2 tags, etc. used appropriately Set up a Google Places listing Made sure all images and links are semantically optimized Copy can be improved but is pretty keyword rich However the client is not using Social Media at all and there's no link building strategy in place. Will this undermine the rankings a lot? What else can I do to get the client better results, faster? Any help will be much appreciated. Best regards, Rex (SEO Noob)

    | Rex

  • I removed social plugins and installed only one Shareholic. Google+ button is left. I checked all plugins - sounds as no one supports it. Any ideas how to remove it? Thank you!

    | NadiaFL

  • Hi everyone, i need some help with this rel=author and google auth which has come into place. Some questions: 1., I write a blog on our e-commerce site, do i need rel=authort? 2., i write on other sites do i need rel=author If so is there an easy way to implement this, i know it links in with the Google+ profile but i am confussed as i keep seeing different ways to do it. I've also been told to do good auth, what is this? ive been given a piece of code to use in my site to auth it? is this worth it? Any help really appreciated 🙂

    | pauledwards

  • My company has been sharing images on its Facebook and twitter outlets which are getting a lot of shares. It seems to be the only thing really working for us. Is there a way to optimize this or use it to our advantage for our website? Or is this just something that will help me gain some edge rank in Facebook?

    | desmond.liang

  • Hi, I have started to build a great community with the facebook page of my web site. I might be wrong but I believe that a good optimization of my facebook page could have an effect on the SEO of my web sites. If I am wrong (I am still a newbie), please let me know! So if I am wright, can you tell me what are the important configurations to setup in the facebook page in order to get the most out of that Facebook page? Thanks ! Nancy

    | EnigmaSolution

  • So you can auth pages with personal google+ profiles - and its being suggested by some that this could now help rankings if that person has lots of people in their circles. So what about brand/companies content? why cant they auth the content with their Google+ profile to get the content ranking better. It doesn't seem right an individual blogger can do this but a company cannot who has written lots of guides. An example is a holiday company has written some awesome content on resorts around the World - how to use the auth for that content to rank higher? - currently only possible to link up an individual as writing the content not the brand/company itself. Any suggestions on this much appreciated. I do not want to lose any gain there might be from this new bonus given from Google.

    | pauledwards

  • We're an e-commerce company that sells consumer goods. We are launching a blog that will have advice, tips, etc. on topics related to our industry. I'd like for us to implement rel=author on the content. If we rel=author the content to an employee, what are the possible repercussions if that employee leaves the company? I know the markup is pretty new and hasn't been widely implemented, but has anyone dealt with this?

    | CMC-SD

  • I am new to Klout, just signed up today. I manage social media for 3 other businesses, how can I get Klout for them? Is it possible? How do I do it? The contact us page for Klout is down.

    | cschwartzel

  • Hi, Looks like Ann over at MyBlogGuest has released a very interesting side project called 'Viral Content Buzz' ( I have had a quick look and it seems to be something that could be very useful regarding social sharing of content. Basically you can put your article into a category to gain exposure for it (this costs 'points'), once in the gallery others can tweet the link to the article to gain themselves points - and it goes round and round. It does look like a good way of building up followers and exposure but in order to pick up points you need to tweet and you can not tweet until you have a certain number of followers (just so you know I like this). The only thing I can think of negatively is how real are those lists? I guess the proof would be in the retweeting and visits to the article. Anyone else looked at this service?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi everyone! , i am a rookie with SEO. I have a very specific question for which i would love to hear your opinions on this. I have a facebook fan page about my company. We try to post quality stuff in regard to the industry we are in. However, we are social people, and i have seen improvements whenever we post more "social" topics such as TGIF, Photos, DIY themes. My question is (Actually two questions) : Is there a direct correlation or metric between rankings and "likes", the size of your facebook community ? If so, which has more power or effect on rankings. Facebook Likes generated from your website , or General Likes of posts within your existing community. Hope to hear from ya! Every advice is good advice. Regards Jesus D Aceromart

    | JesusD

  • Is there a link between ranking higher in organic search rankings and having a good social media presence. I think there is, the more likes and followers you have the better. The real question is how to you utilise it, do you regulary share content, put keywords in the share info for the ones you want to rank, how best can you utilise social media to help in organic search? I suspect social noise is used towards some kind of overall quality score in the search engines.

    | pauledwards

  • I'm working on a dentist website. I logged in using their gmail account. I then searched for the practice name with the city and state then found their listing. I clicked on the link that has the Google reviews and it brought me to their Google+ page. If I click on Manage this page, it takes me to my client Google places dashboard page where I can edit some information.... even though I am having a hard time uploading images. Getting a "Cannot upload images at this time" Error The weird thing is that if I hit the browser back button and then  Manage this page again, it takes me to the page where I can claim the business. I click on the blue link that says "If you own this place, claim it and edit it directly", I get a message that says "You may only access listings that you own. If you created this listing with a different Google Account, please log into that account and try again. If you've deleted this listing, you may create it again in Google Places Any clues on what is going on? Please see images attached. iyonJ.jpg Zqe7K.jpg

    | Czubmeister

  • Hi, A client has a FB like button on their website but is frustrated that those "likes" are disconnected from their company FB page. It is possible that they could change their website like button, to a like box, which will then mean people are liking their FB page and give them a greater opportunity for on-going engagement through FB. However, from an SEO perspective is it better for them to attract likes & potential sharing of their website content rather than their FB content? Thanks.

    | bjalc2011

  • We recently implemented AddThis social sharing on our Website. I am seeing an undesirable side-effect. In Firefox and Chrome browsers, some kind of tracking snippet appears to be appending to our URLs. This is not happening in IE (or if it is it isn't visible). I am concerned about how these URLs look in the address bar to our visitors and I'm also worried about potential duplicate content issues arising when a spider crawls the site. It appears to only be an issue with our product detail pages. The category pages all seem fine. [I am sure this is because social sharing button are only installed on the product pages]. Here is an example: This URL should be: Is there a workaround for this problem? Has anyone else experienced this issue and found a solution? Thanks!

    | danatanseo

  • So, a fairly prominent organization used our company in a case study on their website. They mentioned us in a tweet and linked to the case study on their site. I'd like to promote this to my own followers as well. Is it more appropriate to write a unique tweet mentioning the organization and linking to the case study, or should I just retweet their original tweet.

    | _JP_

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