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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hello, I am just now starting on my facebook page for my personal development coaching website. Here it is: I have to be careful not to spam my collegues and friends with like requests. How do I get started gaining relevant traffic and likes?

    | BobGW

  • So they recently made me an administrator so I can add links to articles and other optimization information but they appear to be paying another agency to engage in like for a like campaign.  I am very uncomfortable with it. I started noticing these weird messages from other folks on FB saying things like "I liked you page now check out mine and like it back."  What are your thoughts?

    | belocally

  • Hi I wanted to see if the SEO team have had any feedback from members who have started to use Pinterest.  I've had it for a month or so now and I've been adding pins every day since - (quite addictive actually). What is interesting is the gender element to the people who are following and repinning my pins and boards i.e. female.  It would be interesting to understand why this the case, why is it so popular with female users. Ultimately I'm tyring to guage the benefits of employing Pinterest for SEO purposes and whether its worth keeping it in my arsenal of social tools. Any insights welcome. Best David

    | David-E-Carey

  • Hey Mozzers, We're revamping our social media campaign, and I'm looking for a tool that will allow me to schedules social media posts (Facebook specifically) in advance, so I'll only have to knock them out once a week. A cursory Google search has provided me with some options (HootSuite, etc) but I'd love to hear from people who actually use these services. What's your social media automation tool of choice, and how has it worked out for you? Thanks!

    | ClarityVentures

  • A lot of sites put their Facebook "Like" widget on their homepage and it shows the number of people who like them. Is there an SEO or marketing benefit to having this. I could see how this can provide social proof to visitors. Are there any other benefits?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi there, I was wondering if you could tell me if you think it is worth it to pay $300 for this online conference regarding Facebook marketing.

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Say you have a WordPress site with a number of posts that have all been given lots of tweets, G+, FB likes and other social media love, and say you are showing that using a social media plugin on each post that shows the counts of all of these. If you 301 redirect the pages to another site, will the social media love counts follow, or will the page on the new site have to start again as far as social media is concerned? QhqeL

    | diywm

  • Hi All, Are there any similar sites to CrunchBase in that you can submit your blogs, websites, social profiles etc all to one central 'People' type page? I'm after high quality directories like this that allow you to create profiles to link to all your other profiles. Only after quality sites like CrunchBase, not spammy ones. Any suggestions? Many thanks

    | bradkrussell

  • Hello Mozzers! I was using open site explorer to investigate inbound links to our company website and also to our competitors. The main difference being is their top links are all coming from twitter - where as ours aren't. Now our twitter account is about 10months old maybe more and it's got the standard setup with a description and the URL. We've also been tweeting with a link directly to our site. Yet no luck? Am I missing something? Thanks, Dan

    | Sparkstone

  • Hi and thank you everyone for reading this post. Recently I had purchased a business including the domain. The website has been around for over 10 years with some links pointing back to it including couple of links from dmoz. I am in the process of up dating the website but  most of the pages are not relevant anymore and thus will not be in the new website. I have couple of questions: 1. Since some of those old pages are getting some backlinks, would it be prudent to keep the url and 301 it to say homepage or another page? I want to work out the best way of utilising the current backlinks. Is this the best way? 2. The website is in a highly competitive industry and I want to add a lot of informative contents. The contents will be well written (professionally) and not for the sake of SEO but for providing valuable information for users. Whilst I'm adding the contents, what would be best way of drawing attention of the potential users to it? If I release the same content as a way of notes in its FB page, would that be considered as duplicate content in the eyes of Google? Or should I just share the link on FB? What are the other mediums available that considered to be effective for sharing contents. I'm also thinking about guest blogging for selected blogs. Would this be an effective way of increasing the authority of my website? I should say that at the moment the site has a PA of 44 for the homepage and DA of 35. Are these numbers OK? Thanks again.

    | nojan

  • How are Google Plus pages related to Google Plus Local pages and what is the best way to join/link them? e.g. if I go to Starbucks Google Plus page, where can I see their store locations or google Places pages? If I go to a Google Places page from Google Maps - which now takes you to a Google Plus 'Places' page - how is that Google Plus Places page related to that companies main Google Plus page - I can't see a way to go between them. See: Is there a way to connect these two kinds of pages for a business?

    | TracyMu

  • Which is better for YT search? Any benefits to one or the other? Should I do both?

    | webfeatseo

  • What are some best practices for launching a Badge program? I've been researching this for a large brand... they feel they want to have these badges to promote certain blogger partners within a niche.  However, we have no way to "Rank" the bloggers... so it's an arbitrary factor, IMO. What are some of the hooks that other successful badge programs have used?  Is there a definitive post around here with suggestions? I'm really on ground zero and have been tasked to execute on this and really seem to be flying blind.  Any guidance or suggestions would be helpful!  Thanks!

    | localsearchlabs

  • Hey guys, Probably a newbie question, but I'm wondering if there's a way to track Facebook (or other offsite profiles that I own) pagerank along with my domain? I'm working on a project right now where I noticed we're not on the front page for our search term, but our Facebook page is. It would just be helpful to have that info for a more complete SEO picture. Thanks!

    | somacore

  • Our usual reports are not being pulled from Twitter.  Is anyone else experiencing a problem with this?

    | adamlewis10

  • I have to update my data in 3 separate place is there anyway to just update one area and it filters into all required places. I have a 1)Google+ places page 2)Google+ profile page, what I would expect others to use for my business 3)Google+ page seems to be the one I should be using for my business? Anyone seen a good guide on Google+ ?

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hello Mozzers, I am trying to determine the effectiveness of using twitter as an SEO tactic. A site in my niche (healthcare job boards) is ranking very well for a handful of head terms. Their backlink profile is okay, but not amazing. But one thing that stands out to me is their approach to twitter, It looks like they send an automated feed of their jobs to these specific twitter handles. Each of the handles has over 2,000 followers (some are legit some are bots). The site ranks for some highly competitive head terms (see attached). Can any of their ranking success be attributed to these various twitter handles? Is Google seeing these twitter feeds and associating high follower count and high tweet frequency with the URL attached to each account? Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Thanks in advanced! lMbkS

    | CJSmiles

  • When I'm Social Book marking my websites I use a url shortening service such as or   Do these services transfer link juice in the same ways as a direct link would do?

    | iansellman

  • Hi guys, My question/discussion is regarding Google+ and whether or not I should advocate creating an account for one of the websites I work in-house for. This particular website focuses on unlock codes for mobile phones and isn't a service that consumers would really want to connect with - which is what Google+ appears to be a vehicle for. It is a one off purchase website, and not something people will use regularly. On the face of it Google+ offers very little for a company that operates in this fashion and makes most sense for B2B businesses. I feel that by potentially creating a Google+ presence we are in fact attempting to manipulate the search rankings because it isn't a networking site that makes sense for our business and there is actually very little real reason for us to get involved with it. I don't think Google would penalise any business for getting involved in their product, but we would only be using it to benefit our ranking position. Surely that is against everything Google themselves stand for? Also, what real benefits have you guys got out of using Google+? If I am to create a presence there, this is the ammo I'll need to use to convince my manager with. Thanks a lot.

    | purpleindigo

  • A few years ago someone started a Facebook page for my company. It has about 15 fans and is not active, however it is ranking in Google because of it's age. I want to delete the page (so that the real official Facebook page will rank instead). However, I do not have access to the original admin account and Facebook is not responding to my removal requests. Any suggestions for what I should do? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Guess that title of the question says it all. What is the best social platform for dull b2b sites? The kind of content that you wouldn't want to share with your friends and family.... Not that type of content before anyone gets the wrong idea 🙂

    | DavidLenehan

  • I want to start using HootSuite to pre-schedule Facebook/Twitter updates, but am plagued by nagging concerns because I have heard  that  HootSuite may impact SEO in a negative way. Is this truth or bull? If it i true, how so, specifically?  And can anything be done to mitigate the negative SEO factors? Also, does anyone prefer another dashboard over HootSuite? Thanks in advance for your inputs!

    | 406lucy

  • Hi We are a regional UK installer of double glazing windows, doors and conservatories and I am looking to build the amount of quality links to the website to help improve our search position - 1st page for keywords such as conservatories, double glazing, pvc doors, pvc windows, composite doors What is the best approach to do this? Search for double glazing inurl:forum pvc doors inurl:forum and locate forums, but what is the best approach answer questions with the web address in the signature of the post? Looking at the major national players in opensite explorer such as Their backlink profiles look quite spammy? as they mostly point to web directories So is there a gap that I can take advantage of? We have little budget for sponsored articles on sites like what anglian have been doing looking at the backlinks but are there any other articles that I could write for our site that would help improve quality links to the site for keywords such as conservatories, double glazing, pvc doors, pvc windows, composite doors Same with their social profiles they seem quite poor, what would be the best approach on Facebook and Twitter to attract local followers - the majority of social followers I have seen have been fellow marketers or rival companies on the follower lists of twitter Many Thanks

    | ocelot

  • To All, I love Tumblr as a social media marketing tool and blogging platform, especially for niches/brands with strong visual content possibilities. But I've never had much luck in getting good rankings or even getting some pages/posts to index. I've come across many blog posts like this one: But is Tumblr really bad for SEO? I mean some folks who know a lot more than me(like Wil Reynolds and Jon Cooper) run Tumblr blogs, so it can't be that bad, right? Any tips or guides on how best to optimize Tumblr blogs would be great. Thanks, Jon

    | DRPower

  • Does anyone know how to make meaningful contact with Facebook??? Last month I tried to set up a couple Facebook PPC campaigns for a couple clients only to find out that I can't because another client of mine for whom I set up a Facebook PPC campaign last fall has an outstanding balance of a whopping $30. To be clear, I was only an admin on the client's Facebook page. Their credit card (not mine) was in use, and they didn't pay their bill. So now, Facebook is holding that against me. I've contacted them through one of the help forms on the site. They clearly don't understand where I'm coming from. I've now sent them 3 emails, and now I'm not receiving a response. I just recently resorted to sending a direct message through Facebook to Facebook Marketing. No response. It really does boggle my mind how they're penalizing me, and in turn, my clients, because another former client of mine from nearly a year ago has a $30 balance. I'm not even an admin on the one client's Facebook page anymore?! With AdWords, I regularly have clients who owe Google money but that doesn't affect all of my other clients.

    | stevefidelity

  • I noticed that SEOMoz does not make use of Wistia's social sharing buttons such as a Facebook Like button. Is there any disadvantage to using the like button via Wistia rather than copy/pasting it in static HTML?

    | TheDude

  • To help build up my company's website, we've been making a huge push in social media and to gain followers on our social pages, we've recently been running a couple of contests. So far it's been a great success - more traffic to the social media pages and more traffic to the website.  We are considering making the contests a regular part of our social media & SEO strategy. In the past, our social media strategy has relied completely on "organic" likes (no incentives to follow our company's page) and posted content articles, pictures, etc. In the past month or so, we've began to use giveaway contests as a way to gain followers. Since focusing more on running contests, we've seen a huge increase in actively on our social media pages. We've continued to regularly post content articles, interesting pictures, etc, during the contests, but haven't see the same level of engagement that we do with the contest posts. Right now, it's looking like there is no down-side to running the contests as we're seeing an increase in traffic on the social pages, getting some additional traffic to posts and on our site, but before we start to completely commit to this strategy, I have a couple of questions: Is there a reason we shouldn't continue to run these contest to increase fans and interaction? How likely is it that Google will penalize us in the future for gaining followers through contests (instead of "organic" followers that followed us without an incentive)? There are some fans/followers that are serial contest entrants and are always entering a contest - could having too many of these fans raise a red flag for Google and the other search engines? How often is too often to be running a social media contest? Basically, I want to make sure that we are using social media as a long term SEO tool and are setting ourselves up to be successful in the future and not get penalized for gaining followers the wrong way.  Any tips, strategies or advice is very much appreciated. Thank you!

    | airnwater

  • I need to built a Twitter account for this site: I know username can have effect on SEO. Unfortunately, the most popular keywords are not avaliable. Do you have suggestions: I thought: pilatesbf -pilatesBF Can you help? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • How to best set up Twitter personas... Connecting with different groups of people, for different clients. There are even crossovers most notably in Graphic Design Industry 2 different clients want to engage with Graphic Designers. Would prefer to handel all through my own account but don't want people to think huh SEO guy he just cares about links. Best way forwards seem to be to set up client specific accounts? Any thoughts?

    | GrouchyKids

  • I need a (or several ways) to search Google Plus Profiles. It would be great to: Identify people by the area in which they live Identify keywords in the profile Any ideas anyone? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • Hello, What's the best ways to build up "Likes" on Facebook. A friend of mine wanted to buy likes and I'd like to give him an alternative. We're in the personal development training industry. We have a nice website 110 Likes No twitter or Google+ large number of past customers. The strategies have to be very non-abrasive as our fan base really cares a lot about us. In other words, it's not the kind of audience you can send mass messages to or do anything that would seem like sales or advertising. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • How do I get my site featured on Google Local?

    | bronxpad

  • This question is directly related to SEO, but I wanted to see if there was any wordpress / php pro's out there who wouldn't mind helping me with a few quick things. The biggest one is I'm trying to move this facebook like button from where it is to the line of sharers above it. The sharers are being put in by the digg digg plug in, and the facebook button is being put in by the facebook plug in. You can see it on my site, or on this plug in. Thanks! gEOa

    | NoahsDad

  • Hello, I found this site when I was surfing the net: It's a traffic exchange site for blogs. Does anyone have experience with this? What's your opinion about traffic exchange sites? Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • I'm kind of on the fence about this one.  Should I include a social media icon for Yelp on my website?  We have great reviews, but so do most of my competitors.  I'd like to share my reviews, but I also do not want to send traffic away from my website to another website (Yelp) that lists my competitors.  What do you think?

    | pharcydeabc

  • Check out this article..... USA Today “Handicapper” Danny Sheridan Bought Thousands of Twitter Followers: Seems pretty clear Sheridan, who is not a particularly compelling celebrity, is purchasing Twitter followers. I remember when he first launched his Twitter account, he offered (on live radio spots) to donate $1 to charity for every follower he received for a few months. From the article: "Buying followers is, if you think about it, the height of narcissism. You’re buying followers to dupe casual Twitter users into thinking you’re more popular and influential than you really are.  In turn, you’re hoping the phony popularity will help translate into actual popularity as legitimate users flock to a seemingly ‘popular’ Twitter user." Do you believe this is becoming a problem on Twitter, and do you think it actually can help him or anyone else?

    | wattssw

  • Hi, Basically if I was going after a location specific keyword, so lets say 'dry cleaners london' would Facebook likes/shares from users' who's location settings in Facebook are set to London work better then say someone in a different country or does it hold the same weight social signals wise?

    | activitysuper

  • So i have a client that sends me a link once a week about buying followers for social media profiles. Each time i tell him if it seems to good to be true... then its too good to be true! What are your guys thoughts, experiences, feelings? Here are a few examples:

    | kchandler

  • Hello, I have a question about the Facebook Like Button. We  we are setting up a Like Button to put on the top page of our website (300 likes) However, we already have a Facebook Page (1000 likes). Now, in the set up of the button, we need to decide which "URL to Like" and I really do cannot realize which one is best. Do you think we should use the url of our website or the url of our Facebook Page? Why? Thank you in advance  for your help, Dario

    | Darioz

  • can anyone tell me how to properly link my facebook page with my website On OSE it shows that I only have 1 FB like when i have 29. I would like to make sure this is accurate. thank you.

    | shiftins

  • 1. does anyone know if these have a huge seo impact and if it is worth the effort to get these. 2. if you had to choose only one to focus on would you pick fb, twitter, or +1.

    | shiftins

  • Hey guys My first post here! currently trialling seomoz and impressed so far 🙂 My question relates to a choice of Facebook page/username for a client whose preference is to refer to their online business name by the domain name, where this business name includes his two most important keywords. So as an example: Now in terms of seo that's fine as search engines factor in keywords in the domain name, and even referring to domain name in website copy does not seem to pose too many issues. However on Facebook I've noticed that if we go with page name of: FirstSecondThird (obsiously we can't add - I've used camel case for readability) then when using the facebook search the page does NOT get listed for any of the keywords as it appears it only matches on whole strings. So I'm going to recommend that he changes Faceook page name to First Second Third (with spaces) even though client does not really like this option. Do you guys think that makes sense? Also if I do make that change should I also go with fixed Username of First-Second-Third i.e. with hyphens or stick with one long string i.e. FirstSecondThird, which matches the domain name? Any advice appreciated. PS hope this is under right topic- several others seemed applicable Thanks

    | redactuk

  • Good morning from Pollen level moderate wetherby UK pass me another Benadryl Plus wetherby UK Having jumped into the world of Google plus my objective was to create a business page that would appear when the Google+ serp is clicked on. Unfortunately my labour & toil has not paid off 😞 Having created a Google+ business page & set it to default ( I think ) it still points to the vanilla Google+ page. Below is my frustration chartered in three sraeps So my questiuon is please - "How do i get the business page to be the default everytime a user clicks on the Google + link in the SERPS?" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • This is a pretty stupid question sorry, but hopefully it is easy to resolve: Both OSE and Woorank list our site as having 17 Facebook likes. The Facebook icon on the page shows 92 likes. Our Facebook Page shows 560 likes. Where is the 17 number coming from?? our page is: Thanks, Jason

    | JFritton

  • Our client is a b2b pest control company. they are making software and sell leads and some day want to rank for bed bugs. they want to get into social media but I am having the hardest time coming up with ideas.
    Can you help?

    | OxzenMedia

  • I have been approached numerous times by these companies claiming to provide hundreds if not thousands of 'real' Facebook Likes. Has anyone have had any experience with them?

    | dhidalgo1

  • Hi, As I look through the various accounts I work on I can no longer see any data from the social interaction on Facebook or Twitter. This now means that no data is displayed about growth rate etc. Does anyone know why this is? Thanks, Adam

    | adamgthorndike

  • How much does visibility on Facebook (or for that matter, Twitter) impact search engine results? I did see a post recently on SEOMoz recently related to that--- but do others have similar experience/ have data to show strong correlation between FB shares/ Likes and search engine results (on Google)? The second, FB-related question is: what are your thoughts on the effectiveness of Facebook for a B2B audience, particularly in a rather niche sector - let's say industrial products? Look forward to your views and answers! Thanks.

    | ontarget-media

  • Hi Guys, Can anyone tell me if Twitter really does help with your Goolge rankings? If I go to the trouble of setting up a Twitter account for my business will it really help with me getting higher rankings? If so is it a case of me just posting tweets all the time and links to my website? Any help or guidance be grateful guys Thanks Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Got asked this today, and I don't know the answer, so throwing it out there to all your mozzers! If I 301 redirect a page that has built up a lot of tweets, likes, shares, even +1's, does that social data get transferred over to the new page in as far as social strength/ authority is concerned? Would Google still be able to see the previous version of this page had x amount of tweets etc, and take this into consideration when ranking the new page?

    | PerchDigital

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