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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Following Today's post on Moz Blog: Amazing Correlation Between Google +1s and Higher Search Rankings, Search Engine Land released a Matt Cutts statement that clearly says that Google +1s does not affect rankings at all: Now, who should we believe? Do we need to focus on G+ or it would be better to spent our time using other link building/earning techniques?

    | FedeEinhorn

  • Company A Someone shares a post from Company B on  their Facebook page. The post generated 1000 likes and 300 shares. Only a small percentage of likes show up for Company B's page. Why does Company B's page not receive all the likes or at least a higher percentage for that post?

    | Pinlaser

  • Is it a good idea to have all of our employees +1 our clients Google Plus accounts? This will add a few more followers but want to avoid any potential issues.

    | Prager

  • Hello Everybody, We are an ERP company and want to get into social media marketing. We have decided to use Google+ over Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. Any ideas what we can do besides regular updates and getting our clients link to us? Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • I'm looking for a way to find authoritative sources on Google+ on certain subjects. I define an authoritative source as someone who is in a lot of people's circles, and the content they curate gets shared, +1, and commented a lot. The subjects are variable, but for an example: What's the best way to find authoritative sources on Google+ on the subject of auto technology. Does anyone know of a tool that can do this?
    If you can't recommend a tool, how would you approach this?

    | reidsteven75

  • We have several interviews with industry experts on our site. How do we get the benefits from Author Rank? If I link to the interviewee's Google Plus profile, will Google recognize that they contributed to the site. Or do I need to get them to add our site to their contributor section on their Google Plus profile to receive any Author Rank benefits? (I know Author Rank is not believed to be affecting rankings yet). Thanks!

    | ProjectLabs

  • I have a list of about 3,000 Twitter followers and would like to segment my followers into separate lists for "emergency preparedness" and "travel." Is there a tool that can help me automate this without reviewing each profile one-by-one?

    | Timmmmy

  • Hi, One of our client has a linked in Profile. He set up with his own company email address and he needs to add ma a user so i can update the profile. However, we just couldn't figure out how to do this. I have an email address with the company's url and added it on my profile. I 'liked' the company but i still cannot figure out how i could add my self. I can't login with client's email address as it is also his own linked profile. I was wondering if anyone knows how to do this? Thank you

    | Rubix

  • Hello MOoooooooooooooz ! Sorry to add another post on this. But I think most of us agree on the fact that for Google +, Google is not making very good job. Even worst when we know how low is the engagement on this website. Now I'm facing the following issue: Multi page and accounts through Google services ! One of my customer is playing music. So she has a google + profil and a youtube. Now we created the same for her website: A google page and then a google place (Google team has been sending hundred of messages and so far has not merge them). Then I opened a youtube for the Google Page. So i end up with: A Google + Profil for her (we use for the authorship) A Goole + profil for her website (we use for the SEO) A Google place page (we use for maps SEO) A youtube account for her (come with gmail) A youtube channel for her (easier to promote her job) A youtube channel automatically created through the Google + page (2) What would you do in this case to: Get 1 Google page Get 1 youtube channel I would like something easy to use even for youtube download or reviews and sharing. So I do not know which one to keep, etc ... Hope you can help me as I'm sure many of us faced the same issue.

    | AymanH

  • Does anyone have any tips on getting a super crisp cover image uplaoded to G+? I have a clear image, full dimensions of 2120 x 1192, but once I've uploaded it, G+ appears to compress it and it loses sharpness / quality. I have turned auto-optimise off, and and tried both JPEG and PNG files - PNG seems to work better, but still not quite there. Example: (scroll up to see blurry text) Thx!

    | David_ODonnell

  • I know social signals affect your site's ranking: but does it make a difference whether these come direct from your website (eg, people click on the Facebook button on a page, which is then posted to their own profile - ie, they create their own post) or whether people are share/like a post you have created on your Facebook account which contains a link to your website. Are they seen as equally as useful/important?

    | SuperCooper

  • I am just getting in to social media for my company and i can find an answer to my questions. Different people give a different answer. Question: i have written a post and uploaded it to our Google+ page. If i upload the same post / content to our Facebook page, will this fall foul of the 'duplicate content' rule with Penguin? Or does that rule only relate to websites? Any Guru's out there with an answer? Much appreciated. Si

    | DaddySmurf

  • Hello, I have been having issues for some time now getting my Google+ and Facebook activity to show in the social media section of site explorer. Was anyone else having this same issue? I have verified my website to both pages and the Facebook page receives a considerable amount of traffic so it is very confusing to me. Any help is much appreciated. Thank You Steve

    | steve215

  • Hi my Moz friends, I like following all of you, a lot! Because I like following you all so much, but not so many of you like following ME, I have been cut off by Twitter and I'm not allowed to follow any more people until I have more people following ME. Sad Face I am sure that more than a few of you have been in this scenario. What should I do? I could dump 10-20 followers but that 's not going to be enough to pacify the Twitter Gods! Thanks guys, Dana

    | danatanseo

  • Buongiorno drom hot & humid wish the clouds would clear ofdf wetherby UK 🙂 On this page and illustrated here
    Is the reason the Philpotts Facebook page does not appear for target term "Philpotts Sandwiches" down to no mention in the description & no mention in the url? Would like to know the classic way to do on page optimisation ( I know this is will be very limited ) for a Facebook business page. Grazie tanto,David

    | Nightwing

  • Hello, We've developed a piece of niche content. We're building relationships with sites in our niche for link building. Below is our engagement process. What do we do on facebook (#5) other than 'like' them? Can you give me some exact ideas of what works? 1. Like them on facebook 2. Follow them on Twitter 3. Add them on G+ 4. Read their recent blog posts. 5. Comment in their facebook account about what I liked about their latest blog posts and tweet 6. Post helpful blog post comments

    | BobGW

  • We recently had a site-redesign and since have lost traffic. We’re currently trying to clean up our code and improve site speed (which we know has become a very big problem). One of the things we tested was removing the social side bar. With that gone, our page speed, file size and requests to the page all improved greatly. And other than the homepage, we don’t see a lot of action on the social side bar with our internal category and subcategory pages. With side bar: Without: We resubmitted the Trade Show Giveaways page to Google Webaster Tools yesterday and saw a 22-spot jump in ranking by this morning! Given the circumstances, would it be unwise for us to remove that social side bar? Would it hurt us to lose those signals in the long run despite the overnight jump? Which is the lesser of two evils?

    | Motivators

  • I'm wondering if anyone in the community has found a good method for researching the social potential for content.  I'll break down what I'm asking exactly so it makes more sense. In order for a page to get ranked highly on Google for a keyword it needs authority (usually). With social media having an ever increasing impact on the authority of content, creating content that has social value (shared, liked, talked about, etc) can really help increase the authority of that page in Google's eyes.  In saying this if content is created that people search AND talk a lot about, it's authority will rise quickly, thus getting traffic through that keyword is easier and faster (not to mention your link building happens for you organically). I've formulated a pretty good keyword research process to find the search potential of creating content around that keyword; however I am looking at how to research the potential social value of content.  I'm thinking the best way would be to crawl the social platforms and find trends in what people are talking about for the last x amount of time.   Must be some patterns to look for in things like hashtags. At the end of the day I'd like to have content created based on both search keyword and social research. I'm looking for advice from people who have found a good way to do this social research on what they look for / what tools they use.

    | reidsteven75

  • We want to add the Facebook Like and Google Plus One functionality to our website but had a question. Is it better for SEO and usability to use a global Facebook Like Button for people to Like the home page of our website or a Facebook Like Box to Like our Facebook page from our website? I know that we can specify the URL in the Like Button but I wanted to get some feedback. Thanks!

    | Prager

  • Hi i'm looking to do something similar like does with their blog, in which they display a social media button once the person hits the bottom of the page. Can anyone recommend a wordpress plugin which can do this? Cheers, Matt

    | MBASydney

  • Hi, This is occurring on a few of my pages on a website I manage. Our homepage, which only has the correct rel publisher code to our brand Google+ page, just started this weekend showing with Rel Author rich snippet. Also, a test with Google's rich snippet testing tool shows the correct Brand Page and Logo, not authorship. Only is SERPS does it show incorrectly Has anyone had this happen, and how did you overcome?

    | Jinx14678

  • Hi guys, I've been running searches on Opensiteexplorer for our site www(dot)mobileunlocked(dot)com and am seeing Facebook shares as 21 and 0 Likes. However, we have 2857 people who have liked our page on Facebook. I'm concerned that the search engines also aren't seeing our relationship with our true number so is there anything I can do to make sure this is being picked up? Thanks.

    | purpleindigo

  • I'm going round and round in circles with this one as everytime I ask Hootsuite they tell me the same thing and it does not work so here we go... I want to monitor another competitors social media activity. Specifically i want to see if they are active in Facebook, Twitter & Linked in. But am i right in saying you can only monitor social activity of a competitor if you can connect Hootsuite to there social media account via a stream. Put another way imagine Lacoste say - "Right give me a report on what Nike is doing on facebook". Is Hootsuite useless unless you can connect it to Nikes Favebook business page? My misery is best explained by this url - If Hootsuite has this limitation then whats the point in Hootsuite promoting itself as a socail listening tool when as soon as you want to monitor a competitor you hit the proverbial brick wall. Maybe I'm using the wrong tool & hootsuite is limited or I'm a bit thick & it can be done. Any help welcome, I'm likely to be see jumping out of an office window in a town near you very very soon 😉

    | Nightwing

  • We are currently evaluating a long list of blog promotion and sharing ideas for our website and wanted to ask some of the resident experts here. We post all of our blogs on our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages, but would you suggest using any of these services for an internet marketing company? What would be the main purpose to using them? StumbleUpon Technorati Digg Reddit Tumblr Delicious Any missing from the list? Is there a list of great sites to ping through WordPress? I saw they provided a list on the page. Is this good to use? Do we need to create accounts at all of those services first? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Prager

  • Just discovered this site They charge a few dollars a day to use their Facebook apps. However, I am thinking it will be pretty simple to develop apps like these ourselves. Also, once the app is created we can use it for all of our social media accounts. Wanted to get some opinions on the matter. My questions are: 1. Do apps help generate more likes? 2. Can Apps be promoted? 3. Is it challenging to create a Facebook app? 4. Are Facebook apps worth investment of time?

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • Very sorry if this has been covered multiple times already… I can't find the answer anywhere… This is a basic question: Is there a difference between someone giving my website a +1 and being counted as a follower on my Google+ page? I run a website and a Google+ page for my brand, and these two things are linked. When someone clicks on the +1 button on my site, does that show up in the count that someone sees in the red box in the upper right corner of my Google+ page? And, when someone comes to my Google+ page and adds me to a circle, is that the same as them clicking the +1 button on my site? Or are these two entirely different things? I feel like the terms are used interchangeably, but I'm not sure if it's because they really are two different things, or if they're really the same.I ask because, when I look at my company's Google+ page, it says "+300" in the upper right, but when I see my website come up in an AdWords ad, it says "[Company Name] has 240 followers on Google+"... Why are these numbers not the same?Thank you!Scott

    | ScottShrum

  • We currently use Sharing from JetPack to offer people the ability to share our blogs on Twitter, Facebook, and so on. Unfortunately the Site Stats provided are not very thorough and not able to be tracked in Google Analytics. Does anyone have a suggestion on which program is best to use for social media tracking? We would prefer to use one program to gather and show all of the statistics.

    | Prager

  • Hi, I have removed the Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and G+ links from the top of our home page so as to try and stop users leaving the page.  Is this bad for SEO? Thanks

    | Studio33

  • SocialAppsHQ has revised their pricing plans. We have been using both their Apps and Social Monitoring.  The Apps has worked pretty well for us and the revised pricing will actually be cheaper for us, so I'll likely continue with that feature.  As for the Social Monitoring, perhaps I'm not using it effectively, but I get notice of social traffic too late to be really useful.  To help generate viral lift in Twitter, for example, I need to be notified within an hour or so that someone has mentioned our product.  If I am notified eight hours after the original tweet, then many on the east coast are already asleep and I can't retweet effectively until the next day, and it looses impact when the discussion is cold.  Also, the revised pricing makes this feature much more expensive for us.  What services can you recommend that will give us rapid notification of search phrases on FB and Twitter? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • I'm working with a business that has multiple locations (13) in several different states. Is it best practice to have one central FB page for the company and/or separate location pages? It's for a self storage company that does not have one central phone number, so each location would have separate information listed on the page. They do have a central website with different pages for each location. I'd love to hear the communities thoughts on the best way to handle this.

    | DougHoltOnline

  • Greetings from Hot & sweaty Wetherby 😉 Ok imagine you want to launcg a socaila media campiagn for a client but before you jump into creating a facebook business page you decide to do some research first ie youw want to know if & where you brand is being discussed. So my question is: "What social media tool can you use to identify which social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook etc) is being used to discuss a brand" Thanks in advance,

    | Nightwing

  • Hello ! I'm strugling with a stupid issue. I have for my company: A website A google page A google entreprise / place page A youtube page They are all Google services so does anyone know if there is a way to link all of them together ? I know it's possible for youtube and Google page, but let me know google was smart enough to let us link our and google + Tks a lot !

    | AymanH

  • Hello - I've been running this over for awhile - so I'm curious to see what the community says about it. I'm working with a client who would like to brand the doctors in their hospitals. Many of them do have recognition already - and their associated locations have profiles. Google Local semi-recently said it's OK to brand Dr's names - even if they exist within a single location. So, my question is - is it better to go the Google Local route and create the Local/+ page for them, or to go through the Google+/Google Brand Pages route and create them that way? If each doctor were to decide, individually, to post on their page - would that be possible with the Places route (I don't think so, based on what I've seen)? Also, if a doctor already has a personal Google+ page - would it make sense to just create the additional brand page as well through this interface? Well either of these methods achieve optimal visibility as well as the option to post should they decide to go that route? What it boils down to - is this is a task we can perform from the outside, or is it best handled by giving the doctors best practice for setting up their personal Google+ pages and associated Brand Pages themselves? Thanks for any insight you can provide!

    | WebTalent

  • In the past couple of months, Google rolled out a tab called "Social Settings" in the Admin area (see image). It's an optional setting, and Google is rather vague about what it does. GA already tracks social in "Traffic Sources," so what is the advantage of using Social Settings? If you've used these new settings, what have your experiences been? Were the settings helpful? Did they completely screw up your analytics? Thanks, Benjamin Ri5bY Ri5bY.jpg

    | 1000Bulbs

  • I cannot seem to find the answer through my research. Can somebody tell me if social media links to a website are taking into consideration by Google? For example, if l have a video on my website and post the link on my facebook page, when other people share it do more and more links get created? Are these picked up on open site explorer?

    | RobSchofield

  • I am on the free month trial currently. l. I have received the reports, but am already bogged down with questions and confusion about what to do, step by step. I would prefer to work with/contract with someone to get my site optimized. My site is older, done in html, and also has a word press blog integrated into the site. I currently have a PR of 3. I checked the recommended list of seomoz consultants, but these mostly seem like big corporate providers. Is there a list of seomoz qualified freelancers that work with smaller companies? Or someone on this list that offers such services? Thanks Galen

    | Tetruss

  • Buon pormeriggio from 24 degrees C slightly cloudy Wetherby UK 🙂 I want to open a facebook business page for a client but i understand it has to be attached to my personal facebook account. This is a pain, one day I'll leave the digital game which then presents a problem for the next administrator, I mean i can hardly pass arounf my facebook user name & pasword. Then to add to the conundrum i hear the fix is to regioster a business account sound good so far but then you cant do this if you have a personal account... err WTF! So my question is what do socail media agencies do when they open facebook business pages, surely they are not ties to personal accounts? Any insights welcome,

    | Nightwing

  • Boungiorno from 25 Degrees C Ice cream vans everwhere Wetherby UK 🙂 I'd like to learn the total ins & outs of building a business facebook page. So whilst there are a zillion posts in the Google Universe banging on about it can any seo moz member please suggest a good learning resource digital or print. Grazie,

    | Nightwing

  • Does anybody know how to connect Google Places to Google+? When my company name is searched in Google, the Google+ page appears on the right hand side like it should. However, under the meta description of the first search result there a link saying 'Google+ page' which links to a Google Places Local account. Does anyone know how this can be sorted?

    | AAttias

  • Are the 7 packs representative of Google+ business listings or Google + Places listings? This is making my head hurt..

    | CsmBill

  • I'm curious to see if anyone has come up against this same thing and how Google will respond to it. I work with a franchise company that has hundreds of locations. The company has unique sub pages set up for each location and a Google Places listing for each location. My question is can I set up a Google Plus business pages for each location, with the same name (different address), and all within one gmail address. My concerns are that when you select "Local Business" as the category for the Plus page it asks for a phone number. Well, after I insert the phone number it accurately pulls up our Place listing. However, my concern is having multiple Plus pages with the same Name in the "basic info" section. Will Google Plus reject multiple pages with the same name? I also don't want to change the name on the plus page and then cause a duplicate listing created in Google Places, due to the same address different name connection. I suspect a merge between Pages and Places so I don't want to negatively impact my Place listings. Any thoughts on this or Franchise Plus Pages?

    | OrangeSoda

  • I often see sites offering a discount for liking their Facebook page, but very rarely do I see sites offering a discount for sharing a link or their page. What are your opinions of this, is it something that Facebook could frown upon? Are people likely to just share, get the discount and then remove the post etc?

    | azu25

  • Some of our generic, non localized keywords (ex: "Information technology services") are triggering Google+ 7 Pack listings with local results. We are ranking on the first page for those keywords in organic. The companies listed in the 7 packs have worse link profiles, mediocre SEO fundamentals, fewer citations, and no +s or reviews. Our Google+ page has been up for a few weeks, and we added content: images, videos, a detailed profile, and articles. Our competitors have nothing but a blank site. We did our research, and we also built well-optimized pages for each of the keywords that triggers a 7 Pack. Assuming Google decides we deserve to be there, how long should it take for Google to place us in the 7 Packs? Our vertical is a little different - IT Support - the 7 packs are localized within a 40 mile radius, and the organic SERPs are a mix of regional and national (ex: IBM) players. Are the results totally geocentric? Does it pay to build legitimate backlinks to our Google+ page or link there from content on our corporate site?

    | CsmBill

  • Hello, recently we've noticed my companies Facebook page ( is not being crawled by Google. When you type in DISH Costs Less Facebook it does not show up, even when you type in the exact URL there are no search results. We used screaming frog to check out the back end of the page and there are no meta tags like there are on most FB pages. Also we noticed there were two re-directs; one from the http page to the https page, and the other directed the https page to the http page creating one giant cycle. We think this has something to do with the problem but not sure. Is there anyone who has had a similar issue, and how did you fix it? We'd love to be assured that the search engines are tracking our interactions on Facebook for SEO purposes.

    | PlanetDISH

  • We are having trouble accessing a Google+ profile for a client. We know the profile we want to gain access to, but the client doesn't remember the email or password. The marketing company they worked with before also doesn't know what the email or password is to claim the profile. We have tried contacting Google to gain access to the email, but they were unable to give us the login email due to privacy issues. If you have any suggestions to gain access to this profile, it is greatly appreciated. Please take in mind the following: We do not know the email nor have access to obtaining it We do know the profile we want to gain access to

    | flowsimple

  • As the title says.  What is your idea of a good amount of social shares to be given per day or week or month for a website?

    | Zoolander

  • Hello, Surfing on a black hat forum I found a link to this software: PinPioneer: & TumbleForce: As I saw on the videos the features are great, but I don´t know if automated link building is a good idea, I would like to know your opinion, would you use this software to generate backlinks faster though Pinterest and Tumblr? Is it a good idea to use this kind of software or should I keep my hands off this? Cheers Arnold watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1_V38W2ElPE watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EdGT2UNZNkU

    | arnoldwender

  • Hi For Twitter using Followerwonk you can gauge the influence on what a person/brand is using a tool like Follwerwonk helping you find the most influential twitter users based on a number of metrics.  But is there a similar tool for Facebook which shows which brands/companies Facebook sites have the most influence.  Or is the best way to gauge this is just on their number of likes? which is not really accurate

    | ocelot

  • If a client has budget constraints, would it help local rank more if we placed emphasis on building out a couple citations each month for them or boosting their social posting frequency? Does one carry more weight?

    | satoridesign

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