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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Buongiornoo from the digital glactic epicentre that is  Wetherby, Yorkshires answer to Silicon valley...
    At the weekend a new restaurant in my home town cleverly promoted its self on my Twitter account... heres a screen shot of the the actual message My questios is, "How did they do this?" With the caveat of they didnt manually search for people in the city of York. Could it be twitter advertising as explained here: Any insights welcome 🙂 Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • I work for a corporation who has about 30 international versions of their website. I have an internal question asking me if we (our company) benefits (SEO wise) more from having multiple Google Plus pages or just one. I'm not familiar with how/if Google translates their pages but I'm quite sure someone here is! Is it better to have a Google Plus page for each language or to have one for all languages? We have different websites for each country if that helps.

    | InsightEnterprises

  • Hi so I have both accounts set up, I use my business g+ for sign posting my new blog posts & latest news. I have Authorship set up on my Blog and that is working fine. I am personally v much a large part of the brand, and have my face on the home page and most social property, so when i do use my G+, FB & Twitter accounts, whilst they are the business accounts, its lead by me. So just what do I use my G+ Persoanl Account for? I have read that i should either share or duplicate the my updates on both accounts, but will that look like duplication? I dont have many G+ followers currently but intend to develop this in the next few months, so its important that I get this right if i am to optimise my activity? Your help appreciated. Ash

    | AshShep1

  • I logged into several accounts this morning and have noticed Google Plus has changed their cover images/layout... again! When I edit the cover image, it only allows me to pick the old ratios. What do you think? Here to stay? Was there an announcement or anything about this?

    | AvalancheSearch

  • I have seem to have a problem (well think its a problem!) We have a google+ page for our website/ brand (which is verified) and also seem to have a separate google places G+ page (the one with just two tabs at the top.. Photos and About). When you google our brand, google has added a google+ page link but this links to the places one and not our social g+ page. Is it possible to merge these two pages into one? ps i have added rel="publisher" directing to the main google+ page (not local) on the home page and the local G+ page is not verified. Ben

    | QGS77

  • Hello, From what I've been experiencing and learning lately, link building seems to be good only in moderation and content marketing - stellar targeted authoritative content - attracting links and pushing it on social channels seems to be much safer. My question is, high quality guest posting - quality sites with good anchor text profile 3+ PR (hopefully more) and one link back from the body of the content to the home page or an article you're pushing - seems good but only in moderation. For high quality guest posting, what would you recommend our percentage of linking root domains to allocating to guest posting. I'm looking for a safe percentage that will hopefully not get devalued any time soon, and any additional advice on making this a good long term balanced strategy. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Has anyone found a work-around to export the entire list of people how have liked your page? I know this has been on-going problem for people, but I'm hoping someone here discovered a secret method they'd like to share...please. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Is it possible to filter the follower list after comparing the followers of 2 twitter accounts? E.g comparing Twitter acc. A and B, select followers of both, receive follower list --> no language/country filter available. Any chance?

    | lcourse

  • Ok I have a youtube channel, a page connected to that and I have a business listing but I cannot get all three to work together. Any ideas? is the page (I want to ad the location to this one) our youtube The two above seem to work fine but the local listing below will not connect to the page or youtube. This has been driving me nuts for ages.

    | mark_baird

  • We have a small blog, which posts around 5-6 posts everyday based on Web Development and we get a lot of social traffic, as many of our followers which costs of some big websites and tech blogs too re-tweets and favourites or tweets. Almost 10-15 favourites happen everyday for our posts. Does this help us on this new age of Google social search engine ranking ?

    | monali123

  • Hi Does anyone know why Google is no longer accepting verification request fro G+ co pages ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Which social network is most important in the eyes of Google etc.

    | mark_baird

  • Hello. I'm working with a very reputable company - and their Facebook page has completely disappeared. Yesterday, a random visitor flagged a couple posts as abusive, and today the page is gone. Some sort of negative social tactic. Has anyone experienced this and is there a way to recover? Is there a way to have Facebook reinstate the page? Thanks for any guidance you can provide!

    | WebTalent

  • Hey Everyone, I've been wondering for the longest time if I should use my Google Apps business account google plus profile or just continue to use my personal google plus profile.  MY personal account is what I am currently using.  Does it really matter?  Thank you for your input!

    | TShak

  • My client,  a cosmetic surgeon in Lynnwood, WA was attacked earlier today on Facebook by the supposed ex-wife of a cosmetic surgeon in Arizona with whom they have no association.  The other practice has a name that is close, but there is absolutely no relationship between the two.  We promptly removed the comments from my client's wall and images and blocked the person who posted them. Unfortunately she has posted in her work history on her own page that she works for my client's practice and blocking her has not removed my client's name, logo or fb link from her page.  This poster's comments are so tragic and bizarre I'm honestly not sure she is a real person, though the doctor she mentions in her posts does appear to have a real practice in AZ.  I could not find a way to report to Facebook that she did not in fact work for my client at any time.  I have so far had no response from her to my request to remove it from her About page and due to the bizarre nature of the comments, I don't well trust she'll follow through. How can I have this erroneous work history removed from this person's profile page? Facebook FAQ offered no answers.  Thank you.

    | Sharla

  • Hello, For our eCommerce site, we're considering doing the following: When people call in to place an order by phone, we take their order and tell them while we have them on the phone that if they click the Facebook Like button and Google +1 button on our site's home page, we'll knock $3 off their total. We would just show them where the buttons are and refresh our screen to make sure the count went up by one like and one +1 when the customer said that they pressed the buttons. Then, we would continue with their phone order and just knock off $3.00 I may not do this just because it may be grey hat, but it seems 100% safe forever. If you recommend against doing this, can you think of any 100% white hat way to do the same thing? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi there, One of the things I want to get my department to do is pursue Google Authorship. I don't think assigning a person with rel=author is the best idea for us, so I am going with the rel=publisher option. Are there any other actions I should take - aside from having good content that will be +1'ed by Google - to ensure that I am taking full advantage of the benefits of having strong Google Authorship? Thanks,

    | SSFCU

  • Hi there! A short question from Holland: My developers made a mistake with a template on a subpage in Wordpress. When Google crawled my site again, Google found an empty page. The same day we loosed our #1 position on the main keyword and now we are on position #6. We restored the page the same day and asked Google to recrawl the page again (fetch for Google). But 48 hours later nothing changed. When I look in the cache date' the page still has the old date, while my competition has a newer cache date. We send some traffic to the page and did some facebook post on this page. Does anybody knows how to kickstart this page again?

    | remkoallertz

  • Hello, A competitor of ours is ranking way higher than you would expect. They have very few links, half the DA and homepage PA of us, yet they rank several slots higher. On analysis, the only difference seems to be that they have 2500 facebook likes. Did they buy likes? Have you seen anything odd like this before? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hi Folks It's been made very clear to us that Google is paying attention to social signals. My questions are: How would I check that Google is aware of my Facebook activity and similarly of my Twitter and Pinterest work? If Google is not aware of these what are some steps I can take to inform them that a particular account is related to a my business site? Finally any must read articles on this topic would be appreciated. Thank you for your time to help me out

    | PHD

  • Hello, For the site How would you get them to the #2 spot for "NLP" and the #2 spot for "NLP Training" They won't do link building due to reputation in the industry. They're open to Google+ and the +1 button. They are willing to add stellar targeted authoritative content. They're adding a blog and comprehensive "What is NLP?" article. They are a "Top 5" authority in the field. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • When we post links to product pages onto our Google Plus account, the image never shows up in the post. Only the name of the product and our domain name appears. Has anyone experienced this problem or have ideas on how to fix? 8nCbk8A

    | znotes

  • Hello - I'm working with a client who has a complete Google+ Brand profile setup for their business, but cannot locate the google+ login associated with the management duties of that page. Is there a way to track down or at least to see who the page owner is and their associated email address?

    | WebTalent

  • Google Plus have just released Custom URLs, see here So instead of the messy you can have{yourbrandname}. This would be much better for memorizing. But any opinions on added or future perceived SEO benefit?

    | RobertChapman

  • Hi, I post 2 interesting articles every week on my website's blog. 
    I post about them on Tw, Fb, G+, Ln. What else is recommend (wrt to blogging & otherwise too) to improve SERP and organic traffic?
    Somehow I feel this is not good enough. Somehow guest blogging is not working out, tried a couple of times. I am a bit lost here, need some pointers. Thank you in advance. Best regards,

    | VaiSam

  • I'd like to know how many of my twitter followers are other businesses and how many are individual customers. Is there a tool for this?

    | ShearingsGroup

  • I've been searching for a tool that will allow me to send mass tweets to multiple @accounts? For example, I use Topsy to see who's shared my content and want to send a follow up tweet to everyone who has, but find it time-consuming to do this manually. What I have in mind is something where I can upload a spreadsheet of Twitter names, write one tweet and for this to be tweeted at everyone on the list. I haven't found what I'm looking for so far. Does anyone know of such a tool?

    | Matt_Wilson

  • I have had a google plus page and a facebook page for my business for a long time now.  I have not had any issues building a customer base via Facebook either by promoting my page or by using the pay promotions via facebook.  On the other hand, I have had 0 luck of getting +s on my google page.  I feel the page looks good, but just am having a hard time. Is there an effective way out there to get followers on Google+?

    | RobDalton

  • Hello, What's some creative white hat ways to get people to click our G +1 button? A competitor is offering a coupon in return but isn't that black hat? What are some 100% white hat ways?

    | BobGW

  • HI, We have noticed as SEO person, whom we feel has become a spammer of sorts, has been liking all of our Facebook post to his Facebook. Will this effect our site and facebook page by him simply liking them all? Thanks

    | AkilarOffice

  • I've just started a freelance contract with a client promoting their content over social media, primarily Twitter and LinkedIn. As I've started to manager their accounts, I noticed they have set up both a personal LinkedIn page under the company name as well as a Company Page. The "personal" account has 330 connections but the Company Page only has 17 followers. Has anyone had success with a good strategy for quickly and effectively promoting the Company Page to the personal connections? I'd like to actually migrate the connections over to the Company Page, which should be the primary focus. Thanks for any help.

    | Nobody1533077082756

  • A client asked me an interesting question. How do you +1 as your business page and not your personal account. Is this possible to do considering they are under the same login?

    | Prager

  • I can't believe that I still did not figure out what would be the best way to have facebook like button and google plus on the home page. I have tried several options but I was always receiving errors in W3 validator. Can somebody help please? Thank you Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • I have placed some social icons into footer by using some html code I found on wordpress .org but I realized that the links to my social networks are all follow. I assume this a problem to have 4 follow links in every footer, isn't it? Also the icons are in one line, is there a way I can add more icons underneath? The site is Thank you very much Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • Recently I verified authorship for my Website. So the image from my personal Google+ account appears in search results. My website has a Google+ social media button. Should the link point to my corporate Google+ account or to my personal Google+ account? What is more credible from Google's point of view? What are best practices for this issue? Look forward to hearing from the MOZ community. THANKS!!!
    Alan Rosinsky

    | Kingalan1

  • Is there anyway of finding out a companies facebook shares.  When I checked out a competitor of one of my clients who seems to be very well placed without many links I discovered that they have over 298 facebook shares on Open Site Explorer but when I look at their site or search on facebook I cannot find any business facebook page for this company so I am really intrigued to find out where they are getting these shares from? Does anyone have any ideas?
    Many thanks Tracy

    | dashesndots

  • I'm an intern at an Accounts Software Company. I'm doing SEO for them. As part of this I've recently started blogging. I'm doing this in an effort to increase traffic to the blog, and try to shift content focus away from Startup Methodology and increase focus on the product..I've had some success with it, in terms of increased Domain Authority and keyword ranking. At the same time, Keyword ranking can suddenly drop for some keywords, closely related to the ones I'm trying to rank for. The further difficulty is, that nobody wants to read about Accounting subjects. I've tried to make my posts as interesting and as valuable as possible.I'm still having trouble gauging whether I'm going about things the right way.Please take a look at some of the posts I've done. If anyone had any critique/advice I'd really appreciate it.. Here it is:

    | PeterConnor

  • Hi all, At the moment we are at the verge of building finally a blog. For SEO purpose I demanded that it would include social interactions with Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and some more. Especially Google+ for the authorship part. But now they come asking me if they can work with Gravatar - a Globally Recognized Avatar. I never worked with it before and can't find anything if it will negatively impact SEO on authorship - but I'm still not sure. Does the Gravatar interfer with Google+ authorship?
    I could find information about having to setup the author part in the Gravatar, but this doesn't give me the answer if this helps with Google+. If anybody has experience of can tell me / point me in the right direction it much appreciated. Or maybe having a better solutions than the Gravatar.

    | Letty

  • This is something I asked myself this evening. You see a lot of sites with a Facebook or Twitter feed displayed, but I struggle to understand their value. OK, it shows that you are active on this or that social media channel, but unless you are posting great content consistently on the social media displayed, the impact of your feed could detract from the web page it is displayed on. It could also cause a visitor to that page on your site to click away from your site into the noise and distraction of that social media channel. I don't have an issue with using social media icons to link to your channels, but they are more discreet and the sort of thing people will look for if they are interested enough in your web pages to want to connect with you. Also, social sharing icons are good, but I do not see the value in social media feeds. Do you agree or disagree? I am more than will to be persuaded otherwise. Thanks in advance,

    | crackingmedia

  • I am pretty confused about how the difference between Google Local, Places and Business Pages.  I created a Google+ Page and have about 800 followers. To control our listing on Google Maps and what shows up on the right side of a Google Search, which includes a map and business hours I had to create a Google Local page.  Now this page only shows we have 4 followers. Is there any way to combine the two?

    | joebuilder

  • Our facebook page received more than 10,000 likes over night.  We only had about 250 likes prior to this. I know this hurts our engagement numbers as well as limits real customers / community from seeing our posts. Is there any way to get our fans down to a real "non-spammed" number?

    | jstallings

  • Hello, We have two Facebook pages for our company, one in English and one in Arabic. A few weeks ago we wanted to change the Facebook page titles but this option was not allowed for both pages. Now Facebook is giving us an option to change the title for both pages: We had a lengthy discussion regarding the best way to name our Facebook pages. Currently our Facebook pages titles are: For the one in English: "X" ( X - our brand name in English*) For the page in Arabic: "X - Arabic" ( X- our brand name in English*) We agreed to change the title for the page in English to: X - (The main 3 keywords in our brand's field in English) ( X - our brand name in English).* for the Arabic page we suggested to change the title to: X -  (The main 3 keywords in our company field in Arabic)** ( X - our brand name in English).* **** We will translate the main 3 keywords to Arabic** We have a few questions: - How does the search work in Facebook? Does the open graph algorithm take into account the page's  content and/or its title and description? - Is there any preferred way to name the Facebook pages? We were debating using the company's slogans versus the main keywords for our brand. ? Or should the title contain just the brand name? - What components of the Facebook page title and URL affect our page's visibility  in Google for a search on our brand name? It's important to mention that Google currently does not show the Arabic page in the 1st page in Google. Thank you in advance for your help!

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Buon giorno 🙂 With more & more clients creating facebook pages theyve no idea wether they should create a personal account or a business page and neither do i. One question: Is this a business facebook page or a personal account & how can you tell? Grazie,

    | Nightwing

  • I recently installed my authorship tag for my website blog, however i have notice it appears on the homepage of the site, instead of the blog. Any ideas how to fix it? Its on a wordpress site and the G+ definitely points to the blog link

    | abinstock

  • When you run this page through the rich snippet testing tool, it says the page doesn't contain authorship markup. Problem is, a look at the code shows rel = author has been properly added, and the author has listed the domain as a site he contributes to.  Hopefully someone in the forum can tell me what I'missing? Why isn't authorship effective here?

    | JSOC

  • I would like to place google plus bade on our site into footer(if that is good practice to place into a footer) but even the smallest size is way to long, even when I disable the cover photo. How could I do this the best way please? Thank you very much Iris

    | Rebeca1

  • Hello, As you know, Google+ bios, if they have a link in them are dofollow. I'm doing a link building campaign, and we already linked one of our Google+ pages to our home page and top 2 articles. My question is, to get links, can we have family and friends add links in their bios too for a total of 6 links to the home page (6 people) and some links to our articles? Or will Google devalue them because we are family and friends? How many is too many? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I have some youtube videos of my business and some of them are ranking organically as well as for queries in youtube.  Would it be wise to start naming more of my videos long tale key search phrases and uploading them to youtube to get them to rank organically and on youtube? what is the best way to optimize these videos?  key phrases in the description as well as title of the video? How do i get them to rank on youtube as well as in the serps?  just get lots of views or do links to my video help? Thanks mozzers! Ron

    | Ron10

  • There was a time when Meebo had a great social bar, and it was bought out by Google and Meebo closed down. However, we still had simple to setup great working Wibiya bar, however at the end of this year they are moving to mobile apps and shutting down this amazing social bar. I am now in a search for great alternatives and sadly there are now little options. 😞 Do you use great share bars, please comment with ease of setting up, load time, analytics/stats, features, etc? I have found some alternatives, some of which I have used in the past, but they are nowhere near Wibiya Thanks

    | vmialik

  • Hello, we have recently created a google + page. We have entered our URL however i do not think that it is set up correctly. There is no button on the header to follow or to +1 there is no mention of our URL within the header, and i have found on many others the url is displayed, linked with a tick and a little globe next to it. i am presuming that i need to link the google plus page to my webiste and verify it some how? But i am struggling to figure out how too do this. can any one help or shed any light on this? Thanks

    | Alexogilvie

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