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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi Mozers I'm in the process of trying to secure a client that requires social media expertise.  I want to be able to use my SEO knowledge as a benefit.  I am struggling to explain in simple terms how a knowledge of SEO underpins a good Social Media campaign. Does anyone know of any good resources I can work through to communicate this issue effectively?

    | catherine-279388

  • A page on our site is registering as having 262 external links coming from two pages on Google+. The page it comes from is for posts related to #weddings, but I can't find the post with our link. Has anyone else experienced this? Linking page

    | HireSpace

  • On my homepage, I have 142 FB Likes, 9 Tweets, 3 +1s. In OSE it shows, FB Likes 86, Tweets 4, and 3 +1s. Does anyone know why there is a discrepancy? I am using AddThis.

    | Francisco_Meza

  • Our webmaster is having trouble adding a Facebook RSS Feed to our homepage, but we'd really like one to display our recent posts with photos. Anyone have suggestions, or a link to directions that have proven successful? Thanks!

    | NancyBryan

  • I'm being outranked by a site that builds a ton of keyword-stuffed tumblr pages with 15+ links per page pointed back at their site with heavy keyword anchor text. What gives with tumblr SEO and their followed links? Anybody have any experience with this? Can there truly be this much value embedded in the tumblr domain?

    | jesse-landry

  • This is been a big annoyance for me. My site was on wordpress before and was infected with malware at one point. We were blocked by major AV, Google, and etc but we got the infection cleaned up quickly and got unblocked. Problem now is that Facebook, we are still blocked on. We try to post a link and says we are harmful. We got unblocked from facebook and we posted but than they blocked us again. We have submitted multiple requests on that form but got no answer. As a marketing agency, having our facebook page blocked to our site is bad. What can we do in this situation? We have no direct contact with anyone at facebook nor do they reply to our requests. I do own a .net to my domain, should we start using that instead of .com or what? We really need to find a way out of this. It is hurting our reputation.

    | Tech-Critic

  • Hello Everyone,
    I'm trying to find a tool that allows me to post to twitter, facebook and google+ at the sametime. Does anyone have a recommendation? Thanks!

    | vndflkvnlkzdfnv

  • Hi there, I am going to change my current blog from subdomain to subfolder. Obviously, I am going to apply a permanent redirection (301) since all URL will change...I have a doubt related to all share bottoms. Currently I use plugins in order to show the total number of shares (on Facebook...on Twitter etc.) of my posts. So, by changing all URLs, will I lose all my data? I mean, would It be possible to save them? Thanks in advance for helping!! Kind regards. Francesca

    | Red_educativa

  • Open Site Explorer lists them and every so-called SEO expert says social signals/shares are a ranking factor. Everyone but Matt Cutts, it would seem. So if they're not a ranking factor, why show them in Open Site Explorer?

    | Jeepster

  • When I post this URL ( to my Facebook page, the image is small, and it isn't pulling the correct description. I checked FB object debugger, and it looks fine - so why isn't it working properly when I post to Facebook?

    | nicole.healthline

  • When we look at referalls from Facebook in Google Analytics, more than 50% (and sometimes upwards of 80%) of the traffic we're getting is listed as landing on our root domain. The thing is, we don't have any direct links TO our root domain on our Facebook page. So is this legitimate traffic, and how are they getting to our page if we have no links to it? We do post links to stories, videos, etc, but those are to the individual pages, not to our root domain. When I look at those pages that we link to, they do have traffic numbers, but nothing compared to the root domain. Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.

    | TexAgs

  • Hi everyone, I am currently coaching several companies on Content Marketing, Authorship etc and how to implement these techniques at an institutional level - more here. My question is - Can an author reap the benefits of authorship in all search engines simultaneously without linking to Google + and becoming entangled in the Google Circles phenomena? I know don't laugh. 🙂 I know it seems like an ignorant question, but there must be a way. Is there a possibility of doing this with Author Schema's Will Google treat them the same way as Google +? My clients are not happy about getting so entangled with Google + and leaving out the other search engines. Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • If a company wants to change it's domain, will they lose all the g+ 1's they had with the original domain? Is there a way to "redirect" those pluses to the new site? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I wanted to know if giveaways are considered viable way to increase inbound traffic and organic results. I am running giveaways with increased traffic but no effect on organic rewsults. does anyone have something to share on this.

    | ciznerguy

  • Hey Everyone, First, thanks to everyone for providing me suggestions on how to get my authorship picture back. Sure enough, we did it get it back, but not for any reason that makes sense to me. We got it back within hours of changing our g+ url to a custom one (google provided us with one a few months ago, but I didn't like it, so I didn't change it). Well, now I figured, why not? We have to do something to get our authorship back, and after making that change within hours, we had our picture displaying again. While I know this could be a coincidence, we haven't written anything new since we lost it in mid December. So, it can't be some influx of great content. And, since google is getting more strict about authorship, I don't see how we would have lost it in the first place, only to get it back without anything additional worked on yet. The only change is the custom URL. I know this is not ANY sort of scientific proof, but I figured I'd just throw my experience out there for others to see. Could this be the reason? Has anyone else had anything like this happen? Good luck to everyone else who is working on getting their picture back! Though I can't tell you how to do it, I can tell you it can change back within a few weeks. Best, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We want to get some more reviews on g+ and we have clients who will to write them. The problem is that almost none of them have g+ accounts. While they are nice enough to create a profile, just to do a review for us, I'm wondering if that will even matter? Does anyone know how google handles reviews from scant profiles? My fear is that google will treat reviews from scant profiles like spam, even though they won't be. While I don't mind asking our clients to write us g+ reviews, I can't very well ask them to be active on g+ so google thinks they more credible. Is this fear legitimate? Does anyone know one way or the other? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • We sell vinyl wall decals. Our product lends itself to social media. We are going to run a monthly contest for the best/most creative customer photo. What is the best app for this?

    | katazoom

  • Hello Mozzers, I've just started a contest in my own SEO blog, in which people will receive a full website audit, a keyword research plus competitive analysis, and an on-site audit. What I want from it is two things: Get a few testimonials for my upcoming SEO consulting services; Get more FB fans. As I know that my blog won't get too many tweets and shares per se, I have to manually outreach bloggers so they may tweet about my contest. What I've been doing up until now is saying: "Hey, my name is Ivan, I've got this blog and I'm running this contest. The prizes are these ones. I know your Twitter audience may be interested in this, so, could you tweet this? Thanks". In the email I already give them a tweet with the URL and everyhing, so they don't have to do anything, but copy and pasting. What're your opinion on this strategy? Do you recommend doing something else, like a more indirect approach, to contest outreach? Thank you very much!

    | ivankrm

  • I just don't have time right now.  Who can get my site humming?

    | Asteg

  • Ok I have a client with a branded hashtag that is only working part of the time on Instagram. Client posts don't show up when the hashtag is searched and only partial people in their community have  their posts saved. We would like to find more fans of the brand who are already using Hashtags. I looked through all their help info but couldn't find a place to report it. Any thoughts?

    | BCutrer

  • I want to target my FB ads to my competitors fans. I tried setting it up through power editor, but when I type in my competitor's name in Precise Innterest field, it just doesn't show up... My competitor has over 30k fans - is it not big enough? Is there any way around it?

    | imoney

  • Hello, Since shortly, every page of our website doesn't get "read" by Google. So when you paste a page in Facebook, he doesn't get the title, description, image... FB Debugger says there's a 206 Error code (check attachment). A lot of changes are done the last weeks on this site so perhaps something is misconfigured. But what could this be? I've already check the htaccess and nothing there... Thanks, 0cphxGt

    | conversal

  • In the newest Google Analytics there's a section called 'Social' which tracks traffic from FB, Twitter and other social sites. For some reason it doesn't include Instagram (which is the one that matters to me, though I'm sure there are many others that it doesn't include either.) Is there a way to modify that and add Instagram as a social source?

    | storemachine

  • Hi all, for a website that has muiltiple domains for the same company (e.g. different location based salon websites) is it advisable to create multiple google+ pages for each individual website or just have the one google+ account? Thanks simon

    | simonsw

  • Howdy, We have seen our Facebook Likes increase by a staggering 20k in a week. At the beginning of last week we were sat at around 21k and it has been steadily increasing, but just 7 days later we now have 42k - Has their been some sort of algorithm change for this to happen, or should I be suspicious that something is not quite right? Thanks, James

    | Wedideas

  • Hello, I have just revamped my blog. I am not expert blogger. Do you have any recommendations to improve it? What can I add? What would people use? What SEO improvements should I make? Thanks. 🙂

    | infinart

  • I am helping a company get their social profiles and networking in order, and just realized that they have a facebook page that is their "company page" - and one that is a person called their company: their any benefit to having both of them still active or should I just get rid of the "personal profile" and keep the company page? any advice would be really helpful! Thank you, J

    | allstatetransmission

  • Which wordpress pluggin for my website would you advice for related posts and for social share that won't slow to much page speed? I had shareolic but with de new wordpress update MySql database went slow although page speed was not affected it produces a biggest consumption of the database making editing post very slow so i desativated and now i am looking for similar o all one one pluggins that uses related posts and related pages. And a social share pluggin also. Any advice? Wich one do you use on your website?

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Is it possible to share a post from someone's personal FB wall to a company fan page if they have the permissions set to allow this?  I often get a message that a share was denied and I'm not sure if shares from personal to business fan pages are always denied or if this is controlled by the person's privacy settings.

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Can you have one for each region such as Uk & US like you might with FaceBook etc: I know its a good idea for Geo-targeting reasons to have country specific social pages to promote country specific websites (i.e. UK FaceBook for website and US Facebook for .com site etc), does the same apply to YouTube ? Does YouTube allow this (since videos will be effectively the same on both channels) ? I would hope so since say if you wanted to exploit annotated links to the main site from the videos then you would want the US viewer following a link to a US product page not a UK page and vice versa ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello,
    I am working on one of my clients projects and would love some advice before making some changes to their Google+ and Youtube account. We created the youtube account before Google+ and Youtube combined so we have a seperate name for the Youtube and Google+ Profile. They were created using separate emails, but both emails are managers of each others "account." We can't combine the two as it won't give me the option, only the option to create a new Youtube channel based on the Google+ Profile. But I already have videos loaded up on the Older Channel that I would like to keep and use for my current Google+ Profile. I have tried to disconnect the Youtube channel to hopefully get the option to link the two, but it just says it is a unavailable option. So my question is:
    What advice do you guys have with any of this type of Youtube and Google+ mismatch profile/channels? I am not finding much online besides links to unattaching accounts but that is giving me a message saying that it isn't possible. Or would creating a new channel linked to the Google+ page and just reuploading the videos/transcripts be my best bet? Thank you for your feedback, and if you want anymore details (I know this description when not looking at the accounts might not be enough info, feel free to ask.) I really appreciate it. J

    | allstatetransmission

  • There is a tactic called content locking which requires a user to share a post or homepage URL in order to unlock content (either a video, a full post or downloadable ebook). Do you think this is manipulating signals to increase search rankings? Argument Against Using Content Locking Social signals and links from Google Plus shares clearly correlate to increased search engine visibility. Requiring a user to pay for content with social sharing is only used to improve search rankings. According to the webmaster guidelines: "Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of thumb is whether you'd feel comfortable explaining what you've done to a website that competes with you, or to a Google employee. Another useful test is to ask, 'Does this help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn't exist?'" Argument For Using Content Locker Users tend to value their social profiles and won't share something unless they believe it is valuable. Requiring a share is just a push to motivate them to share something they value. Additionally, it is similar to an email opt-in in that the publisher now has a social media lead they can follow up on. It's not just about SEO, it's about tapping into social network traffic and engagement on social networks.

    | designquotes

  • Remember the technique Rand posted for counting the unique indexed landing pages on a site? I'm using Google Analytics to compare this result for the "social" channel vs. the "organic search" channel. The idea is to see whether social or search delivers people to more unique landing pages. I would expect organic search to yield a significantly higher count, due to long tail searches for relatively obscure terms. We have an archive of over 500k pages that Google could be indexing, even if only a fraction of a percent of those might be getting social mentions. But that's not what the numbers show -- I'm seeing roughly 10% higher numbers for the Social channel than for Organic Search. Again, I'm counting unique landing pages here, not the total pageviews or visits. If anyone else here is monitoring these metrics, please chime in with your results. What's the baseline expectation for a large website with hundreds of thousands of pages of issue-centric user-generated content? Should search traffic provide 2x more landing page exposures than social? 5x? 10x? or 0.9x, as in my case? In short, I believe these numbers are pointing to an indexing/ranking problem following a recent site redesign.

    | mcglynn

  • Hello everybody 🙂 Is it possible to implement a Google+ button where if you press on it, it gives a particular Google+ page a plus? Because as I can see, it is only possible to implement a Google+ button, which when you pressed the'll give the given page/post you are on a plus. For example, I added a Google+ button in the footer here (see here: But if you press it, you give just the page you are on a plus. But I'd like to see you give the website Google+ page: a plus. That means that Google+ page then will have 32 pluses. It should act in exactly the same way as the Facebook like next to the Google+ button. Hope there is someone who understands what I mean, and can help.

    | JoLindahl91

  • Hello, We want to rank 2nd for this keyword: NLP Training Here's our site: We currently rank near the bottom of the first page. What we have to work with: One top authority person in our field, with a little bit of time to write content, one other top authority person with a little more time, One very skilled employee that has a long history in our field, is not an authority, but writes good blog posts. She writes some of the content, the authorities write the rest. What else we have to work with: We can't really do outreach in this industry as it would be weird to send all of our competitors, which are also our colleagues and friends, link requests. I don't think it would be appropriate to ask people to share or +1 us either. We can produce content, we've added a blog and we're adding a "What is NLP?" Article. We have good video capability. Also, perhaps an infographic would help as a linkable asset, but I don't know what that could be about. Maybe an eye accessing cues infographic - see this page on eye accessing cues - Basically, there is general knowledge about the differences in eye accessing cues from person to person and culture to culture. I assume we need something to boost our DA. Anyways, your thoughts on how we can move up for "NLP Training"?

    | BobGW

  • We are going to give-a-way a PS4 through a social media contest. Likes, g+ circles and shares, but I wasn't sure if there was a problem tracking shares. I always thought I could just look at my FB posts and it would say how many shares. All I want to do is people to give someone an extra entry for sharing one of my post on his or her FB page. However, I've read that tracking shares can be difficult. I think the shares that are difficult to track are the ones beyond what I need, like if a 3rd party shared it or something, but I'm not sure. I want the contest to be as accurate as possible. Can anybody confirm or correct my thinking, please? Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I see a Pinterest button with a heart on it. What does it do? What benefit do I get when someone clicks on the [Love] button on my board?

    | lbohen

  • Hi there, I'm in the middle of optimising my site to create decent sharing snippets to improve the overall experience and quality for visitors. One thing I've come up against though is trying to balance site design with the requirements of and Google+ I've recently just altered the layout of my site to now visually display a brief post description to go into the Rich Snippet Google+ creates, but the images Look a little bit shorter than what they could be. I'm curious to how I could perhaps serve a dedicated image for the Google+ snippet (a square cropped version of the large feature image that's given to each post) while avoiding forcing all users to load a second image I don't even really want to show. I'm also in the middle of deciding what content to prefill the post text with, I'm thinking about tagging my own Google+ id and maybe using some post relevant hash tags too. Does that sound like a good idea? Thanks for 95e0ec7c46e6e66c0a966089d7805813

    | KraigWalker

  • Hello, One of my clients has a Facebook page for his company, and his social media manager posts some promotional and educational posts on daily basis. the social media manager uses affiliate ID's in the destination URL to track traffic and leads that come from the social media and to make it look nicer he uses shortcut links service - bitly. Now I have a few questions about this: I don't see traffic comes from or in Google Analytics, my question: is using 301 redirect makes Google Analytics understand that the last website which sent the traffic to my website is not the actual Referral website? Is using shortcut links in the social media damages the links value (even though they are <nofollow>links - but still considered as signals from social media</nofollow> Thanks. LorS1nd.jpg

    | JonsonSwartz

  • hi just a quickie, anyone know off hand when you change your FB username/url do you retain or lose the likes/fans ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello! We were just wondering if we can add the Rel=Publisher on our business blog? We would like to have any of our blog posts that rank to have the small thumbnail/logo of our business similar to the way the rel=author  tag works in the serps. All posts are published by our business and we would not like any of our personal pictures showing up. Any help greatly appreciated! Thank You!

    | TP_Marketing

  • What do you think is the best approach when it comes to using Google+ as a photographer? The images have no real SEO benefit, but the ones I post seem to get shared more, +1ed more than posting a link to one of my blog posts with a preview image. What do you think is the best way to approach this problem?

    | IoanSaid

  • Hello guys, I add the Reviews option to my company page.
    Its looks good and all, but the problem is that only the one that are admin can see it.
    All the rest cant see it. Any one have experience with this ? Thank you

    | WayneRooney

  • Hello everyone, just a quick question about Google+; I had already a Google+ business page and I tried to link it with Google Places but instead of doing so, it created another page. So now I have two Google+ pages, one all set up with all the circles, images and everything else, plus another one (the new one) with nothing but the link to Google Places. Is there any chance to merge them both? Cheers

    | PremioOscar

  • We have list of many Authors with their G+ profiles contributing stories for the website. And marked as rel=author for stories generated by them. Though we have few stories where we take multiple author's inputs and mark it into Team profile as an Author. My basic concern over this is, if i mark my story with authorship as team profile i.e. my website's G+ profile as an Author, would that be considered similar to a person's profile author. Example : - Our G+ profile marked as Author "CarDekho Team" in our stories. Queries : Does this company page get considered as author? Would this company profile marked as rel=author help in any ranking benefit as an individual Author profile helps in search results?

    | amitjain

  • We noticed yesterday that many of our clients with hidden addresses are now able to get a verified G+ page through the Places dashboard. Anyone else have any insight on this? Are they classified as "Local" pages, or just verified "Business" pages?

    | AvalancheSearch

  • Does anyone have an example of a web page that is ranking soley through social media popularity and does not have any inbound (website to website) links? I am creating a presentation on SEO and Social Media and it would be great to have an example. Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • As part of a content audit, I'd like to identify the most popular content on a domain.  I've tried Google Spreadsheets + API's from the services, but the call limits have stopped me as I can only check 50 URLs at a time. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this?  I can get the list of all pages on the site with Screaming Frog, but then how do I find metrics on those URLs?  Any tips or tools would be appreciated!

    | brianspatterson

  • Hi guys, I have a number of events run by the same company, all with their own websites. For a number of reasons, these individual events don't have their own social channels. Instead, the company's main social channels are used to promote the events wherever possible. I want to implement twitter card markup into each of the sites and associate the markup with the company's main twitter account. Does anyone know whether it's possible to get twitter cards approved for one account across multiple domains? I'd hate to apply for one site using the account, only to find out I can't apply for others! So before I venture into the unknown, was hoping someone could shed some light on this. Cheers 🙂

    | cos2030

  • Hi... the above link explains what I'm trying to do but basically i want to add a twitter feed to a website but be able to exclude certain sites. For example you add a feed to a client and they then ask for you to remove competitor messages. Is this possible? Thanks,

    | Nightwing

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