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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi All, My company has done fairly well with regards to achieving followings on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. BUT one that we REALLY struggle to get a following on is Google +. We have about 25 Google + followers, compared to 1.2k Facebook likes and over 2k Twitter followers. We do relatively similar things on each of these. What can we do to increase our following specifically on Google +?  As it stands we do pretty similar things, it would just appear that there's not much taste for us on Google +! What kind of things have you guys done to boost your followings on Google +.? All suggestions are appreciated! Thanks Sam

    | Sandicliffe

  • Hi, I want to start sharing images on Twitter, because our industry regulator (FCA) suggests it's possible to share more info about complicated financial products (we are a mortgage broker) where you can't get all the detail needed in 140 characters to be 'clear, fair and not misleading'... I have been thinking about putting mortgage info in images to be shared, but the problem I can foresee is if the rate gets withdrawn by the lender, and the image is already out there (hopefully being shared), it's still our responsibility (according to the FCA guidelines anyway), and we'd be misleading people (unintentionally, but still...) ... It's all a bit of a minefield! So... If the image is hosted on our server and we just change the content of the image but not its file name, location etc... it should update, right? BUT is this even possible? As far as I can tell Twitter only lets you upload an image for sharing (so the image is displayed) and doesn't display images you're hosting... If anyone can tell me how to do this I'd be very grateful... If it's not possible, please also let me know 🙂 Thanks! Amelia

    | CommT

  • Once upon a time, we were able to check in at our office on Facebook.  Then, one day, we just...couldn't. I didn't (at least intentionally) change any settings on the page.  I can't seem to even find a setting for this.  What happened, and how do I fix it? Thank you so much in advance. (Edited to include the Facebook URL)

    | cathibanks

  • Does anyone know how to identify if a FB post was boosted or not? Does FB or a third party software have that  capability? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I have a client that posts a bunch of really poorly formatted and nonengaging content on her a Facebook business page. This has caused her reach to be very low, despite having 9000 real followers. Due to a history of poor content and therefore low engagement Facebook just does not send her stuff out anymore. Is there a way to change that? I heard you could reset that notion by staying off the page for a couple of weeks and then beginning to post once more with better stuff. Is that remotely true?

    | Atomicx

  • I've been doing SEO for a little over 4 years. I've never used sites like Digg, Stumbleupon, Reddit, etc. either personally or on behalf of my clients. This past week I had a discussion with another SEO who asked what I'm doing for my clients with regard to social bookmarking. I responded that I'm really not doing anything and they were shocked. I took a pretty good verbal beating over it. She was borderline offended. I have always been able to deliver solid results for my clients without any type of social bookmarking, so I struggle to see the need, but am surprised at how shocked this other SEO was that I don't do it. How beneficial is it and am I really missing out?

    | garrettkite

  • In my sector there are approximately 100 relevant groups that I could post content to. There are between 5 and 10 that would be relevant to any particular blog post. How many groups should I post to? If I post to all relevant ones I can end up spamming due to overlapping group membership, If I don't I can miss out on access to a potentially large audience What's best practice here?

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • what message to write to invite email contacts to like your Facebook, LinkedIn

    | MasonBaker

  • Hi, I've been shown how to do facebook outreach in my home town. I am a weight loss hypnotist. I was shown how to do outreach to possible home town clients using the facebook search feature. I go to the search and type in "Friends who like weight loss" And I get a couple of friends who have liked a major weight loss site After I've done that search, I look to the right in facebook. It has a bunch of dropdowns. I choose the same search parameters except I change it to "Live in Boise" (my town) and "Not my Friend". I get dozens of facebook users who live in Boise and are not my friends and are interested in weight loss. I can message these people (less than 30 a day) Here's the problem: I don't want to spam them. How do I get these people interested in my weight loss hypnosis program (I could really help them) by sparking up a conversation and not spamming. Everything I can think of saying seems manipulative. I don't know how to start a conversation and invite people to come in for a free sample session. My free sample session is 30 minutes and is free just to see if the client and I are a good fit. My website is if that helps. How do I do this with the utmost integrity? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • In wich side of seo would you guys class the Social media exchange? White, Black or grey? The principle of Social Media Exchange is to like social page to gain points. That you will give a part to people that likes your social media page. Thanks

    | bigrat95

  • does anyone know of a way to add tracking parameters to facebook/twitter website links in the about us section so that we can understand what traffic is specifically coming from that page?  I already add tracking to posts, but I am more trying to track each standard link on these social channels. I am currently running into character limits or the result looks like a long url that will most certainly deter clicks because it looks suspicious.

    | dsinger

  • Hi guys. I'm new to all this so bare with me. I've been using hootsuite to send out tweets. Originally the person doing it before me was sending them out every 5 or 10 minutes and repeating quite a bit. I've since reduced it to a tweet every 15 minutes and when there's something new on the site I tend to tweet it out about 3 times a day for the next three days at different times of day to try and make sure nobody sees the same thing too often. Obviously these numbers are significantly less for facebook and even fewer for linkedin. Am I still repeating myself too often? I'm trying very hard to find a balance between what people see as spamming and making sure that all our followers get a chance to see each new post. Any feedback would be really appreciated.

    | LandlordReferencing

  • Hello All Webmasters, I have questions on organic visits for my fresh website targeted in Australia. I am a webmaster of and we have launched this domain before 20 days around on the date 7th Aug 2014. I have set up display network ads campaign for quick visits and going to start Product Listing Campaign soon for our products to get transaction. I also set up my social media accounts but have not update anything with them yet. But my biggest concern is to build organic links through various link building activities as per latest trend. I have couple of questions  which i mentioned below My domain for AUS: How can i increase my organic visits? (Right now didn't get any organic visit) Which Link building activities still works to get maximum organic visits and how can i improve my social media performance? What are the steps to go forward to promote and increase my performance in Google ranking for this new website? (Any steps by step activity to go ahead?) Should i keep my link building activities limited to websites or can i promote globally?? Looking forward to hear from all my expert webmaster friends to help me out and to improve my site's performance. Thanks

    | CommercePundit

  • Hello Mozzers, In April we split our company in two, creating a new company in the process. We updated our Linkedin company page with the new branding etc, but I can't find anywhere we can change the url, which is still the old company trading style name. I've sent a support ticket to Linkedin, but I don't expect an answer all that fast so was wondering if any of you had experience with this problem and could point me in the right direction? Thank you so much! Amelia

    | CommT

  • I have a client who verified their google+ listing, but doesn't remember what email they associated with their account.  Any idea how to reverify or discover the email?

    | rabidmongoose

  • If anybody has followed me, they know I am not a big advocate of Social Media, but I understand when you must adapt. So we broke down and made our Google+ Page The problem is, when you go to Google and search "Google+ Columbia Engineered Rubber" You get what appears to be 2 place pages (our company is in  2 locations) and one page that looks like something somebody tried to make, could have somebody here, or some auto generating thing..don't know. But our real page that we made (linked above) doesn't appear at all. Does anybody know how to go about consolidating these pages to the one I made, its quite confusing for one company to have 3 pages showing in results none of which are correct. Thank you for you time, Don

    | donford

  • Hello Moz Friends, I'm curious to know what my fellow Mozzers are using (in-house or outsourced) for live streaming events. Our transit agency is hosting a public event at a convention center and we'd like to stream it online for those unable to attend and to have it available for sharing on social. I've done some initial recon as far a using Google Hangouts + YouTube, Livestream and the like. Is it possible to broadcast a quality video stream online in-house or is it better to outsource so I can focus on live-tweeting and other social outreach before, during and after the event? Your thoughts, please! Much thanks, Laurel McJannet, Community Transit Online Content Specialist

    | laurelmcj

  • Before Google merged Google+ and Youtube, we had opened a  Google+ account for our business from one email account and a separate account on youtube from a separate account. Now that Google merged the two channels, it created a new G+ page for our youtube account. but I want to merge the youtube account with our formal Google+ page. How do I go about doing that Thank you Joni

    | JonsonSwartz

  • the longer time observed that acquiring links from google+ which is quite pleasantly accepted by Google, it is rather negatively affect the positions in the Bing. Has anyone experienced a similar problem?

    | Unigenitus

  • Hi everyone, Im sort of a Google+ nutter and I wanted to figure out exactly what is required for a full bleed image to appear for +1 share on the page itself. I got it figured out and I think it requires: canonical url og:image image wider then 506px type article or page (microdata format) But sometimes it seems that pages without a canonical url still show full bleed image when shared as link when I insert the url directly into a google+ post. My question is if this could be a cached version of the page where it had a canonical url? Don't really know if that anyone is interested but I made a simple tool that checks if a page meets requirements for having a full bleed image when share as link on Google+. Think I nailed it pretty close but can't seem to get the full bleed image to appear for the tool itself do:) Please dont ask. It's driving me mad already. Try it. Take a blog post url, check it with this tool and then see for yourself if it's accurate. If not I would like to hear very much as it would help me pin point it better! Examples of pages with specific no no factors for you to try are: (img to small) (no og prefix but works)

    | DanielMulderNL

  • I have a facebook page with 42,000 Real fans. Images, screenshots, links, questions, etc all perform well. But videos get 0 interaction. If I get 5 likes that is saying something. Why would facebook not send out my videos to people? Is there a way to increase them? It is very frustrating to post our youtube videos to get no response. My fans are most 13-30 yr old gamers, so videos should be right up their alley.

    | Atomicx

  • We've been thinking that maybe it would be beneficial in terms of SEO to supply our YouTube videos with CC / subtitles. Unfortunately, this is very time consuming, so we would like to know, basically, if it's worthwhile. Does any of you have any expectations or even experience with this, you'd like to share with us?

    | livingsmarttv

  • Hi! The same function you have on twitter ( how you can see their flooewrs) do you have it for blogs?Describe your question in detail. The more information you give, the better! It helps give context for a great answer.

    | JohannaPihl

  • Hello - I have a client that has their Google Plus and YouTube under separate Google accounts. My thoughts are that it'd be best for SEO and awareness with Google that their active YouTube channel to be under their active Google Plus account. My question is: Is it recommended for SEO that we upload the videos to her prominent Google business account (they only have about 100 subscribers)? If we did this we would delete them from the other account to avoid dup. content. We are in a position where we can make this change easily if it is recommended and good for SEO--which I would think it would be. So we would like to know now if we should make this change before we grow the YouTube channel further, or if we should leave it how it is. Any insight would be very helpful! Thank you!

    | dirigodev

  • Our traffic is about 300 visitors a day in a small industrial niche. We have 89 wonderful facebook followers (all friends and no customers) and basically social media is of no interest to our audience. The same is true of all our competitors - we all have twitter accounts, FB accounts etc and they are resolutely ignored by our customers. [For a combination of Industry Sector, Language, Culture, Business Culture and Job Role] That's not the question though 🙂 No one has any Google Plus followers either and no +1's on pages. So if I get 10 +1's on a page will that make any difference? Would 50? Would 500? How much effort should I put in to this? As we are not an e-commerce revenue isn't tied directly to website traffic but there is a correlation. So is it worth spending a bit of time to develop a 'natural distribution' of +1's and then reach out to my contacts to get them to plus 1 me? That is I use lots of different google accounts, with different IPs on different pages at different times and slowly build Or do i just say that this part of the SEO approach is of no benefit and I ignore?

    | Zippy-Bungle

  • Hey Mozzzzzzzzzzzzzzers! I work for a high end rehab. We have a Facebook page with 800 fans, twitter with 5,500 followers, and a linkedIn with around 1,000. I noticed that the previous CEO probably bought our twitter followers, so that explains our minimal engagement. The part I am having a hard time grasping is that all of our competitors, including the big guns in the industry are struggling as well. I see numbers like these all the time: 30,000 facebook fans with posts getting 5/6 likes and a comment here and there. 7,000 twitter followers with every 10th tweet getting 1 or 2 favorites, a RT is a blue moon Experts in the industry with high blog views, high credibility in their field, huge fan base, and engagement like the engagement above. If I look back since 2005, we have accrued 250,000 hits on our website... 236 are from facebook. Our best month was last year in December and I honestly can't figure out why, there was nothing done differently. I am a firm believer that if there is no audience then it's not worth the time. That being said, I can't help but think we are all missing something in the addiction field. I guess my questions are: What do I do in an industry where there appears to be minimal engagement across the board? (Dr. Drew doesn't count.) When do you/have you decided to cut your losses on social media and just use it as a place to have representation and not as a place to drive profit? Is there always a way to get engagement? Do you believe some industries are just doomed? (That's an unfair question isn't it?) Anyway, just food for thought. Would love to hear your opinions! I also would love to know about any marketing and or social media forums you all participate in that I can direct some of the more social media/marketing specific questions towards. I don't want to make things too convoluted. Thanks everybody!

    | HashtagHustler

  • I asked this on Quora and am curious what the Moz community has to offer: If I have a blog post that I share on Facebook and I receive 1,000 Likes and/or Shares, what's the percentage of those Likes/Shares that will come from people interacting with the post in their Facebook news feed vs. people Liking/Sharing the article on my blog? I realize many factors are at play here (type of content, audience, time of day, blog design, etc.) but have there been any studies that attempted to address this question?

    | rball1

  • Hi Everyone, Hope your all doing well. Im about 1 week away from relaunching my website and im a little worried it might hurt my rankings. Basically im trying to make the website better, so its undergone a massive overhaul such as being made responsive on tablet + mobile, completely redesigned colours etc so now a flat design bringing less images in the hope to increase load times, navigation is more of a silo structure to try and make everything that bit more relevant and to cut down on clutter for users. I haven't touched the urls so they will stay the same but I have stripped and added new content because as the years have passed, reflecting back some of it is basic and not professional enough - so ive had it reproduced by a copywriter. I've also gone through the social channels and stripped out some content from there (almost reset them) because the style of the content and design no longer aligns with the new design and voice of the new site. Without a doubt the site is much better (been in dev for 2 months) im just worried Google might not like something? It's a shame really because I should be excited but all im worried about is Google spanking it.

    | followuk

  • I understand how streaming social media, especially if you have a great social media community, can be effective in terms of capturing customers. However, I'm purely interested in knowing what it does for SEO. For example, does streaming social media make it look like your home page (or whatever page(s) has it) are constantly being updated? Or, does streaming g+ have a positive effect but facebook not so much? Or, does it have a negative effect for whatever reason that might be? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, how are you? I have a client that is a company that has aproximately 30 franchises. For each franchise, I created a Google Places (now My Business) profile, and then for each profile I have a G+ profile. The problem is that I need a SaaS or a software that allows me to post in each of those profiles automaticaly, like Hootsuite (when I enter with the account I have registered the Places profiles, it catches the G+ profile of that person, not the GPlaces accounts). Do you know any? Thanks!

    | arielbortz

  • What is the best kinds of things to share on Facebook pages? I read conflicting results on the matter. In my experience memes and funny pictures get the best results. Next is creative art or user generated things. Videos and links to my site, even when they are funny or high quality pieces, get almost no interaction. Videos will basically get ignored and sent out to very few people.

    | Atomicx

  • Hi, I have invested a good deal of time building a G+ community, from nothing to 137 (as of today) We post regular good quality mini blogs and images. We interact with communities and link back to our our own blog. We don't sell on it, it 100% user friendly content. I am getting 10 or so shares per post and 20 or so likes 2-3 times week. My questions are this: Why can't Moz track page views or post activities for posts on different communities? With all this work we still not able to fully intergrate G+ into our Moz view of the world Thanks James

    | Divelife

  • Hi We have our images hosted on amazon cloud to speed up the site but we are having problems with pinning our images on pinterest. We can only pin them from the cloud host url which looks really bad and also doesnot send any traffic to our site. Any suggestions?

    | copyfaxes1

  • Hi all, I'm after some advice on how best to redirect or retain any value a page might have from it's social shares (mainly Pintrest & a little FB). The page's original purpose was to be useful for people and hopefully pass some Google Juice to the main product page. I've created a new website and 301'd the pages to their new home. Now I'm going through my blog and I have a few pages that continue to get pinned around on Pintrest. Not sure the best way to retain the value. I was thinking of recreating the page on the new site and setting up a 301 redirect but I'm not sure if Pintrest follows along. Or maybe leaving the page on the old site and having a link to my main product page there (and it passing some value to the new domain). What do you think? Any other ideas that would be better? The page is: The new home is Thanks in advance Moz'ers! Dan

    | danlovesadobe

  • We are currently in the process of deploying our homepage at , and as part of that, I have added the following meta tags to our homepage: The referenced image should be our company logo, similiar to how Marketo includes there logo as their og:image. However, instead all I am seeing is a pot of yogurt ( when loaded into Facebook. Interestingly this was the image associated with a recent blog post about company culture ( although this is on a subdomain (legacy decision) and not directly related with the homepage. Any insights would definitely be welcome!

    | SMPoulton

  • I found the posts with comments are ranking much better for my blog. But most of the users are commenting on Facebook, when I share my content. Thats bad, because I don't have this discussion on my site. I am using the standard WordPress commenting system. No a good commenting option for my would be Facebook comments (or Comments Evolved is also a quite nice plugin for FB, G+ and WP comments). The question is? Does Google still give these Facebook comments on my site as much value as 'native' WordPress comments. Or are they discounted in some way? The second question of course would be, if it is wise to hand over all of the comments to Facebook and loosing control over them. But I think I could dramatically increase comments if I switch to Facebook commenting system...

    | soralsokal

  • I have several brands which I am managing G+ profile pages for. These range from established brands with large followings to just starting out. When I try to claim a custom URL for these on Google+, it says to add some extra characters after the brand names to make them unique. I can't find any example of established big brands who have G+ URLS like "+toyotausa24" "+tacobell3" or anything like that. This does not seem to be well documented anywhere. Can someone tell me what the deal is with this feature? Also what is the best practice for large brands when claiming this? +BrandName1?

    | IrvCo_Interactive

  • Hello Google+ experts We run a eCommerce (magento) site with ~140 different products. We manufacture all of our own products and therefore the product descriptions / content is written by us for us, however there are smaller operators that can scrap it, adjust it and use it on similar products. Can we author tag our own custom product descriptions or will goggle not like this? I have read a hand full of blog about author tags v's publisher tags, and most bloggers state that eCommerce product pages should not author tag as content is normally generic product spec information. Our product content is fresh, custom and written by a real author it's similar to a blog post so why can't we tag it to protect it? (The descriptions include a product - Overview / Benefits / Suggested use) If we do Author tag it will Google spank us and damage our SEO or because it fresh and custom advance are SEO?

    | supps

  • Hi Hope someone can help or offer advice about an issue that has arisen today i had a facebook page with approx 20,000 likes and a competitor had a page with approx 500 likes. Today the competitor has over 20,000 like (my likes have been transferred to them without informing me) I have spent quite a lot of time and money in facebook advertising building up the page and this came as a total shock today. The page (was) It is very difficult to contact facebook. has this happened to anyone else Regards Brian

    | briandee

  • is social book marking seen as spammy ? And if it helps SEO how can you weed out the good sites from the bad?

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • This feature, prior to Feb. 2014 was only available to high profile users, or influencers, like Bill Gates. Now it is available to all LinkedIn users and extends the reach to LinkedIn groups and your own network. Anyone know if there's an SEO benefit? Thanks in advance.

    | alankoen123

  • Hi Everyone, I am looking for an article (can't remember the name of it) that has these concepts. I believe Rand wrote one not too long ago but I cannot remember the name. Inbound links from Social Media Sites do not help your SEO. There is correlation but that is it. Traffic generated from Social Media sites may be an indicator to Google and a SEO ranking factor. It is the traffic not the link that Google is consider as a ranking factor. Google plus - so there have been many articles saying that Google + helps your rankings. I believe I saw one by Rand saying this is not true. There is correlation but not causation. I am trying to explain to my students how social media really benefits SEO and make them think beyond "the link". Any other articles suggested are also appreciated Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • What's the best tool for measuring reach and engagement on all social media platforms (or at least Twitter, Google+, Facebook) ?

    | RikkiD22

  • Hello, I've just read... “Publisher tags should only go on the most significant page of your site, usually the homepage.” Is this correct?

    | McTaggart

  • It's about B2B marketing, my job is to search the target audience on LinkedIn & engage with them. I am sharing thought leadership on specific groups to increase the visits to our site. But, my ultimate aim is to reach the maximum number of people & make these people to share my thought leadership. There are lots of content on B2B marketing on the internet but it’s easier said than done. I am interested in knowing your experience.

    | musigma

  • Hi i have been using my business G+ account to share my blogs, but have realised that this would have been better using my personal G+ account. Should i now go back through those 50+ blogs and re-share via my personal G+ account eg one every 3 days or should i re-share the G+ business entry? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Does anyone know of a tool to check open graph data, especially og:url and og:image? I use the og object debugger in FB, but wanted to know if there is a tool to load all URLs or crawl the site in one go?

    | MickEdwards

  • We have a managed server company in 3 languages.  The 3 languages are international and not country specific.  Should we open 3 different social media account/page for each languages (facebook, twitter, pinterest, linkedin, google+,tumblr)?

    | groupemedia

  • Does anyone know of a tool I can use to easaly see how many likes/tweets/+1 a URL has? Thanks.

    | scotennis

  • Hi guys, my site ranked #1 for replacement number plates for years about 6 months ago it dropped to 3rd then 5th now 8th. As a result the traffic has dropped off a cliff. Some of the sites above me don't look stronger on moz's metrics. About two weeks ago I had an unnatural external links notice in webmaster tools, I no followed all external links in the blog and sent a reconsideration request the day I had the notice and it was revoked within a week. The rankings didn't seem to be effected by the manual action notice. I would welcome any help you can give me.

    | timmiewheeler

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