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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Hi So, on Linkedin, I can put my company website.  I've been trying to figure out if this is a nofollow, or do follow - or, not even really a link. Here's how it appears in my profile's source code Websites <a target="_blank" <strong="">href="/redir/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fmaxvape%2Ecom&urlhash=MtlQ&trk=ppro_website">Company Website</a> Is this even a "link"?  I'm guessing the way it is built, no it's not even a nofollow link. Secondly, does anyone know any good link-juice you can get form Linkedin. Thanks!

    | Ted_Cullen

  • I'm working on a set of social media metrics for a client, and thought of doing a follower score - sort of like a combined influence rating of all the user's followers. Has anyone done something like this before on Facebook or Twitter? Also, what would be an effective way of creating this score?

    | Ian_Parsons

  • Hello Mozers Is there a way I can copy or capture my circles from my personal Google+ account and copy and paste or send them to my business Google+ account? Do I have to reinvite from my business account and have them add or follow me again via my business account? Any strategies for transferring over circles would be much appreciated Thanks!

    | RosemaryB

  • Hola, So today we added 3 or 4 admins to our company FB page. Our company FB consists of a 'profile' and that 'profile' has create a FB 'page' for the business. All of a sudden, the profile (not the company 'page') started to get a new friends. We thought this was weird as we weren't using this for promotion, we were using the company FB page. Anyway, when we dug a little deeper, we found the profile had automatically sent friend requests to all of the admins' contacts (around 2,000 people!). When we checked the friend request page, we realised we can't cancel all the requests, they have to be done individually! Why would FB do this? It might not be so bad if it was actually inviting the admins' contacts to 'like' the business page, but it's just adding them to the main profile's friend list. The only solution we can find is to deactivate/delete the profile and keep the company page with all the admin attached. Any ideas on this one? It's very weird and now it just looks like our fleldgling business is spamming people! Cheers, Lewis

    | PeaSoupDigital

  • My FB page has a reach for 3000-5000 views. I promoted several posts and got 40 000-60 000 views per promoted post. An interesting thing that now when I post on my FB page I got 5000-8000 reach without promoting? Have you similar experience?

    | kitoks

  • I guess a lot of people have this problem... And it really sucks, especially when you generate your money from adsense. So I have the site that has a lot food recipes in Lithuanian. Mostly indexed pretty good by Google. But still a lot of older women come from facebook and click on ads. (woohoo for them). So far I have 50000+ fans. Third biggest food recipe community in Lithuania on facebook, all fans came themselves, never bought them, never cheated somehow.
    The biggest community don't get any reach at all - like 1 or 2 likes on every post. They got everything by cheating, sending spam and so on. OK who cares about them anyway? So the problem is that my reach started dropping. My posts reach only 2000-5000 fans and it is not enough for me. I tried to post time when I post and so on - does not really help. I make like 2-5 posts per day with new recipes or very very old recipes (like posts that were not posted for 2 years to remind that they exist). Sometimes I say post something and write "if you like chicken click Like" or if you like fish share with your friends. It helps a lot - people really click on those more and the reach increases. But if I would start asking for these likes every single time three or five times a day, it would look f*cking stupid. So  I need all your tips or links to great articles that would help me if that is possible. Thanks 😉

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • I can use to increase fb likes, shares, google +, twitter etc.

    | bondhoward

  • Can we use the same content (description) for FB, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ etc?

    | bondhoward

  • How google find, if google + likes were fake? Is there any negative effects of it? For example, I have 300 google accounts, can I manually make likes?

    | bondhoward

  • Kindly provide me the guide link for FB, Twitter, Pinterest and other important social media websites to learn how to promote website/blog on them

    | bondhoward

  • Hi On one of my projects FB fan pages ive been given option to create a CTA button such as 'Shop' 'Contact Us' 'Watch Video' etc etc However on another projects FB fan page i logged in to try and set up for too and not being given the option although has many thousands more fans than the page i had been offered it for !1 Does anyone know how new this option is and likely reason only being offered it for a low fan number page and not pages with high fan numbers ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Are there any tools out there or any other means that use FB newsfeeds or any FB data to help discover keywords? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • So mozzers, you think we will get the truth on why facebook and Instagram went down once they get it back up? so far their outrage has been almost an hour.... your pal, chenzo

    | Chenzo

  • A client wants to include social media icons in their footer. Instead of linking to facebook, Google+, etc they would like to link to a page with social feeds from their networks. Are there any SEO implications to doing this?

    | CompucastWeb

  • Hi Iv verified my Google+ page and linked it to my website but still do no receive the box on the right hand side for brand search terms. is there anything else i can do to get this?

    | TheZenAgency

  • My client is a recruitment company and they've recently added "Apply with LinkedIn" buttons on their site for candidates. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the effects of adding this to SEO? I suspect it will have little impact, but thought I should research anyway. After a lot of searching, I can't find much on this topic with specific reference to this button. I've read LinkedIn are phasing this out too. Can anyone offer any insight into adding this button? Thank you in advance. Paul.

    | MDY200

  • Hello, A couple of competitors that I keep an eye on over the last couple of months have been really going for the Google + links and according to Opensite explorer they have over 200 social page metrics for Google +. I was just wondering if there has been an update that I have missed that gives follow links for Google + or does Google + affect Domain authority? And if so can I just use my own Google + account to create these social page metrics or does it depend on someone else sharing my posts? Many thanks

    | mblsolutions

  • Hi my site is a brand new site - only 2 months old and since Autism is a fairly competitive niche, id do not get more than 30 impression and 4-5 clicks for my 40+ pages on Google. However, recently I have become very active in the social platforms, so over the last week I am getting 200+ pageviews just from Facebook and Twitter, that not bad., I have recently created a post 21 apps for Autism Suddenly this post is generating a lot of interest and in the last 4 days I have received as many as 700+ likes (purely editorially) and it is growing in terms of 100s per day. How I acquired them? Well, firstly I believe it is a very good post. Secondly, I selected one of the Apps in the list as 5 star and editor's choice! Then twitted and Fb mentioned to that company on Twitter and Facebook. They returned the favour by re-tweeting and since they have tens of thousands of followers, my page immediately got traction. My question is this: Do I need to worry about Google turning a suspicious eye on me for being a new site getting too many social signals in too short time? Should I pull out the Like buttons for a while from my site to slow things down?? I am new to web development and not fully sure how Google would recognize social spam.

    | DealWithAutism

  • We are switching to a new blog platform. Will a 301 permanent redirect of our blog URL affect our established social proof numbers from an SEO perspective? Will Google still have those social proof numbers (Facebook shares/likes, Tweets, etc. for the blog as a whole and for each individual blog post) and rank us higher or will all of those all disappear?

    | TVape

  • Two years ago we were not doing very well so we employed a consultant from the USA who drilled right down into our site and advised us on many things which would improve our website. We worked with this lady for 18 months. One of the main changes that we made was to change how our url looked. For example instead of the following usrls: we changed to:   the 1234 being the product With all of the advice this lady gave us which included content, keyword research, social media, back links. In the last year we have seen our keywords indexed in Semrush for the UK rise from 200 to 1,000 as of today. Our sales are well up and I am very pleased. We at the time of employing this lady started another site in a slightly different field but stopped working on it to make sure our main site would get the attention it deserved. We now have time to work on our new site which has had work done to it. The problem I have is that I asked our web developers to change the structure so that the urls would look the same as our exisiting site for products. (it does not have to be a number we could have the name of a product) They have informed me that this is anti SEO which is hard for me to understand as we have done so well with our current site. Can anyone advise as to which is the best route to go down? Thank you in advance.

    | Palmbourne

  • I'm aware that Google have addressed this before and specifically said that social signals are not a ranking factor: However I came across this (admittedly great) infographic from Neil Patel, an SEO I have a lot of respect for: In the post he specifically states that "both Google and Bing use data from social sites in order to determine how high to rank your website." I have always understood that social signals help drive links by spreading your content to a bigger audience, thereby getting your content in front of people who are likely to link. I also appreciate that content that is shareable is also likely to be linkworthy. However. Neil doesn't talk about correlation here, he talks about social signals as a ranking factor. Is he being misleading, or has the game changed since Matt Cutts said they don't use social signals?

    | CustardOnlineMarketing

  • Hi all, I have 3 questions bother me for weeks, thanks advance for any answers. We are an online langauge school, provide many content about learn Chinese , the site is 1.  Langauge issue. As you can see, It's a multiple language site, when a user first time visit the site, it redirects (302) the user to his own language. I have read many articles about this, most said 301 is good than 302. But 301 is a permanent redirect, so it can only implement on one language, right? For example, if we 301 redirect to for english speaking users, we have to use 302 redirect for other languages, ie, 302 redirect to for French speaking people.  Or in other words, we cannot use 301 to redirect home page to different language page, right? In my understanding, it will mess up google which language page the home page redirects to. 2. Link building.  Our editor created a lot content, but from Alexa we only see 85 links back, which means our content has few exposure. We want to get more links back especially for the English version, any advice? should we find a US company help us since we are in China not famliar with US? Any good company or guys good at link building/content exposure suggested? 3. Social sharing. We have around 300,000 followers on facebook, many content pages has hundreds of shares, for example, this page has 129 shares and 333 likes (I use Moz open site explorer tool), but if I check, only has 130 shares and 414 likes. So I think shares of a page won't be counted in the domain shares. This makes me thinking of 2 things:
    A. Will social shares of home page be more important than other pages? If so, we need share more of our home page. 
    B. Even if we have a lot page shares, I didn't see any google traffic changes (for at least half year), will it mean social page shares has very few influences to google seo? Many thanks!

    | mikecao

  • I sometimes take my original LinkedIn post and repost it to my blog. Since Google indexes LinkedIn posts, is there any need to worry about duplicate content issues? Or will Google recognize the common author/ownership?

    | CQMarketing

  • Hello Mooooooooooz fans ! Oye, does anyone recommend a tool that can easily create and integrate landing pages ? Tks a lot !

    | JoomGeek

  • I have a /blog/ section of the site that we would like to have separate demographic data for.  But I am unable to figure out the way to create it in a custom report.  Is there steps I need to include?

    | rumster

  • I have this page which used to get great feedback and interaction. As we have grown the interaction has dropped. Facebook has implemented their ridiculous policy of not sending content out as they should which is part of the issue. Anyways, I am looking for general feedback as to how I can boost this page's engagement. I am not going to pay to boost my posts to my already existing fans. So please provide other options.

    | Atomicx

  • Call me old fashioned, but I can’t understand the buzz about social networking, I really don't get it, who in their right mind spends their valuable time conversing with a bunch of narcissists, chattering about what’s on TV, funny pictures and bragging about what they’ve done or achieved, it all seems so phoney to me. My site is reasonably popular, I get a rough 50/50 split of my visitors from referrals and organic and an infinitesimally small amount of traffic from social – Oh yes I hear you say,” that’s because you haven’t fully embraced social networking.” But here’s the thing, my social traffic doesn’t come from me at all, it comes from followers of my own social network (forums and user of my software liking and sharing my products and content), who have kindly shared on my behalf. Now when I visit Analytics to study the data from social traffic I find that it gives a huge bounce, 100% from Facebook, 93% from Twitter and 79% from LinkedIn, when my average is just 39%. The same applies to time spend on each page, less than a minute for all of the social sites, when my average in close to 7 minutes. So ok, social networking for traffic is a complete no go, let’s look at it from the perspective of out reaching. How can I break into that?  I hate TV, I don’t find pictures of cats funny and I’m modest and humble, how can I possibly even begin to converse with these people? After using Twonk I got followed back by a good amount of users, but had to delete most because of the complete crap they were sharing, do I really want to know that someone ate lasgne for dinner, read about the top ten english railway stations, or what colour lego brick is someones favourite! Honestly I’m not trying to be funny with this post, and no offence to anyone here, but I just don’t get social networking, I’d love to but it seems a complete waste of my time and effort.

    | LeeC

  • Hi Im trying to implement a facebook conversion pixel on the back end of a Magento CMS. Im using version Im a little confused as i know this is meant to go on the checkout success page between the and tags however when i click on  the pages section under the CMS heading on the admin panel i cannot see this page. Does anyone have any experience of this and could possibly help me out? Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • Google used to offer a +1 button but that seems to have gone away in favor of the new google +1 button or the G+ buttons.  I am trying to determine which button I should add to pages on our site but since I am most importantly doing it for SEO impact, i want to make sure I add the correct button...if it matters.  Thanks

    | djmay

  • Thoughts on It seems to answer a few questions about controlling brand related social posts. See and for examples of usage.

    | kvander

  • We are looking for top engagers for one of our clients - anyone know of any good resources besides twitter analytics and followerwonk?

    | CGR-Creative

  • A Twitter hashtag #MufflerMan is trending worldwide and that too since last 8-10 days. How is it possible for a hashtag to rend for so long?

    | IM_Learner

  • Any idea why someone would put a sitewide non-clickable one pixel wide link within an iframe in the footer to a linkedin profile?  It has thrown me.

    | MickEdwards

  • I work Online Visibility/SEO for a marketing agency and we're looking for new ways to generate higher external links. We mostly do local B2B SEO - as well as our competitors. If anyone knows any great tips for social media, blogging, content, etc. send them over here!

    | CGR-Creative

  • Hi I've suggested a client add annotated links to the end of their YT vids to help get traffic from YT My clients video guy has suggested setting up a hidden redirect page so we can tell how many people come to the website from youtube I take it this is not necessary since traffic from YT will be easily identified by Google analytics anyway ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • So, social these days is hot. But is there anyone who can report some figure about a real, documented, analytically documented, success in using social for e-commerce? There's a lot of presentations like this one saying it's great, it's a big impact, etc... But how? And what about figures of sales, or traffic, or something you can measure... Which had a significant spike thanks to a social network attempt? I am asking because I tried myself to use facebook for e-commerce, and we tried a lot: like and share buttons on content (pointing to the url of the content) like and share button on homepage (linked to the fan page) regular (three times a day) content being published on fanpage, original quality content (guidelines on products, independent test), well crafted (copy including catchy questions), original images designed by a graphic designer following all facebook guideline (smiling people, plain background) facebook ad campaign to increase likes (target audience = fans of brands sold) facebook ad remarketing facebook integration on the website publishing (with user consent) product reviews, buying action, website reviews, on their wall/user-feed (all with dynamically generated images showing happy smiling faces, product bought and catchy phrase) After 6 months and around 15k euro spent the result is: above 10k likes on fanpage above 1k likes on content pages orders originated by fan page negligible (less than 10) orders originated by facebook ads negligible (less than 80 with a coverage of 2.5M users, declining through time with 75% of the orders in the first two months and less than 5 on the sixth month) orders originated by remarketing negligible (less than 10 with a coverage of 7k users) orders originated by customer reviews... so and so... 8 orders out of 300 customer reviews (coverage is unknown but 15 out of 300 would be a decent 2.5% CR even with just 300 users seeing the reviews) My conclusion is either we are really dumb at using social for e-commerce, or we wasted our time... Anyone had some experience to share?

    | max.favilli

  • Hello Expert, I want to check how many facebook pages do my competitor have created? Is there any way to check or tool available? Is there any way to check profile page of competitor from there facebook page? I am providing 4 services on my website so do i create seperate page for all services? or one common page for all 4 services? what type of name should i create for profile and business page?

    | bkmitesh

  • Hello! I have many troubles defining a clear Google + strategy. Let's say I have one brand, say "reallycoolbarcelona" (because Barcelona is really cool!), 1 google place in Barcelona, and many websites with local ccTLD to promote the brand in different countries:,,,, 1/ Now, how to handle that in Google+?
    ==> Shall I create one single page for all languages in Google+? (But then I cannot transfer Google Place to Google Local +?)
    Then I would put the rel publisher of this page on all my websites? ==> Or shall I create one Google + page per language?
    Then I would put the rel publisher of each language page on the corresponding website based on the language (french Google + page publisher on the french website only)? 2/ Now how did you manage to create a +SEOMoz page in Google+? By that, I mean a page with a clean url (that's so cool!) and not the scary url Thanks for enlighting my blurred mind about Google + multilingual strategies!

    | antoine.brunel

  • Does anyone know if active rain social network for realtors pass any link juice through the attached blogs features? They have both a free and paid service. Does anyone have any insight on this?

    | bronxpad

  • Hi I thought these could only be strictly brand name and as suggested by Google however i see a clients competitor has added an obvious target keyword to the end of their custom url Does this have any benefit ? Is it advisable to try achieve similar for my client or is it bad practice since contrary to G's guidelines ? If it is ok to do similar how do you edit your custom domain ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, I was looking for some ideas on Wordpress for social streaming. What I am looking for is to show my activity in the right sidebar of a blog.  I would like to capture this in an attractive way.   My site has a lot of pictures so visual is very important. Now having some some searching there are a thousand "share this" type plugins.  My need is different in that I want to show the activity of what I am sharing in: FB, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.  I found this plugin below that has several nice formats.  Since the column is 325 wide I can easily use one of the longer streaming looking options. Let me know if you have some other suggestions.  One thing I don't want to to is tank page load speed.  In this I could not elect to rotate.  Nonetheless, this is what I am hoping for so I would welcome your feedback. Thanks,

    | will2112

  • Hi I had set up a Twitter card via Yoast interface in clients Wordpress site but now want to change the summary copy. I have also had a look at Tiwtter dev zone and cant see any way of editing via that Does anyone know how to do this (edit the twitter card) since seems that once its set up via Yoast you cant edit it ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I did some testing with Facebook ads and resulting Facebook likes on target pages. And something is wrong! Just after creating the ad, before the ad was approved, I could get many likes on the target page without even seeing any traffic on server logs or google analytics. I documented my tests here. I repeated the tests 6 times, every time I could get tens of likes on the target page within seconds and without any approval of the ad. These pages have little traffic and there's no way these likes could have been natural! Everyone I reported was able to reproduce it, try yourself. A little update. I found others reporting un-expected Likes pouring... But at least they were "running" the ad, so externals to Facebook could have seen it and decided to Like it to later offer "liking" service as reported from this fellow. But in my case the ad was not approved... So... Who can see it beside me and Facebook?

    | max.favilli

  • Hello everyone, I found this merely by chance. I wanted to open linkedin on chrome and hasty as I am i just typed 'link'. Wanted google to understand and return linkedin as the first result so i could just click on it. This is what it returned. Google allows you to search directly on Linkedin from the results page. Its quite fascinating for me. I hope my knowledge isn't too outdated. R0mp9aO

    | MTalhaImtiaz

  • We have partners that promote our site via social media.  We're looking to leverage twitter to increase SEO rankings. Does it make a difference if we use a link straight to our domain, our domain with UTM codes, or a url shortener?

    | draftster

  • Changed the order of Tabs, however, that lineup change is not reflected on mobile app. Any ideas?

    | csbishop

  • Hey So I've been doing some research and it looks like theres a "human authority" and a "Page authority". I dont know if it is still relevant or if it has all changed because of Panda.  Does social media still hold any SEO value? Do social media platforms like Pinterest and Youtube and twitter drive any valuable Anchor texts to your domain boostin your domain's authority or the page that it is linking to's authority?

    | rpaiva

  • My client has a Facebook profile and a Twitter account that they have abandoned. These pages also have old branding and we would like to redirect these pages in some way to the current Facebook and Twitter accounts. I did find this article but it's 3 years old and not sure this is works: What's the best way to do this?

    | RosemaryB

  • When trying to link a Google plus profile an error message flashes and the "track this profile" keeps loading and doesn't progress. Does anyone have any idea of how to overcome this?

    | francoismuscat

  • The page in question has been there for about 5 years and has about 80 followers. It is for a business that sells steel plate (B2B) and everything is totally compliant with Facebook T&C as far as I can tell. It's been unpublished with the statement "Your Page has been unpublished and it cannot be published again." We did an appeal about 6 weeks ago and heard absolutely nothing.... Generally we got no likes, no comments and reached about 20 people with each post. So I am lost as to why we were banned and lost as to what we do next It's fine if they want to unpublish - it's their site - what's frustrating is the arbitrariness, the lack of information as to why it was banned and lack of communication. It's fine if it's a spam site (except if you are a spammer) but I'm selling boring steel plates..... pwqkaz1xzkx7myx2ncwn

    | Zippy-Bungle

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