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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Can you filter social referrals in Google Analytics to better determine which Facebook Page is driving traffic to your website?

    | TowerMarketing

  • Hi everyone, Question regarding Google+ and youTube - 2 things I'm not massively au fait with these days. We have a number of branches all of whom have a Google+ account (with GoogleMyBusiness).
    All of these branches will soon be setup with a Communications Manager login only (for GoogleMyBusiness) as we need to restrict them from changing branch details. The powers that be in my company, have decided that we need to have 2 youtube channels for each branch.
    One for news and the other for advertising properties. Having researched this, we understand that if we setup a new youTube channel, that will create another Google+ page - which we don't want, and could cause no end of trouble with duplicate Google+ pages. We are obviously going to try and persuade management to use only one youTube channel per branch, but in the event of being overridden does anyone have any advice on how to achieve 1 Google+ page with 2 youTube channels?

    | LoonyToons

  • Do you guys think that if we are not going to be able to maintain a Google Plus page, from a SEO standpoint is it better to keep or delete the page? Also, do you guys think there's still SEO value to having a Google Plus page in general? Is it worth it? Thanks! MS

    | MargaritaS

  • Hi guys, I just saw this rel="me" attribute and I can't find any reputable recent (within last year) information. I never heard of this and wonder if it's any beneficial in any way. At the same time, should I use nofollow or follow on links from website to social accounts? I've heard different opinions but, again, no recent relevant and trustworthy information. Please, kick me into right direction. However, when kicking, please give me some proof, rather than thoughts 🙂 Thanks!

    | DmitriiK

  • Hello, We've got a problem with one of our sites. Our main writer is too advanced for the mainstream SERPs. She is a genius at what she does and really writes beyond where the mainstream looks. Way beyond. I can't even ask her to dumb down, it doesn't make sense. I don't think we're going to hit any of the main (mainstream) keywords with this site because of it, which is fine, but what advice do you have to making money off ads with content like that? There doesn't even really exist keywords for her articles. It's hard to explain. The traffic will be small because the audience is large enough if we got the whole thing but small compared with mainstream. I think mainly experts will understand her. The area of writing is conspiracy, fringe, ancient knowledge, progressive science, healing, consciousness, spirituality. I guess I'm wondering what you guys would do. It would be great if this site could make a good income. She's been studying the topic nonstop for fifteen years. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Recently, I spent some time in the SEO MOZ Crawl Diagnostics, and found that I have 40 pages that are being listed as “duplicate content.” These are original blog posts, but I made the mistake of sharing on social media immediately after publishing each post.  I recently found out that if you post on a blog and on social on the same day, Google indexes the social first, and then up to 2 weeks later indexes the actual blog post. When it does, it stamps the blog post as duplicate and the social media posting as the original. Any ideas on how I can rectify this? Any code I can put in each blog post to let Google know they’re the original?  I’ve begun publicizing my blogs on social 14 days after I actually publish them to alleviate the issue going forward, but I’d like my 40 other blog posts to get the authority they deserve.

    | Jake2015

  • Hi All, My thoughts on the best way to do this would be to create a video of a subdivision but walking through it, and speaking on the high points of the subdivision, maybe in a condo subdivision where the floor plans are very similar, I would take a tour of the floor plan (probably needs to be a separate video wouldn't you think?). Does google pick up on my voice and can tell what I am saying? So if I were to speak a good bit on the subdivision and what it entails, it's amenities, etc, Google would know it's a relevant video? Any other tips besides a good description and a good title? I know I'm writing for people and conversions and not for SEO. I get that. Thank you and any help would be appreciated!

    | Veebs

  • Hi All, Not been on the forums for a while and this isn't really an SEO question. How do you feel about Twitter feeds that constantly regurgitate the same content. It's pretty much industry standard on most pages but if the content is yours, no affiliates or other people are involved - is it really necessary to plug the same 500 word blog post over and over? Personally, I don't like it. I think it looks spammy and unprofessional and in all honesty, I unfollow pages regularly because of it.. What do you guys think? Am I squandering content by not regurgitating? Happy Monday all - Jamie

    | SanjidaKazi

  • Hi Mozzers, I have a couple of questions regarding starting out into social media with an e-commerce website. Most of my experience lies in niche content where a social media following is more natural. Having completed most of the site audit (at least the planning). Its time to begin planning the next move into writing articles on the blog and heading out into social media to facilitate link building whilst i finish off creating the last of the updated website content. I have plenty of subjects I can think to write about and many keywords to target with articles on the website. But I could do with some advice linking this into social media. We have youtube, google+, facebook and twitter accounts but all of them are inactive bar profile information and have almost no following. We sell technical measurement equipment across a selection of niches. My plan is as follows so far, 1. Write 5-10 amazing new articles across the selection of products
    2. Link to them all on each social media platform to begin populating each with content
    3. Populate the website homepage with links to all our social media accounts to encourage following
    3b. Include adverts stating discount codes etc can be obtained by following us on social media a little unsure where to progress from this point, I have no budget available at the moment, but may be able to obtain some if I can achieve some results without. As always thanks for your time.

    | ATP

  • Depending on what market you're in LinkedIn seems to be extremely powerful, does anyone have any experience of marketing using LinkedIn as a platform? All suggestions and tips welcome...

    | seoman10

  • Hi everyone, I'm currently writing my first blog post for my new business, and initially it was intended to be written for my website and then have it shared as a link via Social Media. However, I notice now that LinkedIn allow you to post self written articles to it's website directly and that these are then linked to your profile. My question is if I write my blog post as intended, and then publish it separately to LinkedIn, will search engines see this and think I am duplicating content? If so, roughly how much of the content would I have to change in order to avoid this? Thanks!

    | mickburkesnr

  • Hi, how could I optimize Facebook page for SEO? how can I get a title like this: Brand | Facebook in the Search Result pages?

    | AbacoDigital

  • Hi there I have a year old domain and still have 1PA and 1DA how can i get moztrust on my domain and how to get backlinks. please advice. thanks.

    | GarySahota

  • If favorited a tweet of someone I don't know very well and received a response within a few minutes of the tweet asking "where have you been and what are you up to".  Seems general enough to be automated and not specific enough for me to think it was personally sent by the user. Thank you.

    | EmSt

  • Thanks for all you guys do I am writing because I am trying to build a company's SEO link profile with links that have super high, and super stable Domain and Page Authorities (as well as solid Trust and Citation flows). I do this organically and even build my own sites using moz strategies - BUT, I am in need of your best advice:  What are some links you can "buy" (as a result of using services from) that are strong and dofollow? Is Constant Contact good? Is Best of the Web good? tweetangels smart? I have seen several businesses with constant contact links (very high domain authority) on their profiles and as the head of business development for a mid-sized marketing firm, I want to see if constant contact, botweb, etc. are smart sources to put my clients on for the sake of the seo profile links - I am looking for strong, long-term perma-bumps for my companies and don't want to miss out on low-hanging fruit (that won't poison me in the end). Can you speak to that please? Do you guys have a list of directory links or 'whatever' links that are "get-able" by a regular guy like me that are not simply 2.0 nofollow? Thank you Ben

    | creativeguy

  • Hi fellow SEO-ers! One of the sites I'm responsible for uses a Twitter or Facebook feed on most of their pages, next to their unique content. As the tweets (twits?) and comments in some of these feeds are old, they still refer to the old Twitter and Facebook-domains using http (instead of https). These links are all automatically 301-redirected, but still make up ca. 9% of the links on the site. Do you think that this affects SEO? I doubt it, because I suppose that Google has seen this many times and understands that these links are still pointing to the same content. Although my client is prepared to write a script to auto-update all these links, I think it won't make a difference. What do you think? Thanks for your feedback!

    | corusent

  • I'm not a developer and it's been about 5 years since I helped a client synchronize their wordpress blog posts with their FB page.  I remember it being much simpler to do this in the past.  However recently I'm noticing that all of the WP auto post applications require a Facebook application to get the synchronization to function properly.
    Is there any WP plugin available that does not require this?   Something that just requires FB keys?

    | RosemaryB

  • I share links to my blog on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and Instagram. However, my links on social media sites are NoFollow Links. Do No Follow links help my Search Ranking or is it a waste of time to share my content on Social Media? Ytellsocial

    | Ytellsocial

  • Currently only Facebook and Twitter can be tracked.  My business focuses on B2B and I focus heavily on LinkedIN and would like to track activity from LinkedIN.  Any plans?

    | Marketing-Maven

  • If managing a number of client's Instagram accounts, it seems using an app on a desktop might be more efficient than continually logging in and out of Instagram on a smartphone. Can anyone suggest though suitable apps that actually enable this to be done effectively for multiple clients? Ideally managing all on the one platform without having to sign in and out would be ideal. Also a free app would obviously be preferred to paid, but open to both.

    | Gavo

  • Hi There!, There is a confusion with 'Publisher' meta tag. Instead of using 'Google+ page' we have used Google profile pages in meta 'publisher' tag on most of pages. Currently they all are indexed. Also, in 'Author' meta tag same Google Profile page is linked. E.g. - on page - , following are the publisher and author tags: <a href="" rel="<a class="attribute-value">publisher</a>">a> <a href="" rel="<a class="attribute-value">author</a>"> So I am not sure how much it would effect SEO rankings. Please suggest what would the best way to update it? Further, site has its Google+ page: [ ] so it should be updated in 'publisher' tag or we should create a new Google+ page using existing Author Google+ profile. Rajiv

    | gamesecure

  • We are concerned that social traffic could hurt our SEO. What do you think... Our average time on site from organic search traffic is 7 minutes. Facebook traffic has an average time on site of 1 minute. Both traffic sources are going to different pages. If we generate 3 times as much traffic from Facebook as we do from google this will pull down our overall average time on site and engagement levels big time. Should we put our blog on the core domain or a subdomain? Right now we are holding back on promoting on facebook because we are concerned it could hurt our SEO, what do you think? Should we try to get as much traffic as possible from Facebook even though the engagement is much lower? Should we put our blog which is generating the low engagement traffic from facebook on the core domain or a subdomain?

    | rvshare

  • Do you integrate Social backlinks into your SEO? If so please describe how you use Social backlinks in your SEO.

    | Green.landon

  • Hi Everyone, i recently ran a non-personalized search and saw that this facebook page ranked very highly for both "personal injury attorney" and "tampa personal injury attorney." The page has very few likes, and they don't even post that often. From my limited  knowledge, that leaves me guessing it's because its a quasi-exact match facebook page, but that can't be right...can it? (Ranking screenshot is attached) Thanks, Ruben GO4N11x

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, Few months ago I have created a minisite for a particular product category for the online store with a different domain name. The idea was  to focus this minisite on  selling personalized usb memories  and to have a different design, functionality and content that the main one (the site is What I have done here is to link on my site the Social Markers of Facebook and LinkedIn of the parent site,  as we are not planning to open and maintain an account for those social networks, and we are already maintaining the ones for the parent site. I would like to know if the SEO Positioning of my minisite can benefit from the links of the Social Networks of the parent site or whether it makes not really an impact in SEO positioning unless I create and maintain new social network accounts for the different minisites that I create with different domain names. I look forward for your response. Best regards, Oriol .

    | oriolbandalux

  • after using onblywire for 6 month and not getting the desire ranking report, I wonder if I'm hurting my self by using this program that might be black listed by Google?

    | seoandwebdesign

  • Possibly a contrivercial topic as it depends on the business industry and other factors. Although when we have created targeted ads, say for example British people who live in London, aged between 30-55 as our 'targeted audience', set the ads live and we get nothing but fake followers and people from eastern countries. It seems to me as a complete waste of money.

    | Jseddon92

  • Hi, Our business spans across many countries and in order to maintain brand consistency, we were contemplating to create regional fan pages on Facebook. The structure would be like parent-child relation i.e. one main page and other regional pages. Is it possible? We searched for it but could't find something concrete except that in 2012 Facebook was testing similar concept. Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hello there, Our company has a Google + business page: We are trying to change the URL to something more friendly such as (Wallpapered being the name of our company) Can you please advise if we have set something up incorrectly? Thanks

    | roberthseo

  • Hi there, hoping for some help. I have a hunch but I can't be sure. Whenever I go to publish a link on social media, I no longer see previews with the featured image or relevant meta. We have changed servers lately so I think maybe somethign has gone wrong with OpenGraph? Happens on Facebook and LinkedIn.

    | Whittie

  • I just got back from a conference in Florida and since being back am seeing many of those industry friends showing up in my Facebook feed with much more regularity than usual - is Facebook using proximity between devices in delivering who shows up in the news feed?

    | Leithmarketing

  • Hello, We are a niche eCommerce company with a limited budget but time on our hands to make changes and start projects. For our main keyword we rank 10th. It is a small to medium sized niche. Without knowing the details, I'm looking at the top 5 things I can do for Rankings and Traffic considering on-site, off-site, keeping in mind google updates. Also, what's the best or your favorite Ecommerce ranking/traffic articles? Thanks! Bob

    | BobGW

  • I have a website, for that i have created a Brand page on Google plus. So please tell me that: Is brand page need any verification like Google my business page or not..?? And if Yes then what will be steps to get verified..?

    | 1akal

  • Curious: do you all tag your social media links with Google Analytics parameters? I know Google Analytics automatically tags referrals from social channels, but I am interested in possibly adding additional tracking parameters to links that I share and potentially promote. If I tag my social links with GA tracking codes, and they are shared widely, do I lose any potential SEO value from those links?  I know Google isn't necessarily factoring in social shares from Facebook, etc. yet, but it would seem that, since tagged links are ones that we've influenced, any shares of that link would potentially be considered unnatural? Just curious what others' best practices are for social sharing.  Thanks, in advance.

    | kylie_rw

  • We are currently using an excel spreadsheet that is a homemade checklist of all of the various places we want to post. We take one topic, and we make various formats (video, promotional image, blog article, press release) and we list all of the posts we want to make in all of the channels (Twitter, LinkedIn, FB, instagram, pinterest, etc.). Is there any articles that describe a more streamlined way to do this? We have tried basecamp but looking for other options. We have a small team of about 5 people that collaborate to design, write, and post the content. I was looking for an article that describes the workflow that might simplify the communication and execution of this process. Thanks!

    | larahill

  • Hi, I have too many question that I need answer to understand Google ranking system. I have been analyzing different website in different niche, but puzzling to understand how Google rank actually. Some websites have good number of backlinks with good SEO metrics, but some low SEO profiled websiites outrank good sites. I am here with my first question. I am working for one client website who sell sex toys online. So we are optimizing keywords like sex toys, buy sex toys, sex shop, sex toy store and too many keywords to rank on My client website is We have some competitors that I want to mention below: 1. PinkCherry: This is one of our big competitor. They have 2 domain one is for US and one is for Canada. Both websites ranking well for different keywords. Basically .ca domain is more successful than .com domain. But I am surprise why Google consider the websites for rank. If you see, both websites are identical, that means both website have same product, same category structure, and the most important all products description are duplicate on each domain. On google webmaster guideline, google mention that if 2 domain have identical content, then Google ignore the duplicate one in ranking. But still both websites ranking for different search term. I compare the SEO metrics of our domain and their .ca domain, there is not big difference. Our websites also have good number of links, good PA/DA, even more good number of social sharing than them. But our rankings are not even comparable with them. They are ranking within 20-30th on Google for different product category keywords, but not our. 2. Hushcanada: This is another website ranking well, but I a surprise how? This website is ranking on very high competitive keyword with very fewer number of backlinks. Their PA/DA, number of backlinks, social sharing all metrics are very few. Their business also established recently that is 2013, which I found through, whereas our client business has been running since 2003-2004. As a Ecommerce business website their homepage is not showing any product , their catalog can be found under "shop online" page only. There are even some more websites ranking well with very low SEO metrics in this niche. If Google is not looking for these SEO staff, then what other staff Google looks to rank website? Hope I will get some favorable answer of my question.

    | moonheart

  • Hey Guys, we are facing a problem in our with Facebook shares. Seems like because we choose to set our preferred canonical version urls to end with a trailing slash ( / ), like this one e.g.:الوجهات/إسبانيا/ Facebook adds automatically another ( / ) when trying to read the url on first share before its ever indexed in FB. Which makes Facebook think its a bad request! cause then the URL has two // at the end of it. hope this was clear. anyway, so first question: did anybody face this issue before? any solutions? Second, and might be more important: I might be forced to face the option of changing the canonical tags to be a url without a ( / ) if I will have to do this I will enforce a redirect on every url request with an ending trailing slash ( / ) to be redirected to the new canonical version without. will this be enough? how big am I supposed to suffer here? am I facing a long time with double indexed urls? wonder if anybody faced this problem before! Best Regards

    | Muhammad_Jabali

  • I guest write for some blogs, as well as several blogs I manage myself. What is the correct usage of the "Contributor to" field and the "Links" field? Contributor to: The overall blog itself and; Links: To individual blog posts themselves? Or the reverse? Thank you!

    | booboo22

  • Every few months I clean out my Twitter account to cut the noise and refocus on SEO. Please help me by leaving feedback for your top five SEO related Twitter accounts to follow!

    | RLG

  • Hi, I am new to social, so the question might be a bit beginner. If I put a like / share / recommend button on my site, or maybe a comment box, how can I reach audiences at a later time, who have interacted with my plugins (liked/shared/commented)? Paid ads would be one solution, but for now I am interested in organic (free) targeting. So if people who share my content do not become fans at the same time, how can I engage them in new updates about my page? Thanks for thoughts.

    | Valdo2222

  • Hello guys, Look i have here a stupid problem: 
    somehow i lost likes from facebook, i don't know how. And that is between 27 January till 23 February. You can see here a open site explorer check : check it here . And today (23 February) i have only 1 (witch is mine) please check picture here: check it here . Can somebody tell how i can lose likes ? :))) you can check it live here: i just put a bar in idea of Hello bar :)) With respect,

    | Shanaki

  • Hi, Our Facebook account has 94,382 likes but Moz said that we have a total of 520 likes on Facebook. Could you let me know why Moz is not displaying all of them? Many thanks Antonio

    | One2OneDigital

  • Hey Moz folks, I would like your input on this matter: Twitter recently made a new agreement with Google regarding the SEO & their Tweets. At the moment I have 12 different websites across 12 different markets and I`d like to know how could I use Twitter for all markets, so I can get the most out of the new deal between Twitter and Google SEO wise. If I create 12 different accounts for all my 12 websites and create tweets for all of them, it would really be a very time consuming process, but on the other hand if I only use 1 account how can I target multiple websites ? Let me know what do you think. Thanks, Andrei

    | kiraftw

  • Hi How do you test successful G+ company page/publisher integration/verification if using the less technical methods such as linking between the Home page and the G+ company page instead of adding code to the head section? Since i  take it the google structured data testing tool cant work in these cases since no code on the head section ! Is it best to add the code anyway ? I note my clients still not achieving a knowledge graph card/section in the search results for a branded search but i have heard that doesnt come until you have at least hundreds of followers and/or G+ interactions. All Best

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi How do you test successful G+ company page/publisher integration/verification if using the less technical methods such as linking between the Home page and the G+ company page instead of adding code to the head section? Since i  take it the google structured data testing tool cant work in these cases since no code on the head section ! Is it best to add the code anyway ? I note my clients still not achieving a knowledge graph card/section in the search results for a branded search but i have heard that doesnt come until you have at least hundreds of followers and/or G+ interactions. All Best

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Case- company Facebook page has more than 10K users and almost 50% are spam. When this happens, edge rank of the page is badly affected (because spam users are not interested in your shared content so they hide you/remove you from feed and of course never engage). Not to mention Facebook released an update end of 2014 where page will have less visibility anyway compared to user updates. Overall the Page updates get very less exposure / impressions Now only solution is to remove this huge no of spam users one by one or by an API. Question - Does removing the spam users regain the authority of the page ? Does that solve the overall issue ? What are the other solution to fix the situation ? Thanks.

    | Personnel_Concept

  • Hi Guys.  I work for TOAD diaries, we make personalised journals and diaries. So we've taken a dive into blogging recently to help with brand awareness/ loyalty and increase traffic to our site.  We don't have much of a social media following.  So I'd like to know about other effective ways to promote them. The advice seems to range from extremely obvious and generic on the one hand i.e) post it to your Facebook, twitter etc, to seriously in depth, using a multitude of tools I've never heard of.  I mean it's pretty overwhelming 😕 So I'd like to focus down on 5 or 10 ways I can 'get it out there' effectively. Any thoughts?  What are the essential tools/ techniques/ jobs I should be doing?  Etc etc. Note on our blogs: They are very different from one another, so far we've done how to make an origami boat and paper vs digital: part 1.  We're also working on a time management piece at the moment.  So they're all to do with paper, stationery, organisation, planning ect. But like I say each blog post is quite varied.  Thus the target market varies too. Also, do let me know what you think to the blog posts 🙂 Any area's we can improve upon? Cheers guys. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • My wife and I are struggling to promote her sales of Fine art wildlife art and nature paintings; both originals and fine art prints.We have had a website for over 10 years; with virtually no traffic, and only an occasional sale (averaging about one per year). How can we most effectively use the Twitter platform to generate leads and sales?

    | nomadjim

  • Hi guys, I am thinking about embedding a widget on my website that pulls social content from a number of networks. The script (javascript) creates and iFrame and serves up social content which is embedded in an external page ie: Tweet --> embedded on --> embedded on via an iFrame. Questions: 1. Will this carry any SEO benefit? Will Google see this as "fresh + frequent" content?
    2. Will this carry any SEO penalties? Will Google see this as duplicate content? I hope thats enough info to get some feedback - let me know if I can provide any more.

    | NoorHammad

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