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Category: Social Media

Discuss the impact of growing social media presence and its relationship with other digital strategies.

  • Is there any way I can search on Google or use any tool to find my audiences who have shared my blog post on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn or anywhere else? If Moz provides this functionality then where can i find it. Also, How can i find the same information on competitors blog?

    | musigma

  • Hello all - is there a difference between link earning (from Rand's WBF post) and blogger outreach? Little confused 🙂

    | Seabrook

  • Assuming this article is accurate, I am glad this happened. I spent little time focusing on G+ because I truly felt there were better things to focus my time on. It was never well received by the public and SEO's (for the most part). I did not agree with its usability nor its philosophy. Its forced integration was annoying to say the least and I believe by forcing it down our throats, it turned many of us off. I hope that G+ will no longer have any impact on ranking in SERPs. I never dedicated much time to gaining more followers and I hope that was the right decision. What does everyone think about this?

    | jampaper

  • Howdy Mozzers! Say we're creating great content on our blog and would like this content to be seen and shared by as many people possible. Should we submit our blog posts manually to social book marking sites or use an automated service like Only Wire? The advantage of using automation is obvious, saves time on submission. Are there disadvantages? Is google bot going to raise an eyebrow and give us a dirty look? Cheers! MozAddict

    | MozAddict

  • Hi, I would like to know what is your experience about how to create content for Google+ in order to improve your SEO. I mean, tips like content length, opitmization, links, hashtags, and so on... What do you think? How would you integrate this strategy with the other ones (facebook, twitter, blogs, etc.) Thank you.

    | teconsite

  • In general search, I've noticed a handful of businesses who's facebook pages outrank their websites by a lot. Whenever I've looked into it, usually the FB pages have a bunch of spammy links, whereas the website (that isn't ranking well) doesn't. However, I am curious of two things: 1. Are FB pages like the ones I'm describing somewhat "immune" to penalties because their DA is so high? 2. Does this strategy end up hurting the business's website, if there's a link to it from the spammy FB page? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I am trying to increase the position of one of my deeper links (my trying to use twitter to up this page as a new strategy.  I have 18 on OSE for my twitter metrics but none on the deeper link (i havent tried yet for this). How do i actually get the a twitter metric score for this deeper link? Does the tweet have to be the actual target page URL? Or is it a twitter share button on the page? Confused how it works. Thanks, Chris

    | cjkimber

  • We just put added the little +1 button to all of our pages, and I'm curious if I should be trying to get +1's on all our pages, just the homepage or just the homepage and some of our most important pages? Also, is there any reason we should "slowly" add +1's, like google reviews? I'm sure we could get 100 - 200 of our g+ community to at least +1 the homepage if we asked and/or involved some sort of give-a-way, but I wouldn't want to get red flagged for that if it happened in a week. Granted, I'm not really sure how g+'s work in terms of SEO penalties or if there are any for things like that, but I want to double-check. Thanks for the help, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I have a personal Twitter account which is building up, but I also have a Twitter account for my holiday letting agency and until now I’ve always separated the subject of the tweets and links to my websites but I’m using Buffer which automates your tweets in advance and so I included some of the links to my business holiday letting agency articles on my personal account and people seem to like them and have shared them, but is there any risks to doing that regarding duplicate type of content? At the end of the day some the people on my personal Twitter will be interested in my agency tweets about holiday accommodation, I just want to do anything which could be termed spam.

    | persuaders

  • Has anyone else noticed profile pictures alongside LinkedIn profiles appearing in search, similar to websites with Google authorship enabled? I saw this happening briefly today across multiple verticals and the images seemed to be a bit larger than authorship images. It was also strange that this was happening for some profiles and not others (number of connections appeared to be irrelevant). I didn't get a chance to grab a screen cap before it was gone, but I thought this was interesting and hadn't seen it discussed anywhere else.

    | sandlappercreative

  • Hi guys, I have a friend who works in a large university where each faculty has their own Facebook page. The pages are rarely maintained and experience very poor levels of engagement. The university's main Facebook page has a very large following (195,000+ likes), but again, the engagement is very poor - on average each post gets about 20 likes, 2 comments and 1-2 shares if that. Now, my friend works in one of the faculties and doesn't happen to have a Facebook page (his particular faculty is concentrating their efforts on other areas of inbound marketing). However, the social media manager for the university is insisting my friend’s faculty create a page and contribute to a wider ‘campaign’ being undertaken at the uni - however my friend is not convinced (and neither am I) that the logic behind this campaign makes sense. Here's how the campaign has been described: 1. The main university page (with 195k likes) posts a generic image ('whats happening this week at the uni'), which asks people to ‘look in the comments’ to see what's happening among all the different faculties 2. The faculty pages all at once submit comments on the post about 'what's happening' in their area 3. The faculty pages 'like' the main image post, share it, and like the other comments left by faculties The social media manager says this campaign approach will ensure the main post gets into the feed of the 195k followers (and more) and increase the reach of the other faculties’ pages because of the high level of 'engagement' and 'aggregation' on the post. My friend and I feel this idea is flawed for a number of reasons: 1. Routinely it’s the same people and faculties engaging with the post - so the vast majority of the 195k won't be reached virally anyway 2. The 195k have demonstrated they aren't engaged, due to the poor prior performance of the page – it’s unlikely the posts even make it to their feeds organically 3. The image is generic (it is literally a picture of a building which says 'what’s on this week') and doesn’t entice people to take an action - you can't see the comments as they're collapsed in the feed, so unless users actually are compelled by the image to click into the comments the post is useless 4. The message isn't targeted - a number of random faculties provide comments to the post, so it's very possible what's offered by the faculties isn't relevant to the wider audience. Anyway, I'd really hope someone with a deep understanding of Facebook could help provide some clarity on this campaign proposal. It seems like a flawed methodology which advocates manufacturing engagement and an ineffective use of time and resource. Many thanks

    | cos2030

  • I'm looking to get hold of a really good social media share bar for a Wordpress website so that blog posts can be easily liked and shared. Any plugins to achieve this would be appreciated. Ideally, something like the floating social share bar that Social Media Examiner has would be great:

    | Gavo

  • I recently noticed that all the plus ones on our company Google+ page disappeared. Now there's only Followers and Views. Does anyone know what happens to the plus ones?


  • My page has 11,000 spammed page likes.  Only 250 are legitimate.  These spammers are leaving 1 star ratings.  Facebook is limiting the number of likes I can delete.  I can report some fake ratings as spam but, again, facebook is limiting what I see.  Any suggestions on how to proceed? Update: I found a work around for the negative ratings/reviews. I can change the category of my page to "other community" to remove the rating system from the page  That still leaves me with 11,000 illegitimate likes that are stealing away from my 250 legitimate fans from seeing our posts.  Should I start over?

    | jstallings

  • One of the reasons we are using Google+ is the email via gmail bias. Rand says the following about this mechanism: Gmail is another way to get this same sort of bias. You can see it in there if you're logged into your Gmail account, and you can see "Hey, I'm not following this person on Google+. Oh, we've exchanged emails, so they're showing me these results higher that they've +1'd." ​We just started using Google+ and are determining which email address to use for this functionality to work. Of course we need to use the email address which we use for customer contact, but it's not very obvious which one that is from a Google+ bias point of view: We are using Google Apps for email hosting. We log in with our '' email address, which no customer of ours will ever know about. And we send emails with this backoffice account on behalf of our email address, which is the email address we use for all our customer contact. Both of these email addresses are 'users' of this same Google Apps account. Emails sent to also appear in So we actually never login to, everything is being done in But for the outside world (our customers) it's all about Which account should we use for making our company Google+ Page? The 'backoffice' one, or I have been testing to find out which account offers the bias, but neither of them showed any sign of this. I hope somebody can help me out here. Wouter Olthof

    | Smeets-Graas

  • We are going through and adding Google schema to our posts. We did the preview and if looked fine, but didn't include the author image. Is it mandatory that the author has a Google Plus account to display their image?

    | KJ-Rodgers

  • Hi everybody, today i saw something in google when i searched "Blablacar", a company social to share places in cars. I saw, they are in google places, that is a correct way? What does google think about this? Thanks so much.

    | pompero99

  • Hi, i have a client who has by mistakenly deleted its G+ business page which is having good expousre on Google+. he got worried how to recover it . even i don't know how to do it. any help or discussion for the solution would be appreciated Thanks,

    | ShaunPhilips

  • I set up a web site to raise funds for my nephew( and social media randomly picks a picture on the share.  Unfortunately this picture is from happier times and sends a different message than we would like to prospective contributors.  Is there a way to set the picture that is used when this web site link is shared on social media?

    | Ron_McCabe

  • Hi to all, Ok so I was offered a custom url from Google Plus, greatly appreciated. Yet do you go ahead and add keywords when prompted? I mean if its your business page, and Google says you MUST add some sort of number or letter behind your custom url,  do you add some keywords? Like ford for example sake. Would it be smart to put So you add a couple of hyphens, and a few keywords? I understand the principle of shorter is better. But if your url is already like 15 characters, does a few more hurt? Or is it useless? Another example: Your Google page is tv repair man. Your Google offered url is But again it says you must add a number or letter etc. So do you add like your location? so tvrepairman-colorado or maybe no hyphen? Or go farther and go with tvrepairman-colorado-springs-co My point is, I am lost. It seems like for now its a one and done. You mess it up, your stuck with it for a while, and I cannot find any ideas online on how to work this. Maybe because its common sense, but just looking for some friendly and honest advice. Chris

    | asbchris

  • Yesterday I put a post with a photo on our company Facebook page Normally our reach on a post is 500-600 out of a list of 77,000 followers. However, since posting this one yesterday afternoon, our reach has hit almost 9,000! The only thing different with this post vs. any others we've done is that I put a text link for the company name back to the same Facebook page that the post was put on. I didn't intend to do this, it's just that when I started typing in our company name, Facebook suggested making it a link, so I thought, why not? I'm thinking somehow that made it appear in more people's timelines than usual. We posted it the same time in the day as every other post, and this was the only thing unique about it. Any thoughts?

    | GenesisToday

  • Hello guys,
    I have a client that ask for me to manage all his social activity.
    He have an eCommerce store from the fashion market.
    His website is in few languages. I wanted to ask what do you recommend.
    To open to every language a FB page or to open a main page with all the information's ? Any help is welcome

    | WayneRooney

  • would a spend of 500 be better on offsite SEO or social media campaigns via facebook twitter pinterest

    | GardenBeet

  • I am trying to set up a Google+ profile for a client with multiple locations. My design team came up with nice cover photos for each page, using the dimensions that Google recommends (a 16:9 ratio, max. 2120x1192), but parts of my cover photo keep getting cut off. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and do you know what size we should REALLY be using? Thanks!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • We're currently looking to do some reporting for Social Media. Anyone know the best place (possibly that's free) that can easily provide the following basic metrics for a social media campaign over a previous month period? FB likes FB comments FB shares Twitter retweets Twitter replies Google + (+1s) Google + comments Whether it covers these and/or other social media metrics, any good reporting tools out there that you know work really well would be appreciated. Thanks.

    | Gavo

  • Hello I have this twitter account about curiosities and there is another twitter account that copies every single tweet i do at the moment. It is no tweet i made than they do not copy, i think there is something doing it because i think they dont even read them. They just dont copy the tweets that as mentions or link. It seems so like a machine!!! And after all of that they have 1,5 millon followers by copying everything from me and i have 1 millón Should i report that? How are they doing it? Is there any mirror or something?

    | maestrosonrisas

  • I have a client company looking to make use of G+ The company has a high quality, decent traffic blog with articles written by 4 in-house team members. The company has a G+ company page and each of the 4 blog authors has their own G+ profile. None of the G+ authors have any interest in using their G+ profile for general social reasons - simply as a means for sharing content (and consuming content from others) within the scope of the business sector they are in. In order to take advantage of G+ authorship, we have now linked each user to their own G+ profile page (using Yoast WP plugin) and linked the website to the G+ company page. Rel=publisher also added for the company. In terms of best practice would you recommend sharing new blog posts to the individual's G+ profile page AND to the G+ company page or just do one or the other? As a final twist the company also has a G+ Local page which is primarily used for local search/map entry (the company is online but has a physical office address). Should articles also be posted to the G+ Local page?

    | bjalc2011

  • We tag our links in social media posts with the source (i.e. Facebook), medium (Post) and campaign (i.e. kids funny sayings). We often see in our Campaigns report that the number of visits generated by a Facebook post exceeds the number of pageviews for that linked to page in the Pages report Has anyone else had this experience and why does it happen? Or am I missing something really obvious or doing something wrong in which case, please please enlighten me!

    | harrietsand

  • Hello is better comparing active twitters account the one that has more followers or the one that has more social authority and why an account with more followers 900 has 68 authority and another with 700 has 80 authority thanks

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Our corporate blog is currently online in four different languages (English, Dutch, German and French): For these different blogging domains we have one single Google+ page on which we share the blogs' content in different languages. Would it be better to make four separate Google+ pages (per blogging domain)? What would be the advantages/disadvantages? Also, each article is posted in four different languages. But the author stays the same for all different languages. So one author always posts content in English, Dutch, German and French. Could Google consider this as spam?

    | jef2220

  • Has anyone used Ninjapinner?  I'm interested in automating my Pinterest efforts a little, and have seen this tool mentioned.  Interested in using it to (carefully) autofollow accounts. TIA!

    | Coraltoes77

  • We're considering running a promotion to donate some cash to a charity for every new follower we gain during our user conference.  Could this be considered buying followers, which could put our account at risk for closure?

    | jcommerce

  • We would love for some feedback as we're facing an internal dilemma on how to utilize twitter for our business. We are launcing a new travel site that will connect travellers based on their activities and also serve as a booking platform. One part of our marketing team suggests we make two seperate twitter accounts; one 'formal' that follows a structured guideline in posting relevant material and one for the Social Media manager to reply to people as site official. The other part suggests we reply and interact using the 'formal' account; no second twitter account needed for interacting. What would you suggest?

    | Ilias__G

  • Hi everyone, I know this seems like a really dumb question and I am pretty sure I know the answer but I am interested in hearing the communities opinion on the following issue. I have 2 gmail accounts. One for work and a personal one Work gmail account - It is ugly. Something like this (Don't ask...long story). Obviously I have it connected to my work email that looks like I created my G+ personal profile with my work gmail  ( and I use the free version of gmail. I have also created my company G+ profile from my work gmail account. My personal gmail account has an empty G+ profile. Don't use G+ except for work. Lately I have been publishing a lot and I am starting to get lots of followers on G+. My suspicion is that Google really does not want people with 2 accounts. Should I be using my personal Gmail account and delete my work gmail account? I need to move my company page to my personal gmail account. I really don't want people to see my ugly work gmail account. It is ugly 🙂 Thanks Carla

    | Carla_Dawson

  • Any suggestions which is the best social sharing platform? Just looking at the best way to connect G+, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedlin. Thanks Gary

    | GaryVictory

  • There is a competitor in my sites industry, and per various tools like opensitexplorer, quicksprout, and searchmetrics, they have an evenly amount of massive (100k+ per page) facebook social signals (likes, shares, comments) to around 25-50 of their top pages on their site. They have no social media presence in terms of a fan page, and they rank on the first page for almost every single keyword that is niche related. How could it be possible to naturally have the same number of facebook social signals to all of your top pages? What have they done to even accomplish this, and is it only a matter of time before Google recognizes the black hat tactics they've put in place to manipulate the search engines?


  • I'm trying to rank one of my client's Facebook link on Google. It was on page 3, few months back but now It is no where. I'm properly updating Facebook page, i also tried to make it good for SEO but still suffering and It is no where on Google. Page link is: Looking for suggestions.

    | wasimashraf30

  • I have been working with a UK based printing company for a while now. We have had some good success, ranking well for most of our target phrases. One thing we do is to offer select Graphic Designers and Illustrators free business cards. Last year we approached a load of Designers and Illustrators (sourced via followerwonk) and printed cards for them, but we have run out of suitable candidates. One particular problem is that if the designers don’t need cards at that moment in time, the offer is forgotten about. Any Ideas how we can give the offer a lift? Let me know your thoughts. Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • I have a client whose FB page has a 5 star rating (apparently from 5 reviews) but I have no clue from where they are aggregated? I tried Google-ing for answers with no luck! Any idea? This is the page I am referring to...

    | RickyShockley

  • The other day we updated an old blog post,, and while it uploaded fine to g+ and the page is live, for some reason, FB says it can't find it. This has never happened to me before, so I don't know what to do? I tried posting other links to FB from our site, and they all worked, so I know it's not a problem with our site. Then, I tried posting the link using other FB accounts, but they did't work. So I know it's not our FB page. I did do one thing that may have caused this problem, but not sure. After I updated this post, I scheduled it to post thinking it would do it immediately. I went to post the link on FB, before it was scheduled to publish in WP, and that's when I noticed it wasn't finding it. I went back to WP, and changed the schedule time. Once I did that, the page was live, but I can't get FB to recognize the page. It's like FB needs to clear its cache or something. Any ideas? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi, I was wondering if we should be taking our blog posts and also putting them on social sites as well such as G+ and FB? If so, does content need to change to avoid a duplicate issue and if so is there a "rule" of sorts in terms of how much to change the content up? I was just wondering since we are already taking the time to put together these "stories" on our blog if our other channels would benefit as well?

    | BabyBeauBelle

  • Hi there Mozzers, Unfortunately I used a black hat seo company for my website at in the past. Over the last while I've been able to clean up quite a few of the bad links going to the site, but the company also engaged in buying fake Facebook likes and Tweets. Is there any way to clean these up? Guy

    | guypelletier

  • hi,
    in my business Facebook page I have my website address. I want to track how many people arriving through this URL address to my site. I want to use URL builder but the final URL is too long and not pretty. I thought about using but I need that the address on my page will contain the name of my brand. any ideas hot to shorten the URL address and still be able to track the data? thank you all.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • I'm under the impression that when working with WP, it's best to embed videos from youtube rather upload your own video. However, I really don't like the video previews that come at the end of video if it's embedded from you tube. Is there a way to "turn that off" so the video just ends without previewing all the other videos? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I am having trouble targeting to people who like specific pages. Some pages with only 13K likes will show in the 'interests' section, but others with 50K will not show. Using auto complete to find what is available: is this the only way to find the pages to advertise to? Another example, I can target the people who liked Moz, because autocompletes. But SEObook does not, so I can't advertise to the people who liked this page. How can I target people who like pages specifically, no matter how many likes they have? Thank you, Tyler

    | tylerfraser

  • Our company is an eCommerce site for aftermarket automotive accessories, we have been posting videos on our site. On some pages we have videos embedded from Youtube and on other pages the videos are embedded but in a Popup Image Class. Below I'll provide an example of one way we put the popup image class on our site <iframe id="vidf" style="display:none;" width="460" height="320" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe> Now concerning SEO would it be better just to embed a video the traditional way or use the popup image class? The reason I ask is because the popup image class hides the video on the page with an image on top then once you click that image the video pops up. Can Google still crawl/see the video? What would be best practice for SEO?

    | WebRiverGroup

  • If your going to target multiple countries but who have same language (such as US & UK) which of the main social media accounts should you set up a country specific version for ? I know some like Google+ allow for sub-pages/listings for different localities/outlets etc so I presume you only need the one G+ company page (but pls confirm if you agree or not ?). I keep hearing peeps say set up country specific Twitter and FaceBook pages, do you agree ? and what about other main social sites like Pinterest & LinkedIn etc ? Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Is there a bit of code or someway I can tell facebook, this is the image that should be used as default when this blog post or page is shared? Thank you!

    | tylerfraser

  • I'm considering implementing the "fb:admins" Open Graph tag on our website to provide our social media team with additional analytics. We already have the other standard OG tags in place. My question is twofold: Can you use a Facebook Page ID rather than an individual user's account ID? What data, specifically, will this tag provide? Our site already has an official Facebook Page and I'm curious whether this tag would make any NEW information available, outside of what we can already get within the Page Insights. I would love to see a screencap if anyone has it implemented! Facebook outlines the tag usage here, but it's not exceedingly helpful: Thanks guys!

    | Critical_Mass

  • Hi, On my eCommerce site I've placed rel='publisher' only on the homepage and rel='author' on all of the article pages. Is that the way to do it? Do I need to add rel='publisher' also on the article pages besides for rel='author'? P.S
    Even though I placed rel='publisher' only on the homepage, when I use Google's test tool ( I see my publisher ID also on product category pages (that don't have publisher nor author on them but do have regular +1 buttons). How is that? (bacuase of the +1 button)

    | BeytzNet

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